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KIMYONGÜR, Angela and WIGELSWORTH, Amy, eds. (2014). Rewriting Wrongs: French Crime Fiction and the Palimpsest. Newcastle, Cambridge Scholars Publishing. [Edited Book]

BERGER, Ron, HERSTEIN, Ram, SILBIGER, Avi and BARNES, Bradley (2017). Developing international business relationships in a Russian context. Management International Review, 57 (3), 441-471. [Article]

BERGER, Ron, LAMOND, David, GAVISH, Yossi and HERSTEIN, Ram (2016). The evolution of management from a trust to arm’s length model in family run businesses: the case of the diamond industry. Journal of Management History, 22 (3), 341-362. [Article]

BLACKBURN, Michelle and SWAILES, Stephen (2016). Employee reactions to talent pool membership. Employee Relations, 38 (1), 112-128. [Article]

COOMBES, Philip and AL-ABDIN, Ahmed (2016). The evolution and structure of internet-based consumer research : a citation analysis. In: 4th International Conference on Contemporary Marketing Issues, Heraklion, Crete, Greece, 22-24 June 2016. (Submitted) [Conference or Workshop Item]

COULE, Tracey, M. and BENNETT, Ellen (2016). Rhetoric, organizational category dynamics and institutional change : a study of the UK Welfare State. Public Administration, 94 (4), 1059-1076. [Article]

GENTINA, Elodie and SINGH, Pallavi (2015). How national culture and parental style affect the process of adolescents’ ecological resocialization. Sustainability, 7 (6), 7581-7603. [Article]

GIUSTI, Giulio (2013). Expressionist use of colour palette and set design in Dario Argento’s Suspiria (1977). Cinergie: il cinema e le altre arti (4), 154-165. [Article]

GIUSTI, Giulio L. (2015). Pictorial imagery, camerawork, and soundtrack in Dario Argento’s Deep Red. Acta Universitatis Sapientiae: Film and Media Studies, 11, 159-179. [Article]

KONWAR, Ziko, PAPAGEORGIADIS, Nikolaos, AHAMMAD, Mohammad Faisal, TIAN, Yumiao, MCDONALD, Frank and WANG, Chengang (2017). Dynamic marketing capabilities, foreign ownership modes, sub-national locations and the performance of foreign affiliates in developing economies. International Marketing Review, 34 (5), 674-704. [Article]

LASSALLE, Paul and MCELWEE, Gerard (2016). Polish entrepreneurs in Glasgow and Entrepreneurial Opportunity Structure. International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research, 22 (2). [Article]

MORGAN, Gareth G (2015). Charitable Incorporated Organisations : an analysis of the three UK jurisdictions. Nonprofit Policy Forum, 6 (1), 25-44. [Article]

PATTINSON, Steven, PREECE, David and DAWSON, Patrick (2016). In search of innovative capabilities of communities of practice : a systematic review and typology for future research. Management Learning, 47 (5), 506-524. [Article]

PROWSE, Peter and FELLS, Ray (2016). The living wage : policy and practice. Industrial Relations Journal, 47 (2), 144-162. [Article]

RIDLEY-DUFF, Rory and BULL, Mike (2014). Entrepreneurship : value-added ventures. In: CONAWAY, Roger N. and LAASCH, Oliver, (eds.) Principles of responsible management : glocal sustainability, responsibility, and ethics. Boston, South Western College Publishing, 186-219. [Book Section]

SILBIGER, Avi, BERGER, Ron, BARNES, Bradley and RENWICK, Douglas (2017). Improving expatriation success : the roles of regulatory focus and burnout. British Journal Of Management, 28 (2). [Article]

SUCKLEY, Louise, DOBSON, Stephen, BARTON, Rachel and RODRIGUEZ, Liliana (2012). Understanding Innovation in the Workspace: A case study. In: Work, Wellbeing and Performance: Thriving in times of uncertainty, Sheffield, 26th - 28th June 2012. (Submitted) [Conference or Workshop Item]

WILMOT, Natalie, RUSHTON, Diane and ZANDONA HOFMANN, Anelise Seleme (2016). Reaching across continents : engaging students through virtual collaborations. Higher Education Pedagogies, 1 (1), 121-139. [Article]


AHAMMAD, Mohammad, LEONE, Vitor, TARBA, Shlomo, KEITH, Glaister and AHMAD, Arslan (2017). Equity ownership in cross-border mergers and acquisitions by British firms: an analysis of real options and transaction cost factors. British Journal Of Management, 28 (2), 180-196. [Article]

AHAMMAD, Mohammad, TARBA, Shlomo, LIU, Yipeng, GLAISTER, Keith and COOPER, Cary (2016). Exploring the factors influencing the negotiation process in cross-border M&A. International Business Review, 25 (2), 445-457. [Article]

ALONSO-PEREZ, Rosa and SANCHEZ REQUENA, Alicia (2018). Teaching foreign languages through audiovisual translation resources: teachers’ perspectives. Applied Language Learning, 28 (2), 1-24. [Article]

BEGIAZI, Kyriaki and KATSIAMPA, Paraskevi (2018). Modelling UK house prices with structural breaks and conditional variance analysis. The Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics. [Article]

BENNETT, Anthony (2018). Pedagogic challenges to the hegemony of neo-liberal business and management teaching. In: MELLING, Alethea and PILKINGTON, Ruth, (eds.) Paulo Freire and transformative education : changing lives and transforming communities. Palgrave Macmillan, 43-56. (In Press) [Book Section]

BISHOP, Neil, RIDLEY-DUFF, Rory and MORGAN, Gareth (2016). Profit generation or community resource? Studying attitudes to the operation of a post office by a charity. In: ISBE Conference 2016, Paris, 27-28 October. (Submitted) [Conference or Workshop Item]

BISHOP, Neil, RIDLEY-DUFF, Rory and MORGAN, Gareth (2016). Profit generation or community resource? Studying attitudes to the operation of a post office by a charity. Social Enterprise Journal, 12 (3). [Article]

BREEN, Oonagh B., CORDERY, Carolyn J., CRAWFORD, Louise and MORGAN, Gareth G. (2018). Should NPOs follow international standards for financial reporting? A multinational study of views. Voluntas: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations, 29 (6), 1330-1346. [Article]

BREEN, Oonagh, B, FORD, Patrick and MORGAN, Gareth G (2009). Cross-Border Issues in the Regulation of Charities: Experiences from the UK and Ireland. International Journal of Not-for-Profit Law, 11 (3), 5-41. [Article]

BREESE, Richard (2012). Benefits realisation management: panacea or false dawn? International Journal of Project Management, 30 (3), 341-351. [Article]

BREESE, Richard (2007). Joining up public services : a critical realist framework for holistic governance. Doctoral, Sheffield Hallam University. [Thesis]

BREESE, Richard, EYRE, Graham and COGILL, Peter (2012). Change management - practising what we teach: successfully engaging international students in the teaching, learning & assessment process. Student Engagement and Experience Journal, 1 (1), 1-14. [Article]

BREESE, Richard, JENNER, Stephen, SERRA, Carlos Eduardo Martins and THORP, John (2015). Benefits management : lost or found in translation. International Journal of Project Management, 33 (7), 1438-1451. [Article]

BUCKLEY, Peter, CLEGG, Jeremy, CROSS, Adam, LIU, Xin, VOSS, Hinrich and ZHENG, Lucy (2017). A retrospective and agenda for future research on Chinese outward foreign direct investment. Journal of International Business Studies, 49 (1), 4-23. [Article]

BULL, M., RIDLEY-DUFF, R., FOSTER, D. and SEANOR, P. (2008). Seeing social enterprise through the theoretical conceptualisation of ethical capital. In: Institute for Small Business and Entrepreneurship Conference, Belfast, 5-7 November 2008. [Conference or Workshop Item]

