Items where Research Institute, Centre or Group is "Sheffield Institute of Education"

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ABRAMS, S.S, ROWSELL, J and MERCHANT, Guy (2017). Virtual convergence: Exploring culture and meaning in playscapes. Teachers College Record, 119 (12). [Article]

ADAMS, Gill (2014). 'It doesn't have to be like this': Women mathematics teachers' experience of professional learning. Proceedings of the British Society for Research into Learning Mathematics, 34 (1), 1-6. [Article]

ADAMS, Gill (2012). Pushing the boundaries : Women teachers’ experiences of learning mathematics. Proceedings of the British Society for Research into Learning Mathematics, 32 (2), 5-10. [Article]

ADAMS, Gill (2017). Using a narrative approach to illuminate teacher professional learning in an era of accountability. Teaching and teacher education, 67, 161-170. [Article]

ADAMS, Gill (2013). Women teachers' experiences of learning mathematics. Research in Mathematics Education, 15 (1), 87-88. [Article]

ADAMS, Gill (2018). A narrative study of the experience of feedback on a professional doctorate: ‘A kind of flowing conversation’. Studies in Continuing Education. [Article]

ADAMS, Gill and POVEY, Hilary (2016). Workshop report: Using data from a history of Smile to overcome 'historic loneliness'. In: BSRLM Day conference, Loughborough University, 11 June 2016. [Conference or Workshop Item]

ADNETT, N., MCCAIG, C., SLACK, K. and BOWERS-BROWN, Tamsin (2010). Achieving "transparency, consistency and fairness" in English higher education admissions: progress since Schwartz? Higher education quarterly, 65 (1), 12-33. [Article]

ALLEN, Rebecca, COLDRON, John and WEST, Anne (2012). The effect of changes in published secondary school admissions on pupil composition. Journal of Education Policy, 27 (3), 349-366. [Article]

ASHWORTH, P. D. (2004). Understanding as the transformation of what is already known. Teaching in higher education, 9 (2), 147-158. [Article]

ASHWORTH, Peter (2006). Seeing oneself as a carer in the activity of caring: Attending to the lifeworld of a person with Alzheimer's disease. International Journal of Qualitative Studies on Health and Well-being, 1 (4), 212-225. [Article]

ASHWORTH, Peter (2009). William James's “psychologist's fallacy” and contemporary human science research. International Journal of Qualitative Studies on Health and Well-being, 4 (4). [Article]

ASHWORTH, Peter and GREASLEY, Kay (2009). The phenomenology of ‘approach to studying’: the idiographic turn. Studies in Higher Education, 34 (5), 561-576. [Article]

ASHWORTH, Peter D. (2017). Interiority, exteriority and the realm of intentionality. Journal of Phenomenological Psychology, 48 (1), 39-62. [Article]

ASOBAYIRE, Alice and BARLEY, Ruth (2015). Women's cultural perceptions and attitudes towards breast cancer : Northern Ghana. Health Promotion International, 30 (3), 647-657. [Article]

AUSTEN, Liz, DONNELLY, Alan, MCCAIG, Colin and O'LEARY, Christine (2018). Evaluation of the National Teaching Fellowship Scheme. Project Report. Office for Students website, Office for Students. [Monograph]

AUSTEN, Liz, DONNELLY, Alan, MCCAIG, Colin and O'LEARY, Christine (2018). Evaluation of the National Teaching Fellowship Scheme. Project Report. Bristol, Office For Students. [Monograph]

AUSTEN, Liz, MCCAIG, Colin, DONNELLY, Alan and O'LEARY, Christine (2017). Evaluation of the National Teaching Fellowship Scheme. A report to HEFCE by Sheffield Hallam University. Project Report. Sheffield Hallam University. (Unpublished) [Monograph]


BAILEY, Chris J, BURNETT, Cathy and MERCHANT, Guy (2017). Assembling literacies in virtual play. In: MILLS, Kathy, STORNAIUOLIO, Amy, SMITH, Anna and ZACHER PANDYA, Jessica, (eds.) Handbook of Writing, Literacies and Education in Digital Cultures. London, Routledge. [Book Section]

BARLEY, Ruth (2016). Ethnicity and children. Early Years Educator, 18 (5), 22-24. [Article]

BARLEY, Ruth (2016). Language, identity and peer interactions at a linguistically diverse school. In: THEOBALD, Maryanne, (ed.) Friendship and Peer Culture in Multilingual Settings. Sociological Studies of Children and Youth (21). Emerald, 89-111. [Book Section]

BARLEY, Ruth (2016). Supporting young children in multi-lingual settings. Early Years Educator, 18 (6), 36-38. [Article]

BARLEY, Ruth (2011). Why familiarise? Social Research Update (62), 1-4. [Article]

BARLEY, Ruth and BATH, Caroline (2014). The importance of familiarisation when doing research with young children. Ethnography and Education, 9 (2), 182-195. [Article]

BARLEY, Ruth and MERCHANT, Guy (2015). ‘The naughty person’: exploring dynamic aspects of identity and children’s discourses before and during the Libyan Uprising. Childhood, 23 (4), 477-491. [Article]

BATH, Caroline (2013). Conceptualising listening to young children as an ethic of care in early childhood education and care. Children and Society, 27 (5), 361-371. [Article]

BATH, Caroline (2009). Learning to belong: exploring young children's participation at the start of school. London, Routledge. [Authored Book]

BATH, Caroline (2011). Participatory concepts of multidisciplinary/professional working on an Early Childhood Studies degree course in the UK. Early Years: an international journal of research and development, 31 (2), 181-192. [Article]

BATH, Caroline (2009). When does the action start and finish? Making the case for an ethnographic action research in educational research. Educational Action Research, 17 (2), 213-224. [Article]

BATH, Caroline, BARR, Karen and HAYNES, Mary (2014). Building a community of enquiry with students on a foundation degree in early years. Journal of Vocational Education & Training, 66 (2), 249-262. [Article]

BATTY, Elaine, PEARSON, Sarah, WILSON, Ian, COLDWELL, Michael, STIELL, Bernadette and WILLIS, Benjamin (2018). Children's Community evaluation 2017 report. Project Report. Sheffield, Sheffield Hallam University. [Monograph]

BENNETT, Anna, BURKE, Penny Jane, STEVENSON, Jacqueline and TOOTH, Rae (2018). An inter/national strategy for developing more equitable policies and practices in higher education. International Studies in Widening Participation, 5 (1), 1-9. [Article]

BENOZZO, Angelo, CAREY, Neil, COZZA, Michaela, ELMENHORST, Constanse, FARICHILD, Nikki, KORO-LJUNGBERG, Mirka and TAYLOR, Carol (2019). Disturbing the AcademicConferenceMachine: Post-qualitative re-turnings. Gender, work and organisation, 26 (2), 87-106. [Article]

BEVINS, S., BRODIE, M. and BRODIE, E. (2005). A study of UK secondary school students' perceptions of science and engineering. In: European Educational Research Association Annual Conference, Dublin, 7-10 September 2005. [Conference or Workshop Item]

BEVINS, S., BRODIE, M. and BRODIE, E. (2010). The views of five participating undergraduate students of the Student Associates Scheme in England. Teacher development, 14 (1), 29-44. [Article]

BEVINS, S., THOMPSON, M. and WILLIAMS, C. (2007). A climate for change. In: Researching Children conference, Hermann Gmeiner Academy, Innsbruck, December 10-12, 2007. [Conference or Workshop Item]

BEVINS, S.C, BRODIE, E. and THOMPSON, M. (2008). Current perceptions of the impact of SES on science participation and attainment: a focus group investigation of pupils, teachers and parents. In: Exploring the relationship between socioeconomic status and participation and attainment in science education. SES and Science Education report. London, The Royal Society, 30-41. [Book Section]

BEVINS, Stewart, JORDAN, Julie and PERRY, Emily (2011). Reflecting on professional development. Educational Action Research, 19 (3), 399-411. [Article]

BEVINS, Stuart, BYRNE, Eleanor, BRODIE, Marilyn and PRICE, Gareth (2011). English Secondary school students' perceptions of school science and science and engineering. Science Education International, 22 (4), 255-265. [Article]

BEVINS, Stuart, DANIELS, Tony, FORSTER, George, PERRY, Emily, PRICE, Gareth and WINDALE, Mark (2016). Design of an engineering curriculum and 12 STEM modules for the Thai Basic Education Ministry (OBEC). Project Report. Sheffield Hallam University. [Monograph]

BEVINS, Stuart, DANIELS, Tony, FORSTER, George, PERRY, Emily, PRICE, Gareth and WINDALE, Mark (2016). Engineering Thailand : design of an engineering curriculum and 12 STEM modules for the Thai Basic Education (OBEC). Project Report. British Council. (Unpublished) [Monograph]

BEVINS, Stuart and PRICE, Gareth (2014). Collaboration between academics and teachers : a complex relationship. Educational Action Research, 22 (2), 270-284. [Article]

BEVINS, Stuart and PRICE, Gareth (2015). The Introduction of the New Curriculum and Senior High School System in the Philippines : report of the consultation exercise undertaken in November 2015. Project Report. Sheffield Hallam University for the British Council. (Unpublished) [Monograph]

BEVINS, Stuart and PRICE, Gareth (2016). Reconceptualising inquiry in science education. International Journal of Science Education, 38 (1), 17-29. [Article]

BOODT, Sarah and PERRY, Emily (2018). Teacher and teacher educator: understanding the development needs of practitioners who operate in hybrid roles. In: The Ambition of Teacher Education: TEAN Annual Conference, Birmingham, 10-11 May 2018. (Unpublished) [Conference or Workshop Item]

BOULTON, Helen and HRAMIAK, Alison (2014). Cascading the use of Web 2.0 technology in secondary schools in the United Kingdom: identifying the barriers beyond pre-service training. Technology, Pedagogy and Education, 23 (2), 151-165. [Article]

BOULTON, Helen and HRAMIAK, Alison (2012). E-flection: the development of reflective communities of learning for trainee teachers through the use of shared online web logs. Reflective Practice, 13 (4), 503-515. [Article]

BOWER, Kim (2017). Explaining motivation in language learning: a framework for evaluation and research. Language Learning Journal. [Article]

BOWER, Kim (2017). 'Speaking French alive': learner perspectives on their motivation in Content and Language Integrated Learning in England. Innovation in Language Learning and Teaching, 1-16. [Article]

BOYLAN, M. (2010). Ecologies of participation in school classrooms. Teaching and teacher education, 26 (1), 61-70. [Article]

BOYLAN, M. (2009). Engaging with issues of emotionality in mathematics teacher education for social justice. Journal of mathematics teacher education, 12 (6), 427-443. [Article]

BOYLAN, Mark (2013). Deepening system leadership : teachers leading from below. Educational Management Administration & Leadership, 44 (1), 57-72. [Article]

BOYLAN, Mark (2018). Enabling adaptive system leadership: teachers leading professional development. Educational Management Administration & Leadership, 46 (1), 86-106. [Article]

BOYLAN, Mark (2016). Ethical dimensions of mathematics education. Educational Studies in Mathematics, 92 (3), 395-409. [Article]

BOYLAN, Mark (2010). 'It's getting me thinking and I'm an old cynic' : exploring the relational dynamics of mathematics teacher change. Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education, 13 (5), 383-395. [Article]

BOYLAN, Mark (2010). ‘It’s getting me thinking and I’m an old cynic’: exploring the relational dynamics of mathematics teacher change. Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education, 13 (5), 383-395. [Article]

BOYLAN, Mark, ADAMS, Gill, WILLIS, Benjamin, COLDWELL, Michael and DEMACK, Sean (2018). Theorising variation in engagement in professional and curriculum development: performativity, capital, systems and purpose. Review of Education, 6 (3), 360-407. [Article]

BOYLAN, Mark, COLDWELL, Michael and SIMKINS, Timothy (2011). Complexity and leadership in teacher professional development : the case of the National Centre for Excellence in the Teaching of Mathematics. In: British Educational Research Association Conference, London, IoE, 7th-10th September 2011. (Unpublished) [Conference or Workshop Item]

BOYLAN, Mark and DEMACK, Sean (2018). Innovation, evaluation design and typologies of professional learning. Educational Research, 60 (3), 336-356. [Article]

BOYLAN, Mark, DEMACK, Sean, STEVENS, Anna, COLDWELL, Michael and STIELL, Bernadette (2016). An Evaluation of the Further Mathematics Support Programme : Research Report. Project Report. Sheffield Hallam University. [Monograph]

BOYLAN, Mark, DEMACK, Sean, WILLIS, Benjamin, STEVENS, Anna, ADAMS, Gill and VERRIER, Diarmuid (2015). Multiplicative reasoning professional development programme : evaluation. Project Report. London, Department for Education. [Monograph]

BOYLAN, Mark and POVEY, Hilary (2013). Ability thinking. In: LESLIE, Dawn and MENDICK, Heather, (eds.) Debates in mathematics education. Routledge. [Book Section]

BOYLAN, Mark and POVEY, Hilary (2012). Moving off track: mathematics teacher education for all attainment teaching. In: JACOBSEN, Laura J, MISTELE, Jean and SRIRAMAN, Bharath, (eds.) Mathematics teacher education in the public interest : equity and social justice. International perspectives on mathematics education : cognition, equity and society . Information Age Publishing, 117-158. [Book Section]

