Digital Education Engagement for Post PC Students
Anne Nortcliffe, Sam Clark & James Parker
"Everything I need is in my pocket. Every minute of my day …when I'm on the tram or in Uni’ …do it then and there … or make a note and do it later." SHU Student 2012
Tuttle, T. (2012) How App makers can earn more money in a post-PC world, Business Insiders: SAI Contributors, last accessed 3rd January 2012 at , 30th December 2012
Chen, J., Park, Y., and Putzer, G. J., 2010 ‘An examination of the components that increase acceptance of Smartphones among Healthcare Professionals’, electronic Journal of Health Informatics, 5(2), 2010, e16
Durbin, S. 2011, Tackling converged threats: building a security-positive environment, Network Security, Volume 2011, Issue 6, June 2011, Pages 5-8, available at, last accessed Jan’12
Student Reality
Tuttle (2012):
former active
latter passive
Workplace Chen et al, 2010 &Durbin, 2011
what people work with
whom people work with
how people work
where people work
when people work
Implications for academia?
PC user verse Smart user
Shift Happens
Device in my pocket
So, which Apps meet student learning needs?
Surveys at SHU in ACES:
Dec’10 – 29(48) pay (some up to £5) for app’ for learning
Jan’11– 188(272) smartphone ownership
Dec’11– 410(474) smartphone ownership
Dec’11- 226(474) pay (some up to £5) for app’ for learning
Jun'13- 282(328) smartphone ownership
Jun'13- 98(181) pay (some up to £10+) for app’ for learning
How are students using smart devices?
"I found out about these applications solely from being interested in technology ...I feel the
usefulness of these applications
has not been portrayed by the university ... It would
beneficial for the university
and to its students
more information
about similar applications was given to students and a
greater emphasis
on using them [apps] was made, regardless of what course..." SHU Student 2013
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Digital Education Engagement for Post PC Students
APT'13 University of Greenwich