BULL, M., RIDLEY-DUFF, R. J., FOSTER, D. and SEANOR, P. (2010). Conceptualising ethical capital in social enterprises. Social Enterprise Journal, 6 (3), 250-264. [Article]

COOMBES, Philip and NICHOLSON, John (2016). Open Business Models and Industrial Marketing: A Multiple Industry-Practice Perspective. In: 32nd Annual IMP Conference, Poznan, Poland, 30 August - 3 September 2016. [Conference or Workshop Item]

COOMBES, Philip and NICHOLSON, John (2016). Open business models and industrial marketing : a multiple industry-practice perspective. In: 32nd Industrial Marketing and Purchasing Conference, Poznan, Poland, 30 August - 3 September 2016. (Unpublished) [Conference or Workshop Item]

CORDERY, Carolyn J, CRAWFORD, Louise, BREEN, Oonagh B and MORGAN, Gareth G (2018). International practices, beliefs and values in not-for-profit financial reporting. Accounting Forum, 43 (1), 16-41. [Article]

CORDERY, Carolyn J, FOWLER, Carolyn J and MORGAN, Gareth G (2016). The development of incorporated structures for charities: a 100 year comparison of England and New Zealand. Accounting History, 21 (2-3), 281-303. [Article]

COULE, Tracey (2017). Group Methods. In: CASSELL, Cathy, CUNLIFFE, Ann and GRANDY, Gina, (eds.) The SAGE handbook of qualitative business and management research methods. Volume two : Methods and Challenges. London, SAGE, 117-132. [Book Section]

COULE, Tracey and BENNETT, Ellen (2018). State-voluntary relations in contemporary welfare systems: New politics or voluntary action as usual? Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly, 47 (4), 139s-158s. [Article]

COULE, Tracey M. (2015). Nonprofit governance and accountability : broadening the theoretical perspective. Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly, 44 (1), 75-97. [Article]

CRAWFORD, Louise, MORGAN, Gareth and CORDERY, Carolyn (2018). Accountability and not-for-profit organisations: implications for developing international financial reporting standards. Financial Accountability & Management, 34 (2), 181-205. [Article]

CRONE, Michael (2015). City-regions, International Business and (Uneven) Development : Some Observations and Themes for Future Research. In: British Academy of Management Annual Conference (Symposium on Cities and the Strategies of Multinational Corporations), University of Portsmouth, 8-10 September 2015. (Unpublished) [Conference or Workshop Item]

CRONE, Michael (2015). Comparing and Contrasting International Business and Economic Geography Perspectives on the ‘Place, Space and Organisation’ of Service Offshoring. In: Academy of International Business (UK & Ireland Chapter) 42nd Annual Conference. Special track on 'Geographies of Cities: Rescaling International Business', Manchester Metropolitan University, 16-18 April 2015. (Unpublished) [Conference or Workshop Item]

CRONE, Michael (2012). New venture internationalisation and the cluster life cycle : interdisciplinary insights on Ireland’s indigenous software industry. In: Academy of International Business (UK & Ireland Chapter) 39th Annual Conference, University of Liverpool, 29-31 March 2012. (Unpublished) [Conference or Workshop Item]

CRONE, Michael (2013). New venture internationalisation and the cluster life cycle: insights from Ireland’s indigenous software industry. In: COOK, Gary and JOHNS, Jennifer, (eds.) The changing geography of international business. Basingstoke, Palgrave, 1-8. [Book Section]

CRONE, Michael (2016). Offshoring, Outsourcing and Services FDI in Europe’s ‘Old Periphery’: Probing the Experience of Northern Ireland. In: BEEREPOOT, Niels, LAMBREGTS, Bart and KLOOSTERMAN, Robert, (eds.) Globalisation and New Patterns of Services Sector Driven Growth : perspectives from the North and South. The dynamics of economic space . Routledge, 119-141. [Book Section]

CRONE, Michael (2012). Re-thinking ‘peripherality’ in a knowledge-intensive service-dominated economy. In: DANSON, Mike and DE SOUZA, Peter, (eds.) Regional development in Northern Europe : peripherality, marginality and border issues. Regions and cities . Routledge. [Book Section]

CRONE, Michael and MCCOY, Paul (2011). Service Offshoring and Cultural Differences: Evidence from a US Financial Services Multinational’s Operations in Three EU Countries. In: Academy of International Business (UK & Ireland Chapter) 38th Annual Conference, University of Edinburgh, 14-16 April 2011. (Unpublished) [Conference or Workshop Item]

DARABI, Fariba (2013). Developing business school/SME collaboration: the role of trust. Doctoral, Sheffield Hallam University. [Thesis]

DARDER, Laia (2014). Exploring the translation of animated films : quantifying audiences’ perception of characters that speak in different varieties of English, Spanish and Catalan. Journal of Research Design and Statistics in Linguistics and Communication Science, 1 (2), 147-168. [Article]

DE NORMANVILLE, Clare, WREN, David and RIDLEY-DUFF, Rory (2015). Workforce participation : learning from the co-operative sector. In: 5th EMES International Research Conference on Social Enterprise, Helsinki, June 30th - 3rd July. (In Press) [Conference or Workshop Item]

DENG, Kent and ZHENG, Lucy (2015). Economic restructuring and demographic growth: demystifying growth and development in Northern Song China, 960-1127. Economic History Review, 68 (4), 1107-1131. [Article]

DING, Huiping, FU, Yanan, ZHENG, Lucy and YAN, Zhu (2018). Determinants of the competitive advantage of dairy supply chains: Evidence from the Chinese dairy industry. International Journal of Production Economics. [Article]

DING, Huiping, LIU, Qian and ZHENG, Lucy (2016). Assessing the economic performance of an environmental sustainable supply chain in reducing environmental externalities. European Journal of Operational Research, 255 (2), 463-480. [Article]

DING, Huiping, WANG, Li and ZHENG, Lucy (2018). Collaborative mechanism on profit allotment and public health for a sustainable supply chain. European Journal of Operational Research, 267 (2), 478-495. [Article]

DOBSON, Stephen, BARTON, Rachel, SUCKLEY, Louise and RODRIGUEZ, Liliana (2012). The socio‐spatial nature of organisational creativity: experiences along the road toward transdisciplinarity. In: Understanding Interdisciplinarity: Theory and Practice - An International Conference, Sheffield, 12th - 14th June 2012. (Unpublished) [Conference or Workshop Item]

DOBSON, Stephen, BRESLIN, Dermot, SUCKLEY, Louise, BARTON, Rachel and RODRIGUEZ, Liliana (2012). Evolving innovation through office knowledge networks : mapping the ephemeral architecture of organizational creativity. In: 12th EURAM 2012 : Social Innovation for Competitiveness, Organisational Performance and Human Excellence, Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University, Rotterdam, The Netherlands, 6th - 8th June 2012. (Unpublished) [Conference or Workshop Item]

DOBSON, Stephen, SUKUMAR, Arun, RIDLEY-DUFF, Rory, ROAST, Chris and ABELL, Benjamin (2015). Reciprocity and resilience: teaching and learning sustainable social enterprise through gaming. Journal of Organisational Transformation & Social Change, 12 (1), 42-56. [Article]

DUNCAN, Graham and RIDLEY-DUFF, Rory (2013). Appreciative inquiry as a method of transforming identity and power in Pakistani women. In: Appreciative Inquiry: a method of working with disadvantaged people, St Mary's Church, 19th March, 2 - 4.30. (Unpublished) [Conference or Workshop Item]

DUNCAN, Graham and RIDLEY-DUFF, Rory (2014). Appreciative inquiry as a method of transforming identity and power in Pakistani women. Action Research, 12 (2), 117-134. [Article]

DUNN, Katie and HARNESS, David (2018). Communicating corporate social responsibility in a social world: The effects of company-generated and user-generated social media content on CSR attributions and scepticism. Journal of Marketing Management, 34 (17-18), 1503-1529. [Article]