BOYLAN, Mark and POVEY, Hilary (2009). Telling stories about mathematics. In: BLACK, Laura, MENDICK, Heather and SOLOMON, Yvette, (eds.) Mathematical relationships in education : identities and participation. Routledge research in education . Routledge, 47-57. [Book Section]

BOYLAN, Mark and REANEY, Sarah (2018). The Embodied Mathematics Project: Report. Project Report. Sheffield, Sheffield Institute of Education, Sheffield Hallam University. (Unpublished) [Monograph]

BOYLAN, Mark and SMITH, Peter (2012). Tutor roles in collaborative group work. Student Engagement and Experience Journal, 1 (1), 1-13. [Article]

BOYLAN, Mark and WOOLSEY, Ian (2015). Teacher education for social justice : mapping identity spaces. Teaching and teacher education, 46, 62-71. [Article]

BRACEWELL, Diana, JORDAN, Julie, PRICE, Gareth, OLLEY, Chris and WALKER, John (2017). RBPT Workshops in Mohali and Tezpur, 2017 Report of the Workshops at IISER, Mohali, and the University of Tezpur, January 2017. Project Report. Sheffield Hallam University. [Monograph]

BUFTON, S. (2006). Learning to play the game: mature, working-class students in higher education. In: JARY, D. and JONES, R., (eds.) Perspectives and practice in widening participation in the social sciences. University of Birmingham, C-SAP, 87-115. [Book Section]

BUFTON, S. (2004). Social class. In: TAYLOR, G. and SPENCER, S., (eds.) Social identities: multidisciplinary approaches. London, Routledge, 14-34. [Book Section]

BUFTON, S. (2003). The lifeworld of the university student: habitus and social class. Journal of phenomenological psychology, 34 (2), 207-234. [Article]

BULLOUGH, Andy (2016). Does intelligent life exist beyond our planet? An exercise in estimation and problem solving. School Science Review, 97 (360), 61-62. [Article]

BURKE, Penny Jane, BENNETT, Anna, BUNN, Matthew, STEVENSON, Jacqueline and CLEGG, Sue (2017). It’s About Time: working towards more equitable understandings of the impact of time for students in higher education. Project Report. Australia, Curtin University. [Monograph]

BURKE, Penny Jane, STEVENSON, Jacqueline and WHELAN, Pauline (2015). Teaching ‘Excellence’ and pedagogic stratification in higher education. International Studies in Widening Participation, 2 (2), 29-43. [Article]

BURKE, Penny-Jane, HAYTON, Annette and STEVENSON, Jacqueline (2018). Evaluating Equity and Widening Participation in Higher Education. London, Trentham Books. [Edited Book]

BURNETT, Cathy (2017). Acknowledging and interrogating multiplicities: towards a generous approach in evaluations of early literacy innovation and intervention. Journal of early childhood literacy, 17 (4), 522-550. [Article]

BURNETT, Cathy (2015). Being together in classrooms at the interface of the physical and virtual: implications for collaboration in on/off-screen sites. Learning, Media and Technology, 1-24. [Article]

BURNETT, Cathy (2006). Constructions of professional knowledge among student and practising primary teachers: paradigmatic and narrative. Research papers in education, 21 (3), 315-333. [Article]

BURNETT, Cathy (2015). (Im)materialising Literacies. In: ROWSELL, Jennifer and PAHL, Kate, (eds.) The Routledge Handbook of Literacy Studies. Routledge handbooks in applied linguistics . Abingdon, Routledge, 520-531. [Book Section]

BURNETT, Cathy (2013). Investigating children’s interactions around digital texts in classrooms : how are these framed and what counts? Education 3-13, 43 (2), 197-208. [Article]

BURNETT, Cathy (2013). Investigating pupils’ interactions around digital texts: a spatial perspective on the ‘classroom-ness’ of digital literacy practices in schools. Educational Review, 66 (2), 192-209. [Article]

BURNETT, Cathy (2003). Learning to chat: tutor participation in synchronous online chat. Teaching in higher education, 8 (2), 247-261. [Article]

BURNETT, Cathy (2011). Medium for empowerment or a 'centre for everything': students’ experience of control in digital environments within a university context. Education and information technologies, 16 (3), 245-258. [Article]

BURNETT, Cathy (2009). Personal digital literacies versus classroom literacies: investigating pre-service teachers' digital lives in and beyond the classroom. In: CARRINGTON, Victoria and ROBINSON, Muriel, (eds.) Digital literacies : social learning and classroom practices. Sage. [Book Section]

BURNETT, Cathy (2011). Pre-service teachers’ digital literacy practices : exploring contingency in identity and digital literacy in and out of educational contexts. Language and Education, 25 (5), 433-449. [Article]

BURNETT, Cathy (2017). Reading the future: The contribution of literacy studies to debates on reading and reading engagement for primary-aged children. In: NG, Clarence and BARTLETT, Brendan, (eds.) Improving reading and reading engagement in the 21st century. Singapore, Springer, 119-140. [Book Section]

BURNETT, Cathy (2017). Reading the future: the contribution of literacy studies to debates on reading and reading engagement for primary-aged children. In: NG, Clarence and BARTLETT, Brendan, (eds.) Improving reading in the 21st century: International research and innovations. Singapore, Springer, 119-140. [Book Section]

BURNETT, Cathy (2009). Research into literacy and technology in primary classrooms: an exploration of understandings generated by recent studies. Journal of research in reading (special issue: New developments in literacy and technology), 32 (1), 22-37. [Article]

BURNETT, Cathy (2011). Shifting and multiple spaces in classrooms : an argument for investigating learners’ boundary-making around digital networked texts. Journal of Literacy and Technology, 12 (3), 2-23. [Article]

BURNETT, Cathy (2014). Teaching, research and further qualifications. In: CREMIN, Teresa and ARTHUR, James, (eds.) Learning to teach in the primary school. Learning to teach in the primary school series . Abingdon, Routledge, 632-642. [Book Section]

BURNETT, Cathy (2011). Technology and literacy in early childhood educational settings : a review of research. In: PAHL, Kate and ROWSELL, Jennifer, (eds.) Early childhood literacy. Sage library of educational thought and practice, 4 . Sage. [Book Section]

BURNETT, Cathy (2010). Technology and literacy in early childhood educational settings: a review of research. Journal of early childhood literacy, 10 (3), 247-270. [Article]

BURNETT, Cathy (2009). That’s more like they know me as a person": one primary pre-service teacher’s stories of her personal and ‘professional’ digital practices. Literacy (special edition: Literacy and identity), 43 (2), 65-74. [Article]

BURNETT, Cathy (2014). Why teach. In: OWEN, David and BURNETT, Cathy, (eds.) Getting into primary teaching. Critical Learning . Northwich, Critical Publishing, 5-23. [Book Section]

BURNETT, Cathy (2016). The digital age and its implications for learning and teaching in the primary school. Discussion Paper. York, Cambridge Primary Review Trust. [Monograph]

BURNETT, Cathy (2017). The fluid materiality of tablets: examining ‘the iPad multiple’ in a primary classroom. In: BURNETT, Cathy, MERCHANT, Guy, SIMPSON, Alyson and WALSH, Maureen, (eds.) The case of the iPad: Mobile literacies in education. Singapore, Springer, 15-30. [Book Section]

BURNETT, Cathy (2011). The (im)materiality of educational space: interactions between material, connected and textual dimensions of networked technology use in schools. E-Learning and digital media, 8 (3), 214-227. [Article]

BURNETT, Cathy and BAILEY, Chris J (2014). Conceptualizing collaborations in hybrid sites : playing Minecraft together and apart in a primary classroom. In: BURNETT, Cathy, DAVIES, Julia, MERCHANT, Guy and ROWSELL, Jennifer, (eds.) New literacies around the Globe : policy and pedagogy. Routledge Research in Literacy, 5 . New York, Routledge, 50-71. [Book Section]

BURNETT, Cathy, DANIELS, Karen, GRAY, Lyndsay, MYERS, Julia and SHARPE, Sheila (2015). Investigating student teachers’ presentations of literacy and literacy pedagogy in a complex context. Teacher Development, 19 (3), 275-293. [Article]

BURNETT, Cathy, DANIELS, Karen and SAWKA, Vicky (2016). Teaching Strategies. In: WYSE, Dominic and ROGERS, Sue, (eds.) A Guide to Early Years and Primary Teaching. Sage, 125-144. [Book Section]

BURNETT, Cathy, DAVIES, Julia, MERCHANT, Guy and ROWSELL, Jennifer (2014). Changing contexts for the 21st century literacies. In: BURNETT, Cathy, DAVIES, Julia, MERCHANT, Guy and ROWSELL, Jennifer, (eds.) New literacies around the Globe : policy and pedagogy. Routledge Research in Literacy, 5 . New York, Routledge, 1-13. [Book Section]

BURNETT, Cathy, DAVIES, Julia, MERCHANT, Guy and ROWSELL, Jennifer (2014). New meaning-making practices : a charter for literacy education. In: BURNETT, Cathy, DAVIES, Julia, MERCHANT, Guy and ROWSELL, Jennifer, (eds.) New literacies around the Globe : policy and pedagogy. Routledge Research in Literacy, 5 . New York, Routledge, 154-166. [Book Section]

BURNETT, Cathy, DICKINSON, P., MYERS, J. and MERCHANT, G. H. (2006). Digital connections transforming literacy in the primary school. Cambridge journal of education, 36 (1), 11-29. [Article]

BURNETT, Cathy, DICKINSON, Paul, MCDONAGH, Jim, MERCHANT, Guy, MYERS, Julia and WILKINSON, Jeff (2003). From Recreation to Reflection: Digital conversations in Educational Contexts. L1-Educational Studies in Language and Literature, 3 (1/2), 149-167. [Article]

BURNETT, Cathy, DICKINSON, Paul, MERCHANT, Guy and MYERS, Julia (2004). Digikids. Primary English Magazine, 9 (4), 16-20. [Article]

BURNETT, Cathy and MERCHANT, Guy (2018). Affective encounters: enchantment and the possibility of reading for pleasure. Literacy, 52 (2), 62-69. [Article]

BURNETT, Cathy and MERCHANT, Guy (2016). Assembling virtual play in the classroom. In: Literacy, media, technology: past, present and future. Bloomsbury Academic. [Book Section]

BURNETT, Cathy and MERCHANT, Guy (2016). Boxes of poison: baroque technique as antidote to simple views of literacy. Journal of Literacy Research, 48 (3), 258-279. [Article]

BURNETT, Cathy and MERCHANT, Guy (2011). Is there a space for critical literacy in the context of social media? English Teaching: Practice and Critique, 10 (1), 41-57. [Article]

BURNETT, Cathy and MERCHANT, Guy (2013). Learning, literacies and new technologies : the current context and future possibilities. In: LARSON, Joanne and MARSH, Jackie, (eds.) The SAGE Handbook of Early Childhood Literacy. 2nd ed. Sage handbooks . London, SAGE, 575-587. [Book Section]

BURNETT, Cathy and MERCHANT, Guy (2018). Literacy-as-event: accounting for relationality in literacy research. Discourse: Studies in the Cultural Politics of Education, 41 (1), 45-56. [Article]

BURNETT, Cathy and MERCHANT, Guy (2017). Opening the case of the IPad : what matters and where next? The Reading Teacher, 71 (2), 239-242. [Article]

BURNETT, Cathy and MERCHANT, Guy (2014). Points of view : reconceptualising literacies through an exploration of adult and child interactions in a virtual world. Journal Of Research In Reading, 37 (1), 36-50. [Article]

BURNETT, Cathy and MERCHANT, Guy (2017). Using stacking stories to investigate children’s virtual world play in a primary classroom. Other. Sage. [Monograph]

BURNETT, Cathy and MERCHANT, Guy (2003). Y6 pupils have a weird experience. Primary English Magazine, 8 (4), 29-32. [Article]

BURNETT, Cathy and MERCHANT, Guy (2017). The case of the iPad. In: BURNETT, Cathy, MERCHANT, Guy, SIMPSON, Alyson and WALSH, Maureen, (eds.) The case of the iPad: Mobile literacies in education. Singapore, Springer, 1-14. [Book Section]

BURNETT, Cathy and MERCHANT, Guy (2015). The challenge of 21st Century literacies. Journal of Adolescent and Adult Literacy, 59 (3), 271-274. [Article]

BURNETT, Cathy, MERCHANT, Guy and MYERS, Julia (2007). English and ICT. In: CREMIN, T. and DOMBEY, H., (eds.) The handbook of primary English initial teacher education. Leicester/Sheffield, United Kingdom Literacy Association/National Association for the Teaching of English, 81-101. [Book Section]

BURNETT, Cathy, MERCHANT, Guy, PAHL, Kate and ROWSELL, Jennifer (2014). The (im)materiality of literacy : the significance of subjectivity to new literacies research. Discourse: Studies in the Cultural Politics of Education, 35 (1), 90-103. [Article]

BURNETT, Cathy, MERCHANT, Guy and PARRY, Becky (2016). Past, present, future. In: Literacy, media, technology: past, present and future. Bloomsbury Academic. [Book Section]

