Items where Research Institute, Centre or Group is "Communication and Computing Research Centre"

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Number of items at this level: 1419.


BOUCHUT, Quentin, APPIAH, Kofi, LOTFI, Ahmad and DICKINSON, Patrick (2019). Ensemble One-vs-One SVM Classifier for Smartphone Accelerometer Activity Recognition. In: 2018 IEEE 20th International Conferences on High Performance Computing and Communications (HPCC). IEEE. [Book Section]

CLAISSE, Caroline, PETRELLI, Daniela, DULAKE, Nick, MARSHALL, Mark and CIOLFI, Luigina (2019). Multisensory interactive storytelling to augment the visit of a historical house museum. In: Proceedings of the 2018 Digital Heritage International Congress. IEEE. [Book Section]

DEARDEN, Andy and KLEINE, Dorothea (2019). Ethical standards for the ICTD/ICT4D community: A participatory process and a co-created document. In: Proceedings of the tenth international conference on information and communication technologies and development. New York, ACM Press. [Book Section]

PHELAN, Ivan, FURNESS, Penny, FEHILY, Orla, THOMPSON, Andrew, BABIKER, Nathan, LAMB, Martin and LINDLEY, Shirley (2019). A mixed-methods investigation into the acceptability, usability and perceived effectiveness of active and passive virtual reality scenarios in managing pain under experimental conditions. Journal of Burn Care & Research, 40 (1), 85-90. [Article]


CIOLFI, Luigina, DAMALA, Areti, HORNECKER, Eva, LECHNER, Monika and MAYE, Laura, eds. (2018). Cultural heritage communities : technologies and challenges. Digital Research in the Arts and Humanities . Routledge. [Edited Book]

ABUBAKAR, Naima Hafiz and DASUKI, Salihu (2018). Empowerment in their hands: use of WhatsApp by women in Nigeria. Gender, Technology and Development, 22 (2), 164-183. [Article]

AJAO, Oluwaseun, BHOWMIK, Deepayan and ZARGARI, Shahrzad (2018). Fake news identification on Twitter with hybrid CNN and RNN models. In: SMSociety '18 Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Social Media and Society. ACM International Conference Proceeding Series . ACM, 226-230. [Book Section]

AKHGAR, Babak and WELLS, Douglas (2018). Critical success factors for OSINT Driven Situational Awareness. European Law Enforcement Research Bulletin, 18. [Article]

ANDREWS, Simon (2018). A new method for inheriting canonicity test failures in Close-by-One type algorithms. In: IGNATOV, Dmitry I. and NOURINE, Lhouari, (eds.) CLA 2018 : The 14th International Conference on Concept Lattices and Their Applications, proceedings. Springer, 255-266. [Book Section]

ANDREWS, Simon and MCLEOD, K. (2018). A visual analytics technique for exploring gene expression in the developing mouse embryo. In: 23rd International Conference on Conceptual Structures, proceedings. Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence . Springer, 137-151. [Book Section]

ANDREWS, Simon and POLOVINA, Simon (2018). Exploring, Reasoning with and Validating Directed Graphs by Applying Formal Concept Analysis to Conceptual Graphs. In: CROITORU, Madalina, MARQUIS, Peter, RUDOLPH, Sebastian and STAPLETON, Gem, (eds.) Graph Structures for Knowledge Representation and Reasoning : 5th International Workshop, GKR 2017, Melbourne, VIC, Australia, August 21, 2017, Revised Selected Papers. Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence (10775). Springer, 3-28. [Book Section]

ANGELOVA, Maia, ELLMAN, Jeremy, GIBSON, Helen, OMAN, Paul, RAJASEGARAR, Sutharshan and ZHU, Ye (2018). User activity pattern analysis in Telecare Data. IEEE Access, 6 (1), 33306-33317. [Article]

ANNOR-ASANTE, Michael and PRANGGONO, Bernardi (2018). Development of smart grid testbed with low-cost hardware and software for cybersecurity research and education. Wireless Personal Communications, 10 (3), 1357-1377. [Article]

ATANBORI, John, DUAN, Wenting, SHAW, Edward, APPIAH, Kofi and DICKINSON, Patrick (2018). Classification of bird species from video using appearance and motion features. Ecological Informatics, 48 (2018), 12-23. [Article]

BAISA, Nathanael L., BHOWMIK, Deepayan and WALLACE, Andrew (2018). Long-term correlation tracking using multi-layer hybrid features in dense environments. In: IMAI, Francisco, TREMEAU, Alain and BRAZ, Jose, (eds.) Proceedings of the 12th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications. Science and Technology Publications, Lda., 464-476. [Book Section]

BECKINGHAM, Sue (2018). Using social media to learn from conferences. In: POPOVIC, Celia, (ed.) Learning from Academic Conferences. Critical Issues in the Future of Learning and Teaching (16). Leiden, Brill | Sense. [Book Section]

BELL, Stuart and DELLER, Ruth A. (2018). Endings in soap opera: Fan anticipation, speculation and reaction to EastEnders’ 30th anniversary storyline. In: WILLIAMS, Rebecca, (ed.) Everybody hurts: Transitions, Endings, and Resurrections in Fan Cultures. Iowa City, University of Iowa Press, 87-100. [Book Section]

BHOWMIK, Deepayan and APPIAH, Kofi (2018). Embedded vision systems: A review of the literature. In: 14th International Symposium on Applied Reconfigurable Computing (ARC), Santorini, Greece, 2-4 May 2018. [Conference or Workshop Item]

BHOWMIK, Deepayan and WALLACE, Andrew (2018). Statistical t+2D subband modelling for crowd counting. In: 2018 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Calgary, Canada, 15-20 April, 2018. [Conference or Workshop Item]

BLACK, Jack (2018). From mood to movement: English nationalism, the European Union and taking back control. Innovation: The European Journal of Social Science Research. [Article]

BREWSTER, Benjamin, GIBSON, Helen and GUNNING, Michael (2018). Policing the community together: the impact of technology on citizen engagement. In: LEVANTAKIS, George and HABERFELD, Maria, (eds.) Societal implications of community‐oriented policing techology. SpringerBriefs in Policing . Switzerland, Springer, 91-102. [Book Section]

CAINE, Jamie and POLOVINA, Simon (2018). From Enterprise Concepts to Formal Concepts : A University Case Study. In: CROITORU, Madalina, MARQUIS, Peter, RUDOLPH, Sebastian and STAPLETON, Gem, (eds.) Graph Structures for Knowledge Representation and Reasoning : 5th International Workshop, GKR 2017, Melbourne, VIC, Australia, August 21, 2017, Revised Selected Papers. Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence (10775). Springer, 84-98. [Book Section]

CAINE, Jamie and VON ROSING, Mark (2018). Introducing the strategy lifecycle: using ontology and semiotics to interlink strategy design to strategy execution. In: LIU, Kecheng, NAKATA, Keiichi, LI, Weizi and BARANAUSKAS, Cecilia, (eds.) Digitalisation, innovation, and transformation :18th IFIP WG 8.1 International Conference on Informatics and Semiotics in Organisations, ICISO 2018, Reading, UK, July 16-18, 2018, Proceedings. IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology . Cham, Springer, 136-144. [Book Section]

CANTER, Lily (2018). It’s not all cat videos: moving beyond legacy media and tackling the challenges of mapping news values on digital native websites. Digital Journalism, 6 (8), 1101-1112. [Article]

CERE, Rinella (2018). ‘Little England Beats Great Britain’: Italian Media Coverage of the EU Referendum 2016. In: LEON-SOLIS, Fernando, O'DONNELL, Hugh and RIDGE-NEWMAN, Anthony, (eds.) Reporting the road to Brexit: international media and the EU referendum 2016. Palgrave Macmillan, 239-256. [Book Section]

CERE, Rinella (2018). ‘Little England beats Great Britain’: Italian media coverage of the EU referendum 2016. In: RIDGE-NEWMAN, Anthony, LEON-SOLIS, Fernando and O'DONNELL, Hugh, (eds.) Reporting the road to brexit. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham, 239-256. [Book Section]

CIOLFI, Luigina (2018). Can Digital Interactions Support New Dialogue Around Heritage? Interactions, 25 (2), 24-25. [Article]

CIOLFI, Luigina and LOCKLEY, Eleanor (2018). From Work to Life and back again: Examining the digitally-mediated work/life practices of a group of knowledge workers. Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW), 27 (3-6), 803-839. [Article]

CLARK, Tony, KULKARNI, Vinay, BARAT, Souvik and BARN, Balbir (2018). Constructing and interrogating actor histories. In: VALENCIA-GARCÍA, Rafael, PAREDES-VALVERDE, Mario Andrés, DEL PILAR SALAS- ZÁRATE, María and ALOR-HERNÁNDEZ, Giner, (eds.) Exploring intelligent decision support systems: Current state and new trends. Studies in Computational Intelligence (764). Springer, 27-47. [Book Section]

CLARK, Tony, KULKARNI, Vinay, BARAT, Souvik and BARN, Balbir (2018). A homogeneous actor-based monitor language for adaptive behaviour. In: RICI, Alessandro and HALLER, Philipp, (eds.) Programming with actors. Switzerland, Springer, 216-244. [Book Section]

CONTI, Daniela, DI NUOVO, Alessandro, TRUBIA, Grazia, BUONO, Serafino and DI NUOVO, Santo (2018). Adapting robot-assisted therapy of children with autism and different levels of intellectual disability. In: Proceeding HRI '18 Companion of the 2018 ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction :Chicago, IL, USA — March 05 - 08, 2018. New York, ACM Press, 91-92. [Book Section]

COSTALAGO MERUELO, Alicia, MACHADO, Pedro, APPIAH, Kofi, MUJIKA, Andoni, LEŠKOVSKÝ, Peter, ALVAREZ, Roberto, EPELDE, Gorka and MCGINNITY, T. Martin (2018). Emulation of chemical stimulus triggered head movement in the C. elegans nematode. Neurocomputing. [Article]

CRAIG, Claire, CHAMBERLAIN, Paul and FISHER, Helen (2018). What do Life Cafes tell us about dying and end of life care. In: CHRISTER, Kirsty, CRAIG, Claire and WOLSTENHOLME, Dan, (eds.) Proceedings of the 5th European International Conference on Design4Health, Sheffield, UK, 4th – 6th September 2018. Sheffield, Sheffield Hallam University. [Book Section]

CRITCHER, Chas (2018). 'Hot under the collar': The garotting moral panic of the 1860s. In: LEE, Murray and MYTHEN, Gabe, (eds.) The Routledge international handbook on fear of crime. Routledge International Handbooks . Abingdon, Routledge, 20-31. [Book Section]

CUFF, Andrew, PALMER, Joe and LINDLEY, Melanie (2018). Inter-Rater reliability of the Functional Movement Screen (FMS) amongst NHS physiotherapists. Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation, 5 (1), p. 17. [Article]

DEARDEN, Andy and KLEINE, Dorothea (2018). Minimum ethical standards for ICTD/ICT4D research. Sheffield, C3RI, Sheffield Hallam University. [Other]

DELLER, Ruth A. (2018). Ethics in fan studies research. In: BOOTH, Paul, (ed.) A companion to media fandom and fan studies. Wiley, 123-142. [Book Section]

DI NUOVO, Alessandro (2018). Long-short term memory networks for modelling embodied mathematical cognition in robots. In: World Congress on Computational Intelligence 2018, Rio de Janeiro, 8-13 July. IEEE. [Conference or Workshop Item]

DORJSUREN, Amartshurvin and PALMER, Nicola (2018). Equity in tourism development: procedural (in)justice and distributive justice in Mongolia, East Asia. Asian Journal of Tourism Research, 3 (1), 58-87. [Article]

FEATHERSTONE, Mark (2018). Designing gamification for constructive competition. In: GERIL, Philippe and KING, David, (eds.) GAME-ON 2018 - 19th International Conference on Intelligent Games and Simulation. Belgium, Eurosis-Eti, 138-143. [Book Section]

FEATHERSTONE, Mark and HABGOOD, Jacob (2018). UniCraft: Exploring the impact of asynchronous multiplayer game elements in gamification. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies. [Article]

GARCIA, Paulo, BHOWMIK, Deepayan, WALLACE, Andrew, STEWART, Robert and MICHAELSON, Greg (2018). Area-energy aware dataflow optimisation of visual tracking systems. In: 14th International Symposium on Applied Reconfigurable Computing (ARC), Santorini, Greece, 2-4 May, 2018. [Conference or Workshop Item]

GIGLITTO, Danilo, LAZEM, Shaimaa and PRESTON, Anne (2018). In the eye of the student: "An intangible cultural heritage experience, with a human-computer interaction twist". In: MANDRYK, Regan L, HANCOCK, Mark, PERRY, Mark and COX, Anna L, (eds.) Proceedings of the 2018 CHI conference on human factors in computing systems. ACM, p. 290. [Book Section]

GORBUNTSOVA, Tatiana, DOBSON, Stephen and PALMER, Nicola (2018). Rural entrepreneurial space and identity: A study of local tour operators and ‘the Nenets’ indigenous reindeer herders. The International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation (IJEI), 19 (4), 261-272. [Article]

HABGOOD, Jacob, MOORE, David, ALAPONT, Sergio, FERGUSON, Chris and VAN OOSTENDORP, Herre (2018). The REVEAL educational environmental narrative framework for PlayStation VR. In: CIUSSI, Melanie, (ed.) Proceedings of the 12th European conference on games based learning. Academic Conferences and Publishing International Limited, 175-183. [Book Section]

HAO, Yu, XU, Zhi-Jie, LIU, Ying, WANG, Jing and FAN, Jiu-Lun (2018). Effective crowd anomaly detection through spatio-temporal texture analysis. International Journal of Automation and Computing. [Article]

HAO, Yu, XU, Zhijie, LIU, Ying, WANG, Jing and FAN, Jiulun (2018). A graphical simulator for modeling complex crowd behaviors. In: 2018 22nd International Conference Information Visualisation. IEEE, 6-11. [Book Section]

HO, Yufang, LUGEA, Jane, MCINTYRE, Dan, XU, Zhijie and WANG, Jing (2018). Text-world annotation and visualization for crime narrative reconstruction. Digital Scholarship in the Humanities. [Article]

JEFFERY, Robert, DEVINE, Dawn and THOMAS, Peter (2018). "There's nothing”: unemployment, attitudes to work and punitive welfare reform in post-crash Salford. Sociological research online, 23 (4), 795-811. [Article]

JONES, Peter E. (2018). Karl Marx and the language sciences – Critical encounters: introduction to the special issue. Language Sciences, 70. [Article]

KENDALL, Linus and DEARDEN, Andy (2018). Disentangling participatory ICT design in socioeconomic development. In: PDC '18 : Proceedings of the 15th Participatory Design Conference. ACM. [Book Section]

KENDALL, Linus and DEARDEN, Andy (2018). ICTs for agroecology: shifting agricultural ICT4D from “I” to “C”. In: CHOUDRIE, Jyoti, ISLAM, M. Sirajul, WAHID, Fathul, BASS, Julian M. and PRIYATMA, Johanes Eka, (eds.) Information and communication technologies for development : 14th IFIP WG 9.4 International Conference on Social Implications of Computers in Developing Countries, ICT4D 2017, Yogyakarta, Indonesia, May 22-24, 2017, Proceedings. IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology (504). Springer, 451-462. [Book Section]

LAURIER, Wim, KIEHN, Jesper and POLOVINA, Simon (2018). REA2: A unified formalisation of the Resource-Event-Agent Ontology. Applied Ontology, 13 (3), 201-224. [Article]

LIAO, Huilian, MILANOVIC, Jovica V., RODRIGUES, Marcos and SHENFIELD, Alex (2018). Voltage sag estimation in sparsely monitored power systems based on deep learning and system area mapping. IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery. [Article]

LOUIS, Anja (2018). La identidad feminista en la obra de Carmen de Burgos. Estudios Romanicos, 27 (1), 33-48. [Article]

LOUIS, Anja (2018). Private pain versus public shame: González Sinde’s female lawyer in La suerte dormida/Sleeping Luck (2003). Law and Humanities, 12 (1), 17-41. [Article]

MADRIGAL-GARCIA, M, RODRIGUES, Marcos, SHENFIELD, Alex, SINGER, Mervyn and MORENO-CUESTA, Jeronimo (2018). What faces reveal : a novel method to identify patients at risk of deterioration using facial expressions. Critical Care Medicine. [Article]

MARCHANG, Jims, DOUGLAS, Roderick, GHITA, Bogdan, LANCASTER, David and SANDERS, Benjamin (2018). Dynamic neighbour aware power-controlled MAC for multi-hop ad hoc networks. Ad hoc Networks, 75-76, 119-134. [Article]

MARCHANG, Jims, SANDERS, Benjamin and JOY, Dany (2018). Adaptive V2V routing with RSUs and gateway support to enhance network performance in VANET. In: CHOWDHURY, K. R., DI FELICE, M., MATTA, A. and SHENG, B., (eds.) Wired/Wireless Internet Communications: 16th IFIP WG 6.2 international conference 2018 proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science: Computer Communication Networks and Telecommunications (10866). Springer, 293-310. [Book Section]

MARSHALL, Mark (2018). Interacting with heritage: On the use and potential of IoT within the cultural heritage sector. In: 2018 Fifth International Conference on Internet of Things: Systems, Management and Security. IEEE, 15-22. [Book Section]

MELVILLE, Luke, HABGOOD, M. P. Jacob, KYVELOU, Amber, SMITH, Nicholas and LACEY, Melissa (2018). Building bacterial knowledge: Games as teaching aides for higher-order thinking skills. In: CIUSSI, Melanie, (ed.) Proceedings of the 12th European conference on games based learning. Academic Conferences and Publishing International Limited, 404-413. [Book Section]

MVALO, Steve and BATES, Christopher (2018). Students’ understanding of computational thinking with a focus on decomposition in building network simulations. In: CSEDU 2018 Proceedings : 10th International conference on computer supported education. SCITEPRESS, 245-252. [Book Section]

NISIOTIS, Louis and KLEANTHOUS, Styliani (2018). The development and evolution of transactive memory system over time in MUVEs. In: 2018 10th Computer Science and Electronic Engineering Conference (CEEC). IEEE, 174-179. [Book Section]

PALMER, Nicola and CHUAMUANGPHAN, Nipon (2018). Governance and local participation in Ecotourism: community-level tourism stakeholders in Chiang Rai province, Thailand. Journal of Ecotourism, 17 (3), 320-337. [Article]

PALMER, Nicola and LONG, Philip (2018). The peculiar attraction of royalty for tourism and the popular cultural construction of ‘Royal Tourism’. In: CHRISTINE, Lundberg and VASSILIOS, Ziakas, (eds.) Handbook on popular culture and tourism. Abingdon, Routledge. [Book Section]

POLOVINA, Simon and VON ROSING, Mark (2018). Using conceptual structures in enterprise architecture to develop a new way of thinking and working for organisations. In: CHAPMAN, Peter, ENDRES, Dominik and PERNELLE, Nathalie, (eds.) Graph-based representation and reasoning : 23rd international conference on conceptual structures, ICCS 2018, Edinburgh, UK, June 20-22, 2018, Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (10872). Springer, 176-190. [Book Section]

ROAST, Chris, PATTERSON, David and HARDMAN, Victoria (2018). Visualisation - it is not the data, it is what you do with it. In: 16th International Conference e-Society 2018 Proceedings. IADIS, 231-238. [Book Section]

RODRIGUES, Marcos (2018). Improving product classification using generative recurrent networks. In: PAPANIKOS, Gregory T., (ed.) Abstracts 2nd International Conference on Electrical Engineering, 23-26 July 2018, Athens, Greece. Athens Institute for Education and Research, 36-37. [Book Section]

ROSE, Simon, HABGOOD, Jacob and JAY, Tim (2018). Pirate plunder: game-based computational thinking using scratch blocks. In: Proceedings of the 12th European Conference on Games Based Learning. Academic Conferences and Publishing International Limited, 556-564. [Book Section]

SALWAY, Sarah, ALI, Parveen, SUCH, E, DEARDEN, Andrew and WILLOX, Matt (2018). Enhancing health literacy through co-design: development of culturally appropriate materials on genetic risk and customary consanguineous marriage. Primary Health Care Research & Development, 1-13. [Article]

SCHEITHAUER, Herbert, LEUSCHNER, Vincenz, BÖCKLER, Nils, AKHGAR, Babak and NITSCH, Holger (2018). Developmental Pathways towards Violent Left-, Right-Wing, Islamist Extremism and Radicalization. International Journal of Developmental Science, 12 (1-2), 1-4. [Article]

SHENFIELD, Alex, DAY, David and AYESH, Aladdin (2018). Intelligent intrusion detection systems using artificial neural networks. ICT Express. [Article]

SMITH, Luke, JACOBI, Mark and AL-KHAYATT, Samir (2018). Evaluation of IPv6 transition mechanisms using QoS service policies. In: 2018 11th International Symposium on Communication Systems, Networks and Digital Signal Processing,, Budapest Hungary, 18-20 July 2018. IEEE. [Conference or Workshop Item]

STEWART, Rob, DUNCAN, Kirsty, MICHAELSON, Greg, GARCIA, Paulo, BHOWMIK, Deepayan and WALLACE, Andrew (2018). RIPL: A Parallel Image Processing Language for FPGAs. ACM Transactions on Reconfigurable Technology and Systems (TRETS), 11 (1). [Article]

TAYLOR, Charles C., YOUSIF, Asil E. and MWITONDI, Kassim (2018). Statistical analysis of particulate matter data in Doha, Qatar. WIT Transactions on Ecology and the Environment, 230, 107-118. [Article]

URUCHURTU, Elizabeth, ROAST, Chris and MASWERA, Tonderai (2018). Menage a trois! Innovation, digital and knowledge transfer. In: Proceedings of the 13th European Conference on Innovation and Entrepreneurship. Academic Conferences and Publishing International, 823-830. [Book Section]

VARRASI, Simone, DI NUOVO, Santo, CONTI, Daniela and DI NUOVO, Alessandro (2018). Social robots as psychometric tools for cognitive assessment: a pilot test. In: FICUCIELLO, Fanny, RUGGIERO, Fabio and FINZI, Alberto, (eds.) Human friendly robotics : 2017 international workshop. Springer Proceedings in Advanced Robotics (7). Cham, Springer. [Book Section]

VARRASI, Simone, DI NUOVO, Santo, CONTI, Daniela and DI NUOVO, Alessandro (2018). A social robot for cognitive assessment. In: Companion of the 2018 ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction : Chicago, IL, USA — March 05 - 08, 2018. New York, ACM Press, 269-270. [Book Section]

VARRASI, Simone, LUCAS, Alexandr, SORANZO, Alessandro, MCNAMARA, John and DI NUOVO, Alessandro (2018). IBM Cloud Services enhance automatic cognitive assessment via human-robot interaction. In: WENGER, P., CHEVALLEREAU, C., PISLA, D., BLEULER, H. and RODIC, A., (eds.) New trends in medical and service robotics : advances in theory and practice. Mechanisms and Machine Science, 65 . Netherlands, Springer, 165-176. [Book Section]

YAKUBU, M N and DASUKI, Salihu (2018). Assessing eLearning systems success in Nigeria: an application of the DeLone and McLean Information Systems Success Model. Journal of Information Technology Education: Research, 17, 183-203. [Article]

YAKUBU, M Nasiru and DASUKI, Salihu (2018). Factors affecting the adoption of e-learning technologies among higher education students in Nigeria : A structural equation modelling approach. Information Development. [Article]

YAKUBU, Nasir and DASUKI, Salihu (2018). Assessing ELearning Systems Success in Nigeria: An Application of the DeLone and McLean Information Systems Success Model. Journal of Information Technology Education: Research, 17, 183-203. [Article]

YATES, Simeon and LOCKLEY, Eleanor (2018). Social media and social class. American Behavioral Scientist, 62 (9), 1291-1316. [Article]


BRIDGEN, Elizabeth and VERCIC, Dejan, eds. (2017). Experiencing public relations: international voices. Abingdon, Oxon, Routledge. [Edited Book]

HOGG, Christopher and CANTRELL, Tom, eds. (2017). Exploring television acting. Bloomsbury. (In Press) [Edited Book]

LOUIS, Anja and SHARP, Michelle, eds. (2017). Multiple modernities : Carmen de Burgos, author and activist. New Hispanisms: Cultural and Literary Studies, 13 . Abingdon-on-Thames, Routledge. [Edited Book]

ABDULLAHI YARI, Imrana and ZARGARI, Shahrzad (2017). An overview and computer forensic challenges in image steganography. In: Proceedings, 2017 IEEE International Conference on Internet of Things (iThings) and IEEE Green Computing and Communications (GreenCom) and IEEE Cyber, Physical and Social Computing (CPSCom) and IEEE Smart Data (SmartData). IEEE, 360-364. (In Press) [Book Section]

ABUBAKAR, Atiku and PRANGGONO, Bernardi (2017). Machine learning based intrusion detection system for software defined networks. In: 2017 7th International Conference on Emerging Security Technologies, EST 2017, Canterbury, 6-8 September. IEEE. [Conference or Workshop Item]

ABULHAWA, Danielle (2017). Smoothing space in Palestine: Building a skatepark and a socio-political forum with the SkatePal charity. Journal of Urban Cultural Studies, 4 (3), 417-426. [Article]

ADSHEAD, Deborah and SLACK, Frances (2017). EU general data protection regulation: the impact on English local authorities. In: 17th European Conference on Digital Government (ECDG 2017), Proceedings. Academic Conferences and Publishing International Limited, 1-9. [Book Section]

AKHGAR, Babak, BERTRAND, Piere, CHANANOULI, Christina, DAY, Tony, GIBSON, Helen, KAVALLIEROS, Dimitrios, KOMPASTSIARIS, Ioannis, KYRIAKOU, Eva, LEVENTAKIS, George, LISSARIS, Euthimios, MILLE, Simon, TSIKRIKA, Theodora, VROCHIDIS, Stefanos and WILLIAMSON, Una (2017). TENSOR: retrieval and analysis of heterogeneous online content for terrorist activity recognition. In: Proceedings Estonian Academy of Security Sciences, 16 : From Research to Security Union. Estonian Academy of Security Sciences, 33-82. [Book Section]

ANDREWS, Simon (2017). Best practices in the design of a citizen focused crisis management platform. In: AKHGAR, Babak, STANIFORTH, Andrew and WADDINGTON, David, (eds.) Application of social media in crisis management : advanced sciences and technologies for security applications. Transactions on Computational Science and Computational Intelligence . Springer International Publishing, 59-75. [Book Section]

ANDREWS, Simon (2017). Making Use of Empty Intersections to Improve the Performance of CbO-Type Algorithms. In: Formal Concept Analysis : 14th International Conference, ICFCA 2017, Rennes, France, June 13-16, 2017, Proceedings. Lecture notes in artificial intelligence (10308). Springer, 56-71. [Book Section]

ANDREWS, Simon, DAY, Tony, DOMDOUZIS, Konstantinos, HIRSCH, Laurence, LEFTICARU, Raluca-Elena and ORPHANIDES, Constantinos (2017). Analyzing crowd-sourced information and social media for crisis management. In: AKHGAR, Babak, STANIFORTH, Andrew and WADDINGTON, David, (eds.) Application of social media in crisis management : advanced sciences and technologies for security applications. Transactions on Computational Science and Computational Intelligence . Springer International Publishing, 77-96. [Book Section]

ANDREWS, Simon and POLOVINA, Simon (2017). Validating directed graphs by applying formal concept analysis to conceptual graphs. In: The IJCAI-17 Workshop on Graph Structures for Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (GKR 2017 @ IJCAI), Melbourne, Australia, 19-25th August. [Conference or Workshop Item]

AS'AD, As'ad M., KHAZAEI, Babak, AKHGAR, Babak and ALQATAWNA, Ja'far (2017). Importance of service integration in e-government implementations. In: The 7th International Conference on Information and Communication Systems, Irbid, Kingdom of Jordan, 5-7 April 2016. (In Press) [Conference or Workshop Item]

BAGHERI, Maryam and HAGHIGHI MOVAHED, Siavosh (2017). The Effect of the Internet of Things (IoT) on Education Business Model. In: 2016 12th International Conference on Signal-Image Technology & Internet-Based Systems (SITIS). IEEE Computer Society, 435-441. [Book Section]

BAHK, Chi, BAPTISTA, Lucas, WINOKUR, Carly, COLODZIN, Robin and DOMDOUZIS, Konstantinos (2017). The ATHENA Mobile Application. In: AKHGAR, Babak, STANIFORTH, Andrew and WADDINGTON, David, (eds.) Application of Social Media in Crisis Management. Transactions on Computational Science and Computational Intelligence . Springer International Publishing, 97-113. [Book Section]

BARAT, Souvik, KULKARNI, Vinay, CLARK, Tony and BARN, Balbir (2017). An actor-model based bottom-up simulation - An experiment on Indian demonetisation initiative. In: Proceedings of the 2017 Winter Simulation Conference (WSC). Proceedings of the ... Winter Simulation Conference. Winter Simulation Conference (2017). IEEE, 860-871. [Book Section]

BARAT, Souvik, KULKARNI, Vinay, CLARK, Tony and BARN, Balbir (2017). A method for effective use of enterprise modelling techniques in complex dynamic decision making. In: POELS, Geert, GAILLY, Frederik, ASENSIO, Serral and SNOECK, Monique, (eds.) The practice of enterprise modeling : 10th IFIP WG 8.1. Working Conference, PoEM 2017, Leuven, Belgium, November 22-24, 2017, Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing (305). Springer, 319-330. [Book Section]

BASSI, Camila (2017). On identity politics, ressentiment, and the evacuation of human emancipation. In: NOCELLA, Anthony J. and JUERGENSMEYER, Erik, (eds.) Fighting academic repression and neoliberal education : resistance, reclaiming, organizing, and black lives matter in education. Radical Animal Studies and Total Liberation . New York, Peter Lang, 64-75. [Book Section]

BECKINGHAM, Sue (2017). Beckingham, @suebecks' Emergency #EdTechRations. In: HOPKINS, David, (ed.) Emergency Rations #EdTechRations: What’s so important we can’t leave it at home? David Hopkins, 45-48. [Book Section]

BHOWMIK, Deepayan and EMAMBAKHSH, Mehryar (2017). Image processing for surveillance and security. In: SAHA, Snehanshu, MANDAL, Abhyuday, V, Sarasvathi and SANGAM, Shivappa, (eds.) Handbook of research on applied cybernetics and systems science. IGI Global, 52-81. [Book Section]

BHOWMIK, Deepayan and FENG, Tian (2017). The multimedia blockchain: a distributed and tamper-proof media transaction framework. In: Digital Signal Processing (DSP), 2017 22nd International Conference on, London, 2017-August, 3 November 2017. IEEE. [Conference or Workshop Item]

BHOWMIK, Deepayan, GARCIA, Paulo, WALLACE, Andrew, STEWART, Robert and MICHAELSON, Greg (2017). Power efficient dataflow design for a heterogeneous smart camera architecture. In: Design and Architectures for Signal and Image Processing (DASIP), 2017 Conference on. IEEE. [Book Section]

BLACK, Jack and FIELDING-LLOYD, Beth (2017). Re-establishing the ‘outsiders’: English press coverage of the 2015 FIFA Women’s World Cup. International Review for the Sociology of Sport. [Article]

BLACK, Jack and WHIGHAM, Stuart (2017). ‘Team GB’ or ‘Team Scotland’? Media representations of ‘Britishness’ and ‘Scottishness’ at London 2012 and Glasgow 2014. Journalism. [Article]

BORDIGNON, Lucas P., INACIO, Eduardo C., RODRIGUES, Marcos and DANTAS, Mario A. R. (2017). Saturnus: Um Simulador Discreto Baseado em Eventos para Sistemas de Arquivos Paralelos. In: SOCIEDADE BRASILEIRA DE COMPUTAÇÃO - SBC, (ed.) 17o Escola Regional de Alto Desempenho do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul - ERAD/RS 2017 : 5 a 7 de abril de 2017, Ijuí – RS, Brasil, Anais. Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, 363-366. [Book Section]

BRIDGEN, Elizabeth (2017). Public relations as ‘dirty work’. In: BRIDGEN, Elizabeth and VERCIC, Dejan, (eds.) Experiencing public relations: International voices. Abingdon, Oxon, Routledge. [Book Section]

BRIDGEN, Elizabeth and VERČIČ, Dejan (2017). Introduction: experiencing public relations. In: BRIDGEN, Elizabeth and VERCIC, Dejan, (eds.) Experiencing public relations: International voices. Abingdon, Oxon, Routledge. [Book Section]

BRIGSTOCKE, Julian, HOOVER, Elona, HARDER, Marie, GRAHAM, Paula, DE SOUSA, Sophia, DEARDEN, Andrew, LIGHT, Ann, ZAMENOPOULOS, Theodore, ALEXIOU, Katerina, BURFORD, Gemma, GAUBERT, Justine and FOSKETT, Colin (2017). Implicit values: Uncounted legacies. In: FACER, Keri and PAHL, Kate, (eds.) Valuing interdisciplinary collaborative research: Beyond impact. Bristol, Policy Press, 65-83. [Book Section]

BRUNT, Rosalind (2017). Constructing "Ordinary People" on British television : notes on the politics of representation. In: SANZ SABIDO, Ruth, (ed.) Representing Communities : Discourse and Contexts. PalgraveMacmillan, 217-235. [Book Section]

CAINE, Jamie, DAVIES, Julia and WILLIAMS, Bronwyn T. (2017). Game 2 Engage: Using iPads to Mediate and Develop Social Relationships in College Learning. In: BURNETT, Cathy, MERCHANT, Guy, SIMPSON, Alyson and WALSH, Maureen, (eds.) The Case of the iPad : Mobile Literacies in Education. Springer, 143-158. [Book Section]

CANTER, Lily (2017). Co-authoring a paper with your undergraduate student. Journalism education, 6 (1), 36-39. [Article]

CERE, Rinella (2017). Constructing community: Notes on a slippery concept. In: SABIDO, Ruth Sanz, (ed.) Representing communities: Discourse and contexts. Palgrave Macmillan, 19-34. [Book Section]

CHARALAMBOUS, Elisavet, KAVALLIEROS, Dimitrios, BREWSTER, Benjamin, LEVENTAKIS, George, KOUTRAS, Nikolaos and PAPALEXANDRATOS, George (2017). Combatting cybercrime and sexual exploitation of children: an open source toolkit. In: AKHGAR, Babak, BAYERL, P. Saskia and SAMPSON, Fraser, (eds.) Open source intelligence investigation: from strategy to implementation. Advanced Sciences and Technologies for Security Applications . Cham, Springer International Publishing, 233-249. [Book Section]

CHAU, B, PHELAN, Ivan, TA, P, HATA, J and TRAN, D (2017). Immersive virtual reality therapy with myoelectric control for treatment-resistant phantom limb pain: Case report. Innovations in Clinical Neuroscience, 14 (7-8), 3-7. [Article]

CHAUDHURI, Bidisha, DASGUPTA, Purnabha, HOYSALA, Onkar, KENDALL, Linus and JANAKI, Srinivasan (2017). Actor-networks and “practices” of development: impact of a weather information system in West Bengal. In: .) Information and communication technologies for development : 14th IFIP WG 9.4 International Conference on Social Implications of Computers in Developing Countries, ICT4D 2017, Yogyakarta, Indonesia, May 22-24, 2017, Proceedings. IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology (504). Springer, 809-815. [Book Section]

CIOLFI, Luigina and LOCKLEY, Eleanor (2017). Flash Fiction Exploring the Blurring of Work and Life. In: Workshop Design Fiction for Mixed-Reality Performances at CHI 2017, Denver, 06 May 2017. (Unpublished) [Conference or Workshop Item]

CIOLFI, Luigina and MCLOUGHLIN, Marc (2017). Supporting place-specific interaction through a physical/digital assembly. Human-Computer Interaction, 33 (5-6), 499-543. [Article]

CLARK, Tony, FRANK, Ulrich, REINHARTZ-BERGER, Iris and STURM, Arnon (2017). A multi-level approach for supporting configurations: A new perspective on software product line engineering. In: CABANILLAS, Cristina, ESPAÑA, Sergio and FARSHIDI, Siamak, (eds.) Proceedings of the ER Forum 2017 and the ER 2017 Demo Track co-located with the 36th International Conference on Conceptual Modelling (ER 2017), Valencia, Spain, - November 6-9, 2017. CEUR Workshop Proceedings (1979). CEUR-WS, 170-178. [Book Section]

CLARK, Tony, KULKARNI, Vinay, BARAT, Souvik and BARN, Balbir (2017). ESL: An Actor-Based Platform for Developing Emergent Behaviour Organisation Simulations. In: DEMAZEAU, Y, DAVIDSSON, P, BAJO, J and VALE, Z, (eds.) Advances in Practical Applications of Cyber-Physical Multi-Agent Systems: The PAAMS Collection. Lecture notes in artificial intelligence, 10349 . Springer, 311-315. [Book Section]

CLARK, Tony, KULKARNI, Vinay, BARN, Balbir and BARAT, Souvik (2017). The construction and interrogation of actor based simulation histories. In: CABANILLAS, Cristina, ESPAÑA, Sergio and FARSHIDI, Siamak, (eds.) Proceedings of the ER Forum 2017 and the ER 2017 Demo Track co-located with the 36th International Conference on Conceptual Modelling (ER 2017), Valencia, Spain, - November 6-9, 2017. CEUR Workshop Proceedings (1979). CEUR-WS, 334-347. [Book Section]

CLARKE, David (2017). UFO drawings from The National Archives. Four Corners Irregulars . London, Four Corners books. [Authored Book]

DASUKI, Salihu, QUAYE, Ago MacGranaky and ABUBAKAR, Naima Hafiz (2017). An evaluation of information systems students internship programs in Nigeria: A capability perspective. The Electronic Journal of Information Systems in Developing Countries, 83 (1), 1-19. [Article]

DAY, Tony, GIBSON, Helen and RAMWELL, Stephen (2017). Fusion of OSINT and non-OSINT data. In: AKHGAR, Babak, BAYERL, Petra S. and SAMPSON, Fraser, (eds.) Open source intelligence investigation: from strategy to implementation. Advanced Sciences and Technologies for Security Applications . Cham, Springer International Publishing, 133-152. [Book Section]

DI NUOVO, Alessandro (2017). An embodied model for handwritten digits recognition in a cognitive robot. In: 2017 IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence (SSCI) Proceedings. IEEE, 1-6. [Book Section]

DI NUOVO, Alessandro, ACAMPORA, Giovanni and SCHLESINGER, Matthew (2017). Guest editorial cognitive agents and robots for human-centered systems. IEEE Transactions on Cognitive and Developmental Systems, 9 (1), 1-4. [Article]

DI NUOVO, Alessandro, BROZ, Frank, WANG, Ning, BELPAEME, Tony, CANGELOSI, Angelo, JONES, Ray, ESPOSITO, Raffaele, CAVALLO, Filippo and DARIO, Paolo (2017). The multi-modal interface of Robot-Era multi-robot services tailored for the elderly. Intelligent Service Robotics, 11 (1), 109-126. [Article]

DI NUOVO, Alessandro, MAROCCO, Davide, DI NUOVO, Santo and CANGELOSI, Angelo (2017). Embodied mental imagery in cognitive robots. In: Springer handbook of model-based science. Springer Handbooks . Cham, Springer, 619-639. [Book Section]

FEATHERSTONE, Mark (2017). A formative evaluation of a gamification app containing asynchronous multiplayer game elements. In: Proceedings of the 11th European Conference on Games Based Learning, 5-6 October 2017, Graz, Austria. Academic Conferences and Publishing International. [Book Section]

GASCÓ, Mila, BAYERL, Petra Saskia, DENEF, Sebastian and AKHGAR, Babak (2017). What do citizens communicate about during crises? Analyzing twitter use during the 2011 UK riots. Government Information Quarterly, 34 (4), 635 - 645. [Article]

GIBSON, Helen (2017). Acquisition and preparation of data for OSINT investigations. In: AKHGAR, Babak, BAYERL, P. Saskia and SAMPSON, Fraser, (eds.) Open source intelligence investigation: from strategy to implementation. Advanced sciences and technologies for security applications . Cham, Springer International Publishing, 69-93. [Book Section]

GIBSON, Helen and AKHGAR, Babak (2017). Towards an enterprise architecture framework for community policing. In: JAHANKHANI, Hamid, CARILLE, Alex, EMM, David, HOSSEINIAN-FAR, Amin, BROWN, Guy, SEXTON, Graham and JAMAL, Arshad, (eds.) Global security, safety and sustainability - the security challenges of the connected world : 11th International Conference, ICGS3 2017, London, UK, January 18-20, 2017, Proceedings. Communications in Computer and Information Science (630). Cham, Springer International Publishing, 106-112. [Book Section]

GIBSON, Helen, RAMWELL, Steve and DAY, Tony (2017). Analysis, interpretation and validation of open source data. In: AKHGAR, Babak, BAYERL, Petra S. and SAMPSON, Fraser, (eds.) Open source intelligence investigation: from strategy to implementation. Advanced sciences and technologies for security applications . Cham, Springer International Publishing, 95-110. [Book Section]

GIGLITTO, Danilo (2017). Community empowerment through the management of intangible cultural heritage in the Isle of Jura, Scotland. Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research, 3 (5), 567-578. [Article]

GIUSTI, Giulio and ARPIONI, Maria Pia (2017). Luciano Tovoli : Paysages de la vision. Séquences : la revue de cinéma, 306, 48-53. [Article]

GOLDIE, Chris (2017). Book Review: Fire and Blood: The European Civil War, 1914–1945, by Enzo Traverso. The Journal of International Relations, Peace Studies, and Development, 3 (1). [Article]

GRAY, Breda, CIOLFI, Luigina and PINATTI DE CARVALHO, Aparecido Fabiano (2017). Post-Fordist reconfigurations of gender, work and life : theory and practice. The British Journal Of Sociology, 68 (4), 620-642. [Article]

GREEN, Emma, SUKUMAR, Arun and PANDYA, Kaushik (2017). Signs of growth: an exploration of UK businesses who successfully use crowdfunding. In: LOUE, Christopher and BEN SLIMANE, Sonia, (eds.) 12th European Conference on Innovation and Entrepreneurship Proceedings. Curran Associates, 265-271. [Book Section]

GREEN, Geffrey (2017). Art, Technology and Ideation. In: The 5th International Conference for Asia Pacific Arts Studies (ICAPAS), Yogyakarta, Indonesia, Oct 17th, 2017. (Unpublished) [Conference or Workshop Item]

HABGOOD, Jacob, WILSON, David, MOORE, David and ALAPONT, Sergio (2017). HCI Lessons From PlayStation VR. In: Proceeding CHI Play '17 extended abstracts. New York, ACM, 125-135. [Book Section]

HALL, Sheldon (2017). Good of its kind? British film journalism. In: HUNTER, Ian Q., PORTER, Laraine and SMITH, Justin, (eds.) The Routledge History of British Cinema. London, Routledge, 271-281. [Book Section]

HARTLE, Stephanie (2017). Digging up the Left-Wing Corpse: Reenactment and Melancholia in Jeremy Deller's The Battle of Orgreave. In: The Left Conference : Photography and Film Criticism, Lisbon, Portugal, 16-18 November 2017. (Unpublished) [Conference or Workshop Item]

HILL, Richard, SHADIJA, Dharmendra and REZAI, Mo (2017). Enabling Community Health Care with Microservices. In: 16th IEEE International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing and Communications. IEEE, 1444-1450. [Book Section]

ITANI, Maher, ROAST, Chris and AL-KHAYATT, Samir (2017). Corpora for sentiment analysis of Arabic text in social media. In: 8th International Conference on Information and Communication Systems (ICICS). IEEE, 64-69. [Book Section]

ITANI, Maher, ROAST, Chris and AL-KHAYATT, Samir (2017). Developing resources for sentiment analysis of informal Arabic text in social media. Procedia Computer Science, 117, 129-136. [Article]

JANARTHANAN, Tharmini and ZARGARI, Shahrzad (2017). Feature Selection in UNSW-NB15 and KDDCUP’99 datasets. In: 2017 IEEE 26th International Symposium on Industrial Electronics (ISIE),. IEEE. [Book Section]

JEFFERY, Bob (2017). Column: Decent housing for everyone in society should be entitlement of all. Sheffield Telegraph. [Article]

JERAJ, Julij, FINK, Andrej, LYLE, Alison, DAY, Tony and BLAIR, Kevin (2017). Preliminary ATHENA case studies: Test-bed development and delivery. In: AKHGAR, Babak, STANIFORTH, Andrew and WADDINGTON, David, (eds.) Application of social media in crisis management. Transactions on Computational Science and Computational Intelligence . Cham, Springer International, 193-204. [Book Section]

JONES, Peter E. (2017). Language and freedom vol 1: The abstract and the concrete. In: PABLÉ, Adrian, (ed.) Critical humanist perspectives : the integrational turn in philosophy of language and communication. Routledge Advances in Communication and Linguistic Theory . Abingdon, Routlegde, 189-211. [Book Section]

KIRBY, John and YATES, Simeon (2017). Assessing the Benefits of Digital Inclusion for Working Age Poorer People in the UK (Presentation). In: PPDD 2017 : Partnership for Progress on the Digital Divide Conference, San Diego, California, 24026 May 2017. Partnership for Progress on the Digital Divide, 24-26 May 2017. (In Press) [Conference or Workshop Item]

KIRBY, John and YATES, Simeon (2017). Assessing the benefits of digital inclusion for working age poorer people in the UK. In: PPDD 2017 Conference , 24-26 May 2017, E-book. Partnership for Progress on the Digital Divide. (Unpublished) [Book Section]

KODAGODA, Nuwan, ANDREWS, Simon and PULASINGHE, Koliya (2017). A parallel version of the in-close algorithm. In: NCTM 2017 Proceedings of the 6th National Conference on Technology and Management (NCTM). IEEE, 1-5. [Book Section]

KORMANN, Mariza, KATSOPOULOU, Dora, KATSAROU, Stella and LOCK, Gary (2017). Methods for developing 3D visualizations of archaeological data: a case study of the Early Bronze Age Helike Corridor House. STAR: Science & Technology of Archaeological Research, 3 (2), 478-489. [Article]

LEE, Charlotte P., CIOLFI, Luigina and RANDALL, David (2017). Introduction to ECSCW 2017. Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW), 26 (4-6), 1-2. [Article]

LOUIS, Anja (2017). In search of feminist happiness: Burgos’s La entrometida. In: LOUIS, Anja and SHARP, Michelle, (eds.) Multiple modernities: Carmen de Burgos, author and activist. New Hispanisms: Cultural and Literary Studies (13). Abingdon, Routledge, 127-146. [Book Section]

LOUIS, Anja and SHARP, Michelle M. (2017). Introduction: Multiple modernities: Carmen de Burgos, author and activist. In: LOUIS, Anja and SHARP, Michelle, (eds.) Multiple modernities: Carmen de Burgos, author and activist. New Hispanisms: Cultural and Literary Studies (13). Abingdon, Routledge, 1-14. [Book Section]

LYLE, Alison (2017). Legal considerations for using open source intelligence in the context of cybercrime and cyberterrorism. In: AKHGAR, Babak, BAYERL, P. Saskia and SAMPSON, Fraser, (eds.) Open source intelligence investigation : from Strategy to Implementation. Advanced sciences and technologies for security ppplications . Cham, Springer International Publishing, 277-294. [Book Section]