FELLS, Ray, ROGERS, Helen, PROWSE, Peter and OTT, Ursula (2015). Unravelling business negotiations: understanding how to achieve satisfactory outcomes. Negotiation Conflict Management Resarch, 8 (2), 119-136. [Article]

FLETCHER, Neil and RIDLEY-DUFF, Rory (2018). Management accounting information and the board meeting of an English further education college. Qualitative Research in Accounting & Management, 15 (3), 313-340. [Article]

GANZ, Benjamin and GRIMES, Anthony (2018). How claim specificity can improve claim credibility in Green Advertising: Measures that can boost outcomes from environmental product claims. Journal of Advertising Research, 58 (2). [Article]

GILL, Jameson (2014). Evaluating the meme concept : the case for a cultural optimon. In: EURAM 2014, Valencia, 4-7 June 2014. [Conference or Workshop Item]

GILL, Jameson (2011). An Investigation of cultural complexity via memetics: Methodological rationale and its operationalisation. In: Sheffield Doctoral Conference, Sheffield, 19-20th April 2011. (Unpublished) [Conference or Workshop Item]

GILL, Jameson (2011). Memes and narrative analysis: A potential direction for the development of neo-Darwinian orientated research in organisations. In: Euram 11 : proceedings of the European Academy of Management. European Academy of Management. [Book Section]

GILL, Jameson (2012). An extra-memetic empirical methodology to accompany theoretical memetics. International Journal of Organizational Analysis, 20 (3), 323-336. [Article]

GILL, Jameson (2015). The story's end : a narrative analysis of entrepreneurial exit. In: EURAM 2015, Warsaw, 16 to 20 June. [Conference or Workshop Item]

GILLIGAN, Christine (2012). Can postmodernism contribute to saving the world? In: MCCLEAN, Rachel, (ed.) ECRM 2012 Proceedings of the 11th European Conference on Research Methodology for Business and Management Studies, Bolton, UK. Reading, Academic Publishing International Limited, 461-469. [Book Section]

GILLIGAN, Christine (2013). Sensemaking for sustainable development : complexity thinking as a behaviour change approach. In: 16th ERSCP (European Roundtable on Sustainable Consumption and Production conference) and 7th EMSR, Istanbul, Turkey, June 2013. (Unpublished) [Conference or Workshop Item]

GILLIGAN, Christine (2013). Understanding sustainable development in the voluntary sector: a complex problem. Doctoral, Sheffield Hallam University. [Thesis]

GILLIGAN, Christine (2008). The need for new types of organisation for the new century. International Journal of Green Economics (IJGE), 2 (4), 353-371. [Article]

GILLIGAN, Christine and O'LEARY, Christine (2016). Redesigning the curriculum to incorporate PRME: Working together. In: 3rd annual PRME Chapter UK & Ireland conference 2016, University of Nottingham, 29-30 June 2016. (Unpublished) [Conference or Workshop Item]

GILLIGAN, Christine and RIDLEY-DUFF, Rory (2015). Principles for Responsible Management Education, 2015 SIP Report by Sheffield Business School. Project Report. Sheffield, Sheffield Business School. [Monograph]

GILLIGAN, Christine and RIDLEY-DUFF, Rory (2018). Principles of Responsible Management Education (PRME): SIP Report SIP Report for Sheffield Business School. Project Report. United Nations (PRME Initiative), Sheffield Hallam University. [Monograph]

GIUSTI, Giulio (2010). Turbamenti figurativi: conversazione con Dario Argento. Filmcritica (609/10), 490-496. [Article]

GKILLAS, Konstantinos and KATSIAMPA, Paraskevi (2018). An application of extreme value theory to cryptocurrencies. Economics Letters, 164, 109-111. [Article]

GRIMES, Anthony, MEDWAY, Dominic, FOOS, Adrienne and GOATMAN, Anna (2015). Impact bias in student evaluations of higher education. Studies in higher education, 42 (6), 945-962. [Article]

GRIMES, Anthony and STAFFORD, Tom (2012). Memory enhances the mere exposure effect. Psychology and Marketing, 29 (12), 995-1003. [Article]

HUGGINS, Robert and JOHNSTON, Andrew (2010). Knowledge flow across inter-firm networks: the influence of network resources, spatial proximity, and firm size. Entrepreneurship and regional development, 22 (5), 457-484. [Article]

HUGGINS, Robert and JOHNSTON, Andrew (2009). The economic and innovation contribution of universities: a regional perspective. Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy, 27 (6), 1088-1106. [Article]

HUGGINS, Robert, JOHNSTON, Andrew and STEFFENSON, Rebecca (2008). Universities, knowledge networks and regional policy. Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy and Society, 1 (2), 321-340. [Article]

HUGGINS, Robert, JOHNSTON, Andrew and STRIDE, Chris (2012). Knowledge networks and universities : locational and organisational aspects of knowledge transfer interactions. Entrepreneurship and regional development, 24 (7-8), 475-502. [Article]

JOHNSTON, Andrew (2009). Which sectors are driving regional economic development? Comparing the effects of changes in employment in knowledge-based and consumption-based sectors on regional economic performance. Local Economy, 24 (2), 125-139. [Article]

JOHNSTON, Andrew and HUGGINS, Robert (2015). Drivers of university–industry links : the case of knowledge-intensive business service firms in rural locations. Regional Studies, 50 (8), 1330-1345. [Article]

JOHNSTON, Andrew and HUGGINS, Robert (2018). Partner selection and university-industry linkages: Assessing small firms' initial perceptions of the credibility of their partners. Technovation, 78, 15-26. [Article]

JOHNSTON, Andrew and HUGGINS, Robert (2015). University-industry links and the determinants of their spatial scope : a study of the knowledge intensive business services sector. Papers in Regional Science, 96 (2), 247-260. [Article]

JOHNSTON, Andrew and HUGGINS, Robert (2016). The spatio-relational nature of urban innovation systems: Universities, knowledge intensive business service firms, and collaborative networks. Journal of Urban Technology, 23 (1), 29-52. [Article]

JOHNSTON, Paul, NICHOLSON, John and KELLY, Simon Proposing business-to-business customer value: towards a conceptualisation of the value proposing actor. In: -. [Conference or Workshop Item]

KATSIAMPA, Paraskevi (2017). Volatility estimation for Bitcoin: A comparison of GARCH models. Economics Letters, 158, 3-6. [Article]

KEMP, Juliet H and MORGAN, Gareth (2019). Incidence and perceptions of “qualified” accounts filed by small charities. Accounting forum, 43 (1), 62-84. [Article]

KHATTAK, Zeeshan and RIDLEY-DUFF, Rory (2014). The effects of gender diversity on work group performance in Pakistani universities. In: EURAM 2014, Valencia, June 2014. [Conference or Workshop Item]

KOENIG, Sarah P. and GILL, Jameson (2015). Investigating the uncertainty of new international ventures via micro marketing discourse research : a case of mixed e-commerce and physical channels. In: EURAM 15, Warsaw, 16-20 June. [Conference or Workshop Item]

KONWAR, Ziko, MCDONALD, Frank, WANG, Chengang and WEI, Yingqi (2015). Do foreign ownership modes matter for FDI spillovers? In: KONARA, Palitha, JUNG HA, Yoo, MCDONALD, Frank and WEI, Yingqi, (eds.) The Rise of Multinationals from Emerging Economies : Achieving a New Balance. Academy of International Business (UKI) Series . London, Palgrave Macmillan, 243-262. [Book Section]

KONWAR, Ziko, MCDONALD, Frank, WANG, Chengang and WEI, Yingqi (2015). Sub-national locations and FDI spillovers : theory and evidence. In: KONARA, Palitha, HA, Yoo Jung, MCDONALD, Frank and WEI, Yingqi, (eds.) The Rise of multinationals from emerging economies : achieving a new balance. Academy of International Business (UKI) Series . Palgrave Macmillan. [Book Section]

