Items where Research Institute, Centre or Group is "Built Environment Division Research Group"

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ALLMARK, Peter, BAXTER, Susan, GOYDER, Elizabeth, GUILLAME, Louise and CROFTON-MARTIN, Gerard (2012). Assessing the health benefits of advice services: using research evidence and logic model methods to explore complex pathways. Health & Social Care In The Community. [Article]

AMOAH, Gregory, AMPONSAH, Owusu and PEPRAH, Charles (2018). The culture of maintenance of public housing units in a less urbanised town in Ghana. GeoJournal, 1-18. (In Press) [Article]

APPEL-MEULENBROEK, Rianne and HAYNES, Barry (2014). An overview of steps and tools for the corporate real estate strategy alignment process. Corporate Real Estate Journal, 4 (1), 44-61. [Article]

ARMATYS, John, ASKHAM, Phil and GREEN, Mike (2009). Principles of valuation. Estates Gazette. [Authored Book]

AWE, Ezekiel M., STEPHENSON, Paul and GRIFFITH, Alan (2015). Craft skills acquisition: challenges in construction. In: ZHANG, Y., YAZDANI, S. and SINGH, A., (eds.) , Implementing Innovation in Structural Engineering and Project Management. ISEC, 1027-1032. [Book Section]


BENNETT, L. (2008). Assets under attack: metal theft, the built environment and the dark side of the global recycling market. Environmental law and management, 20, 176-183. [Article]

BENNETT, L. (2010). Judges, child trespassers and occupiers’ liability in the built environment. In: COBRA 2010, Paris, France, 2-3 September 2010. (Submitted) [Conference or Workshop Item]

BENNETT, L. (2010). Trees and public liability - who really decides what is reasonably safe. Arboricultural journal, 33, 141-164. [Article]

BENNETT, L. (2009). Why, what, and how? case study on law, risk, and decision making as necessary themes in built environment teaching. Journal of legal affairs dispute resolution engineering and construction, 1 (2), 105-113. [Article]

BENNETT, L. and CROWE, Lynn (2008). Landowners' liability? is perception of the risk of liability for visitors accidents a barrier to countryside access? Project Report. Sheffield, Countryside recreation network. [Monograph]

BENNETT, L. and GIBBESON, C. (2010). Perceptions of occupiers' liability risk by estate managers: a case study of memorial safety in English cemeteries. International Journal of Law in the Built Environment, 2 (1), p. 76. [Article]

BENNETT, Luke (2011). The Bunker: metaphor, materiality & management. Culture and Organization, 17 (2), 155-173. [Article]

BENNETT, Luke (2011). Bunkerology - a case study in the meaning making practices of on-line urban exploration forums. In: Ethicomp 2011 - the social impact of social computing, Sheffield, 14-16 September 2011. (Submitted) [Conference or Workshop Item]

BENNETT, Luke (2010). Bunkerology - a case study in the meanings, motives and methods of urban exploration. Masters, Sheffield Hallam University. [Thesis]

BENNETT, Luke (2011). Bunkerology - a case study in the theory and practice of urban exploration. Environment and Planning D: Society and Space, 29 (3), 421-434. [Article]

BENNETT, Luke (2013). Concrete multivalence – practising representation in bunkerology. Environment and Planning D: Society and Space, 31 (3), 502 -521. [Article]

BENNETT, Luke (2011). 'Exploring the bunker' - a response by Luke Bennett to 'Shallow Excavation'. Environment and planning. D , Society and space. [Article]

BENNETT, Luke (2017). Forcing the empties back to work? Ruinphobia and the bluntness of law and policy. In: HENNEBERRY, John, (ed.) Transience and permanence in urban development. Real estate issues . Hoboken, NJ, Wiley, 17-30. [Book Section]

BENNETT, Luke (2016). How does law make place? Localisation, translocalisation and thing-law at the world's first factory. Geoforum, 74, 182-191. [Article]

BENNETT, Luke (2015). Incongruous steps toward a legal psychogeography. In: RICHARDSON, Tina, (ed.) Walking inside out : contemporary British psychogeography. Place, Memory, Affect . London, Rowman & Littlefield International, 59-72. [Book Section]

BENNETT, Luke (2011). Judges, child trespassers and occupiers' liability. International Journal of Law in the Built Environment, 3 (2), 126-145. [Article]