LYLE, Alison (2017). The relevant legal framework. In: AKHGAR, Babak, STANIFORTH, Andrew and WADDINGTON, David, (eds.) Application of social media in crisis management. Transactions on Computational Science and Computational Intelligence . Cham, Springer International Publishing, 157-170. [Book Section]

LYLE, Alison, DAY, Tony and MCSEVENY, Kerry (2017). The final ATHENA test case: an integrated view of ATHENA. In: AKHGAR, Babak, STANIFORTH, Andrew and WADDINGTON, David, (eds.) Application of social media in crisis management. Transactions on Computational Science and Computational Intelligence . Cham, Springer International, 205-224. [Book Section]

LYLE, Alison and SAMPSON, Fraser (2017). Legal considerations relating to the police use of social media. In: AKHGAR, Babak, STANIFORTH, Andrew and WADDINGTON, David, (eds.) Application of social media in crisis management. Transactions on Computational Science and Computational intelligence . Cham, Springer International Publishing, 171-190. [Book Section]

MARCHANG, Jims (2017). Optimising Application Performance in Ad Hoc Networks. Germany, Scholars' Press. [Authored Book]

MARCHANG, Jims, GHITA, Bogdan and LANCASTER, David (2017). Location based transmission using a neighbour aware with optimized EIFS MAC for ad hoc networks. Ad Hoc Networks, 63, 62-78. [Article]

MARZELL, Laurence and BREWSTER, Benjamin (2017). Building safer societies: A framework for trust. Crisis Response Journal, 13 (1), 80-82. [Article]

MAYE, Laura, BOUCHARD, Dominique, AVRAM, Gabriela and CIOLFI, Luigina (2017). Supporting Cultural Heritage Professionals Adopting and Shaping Interactive Technologies in Museums. In: DIS '17 : Proceedings of the 2017 ACM Conference on Designing Interactive Systems. ACM, 221-232. [Book Section]

MCSEVENY, Kerry and WADDINGTON, David (2017). Case studies in crisis communication: some pointers to best practice. In: AKHGAR, Babak, WADDINGTON, Dave and STANIFORTH, Andrew, (eds.) Application of social media in crisis management : advanced science and technologies for security applications. Transactions on computational science and computational intelligence . Springer. [Book Section]

MEES, Martyn, JAY, Tim, HABGOOD, Jacob and HOWARD-JONES, Paul (2017). Researching adaptivity for individual differences in numeracy games. In: CHI PLAY '17 Extended Abstracts : Extended Abstracts Publication of the Annual Symposium on Computer-Human Interaction in Play. ACM Press, 247-253. [Book Section]

MUSTAFA, Mohammed, ALLEN, Tony and APPIAH, Kofi (2017). A comparative review of dynamic neural networks and hidden Markov model methods for mobile on-device speech recognition. Neural Computing and Applications. [Article]

MWITONDI, Kassim, SAID, R and ZARGARI, Shahrzad (2017). An Ensemble Method for Intrusion Detection with Conformity to Data Variability. In: 8th Annual International Conference on ICT : Big Data, Cloud and Security (ICT-BDCS 2017, Singapore, 21-22 August 2017. (Unpublished) [Conference or Workshop Item]

MWITONDI, Kassim and ZARGARI, Shahrzad (2017). A Repeated Sampling and Clustering Method for Intrusion Detection. In: STAHLBOCK, Robert, ABOU-NASR, Mahmoud and WEISS, Gary M., (eds.) Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Data Mining (DMIN '17). CSREA Press, 91-96. [Book Section]

NOT, Elena, ZANCANARO, Massimo, MARSHALL, Mark, PETRELLI, Daniela and PISETTI, Anna (2017). Writing Postcards from the Museum: Composing Personalised Tangible Souvenirs. In: CHItaly '17 : 12th Biannual Conference of the Italian SIGCHI Chapter. New York, NY, USA, ACM, 5:1-5:9. [Book Section]

O'REILLY, Daragh, DOHERTY, Kathy, CARNEGIE, Elizabeth and LARSON, Gretchen (2017). Cultural memory and the heritagisation of a music consumption community. Arts and the Market, 7 (2), 174-190. [Article]

ORPHANIDES, Constantinos, AKHGAR, Babak and BAYER, Petra Saskia (2017). Discovering Knowledge in Online Drug Transactions Using Conceptual Graphs and Formal Concept Analysis. In: 2016 European Intelligence and Security Informatics Conference (EISIC). Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 100-103. [Book Section]

PALMIERI, Gareth and ZARGARI, Shahrzad (2017). Using open source forensic carving tools on split dd and EWF files. In: Proceedings, 2017 IEEE International Conference on Internet of Things (iThings) and IEEE Green Computing and Communications (GreenCom) and IEEE Cyber, Physical and Social Computing (CPSCom) and IEEE Smart Data (SmartData). IEEE, 379-383. (In Press) [Book Section]

PAUKER, Kristin, WILLIAMS, Amanda and STEELE, Jennifer (2017). The development of racial categorization in childhood. In: RUTLAND, Adam, NESDALE, Drew and BROWN, Christia, (eds.) The Wiley handbook of group processes in children and adolescents. New Jersey, NJ, Wiley, 221-240. [Book Section]

PINATTI DE CARVALHO, Aparecido Fabiano, CIOLFI, Luigina and GRAY, Breda (2017). Detailing a Spectrum of Motivational Forces Shaping Nomadic Practices. In: CSCW '17 : Proceedings of the 2017 ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing. ACM, 962-977. [Book Section]

POLOVINA, Simon (2017). From enterprise concepts to formal concepts. In: The IJCAI-17 Workshop on Graph Structures for Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (GKR 2017 @ IJCAI), Melbourne, Australia, 19-25th August. [Conference or Workshop Item]

POLOVINA, Simon, SCHERUHN, Hans-Jurgen and VAN ROSING, Mark (2017). Modularising the complex meta-models in enterprise systems using conceptual structures. In: SUGUMARAN, Vijayan, (ed.) Developments and trends in intelligent technologies and smart systems. Advances in Computational Intelligence and Robotics (ACIR) . Hershey, PA, IGI Global, 261-283. [Book Section]

POPOOLA, Olusogo and PRANGGONO, Bernardi (2017). On energy consumption of switch-centric data center networks. The Journal of Supercomputing, 74 (1), 334-369. [Article]

RAMAMURTHY, Anandi and EDWARDS, Lee (2017). (In)credible India? : a critical analysis of India’s nation branding. Communication Culture and Critique, 10 (2), 322-343. [Article]

RAMAMURTHY, Anandi and WILSON, Kalpana (2017). ‘An act of struggle in the present’: History, education and political campaigning by South Asian anti-imperialist activists in Britain. In: CHOUDRY, Aziz and VALLY, Salim, (eds.) Reflections on knowledge, learning and social movements: History's schools. Abingdon, Routledge. [Book Section]

RAMWELL, Steve, DAY, Tony and GIBSON, Helen (2017). Use cases and best practices for LEAs. In: AKHGAR, Babak, BAYERL, Petra S. and SAMPSON, Fraser, (eds.) Open source intelligence investigation: from strategy to implementation. Advanced Sciences and Technologies for Security Applications . Cham, Springer International Publishing, 197-211. [Book Section]

RIZVI, Syed Mohammad Haider and DEARDEN, Andy (2017). KHETI: ICT solution for agriculture extension and its replication in open and distance learning. In: PANDEY, Umesh Chandra and INRAKANTI, Verlaxmi, (eds.) Open and Distance Learning Initiatives for Sustainable Development. IGI Global, 163-174. [Book Section]

ROBERT WILSON, Berlin Mano, KHAZAEI, Babak and HIRSCH, Laurence (2017). Towards a cloud migration decision support system for Small and Medium enterprises in Tamil Nadu. In: IEEE 17th International Symposium on Computational Intelligence and Informatics, Budapest, Hungary, 17-19 November 2016. [Conference or Workshop Item]

ROBINSON, Ashley and BATES, Christopher (2017). APRT – Another Pattern Recognition Tool. GSTF Journal on Computing, 5 (2). [Article]

ROBINSON, Jon, LEE, Kevin, APPIAH, Kofi and YOUSEF, Yousaf (2017). Energy-Aware systems for improving the well-being of older people by reducing their energy consumption. International Journal on Advances in Life Sciences, 9 (3&4), 163-175. [Article]

RODRIGUES, Marcos (2017). Text classification by Convolution Networks for Data-Driven Decision Making. In: PAPANIKOS, Gregory T., (ed.) Abstract book: 4th annual international conference on Library and Information Sciences. Athens, Athens Institute for Education and Research, 30-31. [Book Section]

RODRIGUES, Marcos and SHOBAYO, Olamilekan (2017). Design and Implementation of a Low-Cost Low Interaction IDS/IPS System Using Virtual Honeypot Approach. Covenant Journal of Informatics & Communication Technology, 5 (1), 48-64. [Article]

RODRIGUEZ-AMAT, Joan and JEFFERY, Robert (2017). Student protests. Three periods of university governance. tripleC. Communication, Capitalism and Critique, 15 (2), 526-542. [Article]

ROSE, Simon, HABGOOD, Jacob and JAY, Tim (2017). An exploration of the role of visual programming tools in the development of young children’s computational thinking. Electronic journal of e-learning, 15 (4), 297-309. [Article]

SAUNDERS, Jonathan, GIBSON, Helen, LEITAO, Roxanne and AKHGAR, Babak (2017). AUGGMED: developing multiplayer serious games technology to enhance first responder training. In: Proceedings Estonian Academy of Security Sciences, 16 : From Research to Security Union. Estonian Academy of Security Sciences, 223-253. [Book Section]

SHADIJA, Dharmendra, REZAI, Mo and HILL, Richard (2017). Towards an understanding of microservices. In: ICAC’17 : 2017 23rd IEEE International Conference on Automation and Computing. IEEE, 308-313. [Book Section]

SHAHRASBI, Alireza, SHAMIZANJANI, Mehdi, ALAVIDOOST, M. H. and AKHGAR, Babak (2017). An aggregated fuzzy model for the selection of a managed security service provider. International Journal of Information Technology & Decision Making, 16 (3), p. 625. [Article]

SHENFIELD, Alex, RODRIGUES, Marcos, MORENO-CUESTA, Jeronimo and NOORELDEEN, Hossam (2017). A novel hybrid differential evolution strategy applied to classifier design for mortality prediction in adult critical care admissions. In: CIBCB 2017 : IEEE International Conference on Computational Intelligence in Bioinformatics and Computational Biology, Manchester, 23-25 August 2017. [Conference or Workshop Item]

SHENFIELD, Alex and ROSTAMI, Shahin (2017). Multi-objective evolution of artificial neural networks in multi-class medical diagnosis problems with class imbalance. In: CIBCB 2017 : IEEE International Conference on Computational Intelligence in Bioinformatics and Computational Biology, Manchester, 23-25 August 2017. [Conference or Workshop Item]

SIDDEQ, Mohammed and RODRIGUES, Marcos (2017). DCT and DST based Image Compression for 3D Reconstruction. 3D Research, 8 (5), 1-19. [Article]

SIDDEQ, Mohammed and RODRIGUES, Marcos (2017). A Novel High Frequency Encoding Algorithm for Image Compression. EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing, 26. [Article]

SIDDIQI, Heena and SIDDIQI, Jawed (2017). Analysing how the prosumption of information in social media shapes Wikipedia. In: TAHA, Nashrawan, AL-SAYYED, Rizik, ALQATAWNA, Ja'far and RODAN, Ali, (eds.) Social media shaping e-publishing and academia. Cham, Springer International Publishing, 21-32. [Book Section]

STRATTON, Andy, BATES, Christopher and DEARDEN, Andrew (2017). Quando: enabling museum and art gallery practitioners to develop interactive digital exhibits. In: BARBOSA, Simone, MARKOPOULOS, Panos, PATERNÒ, Fabio, STUMPF, Simone and VALTOLINA, Stefano, (eds.) End-user development : 6th International Symposium on End-User Development, IS-EUD 2017, Eindhoven, The Netherlands, June 13-15, 2017, Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (10303). Cham, Springer, 100-107. [Book Section]

TSIKRIKA, Theodora, AKHGAR, Babak, KATOS, Vasilis, VROCHIDIS, Stefanos, BURNAP, Pete and WILLIAMS, Matthew L. (2017). 1st International Workshop on Search and Mining Terrorist Online Content & Advances in Data Science for Cyber Security and Risk on the Web. In: WSDM 2017: Tenth ACM International Conference on Web Search and Data Mining. ACM, 823-824. [Book Section]

WADDINGTON, David (2017). "Iron Hand": Representations and ramifications of the "Battle of Orgreave". In: ALLSOP, David, STEPHENSON, Carol and WRAY, David, (eds.) Justice denied: Friends, foes and the miners' strike. London, Merlin Press, 118-143. [Book Section]

WADDINGTON, David (2017). The battle of Orgreave: Afterword. In: PAGE, R, (ed.) Protest: Stories of resistance. Manchester, Comma Press, 366-374. [Book Section]

WADDINGTON, David (2017). An open and shut case? Reappraising "conspiracy" and "cockup" theories of the 1984-5 miners' strike. In: ALLSOP, David, STEPHENSON, Carol and WRAY, David, (eds.) Justice denied: Friends, foes, and the miners' strike. London, Merlin Press, 97-117. [Book Section]

WAUDBY, Carolyn (2017). Dali's Rose. In: KENNARD, Luke and SWIFT, Todd, (eds.) The Best New British & Irish Poets 2017. London, Eyewear, p. 130. [Book Section]

WAUDBY, Carolyn (2017). Whitby: The Town of A Magic Dream. Fortean Times (357), 38-43. [Article]

WELLS, Douglas (2017). Taking stock of subjective narratives surrounding modern OSINT. In: AKHGAR, Babak, BAYERL, Saskia and SAMPSON, Fraser, (eds.) Open source intelligence investigation: from strategy to implementation. Advanced Sciences and Technologies for Security Applications . Cham, Springer International Publishing, 57-65. [Book Section]

WELLS, Douglas and GIBSON, Helen (2017). OSINT from a UK perspective: considerations from the law enforcement and military domains. In: Proceedings Estonian Academy of Security Sciences, 16 : From Research to Security Union. Estonian Academy of Security Sciences, 84-113. [Book Section]

WOOLLISCROFT, Tim and POLOVINA, Simon (2017). Improving healthcare through human city interaction. In: HAMMOUDI, Slimane, SMIALEK, Michal, CAMP, Olivier and FILIPE, Joaquin, (eds.) Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems, April 26-29, 2017, in Porto, Portugal. Scitepress, 172-177. [Book Section]

ZARGARI, Shahrzad (2017). Feature Selection in the Corrected KDD -dataset. In: International Conference on Big Data in Cyber Security 2017, Cyber Academy, Edinburgh, 10 May 2017. (Unpublished) [Conference or Workshop Item]

BARAT, souvik, KULKARNI, vinay, CLARK, Tony and BARN, Balbir (2017). A domain specific language for complex dynamic decision making. In: European Simulation and Modelling Conference, Lisbon, Portugal, 25-27 October 2017. (Unpublished) [Conference or Workshop Item]


AKHGAR, Babak and BREWSTER, Benjamin, eds. (2016). Combatting cybercrime and cyberterrorism: challenges, trends and priorities. Advanced Sciences and Technologies for Security Applications . Springer. [Edited Book]

BLESA, Maria J., BLUM, Christian, CANGELOSI, Angelo, CUTELLO, Vincenzo, DI NUOVO, Alessandro, PAVONE, Mario and TALBI, El-Ghazali, eds. (2016). Hybrid metaheuristics: 10th International Workshop, HM 2016, Plymouth, UK, June 8-10, 2016. Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 9668 . Switzerland, Springer. [Edited Book]

ABULHAWA, Dani (2016). Knowledgeable artefacts: the role of performance documentation in PaR. Networking Knowledge, 9 (3). [Article]

AKHGAR, Babak, CHORAŚ, Michał, BREWSTER, Benjamin, BOSCO, Francesca, VERMEERSCH, Elise, LUDA, Vittoria, PUCHALSKI, Damian and WELLS, Douglas (2016). Consolidated taxonomy and research roadmap for cybercrime and cyberterrorism. In: AKHGAR, Babak and BREWSTER, Benjamin, (eds.) Combatting cybercrime and cyberterrorism : challenges, trends and priorities. Advanced Sciences and Technologies for Security Applications . Cham, Springer International Publishing, 295-321. [Book Section]

AL SHARJI, Safiya, BEER, Martin and URUCHURTU, Elizabeth (2016). A relevance-focused search application for personalised ranking model. In: HARTMANM, Sven and MA, Hui, (eds.) Database and expert systems applications : 27th International Conference, DEXA 2016, Porto, Portugal, September 5-8, 2016, Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2 (9828). Switzerland, Springer, 244-253. [Book Section]

ALKALI, Abubakar Mohammed, ABBOTT, Pamela, DASUKI, Salihu and QUAYE, Ago K.M. (2016). Offshore business process outsourcing for developing countries: A South African perspective. The Electronic Journal of Information Systems in Developing Countries, 74 (1), 1-24. [Article]

ANDREWS, Simon, BREWSTER, Benjamin and DAY, Tony (2016). Organised crime and social media: detecting and corroborating weak signals of human trafficking online. In: HAEMMERLÉ, Ollivier, STAPLETON, Gem and FARON-ZUCKER, Catherine, (eds.) Graph-based representation and reasoning. Lecture notes in computer science (9717). Heidelberg, Springer, 137-150. (In Press) [Book Section]

ANDREWS, Simon, GIBSON, Helen, DOMDOUZIS, Konstantinos and AKHGAR, Babak (2016). Creating corroborated crisis reports from social media data through formal concept analysis. Journal of Intelligent Information Systems, 47, 287-312. [Article]

ANDREWS, Simon and HIRSCH, Laurence (2016). A tool for creating and visualising formal concept trees. CEUR Workshop Proceedings, 1637, 1-9. [Article]

ARPIONI, M.P. and GIUSTI, Giulio (2016). Sinestesia delle immagini: a tu per tu con Luciano Tovoli. Segnocinema (199), 2-5. [Article]

ASA'D, Asa'd M., KHAZAEI, Babak, AKHGAR, Babak and ALQATAWNA, Ja'far (2016). Towards service integration in electronic government implementations. In: International Conference on Business Management, Dubai, United Arab Emirates, 25-26 Mar 2016.. (In Press) [Conference or Workshop Item]

ATANBORI, John, DUAN, Wenting, MURRAY, John, APPIAH, Kofi and DICKINSON, Patrick (2016). Automatic classification of flying bird species using computer vision techniques. Pattern Recognition Letters, 81, 53 - 62. [Article]

BADCOE, Rosemary, WILLIAMS, Noel and WAUDBY, Carolyn, eds. (2016). Millstone Grit. Sheffield, Antiphon Press. [Edited Book]

BARAT, S, CLARK, Tony, KULKARNI, V and BARNES, Bradley (2016). A conceptual model for organisational decision-making and its possible realisations. In: EVORA-GOMEZ, Jose and HARNANDEZ-CABRERA, Jose Juan, (eds.) Modelling and Simulation 2016 : ESM 2016; the European Simulation and Modelling Conference 2016, October 26-28, 2016, Las Palmas, Gran Canaria, Spain. EUROSIS, 174-176. [Book Section]

BARN, Balbir S., CLARK, Tony, ALI, Almaas and ARIF, Rabia (2016). A systematic mapping study of the current practice of Indian software engineering. In: SARKAR, Santonu, SUREKA, Ashish, COTRONEO, Domenico, SINHA, Nishant, SINHA, Vibha S., VENKATASUBRAMANYAM, Radhika, JOSHI, Padmaja, NAIK, RD, SINGH, Pushpendra and LALCHANDANI, Jayprakash, (eds.) INSEC '16Proceedings of the 9th India Software Engineering Conference, Goa, India, February 18-20, 2016. New York, ACM, 89-98. [Book Section]

BASSI, Camila (2016). Tunnels of social growth within the Leviathan: A story of China’s Super Girl. In: BROWN, Gavin and BROWNE, Kath, (eds.) The Routledge research companion to geographies of sex and sexualities. Routledge Companion . London, Routledge, 89-96. [Book Section]

BASSI, Camila (2016). What’s radical about reality TV? An unexpected tale from Shanghai of a Chinese lesbian antihero. Gender, Place & Culture, 23 (11), 1619-1630. [Article]

BJØRN, Pernille R., CIOLFI, Luigina, ACKERMAN, Mark, FITZPATRICK, Geraldine and WULF, Volker (2016). Practice-based CSCW Research : ECSCW bridging across the Atlantic. In: CSSW '16 Companion : Proceedings of the 19th ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing Companion - CSCW '16 Companion. ACM, 210-220. [Book Section]

BLACK, Jack (2016). 'As British as fish and chips': British newspaper representations of Mo Farah during the 2012 London Olympic Games. Media, Culture & Society, 38 (7), 979-996. [Article]

BLACK, Jack (2016). Celebrating British multiculturalism, lamenting England/Britain’s past. Nations and Nationalism, 22 (4), 786-802. [Article]

BOSCO, Francesca, VERMEERSCH, Elise, LUDA, Vittoria, VACIAGO, Giuseppe, GASPER, Ulrich and LYLE, Alison (2016). Non-discrimination and Protection of Fundamental Rights in Cybercrime and Cyberterrorism Research. In: AKHGAR, Babak and BREWSTER, Benjamin, (eds.) Combatting Cybercrime and Cyberterrorism. Advanced Sciences and Technologies for Security Applications (1613-5). Springer, 97-115. [Book Section]

BRANTNER, Cornelia and RODRIGUEZ-AMAT, Joan (2016). New “Danger Zone” in Europe: Representations of Place in Social Media–Supported Protests. International Journal of Communication, 10, 299-320. [Article]

CANTER, Lily and BROOKES, Daniel (2016). Twitter as a flexible tool: how the job role of the journalist influences tweeting habits. Digital Journalism. [Article]

CERE, Rinella (2016). Hegemony and counter-hegemony in postcolonial media theory and culture. In: MERTEN, Kai and KRÄMER, Lucia, (eds.) Postcolonial studies meets media studies : a critical encounter. Postcolonial Studies (23). transcript Verlag, 125-142. [Book Section]

CHAMBERLAIN, Paul, CRAIG, Claire and DEXTER, Matt (2016). InTacT: Insights into Telehealth and Care Technologies. In: LANGDON, Pat, LAZAR, Jonathan, HEYLIGHEN, Ann and DONG, Hua, (eds.) Designing around people : CWUAAT 2016. Switzerland, Springer, 85-94. [Book Section]

CIOLFI, Luigina and AVRAM, Gabriela (2016). Digital social interactions in the city: reflecting on location-based social networks. In: KITCHIN, Rob and PERNG, Sung-Yueh, (eds.) Code and the city. Regions and cities (97). London & New York, Routledge, 91-104. [Book Section]

CIOLFI, Luigina, AVRAM, Gabriela, MAYE, Laura, DULAKE, Nick, MARSHALL, Mark, VAN DIJK, Dick and MCDERMOTT, Fiona (2016). Articulating co-design in museums: reflections on two participatory processes. In: GERGLE, Darren, RINGEL MORRIS, Meredith, BJØRN, Pernille and KONSTAN, Joseph, (eds.) CSCW '16 Computer Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing. New York, ACM, 13-25. [Book Section]

CLARK, Tony (2016). Static meta-object protocols : towards efficient reflective object-oriented languages. In: FUENTES, Lidia, BATORY, Don and CZARMECKI, Krzysztof, (eds.) MODULARITY Companion 2016 : Companion proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Modularity. ACM, 160-167. [Book Section]

CLARK, Tony (2016). Static meta-object protocols: towards efficient reflective object-oriented languages. In: MODULARITY Companion 2016 : Companion Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Modularity - MODULARITY Companion 2016. ACM, 160-167. [Book Section]

CLARKE, David (2016). A new demonology : John Keel and The Mothman Prophecies. In: HUNTER, Jack, (ed.) Damned Facts : Fortean Essays on Religion, Folklore and the Paranormal. Cyprus, Aporetic Press, 54-68. [Book Section]

CONTI, Daniela, DI NUOVO, Santo, BUONO, Serafino and DI NUOVO, Alessandro (2016). Robots in education and care of children with developmental disabilities : a study on acceptance by experienced and future professionals. International Journal of Social Robotics, 9 (1), 51-62. [Article]

CONTI, Daniela, DI NUOVO, Santo, CANGELOSI, Angelo and DI NUOVO, Alessandro (2016). Lateral specialization in unilateral spatial neglect : a cognitive robotics model. Cognitive Processing, 17 (3), 321-328. [Article]

DASUKI, Salihu and QUAYE, Ago (2016). Undergraduate students’ failure in programming courses in institutions of higher education in developing countries: A Nigerian perspective. The Electronic Journal of Information Systems in Developing Countries, 76 (1), 1-18. [Article]

DEARDEN, Andy and TUCKER, William (2016). Moving ICTD research beyond bungee jumping: practical case studies and recommendations. IEEE Technology and Society Magazine, 35 (3), 36-43. [Article]

DELLER, Ruth A. (2016). Outdoor queueing, knicker throwing and 100th birthday greetings : newspaper narratives of mature female fans. In: BENNETT, Lucy and BOOTH, Paul, (eds.) Seeing Fans : Representations of Fandom in Media and Popular Culture. Bloomsbury Academic, 197-207. [Book Section]

DELLER, Ruth A. (2016). Star image, celebrity reality television and the fame cycle. Celebrity Studies, 7 (3). [Article]

DI NUOVO, Alessandro, CANNAVO, Rosario, DI NUOVO, Santo, TRECCA, Giorgia and RAVECCA, Fabio (2016). A Neuro-Fuzzy approach to identify a Hierarchical Fuzzy System for modelling Aviation Pilot Attention. In: IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence 2016, IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems (FUZZ-IEEE 2016), Vancouver, Canada, 24-29 July. [Conference or Workshop Item]

DI NUOVO, Alessandro, WANG, Ning, BROZ, Frank, BELPAEME, Tony, JONES, Ray and CANGELOSI, Angelo (2016). Experimental evaluation of a multi-modal user interface for a robotic service. In: ALBOUL, Lyuba, DAMIEN, Dana and AITKEN, Jonathan M., (eds.) Towards autonomous robotic systems, 17th Annual Conference, TAROS 2016, Sheffield, UK, June 26--July 1, 2016, Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence (9716). Springer International Publishing, 87-98. [Book Section]

DOMDOUZIS, Konstantinos, AKHGAR, Babak, ANDREWS, Simon and GIBSON, Helen (2016). A social media and crowd-sourcing data mining system for crime prevention during and post-crisis situations. Journal of Systems and Information Technology, 18 (4), 364-382. [Article]

DOMDOUZIS, Konstantinos, ANDREWS, Simon and AKHGAR, Babak (2016). Application of a new service-oriented architecture (SOA) paradigm on the design of a crisis management distributed system. International Journal of Distributed Systems and Technologies, 7 (2), 1-17. [Article]

EHIMWENMA, Kennedy E., BEER, Martin and CROWTHER, Paul (2016). Computational estimate visualisation and evaluation of agent classified rules learning system. International journal of emerging technologies in learning, 11 (1), 38-47. [Article]

EHIMWENMA, Kennedy E., CROWTHER, Paul and BEER, Martin (2016). A system of serial computation for classified rules prediction in non-regular ontology trees. International journal of artificial intelligence and applications, 7 (2), 23-35. [Article]

FALLON, Richard and POLOVINA, Simon (2016). Automated REA (AREA): a software toolset for a machine-readable resource-event-agent (REA) ontology specification. CEUR Workshop Proceedings, 1637, 10-18. [Article]

FEATHERSTONE, Mark (2016). Using Gamification to Enhance Self-directed, Open Learning in Higher Education. In: 10th European Conference on Games Based Learning, University of the West of Scotland, Paisley, Scotland, 6-7 October 2016. [Conference or Workshop Item]

FISCHER, Joel, PORCHERON, Martin, LUCERO, Andrés, QUIGLEY, Aaron, SCOTT, Stacey, CIOLFI, Luigina, ROOKSBY, John and MEMAROVIC, Nemanja (2016). Collocated Interaction : New Challenges in 'Same Time, Same Place' Research. In: CSCW '16 Companion : Proceedings of the 19th ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing Companion - CSCW '16 Companion. ACM, 465-472. [Book Section]

FUSSELL, Susan and CIOLFI, Luigina (2016). Career Development Workshop for Recent PHDs. In: CHI' EA '16: Proceedings of the 2016 CHI Conference Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems. ACM, 3363-3365. [Book Section]

GIBSON, Helen, AKHGAR, Babak, HAJIRASOULIHA, Iman, GARCIA, Reyes, OZDEMIR, Zuhal and PILAKOUTAS, Kypros (2016). A situational awareness framework for improving earthquake response, recovery and resilience. In: 16th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Santiago, Chile, 9-13 January 2017. (In Press) [Conference or Workshop Item]

GORINE, Habib (2016). Security threats on wireless sensor network protocols. In: 18th International Conference on Cryptology and Network Security, Kuala Lumpur, 18-19 August 2016. (Submitted) [Conference or Workshop Item]

GRÖNVALL, Erik, CIOLFI, Luigina, AVRAM, Gabriela, ROSSITTO, Chiara and BARKHUUS, Louise (2016). HCI at the boundary of work and life. Personal and Ubiquitous Computing, 20 (4), 481-485. [Article]

GWILT, Alison, HOMER, Catherine, SHERRIFF, Graeme and CHILDS, Charmaine (2016). Community voices in design practice : a case study of understanding older adults’ clothing needs for keeping warm at home. In: Futurescan 3 : Intersecting Identities. Creative and Print Services. (In Press) [Book Section]

HIRSCH, Laurence and ANDREWS, Simon (2016). Visualising text co-occurrence networks. CEUR Workshop Proceedings, 1637, 19-27. [Article]

HOGG, Christopher (2016). Adapting television drama: theory and industry. Palgrave Macmillan. (In Press) [Authored Book]

HOGG, Christopher (2016). Take a look at the lawman: interrogating critical responses to the US version of Life on Mars. In: AVEYARD, K., MAJBRITT-JENSEN, P. and MORAN, A., (eds.) Global television formats: state of the art. Bristol, Intellect. (In Press) [Book Section]

HOGG, Christopher and CANTRELL, Tom (2016). Acting in British television. Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan. (In Press) [Authored Book]

IBARRA, Unai Alegre, AUGUSTO, Juan Carlos and CLARK, Tony (2016). Engineering context-aware systems and applications : a survey. Journal of Systems and Software, 117 (C), 55-83. [Article]

IDEMUDIA, Efosa C., DASUKI, Salihu and OGEDEBE, Peter (2016). Factors that influence students' programming skills: a case study from a Nigerian university. International Journal of Quantitative Research in Education, 3 (4), p. 277. [Article]

ISLAM, M. Kamrul and SLACK, Frances (2016). Women in rural Bangladesh: empowered by access to mobile phones. In: BERTOT, John, ESTEVEZ, Elsa and MELLOULI, Sehl, (eds.) ICEGOV '15-16 9th International Conference on Theory and Practice of Electronic Governance, Hammamet, Tunisia — March 01 - 03, 2016. ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, 10th . New York, ACM, 75-84. [Book Section]

JEFFERY, Bob (2016). Poverty-stricken Sheffield pensioners forced into life of crime. The Star. [Article]

JONES, Peter E. (2016). Language - the transparent tool: reflections on reflexivity and instrumentality. Language Sciences, 61, 5-16. [Article]

JONES, Peter E. (2016). Language and social determinism in the Vygotskian tradition: a response to Ratner (2015). Language and sociocultural theory, 3 (1), 1-8. [Article]

KORMANN, Mariza, KATSAROU, Stella and KATSONOPOULOU, Dora (2016). The Digital Helike Project in the early Helladic Period: further insights from archaeological and geological data through combined modelling, 3D reconstruction, and simulation. In: 2nd Conference "Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology (CAA-GR), Athens, Greece, 20-21 December 2016. (Unpublished) [Conference or Workshop Item]

KORMANN, Mariza, KATSAROU, Stella, KATSONOPOULOU, Dora and LOCK, Gary (2016). On roof construction and wall strength : non-linear structural integrity analysis of the Early Bronze Age Helike Corridor House. In: CAA 2016 : 44th International Conference on Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology, Oslo, Norway, 29 March to 2 April 2016. (Unpublished) [Conference or Workshop Item]

KORMANN, Mariza, KATSONOPOULOU, Dora, KATSAROU, Stella and LOCK, Gary (2016). Creating interactive 3D visualizations of archaeological data : a case study of the Early Bronze Age Helike Corridor House. In: 41st International Symposium on Archaeometry (ISA 2016), Kalamata, Greece, 15-21 May 2016. Taylor & Francis, 243-244. (Unpublished) [Conference or Workshop Item]

KUMAR, Neha, DRAY, Susan, DEARDEN, Andy, DELL, Nicola, DENSMORE, Melissa, GRINTER, Rebecca E., LIU, Zhengjie, MORENO ROCHA, Mario A., PETERS, Anicia, SARI, Eunice, THIES, William, MEDHI-THIES, Indrani, TUCKER, William D., VALDERRAMA BAHAMONDEZ, Elba and WYCHE, Susan (2016). Development consortium: HCI across borders. In: CHI EA '16 Proceedings of the 2016 CHI Conference Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems. New York, ACM, 3620-3627. [Book Section]

LAUNDERS, Ivan (2016). Capturing the Context of Concepts using the Transaction Graph through a Mobile NHS Case Study. International Journal of Conceptual Structures and Smart Applications, 4 (1), 35-47. [Article]

LOUIS, Anja (2016). Spain. In: ROBSON, Peter and SCHULZ, Jennifer, (eds.) A transnational study of law and justice on TV. Oxford, Hart. [Book Section]

LOVE, Matthew, BOISVERT, Charles, URUCHURTU, Elizabeth and IBBOTSON, Ian (2016). Nifty with data: can a business intelligence analysis sourced from open data form a nifty assignment? In: ITiCSE '16 : Proceedings of the 2016 ACM Conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education. ACM. (In Press) [Book Section]

LYLE, Alison, KEMP, Benn, SPASOVA, Albena and GASPER, Ulrich (2016). Risks related to illegal content in cybercrime and cyberterrorism research. In: AKHGAR, Babak and BREWSTER, Benjamin, (eds.) Combatting cybercrime and cyberterrorism : challenges, trends and priorities. Advanced sciences and technologies for security applications . Cham, Springer International Publishing, 117-131. [Book Section]

MAJNU, Aathira, BATES, Christopher and ROAST, Chris (2016). Dimension of non-trivial online forms. In: Proceedings of the British HCI Conference 2016. ACM International Conference Proceeding Series . BCS / ACM. [Book Section]

MARCHANG, Jims, GHITA, Bogdan and LANCASTER, David (2016). Location based transmission using a neighbour aware-cross layer MAC for ad hoc networks. In: MAMATAS, Lefteris, MATTA, Ibrahim, PAPADIMITRIOU, Panagiotis and YEVGENI, Koucheryavy, (eds.) WWIC 2016: Wired/Wireless Internet Communications. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (9674). Cham, Springer, 15-27. [Book Section]

MORAN, Matthew and WADDINGTON, David (2016). Riots : An International Comparison. Palgrave Macmillan. [Authored Book]

MORENO-CUESTA, Jeronimo, MADRIGAL, Maria, SHENFIELD, Alex and RODRIGUES, Marcos (2016). A novel method for identification of patients at risk of deterioration using FACS. In: ICSSOA-2016 Intensive Care Society State of Art Meeting, London, 5-7 December 2016. (Unpublished) [Conference or Workshop Item]

MWITONDI, Kassim and KHORSHEED, Eman (2016). A parameter leveraging method for unsupervised big data modelling. Journal of Statistics Applications & Probability, 5 (2), 203-211. [Article]

NISIOTIS, Louis, BEER, Martin and URUCHURTU, Elizabeth (2016). The use of Cyber Campuses to Support Online Learning for Students Experiencing Barriers Accessing Education. EAI Endorsed Transactions on Future Intelligent Educational Environments, 2 (6), 1-18. [Article]

PARIKH, Vishal (2016). 'Call' Centres to 'Contact' Centres: Shifting Paradigms of Customer Service Systems and Research. In: RESER 2016 : the 25th Annual RESER Conference proceedings. European Association for Research on Services. [Book Section]

POLOVINA, Simon, SCHERUHN, Hans-Jürgen, WEIDNER, Stefan and VON ROSING, Mark (2016). Highlighting the Gaps in Enterprise Systems Models by Interoperating CGs and FCA. CEUR Workshop Proceedings, 1637, 46-54. [Article]

POLOVINA, Simon, SCHERUHN, Hans-Jürgen, WEIDNER, Stefan and VON ROSING, Mark (2016). Discovering the gaps in enterprise systems via conceptual graphs and formal concept analysis. In: HAEMMERLÉ, Ollivier, STAPLETON, Gem and ZUCKER, Catherine Faron, (eds.) Poster proceedings The 22nd International Conference on Conceptual Structures (ICCS 2016). ICCS. [Book Section]

POURNOURI, S., AKHGAR, Babak and BAYERL, Petra Saskia (2016). Cyber attacks analysis using decision tree technique for improving cyber situational awareness. In: JAHANKHANI, Hamid, CARLILE, Alex, EMM, David, HOSSEINIAN-FAR, Amin, BROWN, Guy, SEXTON, Graham and JAMAL, Arshad, (eds.) Global security, safety and sustainability : the security challenges of the connected world. Communications in computer and information science (630). Springer, 155-172. [Book Section]

PURVIS, Alison, RODGER, Helen and BECKINGHAM, Sue (2016). Experiences of social media in higher education: barriers, enablers and next steps. In: Social Media for Learning in Higher Education 2015 Conference proceedings (#SocMedHE15). Sheffield, Sheffield Hallam University. [Book Section]

RAGHUNATH, Riyukta, ANKER, Connie and NORTCLIFFE, Anne (2016). Are academics ready for smart learning? British Journal Of Educational Technology, 49 (1), 182-197. [Article]

RAMAMURTHY, Anandi (2016). Contesting the Visualisation of Gaza. Photographies, 9 (1), 31-50. [Article]

RAZAQ, Abdul, TIANFIELD, Huaglory, PRANGGONO, Bernardi and YUE, Hong (2016). Simulating smart grid cyber security. In: MOUFTAH, Hussein T. and EROL-KANTARCI, Melike, (eds.) Smart grid: networking, data management and business models. Boca Raton, Fl, CRC Press, 97-116. [Book Section]

ROAST, Chris, LEITAO, Roxanne and GUNNING, Michael (2016). Visualising formula structures to support exploratory modelling. In: International Conference on Computer Supported Education (2016), Rome, Italy, 21-23 April, 2016. (In Press) [Conference or Workshop Item]

ROAST, Chris, LEITAO, Roxanne and GUNNING, Michael (2016). Visualising formula structures to support exploratory modelling. In: UHOMOIBHI, James, COSTAGILOLA, Gennaro, ZVACEK, Susan and MCLAREN, Bruce, (eds.) CSEDU 2016 : 8th International Conference on Computer Supported Education. SCITEPRESS, 383-390. [Book Section]

ROAST, Chris and URUCHURTU, Elizabeth (2016). Reflecting on the Physics of Notations applied to a visualisation case study. In: CORNEJO, Raymondo and MAYORA IBARRA, Oscar, (eds.) MexIHC '16 : 6th Mexican Conference on Human-Computer Interaction. ACM. [Book Section]

ROBERT WILSON, Berlin Mano, KHAZAEI, Babak and HIRSCH, Laurence (2016). Cloud adoption decision support for SMEs Using Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP). In: 2016 IEEE 4th Workshop on Advances in Information, Electronic and Electrical Engineering (AIEEE), Vilnius, Lithuania, 10-12 November 2016. (In Press) [Conference or Workshop Item]

ROBERT WILSON, Berlin Mano, KHAZAEI, Babak and HIRSCH, Laurence (2016). Enablers and barriers of cloud adoption among Small and Medium Enterprises in Tamil Nadu. In: 2015 IEEE International Conference on Cloud Computing in Emerging Markets (CCEM). IEEE, 140-145. [Book Section]

ROBERT WILSON, Berlin Mano, KHAZAEI, Babak and HIRSCH, Laurence (2016). A cloud migration decision support system for SMEs in Tamil Nadu (India) using AHP. In: International Symposium of the Analytic Hierarchy Process, London, United Kingdom, 4-7 Aug 2016. (In Press) [Conference or Workshop Item]

ROBINSON, Ashley and BATES, Christopher (2016). Recovering Design Patterns from Large Codebases. Computer Science Education : Innovation and Technology (CSEIT) Conference, 136-143. [Article]

RODRIGUES, Marcos (2016). AI Deep Learning and Data Security in the Internet of Everything. In: Kelaniya International Conference on Advances in Computing and Technology (KICACT) 2016, Colombo, Sri Lanka, 25 November 2016. (Unpublished) [Conference or Workshop Item]

RODRIGUES, Marcos (2016). Secure Cloud Access by Design. In: Brazilian Symposium on Information Systems – SBSI 2016, Florianopolis, Brazil, May 17-20, 2016. [Conference or Workshop Item]

RODRIGUES, Marcos (2016). Secure Information Systems in the Age of Cloud Computing. In: PAPANIKOS, Gregory T., (ed.) Library and Information Science Abstracts 3rd annual international conference on Library and Information Science. Athens, Athens Institute for Education and Research, 26-27. [Book Section]

RODRIGUES, Marcos, KORMANN, Mariza and AL-DULAIMI, Mustafa (2016). Data protection and privacy issues concerning facial image processing in public spaces. Athens Journal of Technology and Engineering, 3 (1), 39-52. [Article]

RODRIGUES, Marcos A and SIDDEQ, Mohammed M (2016). Information Systems: Secure Access and Storage in the Age of Cloud Computing. Athens Journal of Sciences, 3 (4), 267-284. [Article]

RODRIGUEZ-AMAT, Joan and BRANTNER, Cornelia (2016). Ocupar las plazas con tuits. Una propuesta para el análisis de la gobernanza de los espacios comunicativos. Obra Digital, 11, 1-19. [Article]

RODRIGUEZ-AMAT, Joan and BRANTNER, Cornelia (2016). Space and place matters : a tool for the analysis of geolocated and mapped protests. New Media & Society, 18 (6), 1027-1046. [Article]

ROOSENDAAL, Arnold, KERT, Mari, LYLE, Alison and GASPER, Ulrich (2016). Data Protection Law Compliance for Cybercrime and Cyberterrorism Research. In: AKHGAR, Babak and BREWSTER, Benjamin, (eds.) Combatting Cybercrime and Cyberterrorism. Advanced Sciences and Technologies for Security Applications (1613-5). Springer, 81-96. [Book Section]

ROSE, Simon (2016). Bricolage Programming and Problem Solving Ability in Young Children : an Exploratory Study. In: 10th European Conference on Games Based Learning, University of the West of Scotland, Paisley, Scotland, 6-7 October 2016. (In Press) [Conference or Workshop Item]

ROSTAMI, Shahin and SHENFIELD, Alex (2016). A multi-tier adaptive grid algorithm for the evolutionary multi-objective optimisation of complex problems. Soft Computing - A Fusion of Foundations, Methodologies and Applications, 21 (17), 4963-4979. [Article]

RUIZ MORA, Isabel, DE LAS HERAS-PEDROSA, Carlos and ALVAREZ-NOBELL, Alejandro (2016). Fundraising and universities in Spain. Strategies to reach society and key publics. In: XI Congreso Internacional de Investigación en Relaciones Públicas “Las Relaciones Públicas en una sociedad conectada”, Valencia (Spain), 27 April 2016. (Unpublished) [Conference or Workshop Item]

RUIZ MORA, Isabel and RUIZ MUNOZ, M J (2016). Técnicas y herramientas para el trabajo de competencias profesionales en creatividad publicitaria [Techniques and tools to improve professional skills in creative advertising]. Opción, 32 (10), 657-674. [Article]

RUIZ-MORA, Isabel, LUGO-OCANDO, Jairo and CASTILLO-ESPARCIA, Antonio (2016). Reluctant to talk, reluctant to listen: Public relations professionals and their involvement in CSR programmes in Spain. Public Relations Review, 42 (3), 402-407. [Article]

SIDDEQ, M.M. and RODRIGUES, Marcos (2016). 3D Point Cloud Data and Triangle Face Compression by a Novel Geometry Minimization Algorithm and Comparison with other 3D Formats. Proceedings of the international conference on computational methods, 3, 379-394. [Article]

Sheffield Hallam University (2016). Image Data Compression and Decompression. UK patent application GB 1503433.3, 28 Feb 2016.. [Patent]

Sheffield Hallam University, Mohammed M Siddeq, and Marcos A Rodrigues (2016). Image Data Compression and Decompression Using Minimise Size Matrix Algorithm. WO 2016/135510 A1. [Patent]

SIDDEQ, Mohammed M and RODRIGUES, Marcos (2016). Novel 3D compression methods for geometry, connectivity and texture. 3D Research, 7 (13). [Article]

SPEIDEL, Suzanne (2016). Fantasy, fallacy and allusion : reconceptualizing British landscapes through the lens of children’s cinema. In: NEWLAND, Paul, (ed.) British Rural Landscapes on Film. Manchester, Manchester University Press. [Book Section]

WADDINGTON, Dave (2016). Policing political protest: lessons of best practice from a major English city. In: PRITCHARD, David and PAKES, Francis, (eds.) Riot, Unrest and Protest on the Global Stage. London, Palgrave Macmillan, 12-32. [Book Section]

WADDINGTON, David (2016). From 'iron fists' to 'bunches of fives': A critical reflection on dialogue (or liaison) approaches to policing political protest. European Police Science and Research Bulletin (1), 30-43. [Article]

WELLS, Douglas, BREWSTER, Benjamin and AKHGAR, Babak (2016). Challenges priorities and policies: mapping the research requirements of cybercrime and cyberterrorism stakeholders. In: AKHGAR, Babak and BREWSTER, Benjamin, (eds.) Combatting cybercrime and cyberterrorism : challenges, trends and priorities. Advanced sciences and technologies for security applications . Cham, Springer International Publishing, 39-51. [Book Section]

WILLIAMS, Amanda, STEELE, Jennifer R and LIPMAN, Corey (2016). Assessing children’s implicit attitudes using the Affect Misattribution Procedure. Journal of Cognition and Development, 17 (3), 505-525. [Article]


SHIN, Chi-Yun and GALLAGHER, Mark, eds. (2015). East Asian film noir: transnational encounters and intercultural dialogue. Tauris World Cinema Series . London & New York, I.B.Tauris. [Edited Book]

COSLEY, Dan, FORTE, Andrea, CIOLFI, Luigina and MCDONALD, David, eds. (2015). Proceedings of the 18th ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work & Social Computing. New York, ACM Press. [Edited Book]

ABDURRAHMAN, Jalil, BEER, Martin and CROWTHER, Paul (2015). Pedagogical requirements for mobile learning : a review on MOBIlearn Task Model. Journal of Interactive Media in Education, 2015 (1), 1-17. [Article]

ADAM, Alison (2015). A history of forensic science : British beginnings in the twentieth century. Routledge SOLON Explorations in Crime and Criminal Justice Histories, 8 . Abingdon, Routledge. [Authored Book]