BURNETT, Cathy, MERCHANT, Guy, PARRY, Becky and STOREY, Vicky (2018). Conceptualising digital technology integration in participatory theatre from a sociomaterialist perspective: ways forward for research. Research Papers in Education. [Article]

BURNETT, Cathy and MYERS, J. (2002). "Beyond the frame": exploring children's literacy practices. Literacy, 36 (2), 56-62. [Article]

BURNETT, Cathy and MYERS, Julia (2006). Observing children writing on screen : exploring the process of multi-modal composition. Language and literacy, 8 (2). [Article]

BURNETT, Cathy and MYERS, Julia (2004). Teaching English 3-11 : the essential guide. Reaching the standard . Continuum. [Authored Book]

BURNETT, Cathy, MYERS, Julia and MERCHANT, Guy (2005). English and ICT. National Association for the Teaching of English. [Other]

BURNETT, Cathy and WILKINSON, Jeff (2005). Holy lemons : learning from children's uses of the Internet in out-of-school contexts. Literacy (formerly Reading), 39 (3), 158-165. [Article]

BYRNE, Eleanor, BOOTH, Josephine, BEVINS, Stuart and BULLOUGH, Andy (2017). Chain reaction final report. Project Report. SCIENTEX. [Monograph]

BYRNE, Eleanor and BRODIE, Marilyn (2011). Cross curricular teaching and learning in the secondary school : science. Routledge. [Authored Book]


CARTER, Caron and BATH, Caroline (2016). The pirate in the pump: children's views of objects as imaginary friends at the start of school. Education 3-13, 46 (3), 335-344. [Article]

CARTER, Caron and NUTBROWN, Cathy (2016). A pedagogy of friendship: young children's friendships and how schools can support them? The Journal of Early Years Education, 24 (4), 395-413. [Article]

CHATTERTON, J. and HRAMIAK, A. (2007). Bootcamp - funcamp: an evaluation of intensive, 3-day, on-line courses for school students, leading to the European Computer Driving Licence (ECDL). In: Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education International Conference (SITE), Austin, Texas, March 2007. 1780-1787. [Conference or Workshop Item]

CHECKLEY, Rebecca, HODGE, Nick, CHANTLER, Susan, REIDY, Lisa and HOLMES, Katie (2010). What children on the autism spectrum have to ‘say’ about using high-tech voice output communication aids (VOCAs) in an educational setting. Journal of Assistive Technologies, 4 (1), 25-37. [Article]

CHECKLEY, Rebecca, REIDY, Lisa, CHANTLER, Susan, HODGE, Nick and HOLMES, Katie (2012). “Black white zebra orange orange”: How children with autism make use of computer-based voice output communication aids in their language and communication at school. Journal of Assistive Technologies, 6 (4), 245-258. [Article]

CHOWN, Nicholas Paul, BEARDON, Luke and COSSBURN, Kleio (2018). Rare instances of individuals with autism supporting or engaging in terrorism: a response to Lino Faccini and Clare Allely. Journal of Intellectual Disabilities and Offending Behaviour, 9 (1), 59-63. [Article]

CHOWN, Nick, ROBINSON, Jackie, BEARDON, Luke, DOWNING, Jillian, HUGHES, Liz, LEATHERLAND, Julia, FOX, Katrina, HICKMAN, Laura and MACGREGOR, Duncan (2017). Improving research about us, with us: a draft framework for inclusive autism research. Disability and Society, 32 (5), 720-734. [Article]

CLAGUE, L F and WILLIAMSON, Stefanie (2018). HeppSY+ Baseline Survey Partnership Report. Project Report. Higher Education Progression Partnership South Yorkshire Plus. (Unpublished) [Monograph]

CLEGG, Sue, STEVENSON, Jacqueline and BURKE, Penny-Jane (2016). Translating close-up research into action : a critical reflection. Reflective Practice, 17 (3), 233-144. [Article]

CLOSE, Paul (2012). Developing multi-agency leadership in education. School Leadership and Management, 32 (2), 123-140. [Article]

CLOSE, Paul (2013). Developing political astuteness: a leadership coaching journey. School leadership and management, 33 (2), 178-196. [Article]

CLOSE, Paul (2009). From transition to transformation : leading the management of change. In: MCKIMM, Judy and PHILLIPS, Kay, (eds.) Leadership and management in integrated services. Exeter, Learning Matters, 73-92. [Book Section]

CLOSE, Paul, KENDRICK, Ann and OUTHWAITE, Deborah (2018). Developing system leaders : A research engagement approach. Management in Education, 32 (2), 79-84. [Article]

CLOSE, Paul and RAYNOR, Adrian (2010). Five literatures of organisation : putting the context back into educational leadership. School Leadership and Management, 30 (3), 209-224. [Article]

CLOSE, Paul and WAINWRIGHT, Jonathan (2010). Who's in charge? Leadership and culture in extended service contexts. School Leadership and Management, 30 (5), 435-450. [Article]

COLDRON, J. (2010). Nelson Goodman’s general theory of symbols: can it help characterise some educational concerns? In: European conference of education research, Helsinki, 25-27 August 2010. 1-18. (Submitted) [Conference or Workshop Item]

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COLDWELL, Michael (2017). Exploring the influence of professional development on teacher careers : developing a path model approach. Teaching and teacher education, 61, 189-198. [Article]

COLDWELL, Michael, GREANY, Toby, HIGGINS, Steve, BROWN, Chris, MAXWELL, Bronwen, STIELL, Bernadette, STOLL, Louise, WILLIS, Benjamin and BURNS, Helen (2017). Evidence-informed teaching: an evaluation of progress in England. Research Report. Project Report. London, UK, Department for Education. [Monograph]

COLDWELL, Michael, GREGORY, Maxine, MAXWELL, Bronwen, RAMCHANDANI, Girish and TAYLOR, Peter (2015). The Impact of National College Grants Evaluation. Project Report. National College for Teaching and Leadership. [Monograph]

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FORMBY, E., HIRST, J. and WILLIS, B. (2009). Socialising and sexual health: an evaluation of the needs of gay, bisexual men and men who have sex with men (MSM) in Sheffield. Project Report. Sheffield, Centre for HIV and Sexual Health. [Monograph]

FORMBY, Eleanor (2012). Connected lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans communities? A scoping study to explore understandings and experiences of ‘community’ among LGBT people. Discussion Paper. Swindon, Arts and Humanities Research Council. [Monograph]

FORMBY, Eleanor (2017). Exploring LGBT spaces and communities : contrasting identities, belongings and wellbeing. Routledge. [Authored Book]

FORMBY, Eleanor (2015). #FreshersToFinals : From freshers’ week to finals: Understanding LGBT+ perspectives on, and experiences of, higher education. Project Report. Sheffield, Sheffield Hallam Universty. [Monograph]

FORMBY, Eleanor (2017). How should we ‘care’ for LGBT+ students within higher education? Pastoral care in education: an international journal of personal, social and emotional development, 35 (3), 203-220. [Article]

FORMBY, Eleanor (2011). ‘It’s better to learn about your health and things that are going to happen to you than learning things that you just do at school’: findings from a mapping study of PSHE education in primary schools in England. Pastoral Care in Education, 29 (3), 161-173. [Article]

FORMBY, Eleanor (2011). Lesbian and bisexual women's human rights, sexual rights and sexual citizenship: negotiating sexual health in England. Culture, health and sexuality, 13 (10), 1165-79. [Article]

FORMBY, Eleanor (2015). Limitations of focussing on homophobic, biphobic and transphobic ‘bullying’ to understand and address LGBT young people’s experiences within and beyond school. Sex Education: sexuality, society and learning, 15 (6), 626-640. [Article]

FORMBY, Eleanor (2011). Sex and relationships education, sexual health, and lesbian, gay and bisexual sexual cultures: Views from young people. Sex Education: sexuality, society and learning, 11 (3), 255-266. [Article]

FORMBY, Eleanor (2014). Sex and relationships education, sexual health, and lesbian, gay and bisexual sexual cultures: views from young people. In: ATTWOOD, Feona and SMITH, Clarissa, (eds.) Investigating young people’s sexual cultures. Abingdon, Routledge. [Book Section]

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FORMBY, Eleanor (2012). Solidarity but not similarity? LGBT communities in the twenty-first century. Project Report. Sheffield, Sheffield Hallam University. [Monograph]

FORMBY, Eleanor (2014). (Trans)gender identity awareness and support in Rotherham. Other. Sheffiled, Centre for Education and Inclusion Research, Sheffield Hallam University. [Monograph]

FORMBY, Eleanor (2013). Understanding and responding to homophobia and bullying: contrasting staff and young people’s views within community settings in England. Sexuality Research and Social Policy, 10 (4), 302-316. [Article]

FORMBY, Eleanor (2014). The emotional health and wellbeing of young people who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual or trans. In: TOD, Angela and HIRST, Julia, (eds.) Health and inequality: applying public health research to policy and practice. Abingdon, Routledge, 62-71. [Book Section]

FORMBY, Eleanor (2013). The impact of homophobic and transphobic bullying on education and employment : a European survey 2013. Other. Sheffield, Sheffield Hallam University. [Monograph]

FORMBY, Eleanor, COLDWELL, Michael, STIELL, Bernadette, DEMACK, Sean, STEVENS, Anna, SHIPTON, Lucy, WOLSTENHOLME, Claire and WILLIS, Benjamin (2011). Personal, social, health and economic (PSHE) education: A mapping study of the prevalent models of delivery and their effectiveness. Other. London, Department for Education. [Monograph]

FORMBY, Eleanor and DONOVAN, Catherine (2016). Selfies evaluation : final report. Project Report. Sheffield, Sheffield Hallam University. [Monograph]

FORMBY, Eleanor and WILLIS, Benjamin (2011). Tackling homophobia and transphobia in settings supporting young people: What are the barriers and facilitators? Findings from a South Yorkshire study. Project Report. Sheffield, Sheffield Hallam University. [Monograph]

FORMBY, Eleanor, WILLIS, Benjamin and STEVENS, Anna (2016). Inspiring equality in education grant evaluation : final report. Project Report. Sheffield, Sheffield Hallam University. [Monograph]

FORMBY, Eleanor and WOLSTENHOLME, Claire (2012). If there’s going to be a subject that you don’t have to do …’ Findings from a mapping study of PSHE education in English secondary schools. Pastoral care in education: an international journal of personal, social and emotional development, 30 (1), 5-18. [Article]


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GARLAND, Paul (2008). Action theory in Habermas and educational practices. In: HUDSON, Brian and ZGAGA, Pavel, (eds.) Teacher Education Policy in Europe: a voice of Higher Education Institutions. Ljubljana, Teacher Education Policy in Europe Network, Umeå: University of Umeå, Faculty of Teacher Education, 209-224. [Book Section]

GARLAND, Paul (2012). What can the work of Habermas offer educational researcher development programmes? Studies in Higher Education, 1-15. [Article]

GARLAND, Paul and GARLAND, Irene (2012). A participative research for learning methodology on education doctoral training programmes. International Journal for Researcher Development, 3 (1), 7-25. [Article]

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HARDY, T. and HANLEY, U. (2003). A re-examination of reflective practice as a viable frame for mathematics teacher education: is it sustainable? In: British Educational Research Association Annual Conference, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, September 11-13 2003. [Conference or Workshop Item]

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HART, Caroline (2011). Thinking, doing, feeling: capabilities in relation to decision-making and transitions beyond school in the UK. In: 2011 Children’s Capabilities and Human Development Conference, University of Cambridge, 11-12 April 2011. [Conference or Workshop Item]

HART, Caroline (2008). What Can Young People Tell Us About Promoting Equality and Inclusion Through Widening participation in Higher Education in England? In: Human Development and Capability Association, New Delhi, India, 10-13 September 2008. [Conference or Workshop Item]

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HENDERSON, Holly, STEVENSON, Jacqueline and BATHMAKER, Ann-Marie (2018). Possible selves and higher education : new interdisciplinary insights. Research into Higher Education . London, CRC Press. [Edited Book]

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HERON, Marion and WEBSTER, Joanne (2018). Scaffolding talk in EAP lessons: an examination of experienced teachers’ practices. Innovation in Language Learning and Teaching, 1-13. [Article]

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HIRST, J. (2008). Developing sexual competence? Exploring strategies for the provision of effective sexualities and relationships education. Sex education, 8 (4), 399-413. [Article]

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HIRST, J. (2005). Sexuality. In: TAYLOR, G. and SPENCER, S., (eds.) Social identities: multidisciplinary approaches. London, Routledge, 64-90. [Book Section]

HIRST, J., FORMBY, E. and OWEN, J. (2006). Pathways into parenthood: reflections from three generations of teenage mothers and fathers. Project Report. Sheffield, Sheffield Hallam University. [Monograph]

HIRST, J., FORMBY, E., PARR, S., NIXON, J., HUNTER, C. and FLINT, J. F (2007). An evaluation of two initiatives to reward young people. Project Report. York, Joseph Rowntree Foundation. [Monograph]

HIRST, Julia (2015). Evaluation of Sexual Health Sheffield's services in community settings : perspectives from young people aged 15-25 years. Project Report. Sheffield, Sheffield Hallam University. [Monograph]