BENNETT, Luke (2008). Metal theft - anatomy of a resource crime. Unpublished. (Unpublished) [Other]

BENNETT, Luke (2016). Thinking like a brick : posthumanism and building materials. In: TAYLOR, Carol and HUGHES, Christina, (eds.) Posthuman Research Practices in Education. Palgrave Macmillian, 58-74. [Book Section]

BENNETT, Luke (2012). Who goes there? Accounting for gender in the urge to explore abandoned military bunkers. Gender, Place and Culture, 20 (5), 630-646. [Article]

BENNETT, Luke (2012). Why do we only notice metal when it hurts? – Some sideways thoughts on metal theft. MetalTheft.Net. [Other]

BENNETT, Luke (2011). A pub, a field and some signs – a case study on the pragmatics of proprietorship and legal cognition. In: COBRA 2011 - Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors International Research Conference, Manchester, UK, 12-13 September 2011. (Unpublished) [Conference or Workshop Item]

BENNETT, Luke and CRAWLEY JACKSON, Amanda (2016). Making common ground with strangers at Furnace Park. Social and cultural geography, 18 (1), 92-108. [Article]

BENNETT, Luke and DICKINSON, Jill (2015). Forcing the empties back to work? : ruinphobia and the bluntness of law and policy. In: Transience and Permanence in Urban Development International Research Workshop,, University of Sheffield, Town & Regional Planning Dept, 14-15 January 2015. [Conference or Workshop Item]

BENNETT, Luke and HOCK, Katja (2013). Scree. Sheffield, Tract Publishing. [Authored Book]

BENNETT, Luke and LAYARD, Antonio (2015). There are eight million stories in the Naked City - guest editorial. International Journal of Law in the Built Environment, 7 (1). [Article]

BENNETT, Luke Edward (2015). Interpretive Communities at work and play in the built environment. Doctoral, Sheffield Hallam University. [Thesis]

BLEASDALE-HILL, Lydia and DICKINSON, Jill (2016). ‘Dangerous Dogs’ different dog, same lamppost? The Journal of Criminal Law, 80 (1), 64-76. [Article]

BOCIAN, Robert and FORTUNE, Jill (2010). Corporate real estate outsourcing in the financial sector in Poland: the client’s perspective. Sheffield Hallam University Built Environment Research Transactions, 2 (Spec.), 70-86. [Article]

BOOTHMAN, C. and HIGHAM, Anthony (2014). Attaining zero defects within the UK's building schools for the future programme : stakeholders' perceptions. In: SMITH, S. D. and AHIAGA-DAGBUI, D. D., (eds.) Proceedings 29th Annual Association of Researchers in Construction Management Conference, ARCOM 2013. Association of Researchers in Construction Management, 1027-1036. [Book Section]

BROUGH, Robert and LAYCOCK, Elizabeth (2009). An investigation into the non-uniform decay of Hardwick Stone. Sheffield Hallam University Built Environment Research Transactions, 1 (1), 37-54. [Article]

BUCKNER, Lisa and ESCOTT, Karen (2009). Jobs for communities: does local economic investment work. People, Place & Policy Online, 3 (3), 157-170. [Article]


CARTER, Ben and LAYCOCK, Elizabeth (2016). Managing the unknown : a plan to manage workload fluctuations and operating resources in a professional practice. Sheffield Hallam University Built Environment Research Transactions, 8 (1), 56-71. [Article]

CASEY, Rionach (2014). ‘Caravan wives’ and ‘decent girls’: Gypsy-Traveller women's perceptions of gender, culture and morality in the North of England. Culture, Health & Sexuality, 16 (7), 806-819. [Article]

CASEY, Rionach (2010). Community, difference and identity : the case of the Irish in Sheffield. Irish Geography, 43 (3), 211-232. [Article]

CASEY, Rionach and MAYE-BANBURY, Angela (2016). Relational and gendered selves : older Irish migrants’ housing and employment histories in the North and East Midlands of England. Housing Studies Online, 32 (5), 678-692. [Article]

CHOW, D., LEVERMORE, G., JONES, P., LISTER, D., LAYCOCK, P. J. and PAGE, J. (2002). Extreme and near-extreme climate change data in relation to building and plant design. Building service engineering research and technology, 23 (4), 233-242. [Article]