AKHGAR, Babak and GIBSON, Helen (2015). Processing social media data for crisis management in Athena. In: JAHANKHANI, Hamid, CARLILE, Alex, AKHGAR, Babak, TAAL, Amie, HESSAMI, Ali G. and HOSSEINIAN-FAR, Amin, (eds.) Global Security, Safety and Sustainability: Tomorrow's Challenges of Cyber Security. Communications in Computer and Information Science (534). Springer, 3-14. [Book Section]

AKHGAR, Babak, TAFAGHODI, Ashkan and DOMDOUZIS, Konstantinos (2015). Cloud Computing, Sustainability, and Risk. In: DASTBAZ, Mohamed, PATTINSON, Colin and AKHGAR, Babak, (eds.) Green Information Technology. Morgan Kaufman, 295-311. [Book Section]

AL SARJI, Safiya, BEER, Martin and URUCHURTU, Elizabeth (2015). A dwell time-based technique for personalised ranking model. In: 26th International Conference on Database and Expert Systems Applications (DEXA 2015 ), Valencia, Spain, 1-4 September 2015. (In Press) [Conference or Workshop Item]

ALVAREZ-NOBELL, Alejandro and RUIZ-MORA, Isabel (2015). Public information and communication for public participation in Spain. In: ECREA OSC 2015 Conference - STRATEGIC COMMUNICATION FOR NON-PROFIT-ORGANISATIONS: CHALLENGES AND ALTERNATIVE APPROACHES, Leipzig (Germany), 3-4 December 2015. (Unpublished) [Conference or Workshop Item]

ANDREWS, Simon (2015). A ‘Best-of-Breed’ approach for designing a fast algorithm for computing fixpoints of Galois Connections. Information Sciences, 295 (20), 633-649. [Article]

ANDREWS, Simon, POLOVINA, Simon, AKHGAR, Babak, STANIFORTH, Andrew, FORTUNE, David and STEDMAN, Alex (2015). Tackling financial and economic crime through strategic intelligence management. In: STEDMAN, Alex and LAWSON, Glyn, (eds.) Hostile intent and counter-terrorism: human factors theory and application. Human factors in defence . Ashgate, 161-176. [Book Section]

ASRI, Satin and PRANGGONO, Bernardi (2015). Impact of Distributed Denial-of-Service Attack on Advanced Metering Infrastructure. Wireless Personal Communications, 83 (3), 2211-2223. [Article]

ATTWOOD, Fiona and DELLER, Ruth A. (2015). Introduction: Transforming the makeover. International Journal of Cultural Studies, 18 (3), 263-267. [Article]

BECKINGHAM, Sue (2015). My role as a facilitator: the value of reflection from multiple personal perspectives. Learning and Teaching in Action, 11 (1), 44-51. [Article]

BECKINGHAM, Sue (2015). What does it mean to be a digital lifewide learner? The Journal of Technology Enhanced Learning, Innovation and Change, 1 (1). [Article]

BECKINGHAM, Sue (2015). The blended professional : Jack of all trades, and master of some? In: HOPKINS, David, (ed.) The Really Useful #EdTechBook. UK, David Hopkins / CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, 129-150. [Book Section]

BECKINGHAM, Sue and NERANTZI, Chrissi (2015). BYOD4L : learning to use own smart devices for learning and teaching through the 5C framework. In: MIDDLETON, Andrew, (ed.) Smart learning : teaching and learning with smartphones and tablets in post-compulsory education. MELSIG, Sheffield Hallam University, 108-127. [Book Section]

BECKINGHAM, Sue and NERANTZI, Chrissi (2015). Scaling-up open CPD for teachers in higher education using a snowballing approach. Journal of Perspectives in Applied Academic Practices, 3 (1), 109-121. [Article]

BECKINGHAM, Sue, NERANTZI, Chrissi, REED, Peter and WALKER, David (2015). Speedy professional conversations around learning and teaching in higher education via the brand new tweetchat #LTHEchat. ALISS Quarterly. [Article]

BLACK, Jack (2015). Portraying Britain’s past: English national newspaper coverage of the 2012 London Olympic ceremonies. In: POYNTER, Gavin, VIEHOFF, Valeria and LI, Yang, (eds.) The London Olympics and Urban Development: The Mega-Event City. Regions and Cities . Abingdon, Routledge, 320-334. [Book Section]

BOOTH, Alison, GARRISON, Laurie, RICHES, Tim, DEARDEN, Andy, GLOVER, Ian, HILL, Katie, MCSEVENY, Kerry and WESTAWAY, Sarah (2015). BadgeLAB Leeds : Exploring Open Badges for the Arts. Research and Development Report. Project Report. London, Digital R&D Fund for the Arts. [Monograph]

BRANTNER, Cornelia and RODRIGUEZ-AMAT, Joan Ramon (2015). Mediatisierung und Visualisierung von Ort und Raum : zur Erforschung partizipativer digitaler Praktiken in Geomedien im Rahmen sozialer Proteste. In: LOBINGER, Katharina and GEISE, Stephanie, (eds.) Visualisierung und Mediatisierung : Bildliche Kommunikation und bildliches Handeln in mediatisierten Gesellschaften. Köln, Herbert von Halem Verlag. [Book Section]

BREWSTER, Benjamin, KEMP, Benn, GALAHBAKHTIARI, Sarah and AKHGAR, Babak (2015). Cybercrime: attack motivations and implications for big data and national security. In: AKHGAR, Babak, SAATHOFF, Gregory B., ARABNIA, Hamid R., HILL, Richard, STANIFORTH, Andrew and BAYERL, Petra Saskia, (eds.) Application of big data for national security: a practitioners guide to emerging technologies. Oxford, Butterworth Heinemann (Elsevier), 108-129. [Book Section]

CANTER, Lily (2015). Chasing the accreditation dream : do employers value accredited journalism courses. Journalism Education : The Journal of the Association of Journalism Education, 4 (1), 40-52. [Article]

CASTILLO-ESPARCIA, Antonio, RUIZ MORA, Isabel and ALVAREZ-NOBELL, Alejandro (2015). Institutionalisation processes of communication research: the reconfiguration of PhD programmes in Communication studies in Spain. In: III Congreso Nacional de Metodología de la Investigación en Comunicación, Malaga, 12-13 November 2015. (Unpublished) [Conference or Workshop Item]

CIOLFI, Luigina (2015). Embodiment and place experience in heritage technology design. In: MACDONALD, Sharon, REES LEAHY, Helen and HENNING, Michelle, (eds.) The International Handbook of Museum Studies. London, Wiley-Blackwell, 419-446. [Book Section]

CIOLFI, Luigina and PETRELLI, Daniela (2015). Studying a community of volunteers at a historic cemetery to inspire interaction concepts. In: Communities & Technologies 2015, Limerick, Ireland, 27-30 June 2015. (In Press) [Conference or Workshop Item]

CIOLFI, Luigina and PETRELLI, Daniela (2015). Walking and designing with cultural heritage volunteers. interactions: new visions of human-computer interaction, XXIII (1), 46-51. [Article]

CIOLFI, Luigina, PETRELLI, Daniela, MCDERMOTT, Fiona, AVRAM, Gabriela and VAN DIJK, Dick (2015). Co-design to empower cultural heritage professionals as technology designers. In: BIHANIC, David, (ed.) Empowering users through design : interdisciplinary studies and combined approaches for technological products and services. Sham, Springer, 213-224. [Book Section]

CLARK, Anthony, SAMMUT, Paul and WILLANS, James (2015). Applied metamodelling : a foundation for language driven development. [Authored Book]

CLARKE, David (2015). Angels of War. [Other]

CLARKE, David (2015). How UFOs conquered the World: the history of a modern myth. London, Aurum Press. [Authored Book]

CLARKE, David (2015). Portillo's State Secrets: Mysteries. The National Archives ( [Other]

CORNOCK, Claire (2015). Teaching group theory using Rubik's cubes. International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology, 46 (7), 957-967. [Article]

CROALL, Helen, CRONE, Stephen, LOCKLEY, Eleanor, TAYLOR, Ben and YATES, Simeon (2015). Sheffield Doc/Fest : digital art spaces research and development report. Project Report. London, Digital R&D Fund for the Arts. [Monograph]

DASUKI, Salihu Ibrahim and ABBOTT, Pamela (2015). A socio-technical analysis of ICT investments in developing countries: A capability perspective. The Electronic Journal of Information Systems in Developing Countries, 67 (1), 1-29. [Article]

DEARDEN, Andrew and TUCKER, William D. (2015). The ethical limits of bungee research in ICTD. In: 2015 IEEE International Symposium on Technology and Society. IEEE, 1-6. [Book Section]

DELLER, Ruth A. (2015). Religion as a makeover : reality, lifestyle and spiritual transformation. International Journal of Cultural Studies, 18 (3), 291-303. [Article]

DELLER, Ruth A. (2015). Simblr famous and SimSecret infamous : performance, community norms and shaming among fans OF "The Sims". Transformative Works and Cultures, 18. [Article]

DELLER, Ruth A. and TILTON, Shane (2015). Selfies as charitable meme : charity and national identity in the #nomakeupselfie and #thumbsupforstephen campaigns. International Journal of Communication, 9 (5), 1788-1805. [Article]

DOBSON, Stephen, SUKUMAR, Arun, RIDLEY-DUFF, Rory, ROAST, Chris and ABELL, Benjamin (2015). Reciprocity and resilience: teaching and learning sustainable social enterprise through gaming. Journal of Organisational Transformation & Social Change, 12 (1), 42-56. [Article]

DOHERTY, T, BARKER, L. A., DENNISS, R., JALIL, A and BEER, M. D. (2015). The cooking task: making a meal of executive functions. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience, 9. [Article]

DOMDOUZIS, Konstantinos (2015). Sustainable cloud computing. In: DASTBAZ, Mohammad, PATTINSON, Colin and AKHGAR, Babak, (eds.) Green information technology: a sustainable approach. Waltham, MA, Morgan Kaufmann, 95-110. [Book Section]

EHIMWENMA, Kennedy, BEER, Martin and CROWTHER, Paul (2015). Adaptive multiagent system for learning gap identification through semantic communication and classified rules learning. In: 7th International Conference on Computer Supported Education, Lisbon, Portugal, 23-25 May 2015. [Conference or Workshop Item]

EKOSSE, G –I. E. and MWITONDI, Kassim (2015). Principal component analysis to evaluate the spatial variation of major elements in kaolin deposit. Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Ethiopia, 29 (1), 41-51. [Article]

GIBSON, Helen, AKHGAR, Babak and DOMDOUZIS, Konstantinos (2015). Using Social Media for Crisis Response : The ATHENA System. In: MESQUITA, Anabela and PERES, Paula, (eds.) ECSM 2015 2nd European Conference on Social Media Porto Portugal. Academic Conferences and Publishing International Limited. [Book Section]

GIUSTI, Giulio L. (2015). Pictorial imagery, camerawork, and soundtrack in Dario Argento’s Deep Red. Acta Universitatis Sapientiae: Film and Media Studies, 11, 159-179. [Article]

GRAINGER, Karen, KERKAM, Z., MANSOR, F. and MILLS, Sara (2015). Offering and hospitality in Arabic and English. Journal of Politeness Research, 11 (1), 41-70. [Article]

GREEN, Geffrey (2015). Symbol, pattern & symmetry: the cultural significance of structure by Michael Hann (Book Review). The Design Journal, 18 (3), 457-461. [Article]

HABGOOD, M. P. J., JONES, Carl and MALLINSON, Daniel (2015). Outnumb3r3d : intrinsically motivating mathematics for the PlayStation 4. In: The 9th European Conference on Games Based Learning : ECGBL 2015, Steinkjer, Norway, 8-9th October 2015. (Unpublished) [Conference or Workshop Item]

HABGOOD, M. P. Jacob (2015). Zombie Division : a methodological case study for the evaluation of game-based learning. In: Proceedings of the European Conference on Games-based Learning. -, 219-226. [Book Section]

ISLAM, Nurul, BEER, Martin and SLACK, Frances (2015). E-learning challenges faced by academics in higher education. Journal of Education and Training Studies, 3 (5), 102-112. [Article]

ISLAM, Nurul, BEER, Martin and SLACK, Frances (2015). Managing online presence in the E-learning environment : technological support for academic staff. Journal of Education and Training Studies, 3 (3), 91-100. [Article]

JACKSON, Russell (2015). PR and governmentality : exploring the relationship between PR and Neoliberalism. In: Public Relations: critical perspectives, edgework and creative futures, Queen Margaret University, 24-25 August 2015. (Unpublished) [Conference or Workshop Item]

JEFFERY, Bob, IBRAHIM, Joseph and WADDINGTON, David (2015). Politics, consumption or nihilism: protest and disorder after the global crash. Contention: The Multidisciplinary Journal of Social Protest, 2 (2), 1-4. [Article]

KAMVISI, Martha, KLEANTHOUS, Styliani and NISIOTIS, Louis (2015). Experiences of collaborating and learning through Collab3DWorld. In: GARDNER, Michael, GUTL, Christian, PIRKER, Johanna and RICHTER, Jonathon, (eds.) iLRN 2015 Prague : workshop, short paper and poster proceedings from the inaugural Immersive Learning Research Network Conference. Verlag der Technischen Universität Graz, 18-21. [Book Section]

KEEFE, Terry and CROWTHER, Paul (2015). Information and communications technology in government, an historical perspective. In: 15th European Conference on eGoverment (ECEG) 2015, University of Portsmouth, UK, 18-19 June 2015. (In Press) [Conference or Workshop Item]

KILBY, Laura (2015). Symbols of Terror : '9/11' as the Word of the Thing and the Thing of the word. Journal For The Theory Of Social Behaviour, 46 (2), 229-249. [Article]

KORMANN, Mariza, KATSAROU, Stella, KATSONOPOULOU, Dora and LOCK, Gary (2015). Structural Integrity Modelling of an Early Bronze Age “Corridor House” in Helike of Achaea, NW Peloponnese. In: CAMPANA, Stefano, SCOPIGNO, Roberto, CARPENTIERO, Gabriella and CIRILLO, Marianna, (eds.) CAA2015 Proceedings of the 43rd annual conference on computer applications and quantitative methods in archaeology. Oxford, Archaeopress Archaeology. [Book Section]

KULKARNI, Vinay, BARAT, Souvik, CLARK, Tony and BARN, Balbir S. (2015). Toward overcoming accidental complexity in organisational decision-making. In: 2015 ACM/IEEE 18th International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems (MODELS) : Proceedings. IEEE, 368-377. [Book Section]

LAM, Busayawan and DEARDEN, Andy (2015). Enhancing service development and service delivery through co-design. Voluntary Sector Review, 6 (1), 61-80. [Article]

LANO, Kevin, CLARK, T. and KOLAHDOUZ-RAHIMI, S. (2015). A framework for model transformation verification. Formal Aspects of Computing, 27 (1), 193-235. [Article]

LEITAO, Roxanne and REED, Heath (2015). Designing an intergenerational intervention to promote physical activity amongst older adults and young children. In: VALKENBURG, Rianne, DEKKERS, Coen and SLUIJS, Janneke, (eds.) PIN-C 2015 : reframing design. Proceedings of the 4th Participatory Innovation Conference 2015, 18-20 mei 2015. Belgium, The Hague, University of Applied Sciences, 107-115. [Book Section]

MAGUIRE, Joseph, BLACK, Jack and DARLINGTON, Becky (2015). ‘The Day the Flame Came to Town’: The Olympic flame, symbol, community and commodification. Sociology of Sport Journal, 32 (2), 117-139. [Article]

MARCHANG, Jims, GHITA, Bogdan and LANCASTER, David (2015). Dynamic queue utilization based MAC for multi-hop ad hoc networks. Infocommunications Journal, 7 (3), 25-32. [Article]

MARTIN-GAMEZ, Carolina, RUIZ-MORA, Ana-Belen and RUIZ-MORA, Isabel (2015). Las tics en la enseñanza universitaria : blogs digitales. Revista Opcion, 31 (2), 730-752. [Article]

MARTÍN GÁMEZ, Carolina, RUIZ MORA, Ana Belen and RUIZ MORA, Isabel (2015). El blog para la adquisición de competencias profesionales en la enseñanza superior. Opcion, 31 (E 2), 730-752. [Article]

MORAN, Matthew and WADDINGTON, Dave (2015). Comparaison des causes et significations sous-jacentes des émeutes françaises de 2005 et des émeutes anglaises de 2011. Agora débats/jeunesses, 70 (2), 111-125. [Article]

MORAN, Matthew and WADDINGTON, Dave (2015). Recent riots in the UK and France: causes and commonalities. Contention: The Multidisciplinary Journal of Social Protest, 2 (2), 57-73. [Article]

NISIOTIS, Louis (2015). A cyber campus to support students experiencing barriers accessing education. Doctoral, Sheffield Hallam University. [Thesis]

NISIOTIS, Louis, BEER, Martin and URUCHURTU, Elizabeth (2015). The evaluation of a cyber campus to support distance learning activities. In: Immersive Learning Research Network 2015 Conference, Prague, 13-14th July 2015. (In Press) [Conference or Workshop Item]

NORTCLIFFE, Anne (2015). HE BYOD—ready or not? In: MIDDLETON, Andrew, (ed.) Smart learning : teaching and learning with smartphones and tablets in post compulsory education. Sheffield, Media-Enhanced Learning Special Interest Group and Sheffield Hallam University, 147-157. [Book Section]

NORTCLIFFE, Anne (2015). Students and academic reflections of iPhone audio feedback experience. Student Engagement and Experience Journal, 4 (1). [Article]

NWAGWU, Honour Chika and ORPHANIDES, Constantinos (2015). Visual analysis of a large and noisy dataset. International Journal of Conceptual Structures and Smart Applications, 3 (2), 12-24. [Article]

ONOTU, Patrick, DAY, David and RODRIGUES, Marcos (2015). Accurate shellcode recognition from network traffic data using artificial neural nets. In: Electrical and Computer Engineering (CCECE), 2015 IEEE 28th Canadian Conference on. IEEE, 355-360. [Book Section]

ONOTU, Patrick, DAY, David and RODRIGUES, Marcos (2015). Accurate shellcode recognition from network traffic data using artificial neural nets. In: Electrical and Computer Engineering (CCECE), 2015 IEEE 28th Canadian Conference on. IEEE Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering (CCECE) . IEEE. [Book Section]

PHELAN, Ivan, ARDEN, Madelynne, GARCIA, Carol and ROAST, Chris (2015). Exploring virtual reality and prosthetic training. In: HÖLLERER, Tobias, INTERRANTE, Victoria, LECUYER, Anatole and SWAN, J. Edward II, (eds.) 2015 IEEE Virtual Reality Conference (VR) , Arles, France, 23-27 March, 2015, Proceedings. Piscataway, NJ, IEEE, 353-354. [Book Section]

RAMACHANDRAN, Raj, HAJA MOHIDEEN, Ashik Ali and KHAZAEI, Babak (2015). Brahmanism, Brahmins and Brahmin Tamil in the context of speech to text technology. In: First International Conference on Advanced Business and Social Sciences (ICABSS-Bali, 2016). Asia Pacific Institute of Advanced Research, 399-405. [Book Section]

RAMACHANDRAN, Raj, HAJA MOHIDEEN, Ashik Ali and KHAZAEI, Babak (2015). Socio technological approach to user acceptance of speech to text technology : a Tamil perspective. In: International Conference on Advanced business and social science, Bali, Indonesia, January 27, 2016. (Unpublished) [Conference or Workshop Item]

RAMACHANDRAN, Raj, KHAZAEI, Babak and ALI, Ashik (2015). Big data in Tamil: opportunities, benefits and challenges. ICTACT Journal on Soft Computing, 5 (4), 1016-1020. [Article]

RAMAMURTHY, Anandi (2015). Marxism and anti-imperialism in Britain's Asian youth movements. In: MeCCSA Annual Conference : Generations, Northumbria University., 7-9 January 2015. (Unpublished) [Conference or Workshop Item]

RAMAMURTHY, Anandi (2015). Open Bethlehem - post screening discussion with director Leila Sansour. In: Open Bethlehem screening, Sheffield Showroom Cinema, April 2015. (Unpublished) [Conference or Workshop Item]

RAMAMURTHY, Anandi (2015). Spectacles and illusions: photography and commodity culture. In: Photography: a critical introduction. London, Routledge, 205-256. [Book Section]

RAZAQ, A, PRANGGONO, Bernardi, TIANFIELD, H and YUE, H (2015). Simulating Smart Grid : Co-Simulation of Power and Communication Network. In: 50th IEEE International Universities Power Engineering Conference (UPEC) 2015, Staffordshire University, Stoke-on-Trent, 31 August-4 September 2015. [Conference or Workshop Item]

REED, Heath, STANTON, Andrew, WHEAT, Jonathan, KELLEY, John, DAVIS, L., RAO, W, SMITH, A, OWEN, D and FRANCESE, Simona (2015). The Reed-Stanton press rig for the generation of reproducible fingermarks : towards a standardised methodology for fingermark research. Science & justice, 56 (1), 9-17. [Article]

REEVE, Hester (2015). Of Sound in the Landing Page. [Performance] [Performance]

ROBERT WILSON, Berlin Mano, KHAZAEI, Babak, HIRSCH, Laurence and KANNAN, S Thamarai (2015). CMDSSI : a decision support system for cloud migration for SMEs in India. In: Computational Intelligence and Computing Research (ICCIC), 2014 IEEE International Conference on. IEEE. [Book Section]

RODRIGUES, Marcos and KORMANN, Mariza (2015). Collecting and processing personal data : addressing data protection and privacy issues by design. In: PAPANIKOS, Gregory T., (ed.) Library and Information Science Abstracts. Athens, Athens Institute for Education and Research, 40-41. [Book Section]

RODRIGUES, Marcos and KORMANN, Mariza (2015). Through connectivity in applied computer systems – ADMOS and MARWIN projects. In: 5th Annual International Scientific Conference on Education, Science, Innovations ESI 2015, Pernik, Bulgaria, June 10-11, 2015. (Unpublished) [Conference or Workshop Item]

ROSTAMI, Shahin, O'REILLY, Dean, SHENFIELD, Alex and BOWRING, Nicholas (2015). A novel preference articulation operator for the Evolutionary Multi-Objective Optimisation of classifiers in concealed weapons detection. Information Sciences, 295, 494-520. [Article]

ROSTAMI, Shahin, SHENFIELD, Alex, SIGURNJAK, Steve and FAKOREDE, Oluwatoyin (2015). Evaluation of mental workload and familiarity in human computer interaction with integrated development environments using single-channel EEG. In: 26th Annual Workshop of PPIG (2015), Bournemouth University, July 2015. [Conference or Workshop Item]

SARIKAKIS, Katharine, KRUG, Claudia and RODRIGUEZ-AMAT, Joan (2015). Defining authorship in user-generated content : copyright struggles in The Game of Thrones. New Media & Society, 542-559. [Article]

SHAW, Becky (2015). Local art for local people. In: QUICK, Charles, SPEIGHT, Elaine and VAN NOORD, Gerrie, (eds.) Subplots to a City. Ten Years of In Certain Places. Preston, UK, In Certain Places, 145-148. [Book Section]

SHENFIELD, Alex, RODRIGUES, Marcos, VALENTINE, D, LIU, D and MORENO-CUESTA, Jeronimo (2015). An improved classifier for mortality prediction in adult critical care admissions. Journal of the Intensive Care Society, 16 (4), p. 118. [Article]

SHENFIELD, Alex and ROSTAMI, Shahin (2015). A multi-objective approach to evolving artificial neural networks for coronary heart disease classification. In: 2015 IEEE Conference on Computational Intelligence in Bioinformatics and Computational Biology (CIBCB). IEEE, 1-8. (In Press) [Book Section]

SHIN, Chi Yun (2015). Locating cosmopolitanism in the films of E-J Yong. In: JACKSON, Andrew David and BALMAIN, Colette, (eds.) Korean screen cultures : interrogating cinema, tv, music and online games. Bern, Peter Lang, 77-94. [Book Section]

SHIN, Chi-Yun (2015). Double identity: the stardom of Xun Zhou and the figure of the Femme Fatale. In: SHIN, Chi-Yun and GALLAGHER, Mark, (eds.) East Asian Film Noir: Transnational Encounters and Intercultural Dialogue. Tauris World Cinema Series . London, I.B.Tauris, 215-231. [Book Section]

SIDDEQ, M and RODRIGUES, Marcos (2015). Applied sequential-search algorithm for compression-encryption of high-resolution structured light 3D data. In: BLASHKI, Katherine and XIAO, Yingcai, (eds.) MCCSIS : Multiconference on Computer Science and Information Systems 2015. IADIS Press, 195-202. [Book Section]

SIDDEQ, M and RODRIGUES, Marcos (2015). A novel 2D image compression algorithm based on two levels DWT and DCT transforms with enhanced minimize-matrix-size algorithm for high resolution structured light 3D surface reconstruction. 3D Research, 6 (3), p. 26. [Article]

VAN DER BOM, Isabelle and GRAINGER, Karen (2015). Journal of Politeness Research: Introduction. Journal of Politeness Research, 11 (2), 165-178. [Article]

WADDINGTON, Dave (2015). Public order policing in South Yorkshire, 1984-2011: the case for a permissive approach to crowd control. In: DRURY, John and SCOTT, Clifford, (eds.) Crowds in the 21st century: perspectives from contemporary social science. Contemporary Issues in Social Sciences . London, Routledge. [Book Section]

WADDINGTON, David (2015). Backbone of the strike. In: CLAYTON, Ian and HANDFORTH, Margaret Rose, (eds.) Wisdom of our own: Living and learning since the miners' strike. Castleford, Route Publishing, 61-65. [Book Section]

WAUDBY, Carolyn (2015). Norway: glow with the flow. The Yorkshire Post. [Article]

WHITTLE, Jon and CLARK, Tony (2015). Guest editorial to the special issue on MODELS 2011. Software and Systems Modeling, 14 (1), 217-218. [Article]

YATES, Simeon, KIRBY, John and LOCKLEY, Eleanor (2015). Digital divides in the UK : separating issues of life stage, class, access and use. In: Communication across the Life Span., San Juan, Porto Rico, 21-24 May 2015. (In Press) [Conference or Workshop Item]

YATES, Simeon, KIRBY, John and LOCKLEY, Eleanor (2015). Digital media use: differences and inequalities in relation to class and age. Sociological research online, 20 (4), p. 12. [Article]

YATES, Simeon, KIRBY, John, LOCKLEY, Eleanor and POTTS, Susan (2015). Affordances, effectivities and efficacies : theorising digital engagements. In: MeCCSA Annual Conference : Generations, Northumbria University., 7-9 January 2015. [Conference or Workshop Item]

YATES, Simeon, KIRBY, John, LOCKLEY, Eleanor and POTTS, Susan (2015). Digital cultural capital. In: MeCCSA Annual Conference : Generations, Northumbria University., 7-9 January 2015. [Conference or Workshop Item]

YATES, Simeon J, KIRBY, John and LOCKLEY, Eleanor (2015). ‘Digital-by-default’: reinforcing exclusion through technology. In: FOSTER, Liam, BRUNTON, Anne, DEEMING, Chris and HAUX, Tina, (eds.) In defence of welfare 2. Bristol, Policy Press.. [Book Section]

ZARGARI, Shahrzad and BAGHERI ZADEH, Pooneh (2015). Enhancing student engagement in Digital Forensics. In: 11th Annual Teaching Computer Forensics Workshop, University of Sunderland, 14/11/2015. [Conference or Workshop Item]

ZARGARI, Shahrzad and JANARTHANAN, Tharmini (2015). The evidentiary value of link files in Linux file system to digital forensic investigation. In: WU, Yulei, MIN, Geyong, GEORGALIS, Nektarios, HU, Jia, ATZORI, Luigi, JIN, Xiaolong, JARVIS, Stephen, LIU, Lei and CALVO, Ramon Aguero, (eds.) Computer and Information Technology; Ubiquitous Computing and Communications; Dependable, Autonomic and Secure Computing; Pervasive Intelligence and Computing (CIT/IUCC/DASC/PICOM), 2015 IEEE International Conference on. IEEE Computer Society, 1984-1988. [Book Section]

ZHAI, Xiaojun, APPIAH, Kofi, EHSAN, Shoaib, HOWELLS, Gareth, HU, Huosheng, GU, Dongbing and MCDONALD-MAIER, Klaus (2015). Exploring ICMetrics to detect abnormal program behaviour on embedded devices. Journal of Systems Architecture, 61 (10), 567 - 575. [Article]

ZHAI, Xiaojun, APPIAH, Kofi, EHSAN, Shoaib, HOWELLS, Gareth, HU, Huosheng, GU, Dongbing and MCDONALD-MAIER, Klaus D. (2015). A method for detecting abnormal program behavior on embedded devices. IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, 10 (8), 1692-1704. [Article]

VON ROSING, Mark, LAURIER, Wim and POLOVINA, Simon (2015). The BPM ontology. In: The complete business process handbook. Elsevier, 101-121. [Book Section]

VON ROSING, Mark, LAURIER, Wim and POLOVINA, Simon (2015). The value of ontology, The BPM ontology. In: VON ROSING, Mark, SCHEER, August-Wilhelm and VON SCHEEL, Henrik, (eds.) The BPM Way of Thinking, The Complete Business Process Handbook: Body of Knowledge from Process Modeling to BPM. Elsevier, 91-99. [Book Section]

VON ROSING, Mark and POLOVINA, Simon (2015). Business process trends. In: The complete business process handbook. Elsevier, 187-216. [Book Section]


AKHGAR, Babak, PARVIN, Esmael Salahi and SHERKAT, Mohammad Hussein (2014). Axiomatic agent based architecture for agile decision making in strategic information systems. Journal of ambient intelligence and humanized computing, 5 (1), 93-104. [Article]

ALBOANEEN, Dabiah Ahmed, PRANGGONO, Bernardi and TIANFIELD, Huaglory (2014). Energy-aware virtual machine consolidation for cloud data centers. In: Proceedings of the 2014 IEEE/ACM 7th International Conference on Utility and Cloud Computing. IEEE Computer Society, 1010-1015. [Book Section]

ANDREWS, Simon (2014). A Partial-Closure Canonicity Test to Increase the Efficiency of CbO-Type Algorithms. In: HERNANDEZ, Nathalie, JÄSCHKE, Robert and CROITORU, Madalina, (eds.) Graph-Based Representation and Reasoning. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (8577). Springer, 37-50. [Book Section]

BAYERL, Petra Saskia, AKHGAR, Babak, BREWSTER, Benjamin, DOMDOUZIS, Konstantinos and GIBSON, Helen (2014). Social media and its role for LEA's : review and applications. In: AKHGAR, Babak, STANIFORTH, Andrew and BOSCO, Francesca, (eds.) Cyber Crime and Cyber Terrorism Investigators Handbook. Elsevier, 197-220. [Book Section]

BAYERL, Petra Saskia, STANIFORTH, Andrew, AKHGAR, Babak, BREWSTER, Benjamin and JOHNSON, Kayleigh (2014). A framework for the investigation and modeling of online radicalization and the identification of radicalized individuals. In: AKHGAR, Babak and ARABNIA, Hamid, (eds.) Emerging Trends in ICT Security. Emerging Trends in Computer Science and Applied Computing . Elsevier, 539-547. [Book Section]

BECKINGHAM, Sue (2014). Social media for professional learning and networking. Lifewide Magazine, 10, 25-28. [Article]

BECKINGHAM, Sue, PURVIS, Alison and RODGER, Helen (2014). The SHU Social Media CoLab: developing a social media strategy through open dialogue and collaborative guidance. In: Proceedings of the European Conference on Social Media. Sonning, Wokingham, Academic Conferences and Publishing International Limited. [Book Section]

BITTMANN, Sebastian, BARN, Balbir and CLARK, Tony (2014). Domain–specific reasoning for method engineering based on Toulmin's argumentation theory. International Journal of Knowledge and Learning, 9 (1-2), 104-123. [Article]

BITTMANN, Sebastian, BARN, Balbir and CLARK, Tony (2014). A language oriented extension to Toulmin's argumentation model for conceptual modelling. In: ESCALONA, Maria Jose, ARAGON, Gustavo, LINGER, Henry, LANG, Michael, BARRY, Chris and SCHNEIDER, Christoph, (eds.) Information system development : improving enterprise communication. Cham, Springer International Publishing, 359-369. [Book Section]

BREWSTER, Benjamin, AKHGAR, Babak, STANIFORTH, Andrew, WADDINGTON, Dave, ANDREWS, Simon and JOHNSON, Kayleigh (2014). Towards a model for the integration of knowledge management in law enforcement agencies. International journal of electronic security and digital forensics, 6 (1), 1-17. [Article]

BREWSTER, Benjamin, ANDREWS, Simon, POLOVINA, Simon, HIRSCH, Laurence and AKHGAR, Babak (2014). Environmental Scanning and Knowledge Representation for the Detection of Organised Crime Threats. In: HERNANDEZ, Nathalie, JÄSCHKE, Robert and CROITORU, Madalina, (eds.) Graph-Based Representation and Reasoning. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (8577). Springer International Publishing, 275-280. [Book Section]

BREWSTER, Benjamin, INGLE, Timothy and RANKIN, Glynn (2014). Crawling open-source data for indicators of human trafficking. In: 2014 IEEE/ACM 7th International Conference on Utility and Cloud Computing. The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 714-719. [Book Section]

BREWSTER, Benjamin, POLOVINA, Simon, RANKIN, Glynn and ANDREWS, Simon (2014). Knowledge management and human trafficking: using conceptual knowledge representation, text analytics and open-source data to combat organized crime. In: HERNANDEZ, Nathalie, JÄSCHKE, Robert and CROITORU, Madalina, (eds.) Graph-Based Representation and Reasoning. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (8577). Springer International Publishing, 104-117. [Book Section]

BUGRIEN, J., MWITONDI, Kassim and SHUWEIHDI, F. (2014). A kernel density smoothing method for determining an optimal number of clusters in continuous data. In: Risk Analysis IX. WIT Transactions on Information and Communication Technologies, 1 (47). Wessex Institute of Technology, 165-178. [Book Section]

CANTER, Lily (2014). Collaboration. In: ZION, Lawrie and CRAIG, David, (eds.) Ethics for digital journalists: emerging best practices. New York, Routledge, 145-158. [Book Section]

CANTER, Lily (2014). False dawns : the pasts of media futures. In: CONBOY, Martin and STEEL, John, (eds.) The Routledge companion to British media history. Abingdon, Routledge, 517-527. [Book Section]

CANTER, Lily (2014). From traditional gatekeeper to professional verifier: how local newspaper journalists are adapting to change. Journalism Education : The Journal of the Association of Journalism Education, 3 (1), 102-119. [Article]

CANTER, Lily (2014). Personalised Tweeting: the emerging practices of journalists on Twitter. Digital Journalism, 3 (6), 888-907. [Article]

CERE, Rinella (2014). Latent and manifest anti-fascism in Italian cinema. In: Anti-Fascism on Film, De Montfort University, 20 February 2014. (Unpublished) [Conference or Workshop Item]

CIOLFI, Luigina and AVRAM, Gabriela (2014). Digital social interactions in the city: reflecting on location-based social media. In: Code And The City, Maynooth, Ireland, 3-4 September 2014. (Unpublished) [Conference or Workshop Item]

CIOLFI, Luigina and DE CARVALHO, Aparecido Fabiano Pinatti (2014). Work practices, nomadicity and the mediational role of technology. Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW), 23 (2), 119-136. [Article]

CLARK, Tony (2014). A declarative approach to heterogeneous multi-mode modelling languages. In: COMBEMALE, Benoit, DEANTONI, Julien and FRANCE, Robert, (eds.) GEMOC 2014: globalization of modeling languages: proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on The Globalization of Modeling Languages co-located with ACM/IEEE 17th International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems (Models '14). CEUR Workshop Proceedings (1236). Tilburg University, 33-42. [Book Section]

CLARK, Tony, BARN, Balbir and KULKARNI, Vinay (2014). Modelling, simulation, and analysis for enterprise architecture. In: DÍAZ, Vicente García, LOVELLE, Juan Manuel Cueva and GARCÍA-BUSTELO, B. Cristina Pelayo, (eds.) Handbook of Research on Innovations in Systems and Software Engineering. Advances in Systems Analysis, Software Engineering, and High Performance Computing, One . Hershey, PA, Information Science Reference (IGI Global), 202-236. [Book Section]

CLARK, Tony and BARN, Balbir S (2014). Outsourcing service provision through step-wise transformation. In: ISEC '14 7th India Software Engineering Conference, Chennai. New York, ACM, p. 8. [Book Section]

CLARK, Tony, BARN, Balbir S and KULKARNI, Vinay (2014). Dynamic reconfiguration of component-based systems: a feature reification approach. In: RAMANATHAN, Raja and RAJA, Kirtana, (eds.) Handbook of research on architectural trends in service-driven computing. Hershey, PA, Information Science Reference (IGI Global), 76-102. [Book Section]

CLARK, Tony, GONZALEZ-PEREZ, Cesar and HENDERSON-SELLERS, Brian (2014). A foundation for multi-level modelling. In: ATKINSON, Colin, GROSSMAN, Georg, KÜHNE, Thomas and LARA, Juan de, (eds.) MULTI 2014 : multi-level modelling : proceedings of the Workshop on Multi-Level Modellingco-located with ACM/IEEE 17th International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages &Systems (MoDELS 2014), Valencia, Spain, September 28, 2014. CEUR Workshop Proceedings (1286). Tilburg University, 43-52. [Book Section]

CLARK, Tony, KULKARNI, Vaishali, BARN, Balbir, FRANCE, Robert, FRANK, Ulrich and TURK, Dan (2014). Towards the model driven organization. In: 2014 47th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS), Waikoloa, Hawaii, 6-9 January 2014. 4817-4826. (Unpublished) [Conference or Workshop Item]

CLARK, Tony, MATTHES, Florian, BARN, Balbir and BROWN, Alan (2014). Guest editorial to the theme section on enterprise modelling. Software and Systems Modeling, 13 (3), 909-912. [Article]

CLARKE, David (2014). The Bowmen of Mons and Mars. Fortean Times (319), 54-55. [Article]

CLARKE, David (2014). Britain's x-traordinary files. London, Bloomsbury. [Authored Book]

DASUKI, Salihu, ABBOTT, Pamela and AZERIKATOA, Daniel (2014). ICT and empowerment to participate: a capability approach. Information Development, 30 (4), 321-331. [Article]

DAU, Frithjof and ANDREWS, Simon (2014). Combining Business Intelligence with Semantic Technologies: The CUBIST Project. In: HERNANDEZ, Nathalie, JÄSCHKE, Robert and CROITORU, Madalina, (eds.) Graph-Based Representation and Reasoning. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (8577). Springer, 281-286. [Book Section]

DAY, David (2014). Seizing, imaging, and analyzing digital evidence : step-by-step guidelines. In: AKHGAR, Babak, STANIFORTH, Andrew and BOSCO, Francesca M., (eds.) Cyber crime and cyber terrorism investigator's handbook. Waltham, MA., Syngress, 71-88. [Book Section]

DEARDEN, Andrew, LIGHT, Ann, ZAMENOPOULOS, Theodore, GRAHAM, Paula, PLOUVIEZ, Emma and DE SOUSA, Sophia (2014). Scaling up co-design. In: WINSCHIERS-THEOPHILUS, Heike, D'ANDREA, Vincenzo and IVERSEN, Ole Sejer, (eds.) PDC 2014 : Reflecting connectedness : proceedings of the 13th Participatory Design Conference. New York, ACM Press, 67-70. [Book Section]

DELLER, Ruth A. (2014). The art of Neighbours gaming : Facebook, fan-crafted games and humour. Intensities : The Journal of Cult Media, 7, 97-106. [Article]

DELLER, Ruth A. (2014). A decade in the lives of online fan communities. In: DUITS, Linda, ZWAAN, Koos and REIJNDERS, Stijn, (eds.) The Ashgate research companion to fan cultures. Ashgate Research Companions . Farnham, Ashgate, 237-248. [Book Section]

DOMDOUZIS, Konstantinos, ANDREWS, Simon, GIBSON, Helen, AKHGAR, Babak and HIRSCH, Laurence (2014). Service-Oriented Design of a Command and Control Intelligence Dashboard for Crisis Management. In: Big Data, Intelligence Management and Analytics Workshop (BDIMA 2014), 7th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Utility and Cloud Computing (UCC 2014), London, 8-11 December 2014. [Conference or Workshop Item]

DOMDOUZIS, Konstantinos, ANDREWS, Simon, GIBSON, Helen, AKHGAR, Babak and HIRSCH, Laurence (2014). Service-Oriented Design of a Command and Control Intelligence Dashboard for Crisis Management. In: 2014 IEEE/ACM 7th International Conference on Utility and Cloud Computing. The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 702-707. [Book Section]

EHIMWENMA, Kennedy, BEER, Martin and CROWTHER, Paul (2014). Ontology engineering and modelling for learning activity in a multiagent system. In: SIMS '14 Proceedings of the 2014 First International Conference on Systems Informatics, Modelling and Simulation. Washington, DC, IEEE Computer Society, 117-181. [Book Section]

EHIMWENMA, Kennedy, BEER, Martin and CROWTHER, Paul (2014). Pre-assessment and learning recommendation mechanism for a multi-agent system. In: IEEE 14th International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies, ICALT 2014, Athens, Greece, 7-9 July 2014. 122-123. [Conference or Workshop Item]

EMANUEL, Lia, NEIL, Greg J, BEVAN, Chris, STANTON FRASER, Danae, STEVENAGE, Sarah V, WHITTY, Monica T and JAMISON-POWELL, Sue (2014). Who am I? : Representing the self offline and in different online contexts. Computers in Human Behavior, 41, 146-152. [Article]

GIBSON, Helen, ANDREWS, Simon, DOMDOUZIS, Konstantinos, HIRSCH, Laurence and AKHGAR, Babak (2014). Combining Big Social Media Data and FCA for Crisis Response. In: 2014 IEEE/ACM 7th International Conference on Utility and Cloud Computing. The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 690-695. [Book Section]

GREEN, Geff and LOCKLEY, Eleanor (2014). Surveillance without borders : the case of Karen refugees in Sheffield. In: AKHGAR, Babak and ARABNIA, Hamid R., (eds.) Emerging trends in ICT security. Emerging Trends in Computer Science & Applied Computing (1). Waltman, MA, Morgan Kaufmann, 519-533. [Book Section]

HALL, Sheldon (2014). African adventures : Film Finances Ltd and actor-producers on safari. Historical Journal of Film, Radio and Television, 34 (4), 546-567. [Article]

HALL, Sheldon (2014). African adventures : Film Finances Ltd. and actor-producers on safari. In: Film and History seminar series, Centre for World Cinemas, 13 March 2014. [Conference or Workshop Item]

HALL, Sheldon (2014). Green, Nigel McGown (1924–1972). In: CURTHOYS, Mark, (ed.) Oxford Dictionary of National Biography. Online ed. Oxford, Oxford University Press. [Book Section]

HALL, Sheldon (2014). Pass the ammunition : a short etymology of “Blockbuster". In: ELLIOTT, Andrew B.R., (ed.) The Return of the Epic Film. Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Press, 147-166. [Book Section]

HALL, Sheldon (2014). Sex, spies and Shirley Temple : feature films on British television. In: Film History seminars, Institute of Historical Research, 23 October 2014. [Conference or Workshop Item]

HALL, Sheldon (2014). Unsworth, Geoffrey Gilyard (1914-1978). In: GOLDMAN, Lawrence, (ed.) Oxford Dictionary of National Biography. Online ed. Oxford, Oxford University Press. [Book Section]

HALL, Sheldon (2014). Zulu : with some guts behind it (expanded and revised 50th anniversary edition). Tomahawk Press. [Authored Book]

HALL, Sheldon (2014). The wrong sort of cinema : refashioning the heritage film debate. In: MURPHY, Robert, (ed.) British Cinema. Critical Concepts in Media and Cultural Studies, 3 . London, Routledge, 46-56. [Book Section]

HASSANZADEH, Mohammad, AKHGAR, Babak and NAVIDI, Fatemeh (2014). Integrating Knowledge and Science indicators (Kientometrics) towards a rational framework of investigations: a comparative approach. Collnet Journal of Scientometrics and Information Management, 8 (2), 247-256. [Article]

HASSANZADEH, Mohammed, JAHANGIRI, Narges and BREWSTER, Benjamin (2014). A Conceptual Framework For Information Security Awareness Assessment. In: AKHGAR, Babak and ARABNIA, Hamid, (eds.) Emerging Trends in ICT Security. Emerging Trends in Computer Science and Applied Computing . Elsevier, 99-110. [Book Section]

HORNECKER, Eva, HONAUER, Michaela and CIOLFI, Luigina (2014). Exploring historical cemeteries as a site for technological augmentation. In: ALBATAL, Rami, DOYLE, Julie, YANG, Yang, SMEATON, Alan and CAPRANI, Niamh, (eds.) iHCI 2014: Proceedings of the 8th Irish Human Computer Interaction Conference. Dublin,Ireland, Dublin City University, 93-96. [Book Section]

JENKINS, Clare (2014). Famed For Its Knitting; Woman's Weekly magazine. In: Women in Magazines, Kingston University, London, 22-23 June 2012. (Unpublished) [Conference or Workshop Item]

KAWAKAMI, Kerry, WILLIAMS, Amanda, SIDHU, D, CHOMA, Becky L, RODRIGUEZ-BAILÓN, Rosa, CAÑADAS, Elena, CHUNG, Derek and HUGENBERG, Kurt (2014). An eye for the I : preferential attention to the eyes of ingroup members. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 107 (1), 1-20. [Article]

KORMANN, Mariza and LOCK, Gary (2014). Exploring differences : implications for FCVA visibility indices and scales of analyses. In: KAMERMANS, Hans, GOJDA, Martin and POSLUSCHNY, Axel G., (eds.) A sense of the past : studies in current archaeological applications of remote sensing and non-invasive prospection methods. British Archaeological reports international series (2588). Oxford, UK, British Archaeological Reports, 147-154. [Book Section]

KORMANN, Mariza and LOCK, Gary (2014). Exploring the effects of curvature and refraction in GIS-based visibility studies. In: EARL, Graeme, SLY, Tim, CHRYSANTHI, Angeliki, MURRIETA-FLORES, Patricia, PAPADOPOULOS, Constantinos, ROMANOWSKA, Iza and WHEATLEY, David, (eds.) Archaeology in the digital era : papers from the 40th Annual Conference of Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology (CAA), Southampton, 26-29 March 2012. Amsterdam, Amsterdam University Press, 428-437. [Book Section]

KRAMER, Dean, AUGUSTO, Juan Carlos and CLARK, Tony (2014). Context-awareness to increase inclusion of people with DS in society. In: Workshops at the Twenty-Eighth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Quebec City, Quebec Canada, 27-31 Jluy 2014. [Conference or Workshop Item]

KULKARNI, Vinay, CLARK, Tony, BARAT, Souvik and BARN, Balbir (2014). Model based enterprise simulation and analysis. In: INDULSKA, Marta and PURAO, Sandeep, (eds.) Advances in Conceptual Modeling. Lecture notes in computer science (8823). Springer International Publishing, 3-12. [Book Section]

LAM, Busayawan and DEARDEN, Andrew (2014). Co-design for not-for-profit urganization. In: Design Management in an Era of Disruption : the 19th DMI Conference, London, 2-4 September 2014. (In Press) [Conference or Workshop Item]