HIRST, Julia (2014). Get some rhythm round the clitoris’: addressing sexual pleasure in sexuality education in schools and other youth settings. In: ALLEN, Louisa, RASMUSSEN, Mary Lou and QUINLIVAN, Kathleen, (eds.) The politics of pleasure in sexuality education : pleasure bound. Routledge research in education (108). New York, Routledge, 35-56. [Book Section]

HOBSON, Andrew (2009). On being bottom of the pecking order: beginner teachers’ perceptions and experiences of support. Teacher Development, 13 (4), 299-320. [Article]

HOBSON, Andrew (2013). Teacher fabrication as an impediment to professional learning and development: the external mentor antidote. Oxford Review of Education, 39 (3), 345-365. [Article]

HOBSON, Andrew and ASHBY, Patricia (2012). Reality aftershock and how to avert it: second-year teachers’ experiences of support for their professional development. Cambridge Journal of Education, 42 (2), 177-196. [Article]

HOBSON, Andrew, GIANNAKAKI, Marina-Stefania and CHAMBERS, Gary N. (2009). Who withdraws from initial teacher preparation programmes and why? Educational Research, 51 (3), 321-340. [Article]

HOBSON, Andrew and MALDEREZ, Angi (2013). Judgementoring and other threats to realizing the potential of school-based mentoring in teacher education. International Journal of Mentoring and Coaching in Education, 2 (2), 89-108. [Article]

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HOBSON, Andrew and MAXWELL, Bronwen (2017). Supporting and inhibiting the well-being of early career secondary school teachers: extending self-determination theory. British Educational Research Journal, 43 (1), 168-191. [Article]

HOBSON, Andrew, MAXWELL, Bronwen, STEVENS, Anna, DOYLE, Kerry and MALDEREZ, Angi (2015). Mentoring and coaching for teachers in the further education and skills sector in England. Project Report. London, Gatsby Charitable Foundation. [Monograph]

HODGE, Nick (2012). Counselling people labelled with asperger syndrome. In: FELTHAM, Colin and HORTON, Ian, (eds.) The SAGE handbook of counselling and psychotherapy. London, SAGE, 554-558. [Book Section]

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HODGE, Nick and CHANTLER, Susan (2010). It’s not what you do; it’s the way that you question: that’s what gets results. Support For Learning, 25 (1), 11-14. [Article]

HODGE, Nick and CHANTLER, Susan (2010). It’s not what you do; it’s the way that you question: that’s what gets results. Support For Learning, 25 (1), 11-14. [Article]

HODGE, Nick and RUNSWICK-COLE, Katherine (2008). Problematising parent–professional partnerships in education. Disability & Society, 23 (6), 637-647. [Article]

HODGE, Nick and RUNSWICK-COLE, Katherine (2013). 'They never pass me the ball’: exposing ableism through the leisure experiences of disabled children, young people and their families. Children's Geographies, 11 (3), 311-325. [Article]

HODGE, Nick and RUTTEN, Anja (2016). Counselling people labelled with asperger syndrome. In: The SAGE handbook of counselling and psychotherapy. 4th ed. London, SAGE. (In Press) [Book Section]

HODGE, Nick and WOLSTENHOLME, Claire (2016). 'I didn't stand a chance': how parents experience the exclusions appeal tribunal. International Journal of Inclusive Education, 20 (12), 1297-1309. [Article]

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HOLLAND, M. R., CHATTERTON, J., FINLAYSON, H. and CAILLAU, I. (2005). Implementation of a major e-learning strategy in secondary schools in South Yorkshire. In: Annual Meeting of the European Educational Research Association, University College, Dublin, September 2005. [Conference or Workshop Item]

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HOLLAND, M. R., COLDWELL, M. R., TRICKEY, S. and RYBINSKI, D. (2003). New Pathways: evaluating the implementation of a major work- related programme in Northern England. In: Annual meeting of American Educational Research Association (AERA), Chicago, 21 - 25 April 2003. [Conference or Workshop Item]

HOLLAND, M. R. and STEPHENSON, K. J. (2000). Does the keeping of a professional development profile lead to an enhanced self awareness in newly qualified secondary teachers? A study conducted in a large UK University. In: American Educational Research Association (AERA) Annual Meeting, New Orleans, April 24-28, 2000. [Conference or Workshop Item]

HOLLAND, Mike, EVANS, Angela and HAWKSLEY, Fiona (2011). International perspectives on the theory - practice divide in secondary initial teacher education. In: Association of Teacher Educators in Europe, Latvia, August 2011. (Unpublished) [Conference or Workshop Item]

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HRAMIAK, A. (2005). A method for the analysis of data from online educational research. Journal of interactive online learning, 4 (2), 82-93. [Article]

HRAMIAK, A. (2006). A pedagogical framework for the use of information and communications technology in initial teacher training. In: Distance and E-Learning Network (EDEN) annual conference, Vienna University of Technology, Vienna, Austria, 14-17 June 2006. 353-359. [Conference or Workshop Item]

HRAMIAK, A., BOULTON, H. and IRWIN, B. (2008). Giving voice to learners: using private blogs to develop self-reflection. In: Association for Learning Technology (ALT) Conference, Leeds, 9-11 September 2008. [Conference or Workshop Item]

HRAMIAK, Alison (2015). Applying the framework for culturally responsive teaching to explore the adaptations that teach first beginning teachers use to meet the needs of their pupils in school. Cogent Education, 2 (1). [Article]

HRAMIAK, Alison (2017). A Step-by-Step Approach to Using Grounded Theory: From Data to Articles Using a Study of the Cultural Adaptations of Trainee Teachers. Other. Sage. [Monograph]

HRAMIAK, Alison (2017). Time travel for beginners … or How technology can be used for historical research. In: ITTE 31st International Conference, Kingston-upon-Hull, 20-22nd June 2017. [Conference or Workshop Item]

HRAMIAK, Alison (2014). Using a cultural lens to explore challenges and issues in culturally diverse schools for Teach First beginning teachers: implications for future teacher training,. Professional development in education, 40 (1), 147-163. [Article]

HRAMIAK, Alison (2014). Using a mixed-methods approach in classroom research to investigate challenges and issues of culture with beginning teachers in schools. Other. SAGE. [Monograph]

HRAMIAK, Alison (2017). Using the Dynamic Model of Educational Effectiveness to explore development of practice by Teach First beginning teachers. Journal for Educational Research Online, 9 (1), 190-209. [Article]

HRAMIAK, Alison (2017). The impact of doctoral studies on personal and professional lives. Work Based Learning e-Journal International, 7 (1), 20-39. [Article]

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JAY, Tim (2012). First- and second-order reactivity to verbal protocols: an example from a study on strategy variability. International Journal of Research & Method in Education, 35 (2), 181-194. [Article]

JAY, Tim (2012). The possibility and importance of postperspectival working. Educational Research Review, 9, 34-46. [Article]

JAY, Tim and BETENSON, Julie (2017). Mathematics at your fingertips: Testing a finger-training intervention to improve quantitative skills. Frontiers in Education, 2, p. 22. [Article]

JAY, Tim, ROSE, Jo and MILLIGAN, Lizzi (2017). Adoption, adaptation, and integration: renegotiating the identity of educational research through interdisciplinarity. International Journal of Research and Method in Education, 40 (3), 223-230. [Article]

JAY, Tim, ROSE, Jo and SIMMONS, Ben (2017). Finding ‘mathematics’: parents questioning school-centred approaches to involvement in children’s mathematics learning. School Community Journal, 27 (1), 201-230. [Article]

JAY, Tim, ROSE, Jo and SIMMONS, Ben (2018). Why is parental involvement in children's mathematics learning hard? Parental perspectives on their role supporting children's learning. Sage Open, 8 (2), 1-13. [Article]

JAY, Tim, WILLIS, Benjamin, THOMAS, Peter, TAYLOR, Roberta, MOORE, Nicolas, BURNETT, Cathy, MERCHANT, Guy and STEVENS, Anna (2017). Dialogic Teaching : Evaluation Report and Executive Summary. Project Report. London, UK, Education Endowment Foundation. [Monograph]

JONES-DEVITT, Stella and STEELE, Ann-Marie (2014). Could do better? Exploring the potential of the patchwork text as a liberating assessment process for health and social care leadership education. Health and Social Care Education, 3 (1), 10-15. [Article]


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KILLEN, Alison and MACASKILL, Ann (2015). Using a gratitude intervention to enhance wellbeing in older adults. Journal of Happiness Studies, 16 (4), 947-964. [Article]

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LEACH, John, AMETLLER, Jaume and SCOTT, Phil (2010). Establishing and communicating knowledge about teaching and learning scientific content: the role of design briefs. In: KORTLAND, Koos and KLAASEN, Kees, (eds.) Designing theory-based teaching-learning sequences for science education: proceedings of the symposium in honour of Piet Lijnse at the time of his retirement as professor of physics didactics at Utrecht University. FIsme series on Research in Science Education (64). Utrecht, NL, CDBeta Press, 7-36. [Book Section]

LEACH, John, AMETLLER, Jaume and SCOTT, Phil (2009). The relationship of theory and practice in designing, implementing and evaluating teaching sequences: learning from examples that don’t work. Éducation et la didactique, 3 (2), 139-155. [Article]

LEACH, John and SCOTT, Philip H. (2008). Teaching for conceptual understanding : an approach drawing on individual and sociocultural perspectives. In: VOSNIADOU, Stella, (ed.) International handbook of research on conceptual change. Educational Psychology Handbook series . New York ; London, Routledge, 647-675. [Book Section]

LEATHERLAND, Julia and BEARDON, Luke (2016). Introducing FAMe™: Can improved teacher access to individualised classroom support information impact positively on levels of anxiety in autistic pupils? ‘The Bridge: Journal for Educational Research-Informed Practice’, 3 (2). [Article]


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MACONOCHIE, Heloise (2013). Young children's participation in a Sure Start Children's Centre. Doctoral, Sheffield Hallam University. [Thesis]

MADRIAGA, Manuel (2018). Antiblackness in English higher education. International Journal of Inclusive Education. [Article]

MADRIAGA, Manuel (2018). Book Review Symposium. The class: living and learning in the digital age. International Studies in Sociology of Education, 27 (1), 103-105. [Article]

MADRIAGA, Manuel (2017). Whiteness, academic achievement, and misrecognition in English HE. In: 11th Critical Race Studies in Education Association Annual Conference, Indianapolis, Indiana, USA, 31 May - 2 June 2017. (Unpublished) [Conference or Workshop Item]

MADRIAGA, Manuel and MORLEY, Krystle (2016). Awarding teaching excellence : ‘what is it supposed to achieve?’ Teacher perceptions of student-led awards. Teaching in Higher Education, 21 (2), 166-174. [Article]

MANNION, K. and COLDWELL, M. R. (2008). After-school Science and Engineering Clubs Evaluation. Project Report. Department for Children, Schools and Families. [Monograph]

MAXWELL, Bronwen (2009). Becoming a teacher: conceptual and practice development in the learning and skills sector. Research in Post-Compulsory Education, 14 (4), 459-478. [Article]

MAXWELL, Bronwen (2014). Improving workplace learning of lifelong learning sector trainee teachers in the UK. Journal of Further and Higher Education, 38 (3), 377-399. [Article]

MAXWELL, Bronwen (2010). In-service Initial Teacher Education in the Learning and Skills Sector in England: Integrating Course and Workplace Learning. Vocations and Learning, 3 (3), 185-202. [Article]

MAXWELL, Bronwen (2010). Teacher knowledge and initial teacher education in the English learning and skills sector. Teaching Education, 21 (4), 335-348. [Article]

MAXWELL, Bronwen, BURNETT, Cathy, REIDY, John, WILLIS, Benjamin and DEMACK, Sean (2015). Oracy curriculum, culture and assessment toolkit. Project Report. London, Education Endowment Foundation. [Monograph]

MAXWELL, Bronwen, CLAGUE, Lucy, BYRNE, Eleanor, CULLINEY, Martin, COLDWELL, Michael, HOBSON, Andrew and GLENTWORTH, Alison (2018). Retain: CPD for Early Career Teachers of KS1 Pilot report and executive summary. Project Report., Education Endowment Foundation. [Monograph]

MAXWELL, Bronwen, CONNOLLY, Paul, DEMACK, Sean, O'HARE, Liam, STEVENS, Anna, CLAGUE, Lucy and STIELL, Bernadette (2014). Summer Active Reading Programme : evaluation report and executive summary. Project Report. London, UK, Education Endowment Foundation. [Monograph]

MAXWELL, Bronwen, CONNOLLY, Paul, DEMACK, Sean, O'HARE, Liam, STEVENS, Anna, CLAGUE, Lucy and STIELL, Bernadette (2014). TextNow Transition Programme : evaluation report and executive summary. Project Report. London, Education Endowment Foundation. [Monograph]

MAXWELL, Bronwen and FINLAYSON, Helen (2007). The positive impacts of interactive whiteboards on student learning outcomes in FE colleges, and the conditions under which outcomes can be maximised. In: BERA Annual Conference 2007, Institute of Education, London, 5th - 8th September, 2007. (Unpublished) [Conference or Workshop Item]