CHOW, D. and LEVERMORE, G. J. (2007). New algorithm for generating hourly temperature values using daily maximum, minimum and average values from climate models. Building service engineering research and technology, 28 (3), 237-248. [Article]

CIUPEK, Przemyslaw and CHEETHAM, Tony (2010). The prospects for new investment vehicles based on real estate in Poland: a review of the market and demand from potential investors. Sheffield Hallam University Built Environment Research Transactions, 2 (Spec.), 5-19. [Article]

COBAN, S., COLAK, A.H. and ROTHERHAM, Ian (2016). Interactions between canopy cover density and regeneration cores of older saplings in Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) stands. Forest Systems, 25 (3), e073. [Article]

CROWE, Lynn (2015). How do environmental policies fit within larger strategic planning processes. In: CASPER, Jonathan M. and PFAHL, Michael E., (eds.) Sport Management and the Natural Environment: Theory and Practice. Routledge. [Book Section]

CUDWORTH, Erika and WHITE, Richard (2022). Bringing down the animal abuse industry by any means necessary: state-corporate-media alliance and the fear of counter-cultural intervention. In: NOCELLA II, Anthony J. and SOCHA, Kim, (eds.) Radical Animal Studies: Total Liberation and Revolution in the Face of Academic Cooptation. New York, Peter Lang, 37-56. [Book Section]


DANIEL, Maren Mallo and HUNT, Robert J (2014). Changing housing policies and housing provision in Jos, Nigeria. Habitat International, 42, 203-213. [Article]

DICKINSON, Jill (2016). How To Save Our Town Centres : A radical agenda for the future of high streets - Book review. European Journal of Current Legal Issues, 22 (3). [Article]

DICKINSON, Jill and GRIFFITHS, Teri-Lisa (2015). Embedding employability and encouraging engagement with PDP/careers. Student Engagement and Experience Journal, 4 (1). [Article]

DICKINSON, Jill and MARSON, James (2017). Greenspace governance: statutory solutions from Scotland? Statute Law Review. [Article]

DOUTERELO, I., SHARPE, Rebecca and BOXALL, J. (2014). Bacterial community dynamics during the early stages of biofilm formation in a chlorinated experimental drinking water distribution system: implications for drinking water discolouration. Journal of applied microbiology, 117 (1), 286-301. [Article]

DREWETT, Rosie and CROWE, Lynn (2015). "Changing habits of a lifetime": an investigation of the factors that influence behaviour change to reduce domestic energy consumption. Sheffield Hallam University Built Environment Research Transactions, 7 (1), 24-45. [Article]


ELLIS, Simon, GOODWIN, Andrew, LAYCOCK, Elizabeth and HIRST, Chris (2016). Use of crushed brick in reinforced earth railway structures. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers. Construction Materials, 169 (2), 93-105. [Article]

ESCOTT, K. (2008). Accessing the labour market. In: YEANDLE, S., (ed.) Policy for a change: local labour market analysis and gender equality. Bristol, Policy Press, 97-117. [Book Section]

ESCOTT, K. and PUNN, S. (2006). Tackling gender inequality: linking research to policy making and mainstreaming. Local economy, 21 (3), 219-225. [Article]

ESCOTT, Karen (2012). Young women on the margins of the labour market. Work, employment and society, 26 (3), 412-428. [Article]

ESCOTT, Karen, TRUEMAN, Myfanwy and BUCKNER, Lisa (2013). Improving employment and women's well‐being in regeneration programmes. International Journal of Public Sector Management, 26 (3), 250-263. [Article]

EVANS, David J.A., STORRAR, Robert D. and REA, Brice R. (2016). Crevasse-squeeze ridge corridors: Diagnostic features of late-stage palaeo-ice stream activity. Geomorphology, 258, 40-50. [Article]


FENN, Henry R. W. and LAYCOCK, Elizabeth (2017). A socio-economic investigation of pre-harvest and post-harvest crop loss between producers and retailers in Fenland. Sheffield Hallam University Natural Environment Research Transactions, 3 (1), 38-55. [Article]


GASTON, Erica and WRIGHT, Rebecca (2009). Losing the people : the costs and consequences of civilian suffering in Afghanistan. Project Report. Campaign for Innocent Victims in Conflict (CIVIC). [Monograph]