LANO, Kevin, RAHIMI, Shekoufeh Kolahdouz and CLARK, Tony (2014). Language-independent model transformation verification. In: AMRANI, Moussa, SYRIANI, Eugene and WIMMER, Manuel, (eds.) VOLT 2014 : verification of model transformations : proceedings of the Third International Workshop on Verification of Model Transformations co-located with Software Technologies: Applications and Foundations (STAF 2014), York, Uk, July 21, 2014. CEUR Workshop Proceedings (1325). Tilburg University, 36-45. [Book Section]

LEITÃO, Roxanne and ROAST, Chris (2014). Developing visualisations for spreadsheet formulae: towards increasing the accessibility of science, technology, engineering and maths subjects. In: 9th Workshop on Mathematical User Interfaces, Coimbra, Portugal, 10 July 2014. [Conference or Workshop Item]

LIANG, Sha and ROAST, Chris (2014). Five features for modelling augmented reality. In: STEPHANIDIS, Constantine, (ed.) HCI International 2014 - Posters’ Extended Abstracts : International Conference, HCI International 2014, Heraklion, Crete, Greece, June 22-27, 2014. Proceedings. Communications in Computer and Information Science, Part I (434). Springer, 607-612. [Book Section]

LOCK, Gary, KORMANN, Mariza and POUNCETT, John (2014). Visibility and movement: towards a GIS-based integrated approach. In: POLLA, Silvia and VERHAGEN, Philip, (eds.) Computational approaches to the study of movement in archaeology : theory, practice and interpretation of factors and effects of long term landscape formation and transformation. Topoi – Berlin Studies of the Ancient World/Topoi – Berliner Studien der Alten Welt (23). Berlin, De Gruyter, 23-42. [Book Section]

MAGAZZENI, Daniele, MERCORIO, Fabio, BARN, Balbir, CLARK, Tony, RAIMONDI, Franco and KULKARNI, Vinay (2014). Temporal Planning for Business Process Optimisation. In: CORTELLESSA, Gabriella, GIULIANO, Mark, RASCONI, Riccardo and YORKE-SMITH, Neil, (eds.) ICAPS 2014: Proceedings of the 8th scheduling and planning applications workshop. ICAPS, 3-9. [Book Section]

MAYE, Laura, MCDERMOTT, Fiona, CIOLFI, Luigina and AVRAM, Gabriela (2014). Interactive exhibitions design – what can we learn from cultural heritage professionals? In: Proceeding NordiCHI'14 Proceedings of the 8th Nordic Conference on Human-Computer Interation : fun fast, foundational. October 26-30th 2014, Helsinki, Finland. New York, ACM, 598-607. [Book Section]

MUNRO, James, APPIAH, Kofi and DICKINSON, Patrick (2014). Investigating informative performance metrics for a multicore game world server. Entertainment Computing, 5 (1), 1-17. [Article]

MWITONDI, Kassim and KHORSHEED, E. (2014). A parameter leveraging method for unsupervised big data modelling. In: IEEE International conference on Systems and Informatics, Shanghai, China, 15-17th November 2014. (Unpublished) [Conference or Workshop Item]

MWITONDI, Kassim, WANG, K., DAWO, M., ZIMMING, Z., SAID, R., YU, T., ALKARKHI, A., KHAMIS, M., EL GAMRI, T. and AL-RASHDI, M. (2014). Mining space and terrestrial data for natural phenomena predictions and improved human livelihood. In: International Conference on Data Sharing and Integration for Global Sustainability, New Delhi, India, 2-5th November 2014. (Submitted) [Conference or Workshop Item]

MWITONDI, Kassim, WANG, K., YU, T., EL-GAMRI, T., HASSONA, R. and KHAMIS, M. (2014). An inter-disciplinary framework for modelling space-terrestrial phenomena in the big data era. In: International Conference on Data Sharing and Integration for Global Sustainability (SciDataCon2014), New Delhi, India, 2-5th November 2014. (Unpublished) [Conference or Workshop Item]

NERANTZI, Chrissi and BECKINGHAM, Sue (2014). BYOD4L – Our Open Magical Box to Enhance Individuals’ Learning Ecologies. In: JACKSON, Norman and WILLIS, Jenny, (eds.) Lifewide Learning & Education in Universities and Colleges E-Book. UK, Lifewide Education. [Book Section]

NERANTZI, Chrissi, MIDDLETON, Andrew and BECKINGHAM, Sue (2014). Facilitators as co-learners in a collaborative open course for teachers and students in higher education. eLearning papers, European Commission. [Article]

NISIOTIS, L, BEER, Martin and URUCHURTU, Elizabeth (2014). The evaluation of SHU3DED cyber campus : a pilot study. In: HUANG, R., KINSHUK, Sampson D. G., SPECTOR, M. J. and CHEN, N.-S., (eds.) Proceedings - IEEE 14th International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies, ICALT 2014. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 688-690. [Book Section]

NWOKEJI, Joshua C., CLARK, Tony, BARN, Balbir and KULKARNI, Vinay (2014). Automated completeness check in KAOS. In: INDULSKA, Marta and PURAO, Sandeep, (eds.) Advances in conceptual modeling : ER 2014 Workshops, ENMO, MoBiD, MReBA, QMMQ, SeCoGIS, WISM, and ER Demos, Atlanta, GA, USA, October 27-29, 2014. Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (8823). Springer International Publishing, 133-138. [Book Section]

OIKONOMOU, Andreas, HARTESCU, Dan, DAY, David and MA, Minhua (2014). Computer games physiotherapy for children with cystic fibrosis. In: Virtual, augmented reality and serious games for healthcare. Intelligent Systems Reference Library, 1 (68). Heidelberg, Springer, 411-443. [Book Section]

POLOVINA, Simon, ANDREWS, Simon, AKHGAR, Babak, STANIFORTH, Andrew and FORTUNE, David (2014). The EMPRISES pan-European Framework:. International Journal of Conceptual Structures and Smart Applications, 2 (2), 76-87. [Article]

POLOVINA, Simon, VON ROSING, Mark and LAURIER, Wim (2014). Conceptual structures in LEADing and best enterprise practices. In: HERNANDEZ, Nathalie, JÄSCHKE, Robert and CROITORU, Madalina, (eds.) Graph-Based Representation and Reasoning. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (8577). Springer International Publishing, 293-298. [Book Section]

RAMAMURTHY, Anandi (2014). Black star: Britain's Asian youth movement. In: Bristol Anarchist Book Fair, Hydra Books. (Unpublished) [Conference or Workshop Item]

RAMAMURTHY, Anandi (2014). Marxism and Anti-imperialism in Britain’s Asian Youth Movements. In: PRICE, Stuart and SABIDO, Ruth Sanz, (eds.) Contemporary Protest and the Legacy of Dissent. Rowman and Littlefield, 189-206. [Book Section]

RAMAMURTHY, Anandi (2014). The lessons and legacies of Britain's Asian youth movements. In: Political Studies Association, Manchester, April 2014. (Unpublished) [Conference or Workshop Item]

RODRIGUES, Marcos, KORMANN, Mariza and TOMEK, Peter (2014). ROI sensitive analysis for real time gender classification. In: MASTORAKIS, Nikos, PSARRIS, Kleanthis, VACHTSEVANOS, George, DONDON, Philippe, MLADENOV, Valeri, BULUCEA, Aida, RUDA, Imre and MARTIN, Olga, (eds.) Advances in information sciences and applications : Proceedings of 18th International Conference on Computers (part of CSCC'14). Recent advances in computer engineering series, 1 (22). World Scientific and Engineering Academy and Society (WSEAS), 87-90. [Book Section]

RODRIGUES, Marcos, KORMANN, Mariza and TOMEK, Peter (2014). A comparative analysis of binary patterns with discrete cosine transform for gender classification. In: MASTORAKIS, Nikos, PSARRIS, Kleanthis, VACHTSEVANOS, George, DONDON, Philippe, MLADENOV, Valeri, BULUCEA, Aida, RUDA, Imre and MARTIN, Olga, (eds.) Advances in information sciences and applications : Proceedings of 18th International Conference on Computers (part of CSCC'14). Recent advances in computer engineering series, 1 (22). World Scientific and Engineering Academy and Society (WSEAS), 33-37. [Book Section]

SARIKAKIS, Katharine and RODRIGUEZ-AMAT, Joan Ramon (2014). Intellectual property law change and process : the case of Spanish Ley Sinde as policy laundering. First Monday, 19 (3). [Article]

SARIKAKIS, Katharine and RODRIGUEZ-AMAT, Joan Ramon (2014). iAuthor : the fluid state of creativity rights and the vanishing author. In: LIEVROUW, Leah A., (ed.) Challenging Communication Research. International Communication Association Annual Conference Theme Book (1). New York, Peter Lang, 141-155. [Book Section]

SHENFIELD, Alex and FLEMING, Peter (2014). Multi-objective evolutionary design of robust controllers on the grid. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 27, 17-27. [Article]

SIDDEQ, M. M. and RODRIGUES, Marcos (2014). A novel image compression algorithm for high resolution 3D reconstruction. 3D research, 5 (7), 17 pages. [Article]

SIDDEQ, M.M. and RODRIGUES, Marcos (2014). A new 2D image compression technique for 3D surface reconstruction. In: MASTORAKIS, Nikos, PSARRIS, Kleanthis, VACHTSEVANOS, George, DONDON, Philippe, MLADENOV, Valeri, BULUCEA, Aida, RUDA, Imre and MARTIN, Olga, (eds.) Advances in information sciences and applications : Proceedings of 18th International Conference on Computers (part of CSCC'14). Recent advances in computer engineering series, 1 (22). World Scientific and Engineering Academy and Society (WSEAS), 379-386. [Book Section]

SPEIDEL, Suzanne (2014). "Scenes of Marvellous Variety" : the work-in-progress screenplays of Maurice. Journal of Adaptation in Film and Performance, 7 (3), 299-318. [Article]

SPENCER, Steve (2014). Race and ethnicity : culture, identity and representation - 2nd edition. Routledge. [Authored Book]

TWIGG, Peter, SIGURNJAK, Stephen, SOUTHALL, Dave and SHENFIELD, Alex (2014). Exploration of the effect of EEG Levels in experienced archers. Measurement and Control, 47 (6), 185-190. [Article]

WAUDBY, Carolyn (2014). Threshold. Ilkley Literature Festival. [Other]

YATES, Simeon, KIRBY, John and LOCKLEY, Eleanor (2014). Digital inclusion and exclusion : engaging communities and local government. In: ICA Seattle Preconference: Communication and "The Good Life" : Around the World After Two Decades of the Digital Divide, Seattle, Washington, 22-25 May 2014. [Conference or Workshop Item]

YATES, Simeon, KIRBY, John and LOCKLEY, Eleanor (2014). Supporting digital engagement : final report to Sheffield City Council. Project Report. Liverpool, Institute of Cultural Capital. (Unpublished) [Monograph]


DIGNUM, Frank, BROM, Cyril, HINDRIKS, Koen V., BEER, Martin and RICHARDS, Deborah, eds. (2013). Cognitive Agents for Virtual Environments : First International Workshop, CAVE 2012. Held at AAMAS 2012, Valencia, Spain, June 2012, revised selected papers. Lecture notes in Computer Science, 7764 . Heidelberg, Springer. [Edited Book]

HUND, Wulf D., PICKERING, Michael and RAMAMURTHY, Anandi, eds. (2013). Colonial advertising and commodity racism. Racism Analysis - Series B: Yearbooks . Lit Verlag. [Edited Book]

REINHARTZ-BERGER, Iris, STURM, Arnon, CLARK, Tony, COHEN, Sholom and BETTIN, Jorn, eds. (2013). Domain engineering : product lines, languages, and conceptual models. Heidelberg, Springer. [Edited Book]

AL SHARJI, Safiya, BEER, Martin and URUCHURTU, Elizabeth (2013). Enhancing the degree of personalization through Vector Space Model and Profile Ontology. In: THUY, Nguyen Thanh, OGAWA, Mizuhito, HO, Tu Bao, PIURI, Vincenzo and TRAN, Xuan-Tu, (eds.) Computing and Communication Technologies, Research, Innovation, and Vision for the Future (RIVF), 2013 IEEE RIVF International Conference on. IEEE Xplore, 248-252. [Book Section]

ANDREWS, Simon (2013). The CUBIST Project: Combining and Uniting Business Intelligence with Semantic Technologies. International journal of intelligent information technologies, 9 (4), 1-15. [Article]

ANDREWS, Simon, AKHGAR, Babak, YATES, Simeon, STEDMON, Alex and HIRSCH, Laurence (2013). Using formal concept analysis to detect and monitor organised crime. In: LARSEN, Henrik Legind, MARTIN-BAUTISTA, Maria J., VILA, María Amparo, ANDREASEN, Troels and CHRISTIANSEN, Henning, (eds.) Flexible Query Answering Systems. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (8132). Heidelberg, Springer, 124-133. [Book Section]

ANDREWS, Simon and ORPHANIDES, Constantinos (2013). Discovering Knowledge in Data Using Formal Concept Analysis. International Journal of Distributed Systems and Technologies, 4 (2), 31-50. [Article]

ANDREWS, Simon, POLOVINA, Simon, YATES, Simeon and AKHGAR, Babak (2013). Tackling financial and economic crime through strategic intelligence: The EMPRISES Framework. In: ARABNIA, Hamid R., DELIGIANNIDIS, Leonidas, HASHEMI, Ray and LU, Joan, (eds.) Proceedings of The 2013 International Conference on Information and Knowledge Engineering (IKE 2013). CSREA Press, 22-25. [Book Section]

ANDREWS, Simon, YATES, Simeon, AKHGAR, Babak and FORTUNE, David (2013). The ATHENA Project: Using Formal Concept Analysis to Facilitate the Actions of Responders in a Crisis Situation. In: AKHGAR, Babak and YATES, Simeon, (eds.) Strategic Intelligence Management. Amsterdam, Elsevier: Butterworth-Heinemann, 167-180. [Book Section]

ARABO, Abdullahi and PRANGGONO, Bernardi (2013). Mobile Malware and Smart Device Security: Trends, Challenges and Solutions. In: DUMITRACHE, Ioan, FLOREA, Adina Magda and POP, Florin, (eds.) 19th International Conference on Control Systems and Computer Science. IEEE, 526-531. [Book Section]

BARN, Balbir S, CLARK, Tony and HEARNE, Gary (2013). Business and ICT alignment in higher education: a case study in measuring maturity. In: LINGER, Henry, FISHER, Julie, BARNDEN, Andrew, BARRY, Chris, LANG, Michael and SCHNEIDER, Christoph, (eds.) Building Sustainable Information Systems. Springer, 51-62. [Book Section]

BARN, Balbir S., CLARK, Tony and LOOMES, Martin (2013). Enterprise architecture coherence and the model driven enterprise: is simulation the answer or are we flying kites? In: Proceedings of the 6th India Software Engineering Conference, New Delhi, India — February 21 - 23, 2013. New York, ACM, 97-102. [Book Section]

BARROS, Ana and LEITAO, Roxanne (2013). Young practitioners’ challenges, experience and strategies in usability testing with older adults. In: Association for the Advancement of Assistive Technology in Europe Conference, Vilamoura, Portugal, 19-22 September, 2013. (In Press) [Conference or Workshop Item]

BECKINGHAM, Sue and ADAMS, Joelle (2013). Introduction to Twitter for educational developers. Educational developments, 14 (3), 10-12. [Article]

BIKFALVI, Andrea, DE LA ROSA, Josep Lluis and KEEFE, Terry (2013). E-Government service evaluation : a multiple-item scale for assessing information quality. In: WIMMER, Maria A, JANSSEN, Marijn, MACINTOSH, Ann, SCHOLL, Hans J and TAMBOURIS, Efthimios, (eds.) Electronic government and electronic participation : Joint proceedings of ongoing research of IFIP EGOV and IFIP e-part 2013. Lecture notes in informatics (P-221). Gesellschaft fur Informatik, 54-63. [Book Section]

BITTMANN, Sebastian, BARN, Balbir, CLARK, Tony and THOMAS, Oliver (2013). Introducing Argumentative and Discursive Enterprise Leading and Management. In: First International Workshop On the Globalization of Modeling Languages (GEMOC 2013) and the First International Workshop: Towards the Model Driven Organization (AMINO 2013), Miami, Florida, 29 September-4 October 2013. [Conference or Workshop Item]

BLACK, Jack (2013). 'Narratives of Empire': An investigation into the English national press coverage of the 2012 London Olympic Ceremonies. In: Olympic Legacies: International Conference – Impacts of Mega-Events on Cities, University of East London, London, UK, 4-6 September 2013. (Unpublished) [Conference or Workshop Item]

BLACK, Jack (2013). 'Narratives of Empire': An investigation into the English national press coverage of the 2012 London Olympic Ceremonies. In: BSA Teaching Group Regional Day Conference, Nottingham Trent University, Nottingham, UK, 15 June 2013. (Unpublished) [Conference or Workshop Item]

BLACK, Jack (2013). 'Narratives of Empire': An investigation into the English national press coverage of the 2012 London Olympic Ceremonies’. In: Britishness in the 21st Century, Keele University, Keele, UK, 19 June 2013. (Unpublished) [Conference or Workshop Item]

BLACK, Jack and EWEN, Neil (2013). Team GB, or no Team GB, that is the Question: Olympic football and the Post-War Crisis of Britishness. Sport in History, XXII, 302-324. [Article]

BOWEN, Simon, MCSEVENY, Kerry, LOCKLEY, Eleanor, WOLSTENHOLME, Dan, COBB, Mark and DEARDEN, Andy (2013). How was it for you? Experiences of participatory design in the UK health service. CoDesign, 9 (4), 230-246. [Article]

BOWEN, Simon, SUSTAR, Helena, WOLSTENHOLME, Dan and DEARDEN, Andrew (2013). Engaging teenagers productively in service design. International Journal of Child-Computer Interaction, 1 (3-4), 71-81. [Article]

BURY, Rhiannon, DELLER, Ruth A., GREENWOOD, Adam and JONES, Bethan (2013). From Usenet to Tumblr: the changing role of social media. Participations: journal of audience and reception studies, 10 (1), 299-318. [Article]

CANTER, Lily (2013). The interactive spectrum: The use of social media in UK regional newspapers. Convergence: The international journal of new media technologies, 19 (4), 472-495. [Article]

CANTER, Lily (2013). The misconception of online comment threads: content and control on local newspaper websites. Journalism Practice, 7 (5), 604-619. [Article]

CANTER, Lily (2013). The source, the resource and the collaborator: the role of citizen journalism in local UK newspapers. Journalism theory practice and criticism, 14 (8), 1091-1109. [Article]

CERE, Rinella, JEWKES, Yvonne and UGELVIK, Thomas (2013). 'Media and crime: a comparative analysis of crime news in the UK, Norway and Italy'. In: BODY-GENDROT, Sophie, HOUGH, Mike, KEREZSI, Klara, LÉVY, René and SNACKEN, Sonja, (eds.) The Routledge handbook of European criminology. Routledge International Handbooks . London, Routledge, 266-279. [Book Section]

BERTELSEN, O.W., CIOLFI, L., GRASSO, M.A. and PAPADOPOULOS, G. A., eds. (2013). ECSCW 2013: Proceedings of the Thirteenth European Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work. London, Springer. [Edited Book]

CIOLFI, Luigina (2013). Space and place in digital technology research: a theoretical overview. In: PRICE, Sara, JEWITT, Carey and BROWN, Barry, (eds.) The SAGE handbook of digital technology research. London, SAGE, 159-173. [Book Section]

CIOLFI, Luigina (2013). The collaborative work of heritage : open challenges for CSCW. In: BERTELSON, Olav W., CIOLFI, Luigina, GRASSO, Maria Antonietta and PAPADOPOULOS, George Angelos, (eds.) ECSCW 2013: Proceedings of the 13th European Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work. London, Springer, 83-101. [Book Section]

CIOLFI, Luigina, PETRELLI, Daniela, GOLDBERG, Robin, DULAKE, Nick, WILLOX, Matt, MARSHALL, Mark and CAPARRELLI, Fabio (2013). Exploring historical, social and natural heritage: challenges for tangible interaction design at Sheffield General Cemetery. In: NODEM 2013 : Beyond control - the collaborative museum and its challenges, Stockholm, Sweden, 1-3 December 2013. [Conference or Workshop Item]

CLARK, Tony (2013). OCL Pattern Matching. In: 13th International Workshop on OCL, Model Constraint and Query Languages (OCL 2013, Miami, Florida, 30 September 2013. 33-42. [Conference or Workshop Item]

CLARK, Tony and BARN, Balbir (2013). Dynamic reconfiguration of event driven architecture using reflection and higher-order functions. International Journal of Software and Informatics, 7 (2), 137-168. [Article]

CLARK, Tony and BARN, Balbir (2013). Goal driven architecture development using LEAP. Enterprise Modelling and Information Systems Architectures, 8 (1), 40-61. [Article]

CLARK, Tony and BARN, Balbir (2013). A model-based approach to aligning business goals with enterprise architecture. In: Progressions and Innovations in Model-Driven Software Engineering. IGI Global, p. 252. [Book Section]

CLARK, Tony and BARN, Balbir S (2013). Domain Engineering for Software Tools. In: REINHARTZ-BERGER, Iris, STURM, Arnon, CLARK, Tony, COHEN, Sholom and BETTIN, Jorn, (eds.) Domain engineering : product lines, languages, and conceptual models. Heidelberg, Springer, 187-209. [Book Section]

CLARK, Tony, FRANCE, Robert B, GOGOLLA, Martin and SELIC, Bran V (2013). Meta-Modeling Model-Based Engineering Tools (Dagstuhl Seminar 13182). Dagstuhl Reports, 3 (4). [Article]

CLARK, Tony, FRANK, Ulrich, KULKARNI, Vinay, BARN, Balbir and TURK, Dan (2013). Domain specific languages for the model driven organization. In: Proceedings of the First Workshop on the Globalization of Domain Specific Languages (GlobalDSL '13). New York, ACM, 22-27. [Book Section]

CLARKE, David (2013). Extraordinary encounters with UFOs. In: JENZEN, Olu and MUNT, Sally R, (eds.) The Ashgate research companion to paranormal cultures. The Ashgate Research Companion guide . Farnham, Surrey, Ashgate. [Book Section]

CLARKE, David (2013). Scared to death: and other ghost stories from Victorian Sheffield. Sheffield, ACM Retro. [Authored Book]

CLARKE, David (2013). Scared to death: fatal encounters with ghosts. Contemporary Legend, 3 (3), 1-22. [Article]

COMBEMALE, Benoit, DE ANTONI, Julien, FRANCE, Robert B, BARN, Balbir, CLARK, Tony, FRANK, Ulrich, KULKARNI, Vinay and TURK, Dan (2013). Joint Proceedings of the Workshops On the Globalization of Modeling Languages (GEMOC 2013) and Towards the Model Driven Organization. CEUR workshop proceedings, 1102 . [Edited Book]

CROWTHER, Paul (2013). KTP and m-commerce: innovation in the building industry. In: HOWLETT, R.J., GABRYS, B., MUSIAL-GABRYS, K. and ROACH, J., (eds.) Innovation through Knowledge Transfer 2012. Smart innovation, systems and technologies (18). Springer, 199-205. [Book Section]

DEARDEN, Andy (2013). See no evil: ethics in an interventionist ICTD. Information technologies and international development, 9 (2), 1-17. [Article]

DELLER, Ruth A. (2013). The 7/7 Bus. In: BENNETT, Peter and MACDOUGALL, Julian, (eds.) Barthes' "Mythologies" today : readings of contemporary culture. Routledge Research in Cultural and Media Studies . Routledge, 118-121. [Book Section]

DELLER, Ruth A., HARMAN, Sarah and JONES, Bethan (2013). Introduction to the special issue: Reading the Fifty Shades 'phenomenon'. Sexualities, 16 (8), 859-863. [Article]

DELLER, Ruth A. and SMITH, Clarissa (2013). Reading the BDSM romance : reader responses to fifty shades. Sexualities, 16 (8), 932-950. [Article]

DOERFLINGER, Joerg and DEARDEN, Andy (2013). Evolving a software development methodology for commercial ICTD projects. Information Technology and International Development, 9 (3), 43-60. [Article]

DOERFLINGER, Joerg, DEARDEN, Andy and GROSS, Tom (2013). A software development methodology for sustainable ICTD solutions. In: CHI '13 Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems on - CHI EA '13. ACM, 2371-2374. [Book Section]

DUJARDIN, Anne-Florence (2013). Adapting ethnographic action research to study responses to educational technology. In: LCSS PhD Conference 2013: Methodological Choices and Challenges, King's College, London, 19th April 2013. (Submitted) [Conference or Workshop Item]

EAVES, Sally and WALTON, John (2013). Mixed methods research : creating fusion from the QUAL and QUAN Data Mosaic. In: MESQUITA, Anabela and RAMOS, Isabel, (eds.) Proceedings of The 12th European Conference on Research Methodology for Business and Management Studies. Reading, UK, Academic Conferences and Publishing International Limited, 118-126. [Book Section]

EAVES, Sally and WALTON, John (2013). An introduction to STRIKE : STRuctured Interpretation of the Knowledge Environment. In: JANIŪNAITĖ, Brigita, PUNDZIENE, Asta and PETRAITE, Monika, (eds.) Proceedings of the 14th European Conference on Knowledge Management. Reading, UK, Academic Conferences and Publishing International Limited, 174-183. [Book Section]

EAVES, Sally and WALTON, John (2013). A multi-layered approach to surfacing and analysing organisational narratives : increasing representational authenticity. In: MESQUITA, Anabela and RAMOS, Isabel, (eds.) Proceedings of The 12th European Conference on Research Methodology for Business and Management Studies. Reading, UK, Academic Conferences and Publishing International Limited, 127-136. [Book Section]

FALLON, Richard and POLOVINA, Simon (2013). REA analysis of SAP HCM; some initial findings. In: ANDREWS, Simon and DAU, Frithjof, (eds.) Proceedings of the 3rd CUBIST (Combining and Uniting Business Intelligence with Semantic Technologies) Workshop., 31-43. [Book Section]

GIUSTI, Giulio (2013). Expressionist use of colour palette and set design in Dario Argento’s Suspiria (1977). Cinergie: il cinema e le altre arti (4), 154-165. [Article]

GRAINGER, Karen (2013). Of babies and bath water: Is there any place for Austin and Grice in interpersonal pragmatics? Journal of Pragmatics, 58, 27-38. [Article]

GRAINGER, Karen (2013). "The daily grunt": middle class bias and vested interests in the 'Getting in Early' and 'Why Can't They Read?' reports. Language and Education, 27 (2), 99-109. [Article]

GREEN, Geff and LOCKLEY, Eleanor (2013). From bullets to blogs : how the Karen of Sheffield had their new ‘weapons’ turned against them. In: Intersectional Conflict and Dialogue in Transnational Migrant and Digital Diaspora Networks, Hull, UK, 11-12 April 2013. [Conference or Workshop Item]

HALL, Sheldon (2013). Jerry Pickman: “The Picture Worked.” Reminiscences of a Hollywood publicist. InMedia, 2013 (3). [Article]

HENDERSON-SELLERS, Brian, CLARK, Tony and GONZALEZ-PEREZ, Cesar (2013). On the search for a level-agnostic modelling language. In: SALINESI, Camille, NORRIE, Moira C. and PASTOR, Oscar, (eds.) Advanced Information Systems Engineering : 25th International Conference, CAiSE 2013, Valencia, Spain, June 17-21, 2013. Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (7908). Springer, 240-255. [Book Section]

HILL, Katie J, LIGHT, Ann and DEARDEN, Andy (2013). Meanwhile use as performance - rehearsing and performing community in temporary spaces. In: MELKAS, Helinä and BUUR, Jacob, (eds.) Proceedings of the Participatory Innovation Conference PIN-C 2013. Lahti, Finland, Lappeenranta University of Technology, 159-166. [Book Section]

HIRSCH, L and TIAN, D (2013). Txt2vz: a new tool for generating graph clouds. In: Conceptual structures for STEM research and education. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (7735). Berlin, Springer, 322-331. [Book Section]

HOGG, Christopher (2013). Cracking the USA? Interpreting UK to US TV drama translations. New Review of Film and Television Studies, 11 (2), 111-132. [Article]

HOGG, Christopher (2013). The Punk-Rock King : musical anachronism in period film. Media International Australia (148), 84-93. [Article]

HOGG, Christopher and KERN, Douglas S. (2013). Fan, filmmaker and star-struck celebrity: An interview with Michael Winner. Senses of Cinema, 67. [Article]

JONES, Peter E. (2013). Bernstein's 'codes' and the linguistics of 'deficit'. Language and Education, 27 (2), 161-179. [Article]

JONES, Peter E., GHOSH, Ayan, PENDERS, Jacques and REED, Heath (2013). Towards human technology symbiosis in the haptic mode. In: International Conference on Communication, Media, Technology and Design, Famagusta, North Cyprus, 2-4 May 2013. 307-312. [Conference or Workshop Item]

KEEFE, Terence N, BIKFALVI, Andrea, BEER, Martin and DE LA ROSA, Josep Lluis (2013). A case study analysis of factors determining success or failure for participants in collaborative innovation projects in e-Government. In: 13th ECEG European Conference on eGovernment 2013, Department of Theoretical and Applied Sciences, University of Insubria, Como, Italy, 13-14 June 2013. [Conference or Workshop Item]

KEEFE, Terence N and CINDEREY, Lynn (2013). Developing the next generation of IT Professionals – engaging IT students in the practice of IT Professional ethics. In: Ethicomp 2013, Kolding, Denmark, 12-14 June 2013. (Unpublished) [Conference or Workshop Item]

KEEFE, Terry, BIKFALVI, Andrea, BEER, Martin and DE LA ROSA, Josep (2013). A case study analysis of factors determining success or failure for participants in collaborative innovation projects. In: 13th European Conference on eGovernment – ECEG 2013, University of Insurbia, Como, Italy, 13-14 June 2013. (In Press) [Conference or Workshop Item]

KORMANN, Mariza and LOCK, Gary (2013). Dynamic models to reconstruct ancient landscapes. In: CONTRERAS, F., FARJAS, M. and MELERO, F.J., (eds.) CAA 2010: Fusion of Cultures. Proceeding s of the 38th Annual Conference on Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology. BAR International Series (2494). Oxford, UK, Archaeopress, British Archaeological Reports, 169-176. [Book Section]

KRAMER, Dean, OUSSENA, Samia, KOMISARCZUK, Peter and CLARK, Tony (2013). Graphical user interfaces in dynamic software product lines. In: Product Line Approaches in Software Engineering (PLEASE), 2013 4th International Workshop on. Piscataway, NJ, IEEE, 25-28. [Book Section]

KRAMER, Dean, OUSSENA, Samia, KOMISARCZUK, Peter and CLARK, Tony (2013). Using document-oriented GUIs in dynamic software product lines. In: GPCE '13 Proceedings of the 12th international conference on Generative programming: concepts & experiences. ACM, 85-94. [Book Section]

KULKARNI, Vinay, ROYCHOUDHURY, Suman, SUNKLE, Sagar, CLARK, Tony and BARN, Balbir (2013). Modelling and enterprises-the past, the present and the future. In: HAMMOUDI, Slimane, PIRES, Luis Ferreira, FILIPE, Joaquim and NEVES, Rui Cesar das, (eds.) MODELSWARD 2013 - Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Model-Driven Engineering and Software Development. SciTePress, 95-100. [Book Section]

LAUNDERS, Ivan and POLOVINA, Simon (2013). Security policy reasoning with the automated transaction graph for financial crime. In: AKHGAR, Babak and YATES, Simeon, (eds.) Strategic intelligence management. Butterworth-Heinemann, 150-166. [Book Section]

LEITAO, Roxanne and SILVA, Paula Alexandra (2013). A study of novice older adults and gestural interaction on smartphones. In: 3rd Workshop on Mobile Accessibility, HCI'13, Paris, France, 28 April 2013. [Conference or Workshop Item]

MAIER-HEIN, L., MOUNTNEY, P., BARTOLI, A., ELHAWARY, H., ELSON, D., GROCH, A., KOLB, A., RODRIGUES, Marcos, SORGER, J., SPEIDEL, Suzanne and STOYANOV, D. (2013). Optical techniques for 3D surface reconstruction in computer-assisted laparoscopic surgery. Medical Image Analysis, 17 (8), 974-996. [Article]

MELO, Cassio, ORPHANIDES, Constantinos, MCLEOD, Kenneth, AUFAIRE, Marie-Aude, ANDREWS, Simon and BURGER, Albert (2013). A conceptual approach to gene expression analysis enhanced by visual analytics. In: Proceedings of the 28th Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing. New York, NY, USA, ACM New York, 1314-1319. [Book Section]

MIDDLETON, Ray, DAY, David and LALLIE, Harjinder Singh (2013). Global network security: a vulnerability assessment of seven popular outsourcing countries. In: 2012 IEEE International Conference on Green Computing and Communications. IEEE. [Book Section]

MORRISON, Cecily and DEARDEN, Andy (2013). Beyond tokenistic participation: Using representational artefacts to enable meaningful public participation in health service design. Health Policy, 112 (3), 179-186. [Article]

MWITONDI, Kassim, BUGRIEN, J. and WANG, K. (2013). Using optimized distributional parameters as inputs in a sequential unsupervised and supervised modelling of sunspots data. Journal of Software Engineering and Applications, 06 (07), 34-41. [Article]

MWITONDI, Kassim, MOUSTAFA, R E and HADI, A S (2013). A Data-Driven Method for Selecting Optimal Models Based on Graphical Visualisation of Differences in Sequentially Fitted ROC Model Parameters. Data Science Journal, 12, WDS247-WDS253. [Article]

MWITONDI, Kassim and SAID, Raed A. T. (2013). A data-based method for harmonising heterogeneous data modelling techniques across data mining applications. Journal of statistics applications and probability, 2 (3), 157-162. [Article]

NORTCLIFFE, Anne, CLARK, Sam and PARKER, James (2013). Digital Education Engagement for Post PC Students. In: The Academic Practice and Technology (APT) Conference 2013: Next Generation Learning Places and Work Spaces,, University of Greenwich, London, UK, 2 July 2013. (Unpublished) [Conference or Workshop Item]

NORTCLIFFE, Anne and MIDDLETON, Andrew (2013). The innovative use of personal smart devices by students to support their learning. In: WANKEL, L and BLESSINGER, P, (eds.) Increasing student engagement and retention using mobile applications: Smartphones, Skype and texting technologies. Cutting Edge Technologies in Higher Education (6). Emerald, 175-208. [Book Section]

NWOKEJI, Joshua C, CLARK, Tony and BARN, Balbir S (2013). Towards a comprehensive meta-model for KAOS. In: Model-Driven Requirements Engineering (MoDRE), 2013 International Workshop on. IEEE, 30-39. [Book Section]

NWOKEJI, Joshua C., CLARK, Tony and BARN, Balbir S. (2013). A proposal for consolidated intentional modeling language. In: KERN, Heiko, TOLVANEN, Juha-Pekka and BOTTONI, Paolo, (eds.) GMLD '13, Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Graphical Modeling Language Development. New York, ACM, 12-22. [Book Section]

ORPHANIDES, Constantinos and GEORGIOU, George (2013). FCAWarehouse, a prototype online data repository for FCA. In: ANDREWS, Simon and DAU, Frithjof, (eds.) Proceedings of the 3rd CUBIST Workshop. CEUR Workshop Proceedings (1040). CEUR-WS, 54-61. [Book Section]

POLOVINA, Simon (2013). A Transaction-oriented architecture for enterprise systems. International Journal of Intelligent Information Technologies, 9 (4), 69-79. [Article]

POLOVINA, Simon and ANDREWS, Simon (2013). CGs to FCA Including Peirce's Cuts. International Journal of Conceptual Structures and Smart Applications, 1 (1), 90-103. [Article]

RAMAMURTHY, Anandi (2013). Black Star: Britain's Asian Youth Movements. London, Pluto Press. [Authored Book]

RAMAMURTHY, Anandi and WILSON, Kalpana (2013). "Come and Join the Freedom Lovers!": Racism, appropriation and resistance in Advertising’. In: HUND, Wulf D., PICKERING, Michael and RAMAMURTHY, Anandi, (eds.) Commodity Racism and Colonial Advertising. Racism Yearbook 2013 . Lit Verlag. [Book Section]

ROAST, Chris and URUCHURTU, Elizabeth (2013). Formative evaluation for complex interactive systems. In: COLLAZOS, Cesar, LIBORIO, Andreia and RUSU, Cristian, (eds.) Human Computer Interaction : 6th Latin American Conference, CLIHC 2013, Carrillo, Costa Rica, December 2-6, 2013, Proceedings. Information Systems and Applications, incl. Internet/Web, and HCI (8278). Springer Verlag, 47-54. [Book Section]

RODRIGUES, Marcos, KORMANN, Mariza, SCHUHLER, C and TOMEK, P (2013). Robot trajectory planning using OLP and structured light 3D machine vision. In: BEBIS, G, (ed.) Lecture notes in Computer Science Part II. LCNS, 8034 (8034). Heidelberg, Springer, 244-253. [Book Section]

RODRIGUES, Marcos, KORMANN, Mariza, SCHUHLER, C and TOMEK, P (2013). Structured light techniques for 3D surface reconstruction in robotic tasks. In: KACPRZYK, J, (ed.) Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing. Heidelberg, Springer, 805-814. [Book Section]

RODRIGUES, Marcos, KORMANN, Mariza, SCHUHLER, C and TOMEK, P (2013). An intelligent real time 3D vision system for robotic welding tasks. In: Mechatronics and its applications. IEEE Xplore, 1-6. [Book Section]

RODRIGUES, Marcos, OSMAN, Abdusslam and ROBINSON, Alan (2013). Partial differential equations for 3D Data compression and Reconstruction. ADSA Advances in Dynamical Systems and Applications, 8 (2), 303-315. [Article]

SARIKAKIS, Katharine and RODRIGUEZ-AMAT, Joan Ramon (2013). Regulating media convergence : supranational and global paradigms. In: DIEHL, Sandra and KARMASIN, Matthias, (eds.) Media and Convergence Management. Berlin, Springer, 337-350. [Book Section]

SHI, Daming, GAO, Junbin, RAHMDEL, Payam S., ANTOLOVICH, Michael and CLARK, Tony (2013). UND: unite-and-divide method in Fourier and Radon domains for line segment detection. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 22 (6), 2501-2506. [Article]

SHIN, Chi Yun (2013). Death Bell and High School horror. In: PEIRSE, Alison and MARTIN, Daniel, (eds.) Korean horror cinema. Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Press. [Book Section]

SHIN, Chi Yun (2013). Film and migration: excavating history and memory. In: NESS, Immanuel, (ed.) Encyclopedia of Global Human Migration. Wiley Blackwell. [Book Section]

STUBBINGS, Gary and POLOVINA, Simon (2013). Levering object-oriented knowledge for service-oriented proficiency. Computing, 95 (9), 817-835. [Article]

WADDINGTON, Dave (2013). Coal, goals and ashes : Fryston Colliery's pursuit of the West Riding County FA Challenge Cup. Pontefract, Route Publishing. [Authored Book]

WADDINGTON, Dave (2013). Urban riots in Europe, post-2000. In: SNOW, David A, DELLA PORTA, Donatella, KLANDERMANS, Bert and MCADAM, Doug, (eds.) The The Wiley-blackwell Encyclopedia of Social and Political Movements. Wiley Blackwell Encyclopedias in Social Sciences . Chicester, John Wiley and Sons Ltd. [Book Section]

WADDINGTON, Dave (2013). A ‘kinder blue’: analysing the police management of the Sheffield anti-‘Lib Dem’ protest of March 2011. Policing and Society, 23 (1), 46-64. [Article]

WALTON, John (2013). The obligatory passage point : abstracting the meaning in tacit knowledge. In: JANIŪNAITĖ, Brigita, PUNDZIENE, Asta and PETRAITE, Monika, (eds.) Proceedings of the 14th European Conference on Knowledge Management. Reading, UK, Academic Conferences and Publishing International Limited, 769-775. [Book Section]

WATMOUGH, Martin, POLOVINA, Simon and ANDREWS, Simon (2013). Designing Learning to Research the Formal Concept Analysis of Transactional Data. In: PFEIFFER, Heather D., IGNATOV, Dmitry I., POELMANS, Jonas and GADIRAJU, Nagarjuna, (eds.) Conceptual Structures for STEM Research and Education. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (7735). Berlin, Springer, 231-238. [Book Section]

WAUDBY, Carolyn (2013). Moor tea. easyJet Traveller. [Article]

YANG, Yi, MCLAUGHLIN, Kieran, LITTLER, Tim, SEZER, Sakir, PRANGGONO, Bernardi and WANG, Haifeng (2013). Intrusion Detection System for IEC 60870-5-104 Based SCADA Networks. In: 2013 IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting. IEEE, 1-5. [Book Section]


ANDREWS, Simon and ORPHANIDES, Constantinos (2012). Knowledge discovery through creating formal contexts. International Journal of Space-Based and Situated Computing, 2 (2), 123-138. [Article]

APPIAH, Kofi, HUNTER, Andrew, DICKINSON, Patrick and MENG, Hongying (2012). Implementation and applications of Tri-State self-organizing maps on FPGA. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, 22 (8), 1150-1160. [Article]

ATTWOOD, Feona (2012). Art school sluts: art, porn and aesthetics. In: HINES, Claire and KERR, Darren, (eds.) Hard to swallow : reading pornography on screen. London, Wallflower Press. [Book Section]

BARN, Balbir and CLARK, Tony (2012). Goal based alignment of enterprise architectures. In: 7th International Conference on Software Paradigm Trends (ICSOFT 2012), Rome, Italy, 24-27 July 2012. [Conference or Workshop Item]

BARN, Balbir, CLARK, Tony and OUSSENA, Samia (2012). A model based approach to systems requirements for event driven enterprise architecture. In: 5th India Software Engineering Conference (ISEC 2012), IIT Kanpur, India, 22-25 February, 2012. [Conference or Workshop Item]

BARN, Balbir S, CLARK, Tony and OUSSENA, Samia (2012). Simulating Enterprise Architecture Models. Infosys Journal of Research, 10 (3), 3-20. [Article]

BASSI, Camila (2012). ‘Shanghai Goes West’: reflections on the city’s gay political economy. In: HINES, Sally and TAYLOR, Yvette, (eds.) Sexualities: past reflections, future directions. Gender and sexualities in social sciences . London, Palgrave MacMillan. [Book Section]

BEER, Martin, ALBOUL, Lyuba, NORLING, Emma and WALLIS, Peter (2012). Using Agents in Virtual Environments to Assist Controllers to Manage Multiple Assets. In: Workshop on Cognitive Agents for Virtual Environments, AAMAS 2012, Valencia, Spain, 4th June 2012. [Conference or Workshop Item]

BEER, Martin, BROM, C, DIGNUM, F and SOO, V-W (2012). Agents for educational games and simulations. Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, 7471 . Berlin, Springer. [Edited Book]

BOGDANOVIC, Danijela, DOWD, Michael, WATTAM, Eileen and ADAM, Alison (2012). Contesting methodologies: evaluating focus group and privacy diary methods in a study of online privacy. Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society, 10 (4), 208-221. [Article]

CERE, Rinella (2012). ‘Forever Ultras’: female football support in Italy. In: TOFFOLETTI, Kim and MEWETT, Peter, (eds.) Sport and its female fans. Routledge Research in Sport, Culture and Society Series (17). Taylor and Francis, 46-60. [Book Section]

CHRISTOPHER, Roast and XIAOHUI, Zhang (2012). Exploring the motivations involved in context aware services. In: HCI 2012 : 26th BCS Conference on Human Computer Interaction, Birmingham, 12-14 September 2012. Birmingham UK, BISL, 274-279. [Conference or Workshop Item]

CIOLFI, Luigina (2012). Place-centred interaction design: situated participation and co-creation in places of heritage. In: BALLARIN, Matteo and DALLA MURA, Maddalena, (eds.) Museum and design principles, Proceedings of the conference. Venezia, Fondazione di Venezia, 57-68. [Book Section]

CIOLFI, Luigina (2012). Social traces: visitor­ generated content and the creation of shared heritage. In: GIACCARDI, Elisa, (ed.) Heritage and Social Media. London, Routledge, 69-86. [Book Section]

CIOLFI, Luigina, GRAY, Breda and D'ANDREA, Anthony (2012). Social aspects of place experience in nomadic work/life practices. In: COOP 2012, Marseille, France, May 2012. [Conference or Workshop Item]

CIOLFI, Luigina and MCLOUGHLIN, Marc (2012). Designing for meaningful visitor engagement at a living history museum. In: NordiCHI '12 Proceedings of the 7th Nordic conference on human-computer interaction: making sense through design. Association for Computing Machinery, 69-78. [Book Section]

CIOLFI, Luigina and MCLOUGHLIN, Marc (2012). Of turf fires, fine linen, and Porter cake : design for living history. ACM Interactions, 19 (5), 18-21. [Article]

CLARK, Tony and BARN, Balbir (2012). bCMS in LEAP. In: Comparing Modeling Approaches Workshop, Insbruck, Austria, 30 September 2012. (Unpublished) [Conference or Workshop Item]

CLARK, Tony and BARN, Balbir S (2012). A common basis for modelling service-oriented and event-driven architecture. In: ISEC '12 : Proceedings of the 5th India Software Engineering Conference. ACM, 23-32. [Book Section]

CLARK, Tony, BARN, Balbir S and OUSSENA, Samia (2012). A method for enterprise architecture alignment. In: PROPER, Erik, GAALOUL, Khaled, HARMSEN, Frank and WRYCZA, Stanislaw, (eds.) Practice-Driven Research on Enterprise Transformation. Lecture notes in Business Information Processing (120). Springer, 48-76. [Book Section]

CLARK, Tony and MULLER, Pierre-Alain (2012). Exploiting model driven technology : a tale of two startups. Software and Systems Modeling, 11 (4), 481-493. [Article]

CLARK, Tony and WILLANS, James (2012). Software language engineering with XMF and XModeler. In: MERNIK, Marjan, (ed.) Formal and Practical Aspects of Domain-Specific Languages : Recent Developments. IGI Global, 311-340. [Book Section]

CLARKE, David (2012). The National Archives UFO Project homepage. Kew, Surrey, The National Archives. [Other]

CLARKE, David (2012). The UFO files: the inside story of real-life sightings. London, Bloomsbury. [Authored Book]

CROWTHER, Paul and HILL, Richard (2012). Dissertation by portfolio : an alternative to the traditional thesis. Student Engagement and Experience Journal, 1 (2). [Article]

DASUKI, Salihu, ABBOTT, Pamela and KASHEFI, Armin (2012). The Impact of ICT Investments on Development Using the Capability Approach: The case of the Nigerian Pre-paid Electricity Billing System. The African Journal of Information Systems, 4 (1). [Article]

DAY, David and FLORES, Denys (2012). CONDOR: A Hybrid IDS to Offer Improved Intrusion Detection. In: 2012 IEEE 11th International Conference on Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing and Communications (TrustCom 2012). Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers ( IEEE ), 931-936. [Book Section]

DEARDEN, Andy (2012). See no evil? Ethics in an interventionist ICTD. In: Proceedings of the fifth International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies and Development: Georgia Institute of technology Atlanta, GA, USA March 12-15, 2012. New York, ACM, 46-55. [Book Section]

DELLER, Ruth A. (2012). Faith in view: religion and pirituality in factual British television 2000-2009. Doctoral, Sheffield Hallam University. [Thesis]