MAXWELL, Bronwen, GREANY, Toby, ASPINWALL, Kath, HANDSCOMB, Graham, SELEZNYOV, Sarah and SIMKINS, Timothy (2015). Approaches to research & development for ‘great pedagogy’ and ‘great CPD’ in teaching school alliances : teaching schools R&D network national themes project 2012-14. Project Report. London, Department for Education. [Monograph]

MAXWELL, Bronwen and SIMKINS, Tim (2011). School strategies for the professional development and support of early career teachers. In: BERA Annual Conference 2011 - Early career teacher symposium (NQTQIS project), Institute of Education, London, 6 - 8 September 2011. (Unpublished) [Conference or Workshop Item]

MAXWELL, Bronwen, SIMKINS, Tim and COLDWELL, Michael (2009). Possibilities of partnerships as sites for learning: Leadership development in English 14-19 consortia. In: BERA Annual Conference 2009, University of Manchester, 2 - 5 September 2009. (Unpublished) [Conference or Workshop Item]

MCCAIG, C. (2010). Access agreements, widening participation and market positionality: enabling student choice? In: MOLESWORTH, M., NIXON, E. and SCULLION, R., (eds.) The marketisation of higher education and the student as consumer. Routledge. [Book Section]

MCCAIG, C. (2009). OFFA Access Agreements, bursaries and 'fair access' to higher education - opening up a new front in the WP wars? In: BERA annual conference, Manchester, 2-5 September 2009. 1-23. (Submitted) [Conference or Workshop Item]

MCCAIG, C. (2010). Research and evaluation design. In: MCCAIG, C. and DAHLBERG, L., (eds.) Practical research and evaluation: a start-to-finish guide for practitioners. 2010, Sage, 29-40. [Book Section]

MCCAIG, C. (2011). Trajectories of higher education system differentiation: structural policymaking and the impact of tuition fees in England and Australia. Journal of education and work, 24 (1-2), 7-25. [Article]

MCCAIG, C. and ADNETT, N. (2009). English universities, additional fee income and access agreements: their impact on widening participation and fair access. British Journal Of Educational Studies, 57 (1), 18-36. [Article]

MCCAIG, C. and ADNETT, N. (2008). Variable tuition fees and widening participation: the marketing of English institutions through access agreements. In: British Educational Research Association annual conference, September 3-6 2008. [Conference or Workshop Item]

MCCAIG, C. and BOWERS-BROWN, T. (2007). Aimhigher: achieving social justice? In: British Educational Research Association Annual Conference, Institute of Education, University of London, September 5-8 2007. [Conference or Workshop Item]

MCCAIG, C. and DAHLBERG, L. (2010). Dissemination. In: MCCAIG, C. and DAHLBERG, L., (eds.) Practical research and evaluation: a start-to-finish guide for practitioners. Sage, 219-237. [Book Section]

MCCAIG, C. and DAHLBERG, L. (2010). Writing a research proposal or brief. In: MCCAIG, C. and DAHLBERG, L., (eds.) Practical research and evaluation: a start-to-finish guide for practitioners. Sage, 59-75. [Book Section]

MCCAIG, Colin (2016). Developing a research proposal. In: Widening Participation Conference : 'HE: Transforming lives through life-wide learning', Milton Keynes, April 27-28th. (Unpublished) [Conference or Workshop Item]

MCCAIG, Colin (2015). English higher education : the historical and political context for marketisation, differentiation and equity. In: BERA Annual Conference 2015, Belfast, 15-17 September 2015. (Unpublished) [Conference or Workshop Item]

MCCAIG, Colin (2018). English higher education: widening participation and the historical context for system differentiation. In: BOWL, Marion, MCCAIG, Colin and HUGHES, Jonathan, (eds.) Equality and differentiation in marketised higher education: a new level playing field? Palgrave Studies in Excellence and Equity in Global Education . London, Palgrave, 51-72. (In Press) [Book Section]

MCCAIG, Colin (2017). Evidencing the impact of your institution's financial support. In: Developing your access agreement conference, Woburn House, London, 21st February 2017. (Unpublished) [Conference or Workshop Item]

MCCAIG, Colin (2016). Exploring the role of financial support in supporting marginal students in English HE: methodological issues. In: BERA Annual Conference 2016, University of Leeds, Leeds, 12-15 September 2016. (Unpublished) [Conference or Workshop Item]

MCCAIG, Colin (2015). Market driven system differentiation in England : can it foster equity and diversity? In: ECER : Education and Transition - Contributions from Educational Research, Budapest, 7-11 September 2015. (Submitted) [Conference or Workshop Item]

MCCAIG, Colin (2015). Marketisation and widening participation in English higher education : a critical discourse analysis of institutional access policy documents. Higher Education Review, 48 (1), 6-24. [Article]

MCCAIG, Colin (2015). Neoliberalism and the drivers of system differentiation: a journey from equality to equity. In: SRHE Annual Research Conference, Newport, South Wales, 9-11 December 2015. (Unpublished) [Conference or Workshop Item]

MCCAIG, Colin (2018). System differentiation in England: the imposition of supply and demand. In: BOWL, Marion, MCCAIG, Colin and HUGHES, Jonathan, (eds.) Equality and differentiation in marketised higher education: a new level playing field? Palgrave Studies in Excellence and Equity in Global Education . London, Palgrave, 73-93. [Book Section]

MCCAIG, Colin (2016). The impact of the TEF, changes to degree awarding powers and university title in a marketised HE landscape. In: BERA Higher Education Special Interest Group Seminar: The (Proposed) Teaching Excellence Framework: Whose world-view is this anyway?, Institute of Education, London, 6th May 2016. (Unpublished) [Conference or Workshop Item]

MCCAIG, Colin (2015). The impact of the changing English higher education marketplace on widening participation and fair access : evidence from a discourse analysis of access agreements. Widening Participation and Lifelong Learning, 17 (1), 5-22. [Article]

MCCAIG, Colin (2018). The marketisation of English Higher Education: a policy analysis of a risk-based system. Great Debates in Higher Education . United Kingdom, Emerald Publishing. [Authored Book]

MCCAIG, Colin (2014). The retreat from widening participation? : the National Scholarship Programme and new access agreements in English higher education. Studies in Higher Education, 41 (2), 215-230. [Article]

MCCAIG, Colin, BOWL, Marion and HUGHES, Jonathan (2018). Conceptualising equality, equity and differentiation in marketised higher education: fractures and fault-lines in the neoliberal imaginary. In: BOWL, Marion, MCCAIG, Colin and HUGHES, Jonathan, (eds.) Equality and differentiation in marketised higher education: a new level playing field? Palgrave Studies in Excellence and Equity in Global Education . London, Palgrave, 195-210. (In Press) [Book Section]

MCCAIG, Colin, CLAGUE, Lucy, HOGARTH, Terence and GAMBIN, Lynn (2014). Technical apprenticeships : research into the need for and capacity to deliver STEM related Apprenticeship Provision in England. Project Report. London, Department for Business, Innovation and Skills. [Monograph]

MCCAIG, Colin and HARRISON, Neil (2015). An ecological fallacy in higher education policy: the use, overuse and misuse of 'low participation neighbourhoods'. Journal of Further and Higher Education, 39 (6), 793-817. [Article]

MCCAIG, Colin and LIGHTFOOT, Nicola (2017). A dual pricing mechanism: modelling the English higher education market? In: European Educational Research Association Annual Conference 2017, Copenhagen, 21-24 August 2017. (Unpublished) [Conference or Workshop Item]

MCCAIG, Colin and STEVENSON, Jacqueline (2016). (Re)conceptualising ‘disadvantage’ in UK widening participation policy: possibilities for transformation? In: Widening Participation Conference : 'HE: Transforming lives through life-wide learning', Milton Keynes, April 27-28th 2016. [Conference or Workshop Item]

MCCAIG, Colin, STEVENSON, Jacqueline and MADRIAGA, Manuel (2017). Partnership working in widening participation policy: collaboration in a competitive climate. In: BERA Annual Conference 2017, Brighton, 4-6tSeptember 2017. (Unpublished) [Conference or Workshop Item]

MCCAIG, Colin and TAYLOR, Carol (2014). Evaluating the impact of number controls, choice and competition : an analysis of the student profile and the student learning environment in the new higher education landscape. Discussion Paper. Colin McCaig. (Unpublished) [Monograph]

MCCAIG, Colin and TAYLOR, Carol (2013). Evaluating the impact of student number controls, choice and competition on the changing HE landscape. In: Society for Research into Higher Education Annusl Conference, Celtic Manor, Newport, South Wales, 10-13th December 2013. (Unpublished) [Conference or Workshop Item]

MCCAIG, Colin and TAYLOR, Carol A (2015). The strange death of number controls in England : paradoxical adventures in higher education market making. Studies in Higher Education, 42 (9), 1641-1654. [Article]

MCGRATH, Lisa (2015). Dissertation: Writing for publication in four disciplines: Insights into text and context. Fachsprache: International Journal of Specialized Communication, 3-4, 223-227. [Article]

MCGRATH, Lisa (2016). Open-access writing: An investigation into the online drafting and revision of a research article in pure mathematics. English for Specific Purposes, 43, 25-36. [Article]

MCGRATH, Lisa (2016). Self-mentions in anthropology and history research articles: Variation between and within disciplines. Journal of English for Academic Purposes, 21, 86-98. [Article]

MCGRATH, Lisa, BERGGREN, Jessica and MEŽEK, Špela (2016). Reading EAP: Investigating high proficiency L2 university students’ strategy use through reading blogs. Journal of English for Academic Purposes, 22, 152-164. [Article]

MEES, Martyn, JAY, Tim and HABGOOD, Jacob (2018). Designing an adaptive learner model for a mathematics game. In: CIUSSI, Melanie, (ed.) Proceedings of the 12th European conference on games based learning. Academic Conferences and Publishing International Limited, 800-807. [Book Section]

MEES, Martyn, JAY, Tim, HABGOOD, Jacob and HOWARD-JONES, Paul (2017). Researching adaptivity for individual differences in number games. In: CHI PLAY '17 : ACM SIGCHI Annual Symposium on Computer-Human Interaction in Play, Amsterdam, 15-18 October 2017. [Conference or Workshop Item]

MEES, Martyn, JAY, Tim, HABGOOD, Jacob and HOWARD-JONES, Paul (2017). Researching adaptivity for individual differences in numeracy games. In: CHI PLAY '17 Extended Abstracts : Extended Abstracts Publication of the Annual Symposium on Computer-Human Interaction in Play. ACM Press, 247-253. [Book Section]

MERCHANT, G. H. (2010). 3D virtual worlds as environments for literacy learning. Educational research, 52 (2), 135-150. [Article]

MERCHANT, G. H. (2005). Digikids: cool dudes and the new writing. E-learning, 2 (1), 50-60. [Article]

MERCHANT, G. H. (2001). Teenagers in cyberspace: an investigation of language use and language change in internet chatrooms. Journal of research in reading, 24 (3), 293-306. [Article]

MERCHANT, G. H. (2010). View my profile(s). In: ALVERMANN, D., (ed.) Adolescents' online literacies. New York, Peter Lang, 51-70. [Book Section]

MERCHANT, G. H. (2009). Web 2.0, new literacies, and the idea of learning through participation. English teaching: practice and critique, 8 (3), 8-20. [Article]

MERCHANT, Guy (2015). Apps, adults and young children: researching digital literacy practices in context. In: JONES, Rodney H., CHIK, Alice and HAFNER, Christoph A., (eds.) Discourse and digital practices: doing discourse analysis in the digital age’. Abingdon, Routledge, 144-157. [Book Section]

MERCHANT, Guy (2004). Barbie meets Bob the Builder at the Workstation: young children and digital writing. In: MARSH, Jackie, (ed.) Popular culture, new media and digital literacy in early childhood. Abingdon, RoutledgeFalmer, 183-200. [Book Section]

MERCHANT, Guy (2008). Digikids, cool dudes and the new writing. In: MACKEY, Margaret, (ed.) Media literacies : major themes in education. Major themes in education . London, Routledge, 245-261. [Book Section]

MERCHANT, Guy (2007). Digital writing in the early years. In: COIRO, Julie, KNOBEL, Michele, LANKSHEAR, Colin and LEU, Donald J., (eds.) Handbook of research on new literacies. New York, Laurence Erlbaum, 751-774. [Book Section]

MERCHANT, Guy (2003). E-mail me your thoughts: digital communication and narrative writing. Literacy (formerly Reading), 37 (3), 104-110. [Article]

MERCHANT, Guy (2008). Early reading development. In: MARSH, Joanne and HALLET, E., (eds.) Desirable literacies (2nd ed.). London, Paul Chapman/Sage. [Book Section]

MERCHANT, Guy (2005). Electric involvement: identity performance in children's informal digital writing. Discourse: studies in the cultural politics of education, 26 (3), 301-314. [Article]

MERCHANT, Guy (1999). Handa's surprise. Read and respond . Leamington Spa, Scholastic. [Authored Book]

MERCHANT, Guy (2017). Hands, fingers and iPads. In: BURNETT, Cathy, MERCHANT, Guy, SIMPSON, Alyson and WALSH, Maureen, (eds.) The case of the iPad: Mobile literacies in education. Singapore, Springer, 245-256. [Book Section]