GOODCHILD, B. (2010). Conservative Party policy for planning: caught between the market and local communities. People Place and Policy Online, 4 (1), 19-23. [Article]

GOODCHILD, B. J. (2001). Applying theories of social communication to housing law: towards a workable framework. Housing studies, 16 (1), 75-95. [Article]

GOODCHILD, B. J. (2003). Implementing the right to housing in France: strengthening or fragmenting the welfare state? Housing theory and society, 20 (2), 86-97. [Article]

GOODCHILD, Barry (2008). Homes, cities and neighbourhoods : planning and the residential landscapes of modern Britain. Ashgate. [Authored Book]

GOODY, Gareth E S and FRANKS, Ann (2010). An investigation to establish whether property maintenance can diminish the number of empty commercial buildings in Sheffield and Leeds. Sheffield Hallam University Built Environment Research Transactions, 2 (1), 44-63. [Article]

GREEN, Anne E and WHITE, Richard (2008). Shaped by place : young people's decisions about education, training and work. Benefits, 16 (3), 213-224. [Article]

GRIFFITH, A. (2002). Key considerations for developing corporate and operational approaches for managing the small building works portfolio of large client organisations. Construction management and economics, 20 (8), 679-687. [Article]

GRIFFITH, A. (2002). Management systems for sustainable construction: integrating environmental, quality and safety management systems. International journal of environmental technology and management, 2 (1,2,3), 114-126. [Article]

GRIFFITH, Alan and BHUTTO, Khalid (2009). Better environmental performance : a framework for integrated management systems (IMS). Management of Environmental Quality : An International Journal, 20 (5), 566-580. [Article]

GRIFFITH, Alan and BHUTTO, Khalid (2008). Improving environmental performance through integrated management systems (IMS) in the UK. Management of Environmental Quality : An International Journal, 19 (5), 565-578. [Article]


HARVEY, J. and JOWSEY, E. (2003). Urban land economics. Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan. [Authored Book]

HAYNES, B. P. (2007). The impact of the behavioural environment on office productivity. Journal of facilities management, 5 (3), 158-171. [Article]

HAYNES, B. P. and PRICE, I. (2004). Quantifying the complex adaptive workplace. Facilities, 22 (1/2), 8-18. [Article]

HAYNES, Barry (2012). Corporate real estate asset management : aligned vision. Journal of Corporate Real Estate, 14 (4), 244-254. [Article]

HAYNES, Barry (2008). Impact of workplace connectivity on office productivity. Journal of Corporate Real Estate, 10 (4), 286-302. [Article]

HAYNES, Barry (2008). An evaluation of the impact of the office environment on productivity. Facilities, 26 (5/6), 178-195. [Article]

HAYNES, Barry (2011). The impact of generational differences on the workplace. Journal of Corporate Real Estate, 13 (2), 98-108. [Article]

HAYNES, Barry (2008). The impact of office comfort on productivity. Journal of Facilities Management, 6 (1), 37-51. [Article]

HAYNES, Barry (2008). The impact of office layout on productivity. Journal of Facilities Management, 6 (3), 189-201. [Article]

HAYNES, Barry and APPEL –MEULENBROEK, Rianne (2014). An overview of steps and tools for the corporate real estate strategy alignment process. In: 21st Annual European Real Estate Society Conference, Bucharest, Romania, 2014. Henry Stewart Publications LLP. [Conference or Workshop Item]

HAYNES, Barry, IHALAINEN, Johanna and ETHERIDGE, James (2017). Case study 8: Workplace transformation: Nokia connecting people. In: Corporate real estate asset management: strategy and implementation. Second edition. Abingdon, Routledge, 424-433. [Book Section]

HAYNES, Barry and LANGFORD, L (2015). An investigation into how Corporate Real Estate in the financial services industry can add value through alignment and methods of performance measurement. Journal of Corporate Real Estate, 17 (1), 46-62. [Article]

HAYNES, Barry, NUNNINGTON, Nick and ECCLES, Timothy (2017). Corporate real estate asset management: Strategy and implementation. 2nd ed. Abingdon, Routledge. [Authored Book]

HAYNES, Barry, SUCKLEY, Louise and NUNNINGTON, Nick (2017). Workplace productivity and office type: an evaluation of office occupier differences based on age and gender. Journal of Corporate Real Estate, 19 (2), 111-138. [Article]