DELLER, Ruth A. (2012). Gender performance in American Idol, Pop Idol and The X Factor. In: ZWAAN, Koos and DE BRUIN, Joost, (eds.) Adapting idols: authenticity, identity and performance in a global television format. Ashgate Popular and Folk Music Series . Farnham, Ashgate, 181-194. [Book Section]

DELVES, Peter, MANNING, Warren and SHENFIELD, Alex (2012). A torque vectoring approach to post incident control. In: AVEC 2012 : 11th International Symposium on Advanced Vehicle Control, Seoul, Korea, 9-12 September 2012. [Conference or Workshop Item]

DUJARDIN, Florence, EDWARDS, Kirstie and BECKINGHAM, Sue (2012). Diigo : social bookmarking in a professional communication course. In: CHEAL, C., COUGHLIN, J. and MOORE, S., (eds.) Transformation in teaching : social media strategies in higher education. Santa Rosa, CA, Informing Science Institute, 243-274. [Book Section]

GORRINGE, Hugo, ROSIE, Michael, WADDINGTON, Dave and KOMINOU, Margarita (2012). Facilitating ineffective protest? : the policing of the 2009 Edinburgh NATO protests. Policing and Society, 22 (2), 115-132. [Article]

GREEN, Geff and LOCKLEY, Eleanor (2012). Communication practices of the Karen in Sheffield: Seeking to navigate their three zones of displacement. Asian Journal of Communication, 22 (6), 566-583. [Article]

HALL, Sheldon (2012). Carry On, Cowboy: roast beef Westerns. Iluminace: Journal of Film History, Theory, and Aesthetics, 24 (3), p. 102. [Article]

HALL, Sheldon (2012). Channel Four and the rediscovery of old movies on television. In: Channel Four and UK Film Culture, BFI Southbank, 1-2 November 2012. [Conference or Workshop Item]

HALL, Sheldon (2012). Ozoners, roadshows and blitz exhibitionism: postwar developments in distribution and exhibition. In: NEALE, Steve, (ed.) The classical Hollywood reader. London and New York, Routledge, 343-354. [Book Section]

JACOBI, Mark and MAYCOCK, Luke (2012). Comparison of IPv4 and IPv6 QoS implementations using Differentiated Services. In: Opnetwork 2012, Washington DV, USA, 13/08/2012. (Unpublished) [Conference or Workshop Item]

JENKINS, Clare (2012). Between the Ears: Cow Dust Time. [Audio] [Audio]

JENKINS, Clare (2012). Between the Ears: The Houses That Fall into the Sea. [Audio] [Audio]

JENKINS, Clare (2012). Dad's last tape. [Audio] [Audio]

JENKINS, Clare (2012). Famed for its Knitting. [Audio] [Audio]

KEEFE, Terry, BIKFALVI, Andrea, BEER, Martin and DE LA ROSA, PepLluis (2012). ISAC6+ Delivering Smarter Administration through innovation - a Benefits Realisation approach to ensuring success. In: GASCO, Mila, (ed.) Proceedings of the 12th European Conference on eGovernment. Reading, Academic Publishing Limited, 378-386. [Book Section]

KIRBY, John (2012). Some reflections on knowledge representation in the semantic web. In: PPIG (Psychology of Programming Interest Group) 2012 - 24th Annual Workshop, London Metropolitan University, London, 21-23 Novevmber 2012. [Conference or Workshop Item]

KOCUROVA, Anna, OUSSENA, Samia and CLARK, Tony (2012). Applied metamodelling to collaborative document authoring. In: 2012 Federated Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems (FedCSIS 2012). IEEE, 1385-1390. [Book Section]

KOCUROVA, Anna, OUSSENA, Samia, KOMISARCZUK, Peter and CLARK, Tony (2012). Context-aware content-centric collaborative workflow management for mobile devices. In: Second International Conference on Advanced Collaborative Networks, Systems and Applications (COLLA 2012), Venice, Italy, 24-29 June, 2012. 54-57. [Conference or Workshop Item]

KOCUROVA, Anna, OUSSENA, Samia, KOMISARCZUK, Peter, CLARK, Tony and KRAMER, Dean (2012). Towards distributed collaborative workflow management for mobile devices. In: Data-driven process discovery and analysis : first International Symposium, SIMPDA 2011, Campione d’Italia, Italy, June 29 – July 1, 2011, revised selected papers. Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing (116). Berlin, Springer, 1-20. [Book Section]

KOCUROVA, Anna, OUSSENA, Samia, KOMISARCZUK, Peter, CLARK, Tony and KRAMER, Dean (2012). Towards improved distributed collaborative workflow management for mobile devices. In: ABERER, Karl, DAMIANI, Ernesto and DILLON, Tharam, (eds.) Data-Driven Process Discovery and Analysis : First International Symposium, SIMPDA 2011, Campione d’Italia, Italy, June 29 – July 1, 2011, Revised Selected Papers. Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing (116). Springer, 1-20. [Book Section]

LALLIE, Harjinder Singh and DAY, David (2012). Industrial engagement in information security and digital forensics: achieving the transitional blend from academia to industry. In: HEA Stem Conference, Imperial College, London, April 13th 2012. [Conference or Workshop Item]

LAM, Busayawan, DEARDEN, Andy, WILLIAM-POWLETT, Katherine and BRODIE, Ellie (2012). Exploring co-design in the voluntary sector. In: VSSN / NCVO Annual Conference, University of Birmingham, 10/09/2012 - 11/09/2012. (Unpublished) [Conference or Workshop Item]

LANO, K, KOLAHDOUZ-RAHIMI, S and CLARK, Tony (2012). Comparing verification techniques for model transformations. In: MoDeVVa '12 Proceedings of the Workshop on Model-Driven Engineering, Verification and Validation. ACM, 23-28. [Book Section]

LANO, K, KOLAHDOUZ-RAHIMI, S and CLARK, Tony (2012). Verification of model transformations. Other. Dept. of Informatics, King's College London. [Monograph]

LEE, Mark, NEHMZOW, Ulrich and RODRIGUES, Marcos (2012). Towards cognitive robotics : robotics, biology and developmental psychology. In: MCFARLAND, David, STENNING, Keith, MCGONIGLE, Maggie and HENDRY, Derek, (eds.) The complex mind : an interdisciplinary approach. Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, 103-126. [Book Section]

LEITAO, Roxanne and SILVA, Paula Alexandra (2012). Target and spacing sizes for smartphone user interfaces for older adults : design patterns based on an evaluation with users. In: Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs, Arizona, United States, 19-21 October 2012. [Conference or Workshop Item]

LOCKLEY, Eleanor and GREEN, Geff (2012). Surveillance without borders : the case of Karen refugees in Sheffield. In: 5th Biannual Surveillance and Society Conference "Watch This Space: Surveillance Futures", Sheffield, UK, 2-4 April. [Conference or Workshop Item]

LOUIS, Anja (2012). Television divorce in post-Franco Spain: Anillos de oro (Wedding Rings). In: Law and Justice on the Small Screen. Oxford, Hart, 347-359. [Book Section]

LOUIS, Anja (2012). Whatever Next? Women's Rights in Sáenz de Heredia's Los derechos de la mujer(1962). Bulletin of Spanish Studies, 89 (1), 87-104. [Article]

MALLETT, Rebecca and RUNSWICK-COLE, Katherine (2012). Commodifying autism: The cultural contexts of 'disability' in the academy. In: GOODLEY, Dan, HUGHES, Bill and DAVIS, Lennard, (eds.) Disability and social theory : new developments and directions. Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, 33-51. [Book Section]

MARDANI, Amir, AKHGAR, Babak, ANDREWS, Simon, YATES, Simeon and HASSANZADEH, Mohammad (2012). Investigating the unofficial factors in Google ranking. In: ARABNIA, Hamid R., DELIGIANNIDIS,, Leonidas and HASHEMI, Ray R., (eds.) Proceedings of the 2012 International Conference on Information and Knowledge Engineering (IKE 2012). CSREA Press, 320-326. [Book Section]

MWITONDI, Kassim and BUGRIEN, Jamal (2012). Harnessing data flow and modelling potentials for sustainable development. CODATA Data Science Journal, 11, 140-152. [Article]

MWITONDI, Kassim and MAUNDA, K. (2012). A Consensual Approach to Domain-partitioning of a Cancer Data Sample Space: Lessons from Tanzania. In: MUCHIE, Mammo and ANGATHEVAR, Baskaran, (eds.) Creating Systems of Innovations in Africa – Country Case Studies. Pretoria, South Africa, Africa Institute of South Africa : Institute for Economic Research on Innovation. [Book Section]

MWITONDI, Kassim, SAID, R., YOUSIF, A., MOUSTAFA, R., WANG, K., ZIMIN, K. and MMASI, R. (2012). A robust and adaptive approach to modelling physical phenomena. In: International Conference on Open Data and Information for a Changing Planet, Taipei, Taiwan, 28-31 October, 2012. (Unpublished) [Conference or Workshop Item]

MWITONDI, Kassim S., SAID, Raeed T. and YOUSIF, Adil E. (2012). A sequential data mining method for modelling solar magnetic cycles. In: HUANG, Tingwen, ZENG, Zingang, LI, Chuandong and LEUNG, Chi Sing, (eds.) Neural information processing : 19th International Conference, ICONIP 2012, Doha, Qatar, November 12-15, 2012, Proceedings, Part I. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (7663). Springer, 296-304. [Book Section]

OIKONOMOU, Andreas and DAY, David (2012). Using Serious Games to Motivate Children with Cystic Fibrosis to Engage with Mucus Clearance Physiotherapy. In: The Sixth International Conference on Complex, Intelligent, and Software Intensive Systems (CISIS-2012), Sanpaolo Palace Hotel, Palermo, Italy, July 4th-July 6th. (Submitted) [Conference or Workshop Item]

PARIKH, Vishal and WALTON, John (2012). Psychological contract and knowledge management mediated by cultural dynamics. In: CEGARRA, Juan Gabriel, (ed.) Proceedings of the 13th European Conference on Knowledge Management. Reading, Academic Publishing Internatioanl, 923-932. [Book Section]

POLOVINA, Simon (2012). The transaction concept in enterprise systems. In: ANDEWS, Simon and DAU, Frithjof, (eds.) The 10th International Conference on Formal Concept Analysis (ICFCA 2012). Proceedings of the 2nd CUBIST workshop. Aachen, Sun SITE Central Europe, 43-52. [Book Section]

RAMAMURTHY, Anandi (2012). Absences and silences: the representation of the tea picker in colonial and fair trade advertising. Visual Culture in Britain, 13 (3), 367-381. [Article]

ROAST, Chris (2012). Constraining and creating solutions - reflections on the analysis of early design. In: Human-centered software engineering : 4th International Conference, HCSE 2012, Toulouse, France, October 2012, Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (7623). Springer, 130-145. [Book Section]

RODRIGUES, Marcos (2012). Fast 3D reconstruction with single shot technology : engineering and computing challenges. In: First national Conference on Technology and Management, Malabe, Sri Lanka, 27 January, 2012. Malabe, Sri Lanka, Sri Lanka Institute of Information Technology, IX. [Conference or Workshop Item]

RODRIGUES, Marcos and KORMANN, Mariza (2012). 3D Scanning of Highly Reflective Surfaces: Issues in Scanning the Museums Sheffield Metalwork Collection. In: Conference on 3D Scanning and Documentation, University of Cambridge, UK, 10 and 11 December 2012. [Conference or Workshop Item]

RODRIGUES, Marcos, OSMAN, Abdusslam and ROBINSON, Alan (2012). Partial Differential Equations for 3D Data Compression and Reconstruction. In: International Conference on Differential Equations, Difference Equations and Special Functions, Patras, Greece, 3 - 7 September 2012. (Unpublished) [Conference or Workshop Item]

RODRIGUEZ, Liliana and LOCKLEY, Eleanor (2012). Interdisciplinary working in service design: case studies for designing touch points. In: ServDes 2012, Helsinki, Fimland, 08-10 February 2012. [Conference or Workshop Item]

RODRIGUEZ-AMAT, Joan Ramon and SARIKAKIS, Katharine (2012). The Fandom menace or the Phantom author? : on sharecropping, crossmedia and copyright. In: IBRUS, Indrek and SCOLARI, Carlos A., (eds.) Crossmedia innovations : texts, markets, institutions. London, Peter Lang, 128-146. [Book Section]

ROSTAMI, Shahin and SHENFIELD, Alex (2012). CMA-PAES : Pareto archived evolution strategy using covariance matrix adaptation for Multi-Objective Optimisation. In: 12th UK Workshop on Computational Intelligence (UKCI) 2012. IEEE, 1-8. [Book Section]

SHIN, Chi Yun (2012). Cosmopolitanism in the films of E J-Yong. In: Korean Film: Years of Radical Change, University of London, School of Oriental and African Studies, 10th May 2012. (Unpublished) [Conference or Workshop Item]

SHIN, Chi Yun (2012). 'Excessive' Remake: Horror, Comedy and Family in The Quiet Family and The Happiness of the Katakuris. In: Korean Cine-media and the Transnational conference, New York University, Tisch School of the Arts, 11-14 November 2010. [Conference or Workshop Item]

SHIN, Chi Yun (2012). ‘Excessive’ remake : from The Quiet Family to The Happiness of the Katakuris. Transnational Cinemas, 3 (1), 67-80. [Article]

SLATER, Jenny (2012). Self-advocacy and socially just pedagogy. Disability Studies Quarterly, 32 (1). [Article]

SLATER, Jenny (2012). Stepping outside normative neoliberal discourse: youth and disability meet – the case of Jody McIntyre. Disability and Society, 27 (5), 723-727. [Article]

WADDINGTON, Dave (2012). The law of moments : understanding the flashpoint that ignited the riots. Criminal Justice Matters, 87 (1), 6-7. [Article]

WADDINGTON, Dave (2012). Émeutes en Grande-Bretagne et en France : une comparaison. Cités, 50 (2), 29-37. [Article]

WADDINGTON, Dave and MCSEVENY, Kerry (2012). Terrorism and the risk society. In: BENNETT, Simon, (ed.) Innovative thinking in risk, crisis, and disaster management. Farnham, Surrey, Gower Publishing, 41-58. [Book Section]

WAUDBY, Carolyn (2012). River Don. In: LEHOCZKY, Agnes, PIETTE, Adam, SANSOM, Ann and SANSOM, Peter, (eds.) The Sheffield anthology : poems from the city imagined. Sheffield, Smith/Doorstop Books, p. 228. [Book Section]

WAUDBY, Carolyn (2012). Song of the Nepr. In: LEHOCZKY, Agnes, PIETTE, Adam, SANSOM, Ann and SANSOM, Peter, (eds.) The Sheffield anthology : poems from the city imagined. Sheffield, Smith/Doorstop Books, p. 227. [Book Section]

WAUDBY, Carolyn (2012). They Held Me Fearfully. The Reader Magazine, 45. [Article]

WAUDBY, Carolyn (2012). Wardsend. In: LEHOCZKY, Agnes, PIETTE, Adam, SANSOM, Ann and SANSOM, Peter, (eds.) The Sheffield anthology : poems from the city imagined. Sheffield, Smith/Doorstop Books, p. 227. [Book Section]

WAUDBY, Carolyn, HUTCHINSON, Mike and LOUWERSE, Henriette (2012). wordsurge. [Show/Exhibition] [Show/Exhibition]

WILSON, Richard and BURLEY, Keith (2012). Understanding student progression for data mining analysis. In: Unlocking Institutional Research : Information and Knowledge for Enhanced Institutional Effectiveness : Fifth Annual Conference of the Higher Education Institutional Research (HEIR) Network for the United Kingdom and Ireland, University of Liverpool, 12-13 July 2012. HEIR. [Conference or Workshop Item]

WOODCOCK, Ben, ARMSTRONG, Matt, NORTCLIFFE, Anne and MIDDLETON, Andrew (2012). Smart-device Potential for Student Learning. In: CSEDU 2012 : International Conference on Computer Supported Education, Porto, Portugal, 16-18 April 2012. 410-415. [Conference or Workshop Item]

WOODCOCK, Ben, MIDDLETON, Andrew and NORTCLIFFE, Anne (2012). Considering the Smartphone Learner: developing innovation to investigate the opportunities for students and their interest. Student Engagement and Experience Journal, 1 (1), 1-15. [Article]

WYMAN, Gail, MONTI-HOLLAND, Valerie and YATES, Simeon (2012). Conversations with the marketplace : an application of design thinking and sociodrama action methods in an innovation workshop. International Journal of Innovation Science, 4 (2), 77-88. [Article]


ANDREWS, Simon, POLOVINA, Simon, HILL, Richard and AKHGAR, Babak, eds. (2011). Conceptual Structures for Discovering Knowledge (The 19th International Conference on Conceptual Structures, ICCS 2011, Derby, UK). Lecture Notes in Computer Science (Subseries: Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence),, 6828 . Berlin and Heidelberg, Springer. [Edited Book]

ANDREWS, Simon, POLOVINA, Simon, HILL, Richard and AKHGAR, Babak, eds. (2011). Conceptual structures for discovering knowledge : Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Conceptual Structures (ICCS) 2011. Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, 6828 . Springer. [Edited Book]

BØDKER, Susanne, BOUVIN, Niels-Olof, LUTTERS, Wayne, WULF, Volker and CIOLFI, Luigina, eds. (2011). ECSCW’11 Proceedings of the Twelfth European Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work. London, Springer. [Edited Book]

BEER, Martin, FASLI, Maria and RICHARDS, Debbie, eds. (2011). Multi-agent systems for education and interactive entertainment: design, use and experience. Hershey, Pa., IGI. [Edited Book]

CERE, Rinella and BRUNT, Rosalind, eds. (2011). Postcolonial media culture in Britain. Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan. [Edited Book]

CIOLFI, Luigina, SCOTT, Katherine and BARBIERI, Sara, eds. (2011). Proceedings of the International Conference 1CRe-thinking technology in museums 2011: emerging Experiences". Limerick, Ireland, University of Limerick. [Edited Book]

ADAM, Alison, BOGDANOVICH, Danijela, DOWD, Michael and WATTAM, Eileen (2011). Mapping the online privacy landscape. In: BISSETT, Andrew, BYNUM, TW, LIGHT, Ann, LAUENER, Angela and ROGERSON, Simon, (eds.) The social impact of social computing : ETHICOMP 2011 : proceedings of the Twel[f]th International Conference, Sheffield Hallam University, Sheffield, UK, 14 to 16 September 2011. Sheffield, Sheffield Hallam University, 5-7. [Book Section]

AKHGAR, Babak, SHERKAT, Mhammad Hosein and HANAFIZADEH, Payam (2011). Designing an intelligent learner genetic-fuzzy model in oil industry supply chain based on self organized maps. International Journal of Computational Intelligence: Theory and Practice, 6 (1), 11-27. [Article]

ALARDAWI, Ahmed, KHAZAEI, Babak and SIDDIQI, Jawed (2011). Influence on Novices of Class Structure on Program Comprehension. In: PPIG Work-in-Progress 2011, Sheffield, 18-19th April 2011. (Unpublished) [Conference or Workshop Item]

ANDREWS, Simon (2011). Aligning the teaching of FCA with Existing Module Learning Outcomes. In: ANDREWS, Simon, POLOVINA, Simon, HILL, Richard and AKHGAR, Babak, (eds.) Conceptual Structures for Discovering Knowledge : 19th International Conference on Conceptual Structures, ICCS 2011, Derby, UK, July 25-29, 2011. Proceedings. Lecture notes in computer science (6828). Springer, 394-401. [Book Section]

ANDREWS, Simon (2011). In-Close2, a high performance formal concept miner. In: ANDREWS, Simon, POLOVINA, Simon, HILL, Richard and AKHGAR, Babak, (eds.) Conceptual Structures for Discovering Knowledge : 19th International Conference on Conceptual Structures, ICCS 2011, Derby, UK, July 25-29, 2011. Proceedings. Lecture notes in computer science (6828). Springer, 50-62. [Book Section]

ANDREWS, Simon and MCLEOD, Kenneth (2011). Gene co-expression in mouse embryo tissues. CEUR Workshop Proceedings, 753, 1-10. [Article]

ANDREWS, Simon, ORPHANIDES, Constantinos and POLOVINA, Simon (2011). Visualising computational intelligence through converting data into formal concepts. In: Next Generation Data Technologies for Collective Computational Intelligence. Studies in Computational Intelligence book series (352). Springer, 139-165. [Book Section]

ANDREWS, Simon and POLOVINA, Simon (2011). A mapping from conceptual graphs to formal concept analysis. In: ANDREWS, Simon, POLOVINA, Simon, HILL, Richard and AKHGAR, Babak, (eds.) Conceptual Structures for Discovering Knowledge (The 19th International Conference on Conceptual Structures, ICCS 2011, Derby, UK. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (Subseries: Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence), (6828). Berlin and Heidelberg, Springer, 63-76. [Book Section]

ATTWOOD, Feona (2011). Sex and the citizens: erotic play and the new leisure culture. In: BRAMHAM, Peter and WAGG, Stephen, (eds.) The new politics of leisure and pleasure. New York, Macmillan. [Book Section]

ATTWOOD, Feona (2011). Through the looking glass? Sexual agency and subjectification in cyberspace. In: GILL, Rosalind and SCHARFF, Christina, (eds.) New femininities : postfeminism, neoliberalism and subjectivity. Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan. [Book Section]

BARN, Balbir S and CLARK, Tony (2011). Re-thinking software engineering approaches : a critical reflection on theory building. In: ICSOFT 2011 : 6th International Conference on Software and Data Technologies, Seville, Spain, 18-21 July 2011. 59-64. [Conference or Workshop Item]

BARN, Balbir S and CLARK, Tony (2011). Revisiting Naur's programming as theory building for enterprise architecture modelling. In: Advanced Information Systems Engineering. Lecture notes in computer science (6741). Springer, 229-236. [Book Section]

BASSI, Camila (2011). The inane politics of Tony Cliff. Journal for the study of anti-semitism, 3 (2), 729-738. [Article]

BATES, Christopher, DOHERTY, Kathy and GRAINGER, Karen (2011). Facework in a pair-programming session. In: Psychology of Programming Interest Group Work in Progress, Sheffield Hallam University, April 18-19, 2011. (Unpublished) [Conference or Workshop Item]

BATES, Christopher, DOHERTY, Kathy and GRAINGER, Karen (2011). Understanding Programmers Through Discourse Analysis. In: RAISE 2011, University Central Lanacashire, Preston, UK, June 9th 2011. [Conference or Workshop Item]

BECKINGHAM, Sue (2011). Twitter, SEDA and the November 2011 Conference. Educational developments, 12.4, p. 28. [Article]

BEER, Martin, BROM, Cyril, DIGNUM, Frank and SOO, Von-Wun (2011). Agents for educational games and simulations. In: Agents for Educational Games and Simulations, Taipei, May 2011. Taipei, ROC, AAMAS. [Conference or Workshop Item]

BOWEN, Simon, DEARDEN, Andy, WOLSTENHOLME, Dan and COBB, Mark (2011). Different views : including others in participatory health service innovation. In: BUUR, Jacob, (ed.) PINC 2011 : Participatory innovation conference 2011, 13-15 January, 2011, Sonderborg, Denmark. Sonderborg, University of Southern Denmark, 230-236. [Book Section]

BRIDGES, S, SCHIFFEL, J and POLOVINA, Simon (2011). OpenSEA: A framework for semantic interoperation between enterprises. In: BESSIS, N and XHAFA, F, (eds.) Next generation data technologies for collective computational intelligence. Studies in computational intelligence (352). Springer, 61-86. [Book Section]

BULL, Christopher and ADAM, Alison (2011). Virtue ethics and customer relationship management: towards a more holistic approach for the development of 'best practice'. Business Ethics: A European Review, 20 (2), 121-130. [Article]

BUTLER, N, SLACK, Frances and WALTON, J (2011). IS/IT Backsourcing - A Case of Outsourcing in Reverse? In: 2011 44th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences. IEEE Computer Society, 1-10. [Book Section]

CERE, Rinella (2011). Musealizing cinema: a troubled history? In: Moving Image and Institution: Cinema and the Museum in the 21st Century, University of Cambridge, 6-8 July, 2011. (Submitted) [Conference or Workshop Item]

CERE, Rinella (2011). Postcolonial and media studies: a cognitive map. In: CERE, Rinella and ROSALIND, Brunt, (eds.) Postcolonial media culture in Britain. Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, 1-13. [Book Section]

CERE, Rinella (2011). ‘Roshonara Chowdry: Misrepresentations of “Homegrown Terrorists” in the British Press’. In: Race and the Cultural Industries Conference, University of Leeds, September 2011. (Unpublished) [Conference or Workshop Item]

CERE, Rinella (2011). The media representation of Muslim women radicalised by a post 9/11 society. In: Race and the Cultural Industries Conference, University of Leeds, 14 September 2011. (Unpublished) [Conference or Workshop Item]

CIOLFI, Luigina (2011). Augmented places: exploring human experience of technology at the boundary between physical and digital worlds. In: JAMES-CHAKRABORTY, Kathleen and STRUMPER-KROBB, Sabine, (eds.) Crossing Borders. Space Beyond Disciplines. New York, Peter Lang, 205-222. [Book Section]

CIOLFI, Luigina and MCLOUGHLIN, Marc (2011). Challenges for the technological augmentation of open-air museums: bridging buildings, artefacts and activities. Nordisk Museologi, 1, 15-34. [Article]

CIOLFI, Luigina and MCLOUGHLIN, Marc (2011). Design interventions for open-air museums: applying and extending the principles of “assembly”. In: CHI '11 Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. New York, ACM Digital Library, 553-556. [Book Section]

CIOLFI, Luigina and MCLOUGHLIN, Marc (2011). Physical keys to digital memories: reflecting on the role of tangible artefacts in "Reminisce". In: Museums and the Web 2011, Philadelphia, USA. [Conference or Workshop Item]

CLARK, Tony (2011). A general model-based slicing framework. In: 2011 Workshop on Composition and Evolution of Model Transformations. (Unpublished) [Conference or Workshop Item]

CLARK, Tony and BARN, Balbir (2011). Modeling as theory building : addressing knowledge management problems in system engineering. SETLabs Briefings. [Article]

CLARK, Tony and BARN, Balbir S (2011). Event driven architecture modelling and simulation. In: SOSE '11 : Proceedings of the Proceedings of 2011 IEEE 6th International Symposium on Service Oriented System Engineering. IEEE Computer Society, 43-54. [Book Section]

CLARK, Tony, BARN, Balbir S and OUSSENA, Samia (2011). LEAP : a precise lightweight framework for enterprise architecture. In: Proceedings of the 4th India Software Engineering Conference. ACM, 85-94. [Book Section]

CLARK, Tony and BETTIN, Jorn (2011). Editorial for the theme issue on model-based interoperability. Software and Systems Modeling, 11 (1), 7-10. [Article]

CLARKE, David (2011). It came from a friend of a friend : media-spread urban legends. In: BATHOLOMEW, Robert E. and RADFORD, Benjamin, (eds.) The Martians have landed! : a history of media-driven panics and hoaxes. Jefferson, North Carolina, McFarland & co Inc, 130-155. [Book Section]

COCHRANE, Thom, BATEMAN, Roger, BUCHEM, Llona, CAMACHO, Mar, GORDON, Averill, KEEGAN, Helen and RHODES, David (2011). MLearning 2.0 : fostering international collaboration. In: CANDEL TORRES, I., GÓMEZ CHOVA, L. and LÓPEZ MARTÍNEZ, A., (eds.) ICERI 2011 conference proceedings. International Association of Technology, Education and Development (IATED), 42-51. [Book Section]

CROWTHER, Paul (2011). Knowledge transfer partnership - a case study from the building industry. The International Journal of Knowledge, Culture and Change Management, 11 (1), 61-72. [Article]

CROWTHER, Paul and HILL, Richard (2011). Dissertation by Portfolio - a break from traditional approaches. World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, 59, 1904-1908. [Article]

D'ANDREA, Anthony, GRAY, Breda and CIOLFI, Luigina (2011). Methodological challenges and innovations in mobilities research. Mobilities, 6 (2), 149-160. [Article]

DAY, David (2011). A performance analysis of Snort and Suricata Network Intrusion Detection and Prevention Engines. In: ICDS 2011, The Fifth International Conference on Digital Society. IARIA, 187-192. [Book Section]

DAY, David and ZHAO, Zhengxu (2011). Protecting Against Address Space Layout Randomization (ASLR) Compromises and Return-to-Libc Attacks Using Network Intrusion Detection Systems. International Journal of Automation and Computing, 8 (4), 472-483. [Article]

DEARDEN, Andy, MATTHEWS, P. and RIZVI, H. (2011). Kheti: mobile multimedia in an agricultural co-operative. Personal and Ubiquitous Computing, 15 (6), 597-607. [Article]

DELLER, Ruth A. (2011). Twittering on: Audience research and participation using Twitter. Participations, 8 (1), 216-245. [Article]

DIERS, Audra (2011). ‘I don’t want to become a rules cop’: an organizational culture and leadership discourse analysis of the NPDA as a failed organization. Speaker & Gavel, 48 (2), 32-52. [Article]

DRAY, Susan M., LIGHT, Ann, EVERS, Vanessa, DEARDEN, Andy, DENSMORE, Melissa, KAM, Matthew, MARSDEN, Gary, RAMACHANDRAN, Nithya Sambasivan, SMYTH, Thomas, VAN GREUNEN, Darelle and WINTERS, Niall (2011). Human computer interaction for development: changing HCI to Change the World. In: SEARS, A and JACKO, J.A., (eds.) The human-interaction handbook: fundamentals, evolving technologies and emerging applications. CRC press. [Book Section]

DUJARDIN, Anne-Florence (2011). Assessing a social bookmarking task. Project Report. Higher Education Academy. [Monograph]

EKOSSE, G I E, MWITONDI, Kassim and SEABI, F T (2011). Graphical visualisation and domain partitioning of minerals in clay fraction of soils from Capricorn District, South Africa. Africal Journal of Agricultural Research, 6 (2), 467-475. [Article]

FISH, Andrew, KHAZAEI, Babak and ROAST, Chris (2011). User-comprehension of Euler diagrams. Journal of visual languages and computing, 22 (5), 340-364. [Article]

GOLDIE, Chris (2011). ‘Radio Campanile’: Sixties modernity, the Post Office Tower and public space. Journal of Design History, 24 (3), 207-222. [Article]

GRAINGER, Karen (2011). "The Daily Grunt":The resurgence of the deficit model of language competence in children. In: Language, Education and Disadvantage, Sheffield Hallam University, 19th-20th April 2011. (Unpublished) [Conference or Workshop Item]

GRAINGER, Karen (2011). 'First order' and 'second order' politeness: institutional and intercultural contexts. In: Discursive approaches to politeness. Mouton Series in Pragmatics (8). Berlin, De Gruyter Moulton, 167-188. [Book Section]

HABGOOD, M. P. Jacob (2011). Maintaining an ethical balance in the curriculum design of games-based degrees. In: BISSETT, Andrew, WARD BYNUM, Terrell, LIGHT, Ann, LAUENER, Angela and ROGERSON, Simon, (eds.) Ethicomp 2011 : the social impact of social computing : Proceedings of the twelfth international conference. Sheffield Hallam University Press, 202-209. [Book Section]

HABGOOD, MP Jacob and AINSWORTH, Shaaron E (2011). Motivating children to learn effectively: exploring the value of intrinsic integration in educational games. Journal of the Learning Sciences, 20 (2), 169-206. [Article]

HALL, Sheldon (2011). Blockbusters. New York, Oxford University Press. [Other]

HALL, Sheldon (2011). Pass the ammunition : a short etymology of "Blockbuster". In: Rethinking Epic, University of Lincoln, July 2011. [Conference or Workshop Item]

HOGG, Christopher (2011). Gub Neal: cracking the business of TV drama production. Journal of British Cinema and Television, 8 (1), 118-132. [Article]

JONES, Peter E. (2011). Activity, activity theory and the Marxian legacy. In: JONES, Peter, (ed.) Marxism and education : renewing the dialogue, pedagogy and culture. Palgrave Macmillan, 193-214. [Book Section]

JONES, Peter E. (2011). Marxism and education : renewing the dialogue, pedagogy and culture. Palgrave Macmillan. [Edited Book]

JONES, Peter E. (2011). Signs of activity: integrating language and practical action. Language Sciences, 33 (1), 11-19. [Article]

JONES, Peter E. (2011). Value for money? : putting Marx through the mill. Language Sciences, 33 (4), 689-694. [Article]

JONES, Peter E. (2011). The living and the dead in education : commentary on Julian Williams. Mind, Culture, and Activity, 18 (4), 365-373. [Article]

KHAZAEI, Babak (2011). An empirical study investigating the effect of OCL on solution. In: PPIG Work-in-Progress 2011, Sheffield, 18-19th April 2011. (Unpublished) [Conference or Workshop Item]

KRAMER, Dean, KOCUROVA, Anna, OUSSENA, Samia, CLARK, Tony and KOMISARCZUK, Peter (2011). An extensible, self contained, layered approach to context acquisition. In: TERZIS, Sotirios, (ed.) M-MPAC '11 : Proceedings of the Third International Workshop on Middleware for Pervasive Mobile and Embedded Computing. ACM, p. 6. [Book Section]

LALLIE, Harjinder Singh, LAWSON, Philip and DAY, David (2011). Using digital logs to reduce academic misdemeanour by students in digital forensic assessments. Journal of Information Technology Education, 10, 255-269. [Article]

LAUNDERS, Ivan (2011). Evaluating the transaction graph through a financial trading case study. In: ANDREWS, Simon, (ed.) Conceptual Structures for Discovering Knowledge. Lecture notes in computer science. Lecture notes in artificial intelligence (6828). Berlin, Springer, 145-158. [Book Section]

LAUNDERS, Ivan (2011). The transaction graph: requirements capture in semantic enterprise architectures. LAP Lambert Academic Publishing. [Authored Book]

LIGHT, Ann (2011). Democratising technology : making transformation using designing, performance and props. In: TAN, Desney, FITZPATRICK, Geraldine, GUTWIN, Carl, BEGOLE, Bo and KELLOGG, Wendy A, (eds.) CHI' 11 : proceedings of the 2011 annual conference on Human factors in computing systems. ACM, 2239-2242. [Book Section]

LIGHT, Ann (2011). Digital interdependence and how to design for it. interactions: new visions of human-computer interaction, 18 (2), 34-39. [Article]

LIGHT, Ann (2011). HCI as heterodoxy : technologies of identity and the queering of interaction with computers. Interacting with Computers, 23 (5), 430-438. [Article]

LIGHT, Ann (2011). The politics of representing cultures in ubiquitous media : challenging national cultural norms by studying a map with Indian and British users. Personal and Ubiquitous Computing, 15 (6), 585-596. [Article]

MCSEVENY, Kerry and WADDINGTON, Dave (2011). Up close and personal : the interplay between information technology and human agency in the policing of the 2011 Sheffield Anti-Lib Dem protes. In: AKHGAR, Babak and YATES, Simeon, (eds.) Intelligence management : knowledge driven frameworks for combating terrorism and organized crime. Advanced Information and Knowledge Processing . Springer, 199-212. [Book Section]

MWITONDI, Kassim and SAID, R (2011). A step-wise method for labelling continuous data with a focus on striking a balance between predictive accuracy and model reliability. In: International Conference on the Challenges in Statistics and Operations Research, Kuwait City, 08th -10th March 2011. (Unpublished) [Conference or Workshop Item]

NALCHIGAR, Soroosh, NASSERZADEH, S.M.R and AKHGAR, Babak (2011). Simulating strategic information systems planning process using fuzzy cognitive map. International Journal of Business Information Systems (IJBIS), 8 (3), 286-306. [Article]

NISIOTIS, Louis, BEER, Martin and URUCHURTU, Elizabeth (2011). The SHU3DED Cyber Campus Prototype. Learning Technology Newsletter, 13 (4), 14-17. [Article]

NORTCLIFFE, Anne and MIDDLETON, Andrew (2011). Smartphone feedback : using an iPhone to improve the distribution of audio feedback. International Journal of Electrical Engineering Education, 48 (3), 280-293. [Article]

NORTCLIFFE, Anne, MIDDLETON, Andrew and WOODCOCK, Ben (2011). Evaluating the Use of Audio Smartphone Apps for Higher Education. In: 130th Audio Engineering Society Convention, London, 13-16 May 2011. (Unpublished) [Conference or Workshop Item]

ORPHANIDES, Constantinos (2011). Exploring the applicability of formal concept analysis on Market Intelligence data. CEUR Workshop Proceedings, 753. [Article]

OUSSENA, Samia, KIM, Hyensook and CLARK, Tony (2011). Exploiting student intervention system using data mining. In: The First International Conference on Advances in Information Mining and Management, Barcelona, Spain, 23-29 October 2011. [Conference or Workshop Item]

POLOVINA, Simon and ANDREWS, Simon (2011). A transaction-oriented architecture for structuring unstructured information in enterprise applications. In: SUGUMARAN, Vijayan, (ed.) Intelligent, Adaptive and Reasoning Technologies: New Developments and Applications. IGI Global, 285-299. [Book Section]

POSTILL, John (2011). Localizing the Internet : an anthropological account. Anthropology of Media, 5 . Berghahn. [Authored Book]

RAMAMURTHY, Anandi (2011). Remembering the Asian youth movement in Manchester. Journal of the North West Labour History, 36, 31-36. [Article]

RAMAMURTHY, Anandi (2011). South Asian mobilisation in two northern cities: a comparison of Manchester and Bradford Asian youth movements. Ethnicity and Race in a Changing World, 2 (2), 26-42. [Article]

ROAST, Chris, DEARDEN, Andy and URUCHURTU, Elizabeth (2011). Using and utilizing an innovative media development tool. In: Proceeding of IHC & CLIHC 2011 : Proceedings of the 10th Brazilian Symposium on on Human Factors in Computing Systems and the 5th Latin American Conference on Human-Computer Interaction. Porto Alegre, Brazil, Brazilian Computer Society / ACM, 149-156. [Book Section]

ROAST, Chris, URUCHURTU, Elizabeth and DEARDEN, Andy (2011). The programming-like-analysis of an innovative media tool. In: Psychology of Porgramming Interest Group Annual Conference, University of York, 6 - 8 September 2011. (Unpublished) [Conference or Workshop Item]

RODRIGUES, Marcos (2011). 3D reconstruction of the surgical scene using structured light. In: ESF EMRC Exploratory Workshop on Image-guided Laparoscopic Therapies, Caceres, Spain, 15-17 June 2011. (Unpublished) [Conference or Workshop Item]

RODRIGUES, Marcos (2011). Fast 3D Reconstruction using Structured Light Methods. In: International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention, Toronto, Canada, 18-22 September. (Unpublished) [Conference or Workshop Item]

RODRIGUES, Marcos, KORMANN, Mariza and DAVISON, Lucy (2011). A case study of 3D technologies in higher education: scanning the Metalwork Collection of Museums Sheffield and its implications to teaching and learning. In: 2011 International Conference on Information Technology Based Higher. IEEE, 1-6. [Book Section]

RODRIGUES, Marcos and ROBINSON, Alan (2011). Fast
applications. In: AKHGAR, Babak and YATES, Simeon, (eds.) Intelligence management : knowledge driven frameworks for combating terrorism and organized crime. Advanced information and knowledge processing . London, Springer-Verlag, 95-109. [Book Section]

RODRIGUES, Marcos and ROBINSON, Alan (2011). Real-time 3D Face Recognition using Line Projection and Mesh Sampling. In: LAGA, H, FERREIRA, A, GODIL, A, PRATIKAKIS, I and VELTKAMP, R, (eds.) 3D Object Retrieval 2011 Eurographics Symposium Proceedings. Eurographics Association, 9-16. [Book Section]

RODRIGUES, Marcos, ROBINSON, Alan and OSMAN, Abdulsslam (2011). Efficient 3D data compression through parameterization of free-form surface patches. In: Signal Process and Multimedia Applications (SIGMAP), Proceedings of the 2010 International Conference on. IEEE, 130-135. [Book Section]

SHENFIELD, Alex and FLEMING, Peter (2011). Multi-objective evolutionary design of robust controllers on the grid. In: BITTANTI, Sergio, CENEDESE, Angelo and ZAMPIERI, Sandro, (eds.) Proceedings of the 18th IFAC World Congress, 2011. World Congress (18/1). International Federation of Automatic Control, 14711-14716. [Book Section]

SHENFIELD, Alex and RODENBURG, John (2011). Evolutionary determination of experimental parameters for ptychographical imaging. Journal of Applied Physics, 109 (12), p. 124510. [Article]

SHIN, Chi Yun (2011). Trajectories of omnibus: memories, journeys and migration in Tickets (2005). In: Sonic Futures: Soundscapes and the Languages of Screen Media. European Network for Cinema and Media Studies (NECS) conference, London (King's College London, Birbeck College, Regent's College), 23-26 June 2011. (Unpublished) [Conference or Workshop Item]

WADDINGTON, Dave (2011). Policing the British G8 protests: a contextualized analysis. In: KNUTSSON, Johannes and MADENSEN, Tamara D., (eds.) Preventing crowd violence. Crime Prevention Studies (26). Boulder, Co., Lynne Rienner, 95-114. [Book Section]

WADDINGTON, Dave (2011). Public order policing in South Yorkshire, 1984-2011: the case for a permissive approach to crowd control. Contemporary social science, 6 (3), 309-324. [Article]

WALTON, John (2011). Access space and digital outreach trainers case study. In: HAMBACH, Sybille, MARTENS, Alke and URBAN, Bodo, (eds.) eLearning Baltics 2011. Rostock, Die Deutshe Biibliothek, 52-62. [Book Section]

WATMOUGH, Martin (2011). Evaluation of an approach for teaching formal concept analysis. CEUR Workshop Proceedings, 753, 57-67. [Article]

YATES, Simeon, AKHGAR, Babak, BATES, Christopher, JOPEK, Lukasz and WILSON, Richard (2011). A platform for discovering and sharing confidential ballistic crime data. International Journal of Knowledge and Web Intelligence, 2 (2/3), 202-218. [Article]

YATES, Simeon, BATES, Christopher, AKHGAR, Babak, JOPEK, Lukasz, WILSON, Richard, JOHNSON-MITCHELL, Sarah and KILLICK, Samantha (2011). The Odyssey Project - understanding and implementing user needs in the context of ballistic crime data exchange. In: Intelligence Management: Knowldege Driven Frameworks for Combatting Terrorism and Organised Crime. Advanced Information and Knowledge Processing . Springer, 11-48. [Book Section]


ATTWOOD, Feona, ed. (2010). : making sense of online pornography. Digital formations, 48 . New York, Peter Lang. [Edited Book]

POLOVINA, S., ANDREWS, S., HILL, R., SCHARFE, H. and ØHRSTRØM, P., eds. (2010). Proceedings of the first conceptual structures – learning, teaching and assessment workshop CS-LTA2010 held in conjunction with ICCS-2010 the 18th international conference on conceptual structures. Mimos Berhad. [Edited Book]

POSTILL, John and BRÄUCHLER, Birgit, eds. (2010). Theorising media and practice. Anthropology of Media, 4 . New York, N.Y. ; Oxford, Berghahn. [Edited Book]

AL-KHALIDI, F. Q., SAATCHI, R., BURKE, D. and ELPHICK, H. (2010). Tracking human face features in thermal images for respiration monitoring. In: 2010 IEEE/ACS International Conference on Computer Systems and Applications (AICCSA), Hammamet, Tunisia, 16-19 May, 2010. [Conference or Workshop Item]

ADAM, Alison (2010). Personal values and computer ethics. In: FLORIDI, Luciano, (ed.) The Cambridge Handbook of Information and Computer Ethics. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 149-162. [Book Section]

ADAM, Alison (2010). Women as knowledge workers: from the telegraph to the computer. In: HOWCROFT, D and RICHARDSON, H, (eds.) Work and life in the global economy. A gendered analysis of service work. Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, 15-32. [Book Section]

AL-AMIRA, O., YOUSEF, S. and AL-KHAYATT, S. (2010). Analysis and enhancement of SSL based UMTS authentication protocol. In: 7th International Symposium on Communication Systems, Networks and Digital Signal Processing, CSNDSP 2010, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 21-23 July 2010. 295-299. [Conference or Workshop Item]

ANDREWS, S. and ORPHANIDES, C. (2010). FcaBedrock, a formal context creator. In: 18th International Conference on Conceptual Structures, Kuching, Malaysia, 26-31st July, 2010. (Submitted) [Conference or Workshop Item]

ANDREWS, S., ORPHANIDES, C. and POLOVINA, S. (2010). Visualising computational intelligence through converting data into formal concepts. In: XHAFA, F., BAROLLI, L., NISHINO, H. and ALEKSY, M., (eds.) Proceedings of the 2010 international conference on P2P, parallel, grid, cloud and internet computing (3GPCIC). IEEE Computer Society, 302-307. [Book Section]

ANDREWS, Simon (2010). Aligning the topic of FCA with existing module learning outcomes. In: POLOVINA, Simon, ANDREWS, Simon, HILL, Richard, SCHARFE, Henrik and ØHRSTRØM, Peter, (eds.) Proceedings of the International Workshop CS-LTA 2010 : The First Conceptual Structures – Learning, Teaching and Assessment Workshop. Mimos Berhad, 1-12. [Book Section]

ANDREWS, Simon and ORPHANIDES, Constantinos (2010). Analysis of large data sets using formal concept lattices. In: KRYSZKIEWICZ,, M. and OBIEDKOV, S, (eds.) Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Concept Lattices and Their Applications. Seville, University of Seville, 104-115. [Book Section]

ANDREWS, Simon and ORPHANIDES, Constantinos (2010). Knowledge discovery through creating formal contexts. In: XHAFA, F, ABRAHAM, A, DEMETRIADIS, S and CABALLE, S, (eds.) First international workshop on computational intelligence in networks and systems (CINS 2010). IEEE Computer Society, 455-460. [Book Section]

APPIAH, Kofi, HUNTER, Andrew, DICKINSON, Patrick and MENG, Hongying (2010). Accelerated hardware video object segmentation: From foreground detection to connected components labelling. Computer Vision and Image Understanding, 114 (11), 1282-1291. [Article]

ATTWOOD, F. and SMITH, C. (2010). Extreme Concern: Regulating 'Dangerous Pictures' in the United Kingdom. Journal Of Law And Society, 37 (1), 171-188. [Article]

ATTWOOD, Feona (2010). Conclusion: toward the study of online porn cultures and practices. In: ATTWOOD, Feona, (ed.) : making sense of online pornography. Digital formations (48). New York, Peter Lang, 236-244. [Book Section]

ATTWOOD, Feona (2010). Introduction: porn studies: from social problem to cultural practice. In: ATTWOOD, Feona, (ed.) Making Sense of Online Pornography. Digital formations (48). New York, Peter Lang, 1-13. [Book Section]

ATTWOOD, Feona (2010). Younger, paler, decidedly less straight: new online porn producers. In: : making sense of online pornography. Digital formations (48). New York, Peter Lang, 88-106. [Book Section]

AVRAM, Gabriela, CIOLFI, Luigina and MCLOUGHLIN, Marc (2010). Get connected: your museum and social media. Museum Ireland, 20, 110-120. [Article]

BARN, Balbir S and CLARK, Tony (2010). A domain specific language for contextual design. In: Human-centred software engineering : Third International Conference, HCSE 2010, Reykjavik, Iceland, October 14-15, 2010. Proceedings. Lecture notes in computer science (6409). Springer, 46-61. [Book Section]