MERCHANT, Guy (2006). Identity, Social Networks and Online Communication. E-Learning, 3 (2), p. 235. [Article]

MERCHANT, Guy (2004). Imagine All that Stuff Really Happening: narrative and identity in children's on-screen writing. E-Learning, 1 (3), p. 341. [Article]

MERCHANT, Guy (1991). Language awareness and linguistic diversity. In: JAMES, Carl and GARRETT, Peter, (eds.) Language awareness in the classroom. London, Longman, 75-92. [Book Section]

MERCHANT, Guy (2009). Learning for the future: emerging technologies and social participation. In: HIN, Leo Tan Wee and SUBRAMANIAM, R. (Ramanathan), (eds.) Handbook of research on literacy in technology at the K-12 level. Hershey, Pa., Idea Group Reference. [Book Section]

MERCHANT, Guy (2009). Literacy in virtual worlds. Journal of research in reading (special issue: New developments in literacy and technology), 32 (1), 38-56. [Article]

MERCHANT, Guy (2008). Log-on to an abandoned world. English, four to eleven, 33. [Article]

MERCHANT, Guy (2004). May the force be with you: e-mail and sci-fi writing at Key Stage 2. Primary English, 9 (4). [Article]

MERCHANT, Guy (2007). Mind the Gap(s): discourses and discontinuity in digital literacies. E-Learning, 4 (3), p. 241. [Article]

MERCHANT, Guy (2012). Mobile practices in everyday life: popular digital technologies and schooling revisited. British Journal of Educational Technology, 43 (5), 770-782. [Article]

MERCHANT, Guy (1998). Primary English. In: CASHDAM, Asher and OVERALL, Lyn, (eds.) Teaching in primary schools. London, Cassell. [Book Section]

MERCHANT, Guy (2010). Scholastic writing guides: Sci-fi stories 7-9 years. Leamingston Spa, Scholastic. [Authored Book]

MERCHANT, Guy (2010). Social media and primary school children. In: BAZALGETTE, Cary, (ed.) Teaching media in primary schools. London, Sage. [Book Section]

MERCHANT, Guy (2001). Supporting readers. In: HARRISON, Colin and COLES, Martin, (eds.) The reading for real handbook (2nd ed.). London, RoutledgeFarmer, 191-208. [Book Section]

MERCHANT, Guy (1989). Teacher training in multilingual Britain. In: GEACH, J. and BROADBENT, J., (eds.) Coherence in diversity. London, Centre for Information on Language Teaching, 56-83. [Book Section]

MERCHANT, Guy (2000). Traditional stories. Read and respond . Leamingston Spa, Scholastic. [Authored Book]

MERCHANT, Guy (2012). Unravelling the social network: theory and research. Learning, Media and Technology, 37 (1), 4-19. [Article]

MERCHANT, Guy (2015). Virtual worlds and online videogames for children and young people : promises and challenges. In: GUZZETTI, Barbara and MILLINEE, Lesley, (eds.) The handbook of research on the societal impact of social media. Advances in media, entertainment and the arts . Hersey, PA, IGI Global, 291-316. [Book Section]

MERCHANT, Guy (2010). Virtual worlds in real life classrooms. In: CARRINGTON, Victoria and ROBINSON, Muriel, (eds.) Digital literacies : social learning and classroom practices. London, Sage. [Book Section]

MERCHANT, Guy (2010). Visual networks: learning through Photosharing. In: KNOBEL, M. and LANKSHEAR, C., (eds.) DIY media: digital literacies and learning through popular cultural production. New literacies and digital epistemologies (44). New York, Peter Lang. [Book Section]

MERCHANT, Guy (2004). What's your a/s/l? Electronic communication and synchronous chat. In: MONTEITH, Moira, (ed.) Teaching secondary school literacies with ICT. Buckingham, Open University, 133-149. [Book Section]

MERCHANT, Guy (2007). Writing the future in the digital age. Literacy, 41 (3), 118-128. [Article]

MERCHANT, Guy (2005). The dagger of doom and the magic handbag: writing on-screen. In: EVANS, Janet, (ed.) Literacy moves on : popular culture, new technologies, and critical literacy in the elementary classroom. London, David Fulton, 59-75. [Book Section]

MERCHANT, Guy (2006). A sign of the times: looking critically at digital writing. In: MARSH, Jackie and MILLARD, Elaine, (eds.) Popular literacies, childhood and schooling. London, Routledge, 93-108. [Book Section]

MERCHANT, Guy (1999). The snow maze. Read and respond . Leamington Spa, Scholastic. [Authored Book]

MERCHANT, Guy, BURNETT, Cathy and KEATING, C (2004). Shooting the story. Primary English, 9 (5), 20-24. [Article]

MERCHANT, Guy and CARRINGTON, Victoria (2009). Literacy and identity. Literacy (formerly Reading), 43 (2), 63-64. [Article]

MERCHANT, Guy, DICKINSON, Paul, BURNETT, Cathy and MYERS, Julia (2006). Do you like dogs or writing? Identity performance in childen's digital message exchange. English in Education, 40 (3), 21-38. [Article]

MERCHANT, Guy and MARSH, Jackie (1998). Co-ordinating primary language and literacy : the subject leader's handbook. London, Chapman. [Authored Book]

MERCHANT, Guy and MONTEITH, Moira (1997). Laptop as Messenger: an Exploration of the Role of Portables in Home-School Liaison. Literacy (formerly Reading), 31 (2), 23-26. [Article]

MERCHANT, Guy and THOMAS, Huw (2001). Non-fiction for the literacy hour. London, David Fulton. [Authored Book]

MOORE, Nick (2016). What's the point? The role of punctuation in realising information structure in written English. Functional Linguistics, 3 (6), 1-23. [Article]

MOORE, Nick and SALMASO, Grisel (2016). Editorial: Introduction to special issue of IJLS : Systemic functional linguistics and education. International journal of Language Studies, 10 (3), 1-4. [Article]

MOORE, Nicolas (2017). Book Review - Goodman, K., Fries, P.H. and Strauss, S.L. (2016) Reading : The Grand Illusion . New York & London: Routledge. ISBN 9781138999299. Literacy, 51 (2), p. 120. [Article]

MOORE, Nicolas, KNIGHT, Gillian and KIBURZ, Claudia (2014). Developing an assessed reading portfolio to improve reading habits and raise test results. In: EMERY, Helen and MOORE, Nicolas, (eds.) Teaching, learning and researching reading in EFL. Dubai, TESOL Arabia, 214-237. [Book Section]

MORRISON, Andrew (2017). Bourdieu and higher education research: a bricolage approach. Higher Education Review, 49 (3), 53-75. [Article]

MORRISON, Andrew (2014). Hegemony through responsibilisation : getting working-class students into higher education in the United Kingdom. Power and Education, 6 (2), 118-129. [Article]

MORRISON, Andrew (2014). ‘I think that’s bad' : lay normativity and perceived barriers to employment in primary teaching in the UK. Sociology, 49 (4), 643-659. [Article]

MORRISON, Andrew (2015). Theorising inequality : two-dimensional participatory justice and higher education research. In: HUISMAN, Jeroen and TIGHT, Malcolm, (eds.) Theory and method in higher education research. Theory and Method in Higher Education Research (1). Bingley, Emerald, 257-276. [Book Section]

MORRISON, Andrew (2017). The responsibilised consumer: neoliberalism and English higher education policy. Cultural Studies - Critical Methodologies, 17 (3), 197-204. [Article]

MURPHY, Angela and STEVENSON, Jacqueline (2018). Occupational potential and possible selves of masters’ level healthcare students with dyslexia: a narrative inquiry. Journal of Occupational Science. [Article]


NAHMAD-WILLIAMS, Lindy and TAYLOR, Carol (2015). Experimenting with dialogic mentoring: a new model. International Journal of Mentoring and Coaching in Education, 4 (3), 184-199. [Article]


OTSUKA, Kaoru and JAY, Tim (2016). Understanding and supporting block play: video observation research on preschoolers’ block play to identify features associated with the development of abstract thinking. Early Child Development and Care, 187 (5-6), 990-1003. [Article]

OUTHWAITE, Deb, CLOSE, Paul and KENDRICK, Ann (2018). Special Issue on Leadership, preparation and development. Management in Education, 32 (2), 63-65. [Article]

OVENDEN-HOPE, Tanya, BLANDFORD, Sonia, CAIN, Tim and MAXWELL, Bronwen (2018). RETAIN early career teacher retention programme: evaluating the role of research informed continuing professional development for a high quality, sustainable 21st century teaching profession. Journal of Education for Teaching, 44 (5), 590-607. [Article]

OWEN, David (2014). Learning to be a teacher. In: OWEN, David and BURNETT, Cathy, (eds.) Getting into Primary Teaching. Critical Learning . Northwich, Critical Publishing, 43-63. [Book Section]

OWEN, David (1998). The National Curriculum: background, approach, content. In: CASHDAN, Asher and OVERALL, Lyn, (eds.) Teaching in primary schools. London, Continuum International Publishing Group. [Book Section]

OWEN, David (2014). Preparing to apply for a teacher preparation programme. In: OWEN, David and BURNETT, Cathy, (eds.) Getting into Primary Teaching. Critical Learning . Northwich, Critical Publishing, 24-42. [Book Section]

OWEN, David, HUDSON, Brian and TERVOLA, T (2006). Open and flexible learning? An evaluation of student and tutor experiences in a European e-learning community. Technology, Pedagogy and Education, 15 (3), 291-306. [Article]

OWEN, David and RYAN, Alison (2001). Teaching geography 3-11: the essential guide. Reaching the standard . London, Continuum. [Authored Book]

OWEN, J., CARROLL, C., COOKE, J., FORMBY, E., HAYTER, M., HIRST, J., LLOYD JONES, M., STAPLETON, H., STEVENSON, M. and SUTTON, A. (2010). School-linked sexual health services for young people (SSHYP): a survey and systematic review concerning current models, effectiveness, cost-effectiveness and research opportunities. Health technology assessment, 14 (30). [Article]


PAHL, Kate and BURNETT, Cathy (2013). Literacies in homes and communities. In: HALL, Kathy, CREMIN, Teresa, COMBER, Barbara and MOLL, Luis C., (eds.) International Handbook of Research on Children's Literacy, Learning and Culture. Chichester, Wiley Blackwell, 3-14. [Book Section]

PANTIRU, Simona, JOLLEY, Sarah and BARLEY, Ruth (2012). Strengths and limitations of a learner-centred approach to teaching research methods. Student Engagement and Experience Journal, 1 (3). [Article]

PERRY, Emily (2018). Current themes and evidence in teaching and teacher development. In: Invited Seminar: Current themes and evidence in teaching and teacher development, London, 13 March 2018. (Unpublished) [Conference or Workshop Item]

PERRY, Emily (2016). Every child a scientist: student-centred approaches to active learning in science. In: International Conference on Learning and Teaching: Empowering 21st Century Learners Through Holistic and Enterprising Learning, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 17-18 October 2016. [Conference or Workshop Item]

PERRY, Emily (2014). An investigation into a programme of enquiry-based continuing professional development for professional development leaders. Masters, Sheffield Hallam University. [Thesis]

PERRY, Emily and BEVINS, Stuart (2018). Building capacity for professional development: the development of teachers as facilitators in Ghana. Professional development in education, 1-15. [Article]

PERRY, Emily and BOODT, Sarah (2017). Education & Training Foundation Training for Further Education teacher trainers: Final evaluation July 2017. Project Report. Education and Training Foundation. [Monograph]

PERRY, Emily and BOYLAN, Mark (2017). Developing the developers : supporting and researching the learning of professional development facilitators. Professional development in education, 44 (2), 254-271. [Article]

PERRY, Emily and BOYLAN, Mark (2014). Extending the interconnected model of teacher professional growth to analyse professional development facilitators' learning. In: Re-thinking Models of Professional Learning, Aston University, Birmingham, 28-29 November 2014. [Conference or Workshop Item]

PERRY, Emily, BOYLAN, Mark, BOOTH, Josephine and COLDWELL, Michael (2017). Connecting research and teacher education : quality enhancement for ITE Partnerships. Other. Cardiff, Welsh Government. [Monograph]

PERRY, Emily and WARDLE, John (2015). ‘Science Without Walls’ and ‘Teaching Challenging Topics’: two programmes of continuing professional development using online environments. School Science Review, 356, 107-114. [Article]

PIERCY, H. (2006). “It feels good to be told that I'm all clear”: patients' accounts of retesting following genital chlamydial infection. Sexually transmitted infections, 82 (4), 330-333. [Article]

PIERCY, H. (2007). Sexually transmitted infections and dirt. In: KIRKHAM, M., (ed.) Exploring the Dirty Side of Women's Health. London , New York, Routledge, 256-269. [Book Section]

PIERCY, H. (2006). The importance of contextualisation in giving a diagnosis of genital chlamydial infection: findings from a qualitative study. Journal of family planning and reproductive health care, 32 (4), 227-230. [Article]

PIERCY, H. and HARGATE, M. (2004). Social research on the under 16's: a consideration of the issues from a UK perspective. Journal of child health care, 8 (4), 253-263. [Article]