LAHLAFI, Alison and RUSHTON, Diane (2013). Development, implementation and impact of active and reflective learning initiatives to improve web searching skills of international business students at Sheffield Hallam University, UK. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 93, 885-894. [Article]

LAHLAFI, Alison and RUSHTON, Diane (2011). Enhancing graduate skills for a knowledge-based economy: collaborating with information specialists. In: Enhancing graduate impact. Oxford Brookes, HEA. [Book Section]

LASSALLE, Paul, NICHOLSON, John and MILENA, Ratajczak-Mrozek (2016). The embeddedness of migrant entrepreneurs and the process of opportunity creation. In: 32nd Annual Industrial Marketing and Purchasing Conference, Poznan, Poland, 30 August - 3 September 2016. (In Press) [Conference or Workshop Item]

LEGER, Lawrence A., GLASS, Karligash, KATSIAMPA, Paraskevi, LIU, Shibo and SIRICHAND, Kavita (2015). What if best practice is too expensive? Feedback on oral presentations and efficient use of resources. Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education, 42 (3), 329-346. [Article]

LOUIS, Anja (2018). Private pain versus public shame: González Sinde’s female lawyer in La suerte dormida/Sleeping Luck (2003). Law and Humanities, 12 (1), 17-41. [Article]

LOUIS, Anja (2016). Spain. In: ROBSON, Peter and SCHULZ, Jennifer, (eds.) A transnational study of law and justice on TV. Oxford, Hart. [Book Section]

LOUIS, Anja (2012). Television divorce in post-Franco Spain: Anillos de oro (Wedding Rings). In: Law and Justice on the Small Screen. Oxford, Hart, 347-359. [Book Section]

LOUIS, Anja (2012). Whatever Next? Women's Rights in Sáenz de Heredia's Los derechos de la mujer(1962). Bulletin of Spanish Studies, 89 (1), 87-104. [Article]

MAKHMADSHOEV, Dilshod, IBEH, Kevin and CRONE, Michael (2015). Institutional influences on SME exporters under divergent transition paths: Comparative insights from Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan. International Business Review, 24 (6), 1025-1038. [Article]

MAY, D. and SUCKLEY, Louise (2005). Ward housekeepers in mental health environments. Facilities, 23 (13/14), 608-620. [Article]

MCCULLOCH, Maureen and RIDLEY-DUFF, Rory (2016). Beyond accounting for capitals : FairShares – a model for recompensing capital contributions. Rethinking Capitals, 4. [Article]

MORGAN, Gareth G and FLETCHER, Neil J (2013). Mandatory public benefit reporting as a basis for charity accountability: findings from England & Wales. VOLUNTAS: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations, 24 (3), 805-830. [Article]

MORGAN, Gareth G and TAYLOR, Marilyn (2005). Funding for voluntary sector infrastructure: a case study analysis. ISTR Working Papers, IV, 1-11. [Article]

MORRIS, Debra and MORGAN, Gareth G (2017). Strengthening charity regulation in England and Wales? The Charities (Protection and Social Investment) Act 2016 and the impact of academic witnesses. Voluntary Sector Review, 8 (1), 89-106. [Article]

MYNARD, Jo, MIDEROS, Diego and O'LEARY, Christine (Eds) (2018). Introduction. Special Issue Featuring Papers From the AILA Congress: Research Network on Learner Autonomy Symposium, Rio de Janeiro, July, 2017. Studies in Self-Access Learning (SISAL), 9 (3), 242-246. [Article]

NGUYEN, Hang TT (2018). Managing Knowledge Integration across Boundaries, by Fredrick Tell, Christian Berggren, Stefano Brusoni, and Andrew Van de Ven (eds) Oxford University Press, 2017. Industrial Relations Journal, 48 (5-6), 518-520. [Article]

NICHOLSON, John D., LAPLACA, Peter, AL-ABDIN, Ahmed, BREESE, Richard and KHAN, Zaheer (2018). What do introduction sections tell us about the intent of scholarly work: A contribution on contributions. Industrial Marketing Management, 73, 206-219. [Article]

O'LEARY, Christine (2018). Exploring the development of learner autonomy from a postmodern and social constructivist perspective: prioritising voices. The Learner Development Journal, 2. [Article]

O'LEARY, Christine (2018). Postmodernism as a Theoretical Framework for Learner Autonomy Research. Studies in Self-Access Learning (SISAL), 9 (3), 342-370. [Article]

O'LEARY, Christine and GIOVE, Samantha (2013). Fostering student engagement. Student Engagement and Experience Journal, 2 (2). [Article]

OTT, Ursula, PROWSE, Peter, FELLS, Ray and ROGERS, Helen (2016). The DNA of negotiations as a set theoretic concept : a theoretical and empirical analysis. Journal of Business Research, 69 (9), 3561-3587. [Article]

PATTINSON, Steven (2011). Cultivating communities of practice for innovation: What about SMEs? In: 27th EGOS Colloquium, Gothenburg, July 6–9, 2011, Gothenburg, Sweden, July 6-9, 2011. (Unpublished) [Conference or Workshop Item]

PATTINSON, Steven (2016). Strategic thinking : intelligent opportunism and emergent strategy – the case of Strategic Engineering Services. International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation, 17 (1), 65-70. [Article]

PATTINSON, Steven and PREECE, David (2014). Communities of practice, knowledge acquisition and innovation: a case study of science-based small firms. Journal of Knowledge Management, 18 (1), 107-120. [Article]

PATTINSON, Steven, PREECE, David and DAVIES, Mark (2015). Facilitating collaboration in the new product development process of science-based SMEs: a communities of practice perspective. In: SOFI Seminar Series, Teesside University Business School, November 2015. (Unpublished) [Conference or Workshop Item]

PHAM, Thi Song Hanh and AHAMMAD, Faisal Mohammad (2017). Antecedents and consequences of online customer satisfaction: A holistic process perspective. Technological Forecasting and Social Change. [Article]

PROWSE, Julie and PROWSE, Peter (2015). Flexible working and work-life balance: Midwives’ experiences and views. Work, Employment and Society, 29 (5), 757-774. [Article]

PROWSE, Peter (2018). Introduction to the Low Pay and the `Real` Living Wage. In: Managing People in Times of Social Transformation : An International and Cross Border Perspective. ., Hang Seng College, Hong Kong, 3-5th July 2018. (Unpublished) [Conference or Workshop Item]

PROWSE, Peter and DOBBINS, Tony (2017). English Footballs Richest Clubs fail to pay staff a real Living. In: Play the Game 2017-Riding the Waves of Change, Eindhoven, The Netherlands, 26-30 November 2017. [Conference or Workshop Item]

PROWSE, Peter, FELLS, Ray, ARROWSMITH, James, PARKER, Jane and LOPES, Ana (2017). Low pay and the living wage. Employee Relations, 39 (6), 778-784. [Article]

PROWSE, Peter, FELLS, Ray and LOPES, Ana (2017). Community and union-led living wage campaigns. Employee Relations, 39 (6), 825-839. [Article]

PROWSE, Peter, PROWSE, Julie and SNOOK, Jereme (2017). Austerity and the Living Wage: the Case of Care Workers in England. In: International Labour Process Conference, Sheffield University, Sheffield University, Sheffield, 4-6 April 2017. (Unpublished) [Conference or Workshop Item]

RENWICK, Douglas W.S., JABBOUR, Charbel J.C., MULLER-CAMEN, Michael, REDMAN, Tom and WILKINSON, Adrian (2016). Contemporary developments in Green (environmental) HRM scholarship. International Journal of Human Resource Management, 27 (1-2), 114-128. [Article]

RIDLEY-DUFF, R. (2010). Communitarian governance in social enterprises: case evidence from the Mondragon Cooperative Corporation and School Trends Ltd. Social enterprise journal, 6 (2), 125-145. [Article]