BASSI, Camila (2010). It’s new but not that new: on the continued use of old Marx. Feminist Legal Studies, 18 (1), 69-76. [Article]

BELTON, John, HALL, Sheldon and NEALE, Steve (2010). Widescreen worldwide. New Barnet, John Libbey Publishing. [Edited Book]

BETTIN, Jorn and CLARK, Anthony (2010). Advanced modelling made simple with the Gmodel metalanguage. In: BEZIVIN, Jean, SOLEY, Richard Mark and VALLECILLO, Antonio, (eds.) MDI '10 : Proceedings of the First International Workshop on Model-Driven Interoperability. New York, ACM, 79-88. [Book Section]

BISSETT, Andrew and KIMPPA, Kim (2010). Conrad, Kant and computers : porfessional duty and IT. In: ETHICOMP 2010 (12th International Conference on the Social and Ethical Impacts of Information and Communication Technology) : The "backwards, forwards and sideways" changes of ICT, Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Tarragona, Spain, 14-16 April 2010. (Unpublished) [Conference or Workshop Item]

BLYTHE, Mark, MCCARTHY, John, LIGHT, Ann, BARDZELL, Shaowen, WRIGHT, Peter, BARDZELL, Jeffrey and BLACKWELL, Alan (2010). Critical dialogue : interaction, experience and cultural theory. In: MYNATT, Elizabeth and SCHONER, Don, (eds.) CHI EA '10 : Proceedings of the 28th international conference extended abstracts on Human factors in computing systems. New York, ACM, 4521-4524. [Book Section]

BOWEN, Simon, DEARDEN, Andy, WRIGHT, Peter, WOLSTENHOLME, Dan and COBB, Mark (2010). Participatory healthcare service design and innovation. In: BODKER, K, BRATTETEIG, T, LOI, D and ROBERTSON, T, (eds.) PDC '10 Proceedings of the 11th Biennial Participatory Design Conference. ACM International Conference Proceeding Series . New York, ACM Press, 155-158. [Book Section]

BRIDGES, S. and POLOVINA, S. (2010). An OpenSEA framework using ISO24707 common logic. In: XHAFA, F., DEMETRIADIS, S., CABALLÉ, S. and ABRAHAM, A., (eds.) Proceedings of the 2010 international conference on intelligent networking and collaborative systems. IEEE Computer Society, 335-336. [Book Section]

BULL, C M and ADAM, Alison (2010). Ethics in the design and use of “best practice” incorporated in enterprise information systems. In: D'ATRI, Alessandro and SACCA, Domenico, (eds.) Information Systems: People, Organizations, Institutions, and Technologies. ItAIS:The Italian Association for Information Systems. Physica-Verlag Heidelberg, 327-334. [Book Section]

BULL, Christopher and ADAM, Alison (2010). Customer relationship management information systems (CRM-IS) and the realisation of moral agency. Journal of information, communication and ethics in society, 8 (2), 164-177. [Article]

CLARK, Tony and TRATT, Laurence (2010). Formalizing homogeneous language embeddings. Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science, 253 (7), 75-88. [Article]

COHN, M., KERRIDGE, T., LIGHT, Ann, LINDTNER, S. and RATTO, M. (2010). Tracing design(ed) authority in critical modes of making. In: DIS '10 Proceedings of the 8th ACM Conference on Designing Interactive Systems, Aarhus, Denmark, 16-20 August 2010. p. 440. [Conference or Workshop Item]

COLEMAN, S., MORRISON, D. and YATES, S. (2010). The mediation of political disconnection. In: BRANTS, K. and VOLTMER, K., (eds.) Political communication in postmodern democracy : challenging the primacy of politics. Basingstoke, Hampshire, Palgrave Macmillen. [Book Section]

DAY, David, ZHAO, Zhengxu and MA, Minhua (2010). Detecting Return-to-libc Buffer Overflow Attacks Using Network Intrusion Detection Systems. In: Digital Society , 2010 . ICDS '10 . Fourth International Conference on. IEEE Computer Society. [Book Section]

DE LA ROSA, Josep Lluis, ROVIRA, Mercè, BEER, Martin and MONTANER, Miquel (2010). Reducing the Administrative Burden by Online Information and Referral Services. In: REDDICK, Christopher G., (ed.) Citizens and E-Government Evaluating Policy and Management. Hershey, Pa., Information Science Reference, 131-157. [Book Section]

DEARDEN, Andy, LIGHT, Ann, HEEKS, Richard, MARSDEN, Gary, WINTERS, Niall, TONGIA, Rahul, BEALE, Russell and KAM, Matthew (2010). Innovation everywhere : computing for 9 billion people. In: ACM-BCS Visions of Computer Science 2010 : Grand Challenges in Computing Research, Edinburgh, 13-16 April 2010. (Unpublished) [Conference or Workshop Item]

DEARDEN, Andy, LIGHT, Ann, KANAGWA, Benjamin and RAI, Idris (2010). Getting from research to practice in M4D. In: SVENSSON, Jakob and WICANDER, Gudrun, (eds.) Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on M4D Mobile Communication Technology for Development : M4D 2010, 10-11 November 2010, Kampala, Uganda. Karlstadt University, 259-262. [Book Section]

DEARDEN, Andy, RIZVI, Haider and GUPTA, Subodh (2010). Roles and responsibilities in agile ICT for development. Electronic Workshops in Computing, 1-12. [Article]

DEARDEN, Andy, WRIGHT, Peter, BOWEN, Simon, COBB, Mark and WOLSTENHOLME, Dan (2010). User centred design and pervasive health : a position statement from the user centred healthcare design project. In: 4th International Conference on Pervasive Computing Technologies for Healthcare 2010, Munich, Germany, 22-25 March, 2010. (Unpublished) [Conference or Workshop Item]

DEARDEN, Andy, WRIGHT, Peter, BOWEN, Simon, RAHMAN, Fazilatur, COBB, Mark and WOLSTENHOLME, Dan (2010). Pervasive healthcare in lived experience : thinking beyond the home : position paper for workshop on pervasive healthcare in the home. In: 4th International Conference on Pervasive Computing Technologies for Healthcare 2010, Munich, Germany, 22-25 March, 2010. (Unpublished) [Conference or Workshop Item]

DELLER, Ruth A. (2010). 'What the World Needs... is a Doctor'. In: SMITHKA, Paula and LEWIS, Courtland, (eds.) Doctor Who and Philosophy. Chicago, Open Court, 239-247. [Book Section]

DISALVO, Carl, LIGHT, Ann, HIRSCH, Tad, LE DANTEC, Christopher A, GOODMAN, Elizabeth and HILL, Katie (2010). HCI, communities and politics. In: MYNATT, Elizabeth and SCHONER, Don, (eds.) CHI' EA 10 : Proceedings of the 28th international conference extended abstracts on Human factors in computing systems. New York, ACM, 3151-3154. [Book Section]

DIERS, Audra and TOMAINO, Kathryn (2010). Comparing strawberries and quandongs: a cross-national analysis of crisis response strategies. Observatorio, 4 (3), 21-57. [Article]

DOGMAN, A., SAATCHI, R. and AL-KHAYATT, S. (2010). An adaptive statistical sampling technique for computer network traffic. In: GHASSEMLOOY, Zabih and NG, Wai Pang, (eds.) Proceeding of the seventh, IEEE, IET international symposium on Communication Systems, Networks and Digital Signal Processing (CSNDSP). Newcastle, Northumbria University, 479-483. [Book Section]

DOHERTY, Kathy and O'REILLY, Daragh (2010). Rocking the museum: New Model Army as Host-in-Residence. In: Transmission Annual: Hospitality. -. (Unpublished) [Book Section]

DRYDEN, C., DOHERTY, Kathy and NICOLSON, P. (2010). Accounting for the hero : a critical psycho-discursive approach to children's experience of domestic violence and the construction of masculinities. British Journal of Social Psychology, 49 (1), 189-205. [Article]

DUJARDIN, Anne-Florence (2010). Getting started with Diigo social bookmarking - a checklist. Project Report. Higher Education Academy. [Monograph]

DUJARDIN, Anne-Florence (2010). Supporting social bookmarking activities. Project Report. Higher Education Academy. [Monograph]

ERFANI, Seyede Zahra, AKHGAR, Babak and RAMIN, Farzad (2010). A novel knowledge management implementation model for mobile telecommunication industry. World Applied Sciences Journal, 11 (1), 29-37. [Article]

GIUSTI, Giulio (2010). Turbamenti figurativi: conversazione con Dario Argento. Filmcritica (609/10), 490-496. [Article]

GRAINGER, K. (2010). Indirectness in Zimbabwean English : a study of intercultural communication in the UK. In: BARGIELA-CHIAPPINI, F. and KADAR, D. Z., (eds.) Politeness across cultures. Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, 171-193. [Book Section]

GRAINGER, K., MILLS, Sara and SIBANDA, M. (2010). "Just tell us what to do": Southern African face and its relevance to intercultural communication. Journal of Pragmatics, 42 (8), 2158-2171. [Article]

HABGOOD, MP Jacob (2010). Crossing the road: bringing legitimate peripheral participation to game development degrees (Guest editorial). International Journal of Gaming and Computer-Mediated Simulations, 2 (3), i-vii. [Article]

HABGOOD, MP Jacob, NIELSEN, Nana and RIJKS, Martin (2010). The game maker's companion. New York, APress. [Authored Book]

HALL, Sheldon (2010). Alternative versions in the early years of CinemaScope. In: BELTON, John, HALL, Sheldon and NEALE, Steve, (eds.) Widescreen worldwide. New Barnet, Herts, John Libbey Publishing, 113-131. [Book Section]

HALL, Sheldon (2010). Streamlining the roadshow : the distribution and exhibition of "Gone with the Wind". In: Film History Seminars, Institute of Historical Research, 28 January 2010. (Unpublished) [Conference or Workshop Item]

HALL, Sheldon and NEALE, Steve (2010). Epics, spectacles and blockbusters : a Hollywood history. Contemporary approaches to film and television series . Detroit, Michigan, Wayne State University Press. [Authored Book]

HYENSOOK, Kim, OUSSENA, Samia, ZHANG, Ying and CLARK, Tony (2010). Automatic generation of data merging program codes. In: CORDEIRO, Jose, (ed.) ICSOFT 2010 - Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Software and Data Technologies, Athens, Greece, July 22-24, 2010. SciTePress, 179-186. [Book Section]

JENKINS, Clare (2010). Relative Grief: Interviews about Bereavement. In: Narrative, Memory and Ordinary Lives. Huddersfield, University of Huddersfield, 123-134. [Book Section]

JENKINS, Clare (2010). Rumer Godden and the Anglo-Indian community in India before Partition. In: LE-GUILCHER, Lucy and LASSNER, Phyllis B, (eds.) Rumer Godden: International and Intermodern Storyteller. London, Ashgate, 173-186. [Book Section]

JENKINS, Clare (2010). A born storyteller : clips from the interviews. In: LE-GUILCHER, Lucy and LASSNER, Phyllis B, (eds.) Rumer Godden : international and intermodern storyteller. Farnham, Surrey, Ashgate, 173-186. [Book Section]

JONES, Peter E. (2010). You want a piece of me? Paying your dues and getting your due in a distributed world. AI and society, 25 (4), 455-464. [Article]

JOPEK, Lukasz, WILSON, Richard and BATES, Christopher (2010). An application of a domain-specific language facilitating abstraction and secure access to a crime and ballistic data sharing platform. In: Computation tools 2010: the first international conference on computational logics, algebras, programming, tools, and benchmarking. IARIA, 29-33. (Submitted) [Book Section]

KRAMER, Dean, CLARK, Anthony and OUSSENA, Samia (2010). MobDSL : a Domain Specific Language for multiple mobile platform deployment. In: Networked Embedded Systems for Enterprise Applications (NESEA), 2010 IEEE International Conference on. IEEE, 1-7. [Book Section]

LAUNDERS, I. and POLOVINA, S. (2010). Case studies as simulation of industrial practice. In: Case studies: volume 1. Sheffield, Centre for Promoting Learner Autonomy, Sheffield Hallam University, 89-104. [Book Section]

LAUNDERS, I., POLOVINA, S. and HILL, R. (2010). Semantics and pragmatics in enterprise architecture through transaction agent modelling. In: JORNA, R., LIU, K., JIANG, G., NAKATA, K. and SUN, L., (eds.) Proceedings of the 12th international conference on informatics and semiotics in organisations. SciTePress, 285-291. [Book Section]

LAUNDERS, I., POLOVINA, S. and KHAZAEI, B. (2010). Case studies as simulation of industrial practice. In: CORKER, C,, (ed.) Enquiry, autonomy and graduateness: achieving an outstanding student learning experience. Sheffield, Centre for promoting learner autonomy, 73-88. [Book Section]

LAUNDERS, I., POLOVINA, S. and KHAZAEI, B. (2010). Learning perspectives of enterprise architectures through TrAM. In: POLOVINA, S., ANDREWS, S., HILL, R., SCHARFE, H. and ØHRSTRØM, P., (eds.) Proceedings of the first conceptual structures – learning, teaching and assessment workshop CS-LTA2010 held in conjunction with ICCS-2010 the 18th international conference on conceptual structures. Mimos Berhad, 29-41. [Book Section]

LIGHT, Ann (2010). Bridging global divides with tracking and tracing technology. Pervasive computing, 9 (2), 28-36. [Article]

LIGHT, Ann (2010). Democratising technology : a method. In: INNS, Tom, (ed.) Designing for the 21st century : interdisciplinary methods and findings. Gower, 132-145. [Book Section]

LIGHT, Ann (2010). The Panopticon reaches within : how digital technology turns us inside out. Identity in the Information Society, 3 (3), 583-598. [Article]

LIGHT, Ann (2010). The unit of analysis in understanding the politics of participatory practice. In: PDC' 10 : Participatory design conference 2010, Sydney, Australia, 29 November-3 December, 2010. (Unpublished) [Conference or Workshop Item]

LIGHT, Ann, CAHOUR, Beatrice and OTERO, Nuno (2010). Reflections on reflection : how critical thinking relates to collecting accounts of experience using explicitation techniques. In: Critical Dialogue: Interaction, Experience and Cultural Theory : workshop in association with ACM CHI' 10, Atlanta, Georgia, 10 April 2010. (Unpublished) [Conference or Workshop Item]

LIGHT, Ann and HOLLAND, Valerie (2010). Action methods for cross-boundary participation. In: ROBERTSON, Toni, (ed.) PDC '10 : Proceedings of the 11th Biennial Participatory Design Conference. New York, ACM, 285-286. [Book Section]

LIGHT, Ann, KLEINE, Dorothea and VIVENT, Macarena (2010). Performing Charlotte: a technique to bridge cultures in participatory design. International journal of sociotechnology and knowledge development, 2 (1), 36-58. [Article]

LIGHT, Ann, WAKEMAN, Ian, ROBINSON, Jon, BASU, Anirban and CHALMERS, Dan (2010). Chutney and relish : designing to augment the experience of shopping at a farmers' market. In: BRERETON, Margot, VILLER, Stephen and KRAAL, Ben, (eds.) OZCHI' 10 : Proceedings of the 22nd Conference of the Computer-Human Interaction Special Interest Group of Australia on Computer-Human Interaction. New York, ACM, 208-215. [Book Section]

MALLETT, Rebecca (2010). Autism in the academy: construct, consume, commodify. In: Society for Disability Studies Conference, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 2-5 June, 2010. (Unpublished) [Conference or Workshop Item]

MALLETT, Rebecca (2010). Beyond the classroom walls: using popular culture to promote disability equality. In: Perspectives on Inclusive Development: Embracing Diversity and Creating Disability-sensitive Communities Conference, Sarawak, Malaysia, 28-29 July, 2010. (Unpublished) [Conference or Workshop Item]

MALLETT, Rebecca (2010). Claiming comedic immunity: or, what do you get when you cross contemporary British comedy with disability? Review of Disability Studies, 6 (3), 5-14. [Article]

MALLETT, Rebecca and MADRIAGA, Manuel (2010). Images of criminality, victimisation and disability. In: SHOHAM, S.G., KNEEPER, P. and KETT, M., (eds.) International handbook of victimology. Boca Raton, Fla. ; London, CRC, 585-610. [Book Section]

MALLETT, Rebecca and RUNSWICK-COLE, Katherine (2010). Knowing me, knowing you, aha!: does the urge to know impairment reveal an urge to know normal? In: Critical Disability Studies Conference : Theorizing Normalcy and the Mundane, Manchester, 12-13 May 2010. (Unpublished) [Conference or Workshop Item]

MCNICHOLAS, James (2010). Theatre and dark beauty: a new light on the philosophy of 'Darkness' and the aesthetic principle of 'Dark Beauty' for the theatre and its performances. In: TaPRS Conference, University of Glamorgan, 9th-11th September 2010. (Unpublished) [Conference or Workshop Item]

MCSEVENY, Kerry, GRAINGER, Karen and DOHERTY, Kathy (2010). I'm sooooo chuffed : face management in reports of success on an online weight loss message board. In: Fifth International Symposium on Politeness, University of Basel, 30 June-2 July 2010. (Unpublished) [Conference or Workshop Item]

MENDES, Kaitlynn, SILVA, Kumarini, BASU, Ambar, DUTTA, Mohan, DUNN, Jennifer, ATTWOOD, Feona and BOYLE, Karen (2010). Call girl diaries : new representations of cosmopolitan sex work. Feminist Media Studies, 10 (1), p. 99. [Article]

MENG, Hongying, APPIAH, Kofi, YUE, Shigang, HUNTER, Andrew, HOBDEN, Mervyn, PRIESTLEY, Nigel, HOBDEN, Peter and CY, Pettit (2010). A modified model for the Lobula Giant Movement Detector and its FPGA implementation. Computer Vision and Image Understanding, 114 (11), 1238-1247. [Article]

MWITONDI, Kassim (2010). Science, technology and innovation for development: A proposed framework for implementing integrated knowledge transfer and research and development partnerships. Proceedings of the Second Science with Africa Conference - Addis Ababa, 2010. [Article]

MWITONDI, Kassim (2010). The role of the Diaspora in forging development promoting synergies. In: The Second Tanzanian Diaspora Conference, London, 26-27 March 2010. (Unpublished) [Conference or Workshop Item]

MWITONDI, Kassim and BUGRIEN, J (2010). Harnessing data flow potentials for sustainable applications of Science, Technology and Innovation for African Development. In: International CODATA Conference on Scientific Data and Sustainable Development, Cape Town, South Africa., 24-27 October 2010. (Unpublished) [Conference or Workshop Item]

MWITONDI, Kassim and MAUNDA, Khamza (2010). A consensual approach to domain-partitioning of a cancer data sample space : lessons from Tanzania. African Journal of Science, Technology, Innovation and Development, 2 (2), 51-80. [Article]

NAWAZ, Saeed, SIDDIQI, Jawed I. A., KHAZAEI, Babak and SAEED, Farrukh (2010). Towards a business framework for cloud computing: consumer and provider perspective. In: ARABNIA,, Hamid R., HASHEMI,, Ray R., VERT,, Gregory, CHENNAMANENI,, Anitha and SOLO, Ashu M. G., (eds.) Proceedings of the 2010 International Conference on Information and Knowledge Engineering. CSREA Press, 396-403. [Book Section]

POLOVINA, S. and STALKER, I. D. (2010). TOASTIE: Transaction-oriented architecture for structuring the totally integrated enterprise. In: XHAFA, F., DEMETRIADIS, S., CABALLÉ, S. and ABRAHAM, A,, (eds.) Proceedings of the 2010 international conference on intelligent networking and collaborative systems. IEEE Computer Society, 333-334. [Book Section]

POSTILL, John (2010). The Dayak Festival as a media ritual. In: GUAN, Yeoh Seng, (ed.) Media, culture and society in Malaysia. Routledge Malaysian studies series (9). London, Routledge, 64-84. [Book Section]

POSTILL, John (2010). Introduction: Theorising media and practice. In: POSTILL, John and BRÄUCHLER, Birgit, (eds.) Theorising Media and Practice. Anthropology of media (4). Oxford, Berghahn. [Book Section]

POSTILL, John (2010). Researching the Internet. The Journal Of The Royal Anthropological Institute, 16 (3), 646-650. [Article]

POSTILL, John (2010). Running Cyburbia: new media and local governance in Subang Jaya. In: GUAN, Yeoh Seng, (ed.) Media, Culture and Power in Malaysia. Routledge Malaysian studies series (9). London, Routledge, 96-116. [Book Section]

POSTILL, John (2010). Running cyburbia: Internet and local governance in Subang Jaya. In: GUAN, Yeoh Seng, (ed.) Media, culture and society in Malaysia. Routledge Malaysian Studies Series . Routledge. [Book Section]

RODRIGUES, Marcos and ROBINSON, Alan (2010). Novel methods for real-time 3D facial recognition. In: SARRAFZADEH, Majid and PETRATOS, Panagiotis, (eds.) Strategic Advantage of Computing Information Systems in Enterprise Management. Athens, Greece, ATINER, 169-180. [Book Section]

SAEED, Farrukh, SIDDIQI, Jawed I. A., KHAZAEI, Babak and NAWAZ, Saeed (2010). Towards a Decision Support System for Comparing Software Development Methodologies from a CMMI Perspective. In: ARABNIA, Hamid R., HASHEMI,, Ray R., VERT, Gregory, CHENNAMANENI, Anitha and SOLO, Ashu M. G., (eds.) Proceedings of the 2010 International Conference on Information Knowledge Engineering, IKE 2010, July 12-15, 2010, Las Vegas Nevada, USA 2010. CSREA Press, 388-395. [Book Section]

SALEM, M., MWITONDI, Kassim and EZEPUE, Patrick (2010). Using an optimal model derived from a set of K-fold cross-validated decision tree models to predict breast cancer among Libyan women. In: Third Academic Symposium of Libyan students - Universities of the UK, Sheffield, 12 June 2010. (Submitted) [Conference or Workshop Item]

SHENFIELD, Alex, FLEMING, Peter, KADIRKAMANATHAN, Visakan and ALLAN, Jeff (2010). Optimisation of maintenance scheduling strategies on the grid. Annals of Operations Research, 180 (1), 213-231. [Article]

SHIN, Chi Yun (2010). Engaging theory and making films: radical black cinema in Britain. In: BRUNT, R. and CERE, R., (eds.) Postcolonial Media Culture in Britain. Basingstoke, Hampshire, Palgrave Macmillan, 99-114. [Book Section]

SHIN, Chi Yun (2010). New directions: Korean cinema's international auteurs. In: MARTIN, Daniel and MORRIS, Mark, (eds.) Discovering Korean Cinema. London, The Korean Cultural Centre UK, 26-33. [Book Section]

SPENCER, S. (2010). Visual research methods in the social sciences: awakening visions. London, Routledge. [Authored Book]

WADDINGTON, Dave (2010). Applying the flashpoints model of public disorder to the 2001 Bradford riot. The British Journal of Criminology, 50 (2), 342-359. [Article]

WADDINGTON, Dave (2010). Approche comparative et pluridimensionnelle des émeutes en France et en Grande Bretagne. In: MUCCHIELLI, Laurent and CRETTIEZ, Xavier, (eds.) Les violences politiques en Europe : Un état des lieux. La Découverte, 177-194. [Book Section]

WAKEMAN, Ian, LIGHT, Ann, ROBINSON, Jon, CHALMERS, Dan and BASU, Anirban (2010). Bringing the virtual to the farmers' market : designing for trust in pervasive computing systems. In: IFIPTM 2010 : 4th IFIP WG 11.11 International Conference on Trust Management, Morioka, Iwate, Japan, 16-18 June, 2010. (Unpublished) [Conference or Workshop Item]

WALTON, J. (2010). Education and Skill Development through the Reconfiguration of Discarded Hardware: Turning Base Metal into intellectual Capital. In: International conference on Challenges to Inclusive Growth in the Emerging Economies, Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India, 15-17 December 2010. Indian Institute of management. [Conference or Workshop Item]

WAMPLER, Dean and CLARK, Anthony (2010). Guest editors' introduction: multiparadigm programming. IEEE Software, 27 (5), 20-24. [Article]

WATMOUGH, M., POLOVINA, S., KHAZAEI, B. and HILL, R. (2010). Future supply chain processes and data for collective intelligence. In: XHAFA, F., BAROLLI, L., NISHINO, H. and ALEKSY, M., (eds.) Proceedings of the 2010 international conference on P2P, parallel, grid, cloud and internet computing (3GPCIC). IEEE Computer Society, 179-185. [Book Section]

WAUDBY, Carolyn (2010). How an old Yorkshire tradition came back to haunt us. The Yorkshire Post. [Article]

WILSON, Richard, JOPEK, Lukasz and BATES, Christopher (2010). Sharing ballistics data across the European Union. In: Computation tools 2010, The first international conference on computational logics, algebras, programming, tools, and benchmarking. IARIA. [Book Section]

WOLSTENHOLME, Dan, COBB, Mark R, BOWEN, Simon, WRIGHT, Peter and DEARDEN, Andy (2010). Design led service improvement for older people. Australasian Medical Journal, 3 (8), 465-470. [Article]

YOXALL, Alaster, LANGLEY, Joe, JANSON, R., LEWIS, R., HAYES, S. A. and BIX, L. (2010). How wide do you want the jar?: The effect on diameter for ease of opening for wide-mouth closures. Packaging Technology and Science, 23 (1), 11-18. [Article]

ZHANG, Ying, OUSSENA, Samia, CLARK, Tony and HYENSOOK, Kim (2010). Using data mining to improve student retention in HE: a case study. In: ICEIS - 12th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems 2010, Portugal, 8-12 June 2010. (Unpublished) [Conference or Workshop Item]


BALKA, Ellen, CIOLFI, Luigina, SIMONE, Carla, TELLIOĞLU, Hilda and WAGNER, Ina, eds. (2009). ECSCW’09 Proceedings of the Eleventh European Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work. London, Springer. [Edited Book]

ATTWOOD, Feona, ed. (2009). Mainstreaming sex: the sexualization of Western culture. London, I.B. Tauris. [Edited Book]

BEER, Martin, FASLI, Maria and RICHARDS, Debbie, eds. (2009). Proceedings of the International Workshop on the Educational Uses of Multi-Agent Systems (EDUMAS'09). -. [Edited Book]

WADDINGTON, David, JOBARD, Fabian and KING, Mike, eds. (2009). Rioting in the UK and France: A comparative analysis. Cullompton, Devon, Willan. [Edited Book]

ADAM, Alison and KREPS, David (2009). Disability and discourses of web accessibility. Information, Communication and Society, 12 (7), 1041-1058. [Article]

AINSWORTH, Shaaron and HABGOOD, Jacob (2009). Exploring the effectiveness of intrinsic integration in serious games. In: EARLI 2009 : Fostering communities of learners : 13th Biennial Conference for Research on Learning and Instruction, The University of Amsterdam (UvA) and the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (VU), Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 25-29 August 2009. (Unpublished) [Conference or Workshop Item]

AKHGAR, B., RAHMAN, F., JOPEK, L., SIDDIQI, J., ATKINSON, S., SAVOLDELLI, A., PRATO, D., MONTRUCCHIO, S., GUELLA, F., JAMES, B., PINKERTON, M. and VILMOS, A. (2009). Creating a LOC based portable health-care platform using a universal mobile NFC host environment. In: 2nd International Conference on Health Informatics (HEALTHINF 2009), Oporto, Portugal, 14-17 January, 2009. [Conference or Workshop Item]

AKHGAR, Babak, YATES, Simeon, RAHMAN, Fazilatur, JOPEK, Lukasz, MITCHELL, Sarah and CALDARELLI, Luca (2009). A Pan European platform for combating organized crime and terrorism (Odyssey Platform). In: Centeris : Conference on ENTERprise Information Systems, Esposende, Portugal., 7-10 October 2009. (Unpublished) [Conference or Workshop Item]

ALEXAKIS, M, RODRIGUES, Marcos, SAATCHI, Reza, NYONGESA, H O, DAVIES, C, IRELAND, R H, HARRIS, N D and HELLER, S R (2009). A knowledge-based electrocardiogram-monitoring system for detection of the onset of nocturnal hypoglycaemia in type 1 diabetic patients. In: MURRAY, A, (ed.) 2006 33rd Conference on Computers in Cardiology. IEEE. [Book Section]

ANDREWS, S. (2009). In-Close, a fast algorithm for computing formal concepts. In: International Conference on Conceptual Structures (ICCS), Moscow, 2009. [Conference or Workshop Item]

ANDREWS, Simon J (2009). Data conversion and interoperability for FCA. In: Conceptual Structures Tools Interoperability Workshop at the 17th International Conference on Conceptual Structures, Moscow, 2009. [Conference or Workshop Item]

ATKINSON, Sally, AKHGAR, Babak, RAHMAN, Fazilatur, SIDDIQI, Jawed I. A., HOLT, Mary, PINKERTON, Mike and JAMES, Brian (2009). Applied health informatics for diagnosis of multi-factorial diseases. In: ARABNIA, Hamid R., HASHEMI, Ray R. and MOXLEY, Frederick I., (eds.) IKE 2009 : Proceedings of the 2009 International Conference on Information and Knowledge Engineering. CSREA Press, 571-575. [Book Section]

ATTWOOD, F. (2009). Girls Gone Skank: The Sexualization of Girls in American Culture. Sex roles, 61 (3-4), 288-289. [Article]

ATTWOOD, F. (2009). Intimate adventures Sex blogs, sex 'blooks' and women's sexual narration. European Journal of Cultural Studies, 12 (1), 5-20. [Article]

ATTWOOD, F. and HUNTER, I. Q. (2009). Not Safe for Work? Teaching and Researching the Sexually Explicit Introduction. Sexualities, 12 (5), 547-557. [Article]

ATTWOOD, Feona (2009). Altpornification: porn cultures and new online sex media. In: Porn cultures, University of Leeds, 15-16 June 2009. (Unpublished) [Conference or Workshop Item]

ATTWOOD, Feona (2009). Extreme style and sensation. In: Talking dirty: sex and the cinema, Leeds, 13-14 November 2009. (Unpublished) [Conference or Workshop Item]

ATTWOOD, Feona (2009). Going to extremes: understanding new online pornographies. In: Good sex, bad sex: sex, law, crime and ethics, Budapest, Hungary, 4-6 May 2009. (Unpublished) [Conference or Workshop Item]

ATTWOOD, Feona (2009). Introduction: the sexualization of culture. In: ATTWOOD, Feona, (ed.) Mainstreaming sex: the sexualization of Western culture. London, I.B.Tauris. [Book Section]

ATTWOOD, Feona (2009). Shock and horror: new extreme images online. In: Media research seminar series, Brighton, 5 November 2009. (Unpublished) [Conference or Workshop Item]

ATTWOOD, Feona (2009). `deepthroatfucker' and `Discerning Adonis': Men and cybersex. International Journal of Cultural Studies, 12 (3), p. 279. [Article]

ATTWOOD, Feona (2009). The sexualization of culture? In: Women in the media, Bradford, 30 September 2009. (Unpublished) [Conference or Workshop Item]

ATTWOOD, Feona and HOLLAND, Samamtha (2009). Disdain, disgust and guilty pleasure: reading Trinny and Susannah. In: Big reveal II: lifestyle TV conference, University of Brighton, 29-30 May 2009. (Unpublished) [Conference or Workshop Item]

ATTWOOD, Feona and LOCKYER, Sharon (2009). Controversial images: an introduction. Popular Communication, 7 (1), 1-6. [Article]

BETTIN, Jorn and CLARK, Anthony (2009). Gmodel, a language for modular meta modelling. In: Australian Software Engineering Conference, KISS Workshop, Gold Coast, Australia, 14-17 April 2009. [Conference or Workshop Item]

BETTIN, Jorn, COOK, William, CLARK, Anthony and KELLY, Steven (2009). Knowledge industry survival strategy (kiss): fundamental principles and interoperability requirements for domain specific modeling languages. In: 24th ACM SIGPLAN conference companion on Object oriented programming systems languages and applications, Orlando, Florida, 25-29 October 2009. 709-710. [Conference or Workshop Item]

BISSETT, A.K. (2009). Academics as entrepreneurs: the changing nature of professionalism in higher education. In: KING, V., (ed.) Academic Futures. Newcastle upon Tyne, Cambridge Scholars Press., 111-124. [Book Section]

BISSETT, Andrew (2009). Academics as entrepreneurs : the changing nature of academic professionalism. In: Academic futures : inquiries into higher education and pedagogy. Newcastle Upon Tyne, Cambridge Scholars, 111-126. [Book Section]

BLYTHE, M. and DEARDEN, Andy (2009). Representing older people: towards meaningful images of the user in design scenarios. Universal access in the information society, 8 (1), 21-32. [Article]

BURLEY, Keith, URUCHURTU, Elizabeth and WALTON, John (2009). Enhancing the learning experience of post-graduate students from the Indian Sub-Continent. In: EAIR Forum, Vilnius, Lithuania, 23-26 August, 2009. (Unpublished) [Conference or Workshop Item]

CERE, Rinella (2009). Cinematic re-writes in film in museums. In: Rewrites: studying literary, screen and music cultures, Leeds, 28 November 2009. (Unpublished) [Conference or Workshop Item]

CERE, Rinella (2009). Globalization vs. localization : anti-immigrant and hate discourses in Italy. In: ARDIZZONI, Michela and FERRARI, Michela, (eds.) Beyond monopoly : globalization and contemporary Italian media. Critical media studies . Lanham, Lexington Books, 225-244. [Book Section]

CERIEJO-ROIBAS, Anxo, DEARDEN, Andy, DRAY, Susan, GRAY, Phil, THOMAS, John and WINTERS, Niall (2009). Ethics, roles and relationships in interaction design in developing regions. In: GROSS, T., GULLIKSEN, J., KOTZÉ, P., OESTREICHER, L., PALANQUE, P., PRATES, R.O. and WINCKLER, M., (eds.) Human-Computer Interaction - INTERACT 2009 : 12th IFIP TC 13 International Conference Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) : Information Systems and Applications, incl. Internet/Web, and HCI, 2 (5727). Springer, 963-964. [Book Section]

CLARK, Anthony (2009). Model based functional testing using pattern directed filmstrips. In: Automation of Software Test, 2009. AST '09. ICSE Workshop on. IEEE, 53-61. [Book Section]

CLARK, Anthony and TRATT, Laurence (2009). Language factories. In: ARORA, Shail and BRUEGGE, Bernd, (eds.) OOPSLA '09 : Proceedings of the 24th ACM SIGPLAN conference companion on Object oriented programming systems lanaguages and applications. New York, ACM, 949-955. [Book Section]

CLARK, Tony (2009). Stories about calculations : remembering Peter Landin. Higher-Order and Symbolic Computation, 22 (4), 331-332. [Article]

CLARK, Tony and BETTIN, Jorn (2009). The Knowledge Industry Survival Strategy Initiative (KISS). In: OOPSLA '09 : ACM SIGPLAN Object Oriented Programming Systems and Applications Conference. ACM. [Book Section]

CLARKE, David (2009). The UFO files: the inside story of real-life sightings. Kew, National Archives. [Edited Book]

CROWTHER, Paul and BEER, Martin (2009). Portals supporting a mobile learning environment. In: TANIAR, David, (ed.) Mobile computing: concepts, methodologies, tools, and applications. Hersey, Pa., IGI, 1960-1966. [Book Section]

DEARDEN, Andy (2009). Integrating mobile data services into an existing information ecology. In: W3C workshop on: Africa Perspective on the Role of Mobile Technologies in Fostering Social and Economic Development, Maputo, Mozambique, April 1st - 2nd. [Conference or Workshop Item]

DEARDEN, Andy and RIZVI, Haider (2009). A deeply embedded sociotechnical strategy for designing ICT for development. International journal of sociotechnology and knowledge development, 1 (4), 52-70. [Article]

DICKINSON, Patrick, HUNTER, Andrew and APPIAH, Kofi (2009). A spatially distributed model for foreground segmentation. Image and Vision Computing, 27 (9), 1326-1335. [Article]

DRYDEN, Caroline, DOHERTY, Kathy and NICOLSON, Paula (2009). The experience of domestic violence and construction of masculinities. In: 11th European Congress of Psychology, Oslo, Norway, 7-10 July 2009. (Unpublished) [Conference or Workshop Item]

DUJARDIN, Anne-Florence (2009). Border crossings : Nurturing the local, supporting development. In: International Development Course, Cambridge University, 1-2 May, 2009. (Unpublished) [Conference or Workshop Item]

DUJARDIN, Anne-Florence (2009). Conversations with an e-learner. Brookes e-journal of learning and teaching, 2 (4). [Article]

DUJARDIN, Anne-Florence and FARBEY, David S (2009). Managing boundaries : inducting students into online master’s studies’. In: EATAW 2009, Coventry University, 29 June-2 July 2009. (Unpublished) [Conference or Workshop Item]

EI-SHETEHI, A. and SLACK, F. (2009). Citizens' perception of the Egyptian e-government portal. In: 9th European Conference on e-Government, 29-30 June 2009, London, England. [Conference or Workshop Item]

EKOSSE, G I E and MWITONDI, Kassim (2009). Multiple data clustering algorithms applied in search of patterns of clay minerals in soils close to an abandoned manganese oxide mine. Applied Clay Science, 46 (1), 1-6. [Article]

EKOSSE, G I E and MWITONDI, Kassim (2009). Self-organising feature map (SOFM) algorithms applied to manganese mineralisation in soils close to an abandoned manganese oxide mine. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 18 (11A), 2234-2242. [Article]

EXEPUE, P. and MWITONDI, Kassim (2009). Addressing National and Regional Economic Development Goals through Effective Pedagogy of the Mathematical Sciences - Part I (An Example) and Part II (Discussions). In: ALE, Samson Olatunji, ONUMANYI, Peter and OYELAMI, Oyelami Benjamin, (eds.) Proceedings of the Conference on Mathematical Modelling of Global Challenging Problems in the 21st Century. Abuja, Nigeria, National Mathematical Centre. [Book Section]

EZEPUE, Patrick (2009). A random walk through mathematical sciences with some hints on a model-based approach to capacity building in developing economies : Part II Discussions. In: ALE, Samson Olatunji, ONUMANYI, Peter and OYELAMI, Oyelami Benjamin, (eds.) The Proceedings of [the] International Conference on Mathematical Modelling of some Global Challenging Problems in the 21st Century. Abuja, Nigeria, National Mathematical Centre (NMC), 12-23. [Book Section]

EZEPUE, Patrick and SOLARIN, Adewale R. T. (2009). The meta-heuristics of global financial risk management in the eyes of the credit squeeze: any lessons for modelling emerging financial markets? In: ALE, Samson Olatunji, ONUMANYI, Peter and OYELAMI, Oyelami Benjamin, (eds.) The Proceedings of [the] International Conference on Mathematical Modelling of some Global Challenging Problems in the 21st Century. Abuja, Nigeria, National Mathematical Centre (NMC), 278-288. [Book Section]

GOLDIE, Christopher (2009). Displacement, disaffection and (in)competence : the intellectual minority in the uses of literacy. In: Richard Hoggart : Culture and Critique Converence, Leeds Metropolitan University, 10-11 July 2009. (Unpublished) [Conference or Workshop Item]

GREEN, Geff and KHAIRANI, Zahuri (2009). Repositioning Pua Kumbu and Batik through artistic practice : 'globalising' the local by drawing upon diverse Malaysian cultural forms. In: International Conference on the Arts in Society, Venice, Italy, 28-31 July 2009. (Unpublished) [Conference or Workshop Item]

HALL, Sheldon (2009). The wrong sort of cinema : refashioning the heritage film debate. In: MURPHY, Robert, (ed.) The British cinema book, 3rd ed. Basingstoke, BFI/Palgrave Macmillan, 46-56. [Book Section]

HARMER, David and WILLIAMS, Noel (2009). How can we judge writing for children? In: The Playful Paradox: Creative Writing on Campus, University of Bedfordshire, Park Square, Luton LU1 3JU, 23rd May 2009. (Unpublished) [Conference or Workshop Item]

HO, Melissa R., SMYTH, Thomas N., KAM, Matthew and DEARDEN, Andy (2009). Human computer interaction for international development: past present and future. Information technologies and international development, 5 (4), 1-18. [Article]

HOGG, Christopher (2009). Re-evaluating the Archive in Stephen Poliakoff's 'Shooting the Past'. Journal of British Cinema and Television, 6 (3), 437-451. [Article]

HOLLAND, Samantha and ATTWOOD, Feona (2009). Keeping fit in six inch heels: the mainstreaming of pole dancing. In: ATTWOOD, Feona, (ed.) Mainstreaming sex: the sexualization of Western culture. London, I.B. Tauris. [Book Section]

HYENSOOK, Kim, ZHANG, Ying, OUSSENA, Samia and CLARK, Tony (2009). A case study on model driven data integration for data centric software development. In: DSMM '09 : Proceedings of the ACM first international workshop on Data-intensive software management and mining, November 6th, 2009, Hong Kong. New York, ACM, 1-6. [Book Section]

JENKINS, Clare (2009). "Can you say that again in 30 seconds?" The (sometimes uneasy) relationship between oral history and radio. In: Oral History Society annual conference, Glasgow, July 2009. (Unpublished) [Conference or Workshop Item]

JENKINS, Clare (2009). Working with children and refugees. In: Oral History Society regional networkers' conference, Chester, November 2009. (Unpublished) [Conference or Workshop Item]

JONES, Peter E. (2009). Breaking away from Capital? : theorising activity in the shadow of Marxism. Outlines. Critical practice studies, 1, 45-58. [Article]

JONES, Peter E. (2009). From ‘external speech’ to ‘inner speech’ in Vygotsky : a critical appraisal and fresh perspectives. Language and communication, 29 (2), 166-181. [Article]

JONES, Peter E. (2009). Ilyenkov and methodological problems in contemporary "activity theory". Logos, 1, 133-150. [Article]

JONES, Peter E. and COLLINS, Chik (2009). State ideology and oppositional discourses : conceptual and methodological issues. In: HUSPEK, Michael, (ed.) Oppositional discourses and democracies. Routledge Studies in Social and Political Thought . Routledge, 17-39. [Book Section]

KABBAJ, A., LAUNDERS, I. and POLOVINA, S. (2009). Standard CGIF interoperability in Amine. In: Fourth Conceptual Structures Tool Interoperability Workshop (CS-TIW 2009) at the 17th International Conference on Conceptual Structures, Moscow, Russia, July 25 2009. [Conference or Workshop Item]

KOUKOULETSOS, K., KHAZAEI, B., DEARDEN, A. and OZCAN, M. (2009). Teaching usability principles with patterns and guidelines. In: KOTZE, P., WONG, W., JORGE, J., DIX, A. and SILVA, P. A., (eds.) Creativity and Hci: from Experience to Design in Education. International Federation for Information Processing, 289 . Springer, 159-174. [Book Section]

LAUNDERS, I. (2009). Socio-technical systems and knowledge representation. In: WHITWORTH, B. and DE MOOR, A., (eds.) Handbook of research on socio-technical design and social networking systems. Hershey, Pennsylvania, IGI, 612-632. [Book Section]

LAUNDERS, I., POLOVINA, S. and HILL, R. (2009). The transaction pattern through automating TrAM. In: 17th International Conference on Conceptual Structures, Moscow, Russia, July 26-31 2009. Aachen, CEUR-WS. [Conference or Workshop Item]

LIGHT, A., WEAVER, L., SIMPSON, G. and HEALEY, P. G. T. (2009). Geezers, turbines, fantasy personas: making the everyday into the future. In: ACM SIGCHI Conference on Creativity and Cognition, Berkeley, CA, 27-30 October 2009. [Conference or Workshop Item]

LIGHT, Ann (2009). Building the equal-but-different society. In: ECSCW '09 : European Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work : Workshop on Considering Gender, Vienna, Austria, 8 September, 2009. (Unpublished) [Conference or Workshop Item]

LIGHT, Ann (2009). Negotiations in space: the impact of receiving calls on the move. In: LING, Rich and CAMPBELL, Scott W., (eds.) The reconstruction of space and time : mobile communication practices. New Brunkswick, N.J., Transaction., 191-214. [Book Section]

LIGHT, Ann (2009). A development perspective on the challenges in implementing 'Auto-Identification of Products'. In: Ubicomp '09 : 11th International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing, Orlando, Florida, 30 September-3 October, 2009. (Unpublished) [Conference or Workshop Item]

LIGHT, Ann and ANDERSON, Theresa Dirndorfer (2009). Research project as boundary object : negotiating the conceptual design of a tool for international developmen. In: European Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work, Vienna, 7-11 September, 2009. (Unpublished) [Conference or Workshop Item]

LIGHT, Ann and MISKELLY, C (2009). Brokering between heads and hearts : an analysis of designing for social change. In: Undisciplined! Design Research Society Conference 2008, Sheffield Hallam University, Sheffield, UK, 16-19 July 2008. (Unpublished) [Conference or Workshop Item]

LIGHT, Ann, MISKELLY, C. and THOMPSON, S. (2009). An analysis of building habitat with networked tools. In: Proceedings of the 20th Australasian Conference on Computer-Human Interaction: Designing for Habitus and Habitat, Cairns, Australia, 2008. [Conference or Workshop Item]

LIGHT, Ann and WRIGHT, P. (2009). The Panopticon and the performance arena: HCI reaches within. In: Human-Computer Interaction – INTERACT 2009. Lecture notes in computer science . Springer, p. 201. [Book Section]

LOCKLEY, Eleanor (2009). Interaction management strategies for mobile phone use in public. In: 1st Autumn Conference of Interpersonal Communication and Social Interaction Section of ECREA, University of Tampere, Finland, 21 - 23 Oct 2009. (Unpublished) [Conference or Workshop Item]

LOCKYER, Sharon and ATTWOOD, Feona (2009). The sickest television show ever: paedogeddon and the British Press. Popular Communication, 7 (1), 49-60. [Article]

LOVE, D. (2009). From Hypocomputation to Hypercomputation. International journal of unconvential computing, 5 (3-4), 339-367. [Article]

LOVE, David (2009). Finding Church's thesis. In: Science and Philosophy of Unconventional Computing, Cambridge, 23-25 March, 2009. (Unpublished) [Conference or Workshop Item]

MALLETT, Rebecca (2009). Choosing ‘Stereotypes’: debating the efficacy of (British) disability-criticism. Journal of research in special educational needs, 9 (1), 4-11. [Article]

MALLETT, Rebecca and MADRIAGA, Manuel (2009). Negotiating 'normal': how notions of US national identity are (re)constructed in The West Wing. In: Society for Disability Studies Conference, Tucson, Arizona, 17-20 June 2009. (Unpublished) [Conference or Workshop Item]

MCNICHOLAS, James (2009). Performance, presence and sexuality. In: LGBT Lives conference, Robert Gordon University, Aberdeen, October 2009. (Unpublished) [Conference or Workshop Item]

MCSEVENY, Kerry, DOHERTY, Kathy and GRAINGER, Karen (2009). "I was in the same boat" : advicegiving and solidarity in an online weight loss community. In: 1st Autumn Conference of Interpersonal Communication and Social Interaction Section of ECREA, Tampere, Finland, 21-23 October, 2009. (Unpublished) [Conference or Workshop Item]