PIERCY, Hilary (2009). An uncertain future: infertility and chlamydial infection. In: HUNTER, Billie and DEERY, Ruth, (eds.) Emotions in midwifery and reproduction. Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, 157-172. [Book Section]

PLUQUAILEC, Jill (2018). Thinking and doing consent and advocacy in disabled children's childhood studies research. In: RUNSWICK-COLE, Katherine, CURRAN, Tillie and LIDDIARD, Kirsty, (eds.) The Palgrave handbook of disabled children’s childhood studies. London, Palgrave Macmillan, 213-228. [Book Section]

PLUQUAILEC, Jill (2018). What does it mean to be disabled and growing older?: project report 2018. Project Report. Sheffield Institute of Education, Sheffield Hallam University. (Unpublished) [Monograph]

POULSON, Louise and MERCHANT, Guy (1991). National Curriculum Training and Teachers' Professional Development. British Journal of In-Service Education, 17 (1), 13-18. [Article]

POUNTNEY, Richard (2014). Trials and tribunals: consensus seeking in course design approval in Higher Education. Doctoral, Sheffield Hallam University. [Thesis]

POUNTNEY, Richard and GRASMEDER, Alison (2018). Building bridges: enhancing mentoring skills, knowledge and practice through an online course. CollectivEd, 3, 50-56. [Article]

POUNTNEY, Richard and MCPHAIL, Graham (2017). Researching the interdisciplinary curriculum : the need for ‘translation devices’. British Educational Research Journal, 43 (6), 1068-1082. [Article]

POUNTNEY, Richard and SAID, Martin (2018). Developing effective learners through a school/university partnership in curriculum making. Impact, 3. [Article]

POVEY, H. (2003). Teaching and learning mathematics: can the concept of citizenship be reclaimed for social justice? In: BURTON, L., (ed.) Which way social justice in mathematics education? Westport, Praeger Press, 51-64. [Book Section]

POVEY, H. and ANGIER, C. (2007). Creating opportunities for authoritative knowing: some undergraduate experiences of mathematics assessment. Philosophy of mathematics education journal, 21. [Article]

POVEY, H., ANGIER, C. and CLARKE, M. (2006). Storying Joanne, an undergraduate mathematician. Gender and education, 18 (5), 459-471. [Article]

POVEY, H., STEPHENSON, K. and RADICE, M. (2001). Four teachers talking: social inclusion, professional development and (un)contested meaning. Journal of in-service education, 27 (3), 377-404. [Article]

POVEY, Hilary (2010). Teaching for equity, teaching for mathematical engagement. Philosophy of mathematics Education journal, 25. [Article]

POVEY, Hilary (2014). ‘Walking in a Foreign and Unknown Landscape’ : studying the history of mathematics in initial teacher education. Science & Education, 23 (1), 143-157. [Article]

POVEY, Hilary (2014). A pedagogy for attainment for all. In: LESLIE, Dawn and MENDICK, Heather, (eds.) Debates in Mathematics Education. Debates in subject teaching . Routledge, 133-143. [Book Section]

POVEY, Hilary (2013). The use of learning journals as assessment. In: LINDMEIER, Anke M. and HEINZE., Aiso, (eds.) Mathematics learning across the lifespan: proceedings of the 37th conference of the International group for the psychology of mathematics education. PME (37). Kiel, IPN: Leibniz Institute for Science and Mathematics Education. [Book Section]

POVEY, Hilary and ADAMS, Gill (2017). Thinking forward : using stories from the recent past in mathematics education in England. In: CHRONAKI, Anna, (ed.) Mathematics Education : Proceedings of 9th International Conference of Mathematics Education and Society (MES) Conference, Volos, Greece, April 2017. Thessaly, Greece, International Conference of Mathematics Education and Society (MES), 803-811. [Book Section]

POVEY, Hilary, ADAMS, Gill and EVERLEY, Rosie (2017). “Its Influence Taints All”: Urban Math-ematics Teachers Resisting Performativity through Engagement with the Past. The Journal of Urban Mathematics Education, 10 (2), 52-65. [Article]

POVEY, Hilary, ADAMS, Gill and JACKSON, Colin (2016). How making for a purpose in mathematics can provoke mathematical meaning making. Philosophy of Mathematics Education Journal, 31. [Article]

POVEY, Hilary, ADAMS, Gill and JACKSON, Colin (2016). “It was all led by them”: opening up opportunities for making mathematics through a children’s exhibition. Proceedings of the British Society for Research into Learning Mathematics, 36 (1), 82-87. [Article]

POVEY, Hilary and BURTON, Leone (1999). Learners as authors in the mathematics classroom. In: BURTON, Leone, (ed.) Learning mathematics : from Hierarchies to Networks. London, Routledge, 232-245. [Book Section]


REMPE-GILLEN, Emma (2017). Primary school teacher experiences in cross-phase professional development collaborations. Professional development in education, 44 (3), 356-368. [Article]

ROBINSON, Carol and TAYLOR, Carol (2007). Theorizing student voice : values and perspectives. Improving Schools, 10 (1), 5-17. [Article]

ROSE, Simon, HABGOOD, Jacob and JAY, Tim (2017). An exploration of the role of visual programming tools in the development of young children’s computational thinking. Electronic journal of e-learning, 15 (4), 297-309. [Article]

ROSIE, A., BUFTON, S. and HIRST, J. (2001). Sociology as a moral discourse: a case study of social theory teaching. British journal of sociology of education, 22 (2), 217-226. [Article]

RUNSWICK-COLE, Katherine and HODGE, Nick (2009). Needs or rights? A challenge to the discourse of special education. British Journal Of Special Education, 36 (4), 198-203. [Article]

RUTHVEN, Kenneth, LABORDE, Colette, LEACH, John and TIBERGHIEN, Andrée (2009). Design tools in didactical research: instrumenting the epistemological and cognitive aspects of the design of teaching sequences. Educational researcher, 38 (5), 329-342. [Article]

RUTHVEN, Kenneth, LABORDE, Colette, LEACH, John and TIBERGHIEN, Andrée (2009). Design tools in didactical research: instrumenting the epistemological and cognitive aspects of the design of teaching sequences. Educational researcher, 38 (5), 329-342. [Article]

RUTTEN, Anja (2014). A person-centred approach to counselling clients with autistic process. In: PEARCE, Peter and SOMMERBECK, Lisbeth, (eds.) Person-centred practice at the difficult edge. Ross-on-Wye, PCCS Books. [Book Section]

RYDER, Jim and LEACH, John (2008). Teaching about the epistemology of science in upper secondary schools: an analysis of teachers’ classroom talk. Science & Education, 17 (2-3), 289-315. [Article]


SALMASO, Grisel and MOORE, Nick (2016). Editorial: introduction to special issue of IJLS: Systemic functional linguistics and (critical) discourse analysis. International Journal of Language Studies, 10 (2), 1-3. [Article]

SHERBORNE, Tony and BULLOUGH, Andy (2017). Engage. Equipping the next generation for active engagement in science. Periodic report number 2. Project Report. Sheffield Hallam University. (Unpublished) [Monograph]

SIMKINS, T. J. (2005). Leadership in education: "what works" or "what makes sense"? Educational management administration and leadership, 33 (1), 9-26. [Article]

SIMKINS, T. J. (2004). School finance and equity in England: an analysis of strategies and consequences. Educational management administration and leadership, 32 (4), 369-386. [Article]

SIMKINS, T. J., COLDWELL, M., CAILLAU, I., FINLAYSON, H. and MORGAN, A. (2006). Coaching as an in-school leadership development strategy: experiences from leading from the middle. Journal of in-service education, 32 (3), 321-340. [Article]

SIMKINS, T. J. and LUMBY, J. (2002). Cultural transformation in further education? Mapping the debate. Research in post compulsory education, 7 (1), 9-25. [Article]

SIMKINS, T. J., MAXWELL, B. and ASPINWALL, K. A. (2009). Developing the whole-school workforce in England: building cultures of engagement. Professional development in education, 35 (3), p. 433. [Article]

SIMKINS, Tim (2009). Integrating work‐based learning into large‐scale national leadership development programmes in the UK. Educational Review, 61 (4), 391-405. [Article]

SIMKINS, Tim (2012). Understanding school leadership and management development in England: retrospect and prospect. Educational Management Administration & Leadership, 40 (5), 621-640. [Article]

SIMKINS, Tim, CLOSE, Paul and SMITH, Robin (2009). Work-shadowing as a process for facilitating leadership succession in primary schools. School Leadership and Management, 29 (3), 239-251. [Article]

SIMKINS, Tim, COLDWELL, Michael, CLOSE, Paul and MORGAN, A. (2009). Outcomes of in-school leadership development work: a study of three NCSL programmes. Educational management administration and leadership, 37 (1), 29-50. [Article]

SIMKINS, Tim and GARRICK, Rosalind (2012). Developing multi-agency teams: implications of a national programme evaluation. Management in Education, 26 (1), 13-19. [Article]

SIMKINS, Timothy (2015). School restructuring in England : new school configurations and new challenges. Management in Education, 29 (1), 4-8. [Article]

SIMKINS, Timothy, COLDRON, John, CRAWFORD, Megan and JONES, Steve (2015). Emerging local schooling landscapes : the role of the local authority. School Leadership and Management, 35 (1), 1-16. [Article]

SIMKINS, Timothy, COLDRON, John, CRAWFORD, Megan and MAXWELL, Bronwen (2018). Emerging schooling landscapes in England: how primary system leaders are responding to new school groupings. Educational Management Administration & Leadership. [Article]

SIMKINS, Timothy and WOODS, Philip (2015). Editorial: Responses to structural change in schooling in England. Management in Education, 29 (1), p. 3. [Article]

SLATER, Jen (2017). Becoming women: the embodied self in image culture. Disability & Society, 32 (8), 1286-1288. [Article]

SLATER, Jen and JONES, Charlotte (2018). Around the Toilet: a research project report about what makes a safe and accessible toilet space. Project Report. Sheffield, UK, Sheffield Hallam University. (In Press) [Monograph]

SLATER, Jen, JONES, Charlotte and PROCTER, Lisa (2017). Troubling school toilets : resisting discourses of 'development' through a critical disability studies and critical psychology lens. Discourse : Studies in the Cultural Politics of Education, 1-12. [Article]

SLATER, Jen, ÁGÚSTSDÓTTIR, Embla and HARALDSDÓTTIR, Freyja (2018). Becoming intelligible woman: Gender, disability and resistance at the border zone of youth. Feminism and Psychology, 28 (3), 409-426. [Article]

SLATER, Jenny (2016). Book Review: Little vast rooms of undoing exploring identity and embodiment through public toilet spaces. Disability and Society, 31 (3), 439-442. [Article]

SLATER, Jenny (2014). Book review: Feminist Queer Crip by Alison Kafer. Disability and Society, 29 (5), 840-844. [Article]

SLATER, Jenny (2016). The (Normal) Non-Normativity of Youth. In: MALLETT, Rebecca, OGDEN, Cassie and SLATER, Jenny, (eds.) Theorising Normalcy and the Mundane : Precarious Positions. Chester, University of Chester Press, 14-44. [Book Section]

SLATER, Jenny (2015). X. Stresses and contradictions of trying to ‘do feminisms’ within the (neo)liberal academy. Feminism & Psychology, 12 (1), 56-60. [Article]

SLATER, Jenny (2015). Youth and disability: a challenge to Mr Reasonable. Interdisciplinary Disability Studies . Burlington, Ashgate. [Authored Book]

SLATER, Jenny (2012). Youth for sale: using critical disability perspectives to examine the embodiment of ‘Youth’. Societies, 2 (3), 195-209. [Article]

SLATER, Jenny and CHAPMAN, Elizabeth (2017). Normalcy, Intersectionality and Ableism : teaching about and around ‘inclusion’ to future educators. In: RUNSWICK-COLE, Katherine, CURRAN, Tillie and LIDDIARD, Kirsty, (eds.) The Palgrave Handbook of Disabled Children’s Childhood Studies. Palgrave Macmillan UK, 333-349. (In Press) [Book Section]

SLATER, Jenny, JONES, Charlotte and PROCTER, Lisa (2016). School toilets : queer, disabled bodies and gendered lessons of embodiment. Gender and Education, 1-15. (In Press) [Article]

SLATER, Jenny and LIDDIARD, Kirsty (2018). “Like, pissing yourself is not a particularly attractive quality, let’s be honest” : learning to contain through youth, adulthood, disability and sexuality. Sexualities, 21 (3), 319-333. [Article]

SMITH, Jill C (2016). The embodied becoming of autism and childhood: a storytelling methodology. Disability and Society, 31 (2), 180-191. [Article]

SMITH, Robin, KOKALOVA, Tz, WHELDON, C, BISHOP, J. E., FREER, M, CURTIS, N and PARKER, D. J. (2017). New Measurement of the Direct 3α Decay from the 12C Hoyle State. Physical Review Letters, 119, p. 132502. [Article]

SPOHRER, Konstanze, STAHL, Garth and BOWERS-BROWN, Tamsin (2017). Constituting neoliberal subjects? ‘Aspiration’ as technology of government in UK policy discourse. Journal of Education Policy, 33 (3), 327-342. [Article]