RIDLEY-DUFF, R. (2004). Communitarian governance: the development of management, governance and ownership models. In: 6th International Management Control Association Conference, Edinburgh, 12th-14th July. [Conference or Workshop Item]

RIDLEY-DUFF, R. (2007). Communitarian perspectives on social enterprise. Corporate governance: an international review, 15 (2), 382-392. [Article]

RIDLEY-DUFF, R. (2009). Cooperative social enterprises: company rules, access to finance and management practice. Social Enterprise Journal, 5 (1), 50-68. [Article]

RIDLEY-DUFF, R. (2008). Gendering, courtship and pay equality: developing attraction theory to understand work-life balance and entrepreneurial activity. In: Institute for Small Business and Entrepreneurship Conference, Belfast, November 5-7 2008. [Conference or Workshop Item]

RIDLEY-DUFF, R. (2005). Interpersonal dynamics: a communitarian perspective. In: MCA-ENROAC Conference, Antwerp, 7th-9th April. [Conference or Workshop Item]

RIDLEY-DUFF, R. (2006). Social enterprise as a socially rational business. In: Social Enterprise Research Conference, South Bank University, London, 22nd-23rd June. [Conference or Workshop Item]

RIDLEY-DUFF, R. J. (2010). Emotion, seduction and intimacy: alternative perspectives on human behaviour. Silent Revolution Series . Seattle, Libertary Editions. [Authored Book]

RIDLEY-DUFF, R. J. (2008). Social enterprise as a socially rational business. International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behaviour and Research, 14 (5), 291-312. [Article]

RIDLEY-DUFF, Rory (2005). Communitarian perspectives on corporate governance. Doctoral, Sheffield Hallam University. [Thesis]

RIDLEY-DUFF, Rory (2018). Cooperative social entrepreneurship: reflecting on a decade of embedding cooperative studies in social enterprise courses. In: Co-operative Education Conference 2018, Federation House, Manchester, 1-2 May 2018. (Unpublished) [Conference or Workshop Item]

RIDLEY-DUFF, Rory (2015). The FairShares Model : an ethical approach to social enterprise development? Econviews, 28 (1), 43-66. [Article]

RIDLEY-DUFF, Rory (2014). FairShares Model V2.0 : a new model for self-governing social enterprises operating under Association, Company and Co-operative Law. In: 1st FairShares Association Conference, Sheffield Business School, 1st July 2014. [Conference or Workshop Item]

RIDLEY-DUFF, Rory (2014). New co-operativism and the FairShares model. Stir Magazine, 7, 12-14. [Article]

RIDLEY-DUFF, Rory (2012). New frontiers in democratic self-management. In: MCDONNELL, D. and MACKNIGHT, E., (eds.) The co-operative model in practice. Glasgow, Co-operative Education Trust Scotland, 99-118. [Book Section]

RIDLEY-DUFF, Rory (2016). Rendering the social solidarity economy: exploring the case for a paradigm shift in the visibility of co operative and mutual enterprises in business education, research and policy-making. In: New Zealand Social Innovation and Entrepreneurship Research Conference, Massey University, Auckland, 10th - 12th February 2016. (In Press) [Conference or Workshop Item]

RIDLEY-DUFF, Rory (2015). The case for FairShares : a new model for social enterprise development and the strengthening of the social and solidarity economy. Charleston, CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform. [Authored Book]

RIDLEY-DUFF, Rory (2014). The case for FairShares. Other. Sheffield, FairShares Association. [Monograph]

RIDLEY-DUFF, Rory (2018). The internationalisation of FairShares model : where agency meets structure in US and UK company law. In: BOEGER, Nina and VILLIERS, Charlotte, (eds.) Shaping the Corporate Landscape. Oxford, Hart Publishing. [Book Section]

RIDLEY-DUFF, Rory and BENNETT, Anthony (2010). Mediation: developing a theoretical framework for understanding alternative dispute resolution. In: British Academy of Management, Sheffield, 14 - 16 September 2010. (Submitted) [Conference or Workshop Item]

RIDLEY-DUFF, Rory and BENNETT, Anthony (2011). Towards Mediation: developing a theoretical framework to understanding alternative dispute resolution. Industrial Relations Journal, 42 (2), 106-123. [Article]

RIDLEY-DUFF, Rory and BULL, Mike (2013). The FairShares Model: a communitarian pluralist approach to constituting social enterprises? In: ISBE Conference 2013, Cardiff City Hall, 12th-13th November. [Conference or Workshop Item]

RIDLEY-DUFF, Rory and BULL, Mike (2016). Rendering the Social Solidarity Economy: exploring the case for a paradigm shift in the visibility of co operative and mutual enterprises in business education and policy-making. In: Co-operatives - The Power to Act (2016 Scientific Articles). Lévis, Sommet international des coopératives. [Book Section]

RIDLEY-DUFF, Rory and BULL, Mike (2014). Solidarity co-operatives : an embedded historical communitarian pluralist approach to social enterprise development?(Keynote to RMIT Research Colloquium). In: 2014 Social Innovation and Entrepreneurship Research Colloquium, Melbourne, RMIT Building 80, 26th - 28th November 2014. (Unpublished) [Conference or Workshop Item]

RIDLEY-DUFF, Rory and BULL, Mike (2015). Understanding social enterprise: theory and practice. 2nd edition. London, Sage Publications. [Authored Book]

RIDLEY-DUFF, Rory, COCKMAN, Rachel, HURST, Janette, MIKE, Bull and GILLIGAN, Christine (2015). Developing a critical appreciative process to review frameworks for social enterprise education. In: International Social Innovation Research Conference, York Management School, 6th - 8th September 2015. [Conference or Workshop Item]

RIDLEY-DUFF, Rory and DUNCAN, Graham (2013). Critical appreciative processes as a methodology for studying the production of consciousness. In: Appreciative Inquiry: a method of working with disadvantaged people, St Mary's Community Centre, 17th March 2013. (Unpublished) [Conference or Workshop Item]

RIDLEY-DUFF, Rory and GRANT, Suzanne (2016). Asset-based co-operative management: OPERA as a form of critical appreciation. In: ISIRC Conference 2016 (8th International Social Innovation Research Conference), Glasgow, 5th - 7th September 2016. [Conference or Workshop Item]

RIDLEY-DUFF, Rory and HURST, Janette (2014). Responsible management in the Co-operative Movement : a report by Sheffield Business School. [Video] [Video]

RIDLEY-DUFF, Rory and PONTON, Alistair (2011). Member-Employee Engagement Project: Developing a Theoretical Model for Funded and Commercial Research. Project Report. Social Exchange, Viewpoint Research CIC. [Monograph]

RIDLEY-DUFF, Rory and PONTON, Alistair (2012). Workforce Participation: developing a theoretical framework for longitudinal research. In: UK Society for Co-operative Studies Conference 2012, Lincoln University, 2-3 Sep 2012. (Unpublished) [Conference or Workshop Item]

RIDLEY-DUFF, Rory and PONTON, Alistair (2014). Workforce participation: developing a theoretical framework for longitudinal research. Journal of Co-operative Studies, 46 (3), 5-23. [Article]

RIDLEY-DUFF, Rory, SCHMIDTCHEN, Roger, ARNOLD-SCHAARSCHMIDT, Martin, VUKOVIĆ, Sonja, WENDLING, Nika, KLERCQ, Jumbo, SOUTHCOMBE, Clıff, TRZECINSKI, Stefanie, PATAKI, Veronika, WREN, David and KÁROLY, Judit (2018). Methodology for Creating a FairShares Lab (Full Report). Project Report. FairShares Labs for Social and Blue Innovation (Erasmus+ Project). [Monograph]

RIDLEY-DUFF, Rory and SOUTHCOMBE, Cliff (2013). FairShares Co-operative - Model Articles of Association. [Artefact] [Artefact]