MCSEVENY, Kerry, DOHERTY, Kathy and GRAINGER, Karen (2009). Laugh out loud : humour, confession and identity management in an online weight loss support group. In: Laughter and Humour in Interaction Conference, University of Huddersfield, 24-25 June, 2009. (Unpublished) [Conference or Workshop Item]

MIDDLETON, Andrew and NORTCLIFFE, Anne (2009). Audio, autonomy and authenticity: constructive comments and conversations captured by the learner. In: ALT-C 2009, University of Manchester, 8-10 September 2009. (Unpublished) [Conference or Workshop Item]

MIDDLETON, Andrew, NORTCLIFFE, Anne and OWEN, Rosie (2009). iGather: Learners as responsible audio collector of tutor, peer and self reflection. In: A Word in User Ear--Audio Feedback Conference, Sheffield Hallam University, 18 December 2009. [Conference or Workshop Item]

MIZZI, D., BROWA, W., LOKE, J. and POLOVINA, S. (2009). A commentary on standardization in the Semantic Web, Common Logic and MultiAgent Systems. In: Fourth Conceptual Structures Tool Interoperability Workshop (CS-TIW 2009) at the 17th International Conference on Conceptual Structures, Moscow, Russia, July 25 2009. [Conference or Workshop Item]

MWITONDI, Kassim (2009). Tracking the potential, development, and impact of information and communication technologies in sub-Saharan Africa. In: MUHONGO, Sospeter M, GUDYANGA, Francis P, ENOW, Achuo A and NYANGANYURA, Daniel, (eds.) Science, technology and innovation for socio-economic development : success stories from Africa. Pretoria, South Africa, ICSU Regional Office for Africa, 69-86. [Book Section]

MWITONDI, Kassim and EXEPUE, P. (2009). How to appropriately manage mathematical model parameters for accuracy and reliability: A case of monitoring levels of particulate emissions in ecological systems. In: ALE, Samson Olatunji, ONUMANYI, Peter and OYELAMI, Oyelami Benjamin, (eds.) Proceedings of the Conference on Mathematical Modelling of Global Challenging Problems in the 21st Century. Abuja, Nigeria, National Mathematical Centre, 24-36. [Book Section]

NAGHSH, Amir and ROAST, Chris (2009). User interfaces for robots swarm assistance in emergency settings. In: HCI 2009 Conference, 23rd BCS conference on Human Computer Interaction, Cambridge, 1-5 September, 2009. (Unpublished) [Conference or Workshop Item]

NORTCLIFFE, Anne and MIDDLETON, Andrew (2009). Effective assignment feedback through timely and personal digital audio engagement. In: O'DONOGHUE, John, (ed.) Technology-Supported Environments for Personalized Learning: Methods and Case Studies. IGI Global, 409-428. [Book Section]

NORTCLIFFE, Anne and MIDDLETON, Andrew (2009). Student audio notes. In: Eighth CLTR Learning & Teaching Research, Ormskirk, 2009. p. 49. [Conference or Workshop Item]

NORTCLIFFE, Anne, ROSSITER, J A, GRIFFIN, Alison and MIDDLETON, Andrew (2009). Students using digital audio interventions to enhance their learning experience. In: Higher Education Academy annual conference 2009, Manchester, 30 June-2 July 2009. [Conference or Workshop Item]

NORTCLIFFE, Anne, SPARSHATT, Louise and ENTWISTLE, Natalie (2009). Development Fund Overview: Efficacy and appropriate use of electronic assessment techniques for computing subjects. Other. HEA Subject Centre for Information and Computer Sciences. [Monograph]

NORTCLIFFE, Anne, SPARSHATT, Louise and ENTWISTLE, Natalie (2009). Efficacy and appropriate use of electronic assessment techniques for computing subjects. In: 10th Annual Conference of the Subject Centre for Information and Computer Sciences, University of Kent, Canterbury, 25-27 August 2009. [Conference or Workshop Item]

PARRY, Paul and SIDDIQI, Jawed (2009). Applying visualisation to validating software system requirements. In: 8th International Conference on Software Methodologies, Tools and Techniques, Prague, 23-25 September, 2009. (Unpublished) [Conference or Workshop Item]

PETRELLI, Daniela and LIGHT, Ann (2009). Memory baubles and history tinsels. In: 5th international conference on intelligent environments : 1st International Workshop on Digital Object Memories, Barcelona, 19 July, 2009. (Unpublished) [Conference or Workshop Item]

POLOVINA, S., COOKE, J. and LOKE, J. (2009). A practical exploration of ontology interoperability. In: Conceptual Structures: Leveraging Semantic Technologies. Lecture notes in computer science (5662). Berlin, Springer, 247-256. [Book Section]

POLOVINA, S., HILL, R. and AKHGAR, B. (2009). Conceptual structures: tools and applications (guest editorial preface). International journal of intelligent information technologies, 5 (2). [Article]

POLOVINA, Simon and HILL, Richard (2009). A transactions pattern for structuring unstructured corporate information in enterprise applications. International journal of intelligent information technologies, 5 (2), 33-47. [Article]

POSTILL, John (2009). Dramas, fields and threads: exploring sociality in a Malaysian cyberdistrict. In: SRINIVASAN, M. I. and MATHUR, R.R., (eds.) Ethnography and the Internet: An Exploration. Hydrabad, India, IFCAI University Press.. [Book Section]

POSTILL, John (2009). Thinking Outside Community: A Malaysian Field of Residential Affairs and its Multiple Socialities. In: Re-conceptualizing Sociality : An Interrogation of Key Concepts, Baldy Center for Law and Social Policy, Stonybrook University (SUNY) at Buffalo, N.Y., 23rd October 2009. (Unpublished) [Conference or Workshop Item]

POSTILL, John (2009). Two modes of governance, one social field: digital media and residential affairs in a Kuala Lumpur suburb. In: Modes of governance in digitally networked environments, Oxford Internet Institute, Oxford University, 26th March 2009. (Unpublished) [Conference or Workshop Item]

POSTILL, John (2009). What is the point of media anthropology? Social Anthropology, 17 (3), 334-337. [Article]

POSTILL, John (2009). What's the point of media anthropology? Social Anthropology, 17 (3), 334-337. [Article]

RODRIGUES, M. and ROBINSON, A. (2009). Developing interactive 3D models for e-learning applications. In: DE MELO, M. T., CARVALHO NETO, C. Z. and SPANHOL, F. J., (eds.) Hipermídias: interfaces digitais em EAD. São Paulo, Laborciencia, 155-175. [Book Section]

RODRIGUES, Marcos (2009). 3D Post Processing Methods for Web Based Integration. In: Brazilian National Conference on Hypermedia Environments for Learning., Florianopolis, Brazil, 4-9 Nov 2009. (Unpublished) [Conference or Workshop Item]

RODRIGUES, Marcos (2009). Developing 3D contents for e-learning applications. In: PEREIA, A, AUER, M and PESTER, A, (eds.) International Conference on Interactive Computer Aided Blended Learning ICBL 2009. Wien, Austria, International Association of Online Engineering. [Book Section]

RODRIGUES, Marcos and ROBINSON, Alan (2009). Developing Interaction 3D Models for E-Learning Applications. In: MELLO, M, CARVALHO NETO, C and SPANHOL, F, (eds.) Hipermidias Interfaces Digitais em EAD. Sao Paulo, Brazil, Laborciencia ltd, 155-176. [Book Section]

RODRIGUES, Marcos and ROBINSON, Alan (2009). Novel methods of real-time 3D facial recognition. In: 5th Annual International Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems, Athens, Greece, 27-30 July, 2009. (Unpublished) [Conference or Workshop Item]

ROWLEY, Jennifer and SLACK, Frances (2009). Conceptions of wisdom. Journal of Information Science, 35 (1), 110-119. [Article]

SAID, A and SAATCHI, Reza (2009). A performance analysis of AODV and DSR routing protocolsin mobile wireless networks. Mediterranean Journal of Computers and Networks, 5 (1), 17-26. [Article]

SAMBASIVAN, Nithya, HO, Melissa, KAM, Matthew, KODAGODA, Neesha, DRAY, Susan, THOMAS, John C, LIGHT, Ann and TOYAMA, Kentaro (2009). Human-centered computing in international development. In: OLSEN, Dan R, (ed.) CH EA '09 : Proceedings of the 27th international conference extended abstracts on Human factors in computing systems. New York, ACM, 4745-4750. [Book Section]

SELVAN, A. N., SAATCHI, R. and FERRIS, C. M. (2009). Improving medical image perception by hierarchical clustering based segmentation. In: 9th International Conference on Information Technology and Applications in Biomedicine, Larnaka, Cyprus, 4-7 November, 2009. [Conference or Workshop Item]

SHIN, Chi Yun (2009). The art of branding : Tartan 'Asia Extreme' films. In: CHOI, Jinhee and WADA-MARCIANO, Mitsuyo, (eds.) Horror to the extreme: changing boundaries in Asian cinema. TransAsia: Screen Cultures . Hong Kong, Hong Kong University Press, 85-100. [Book Section]

SIDDIQI, J., AKHGAR, B., RAHMAN, F., ATKINSON, S., SAVOLDELLI, A., ARICI, S., BERTELE, P., JAMES, B. and PINKERTON, M. (2009). Towards an integrated platform for improving hospital risk management. In: 6th International Conference on Information Technology - New Generations (ITNG 2009), Las Vegas, 27-29 April, 2009. [Conference or Workshop Item]

SPEIDEL, Suzanne (2009). 'Post-impressionism' and the cinema: how we are 'made to see' in Conrad's Victory. In: BAXTER, Katherine and HAND, Richard, (eds.) Joseph Conrad and the Performing Arts. Aldershot, Ashgate. [Book Section]

URUCHURTU, Elizabeth, LOCKLEY, Eleanor, ROAST, Chris and DE BLEECKER, Inge (2009). Usability evaluation of OpenWeb transcoding. In: 11th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services, Bonn, Germany, 15-18 September, 2009. (Unpublished) [Conference or Workshop Item]

WADDINGTON, Dave (2009). A North American example: the 2001 Cincinnati riot and a subsequent peacemaking initiative,. In: WADDINGTON, Dave, (ed.) Rioting in the UK and France : a comparative analysis. Cullompton, Devon, Willan, 203-215. [Book Section]

WADDINGTON, Dave and KING, Mike (2009). Identifying common causes of UK and French riots occuring since the 1980's. The Howard Journal Of Criminal Justice, 48 (3), 245-256. [Article]

WADDINGTON, Dave and KING, Mike (2009). Theoretical orientations: lessons of UK riots of the 1980s and 1990s. In: WADDINGTON, Dave, KING, Mike and JOBARD, Fabien, (eds.) Rioting in the UK and France : a comparative analysis. Cullompton, Devon, Willan, 13-26. [Book Section]

WADDINGTON, Dave, KING, Mike and JOBARD, Fabien (2009). Introduction and overview: the British and French riots. In: WADDINGTON, Dave, KING, Mike and JOBARD, Fabien, (eds.) Rioting in the UK and France : a comparative analysis. Cullompton, Devon, Willan, 3-12. [Book Section]

WALTON, John and BURLEY, Keith (2009). The stakeholders salience impact on evidence based educational interventions. In: 2nd Institutional Research Conference, Sheffield, 8-9 July, 2009. (Unpublished) [Conference or Workshop Item]

WAUDBY, Carolyn (2009). Dawn. In: FORTUNE-WOOD, Rowan, (ed.) Storm at Galesburg. Blaenau Ffestiniog, Gwynedd, Wales, Cinnamon Press, p. 32. [Book Section]

WAUDBY, Carolyn (2009). From pennies to penny farthings. Britain Magazine, 2009 (Februa), 40-44. [Article]

WAUDBY, Carolyn (2009). Quitrin. In: FORTUNE-WOOD, Rowan, (ed.) Storm at Galesburg. Blaenau Ffestiniog, Gwynedd, Wales, Cinnamon Press, p. 33. [Book Section]

WILLIAMS, Noel (2009). Personal Pronouns and Ambiguous Identity: CSI for the Contemporary Lyric. In: Identity and Form in 20th and 21st Century Literature, Sheffield Hallam University, Sheffield, 3 - 4 July 2009. (Unpublished) [Conference or Workshop Item]

WILLIAMS, Noel (2009). Poetry off the page. Writing in education, 50. [Article]

WILLIAMS, Noel and ROAST, Chris (2009). Creativity for readers in digital poetry. In: Understanding the creative conversation: modeling to engagement, Berkeley Art Museum and UC Berkeley, 27 October 2009. (Unpublished) [Conference or Workshop Item]

WILLIAMS, Noel and SKELTON, Felicity (2009). The petri-dish of poetry : growing a single culture. The International Journal of Science in Society, 1 (3), 43-54. [Article]

YATES, Simeon, JOPEK, Lukasz, MITCHELL, Sarah and WILSON, Richard (2009). Semantic interoperability between ballistic systems through the application of ontology. In: IADIS (International Association for Development of the Information Society) International Conference in Applied Computing 2009, Rome, Italy, 19-21 November 2009. (Unpublished) [Conference or Workshop Item]


ABDULRUB, S., POLOVINA, S., SANDBERG-PETERSEN, U. and HILL, R. (2008). Implementing interoperability through an ontology importer for Amine. In: CROITORU, M., JASCHKE, R. and RUDOLPH, S., (eds.) Conceptual structures tools and the web : proceedings of the third Conceptual structures tool interoperability workshop (CS-TIW 2008) at the 16th International conference on conceptual structures (ICCS 2008), Toulouse, France, 7 July 2008. CEUR workshop proceedings (352). Tilburg, CEUR-WS, 1-6. [Book Section]

ADAM, Alison (2008). Ethics for things. Ethics and Information Technology, 10 (2-3), 149-154. [Article]

ADAM, Alison (2008). The gender agenda in computer ethics. In: HIMMA, Kenneth E and TAVANI, Herman T, (eds.) The handbook of infomation and computer ethics. Wiley, 589-619. [Book Section]

ADAMS, N., POLOVINA, S. and HILL, R. (2008). The role of FLIPP explainers as a tool to assist the visual composition of web services for enterprise systems. In: CROITORU, M., JASCHKE, R. and RUDOLPH, S., (eds.) Conceptual structures tools and the web : proceedings of the third Conceptual structures tool interoperability workshop (CS-TIW 2008) at the 16th International conference on conceptual structures (ICCS 2008), Toulouse, France, 7 July 2008. CEUR workshop proceedings (352). Tilburg, CEUR-WS, 7-12. [Book Section]

AKHGAR, Babak, RAHMAN, Fazilatur, JOPEK, Lukasz, SIDDIQI, Jawed, ATKINSON, Sally, SALVODELI, Alberto, PRATO, Doris, MONTRUCCHIO, Secondo, GUELLA, Federico, JAMES, Brian, PINKERTON, Mike and VILMOS, András (2008). Leveraging StoLPaN host environment for portable diagnostic health-care platform. In: ARABNIA, Hamid and HASHEMI, Ray R., (eds.) IKE 2008 : proceedings of the 2008 International Conference on Information and Knowledge Engineering. CSREA Press, 411-416. [Book Section]

AL-SBOU, Y. A., SAATCHI, R., AL-KHAYATT, S., STRACHAN, R., AYYASH, M. and SARAIREH, M. (2008). A novel quality of service assessment of multimedia traffic over wireless ad hoc networks. In: 2nd International Conference on Next Generation Mobile Applications, Services and Technologies, Cardiff, 16-19 September 2008. 479-484. [Conference or Workshop Item]

ANDERSON, I and DOHERTY, Kathy (2008). Accounting for rape : psychology, feminism, and discourse analysis in the study of sexual violence. Women and psychology . London, Routledge. [Authored Book]

ANDREWS, S. and POLOVINA, S. (2008). Operational specification for FCA using Z. In: 16th International Conference on Conceptual Structures, Toulouse, France, July 2008. [Conference or Workshop Item]

ATKINSON, Sally, AKHGAR, Babak, SIDDIQI, Jawed, GRUDZ, Alicia, IHATOWICZ, Alexandra, GULISANO, Massimo, MEMEO, Lorenzo and SCRIVENS, Peter (2008). MATCH : a decision support system for integration of biomedical data. In: ARABNIA, Hamid R., YANG, Mary Qu and YANG, Jack Y., (eds.) BIOCOMP 2008 proceedings international conference bioinformatics and computational biology. Las Vegas, Nev., CSREA,, 294-297. [Book Section]

BASSI, Camila (2008). The precarious and contradictory moments of existence for an emergent British Asian gay culture. In: DWYER., Claire and BRESSEY, Caroline, (eds.) New geographies of race and racism. Aldershot, Ashgate, 209-222. [Book Section]

BASSI, Camila (2008). The ramifications of Shanghai's emerging gay political economy. In: Institute of British Geographers Annual Conference, London, 2008. (Unpublished) [Conference or Workshop Item]

BATES, C. D. and YATES, Simeon (2008). Scrum Down: a software engineer and a sociologist explore the implementation of an agile method'. In: International Conference on Software Engineering archive: Proceedings of the 2008 international workshop on Cooperative and human aspects of software engineering, Leipzig. 13-16. [Conference or Workshop Item]

BATES, Christopher and YATES, Simeon (2008). Scrum down: a software engineer and a sociologist explore the implementation of an agile method. In: Proceedings of the 2008 international workshop on Cooperative and human aspects of software engineering (CHASE '08). New York, N.Y., ACM, 13-16. [Book Section]

BAURE, Jean-Francois, CLARKE, David, FULLER, Paul and SHOUGH, Martin (2008). Report on aerial phenomena observed near the Channel Islands,UK, April 23 2007 Report on aerial phenomena observed near the Channel Islands, UK, April 23 2007. [Authored Book]

BAURE, Jean-Francois, CLARKE, David, FULLER, Paul and SHOUGH, Martin (2008). Unusual atmospheric phenomena observed near Channel Islands, UK, 23 April 2007. Journal of Scientific Exploration, 22 (3), 291-308. [Article]

BEER, Martin (2008). Using agents to model changing aspirations of community care. In: 5th Workshop on Agents Applied in Health Care, Estoril, Portugal., May 12, 2008. (Unpublished) [Conference or Workshop Item]

BEER, Martin, CROWTHER, Paul and URUCHURTU, Elizabeth (2008). Collaborative online learning and accessibility. In: LYTRAS, Militiadis, GASEVIC, Dragan, ORDONEZ DE PABLOS, Patricia and HUANG, Weihong, (eds.) Technology enhanced learning : best practices. IGI Global, 81-106. [Book Section]

BEER, Martin, KEEFE, Terry and SNELLING, Iain (2008). Using trading games to interpret a health environment. In: AI in Education, 4th UK Workshop, Cambridge, UK, 9th December 2008.. (Unpublished) [Conference or Workshop Item]

BISSETT, Andrew (2008). What are Universities for? In: Researching academic visions and realities : academic writing, conceptions of leadership, emergent pedagogies. Coventry, iPED, 59-65. [Book Section]

BISSETT, Andrew and KIMPPA, Kim (2008). Gold farming. In: ETHICOMP 2008 (10th International Conference on the Social and Ethical Impacts of Information and Communication Technology) : "Living, Working And Learning Beyond Technology", University of Pavia, Mantua, Italy, 24-26 Sept. 2008. (Unpublished) [Conference or Workshop Item]

BRINK, W, ROBINSON, Alan and RODRIGUES, Marcos (2008). Indexing uncoded stripe patterns in structured light systems by maximum spanning trees. In: 19th British Machine Vision Conference, Leeds, 1-4 September 2008. (Unpublished) [Conference or Workshop Item]

CERE, Rinella (2008). Anti-immigrant and hate discourses in Italian news media. In: The media in Italy: historical perspectives and future challenges, Italian Cultural Institute, Edinburgh, 21-22 Nov 2008. (Unpublished) [Conference or Workshop Item]

CERE, Rinella (2008). The body of the woman hostage. In: MECCSA conference, Cardiff, 9-11 January 2008. (Unpublished) [Conference or Workshop Item]

CERE, Rinella (2008). The body of the woman hostage: spectacular bodies and Berlusconi’s media. In: RANDELL, Karen and REDMOND, Sean, (eds.) The war body on screen. London, Continuum, 239-250. [Book Section]

CIOLFI, Luigina, BANNON, Liam and FERNSTROM, Mikael (2008). Including visitor contributions in cultural heritage installations: designing for participation. Museum Management and Curatorship, 23 (4), 353-365. [Article]

CIOLFI, Luigina, FITZPATRICK, Geraldine and BANNON, Liam (2008). Settings for collaboration: The role of place. Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW), 17 (2-3), 91-96. [Article]

CLARK, Anthony, SAMMUT, Paul and WILLANS, James (2008). Beyond annotations : a proposal for extensible java (XJ). In: CORDY, James R. and ZHANG, Lu, (eds.) Proceedings Eighth IEEE International Working Conference on Source Code Analysis and Manipulation. IEEE, 229-238. [Book Section]

CUNNINGHAM, John (2008). Jenö Janovics and Transylvanian Silent Cinema. New Russian cinema Kinokultura, Specia (7). [Article]

CUNNINGHAM, John (2008). The avant-garde, the GPO Film Unit, and British documentary in the 1930s. Eger journal of English studies, 8, 153-167. [Article]

DEARDEN, Andy and LIGHT, Ann (2008). On social function: new language for discussing technology for social action. In: Directions and Implications of Advanced Computing (DIAC), Berkeley, CA, 26th - 29th June 2008. [Conference or Workshop Item]

DEARDEN, Andy and RIZVI, H. (2008). Adapting participatory and agile software methods to participatory rural development. In: PDC'08: Experiences and Challenges, Participatory Design Conference, Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana, USA, October 1-4, 2008. [Conference or Workshop Item]

DEARDEN, Andy and RIZVI, H. (2008). Participatory design and participatory development: a comparative review. In: PDC'08: Experiences and Challenges, Participatory Design Conference, Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana, USA, October 1-4, 2008. [Conference or Workshop Item]

EDWARDS, Kirstie, YATES, Simeon, DUJARDIN, Anne-Florence and GREEN, Geff (2008). Writing research into professional e-mail communication. In: ZEMLIANSKY, Pavel and ST. AMANT, Kirk, (eds.) Handbook of research on virtual workplaces and the new nature of business practices. Hershey, Pennsylvania, IGI Global, 364-381. [Book Section]

EZEPUE, Patrick (2008). Foundational issues in trans-inter and multidisciplinary education and praxis in African HE : implications for gratuage entrepreneurship and employability. In: 1st Chike Okoli International Conference on Entrepreneurship, Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awaka Anambra State, Nigeria, 18-21 February 2008. (Unpublished) [Conference or Workshop Item]

EZEPUE, Patrick (2008). The dimensions of creativity and critical thinking : implications for entrepreneurship-focused pedagogic innovations in (African) HE institutions. In: 1st Chike Okoli International Conference on Entrepreneurship, Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka, Anambra State, Nigeria, 18-21 February 2008. (Unpublished) [Conference or Workshop Item]

EZEPUE, Patrick (2008). A random walk through mathematical sciences with some hints on a model-based approach to capacity building in developing economies : Part I Theorectics. In: The First International Conference on Mathematical Modelling of some Global Challenging Problems in the 21st Century, National Mathematical Centre, Abuja, Nigeria, 26 – 30 November 2008.. Abuja, Nigeria, National Mathematical Centre (NMC), 12-23. (Unpublished) [Conference or Workshop Item]

FISH, Andrew, KHAZAEI, Babak and ROAST, Chris (2008). Exploring human factors in formal diagram usage. In: GULLIKSEN, Jan, HARNING, Morton Borup, PALANQUE, Philippe, VAN DER VEER, Gerrit C and WESSON, Janet, (eds.) Engineering interactive systems : EIS 2007 Joint Working Conferences, EHCI 2007, DSV-IS 2007, HCSE 2007, Salamanca, Spain, March 2007, selected papers. LNCS (4940). Berlin, Springer, 413-428. [Book Section]

GRAINGER, Karen, MILLS, Sara and SIBANDA, Mandla (2008). The Southern African concept of ‘face’ and its relevance to intercultural interaction. In: 4th International Symposium on Politeness, Budapest, 2-4 July, 2008. (Unpublished) [Conference or Workshop Item]

HALL, Sheldon (2008). Under siege : the double rape of Straw Dogs. In: SHAIL, Robert, (ed.) Seventies British cinema. Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, 129-138. [Book Section]

HEALEY, Patrick G T, WHITE, Graham, ESHGHI, Arash, REEVES, Ahmad J and LIGHT, Ann (2008). Communication spaces. Computer Supported Cooperative Work, 17 (2-3), 169-193. [Article]

HILL, R. and POLOVINA, S. (2008). An automated conceptual catalogue for the enterprise. In: EKLUND, P. and HAEMMERLE, O., (eds.) Supplementary proceedings of the 16th International conference on conceptual structures (ICCS 2008), Conceptual structures : knowledge visualization and reasoning, Toulouse, France, 7-11 July 2008. CEUR workshop proceedings (354). Tilburg, CEUR-WS, 99-106. [Book Section]

JACKSON, Russell (2008). Governing employee health : neoliberalism and the limits of Foucauldian analysis. In: BSA Medical Sociology Group Annual Conference, University of Sussex, Brighton, 4-6 September 2008. (Unpublished) [Conference or Workshop Item]

JENKINS, Clare (2008). Relative Grief: Memories and media treatment of people bereaved by suicide. In: Oral History Society regional networkers' conference, University of Huddersfield, July 2008. (Unpublished) [Conference or Workshop Item]

JONES, Peter E. (2008). Language in cultural-historical perspective. In: VAN OERS, Bert, WARDEKKER, Wim, ELBERS, Ed and VAN DER VEER, Rene, (eds.) The transformation of learning : advances in cultural-historical activity theory. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 76-99. [Book Section]

LEACH, Joan, YATES, Simeon and SCANLON, Eileen (2008). Models of science communication. In: HOLLIMAN, Richard, WHITELEGG, Elizabeth, SCANLON, Eileen, SMIDT, Sam and THOMAS, Jeff, (eds.) Investigating Science Communication in the Information Age: Implications for public engagement and popular media. Communicating Science in the Information Age . Oxford ; Milton Keynes, Oxford University Press : Open University Press, 128-146. [Book Section]

LIGHT, Ann (2008). Empirical vernacular philosophy, or towards an existential HCI. In: HCI 2008 : British HCI Conference : Workshop on Critical Issues in Interaction Design, Liverpool, 1 September, 2008. (Unpublished) [Conference or Workshop Item]

LIGHT, Ann (2008). Transports of delight? What the experience of receiving (mobile) phone calls can tell us about design. Personal and Ubiquitous Computing, 12 (5), p. 391. [Article]

LIGHT, Ann (2008). The challenge of representing a sociotechnical system : fair tracing and the value chain. In: Sociotechnical Aspects of Interaction Design Conference, London, May 2008. (Unpublished) [Conference or Workshop Item]

LIGHT, Ann, BLYTHE, Mark and REED, Darren (2008). Defamiliarising design. Design principles and practices, 1 (4), 63-72. [Article]

LIGHT, Ann and LUCKIN, Rosemary (2008). Designing for social justice : people, technology, learning. Discussion Paper. Futurelab. [Monograph]

LIGHT, Ann and LUCKIN, Rosemary (2008). Designing for social justice: people, technology, learning. Working Paper. Bristol, Futurelab. [Monograph]

LIGHT, Ann, WEAVER, Lois and HEALEY, Pat (2008). Adventures in the not quite yet : using performance techniques to raise design awareness about digital networks. In: Undisciplined! Design Research Society Conference 2008, Sheffield Hallam University, Sheffield, UK, 16-19 July 2008. (Unpublished) [Conference or Workshop Item]

LIGHT, Ben, FLETCHER, Gordon and ADAM, Alison (2008). Gay men, gaydar and the commodification of difference. Information Technology and People, 21 (3), 300-314. [Article]

LONG, Peter and TRICKER, Anthony (2008). Matching students' expectations : and have they changed? In: SEDA Spring Conference, London, 8-9 May 2008. (Unpublished) [Conference or Workshop Item]

MALEKI-DIZAJI, Saeedeh, NYONGESA, Henry O. and KHAZAEI, Babak (2008). UPlanIT: an evolutionary based production planning and scheduling system. In: Nature Inspired Cooperative Strategies for Optimization (NICSO 2007). Studies in Computational Intelligence, 129 . Springer, 443-452.. [Book Section]

MCCARTHY, John and CIOLFI, Luigina (2008). Place as dialogue: understanding and supporting the museum experience. International Journal of Heritage Studies, 14 (3), 247-267. [Article]

MOORE, Karenza, GRIFFITHS, Melanie, RICHARDSON, Helen and ADAM, Alison (2008). Gendered futures? Women, the ICT workplace and stories of the future. Gender, work and organisation, 15 (5), 543-542. [Article]

MORREY, I., ORAM, A., COOPER, D., ROGERS, D and STEPHENSON, P. (2008). Grammatical inference techniques and their application in ground investigation. Computer-aided civil and infrastructure engineering, 23 (1), 17-30. [Article]

MWITONDI, Kassim (2008). On the role of regulatory and innovative drivers in harnessing available technology for development. In: Invest and Skills Forum, London, 17-18 April 2008. (Unpublished) [Conference or Workshop Item]

MWITONDI, Kassim and JIWANI, R. (2008). Harnessing the Potentials of Science, Technology and Innovation (STI) through Higher Education for Economic and Social Development. In: First Consultative Forum for the Establishment of Nyerere University of Science, Technology and Innovation (NUSTI), Musoma, Tanzania, 29 December 2008. (Unpublished) [Conference or Workshop Item]

NAGHSH, A. M., GANCET, J., TANOTO, A. and ROAST, C. (2008). Analysis and design of human-robot swarm interaction in firefighting. In: 17th IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communications, Munich, Germany, 1-3 August 2008. [Conference or Workshop Item]

NAGHSH, Amir and ROAST, Chris (2008). Designing user interaction with robots swarms in emergency settings. In: 5th Nordic Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, Lund, Sweden, 20-22 October, 2008. (Unpublished) [Conference or Workshop Item]

NORTCLIFFE, Anne and MIDDLETON, Andrew (2008). Blending the engineer’s learning environment through the use of audio. In: Engineering Education 2008 : International Conference on Innovation, Good Practice and Research in Engineering Education., Loughborough, July 2008. [Conference or Workshop Item]

POSTILL, John (2008). Localizing the internet beyond communities and networks. New Media & Society, 10 (3), 413-431. [Article]

POSTILL, John (2008). Media and nation building: how the Iban became Malaysian. Asia Pacific Studies, 1 . New York ; Oxford, Berghahn. [Authored Book]

POSTILL, John (2008). The mediated production of ethnicity and nationalism among the Iban of Sarawak, 1953-1976. In: IBRAHIM, Z., (ed.) Representation, Identity and Multiculturalism in Sarawak. Malaysia ; Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysian Social Science Association and Dayak Cultural Foundation. [Book Section]

RODRIGUES, Marcos, ROBINSON, Alan and BRINK, W. (2008). Fast 3D reconstruction and recognition. In: MASTORAKIS, N. E., DEMIRALP, M., MLADENOV, V. and BOJKOVIC, Z., (eds.) Iscgav'08: Proceedings of the 8th Wseas International Conference on Signal Processing, Computational Geometry and Artificial Vision. Recent Advances in Computer Engineering, 1 . WSEAS Press, 15-21. [Book Section]

SHIBL, Rania, FIELDEN, Kay, BISSETT, Andrew and PAIN, Den (2008). Trust and clinical information systems. In: DUQUENOY, Penny, GEORGE, Carlisle and KIMPPA, Kai, (eds.) Ethical, legal and social aspects of medical informatics. Hershey, Pa., Medical Information Science Reference, 48-64. [Book Section]

SHIN, Chi Yun (2008). The art of branding : Tartan 'Asia Extreme' films. Jump cut: a review of contemporary media, 50, 85-100. [Article]

SHIN, Chi Yun (2008). The girl who isn’t quite who she seems: Zhou Xun, the Chinese femme fatale. In: 17th international Screen Studies Conference, Gilmorehill Centre, University of Glasgow, Scotland, 4-6 July 2008. (Unpublished) [Conference or Workshop Item]

SLACK, F., ROWLEY, J. and COLES, S. (2008). Consumer behaviour in multi-channel contexts: the case of a theatre festival. Internet research, 18 (1), 46-59. [Article]

SLACK, Frances and WALTON, John (2008). Organizational culture and stakeholder power : a case study of postgraduate initiatives in e-government. In: JANOWSKI, T and PARDO, T A, (eds.) Proceedings of the 2nd international conference on theory and practice of electronic governance. New York, ACM, 331-336. [Book Section]

SPENCER, Steve (2008). Identities in transition: five African Canadian women discuss identity. Enhancing learning in the social sciences (ELiSS), 1 (2). [Article]

THOMAS, John, DEARDEN, Andy, DRAY, Susan, LIGHT, Ann, BEST, Michael, ARKIN, Nuray, MAUNDER, Andrew, KAM, Matthew, CHETTY, Marshini, SAMBASIVAN, Nithya, BUCKHALTER, Celeste and KRISHNAN, Gaurishankar (2008). Hci for community and international development. In: CZERWINSKI, Mary and LUND, Arnie, (eds.) CHI EA '08 : CHI '08 extended abstracts on Human factors in computing systems. New York, ACM, 3909-3912. [Book Section]

WADDINGTON, Dave (2008). The madness of the mob? Explaining the ‘irrationality’ and destructiveness of crowd violence. Sociology Compass, 2 (2), 675-687. [Article]

WAUDBY, Carolyn (2008). The cream of Yorkshire. Britain Magazine, 2008 (August), 10-16. [Article]

WEAVER, Lois, LIGHT, Ann, HEALEY, Patrick G T and SIMPSON, Gini (2008). Participatory prototyping proposal : performance methods for engaging in design. In: HAKKEN, David, (ed.) PDC '08 : Proceedings of the Tenth Anniversary Conference on Participatory Design 2008. Indianapolis, Indiana University, 305-306. [Book Section]

WEAVER, Lois, LIGHT, Ann, HEALEY, Patrick G T and SIMPSON, Gini (2008). Proposal for a participatory performance : a long table on design at the margins. In: HAKKEN, David, (ed.) PDC '09 : Proceedings of the Tenth Anniversary Conference on Participatory Design 2008. Indianopolis, Indiana University, 310-311. [Book Section]

YATES, Simeon, JOPEK, Lukasz, MITCHELL, Sarah, WILSON, Richard, CALDERELLI, Luca and FORTUNE, David (2008). The Odyssey platform: a unified European response to a global threat. In: Conference. (Submitted) [Conference or Workshop Item]

YATES, Simeon and LOCKLEY, Eleanor (2008). Moments of separation: gender, (not so remote)relationships, and the mobile phone. In: JONES, Samantha, (ed.) Remote relationships in a small world. Digital Formations (41). New York ; Oxford, Peter Lang Publishing, 74-97. [Book Section]


ATTWOOD, F. (2007). No money shot?: commerce, pornography and new sex taste cultures. Sexualities, 10 (4), 441-456. [Article]

ATTWOOD, F. (2007). ”Other” or “one of us”?: the porn user in public and academic discourse. Participations: journal of audience and reception studies, 4 (1). [Article]

ATTWOOD, F. (2007). Sluts and riot grrrls: female identity and sexual agency. Journal of gender studies, 16 (3), 231-245. [Article]

AUTOGENA, Lise (2007). Collective dreaming and the practice of creative disruption. In: BEUNDERMAN, Joost, MEAN, Melissa and SANCHES DE JUAN, Joan-Anton, (eds.) BCN_LDN 2020. Quaderns de pensament (24). Demos and Fundació Ramon Trias Fargas, 65-70. [Book Section]

BEER, M. (2007). Structuring community care using multi-agent systems. In: AKHGAR, B., (ed.) ICCS 2007: proceedings of the 15th International Workshops on Conceptual Structures. Springer, 162-169. [Book Section]

BHOWMIK, Deepayan and ABHAYARATNE, G. C. K. (2007). Morphological wavelet domain watermarking. In: 2007 15th European Signal Processing Conference. IEEE, 2539-2543. [Book Section]

BOWERS, John, BANNON, Liam, FRASER, Mike, HINDMARSH, Jon, BENFORD, Steve, HEATH, Christian, TAXÉN, Gustav and CIOLFI, Luigina (2007). From the disappearing computer to living exhibitions: shaping interactivity in museum settings. In: STREITZ, Norbert, KAMEAS, Achilles and MAVROMMATI, Irene, (eds.) The Disappearing Computer. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 4500 . Springer Verlag, 30-49. [Book Section]

CERE, Rinella (2007). Digital undergrounds: alternative politics and civil society. In: JEWKES, Yvonne, (ed.) Crime online : committing, policing and regulating cybercrime. Cullompton, Willan, 144-159. [Book Section]

CIOLFI, Luigina (2007). Supporting affective experiences of place through interaction design. CoDesign, 3-1, 183-198. [Article]

CIOLFI, Luigina and BANNON, Liam (2007). Designing Hybrid Places: merging interaction design, ubiquitous technologies and geographies of the museum space. CoDesign, 3 (3), 159-180. [Article]

CIOLFI, Luigina, BANNON, Liam and FERNSTRÖM, Mikael (2007). Visitors contributions as cultural heritage: designing for participation. In: ICHIM 2007, Toronto. [Conference or Workshop Item]

CIOLFI, Luigina, FERNSTROM, Mikael, BANNON, Liam, DESHPANDE, Parag, GALLAGHER, Paul, MCGETTRICK, Colm, QUINN, Nicola and SHIRLEY, Stephen (2007). The Shannon Portal Installation: An example of interaction design for public places. Computer, 40 (7), 64-71. [Article]

COX, D. and POLOVINA, S. (2007). Helping system users to be smarter by representing logic in transaction frame diagrams. In: PRISS, U., POLOVINA, S. and HILL, R., (eds.) Conceptual structures: knowledge architectures for smart applications. Proceedings of the 15th international conference on conceptual structures, ICCS 2007, Sheffield, UK, July 22-27 2007. Lecture notes in artificial intelligence (4604). Berlin, Springer-Verlag, 460-463. [Book Section]

DI NUOVO, Alessandro, PALESI, Maurizio and CATANIA, Vincenzo (2007). Multi-objective evolutionary fuzzy clustering for high-dimensional problems. In: 2007 IEEE International Fuzzy Systems Conference , 23-26 July 2007. IEEE, 1-6. [Book Section]

FRENCH, T., HUANG, W., HILL, R. and POLOVINA, S. (2007). Semiotic models of trust and usability for agent-managed Grid services. In: AKHGAR, B., (ed.) ICCS 2007 : Proceedings of the 15th international workshops on conceptual structures. London, Springer, 25-30. [Book Section]

HIRSCH, Laurence, SAEEDI, M and HIRSCH, R (2007). Evolving Lucene search queries for text classification. In: Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, London, 7-11 July. [Conference or Workshop Item]

LAUNDERS, I., POLOVINA, S. and HILL, R. (2007). Mobile transactional modelling: from concepts to incremental knowledge. In: AKHGAR, B., (ed.) ICCS 2007 : Proceedings of the 15th international workshops on conceptual structures. London, Springer, 232-236. [Book Section]

LENNON, Marilyn, BANNON, Liam and CIOLFI, Luigina (2007). Space to reflect: combinatory methods for developing student interaction design projects in public spaces. CoDesign, 2 (2), 53-69. [Article]

LIGHT, Ann, BRIGGS, P. and MARTIN, K. (2007). Seeding without leading: making space for participant contribution in design elicitation techniques. In: Proceedings of the 22nd British CHI Group Annual Conference on HCI 2008: People and Computers XXII: Culture, Creativity, Interaction, Liverpool, United Kingdom, 2008. [Conference or Workshop Item]

MALLETT, R., RUNSWICK-COLE, K. and COLLINGBOURNE, T. (2007). Guide for accessible research dissemination: presenting research for everyone. Disability and Society, 22 (2), 205-207. [Article]

MARSHALL, Justin, UNVER, Ertu and ATKINSON, Paul (2007). AutoMAKE : generative systems, digital manufacture and craft production. In: 10th Generative Art Conference, Milan, 13-15 December 2007. (Unpublished) [Conference or Workshop Item]

MAYBERY, P. and POLOVINA, S. (2007). The extent to which interoperability between CG and non-CG tools can be assessed against the semiotic ladder. In: PFEIFFER, H. D., KABBAJ, A. and BENN, D., (eds.) Proceedings for CS-TIW 2007, second Conceptual structures tool interoperability workshop, Sheffield, UK, July 2007. Bristol, Research Press International, 35-44. [Book Section]

NORTCLIFFE, Anne and MIDDLETON, Andrew (2007). Audio feedback for the iPod generation. In: International Conference on Engineering Education, University of Coimbra, Portugal, 3-7 September 2007. 3-7. [Conference or Workshop Item]

POLOVINA, S. (2007). An introduction to Conceptual Graphs. In: PRISS, U., POLOVINA, S. and HILL, R., (eds.) Conceptual structures: knowledge architectures for smart applications. Proceedings of the 15th international conference on conceptual structures, ICCS 2007, Sheffield, UK, July 22-27 2007. Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence (4604). Berlin, Springer-Verlag, 1-14. [Book Section]

POLOVINA, S. and HILL, R. (2007). A transactions framework for effective enterprise knowledge management. In: AKHGAR, B., (ed.) ICCS 2007 : Proceedings of the 15th international workshops on conceptual structures. London, Springer, 221-225. [Book Section]

PRANGGONO, Bernardi, MEHMOOD, Rashid and ELMIRGHANI, Jaafar MH (2007). Performance Evaluation of a Metro WDM Multi-channel Ring Network with Variable-length Packets. In: IEEE Communications Society subject matter experts for publication in the ICC 2007 proceedings. IEEE, 2394-2399. [Book Section]

RAMAMURTHY, Anandi (2007). Kara Tara: a history of the Asian youth movements. [Video] [Video]

RAZAFIMBELO, Tiana and POLOVINA, Simon (2007). Context identification to improve search engine results. In: KECHENG, Liu, CONNOLLY, John and O'NEILL, Shaleph, (eds.) Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Organisational Semiotics (ICOS 2007): Complexity in Organisational and Technological Systems. Reading, Informatics Research Centre, University of Reading, 139-144. [Book Section]

ROAST, C. R. and KHAZAEI, B. (2007). An investigation into the validation of formalised cognitive dimensions. In: Interactive systems: design, specification, and verification. Berlin, Springer, 109-122. [Book Section]

RODRIGUES, M., ROBINSON, A. and BRINK, W. (2007). Issues in fast 3D reconstruction from video sequences. In: MIV'07 Proceedings of the 7th WSEAS International Conference on Multimedia, Internet & Video Technologies, Beijing, China, 15-17 September, 2007. 213-218. [Conference or Workshop Item]

SARAIREH, M., SAATCHI, R., AL-KHAYATT, S. and STRACHAN, R. (2007). A comparative study of IEEE 802.11 MAC access mechanisms for different traffic types. In: FILIPE, J., COELHAS, H. and SARAMAGO, M., (eds.) E-Business and Telecommunication Networks. Communications in Computer and Information Science, 3 . Springer, 246-256. [Book Section]

SARAIREH, Mohammed, SAATCHI, Reza, ALKHAYATT, Samir and STRACHAN, Rebecca (2007). Assessment and improvement of quality of service in wireless networks using fuzzy and hybrid genetic-fuzzy approaches. Artificial intelligence review, 27 (2-3), 95-111. [Article]

SHENFIELD, Alex, FLEMING, Peter and ALKAROURI, Muhammad (2007). Computational steering of a multi-objective evolutionary algorithm for engineering design. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 20, 1047-1057. [Article]

SHENFIELD, Alex, FLEMING, Peter, KADIRKAMANATHAN, Visakan and ALLAN, Jeff (2007). Optimisation of maintenance scheduling strategies on the grid. In: IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence (SSCI) 2007, Honolulu, Hawaii, 1-5 April 2007. [Conference or Workshop Item]

SHIN, Chi Yun and STRINGER, Julian (2007). Storming the big screen: the SHIRI syndrome. In: GATEWARD, Frances, (ed.) Seoul Searching: Culture and Identity in Contemporary Korean Cinema. Albany, NY, State University of New York Press, 55-72. [Book Section]

SLACK, Frances (2007). Information kiosks: a taxonomy. Journal of documentation, 63 (6), 879-897. [Article]

SPENCER, Steve (2007). Integrating scholarships : emerging practices in visual sociology. In: TODD, Malcolm and ALCALA, Morgan, (eds.) Teaching in Public - the Future of Higher Education? C-SAP, 51-62. [Book Section]

WADDINGTON, Dave (2007). Policing public disorder : theory and practice. Cullompton, Willan. [Authored Book]

WADDINGTON, Dave (2007). Seattle and its aftershock : some implications for theory and practice. Policing, 1 (4), 380-389. [Article]

WADDINGTON, Dave and KING, Mike (2007). The impact of the local: Police public-order strategies during the G8 justice and home affairs ministerial meetings. Mobilization, 12 (4), 417-430. [Article]

WALLACE, J., DEARDEN, Andy and FISHER, T. (2007). The significant other: the value of jewellery within the conception, design and experience of body focussed digital devices. AI and society, 22 (1), 53-62. [Article]

WAUDBY, Carolyn (2007). At The Vineyard. Coffee House Poetry, 11, p. 41. [Article]

WAUDBY, Carolyn (2007). Underground Paris. Fortean Times. [Article]


RAMAMURTHY, Anandi and FAULKNER, Simon, eds. (2006). Visual culture and decolonisation in Britain. Aldershot, Ashgate. [Edited Book]

ADI, H. and RAMAMURTHY, Anandi (2006). Tracing fragments in the visual culture of anti-colonial struggle in Britain. In: FAULKNER, Simon and RAMAMURTHY, Anandi, (eds.) Visual culture and decolonisation in Britain. British art and visual culture since 1750, new readings . Aldershot, Ashgate. [Book Section]

ALBOUL, Lyuba, BRINK, Willie and RODRIGUES, Marcos (2006). Mesh optimisation based on Willmore energy. In: 22nd European Workshop on Computational Geometry, Delphi, Greece, March 27-29 2006. [Conference or Workshop Item]

ATTWOOD, F. (2006). Sexed up: theorizing the sexualization of culture. Sexualities, 9 (1), 77-94. [Article]

BEER, M. and HILL, R. (2006). Using multi-agent systems to manage community care. In: GABRYS, B., HOWLETT, R. J. and JAIN, L. C., (eds.) Knowledge-based intelligent information and engineering systems. Lecture notes in computer science. Lecture notes in artificial intelligence, 4252 . Springer, 1240-1247. [Book Section]

BEER, Martin D. and HILL, Richard (2006). Building a community care demonstrator with JADE semantic agents. International transactions on systems science and applications, 1 (1), 1-14. [Article]

CERE, Rinella (2006). ‘Exhibiting cinema’: the cultural activities of the ‘Museo Nazionale del Cinema’, 1958-1971. Film history : an international journal, 18 (3), 295-305. [Article]

CERE, Rinella (2006). The Poor’s Banker: real or ‘virtual’ help? The internet, NGOs and gendered poverty. In: SARIKAKIS, Katharine and THUSSU, Daya K., (eds.) Ideologies of the Internet. Cresskill, N.J., Hampton Press, 283-298. [Book Section]

CROWTHER, P. (2006). Ubiquitous computing and knowledge management. International journal of knowledge culture and change management, 6 (2), 77-86. [Article]