HETHERINGTON, Steven (2014). Comparative testing of hydraulic lime and OPC mortar mixes. Journal of Building Survey, Appraisal & Valuation, 3 (3), 274-281. [Article]

HETHERINGTON, Steven (2017). A comparative investigation into lime activated ground granulated blast furnace slag as a sustainable alternative to Portland cement in masonry mortars. Masonry International, 30 (1). [Article]

HETHERINGTON, Steven (2015). A comparative study into the tensile bond strength of the brick mortar interface of Naturally Hydraulic lime and Portland cement mortars. Masonry International, 28 (2), 67-64. [Article]

HIGHAM, Anthony, FORTUNE, Christopher and JAMES, Howard (2015). Life cycle costing: evaluating its use in UK practice. Structural Survey, 33 (1), 73-87. [Article]

HIGHAM, Anthony and STEPHENSON, Paul (2014). Identifying project success criteria for UK social housing asset management schemes. In: RAIDEN, A and ABOAGYE-NIMO, E, (eds.) Proceedings 30th Annual Association of Researchers in Construction Management Conference, ARCOM 2014. Association of Researchers in Construction Management, 33-42. [Book Section]

HILLIER, J.K., SMITH, M.J., ARMUGAM, R., BARR, I., BOSTON, C.M., CLARK, C.D., ELY, J., FRANKL, A., GREENWOOD, S.L., GOSSELIN, L., HATTESTRAND, C., HOGAN, K., HUGHES, A.L.C., LIVINGSTONE, S.J., LOVELL, H., MCHENRY, M., MUNOZ, Y., PELLICER, X.M., PELLITERO, R., ROBB, C., ROBERTSON, S., RUTHER, D., SPAGNOLO, M., STANDELL, M., STOKES, C.R., STORRAR, R., TATE, N.J. and WOOLDRIDGE, K. (2015). Manual mapping of drumlins in synthetic landscapes to assess operator effectiveness. Journal of Maps, 11 (5), 719-729. [Article]


IBEKWE, A. Mark, FISH, Katherine E., COLLINS, Richard, GREEN, Nicola H., SHARPE, Rebecca, DOUTERELO, Isabel, OSBORN, A. Mark and BOXALL, Joby B. (2015). Characterisation of the Physical Composition and Microbial Community Structure of Biofilms within a Model Full-Scale Drinking Water Distribution System. PLOS ONE, 10 (2), 1-22. [Article]


JAY, S. A. (2007). Customers as decision-makers: strategic environmental assessment in the private sector. Impact assessment and project appraisal, 25 (2), 75-84. [Article]

JAY, S. A. (2007). Pylons in the back yard: local planning and perceived risks to health. Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy, 25 (3), 423-438. [Article]

JAY, S. A. (2004). The forces shaping local planning policy on high voltage electricity installations. Journal of environmental policy and planning, 6 (3/4), 207-226. [Article]

JAY, S. A. and HANDLEY, J. (2001). The application of environmental impact assessment to land reclamation practice. Journal of environmental planning and management, 44 (6), 765-782. [Article]

JAY, S. A. and MARSHALL, R. (2005). The place of strategic environmental assessment in the privatised electricity industry. Impact assessment and project appraisal, 23 (4), 315-324. [Article]

JAY, Stephen A (2008). At the margins of planning : offshore wind farms in the United Kingdom. Ashgate studies in environmental policy and practice . Ashgate. [Authored Book]

JAY, Stephen A (2010). Built at sea : marine management and the construction of marine spatial planning. Town Planning Review, 81 (2), 173-192. [Article]

JAY, Stephen A (2010). Planners to the rescue : spatial planning facilitating the development of offshore wind energy. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 60 (4), 493-499. [Article]

JEANNOT, Gilles and GOODCHILD, Barry (2011). Fuzzy jobs in local partnerships : case studies of urban and rural regeneration in France and England. Public Administration, 89 (3), 1110-1127. [Article]

JOWSEY, E. (2007). Physical processes of resource creation. International Journal of Sustainable Development and World Ecology, 14 (2), 121-132. [Article]

JOWSEY, E. (2006). Real costs of natural resource exploitation. Australasian journal of environmental management, 13 (4), 254-260. [Article]