RIDLEY-DUFF, Rory and SOUTHCOMBE, Cliff (2013). FairShares Company - Model Articles of Association. [Artefact] [Artefact]

RIDLEY-DUFF, Rory and SOUTHCOMBE, Cliff (2011). The Social Enterprise Mark: a critical review of its conceptual dimensions. In: 34th Institute for Small Business and Entrepreneurship, University of Sheffield, 9th/10th November. [Conference or Workshop Item]

RIDLEY-DUFF, Rory and SOUTHCOMBE, Cliff (2012). The social enterprise mark: a critical review of its conceptual dimensions. Social Enterprise Journal, 8 (3), 178-200. [Article]

RIDLEY-DUFF, Rory, SOUTHCOMBE, Cliff and DICKINS, Nicci (2013). FairShares Model. FairShares Association Ltd.. [Other]

RIDLEY-DUFF, Rory and WREN, David (2018). Social Enterprise, Sustainable Development and the FairShares Model. In: YAMAMOTO, Takashi and YAGIHASHI, Keiichi, (eds.) Social Enterprise. Kyoto, Japan, Horitsu Bunka. (In Press) [Book Section]

RIDLEY-DUFF, Rory J and DUNCAN, Graham (2015). What is critical appreciation? Insights from studying the critical turn in an appreciative inquiry. Human Relations, 68 (10), 1579-1599. [Article]

SEANOR, P., BULL, M. and RIDLEY-DUFF, R. (2007). Contradictions in social enterprise: do they draw in straight lines or circles? In: Institute for Small Business and Entrepreneurship Conference, Glasgow, 7-9 November 2007. [Conference or Workshop Item]

SHARPE, Diana (2018). Researching the multinational corporation: contributions of critical realist ethnography. Critical perspectives on international business, 14 (4), 383-403. [Article]

SHARPE, Jason, SUCKLEY, Louise and PRICE, Ilfryn (2011). Re-engineering unwritten rules: an ethnographic study of an intra-organizational ecology. Working Paper. Not specified. (Submitted) [Monograph]

SHOHAM, Amir, ALMOR, Tamar, LEE, Sang Mook and AHAMMAD, Mohammad (2017). Encouraging environmental sustainability through gender : a micro-foundational approach using linguistic gender marking. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 38 (9), 1356-1379. [Article]

SUCKLEY, Louise, KELLY, Shona, LEGGE, David and PINDER, James (2014). Connecting workspace and health : a case study. In: Imagine Research Cafe, Sheffield Hallam University, February 2014. (Unpublished) [Conference or Workshop Item]

SUCKLEY, Louise, PRICE, Ilfryn and SHARPE, Jason (2013). Exploring inter-departmental barriers between production and quality. Journal of organizational ethnography, 2 (2), 173-190. [Article]

TAJEDDINI, Kayhan (2015). Exploring the antecedents of effectiveness and efficiency. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 49, 125-135. [Article]

TIAN, Yumiao, NICHOLSON, John and EKLINDER-FRICK, Jens (2016). Bridging and bonding social capital and their effects on internationalisation: an empirical study of international ‘take-off’ in Chinese SMEs. In: 32nd Annual Industrial Marketing and Purchasing Conference, Poznan, Poland, 30.08.2016 - 03.09.2016. [Conference or Workshop Item]

TIAN, Yumiao, NICHOLSON, John, EKLINDER-FRICK, Jens and JOHANSON, Martin (2017). The interplay between social capital and international opportunities: a processual study of international ‘take-off’ episodes in Chinese SMEs. Industrial Marketing Management. [Article]

VASILAKI, Athina, TARBA, Shlomo Y, AHAMMAD, Mohammad F and GLAISTER, Alison J (2016). The moderating role of transformational leadership on HR practices in M&A integration. International Journal of Human Resource Management, 27 (20), 2488-2504. [Article]

WIBBERLEY, Gemma, BENNETT, Anthony, JONES, Carol and HOLLINRAKE, Alison (2018). The role of trade unions in supporting victims of domestic violence in the workplace. Industrial Relations Journal, 49 (1), 69-85. [Article]

WIGELSWORTH, Amy (2014). Detection in the second degree in French urban mystery novels. Australasian Journal of Popular Culture, 3 (1), 19-31. [Article]

WIGELSWORTH, Amy (2014). Finishings off: Murder à la malet in Simsolo’s Les Derniers mystères de Paris. In: KIMYONGUR, Angela and WIGELSWORTH, Amy, (eds.) Rewriting wrongs: French crime fiction and the palimpsest. Newcastle Upon Tyne, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 175-190. [Book Section]

WIGELSWORTH, Amy (2017). Illustration et dissimulation dans Les Mystères de Paris : enjeux de l’édition illustrée. In: COLIN, Armand, (ed.) Le sens du social. Romantisme (175). Armand Colin, 97-112. [Book Section]

WIGELSWORTH, Amy (2015). Sex and the city : représentations du féminin dans les mystères urbains [également disponible en anglais]. Les Mystères urbains au XIXe siècle : circulations, transferts, appropriations. [Article]

WIGELSWORTH, Amy (2020). Smoke and mirrors: secret societies and self-reflexivity in the mystères urbains. Nineteenth-Century French Studies, 48 (3&4), 258-275. [Article]

ZERGUIT, Lilia, NICHOLSON, John and ELLIOTT, Carole (2016). Rethinking the boundaries of strategising-as-practice: phenomena, epiphany, epiphenomena. In: British Academy of Management (BAM) Conference 2016: Thriving in Turbulent Times. London, British Academy of Management. [Book Section]

ZHENG, Lucy, BATUO, Michael and SHEPHERD, David (2017). The Impact of Regional and Institutional Factors on Labour productive Performance : Evidence from the Township and Village Enterprise sector in China. World Development, 96, 591-598. [Article]


BRAMHALL, Mike, O'LEARY, Christine and CORKER, Chris, eds. (2010). CPLA Centre for Promoting Learner Autonomy. A Centre for Excellence in Teaching and Learning. Case Studies: Volume 2. Sheffield, Centre for Promoting Learner Autonomy. [Edited Book]

BRAMHALL, Mike, O'LEARY, Christine and CORKER, Chris, eds. (2010). CPLA Centre for Promoting Learner Autonomy. A Centre for Excellence in Teaching and Learning. Case studies: faculty projects. Sheffield, Centre for Promoting Learner Autonomy. [Edited Book]

ARPIONI, M.P. and GIUSTI, Giulio (2016). Sinestesia delle immagini: a tu per tu con Luciano Tovoli. Segnocinema (199), 2-5. [Article]

BAKER, Leila, HARRIS, Margaret, MORAN, Rebecca and MORGAN, Gareth, G (2012). The impact of the public benefit requirement in the Charities Act 2006: Perceptions, knowledge and experience. Project Report. Liverpool, UK, Charity Commission. [Monograph]

BENNETT, Anthony (2010). Employee voice initiatives in the public sector: views from the workplace. International Journal of Public Sector Management, 23 (5), 444-455. [Article]

BENNETT, Anthony (2010). Exploring the potential of the union equality representative. Employee Relations, 32 (5), 509-525. [Article]

BENNETT, Anthony (2012). From argument to agreement: resolving disputes through mediation - by John Crawley. Industrial Relations Journal, 43 (6), 595-596. [Article]

BENNETT, Anthony (2011). Learning to be job ready: strategies for greater social inclusion in public sector employment. Journal of Business Ethics, 104 (3), 347-359. [Article]

BENNETT, Anthony (2012). The Role of Mediation: A Critical Analysis of the Changing Nature of Dispute Resolution in the Workplace. Industrial Law Journal, 41 (4), 479-480. [Article]

BENNETT, Anthony (2013). Workplace mediation and the empowerment of disputants: rhetoric or reality? Industrial Relations Journal, 44 (2), 189-209. [Article]