STANTON FRASER, Danaë, JAY, Tim, O’NEILL, Eamonn and PENN, Alan (2013). My neighbourhood: Studying perceptions of urban space and neighbourhood with moblogging. Pervasive and Mobile Computing, 9 (5), 722-737. [Article]

STARCZEWSKA, Ania, HODKINSON, Alan and ADAMS, Gill (2011). Conceptions of inclusion and inclusive education: a critical examination of the perspectives and practices of teachers in Poland. Journal of Research in Special Educational Needs, 12 (3), 162-169. [Article]

STARCZEWSKA, Ania, HODKINSON, Alan and ADAMS, Gill (2013). Poland, Special education in. In: REYNOLDS, Cecil R., VANNETS, Kimberly J. and FLETCHER-JANZEN, Elaine, (eds.) Encyclopedia of special education : reference for the education of children, adolescents, and adults with disabilities and other exceptional individuals. John Wiley & Sons, Inc.. [Book Section]

STEVENSON, Jacqueline (2018). Becoming a reflexive researcher: A personal research journey. In: BURKE, Penny Jane, HAYTON, Annette and STEVENSON, Jacqueline, (eds.) Evaluating Equity and Widening Participation in Higher Education. London, Trentham Books. (In Press) [Book Section]

STEVENSON, Jacqueline (2016). Exploring the lifeworld of international doctoral students : the place of religion and religious organisations. In: GOMES, Catherine and TRAN, Ly, (eds.) International Student Connectedness and Identity in Tertiary Education: Trans-national and trans-disciplinary perspectives. Springer, 61-74. [Book Section]

STEVENSON, Jacqueline (2014). Internationalisation and religious inclusion in United Kingdom higher education. Higher education quarterly, 68 (1), 46-64. [Article]

STEVENSON, Jacqueline and AUNE, K. (2016). Religion and higher education in Europe and North America : historical and contemporary contexts. In: AUNE, K. and STEVENSON, Jacqueline, (eds.) Religion and Higher Education in Europe and North America. Society for Research into Higher Education (SRHE) series . London, Taylor and Francis. [Book Section]

STEVENSON, Jacqueline and BAKER, Sally (2018). Refugees in higher education : debate, discourse and practice. Great Debates in Higher Education . Emerald Publishing. [Authored Book]

STEVENSON, Jacqueline and BLAND, Becca (2017). Mobilising family support: implications for the academic resilience of international students. Project Report. Sheffield Hallam University for UKCISA. [Monograph]

STEVENSON, Jacqueline, BURKE, Penny Jane, WHELAN, Pauline, SEALEY, Paula and PLONER, Josef (2014). Pedagogic stratification and the shifting landscape of higher education. Project Report. York, Higher Education Academy. [Monograph]

STEVENSON, Jacqueline, DEMACK, Sean, STIELL, Bernadette, ABDI, Muna, GHAFFAR, Farhana and HASSAN, Shaima (2017). The social mobility challenges faced by young muslims. Project Report. London, Social Mobility Commission. [Monograph]

STEVENSON, Jacqueline, MCCAIG, Colin and MADRIAGA, Manuel (2017). Evaluation of the National Networks for Collaborative Outreach (NNCOs). Project Report. Sheffied Hallam University for HEFCE. [Monograph]

STIELL, Bernadette, WILLIS, Benjamin, CULLINEY, Martin and COLDWELL, Michael (2018). International teacher recruitment: understanding the attitudes and experiences of school leaders and teachers. Research Report. Project Report. London, Department for Education. [Monograph]

STRAW, Suzanne, COLDWELL, Michael, POET, Helen, BYRNE, Eleanor, STIELL, Bernadette and WORTH, Jack (2017). Maths and physics teacher supply package. Project Report. London, UK, Department for Education. [Monograph]


TAYLOR, Carol (2016). Close encounters of a critical kind: a diffractive musing in/between new material feminism and object-oriented ontology. Cultural Studies - Critical Methodologies, 16 (2), 201-212. [Article]

TAYLOR, Carol (2016). Edu-crafting a cacophonous ecology: posthumanist research practices for education. In: TAYLOR, Carol and HUGHES, Christina, (eds.) Posthuman research practices in education. Palgrave Macmillan, 5-24. [Book Section]

TAYLOR, Carol (2017). Ethically important moments in the higher education space of appearance: Renewing educative praxis with Arendt. Educational Philosophy and Theory, 49 (3), 231-241. [Article]

TAYLOR, Carol (2018). Feminist/ Spin-ster/ Amazon: Mary Daly. Qualitative Inquiry. [Article]

TAYLOR, Carol (2017). For Hermann: How do I love thee? Let me count the ways. Or, What my dog has taught me about a post-personal academic life. In: Producing pleasure within the contemporary university. Sense. (In Press) [Book Section]

TAYLOR, Carol (2016). Is a posthumanist bildung possible? Reclaiming the promise of bildung for contemporary higher education. Higher Education, 74 (3), 419-435. [Article]

TAYLOR, Carol (2011). More than meets the eye: the use of videonarratives to facilitate doctoral students’ reflexivity on their doctoral journeys. Studies in Higher Education, 36 (4), 441-458. [Article]

TAYLOR, Carol (2016). Rethinking the empirical in higher education: post-qualitative inquiry as a less comfortable social science. International Journal of Research & Method in Education, 40 (3), 311-324. [Article]

TAYLOR, Carol (2012). Student engagement, practice architectures and phronesis in the student transitions and experiences project. Journal of applied research in higher education, 4 (2), 109-125. [Article]

TAYLOR, Carol (2014). Telling transitions: space, materiality, and ethical practices in a collaborative writing workshop. Cultural Studies, 14 (4), 396-406. [Article]

TAYLOR, Carol (2018). What can bodies do? En/gendering body-space choreographies of stillness, movement and flow in post-16 pedagogic encounters. International Journal of Educational Research, 88, 156-165. [Article]

TAYLOR, Carol and BOVILL, Catherine (2018). Towards an ecology of participation: Process philosophy and co-creation of higher education curricula. European Educational Research Journal, 17 (1), 112-128. [Article]

TAYLOR, Carol, DOWNS, Yvonne, BAKER, Rob and CHIKWA, Gladson (2011). ‘I did it my way’: voice, visuality and identity in doctoral students' reflexive videonarratives on their doctoral research journeys. International Journal of Research & Method in Education, 34 (2), 193-210. [Article]

TAYLOR, Carol and DUNNE, M. (2011). Virtualization and new geographies of knowledge in higher education : possibilities for the transformation of knowledge, pedagogic relations and learner identities. British Journal of Sociology of Education, 32 (4), 623-641. [Article]

TAYLOR, Carol, FAIRCHILD, Nikki, KORO-LJUNGBERG, Mirka, CAREY, Neil, BENOZZO, Angelo and ELMENHORST, Constanse (2018). Improvising bags choreographies: Disturbing normative ways of doing research. Qualitative Inquiry. [Article]

TAYLOR, Carol and GANNON, Susanne (2018). Doing time and motion diffractively: Academic life everywhere and all the time. International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education, 31 (6), 465-486. [Article]

TAYLOR, Carol and HARRIS-EVANS, Jean (2018). Reconceptualising transition to Higher Education with Deleuze and Guattari. Studies in Higher Education, 43 (7), 1254-1267. [Article]

TAYLOR, Carol, HARRIS-EVANS, Jean, GARNER, Iain, FITZGERALD, Damien and MADRIAGA, Manuel (2018). Measurement imperatives and their impact: Academic staff narratives on riding the metric tide. In: Equality and differentiation in marketised higher education: A new level playing field? Palgrave Studies in Excellence and Equity in Global Education . Palgrave Macmillan, 171-194. [Book Section]

TAYLOR, Carol and HUGHES, Christina (2016). Introduction. In: TAYLOR, Carol and HUGHES, Christina, (eds.) Posthuman research practices in education. Palgrave Macmillan, 1-4. [Book Section]

TAYLOR, Carol and MCCAIG, Colin (2014). Evaluating the impact of number controls, choice and competition : an analysis of the student profile and the student learning environment in the new higher education landscape. Project Report. York, Higher Education Academy. [Monograph]

TAYLOR, Carol and STEVENSON, Jacqueline (2017). Leadership of academic writing development in England: narratives of problems, pragmatism and possibility. In: SU, Feng and WOOD, Margaret, (eds.) Cosmopolitan perspectives on academic leadership in higher education. Perspectives on leadership in higher education . London, Bloomsbury, 91-106. [Book Section]

TAYLOR, Carol A. (2011). ‘Hope in failure’: A Level students, discursive agency, post-feminism and feminism. Gender and Education, 23 (7), 825-841. [Article]

TAYLOR, Carol A. (2011). ‘I did it my way’: voice, visuality and identity in doctoral students' reflexive videonarratives on their doctoral research journeys. International Journal of Research and Method in Education, 34 (2), 193-210. [Article]

TAYLOR, Carol A. (2011). More than meets the eye : the use of videonarratives to facilitate doctoral students’ reflexivity on their doctoral journeys. Studies in Higher Education, 36 (4), 441-458. [Article]

TAYLOR, Carol A. (2009). Student voice : theorising power and participation. Pedagogy, Culture and Society, 17 (2), 161-175. [Article]

TAYLOR, Carol A. and ROBINSON, Carol (2014). ‘What matters in the end is to act well’: student engagement and ethics. In: BRYSON, Colin, (ed.) Understanding and developing student engagement. The Staff and Educational Development Series (SEDA series) . Abingdon, Routledge, 161-175. [Book Section]

TAYLOR, R. E. (2006). Actions speak as loud as words; a multimodal analysis of boys' talk in the classroom. English in education, 40 (3), 66-82. [Article]

TAYLOR, Roberta (2014). Meaning between, in and around words, gestures and postures – multimodal meaning-making in children's classroom discourse. Language and Education, 28 (5), 401-420. [Article]

TAYLOR, Roberta (2014). Meaning between, in, and around words, gestures and postures: multimodal meaning making in children's classroom communication. Language and Education, 28 (5), 401-420. [Article]

TAYLOR, Roberta (2016). The multimodal texture of engagement: prosodic language, gaze and posture in engaged, creative classroom interaction. Thinking Skills and Creativity, 20, 83-96. [Article]

TAZZYMAN, Sarah, BOWES, Lindsay, MORETON, Rachel, MADRIAGA, Manuel and MCCAIG, Colin (2018). Report: National Collaborative Outreach Programme Year one report of the national formative and impact evaluation, including capacity building with NCOP consortia. Project Report. CFE Research for HEFCE. [Monograph]

TAZZYMAN, Sarah, BOWES, Lindsey, MORETON, Rachel, MADRIAGA, Manuel and MCCAIG, Colin (2018). Year one report of the national formative and impact evaluation, including capacity building with NCOP consortia. Project Report. Bristol, HEFCE. [Monograph]

TRICKEY, S., COLDWELL, Michael, HOLLAND, Mike, CLOSE, Paul and RYBINSKI, D. (2005). Evaluation of valued youth: a national peer-tutoring programme to increase self confidence and motivation. In: European Conference on Educational Research, University College Dublin, September 7-10 2005. [Conference or Workshop Item]

TRICKEY, S., HOLLAND, M. R., COLDWELL, M. R. and RYBINSKI, D. (2004). Evaluating teachers' and trainers' development in a large scale curriculum development project in South Yorkshire. In: Annual Conference of the British Educational Research Association, UMIST, Manchester, 16-18 September 2004. [Conference or Workshop Item]


WARMINGTON, Paul, GILLBORN, David, ROLLOCK, Nicola and DEMACK, Sean (2017). “They can’t handle the race agenda”: stakeholders’ reflections on race and education policy, 1993–2013. Educational Review, 70 (4), 409-426. [Article]

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WILLIAMS, Louise, NIXON, Sarah, HENNESSY, Claire, MAHON, Elizabeth and ADAMS, Gill (2016). Inspiring to inspire: developing teaching in Higher Education. Cogent Education, 3, 1-12. [Article]

WILLIS, Benjamin, CLAGUE, Lucy and COLDWELL, Michael (2013). Effective PSHE education: values, purposes and future directions. Pastoral Care in Education: An International Journal of Personal, Social and Emotional Development, 31 (2), 99-111. [Article]

WOLSTENHOLME, Claire, COLDWELL, Michael and STIELL, Bernadette (2014). Independent Review Panel and First-tier Tribunal Exclusion Appeals systems : Research Report. Project Report. Department for Education. [Monograph]

WOLSTENHOLME, Claire and WILLIS, Benjamin (2016). Personal Social Health & Economic (PSHE) Education under the coalition government. Project Report. Sheffield, UK, Sheffield Hallam University. [Monograph]

WOLSTENHOLME, Claire, WILLIS, Benjamin and CULLINEY, Martin (2016). Evaluation of the impact of Jigsaw the mindful approach to PSHE on primary schools. Project Report. Sheffield, Sheffield Hallam University. [Monograph]

WOODS, P. and SIMKINS, Timothy (2014). Understanding the local: themes and issues in the experience of structural reform in England. Educational Management Administration & Leadership, 42 (3), 324-340. [Article]

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