JOWSEY, E. (2007). A new basis for assessing the sustainability of natural resources. Energy, 32 (6), 906-911. [Article]

JOY, Andrew and HAYNES, Barry (2011). Office design for the multi-generational knowledge workforce. Journal of Corporate Real Estate, 13 (4), 216-232. [Article]


KAIZR, Jaroslav, HAYNES, Barry and PARSONS, Dave (2010). Occupier’s satisfaction with technical standards of modern industrial properties in the Czech Republic. Sheffield Hallam University Built Environment Research Transactions, 2 (Spec.), 50-69. [Article]

KALUZYNSKA, Edyta, DOWD, Anna and DICKINSON, Sarah (2010). An investigation into viability of restoration and reuse of a listed property: a case study of Project Hala located in Warsaw. Sheffield Hallam University Built Environment Research Transactions, 2 (Spec.), 38-49. [Article]

KEMSHED, Matthew and ASKHAM, Phil (2012). An assessment of the impact of introducting a work based development guide. Sheffield Hallam University Built Environment Research Transactions, 4 (KIER), 69-78. [Article]

KINCAID, Simon (2019). Emergency planning for fire in historic buildings. Historic Environment: Policy & Practice, 10 (1), 19-39. [Article]

KINCAID, Simon (2012). An investigation into the fire safety management of historic buildings. Sheffield Hallam University Built Environment Research Transactions, 4 (1), 24-37. [Article]

KNIGHT, A. D., GRIFFITH, A. and KING, A. P. (2002). Supply side short-circuiting in design and build projects. Management decision, 40 (7), 655-662. [Article]


LAYCOCK, E. A., SPENCE, Kevin, JEFFERSON, D. P., HETHERINGTON, S., MARTIN, B. and WOOD, C. (2008). Testing the durability of limestone for Cathedral façade restoration. Environmental Geology, 56 (3-4), 521-528. [Article]

LAYCOCK, Elizabeth (2002). Ten years of frost testing at Sheffield Hallam University. Construction and Building Materials, 16 (4), 195-205. [Article]

LAYCOCK, Elizabeth (2015). A study into recruitment and selection for the built environment disciplines. Sheffield Hallam University Built Environment Research Transactions, 7 (1), 46-71. [Article]

LAYCOCK, Elizabeth, JEFFERSON, David, HETHERINGTON, Steven, CLEGG, Francis and WOOD, Christopher (2017). Revitalising Collyweston limestone slate production by artificial freeze/thaw splitting. Construction and Building Materials, 159, 486-498. [Article]

LAYCOCK, Elizabeth and WOOD, Christopher (2014). Understanding and controlling the ingress of driven rain through exposed, solid wall masonry structures. Geological Society special publication, 391, 175-191. [Article]

LAYCOCK, Elizabeth and YATES, Tim (2000). Observed differences in freeze-thaw performance generated in different brick/mortar combinations. Masonry International, 14 (2). [Article]

LAYCOCK, Elizabeth A, SPENCE, Kevin, JEFFERSON, David P, HETHERINGTON, Stephen, MARTIN, Bill and WOODS, Christopher (2008). Testing the durability of limestone for cathedral façade restoration. Environmental Geology, 56 (3-4), 521-528. [Article]

LAYCOCK, Elizabeth A and YATES, Tim (2001). Validation of a proposed test for sulphate attack of mortars. Masonry International, 14 (3). [Article]

LIVINGSTONE, Stephen J., STORRAR, Robert D., HILLIER, John K., STOKES, Chris R., CLARK, Chris D. and TARASOV, Lev (2015). Ice-sheet scale comparison of modelled subglacial drainage pathways with mapped esker networks. Geomorphology, 246, 104-112. [Article]

LIYIN, S., HONG, Y. and GRIFFITH, A. (2006). Improving environmental performance by means of empowerment of contractors. Management of environmental quality: an international journal, 17 (3), 242-257. [Article]

LOWE, Jack and WATTS, Norman (2011). An evaluation of a Breeam case study project. Sheffield Hallam University Built Environment Research Transactions, 3 (1), 42-53. [Article]


MA, Shang Chun and ROTHERHAM, Ian (2015). Residents’ changed perceptions of sport event impacts : the case of the 2012 Tour de Taiwan. Leisure Studies, 35 (5), 616-637. [Article]