BREESE, Richard (2013). Conceptualising the nature of work: revisiting Luther Gulick's theories of organisation. Journal of Management History, 19 (2), 279-294. [Article]

BREESE, Richard (2008). Towards a holistic approach to regeneration: the importance of operational dimensions. Journal of urban regeneration and renewal, 2 (2), 173-187. [Article]

BRYANT, J. W. and DARWIN, John (2004). Exploring inter-organisational relationships in the health service: an immersive drama approach. European journal of operational research, 152 (3), 655-666. [Article]

BRYANT, J. W. and DARWIN, John (2003). Immersive drama: testing health systems. Omega, 31 (2), 127-136. [Article]

CHADWICK-COULE, Tracey (2011). Social dynamics and the strategy process : bridging or creating a divide between trustees and staff? Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly, 40 (1), 33-56. [Article]

CLARK, Murray and PAYNE, R. L. (2006). Character-based determinants of trust in leaders. Risk analysis: an international journal, 26 (5), 1161-1173. [Article]

COULE, T. M. (2007). Developing strategies for sustainability: implications for governance and accountability. In: NCVO/VSSN Researching the voluntary sector conference, University of Warwick, September 5-6 2007. [Conference or Workshop Item]

COULE, Tracey (2013). Governance in non-profit organizations: accountability for compliance or legitimacy? In: British Academy of Management Conference, Liverpool, 10-12 September 2013. [Conference or Workshop Item]

COULE, Tracey (2013). Institutional logics, institutional work and public service innovation in non-profit organisations. Public Administration, 91 (4), 980-997. [Article]

COULE, Tracey (2013). Theories of knowledge and focus groups in organization and management research. Qualitative Research in Organizations and Management, 8 (2), 148-162. [Article]

DALEY, Joanne, COYLE, Jill and DWYER, Chloe (2016). Sheffield Hallam University and Nestlé : Developing future leaders with the Chartered Manager Degree Apprenticeship – a partnership approach. Higher Education, Skills and Work-Based Learning, 6 (4), 370-377. [Article]

DARABI, Fariba (2016). Investigating a university business school and industry collaboration: a general analytical inductive qualitative research case. Other. SAGE. [Monograph]

DARABI, Fariba and CLARK, Murray (2012). Developing business school/SMEs collaboration: the role of trust. International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behaviour and Research, 18 (4), 477-493. [Article]

DARWIN, John (2004). Linking theory and practice in management research: scientific research programmes and alethic pluralism. International journal of management concepts and philosophy, 1 (1), 43-60. [Article]

DOBSON, Stephen, BRESLIN, Dermot, SUCKLEY, Louise, BARTON, Rachel and RODRIGUEZ, Liliana (2013). Small firm survival and innovation : an evolutionary approach. International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation, 14 (2), 69-80. [Article]

DOHERTY, L. (2004). Work-life balance initiatives: implications for women. Employee relations, 26 (4), 433-452. [Article]

DOHERTY, L. and MANFREDI, S. (2001). Women's employment in Italian and UK hotels. International journal of hospitality management, 20 (1), 61-76. [Article]

DOHERTY, L. and MANFREDI, S. (2006). Women's progression to senior positions in English universities. Employee relations, 28 (6), 553-572. [Article]

DU TOIT, Angelique (2014). Making sense of coaching. London, Sage Publications Ltd. [Authored Book]

FELLS, Ray and PROWSE, Peter (2016). Negotiations in the workplace : overcoming the problem of asymmetry. In: ELGOIBAR, Patricia, EUWEMA, Martin and MUNDUATE, Lourdes, (eds.) Building Trust and Constructive Conflict Management in Organizations. Industrial Relations & Conflict Management . Switzerland, Springer, 75-92. [Book Section]

FORDER, Sue, MALONE, Cathy and VERNON-PARRY, Karen (2010). To support student learning by embedding writing skills. In: BRAMHALL, Mike, O'LEARY, Christine and CORKER, Chris, (eds.) CPLA Case Studies. Vol.2. Centre for Promoting Learner Autonomy, Sheffield Hallam University, 77-88. [Book Section]

GRIMES, Anthony (2008). Towards an integrated model of low attention advertising effects: A perceptual-conceptual framework. European Journal of Marketing, 42 (1/2), 69-86. [Article]

GROSCHL, S. and DOHERTY, L. (2006). The complexity of culture: using the appraisal process to compare French and British managers in a UK-based international hotel organisation. International journal of hospitality management, 25 (2), 313-334. [Article]

HALL, Christopher, LOUIS, Anja, RAWSTHORNE, Andy and LIEW, Phaiksan (2014). Bridging The Gap. [Video] [Video]

HUGGINS, Robert, PROKOP, Daniel, STEFFENSON, Rebecca, JOHNSTON, Andrew and CLIFTON, Nick (2014). The engagement of entrepreneurial firms with universities : network formation, innovation and resilience. Journal of General Management, 40 (1), 23-51. [Article]

IRWIN, David, PATTINSON, Steven and SCOTT, Jonathan M. (2014). Local Enterprise Agency loan funds and investment readiness in UK small firms. Local Economy, 29 (1-2), 9-21. [Article]

LAHLAFI, Alison and RUSHTON, Diane (2012). Active and reflective learning initiatives to improve web searching skills of business students. Journal of information literacy, 6 (1), 35-49. [Article]

LAHLAFI, Alison and RUSHTON, Diane (2015). Engaging international students in academic and information literacy. New Library World, 116 (5/6), 277-288. [Article]

LASSALLE, Paul and JOHNSTON, Andrew (2017). Where are the spiders? : proximities and access to the entrepreneurial ecosystem : the case of Polish migrant entrepreneurs in Glasgow. In: O'CONNOR, Allan, STAM, Erik, SUSSAN, Fiona and AUDRETSCH, David, (eds.) Entrepreneurial ecosystems : place-based transformations and transitions. International Studies in Entrepreneurship (38). Springer, 131-152. [Book Section]

LASSALLE, Paul and SCOTT, Jonathan M. (2017). Breaking-out? A reconceptualisation of the business development process through diversification: the case of Polish new migrant entrepreneurs in Glasgow. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 1-20. [Article]

LEVILLAIN, Kevin, PARKER, Simon, RIDLEY-DUFF, Rory, SEGRESTIN, Blanche, VELDMAN, Jeroen and WILLMOTT, Hugh (2018). Protecting long-term commitment: legal and organizational means. In: DRIVER, Ciaran and THOMPSON, Grahame, (eds.) Corporate governance in contention. Oxford, Oxford University Press, 42-65. [Book Section]

LOUIS, Anja (2001). Equality, difference and all that jazz: the infamous debate and a Spanish take on it. Griffith Law Review, 10 (2), 211-224. [Article]

LOUIS, Anja (2005). Inferior, superior or just different? A woman's sense of justice in Carmen de Burgos's El abogado. Hispanic Research Journal, 6 (1), 13-27. [Article]

LOUIS, Anja (2002). Melodramatic feminism : the popular fiction of Carmen de Burgos. In: LABANYI, Jo, (ed.) Constructing identity in contemporary Spain : theoretical debates and cultural practice. Oxford, Oxford University Press, 94-112. [Book Section]

LOUIS, Anja (2004). Whose melodrama is it anyway? Women and the law in the work of Carmen de Burgos. Bulletin of Spanish Studies, 81 (6), 765-783. [Article]

LOUIS, Anja (2005). Women and the law: Carmen de Burgos, an early feminist. Monografías A . Woodbridge, Tamesis Books. [Authored Book]

LYNE, Chris, MYERS, Gudrun, O'LEARY, Christine and PETTIGREW, Mark (2000). Coping with the diversity of language competence displayed by intermediate level IWLP students: Evaluation of the Sheffield Hallam University Language Scheme placement tests. In: FAY, Mike and FERNEY, Derrik, (eds.) Current trends in modern languages provision for non-specialist linguists. CILT, 166-180. [Book Section]