CUNNINGHAM, John (2006). From Arcadia to collective farm and beyond: the rural in Hungarian cinema. In: FOWLER, Catherine and HELFIELD, Gillian, (eds.) Representing the rural: space, place and identity in films about the land. Detroit, Wayne State University Press, 292-306. [Book Section]

DEARDEN, Andy (2006). Design as conversation with digital materials. Design studies, 27 (3), 399-421. [Article]

DEARDEN, Andy and FINLAY, J. (2006). Pattern languages in HCI: a critical review. Human computer interaction, 21 (1), 49-102. [Article]

DEARDEN, Andy, LAUENER, A. M., SLACK, F., ROAST, C. R. and CASSIDY, S. (2006). Make it so! Jean-Luc Picard, Bart Simpson and the design of e-public services. In: Proceedings of the Ninth Conference on Participatory design: Expanding boundaries in design, Trento, Italy, 01-05 August, 2006. New York, ACM Press, 67-76. [Conference or Workshop Item]

EL-GORASHI, Taisir EH, PRANGGONO, Bernardi and ELMIRGHANI, Jaafar MH (2006). WDM metropolitan sectioned ring for Storage Area Networks extension with symmetrical and asymmetrical traffic. In: Communications, 2006. ICC '06. IEEE International Conference on. IEEE, 2669-2674. [Book Section]

EZEPUE, Patrick, CHIGBU, P. and MWITONDI, Kassim (2006). Workshop on functional education in statistics, mathematics and related fields with emphasis on developing economies. In: Proceedings of the 5th Annual Hawaii International Conference on Statistics, Mathematics and Related Fields; January 16-18, 2006., Honolulu, Hawaii, 16-18 January 2006. [Conference or Workshop Item]

EZEPUE, Patrick and MWITONDI, Kassim (2006). Functional Education in Statistics and Related Disciplines: Innovative and Reflexive Learning, Teaching and Assessment of Business Intelligence. In: Proceedings of the 5th Annual Hawaii International Conference on Statistics, Mathematics and Related Fields; January 16-18, 2006., Honolulu, Hawaii, 16-18 January 2014. [Conference or Workshop Item]

GREEN, T. R. G., BLANDFORD, A. E., CHURCH, L., ROAST, C. R. and CLARKE, S. (2006). Cognitive dimensions: Achievements, new directions, and open questions. Journal of Visual Languages and Computing, 17 (4), 328-365. [Article]

HABGOOD, Jacob and OVERMARS, Mark (2006). The game maker's apprentice: game development for beginners. Berkeley, California, APress. [Authored Book]

HARRIS, S., GRAINGER, Karen and MULLANY, L. (2006). The pragmatics of political apologies. Discourse and society, 17 (6), 715-737. [Article]

HILL, R., POLOVINA, S. and BEER, M. (2006). Improving ROSE with an enriched modelling framework. In: MULLER, J. P. and ZAMBONELLI, F., (eds.) Agent-Oriented Software Engineering Vi. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 3950 . Springer, 94-108. [Book Section]

HILL, R., POLOVINA, S. and SHADIJA, D. (2006). Transaction agent modelling: from experts to concepts to multi-agent systems. Lecture notes in computer science, 4068, 247-259. [Article]

MWITONDI, Kassim and EZEPUE, Patrick (2006). Searching for Clusters in Data - Implications for Teaching Business Intelligence. In: Proceedings of the 5th Annual Hawaii International Conference on Statistics, Mathematics and Related Fields; January 16-18, 2006., Honolulu, Hawaii, 16-18 January 2014. [Conference or Workshop Item]

NAGHSH, Amir. M., DEARDEN, Andy and OZCAN, Mehmet B. (2006). Investigating annotation in electronic paper-prototypes. In: GILROY, S. W. and HARRISON, M. D., (eds.) Interactive Systems: Design, Specification, and Verification. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 3941 . Springer, 90-101. [Book Section]

RAMAMURTHY, Anandi (2006). Archiving the history of a social movement: Tandana-Glow worm, the Asian Youth Movements Archive. South Asian Cultural Studies, 1 (1), 12-13. [Article]

RAMAMURTHY, Anandi (2006). Images of an industrialised Empire and Commonwealth during the shift to neo-colonialism. In: FAULKNER, Simon and RAMAMURTHY, Anandi, (eds.) Visual culture and decolonisation in Britain. British art and visual culture since 1750, new readings . Aldershot, Ashgate. [Book Section]

RAMAMURTHY, Anandi (2006). Waiting for the engineer: memories of Partition in Pothohar. In: At the crossroads: South Asian research, policy and development in a globalized world. Pakistan, Sustainable Development Policy Institute. [Book Section]

RAMAMURTHY, Anandi (2006). The politics of Britain's Asian youth Movements. Race and Class, 48, 38-60. [Article]

RAZAFIMBELO, Tiana, POLOVINA, Simon and HILL, Richard (2006). Can the pragmatic web assist search engine optimisation. In: SCHOOP, Mareike, DE MOOR, Aldo and DIET, Jan, (eds.) Lecture notes of informatics by the German Computer Society (GI). Bonn, Ges. für Informatik, 81-96. [Book Section]

RODRIGUES, Marcos, ROBINSON, Alan, ALBOUL, Lyuba and BRINK, Willie (2006). 3D modelling and recognition. In: ISCGAV'06 Proceedings of the 6th WSEAS International Conference on Signal Processing, Computational Geometry and Artificial Vision. World Scientific and Engineering Academy and Society (WSEAS), 72-76. [Book Section]

WAUDBY, Carolyn (2006). The Cigar Taster. Magma, 35. [Article]

WAUDBY, Carolyn (2006). Sand's End. The Haiku Quarterly magazine, 33, p. 3. [Article]


ADAM, Alison (2005). Gender, ethics and information technology. Palgrave Macmillan. [Authored Book]

APPIAH, Kofi, HUNTER, Andrew and KLUGE, Tino (2005). GW4: a real-time background subtraction and maintenance algorithm for FPGA implementation. WSEAS Transactions on Systems, 4 (10), 1741-1751. [Article]

ATTWOOD, F. (2005). Fashion and passion: marketing sex to women. Sexualities, 8 (4), 392-406. [Article]

ATTWOOD, F. (2005). Inside out: men on the Home Front. Journal of consumer culture, 5 (1), 87-107. [Article]

ATTWOOD, F. (2005). What do people do with porn? qualitative research into the consumption, use and experience of pornography and other sexually explicit media. Sexuality and culture, 9 (2), 65-86. [Article]

ATTWOOD, F. (2005). 'tits and ass and porn and fighting': male heterosexuality in magazines for men. International journal of cultural studies, 8 (1), 87-104. [Article]

BEER, Martin, SLACK, Frances and ARMITT, G. (2005). Collaboration and teamwork: immersion and presence in an online learning environment. Information systems frontiers, 7 (1), 27-37. [Article]

BLAIN, Jenny (2005). "Now many of those things are shown to me which I was denied before": Seidr, shamanism and journeying, past and present. Studies in religion, 34 (1), 81-98. [Article]

CHAMBERLAIN, Paul and RODDIS, Jim (2005). Regenerate: a case study of a collaborative design research led new product development. In: Joining forces: Design research, industries and a new interface for competiveness, University of Art and Design, Helsinki, 22-24 September 2005. [Conference or Workshop Item]

CIOLFI, Luigina, COOKE, Michael, HALL, Tony, BANNON, Liam and OLIVA, Serena, eds. (2005). Proceedings of the International Workshop “Re-Thinking Technology in Museums: towards a new understanding of people’s experience in museums". Limerick, Ireland, University of Limerick. [Edited Book]

CIOLFI, Luigina and BANNON, Liam (2005). Space, place and the design of technologically enhanced physical environments. In: TURNER, Phil and DAVENPORT, Elisabeth, (eds.) Spaces, Spatiality and Technology. Computer Supported Cooperative Work (5). London, Kluwer, 217-232. [Book Section]

CIOLFI, Luigina, BARTOLUCCI, Iride and MURPHY, Darragh (2005). Meaningful interactions for meaningful places: investigating the relationships between nomadic work, tangible artefacts and the physical environment. In: EACE '05 Proceedings of the 2005 annual conference on European association of cognitive ergonomics. ACM Digital Library, 115-121. [Book Section]

CROWTHER, Paul and HARTNETT, J. (2005). Developing smart spatial systems using CommonKADS. In: ATKINSON, Peter M, FOODY, Giles M, DARBY, Stephen E and WU, Fulong, (eds.) GeoDynamics. GeoDynamics . Boca Raton, Fla., CRC, 55-72. [Book Section]

DEARDEN, Andy and LO, C. M. (2005). Supporting user decisions in travel and tourism. In: FINCHER, S., MARKOPOULOS, P., MOORE, D. and RUDDLE, R., (eds.) People and Computers Xviii - Design for Life. B C S Conference Series . Springer, 103-116. [Book Section]

DEARDEN, Andy, WALKER, S. and WATTS, L. (2005). Choosing friends carefully: allies for critical computing. In: Proceedings of the 4th Decennial Conference on Critical computing: between sense and sensibility, Aarhus, Denmark, August 20-24, 2005. New York, ACM Press, 133-135. [Conference or Workshop Item]

GRAINGER, Karen, JENNINGS, M. and MASTERSON, S. (2005). ‘Things aren't the same, are they?’: the management of bad news delivery in the discourse of stroke care. Communication and medicine, 2 (1), 35-44. [Article]

GREEN, Geff (2005). The significance of Island of Demons and Kriss: The Bali sub-genre of the South-Seas Films, their primitivist discourse and tropicalist fantasy. Asian Cinema, 16 (1), 46-70. [Article]

HABGOOD, M P Jacob, AINSWORTH, Shaaron and BENFORD, Steve (2005). Intrinsic fantasy: motivation and affect in educational games made by children. In: 2005 AIED workshop on motivation and affect in educational software, Amsterdam. [Conference or Workshop Item]

HABGOOD, MP Jacob, AINSWORTH, Shaaron and BENFORD, Steve (2005). Endogenous fantasy and learning in digital games. Simulation and Gaming, 36 (4), 483-498. [Article]

HILL, R., POLOVINA, S. and BEER, M. (2005). Managing healthcare workflows in a multi-agent system environment. In: Proceedings of the Agents Applied in Healthcare Workshop, Nineteenth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI), Edinburgh, Scotland. [Conference or Workshop Item]

HILL, Richard, POLOVINA, Simon and BEER, Martin D. (2005). From concepts to agents: towards a framework for multi-agent system modelling. In: AAMAS 2005: the fourth International Joint Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multi Agent Systems. New York, NY, ACM Press, 1155-1156. [Book Section]

HIRSCH, Laurence, SAEEDI, M and HIRSCH, R (2005). Evolving rules for document classification. In: Genetic programming. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (3447). Berlin, Springer, 85-95. [Book Section]

JENKINS, Clare and MERRY, Judy (2005). Relative grief : parents and children, sisters and brothers, husbands, wives and partners, grandparents and grandchildren talk about their experience of death and grieving. Jessica Kingsley Publishers. [Authored Book]

KING, Mike and WADDINGTON, Dave (2005). Flashpoints revisited : a critical application to the policing of anti-globalization protest. Policing and Society, 15 (3), 255-282. [Article]

LOUIS, Anja (2005). Inferior, superior or just different? A woman's sense of justice in Carmen de Burgos's El abogado. Hispanic Research Journal, 6 (1), 13-27. [Article]

LOUIS, Anja (2005). Women and the law: Carmen de Burgos, an early feminist. Monografías A . Woodbridge, Tamesis Books. [Authored Book]

MCCARTHY, J., WRIGHT, P., WALLACE, J. and DEARDEN, Andy (2005). The experience of enchantment in human-computer interaction. Personal and ubiquitous computing, 10 (6), 369-378. [Article]

MWITONDI, Kassim and EZEPUE, Patrick (2005). Images of a perceptive applied computing graduate. In: Proceedings of the LTA conference, Sheffield Hallam University, June 2005. (Unpublished) [Conference or Workshop Item]

POLOVINA, S. and HILL, R. (2005). Enhancing the initial requirements capture of Multi-Agent Systems through conceptual graphs. In: DAU, F., MUGNIER, M. L. and STUMME, G., (eds.) Conceptual Structures: Common Semantics for Sharing Knowledge, Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, 3596 . Springer, 439-452. [Book Section]

PRANGGONO, Bernardi and ELMIRGHANI, Jaafar MH (2005). A novel optical storage area network implemented in a metro WDM setting. In: High Performance Switching and Routing, 2005. HPSR. 2005 Workshop on. IEEE, 49-52. [Book Section]

RAMAMURTHY, Anandi (2005). Come what may: The Asian youth movements and campaigns for social justice in the 1970s and 1980s Britain. [Show/Exhibition] [Show/Exhibition]

RAMAMURTHY, Anandi (2005). Secular identities and the Asian Youth Movements. In: 10th International conference on alternative futures and popular protests. Manchester, Manchester Metropolitan University. [Book Section]

RAMAMURTHY, Anandi (2005). Tandana-Glow worm archive of approximately 2000 documents relating to the Asian Youth Movements. Not specified. [Other]

ROAST, C., DEARDEN, Andy and KHAZAEI, B. (2005). Enhancing contextual analysis to support the design of development tools. In: FINCHER, S., MARKOPOULOS, P., MOORE, D. and RUDDLE, R., (eds.) People and Computers Xviii - Design for Life. B C S Conference Series . Springer, 297-313. [Book Section]

SHENFIELD, Alex and FLEMING, Peter (2005). A service oriented architecture for decision making in engineering design. In: SLOOT, Peter M A, HOEKSTRA, Alfons G and PRIOL, Thierry, (eds.) Advances in Grid Computing : EGC 2005 : European Grid Conference, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, February 14-16, 2005, Revised Selected Papers. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (3470). Springer. [Book Section]

SHIN, Chi Yun and STRINGER, Julian, eds. (2005). New Korean cinema. Edinburgh / New York, Edinburgh University Press / New York University Press. [Edited Book]

WADDINGTON, Dave (2005). ‘With a little help from our friends’: The role of new solidarities and alliances in the remaking of Warsop Vale. Capital and Class, 29 (3), 201-225. [Article]

WALKER, Steve and DEARDEN, Andy (2005). Designing for civil society. Interacting with Computers, 17 (1), 1-8. [Article]

WAUDBY, Carolyn (2005). Roadside Restaurant. DreamCatcher poetry magazine, 19, p. 66. [Article]

WILLMOTT, S., BEER, Martin, HILL, R., GREENWOOD, D. A. P., CALISTI, M., MATHIESON, I. D., PADGHAM, L., REESE, C., LEHMANN, K., SCHOLZ, T. and SHAFIQ, M. O. (2005). NETDEMO: openNet networked agents demonstration. In: 4th International Joint Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS 2005). IEEE, 129-130. [Book Section]

WILLMOTT, Steven, BEER, Martin D., HILL, Richard, GREENWOOD, Dominic A. P., CALISTI, Monique, MATHIESON, Ian D., PADGHAM, Lin, REESE, Christine, LEHMANN, Kolja, SCHOLZ, Thorsten and SHAFIQ, M. Omair (2005). NETDEMO: openNet networked agents demonstration. In: PECHOUCEK, Michal, STEINER, Donald and THOMPSON, Simon, (eds.) AAMAS '05 : Proceedings of the Fourth International Joint Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multi Agent Systems. New York, ACM, 129-130. [Book Section]


ALBOUL, Lyuba, ECHEVERRIA, Gilberto and RODRIGUES, Marcos (2004). Total absolute curvature as a tool for modelling curves and surfaces. In: Seminar on Computational Geometry. (Unpublished) [Conference or Workshop Item]

ATTWOOD, F. (2004). Pornography and objectification: re-reading “the picture that divided Britain”. Feminist media studies, 5 (1), 7-19. [Article]

CIOLFI, Luigina (2004). Understanding spaces as places : extending interaction design paradigms. Cognition, Technology and Work, 6 (1), 37-40. [Article]

CLARK, Anthony, EVANS, Andy, SAMMUT, Paul and WILLANS, James (2004). Language driven development and MDA. MDA Journal. [Article]

CLARK, Tony, EVANS, Andy, SAMMUT, Paul and WILLANS, James (2004). An eXecutable metamodelling facility for domain specific language design. In: TOLVANEN, J. -P., SPRINKLE, J. and ROSSI, M., (eds.) Proceedings of the 4th OOPSLA Workshop on DomainSpecific Modeling, (DSM’04). Computer Science and Information System Reports, Technical Reports (TR-33). Finland, DSM Forum / University of Jyväskylä. [Book Section]

DEARDEN, Andy and LO, C. M. (2004). Using co-operative evaluation to explore travel and tourism decision making. In: Information and communication technologies in tourism 2004, the 11th ENTER International Conference, Cairo, Egypt. Springer, 172-183. [Conference or Workshop Item]

FERRIS, Kieran, BANNON, Liam, CIOLFI, Luigina, GALLAGHER, Paul, HALL, Tony and LENNON, Marilyn (2004). Shaping experiences in the Hunt Museum: a design case study. In: DIS '04 Proceedings of the 5th conference on Designing interactive systems: processes, practices, methods, and techniques. ACM, 205-214. [Book Section]

GEORGALAS, Nektarios, AZMOODEH, Manooch, CLARK, Tony, EVANS, Andy, SAMMUT, Paul and WILLANS, James (2004). MDA-driven development of standard-compliant OSS components: the OSS/J inventory case-study. In: AKEHURST, D.H., (ed.) Second European Workshop on Model Driven Architecture (MDA) with an emphasis on methodologies and transformations, September 7th-8th 2004, Canterbury, UK, Proceedings. Technical report (17-04). Kent, Computing Laboratory, University of Kent, 44-60. [Book Section]

GRAINGER, Karen (2004). Verbal play on the hospital ward: solidarity or power? Multilingua: journal of cross-cultural and interlanguage communication, 23 (1-2), 39-59. [Article]

KING, Mike and WADDINGTON, Dave (2004). Coping with disorder? : the changing relationship between police public order strategy and practice—a critical analysis of the Burnley Riot. Policing and Society, 14 (2), 118-137. [Article]

LOUIS, Anja (2004). Whose melodrama is it anyway? Women and the law in the work of Carmen de Burgos. Bulletin of Spanish Studies, 81 (6), 765-783. [Article]

NYONGESA, H. O., AL-KHAYATT, S., MOHAMED, S. M. and MAHMOUD, M. (2004). Fast robust fingerprint feature extraction and classification. Journal of intelligent and robotic systems, 40 (1), 103-112. [Article]

PENDERS, Jacques, ALBOUL, Lyuba and RODRIGUES, Marcos (2004). Modelling interaction patterns and group behaviour in a three-robot team. In: TAROS 2004 "Towards Autonomous Robotic Systems", Essex, UK, 6-8 September 2004. [Conference or Workshop Item]

ROBINSON, Alan, ALBOUL, Lyuba and RODRIGUES, Marcos (2004). Methods for indexing stripes in uncoded structured light scanning systems. Journal of WSCG, 12 (3), 371-378. [Article]

ROWLEY, J. and SLACK, Frances (2004). What is the future for undergraduate dissertations? Education and training, 46 (4), 176-181. [Article]

SLACK, Frances and ROWLEY, J. (2004). Challenges in the delivery of e-government through kiosks. Journal of information science. [Article]

TEKINER, F., GHASSEMLOOY, Z., AL-KHAYATT, S. and THOMPSON, M. (2004). Implementation and evaluation of Shufflenet, Gemnet and De Bruijn graph logical network topologies. In: HAMZA, M. H., (ed.) Proceedings of the IASTED International Conference Parallel and Distributed Computing and Networks. Acta Press. [Book Section]

WADDINGTON, Dave (2004). ‘Making the Difference’ in Warsop Vale : the impact of government regeneration policy and community development on a Nottinghamshire ex-mining community. Social Policy and Society, 3 (1), 21-31. [Article]

WAUDBY, Carolyn (2004). Superfortress. Staple, 61. [Article]


APPUKUTTAN, Biju K, CLARK, Anthony, REDDY, Sreedhar, TRATT, Laurence and VENKATESH, R (2003). A model driven approach to model transformations. In: Workshop in Software Model Engineering (WiSME) 2003, San Francisco, October 2003. Springer Berlin Heidelberg. [Conference or Workshop Item]

APPUKUTTAN, Biju K, CLARK, Tony, EVANS, Andy, MASKERI, Girish, REDDY, Sreedhar, SAMMUT, Paul, TRATT, Laurence, VENKATESH, R and WILLANS, James S (2003). Initial submission to MOF 2.0 Query/View/Transformations RFP. Other. Tata Consultancy Cervies. (Unpublished) [Monograph]

BEER, M., HUANG, W. and HILL, R. (2003). Designing community care systems with AUML. In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer, Communication and Control Technologies (CCCT '03) and the 9th International Conference on Information Systems Analysis and Synthesis (ISAS '03), Orlando, USA, July 31-August 2, 2003. IEEE Computer Society, 247-253. [Conference or Workshop Item]

BEER, Martin, HILL, R., WEI HUANG, D. and SIXSMITH, A. (2003). An agent-based architecture for managing the provision of community care - the INCA (Intelligent Community Alarm) experience. AI communications, 16 (3), 179-192. [Article]

BEER, Martin, HILL, Richard and SIXSMITH, A (2003). Deploying an agent-based architecture for the management of community care. In: Second International Joint Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems, AAMAS 2003. ACM, 932-933. [Book Section]

BEER, Martin, SLACK, Frances and ARMITT, G. (2003). Community building and virtual teamwork in an online learning environment. In: Proceedings of the 36th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 2003. IEEE Computer Society. [Conference or Workshop Item]

CERE, Rinella (2003). Digital counter-cultures and the nature of electronic social and political movements. In: JEWKES, Yvonne, (ed.) Dot.cons: criminal and deviant identities on the internet. Cullompton, Willan, 147-163. [Book Section]

CERE, Rinella (2003). ‘Witches of our age’: women ultras, football and the media. In: BERNSTEIN, A and BLAIN, N, (eds.) Sport, media, culture: global and local dimensions. London, Frank Cass, 166-188. [Book Section]

CLARK, Anthony, EVANS, Andy, MASKERI, Girish, SAMMUT, Paul and WILLANS, James (2003). Modeling language transformations. L'Objet, 9 (4), 31-51. [Article]

CLARK, Tony, EVANS, Andy and KENT, Stuart (2003). Aspect-oriented metamodelling. The Computer Journal, 46 (5), 566-577. [Article]

CROWTHER, Paul, BERNER, G. and WILLIAMS, R. (2003). Re-usable knowledge: Development of an object oriented industrial KBS and a collaborative domain ontology. Journal of intelligent and fuzzy systems, 14 (3), 149-155. [Article]

CUNNINGHAM, John (2003). Hungarian cinema: from coffee house to multiplex. London, Wallflower Press. [Authored Book]

MELLOR, Stephen J, CLARK, Anthony and FUTAGAMI, Takao (2003). Model-driven development : guest editors' introduction. IEEE software, 20 (5), 14-18. [Article]

RAMAMURTHY, Anandi (2003). Imperial persuaders: images of African and Asian People in British Advertising. Manchester, Manchester University Press. [Authored Book]

RAMAMURTHY, Anandi (2003). Orientalism and the paisley pattern. In: BOYDELL, C. and SHAFFER, M., (eds.) Disentangling textiles. Middlesex, Middlesex University Press, 121-134. [Book Section]

ROWLEY, J. and SLACK, Frances (2003). Kiosks in retailing: the quiet revolution. International journal of retail and distribution management, 31 (6), 329-339. [Article]

SHIN, Chi Yun (2003). Reclaiming the corporeal: The black male body and the 'racial' mountain in 'Looking for Langston' (Isaac Julien film). Paragraph, 26 (1-2), 201-212. [Article]

SLACK, Frances, BEER, Martin, ARMITT, G. and GREEN, S. (2003). Assessment and learning outcomes: the evaluation of deep learning in an on-line course. Journal of information technology education. [Article]

TRATT, Laurence and CLARK, Anthony (2003). Issues surrounding model consistency and QVT. Technical Report. King's College London, Department of Computer Science.. (Unpublished) [Monograph]

TRATT, Laurence and CLARK, Anthony (2003). Model transformations in converge. In: 2nd Workshop in Software Model Engineering (WiSME 2003), San Francisco, October 2003. N/A. [Conference or Workshop Item]

TRATT, Laurence and CLARK, Anthony (2003). Using icon-derived technologies to drive model transformations. In: Workshop in Software Model Engineering (WiSME) 2003, San Francisco, October 2003. [Conference or Workshop Item]

WADDINGTON, Dave (2003). Developing coalfields communities : breathing new life into Warsop Vale. Bristol, Policy Press. [Authored Book]

WADDINGTON, Dave and PARRY, D. (2003). Managing industrial decline: the lessons of a decade of research on industrial contraction and regeneration in Britain and other EU coal producing countries. Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining. Transactions. Section A: Mining Technology, 112 (1), A47-A56. [Article]

WAUDBY, Carolyn (2003). Ancestor. Spiked : the magazine of ideas, literature and the arts (23), p. 23. [Article]

WAUDBY, Carolyn (2003). Antony Gormley's Apple. Neon Highway, 4. [Article]

WAUDBY, Carolyn (2003). Wash. Neon Highway, 4. [Article]


CLARK, Tony and WARMER, Jos, eds. (2002). Object modeling with the OCL : the rationale behind the Object Constraint Language. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2263 . Berlin, Springer. [Edited Book]

APPUKUTTAN, Biju K, CLARK, Anthony, EVANS, Andy, MASKERI, Girish, SAMMUT, Paul, TRATT, Laurence and WILLANS, James (2002). A pattern based approach to defining the dynamic infrastructure of UML 2.0. In: Fourth Workshop on Rigorous Object Oriented Methods, University College, London, March 2002. N/A. [Conference or Workshop Item]

ARMITT, G., BEER, Martin, BRUGGEN, J. van, DANIELS, R., GHYSELEN, L., GREEN, S., SANDQUIST, J. and SIXSMITH, A. (2002). The provision of education and training for healthcare professionals through the medium of the internet. Campus-wide information systems, 19 (4), 135-144. [Article]

ARMITT, G., SLACK, Frances, GREEN, S. and BEER, Martin (2002). The development of deep learning during a synchronous collaborative on-line course. In: Proceedings of CSCL 2002, Boulder, Colorado, USA. Lawrence Erlbaum, 151-158. [Conference or Workshop Item]

ASHFORD, R., ROWLEY, J. and SLACK, F. (2002). Electronic public service delivery through online kiosks: The user's perspective. Lecture notes in computer science, 2456, 169-172. [Article]

ATTWOOD, F. (2002). Reading porn: the paradigm shift in pornography research. Sexualities, 5 (1), 91-105. [Article]

ATTWOOD, F. (2002). A very British carnival: women, sex and transgression in Fiesta magazine. European journal of cultural studies, 5 (1), 91-105. [Article]

BEER, Martin and WHATLEY, J. (2002). A multi-agent architecture to support synchronous collaborative learning in an international environment. In: AAMAS '02 : First International Joint Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems. New York, ACM, 505-506. [Book Section]

CERE, Rinella (2002). ‘Witches of our age’: women ultras, football and the media. Culture, sport, society journal, 5 (3), 166-188. [Article]

CLARK, Tony, EVANS, Andy and FRANCE, Robert (2002). Object-oriented theories for model driven architecture. In: Advances in object-oriented information systems : OOIS 2002 Workshops Montpellier, France, September 2, 2002 Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (2426). Berlin, Springer, 235-244. [Book Section]

CLARK, Tony, EVANS, Andy and KENT, Stuart (2002). Patterns for renaming and stamping out object-oriented models. In: International Conference on Software Engineering Research and Practice, SERP 2002, Las Vagas, Nervada, USA, 2002. (Unpublished) [Conference or Workshop Item]

CLARK, Tony, EVANS, Andy and KENT, Stuart (2002). A meta-model facility for a family of UML Constraint languages. In: Object Modeling with the OCL : the rationale behind the Object Contraint Language. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (2263). Berlin, Springer, 4-20. [Book Section]

CLARK, Tony, EVANS, Andy and KENT, Stuart (2002). A metamodel for package extension with renaming. In: JEZEQUEL, Jean-Marc, HUSSMAN, Heinrich and COOK, Stephen, (eds.) UML 2002 -The Unified Modeling Language. Model engineering, concepts, and tools : 5th International Conference, Dresden, Germany, September 30 October 4, 2002. Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (2460). Berlin, Springer, 305-320. [Book Section]

DEARDEN, Andy (2002). A systematic treatment of supervision for use in function allocation. In: JOHANNSEN, G., (ed.) Analysis, Design and Evaluation of Human-Machine Systems 2001. Ifac Symposia Series . Oxford, Pergamon, 435-440. [Book Section]

DEARDEN, Andy, FINLAY, J., ALLGAR, E. and MCMANUS, B. (2002). Using pattern languages in participatory design. In: Proceedings of the Participatory Design Conference (PDC 2002), Malmö, Sweden, June 23-25, 2002. Palo Alto, CA, CPSR. [Conference or Workshop Item]

DEARDEN, Andy, NAGHSH, A. and OZCAN, M. B. (2002). Support for participation in electronic paper prototyping. In: Proceedings of the Participatory Design Conference (PDC 2002), Malmö, Sweden, June 23-25, 2002. Palo Alto, CA, CPSR, 105-108. [Conference or Workshop Item]

LOUIS, Anja (2002). Melodramatic feminism : the popular fiction of Carmen de Burgos. In: LABANYI, Jo, (ed.) Constructing identity in contemporary Spain : theoretical debates and cultural practice. Oxford, Oxford University Press, 94-112. [Book Section]

MAKONI, S. and GRAINGER, Karen (2002). Comparative gerontolinguistics: characterizing discourses in caring institutions in South Africa and United Kingdom. Journal of social issues, 58. [Article]

MWITONDI, Kassim (2002). Using boosting in classification. In: Proceedings from the 25th annual Research Students Conference in Probability and Statistics, Warwick, 18-21 March 2002. [Conference or Workshop Item]

MWITONDI, Kassim, TAYLOR, C. and KENT, J. (2002). Using Boosting in Classification. In: Proceedings of the Leeds Annual Statistical Research (LASR) Conference. Leeds, Leeds University Press, 125-128. [Book Section]

ROAST, C. R., O'NEILL, P. and HAWLEY, M. (2002). Improved assistive technology prescription via usage log analysis. In: KEATS, S., CLARKSON, P. J., LANGDON, P. and ROBINSON, P., (eds.) Universal access and assistive technology. Springer. [Book Section]

ROAST, Chris, RITCHIE, Innes and THOMAS, Stephanie (2002). Re-creating the reader: supporting active reading in literary research. Communications of the ACM, 45 (10), 109-111. [Article]

RODRIGUES, M., FISHER, R. and LIU, Y. H. (2002). Special issue on registration and fusion of range images. Computer Vision and Image Understanding, 87 (1-3), 1-131. [Article]

RODRIGUES, M. A. and LIU, Y. H. (2002). On the representation of rigid body transformations for accurate registration of free-form shapes. Robotics and Autonomous Systems, 39 (1), 37-52. [Article]

SIDDIQI, J., AKGHAR, B., DAVIES, C. and AL-KHAYATT, S. (2002). E-commerce: continuous growth or leveling out? In: 3rd International Conference on Information Technology: Coding and Computing, Las Vegas, 8-10 April, 2002. [Conference or Workshop Item]

SLACK, Frances and ROWLEY, J. (2002). Online kiosks: the alternative to mobile technologies for mobile users. Internet research. [Article]

THEOHARAKIS, V. and HIRST, A. (2002). Perceptual differences of marketing journals: a worldwide perspective. Marketing letters, 13 (4), 389-402. [Article]

TRATT, Laurence, CLARK, Anthony and EVANS, Andy (2002). Modelling generalization and other class-to-parent relationships. Technical Report. Department of Computer Science, King's College London. (Unpublished) [Monograph]

WILLANS, James, SAMMUT, Paul, MASKERI, Girish, EVANS, Andy and CLARK, Anthony (2002). Defining OCL expressions using templates. Technical Report. King's College London. (Unpublished) [Monograph]


GREEN, Eileen and ADAM, Alison, eds. (2001). Virtual gender: technology, consumption and identity. London, Routledge. [Edited Book]

BEER, Martin, ANDERSON, I. and HUANG, W. (2001). Using agents to build a practical implementation of the INCA (intelligent community alarm) system. In: MULLER,, Jorge P., (ed.) eedings of the 5th interrnational conference on autonomous agents. New York, ACM, 106-107. [Book Section]

BEER, Martin, ARMITT, G., VAN BRUGGEN, J., DANIELS, R., GHYSELEN, L., GREEN, S., SANDQVIST, J. and SIXSMITH, A. (2001). Running a European Internet school - OTIS at work. In: Advanced Learning Technologies, 2001. Proceedings. IEEE International Conference on. IEEE, 413-414. [Book Section]

CLARK, Anthony, EVANS, Andy, KENT, Stuart and SAMMUT, Paul (2001). The MMF approach to engineering object-oriented design languages. In: 1st Workshop on Language Descriptions, Tools and Applications, Genova, Italy, April 2001. [Conference or Workshop Item]

CLARK, Tony, EVANS, AS and KENT, Stuart (2001). A reference implementation for UML. L'Objet, 7 (3). [Article]

CLARK, Tony, EVANS, Andy and KENT, Stuart (2001). The metamodelling language calculus: foundation semantics for UML. In: HUSSMANN, Heinrich, (ed.) Fundamental Approaches to Software Engineering : 4th International Conference, FASE 2001 Held as Part of the Joint European Conferences on Theory and Practice of Software, ETAPS 2001 Genova, Italy, April 2–6, 2001 Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (2029). Berlin, Springer, 17-31. [Book Section]

DEARDEN, Andy (2001). IDA-S: A conceptual framework for partial automation. In: BLANDFORD, Ann, VANDERDONCKT, Jean and GRAY, Phil, (eds.) People and computers XV : interaction without frontiers. B C S Conference Series . London, Springer, 213-228. [Book Section]

LIU, Y. H. and RODRIGUES, M. A. (2001). Statistical image analysis for pose estimation without point correspondences. Pattern Recognition Letters, 22 (11), 1191-1206. [Article]

LIU, Y. H., RODRIGUES, M. A. and WEI, B. G. (2001). Using rigid motion constraints for the registration of free-form surfaces. Journal of Digital Imaging, 14 (2, Sup), 214-216. [Article]

LOUIS, Anja (2001). Equality, difference and all that jazz: the infamous debate and a Spanish take on it. Griffith Law Review, 10 (2), 211-224. [Article]

SLACK, Frances and ROWLEY, J. (2001). Kiosks 21: a new role for information kiosks? International journal of information management. [Article]

SMITH, G. and HIRST, A. (2001). Strategic political segmentation - a new approach for a new era of political marketing. European journal of marketing, 35 (9/10), 1058-1073. [Article]

TAYLOR, C. C. and MWITONDI, Kassim (2001). Robust methods and data mining: in spatial statistics? In: Proceedings of the Leeds Annual Statistical Research Conference. Leeds, Leeds University Press, 67-70. [Book Section]

WADDINGTON, Dave (2001). Trouble at the mill towns. The Psychologist, 14 (9), 454-455. [Article]

WADDINGTON, Dave, CRITCHER, Chas, DICKS, Bella and PARRY, David (2001). Out of the ashes? : the social impact of industrial contraction and regeneration on Britain's mining communities. Regions and cities, 25 . London, Routledge. [Authored Book]

ÁLVAREZ, José M., CLARK, Tony, EVANS, Andy and SAMMUT, Paul (2001). An action semantics for MML. In: GOGOLLA, Martin and KOBRYN, Cris, (eds.) UML 2001 - the Unified Modeling Language : modeling languages, concepts, and tools : 4th International Conference, Toronto, Canada, October 1-5, 2001. Proceedings. Lecture notes in computer science (2185). Berlin, Springer, 2-18. [Book Section]


BEER, Martin, GREEN, S., NEFTI, S., SIXSMITH, A. and WHATLEY, J. (2000). Education for health care professionals through the medium of the Internet. In: Advanced Learning Technologies, 2000. IWALT 2000. Proceedings. International Workshop on. IEEE, 31-32. [Book Section]

BEER, Martin, STANIFORD, G. and WHATLEY, J. (2000). Guardian agents to support student group projects. In: International Workshop on Database and Expert Systems Applications (DEXA'00). Lecture Notes in Computer Science . IEEE Computer Society, 458-462. [Book Section]

BISSETT, A. and SHIPTON, G. (2000). Some human dimensions of computer virus creation and infection. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 52 (5), 899-913. [Article]

CLARK, Anthony (2000). Object-oriented refinement and proof using behaviour functions. In: Rigorous Object-Oriented Methods 2000, York, 1 January 2000. BCS Electronic Workshops in Computing. [Conference or Workshop Item]

CLARK, Anthony, EVANS, Andy, KENT, Stuart, BRODSKY, Steve and COOK, Steve (2000). A feasibility study in rearchitecting UML as a family of languages using a precise OO meta-modeling approach. Project Report. pUML Group and IBM. [Monograph]

RAMAMURTHY, Anandi (2000). Landscapes of order and Imperial control: The representation of plantation production in late-Nineteenth and Early-Twentieth Century tea advertising. Space and Culture, 2 (4-5), 159-168. [Article]

WAUDBY, Carolyn (2000). Refraction. Other Poetry, 16. [Article]


BEER, Martin, BENCH-CAPON, T. J. M. and SIXSMITH, A (1999). The delivery of effective integrated community care with the aid of agents. In: HUI, Lucas Chi-Wong and LEE, Dik Lun, (eds.) Internet Applications, 5th International Computer Science Conference, ICSC'99. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 1749 (1749). Springer, 393-398. [Book Section]

BEER, Martin, BENCH-CAPON, T. J. M. and SIXSMITH, A. (1999). Dialogue management in a virtual college. In: BENCH-CAPON, Trevor, SODA, Giovanni and TJOA, A. Min, (eds.) Database and Expert Systems Applications, 10th International Conference, DEXA '99. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (1677). Berlin, Springer, 521-530. [Book Section]

BEER, Martin, LUCK, Michael, JENNINGS, Nick, PREIST, Chris and SCHROEDER, Michael (1999). Foundations of multi-agent systems. The Knowledge Engineering Review, 12, 307-308. [Article]

CLARK, Anthony (1999). EBG : a lazy functional programming language implemented on the Java virtual machine. Technical Report. University of Bradford. (Unpublished) [Monograph]

CLARK, Anthony (1999). Formal refinement and proof of a small Java program. In: MOREIRA, Ana M. D. and DEMEYER, Serge, (eds.) Proceedings of the Workshop on Object-Oriented Technology. London, Springer, p. 108. [Book Section]

CLARK, Anthony, EVANS, Andy, FRANCE, Robert, KENT, Stuart and RUMPE, Bernhard (1999). Response to UML 2.0 request for information. Other. pUML. [Monograph]

CLARK, Tony (1999). Implementation of lazy agents in the functional language EBG. Technical Report. University of Bradford. (Unpublished) [Monograph]

CLARK, Tony (1999). Specification and implementation of a multi-agent calculus based on higher-order functions. Technical Report. University of Bradford. (Unpublished) [Monograph]

CLARK, Tony (1999). Typechecking UML static models. In: FRANCE, Robert B. and RUMPE, Bernhard, (eds.) UML '99 - The Unified Modeling Language. Beyond the standard : Second International Conference, Fort Collins, CO, USA, October 28-30, 1999, Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (1723). Berlin, Springer, 503-517. [Book Section]

CRITCHER, Chas, PARRY, David and WADDINGTON, Dave (1999). Regulation, restructuring and regeneration in coalfields : three European cases. In: EDWARDS, Paul K and ELGER, Tony, (eds.) The global economy, national states and the regulation of labour. London, Routledge, 87-110. [Book Section]

VISSER, P. R. S., JONES, D. M., BEER, Martin, BENCH-CAPON, T. J. M., DIAZ, B. M. and SHAVE, M. J. R. (1999). Resolving ontological heterogeneity in the KRAFT Project. In: BENCH-CAPON, Trevor, SODA, Giovanni and TJOA, A. Min, (eds.) Database and Expert Systems Applications, 10th International Conference, DEXA '99. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (1677). Berlin, Springer, 668-677. [Book Section]

WHATLEY, J., BEER, Martin, STANIFORD, G. and SCOWN, P. J. A. (1999). Group project support agents for helping students work online. In: BULLINGER, H. J. and ZIEGLER, J, (eds.) Human-computer interaction: communication, cooperation, and application design Vol.2. CRC, 672-676. [Book Section]


DICKS, Bella, WADDINGTON, Dave and CRITCHER, Chas (1998). Redundant men and overburdened women : local service providers and the construction of gender in ex-mining communities. In: POPAY, Jennie, HEARN, Jeff and EDWARDS, Jeanette, (eds.) Men, gender divisions and welfare. London, Routledge, 287-311. [Book Section]

KHAZAEI, Babak, SIDDIQI, J., OSBORN, R. and ROAST, C. (1998). Templates and tariffs - tools for empirical studies. Information and software technology, 40 (14), 823-829. [Article]

MWITONDI, Kassim (1998). The scope of optimization models in investment decision-making: is the underdeveloped world skipping the opportunities? African journal of finance and management, 6 (2). [Article]

WADDINGTON, Dave (1998). Waddington versus Waddington : public order theory on trial. Theoretical Criminology, 2 (3), 373-394. [Article]

WADDINGTON, Dave, CRITCHER, Chas and DICKS, Bella (1998). 'All jumbled up' : employed women with unemployed husbands. In: POPAY, Jennie, HEARN, Jeff and EDWARDS, Jeanette, (eds.) Men, gender divisions and welfare. London, Routledge, 231-256. [Book Section]

WADDINGTON, Dave, PARRY, D. and CRITCHER, C. (1998). Keeping the Red Flag Flying? A comparative study of two worker takeovers in the British deep coalmining industry, 1992-1996. Work, employment and society, 12 (2), 317-349. [Article]


CLARK, Anthony (1997). Metaclasses and reflection in smalltalk. Technical Report. University of Bradford. (Unpublished) [Monograph]

CLARK, Anthony and EVANS, Andy (1997). Foundations of the Unified Modeling Language. In: 2nd BCS-FACS Northern Formal Methods Workshop., Ilkley, UK, 14-15 July 1997. Springer. [Conference or Workshop Item]

EVANS, A.S. and CLARK, T. (1997). Foundations of the Unified Modeling Language. In: DUKE, D. J. and EVANS, A.S., (eds.) Proceedings of the 2nd BCS-FACS Northern Formal Methods Workshop, Ilkley, 14-15 July 1997. Electronic Workshops in Computing . Springer. [Book Section]

GRAY, Peter M. D., PREECE, Alun D., FIDDIAN, N. J., GRAY, W. A., BENCH-CAPON, Trevor J. M., SHAVE, Michael J. R., AZARMI, Nader, WIEGAND, M., ASHWELL, M., BEER, Martin, CUI, Zhan, DIAZ, B. M., EMBURY, Suzanne M., HUI, Kit-ying, JONES, Andrew C., JONES, Dean M., KEMP, Graham J. L., LAWSON, E. W., LUNN, K., MARTI, Philippe, SHAO, Jianhua and VISSER, Pepijn R. S. (1997). KRAFT: Knowledge Fusion from Distributed Databases and Knowledge Bases. In: Database and Expert Systems Applications (DEXA Workshop), DEXA '97, Toulouse, France., September 1-5, 1997. 682-691. [Conference or Workshop Item]

PARRY, D., WADDINGTON, Dave and CRITCHER, C. (1997). Industrial relations in the privatized mining industry. British Journal Of Industrial Relations, 35 (2), 173-196. [Article]


CLARK, Tony (1996). Formal basis for the refinement of rule based transition systems. Journal of Functional Programming, 6 (2), 329-354. [Article]

JENKINS, Clare (1996). A Passion for Priests: women's relationships with Roman Catholic priests. London, Hodder Headline. [Authored Book]


CRITCHER, Chas, SCHUBERT, Klaus and WADDINGTON, Dave, eds. (1995). Regeneration of the coalfield area : Anglo-German perspectives. London, Pinter. [Edited Book]

CLARK, Anthony (1995). A lazy non-deterministic functional language. Technical Report. University of Bradford. (Unpublished) [Monograph]

CLARK, Tony and PALMER, I.J. (1995). The generation of animated sequences from state transition systems. In: Fifth Eurographics workshop on 'Programming Paradigms in Graphics', Maastricht, The Netherlands., 2-3 September, 1995. [Conference or Workshop Item]


CLARK, Tony (1994). Pattern recognition of noisy sequences of behavioural events using functional combinators. The Computer Journal, 37 (5), 385-398. [Article]

CLARK, Tony (1994). A layered object-oriented programming language. GEC Journal of Research, 11, p. 173. [Article]

CLARK, Tony, GREATOREX, GL and HILL, AG (1994). Towards an Expert System for the Analysis of Computer Aided Human Performance. In: Proceedings of the International Workshop on Human Computer Teamwork, Cambridge, September 1994. DTIC, p. 125. [Conference or Workshop Item]

DIAPER, Dan and BEER, Martin (1994). Collaborative document annotation using electronic mail. Computer Supported Cooperative Work, 3 (3-4), 297-325. [Article]

WADDINGTON, Dave, DICKS, B. and CRITCHER, C. (1994). Community responses to pit closure in the post-strike era. Community development journal, 29 (2), 141-150. [Article]


CORRALL, DR, CLARK, Tony and HILL, AG (1993). Visual surveillance of moving vehicles. In: 26th International Symposium on Automotive Technology & Automation (26th). Dedicated conference on advanced transport telematics/intelligent vehicle highway systems, Aachen, Germany, 1993. [Conference or Workshop Item]

CORRALL, David R, CLARK, Tony and HILL, A Graham (1993). Airside ground movements surveillance. In: BENOIT, Andre, (ed.) AGARD-CP-538 : Machine Intelligence in Air Traffic Management. NATO Science and Technology Organization. [Book Section]


CRITCHER, C., DICKS, B. and WADDINGTON, Dave (1992). Portrait of despair. New Statesman and Society, 5 (225), 16-17. [Article]

WADDINGTON, Dave (1992). Contemporary issues in public disorder : a comparative and historical approach. London, Routledge. [Authored Book]


WADDINGTON, Dave, WYKES, Maggie and CRITCHER, Chas (1991). Split at the seams? : community, continuity and change after the 1984-5 coal dispute. Milton Keynes, Open University Press. [Authored Book]


ANDREWS, Simon and NORCLIFFE, Allan (1990). A CASE tool for demonstrating Z specifications. In: IEE Colloquium on Application of CASE Tools. IET, 5/1-5/4. [Book Section]

RAMAMURTHY, Anandi (1990). Black markets: images of black people in advertising and packaging 1880-1990. [Show/Exhibition] [Show/Exhibition]

RAMAMURTHY, Anandi (1990). Fear and fantasy. [Show/Exhibition] [Show/Exhibition]


WADDINGTON, Dave, JONES, Karen and CRITCHER, Chas (1989). Flashpoints : studies in public disorder. London, Routledge. [Authored Book]


WALSH, B. C., SCHONFELDER, J. L., JESTY, P. H. and BEER, M. D. (1986). Computer user's data book. OXFORD, Blackwell Scientific Publications. [Authored Book]


BEER, Martin (1985). Microcomputer interfacing and associated programming techniques. London, Granada. [Authored Book]


BEER, M. D. (1982). Programming Microcomputers with Pascal. London, Granada. [Authored Book]

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