MAKHMADSHOEV, Dilshod and CRONE, Michael (2014). Exploring the influence of the national institutional environment on SME exporters: comparative evidence from Tajikistan and the Kyrgyz Republic. In: THAI, Mai Thi Thanh and TURKINA, Ekaterina, (eds.) Internationalization of firms from economies in transition the effects of a politico-economic paradigm shift. Cheltenham, Edward Elgar, 303-332. [Book Section]

MARTIN, E. and GARDINER, K. (2007). Exploring the UK hospitality industry and age discrimination. International journal of contemporary hospitality management, 19 (4), 309-318. [Article]

MASANGO, Shingairai and MARINOVA, Svetla (2014). Knowledge-based network ties in early rapidly internationalising small firms: a missing link? International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal, 10 (3), 471-486. [Article]

MCHALE, Alison (2010). Work based projects in the humanities : autonomous learners and satisfied students? In: BRAMHALL, Mike, O'LEARY, Christine and CORKER, Chris, (eds.) CPLA Case Studies. Sheffield Hallam University, Centre for Promoting Learner Autonomy, 159-168. [Book Section]

MCKEOWN, M, ANDERSON, J, BENNETT, Anthony and CLAYTON, P (2003). Gender Politics and Secure Services For Women: Reflections on a study of staff understandings of challenging behaviour. Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing, 10 (5), 585-591. [Article]

MORGAN, G. G. (2005). Auditing financial statements without a true and fair opinion: assessing the effectiveness of charity independent examiners. In: British Accounting Association Auditing Special Interest Group, 15th National Auditing Conference, Aston Business School, March 11-12 2005. [Conference or Workshop Item]

MORGAN, Gareth and FLETCHER, Neil (2011). Public benefit reporting by charities. Project Report. Liverpool UK, Charity Commission. [Monograph]

MORGAN, Gareth G (2013). Charitable incorporated organisations. Key Guides . London, Directory of Social Change. [Authored Book]

MORGAN, Gareth G (2005). Charities and Self-Regulation: Theory and Practice in the Role of Independent Examiners under s43(3) of the Charities Act 1993. Charity law and practice review, 8 (3), 31-54. [Article]

MORGAN, Gareth G (2009). Churches and Charity Regulation: 1993-2009. Public Money and Management, 29 (6), 355-362. [Article]

MORGAN, Gareth G (2009). New development: Churches and charity accounting. Public Money and Management, 6 (29), 343-346. [Article]

MORGAN, Gareth G (2012). Public Benefit and Charitable Status: Assessing a 20 year process of reforming the primary legal framework for voluntary activity in the UK. Voluntary Sector Review, 3 (1), 67-91. [Article]

MORGAN, Gareth G (2010). The charity treasurer's handbook: An introduction to voluntary sector finance and accounting. London, Directory of Social Change. [Authored Book]

MORGAN, Gareth G (2011). The role of independent examiners in the accountability of UK charities. Public Money and Management, 31 (3), 183-192. [Article]

MORGAN, Gareth G (2010). The use of charitable status as a basis for regulation of nonprofit accounting. Voluntary Sector Review, 1 (2), 209-232. [Article]

MORGAN, Gareth G (2011). The use of charity accounts for researching the performance of voluntary organisations. Voluntary Sector Review, 2 (2), 213-230. [Article]

MORGAN, Gareth G, BAKER, Leila, HARRIS, Margaret and MORAN, Rebecca (2013). The public benefit requirement for charities In England and Wales: a qualitative study of its impact. Charity law and practice review, 15 (7), 1-18. [Article]

MORGAN, Gareth G and TRESSIDER, Richard (2015). Contemporary Wine Studies : Dancing with Bacchus. Abingdon, UK, Routledge. [Authored Book]

MOSS, Jonathan (2014). The attendee and the audience : a strategic approach. In: SHARPLES, Liz, CROWTHER, Philip, MAY, Daryl and OREFICE, Chiara, (eds.) Strategic Event Creation. Goodfellow, 65-81. [Book Section]

MOULLIN, M., SOADY, J., SKINNER, J., PRICE, C., CULLEN, J. and GILLIGAN, C. (2007). Using the Public Sector Scorecard in public health. International journal of health care quality assurance, 20 (4), 281-289. [Article]

O'LEARY, Christine (2008). Can learner autonomy be assessed. In: Language Learning Conference, Hong Kong University of Technology and Payap University Chiang Mai., 7-11 January 2008. (Unpublished) [Conference or Workshop Item]

O'LEARY, Christine (2005). Collaborative learner development in a university-wide language programme. In: 14th AILA World Congress : The future is now!, American Association of Applied Linguistics, Madison, Wisconsin, USA, 24-29 July 2005. (Unpublished) [Conference or Workshop Item]

O'LEARY, Christine (2000). Developing a specialist lexis and register in the higher stages of an IWLP: A teacher's perspective. In: FAY, Mike and FERNEY, Derrik, (eds.) Current trends in modern languages provision for non-specialist linguists. CILT, 123-138. [Book Section]

O'LEARY, Christine (2011). Developing autonomous language learners: insights from practitioner research. In: 16th AILA World Congress (AILA2011) : Harmony in Diversity: Language, Culture, Society, CELEA, Beijing, China, 23-29 August 2011. (Unpublished) [Conference or Workshop Item]

O'LEARY, Christine (2002). Developing autonomy in advanced non-specialist language learners. In: 13th AILA World Congress, Singapore, 16-21 December 2002. (Unpublished) [Conference or Workshop Item]

O'LEARY, Christine (2002). Developing autonomy using portfolio-based assessment. In: Language World Conference 2002 : Building Bridges, University of York, 12-14 April 2002. (Unpublished) [Conference or Workshop Item]

O'LEARY, Christine (2010). Enhancing student learning through assessment: a school-wide approach. In: HEA Annual Conference 2010 : Shaping the future : Exploring impacts and changes to the student learning experience over the next five years, University of Hertfordshire., 22-23 June 2010. (Unpublished) [Conference or Workshop Item]

O'LEARY, Christine (2001). On the road to autonomy : advanced learners' perception of foreign language learning in an institution-wide language programme. In: British Educational Research Association (BERA) Annual Conference 2001, University of Leeds, 13-15 September 2001. (Unpublished) [Conference or Workshop Item]

O'LEARY, Christine (2006). Pratiques de formation et d'autoformation d'étudiants spécialistes d'autres disciplines à l'université de Sheffield Hallam au Royaume Uni. In: Congrès International de la Fédération Nationale des Professeurs de Français, Vienna, 2-5 November 2006. (Unpublished) [Conference or Workshop Item]

O'LEARY, Christine (2007). Should learner autonomy be assessed? In: Proceedings of the Independent Learning Association 2007 Japan Conference: Exploring theory, enhancing practice : Autonomy across the disciplines. Kanda University of International Studies, Chiba, Japan, October 2007. Indepedent Learning Association. [Book Section]

O'LEARY, Christine (2006). Supporting the development of autonomy in advanced language learners on an institution-wide language programme. In: SMITH, Karen, (ed.) Making links, sharing research : Proceedings of the Higher Education Research Network Conference. Sheffield, Sheffield Hallam University. [Book Section]

O'LEARY, Christine (2004). The role of digital technology in the language classroom. In: Language World 2004 : Reaching Out, University of Oxford, 2-4 April 2004. (Unpublished) [Conference or Workshop Item]

O'LEARY, Christine TC (2014). Developing autonomous language learners in HE : a social constructivist perspective. In: MURRAY, Garold, (ed.) Social Dimensions of Autonomy in Language Learning. London, Palgrave Macmillan, 15-36. [Book Section]

PARKER, Jane, ARROWSMITH, Jim, FELLS, Ray and PROWSE, Peter (2016). The living wage: concepts, contexts and future concerns. Labour & Industry, 26 (1), 1-7. [Article]

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