MARSH, Julian (2014). Introduction. In: PÉREZ DE ARCE, Rodrigo, (ed.) Urban Transformations and the Architecture of Additions. Routledge, viii-xxv. [Book Section]

MARSH, Julian (2011). Low Carbon House, Nottingham. [Artefact] [Artefact]

MARSH, Julian, ISIADINSO, Chinwe, GOODHEW, Steve and HOXLEY, Mike (2011). Identifying an appropriate approach to judge low carbon buildings. Structural Survey, 29 (5), 436-446. [Article]

MAYE-BANBURY, Angela (2015). Repertoires of resistance: how agency fuelled rhetoric, resistance and rebellion during Mao's housing revolution. The Journal of Resistance Studies, 1 (2), 51-84. [Article]

MAYE-BANBURY, Angela (2018). Strangers in the shadows – an exploration of the ‘Irish Boarding Houses’ in 1950s Leicester as heterotopic spaces. Irish Geography, 51 (1), 115-136. [Article]

MAYE-BANBURY, Angela and CASEY, Rionach (2016). The sensuous secrets of shelter: how recollections of food stimulate Irish men's reconstructions of their early formative residential experiences in Leicester, Sheffield and Manchester. Irish Journal of Sociology, 24 (3), 272-292. [Article]

MCLEAN, Simon (2011). Use of industrial simulation to facilitate work based skills for building surveying, an introduction to the rationala for research. Sheffield Hallam University Built Environment Research Transactions, 3 (1), 79-82. [Article]


NAKAJIMA, Hiroaki, KOJIMA, Hiromi, TACHIKAWA, Kotaro, SUZUKI, Kojiro and ROTHERHAM, Ian (2018). Ecological and growth characteristics of trees after resumption of management in  abandoned substitution forest in Japan. Landscape and Ecological Engineering, 14 (1), 175-185. [Article]

NEALE, Richard H., NEALE, David E. and STEPHENSON, Paul (2016). Construction Planning, Second edition. Westminster, London, ICE publishing. [Authored Book]


PICALLI, Joseph and LAYCOCK, Elizabeth (2001). Limestone mortars as a problem for sandstone. Journal of Architectural Conservation, 7 (3), 24-31. [Article]

POON, Joanna (2014). Commercial awareness in real estate courses. Property Management, 32 (1), 48-66. [Article]

POON, Joanna (2014). Competency expectations for property professionals in Australia. Journal of Property Investment and Finance, 32 (3), 256-281. [Article]

POON, Joanna (2014). Do real estate courses sufficiently develop their graduates’ employability skills? Perspectives from multiple stakeholders. Education + Training, 56 (6), 562-581. [Article]

POON, Joanna (2014). Students’ views on the incorporation of commercial awareness in real estate education. Property Management, 32 (4), 326-351. [Article]

POON, Joanna (2014). A cross-country comparison on the use of blended learning in property education. Property Management, 32 (2), 154-175. [Article]

PUGSLEY, D. and HAYNES, B. P. (2002). An alternative use of space in government office accommodation. Facilities, 20 (1/2), 34-40. [Article]


RETIEF, F., JONES, C. and JAY, Stephen A (2007). The status and extent of strategic environmental assessment in South Africa: 1996 - 2003. South African geographical journal, 89 (1). [Article]

RETIEF, Francois, JONES, Carys and JAY, Stephen A (2008). The emperor's new clothes : reflections on strategic environmental assessment (SEA) practice in South Africa. Environmental Impact Assessment Review, 28 (7), 504-514. [Article]

ROBERTSON, Frances and EMMITT, S (2016). Nuclear architecture : perceptions of architectural technology. In: ICAT '16 : International Conference on Advanced Technology and Sciences. Aybil. (In Press) [Book Section]

ROTHERHAM, Ian (2016). Eco-fusion of alien and native as a new conceptual framework for historical ecology. In: VAZ, Estelita, DE MELO, Cristina Joanaz and PINTO, Ligia M. Costa, (eds.) Environmental history in the making. Volume I, Explaining. Environmental history, 1 (6). Switzerland, Springer International, 73-90. [Book Section]

ROTHERHAM, Ian (2016). Issues of water and flooding for trees, woods and forests. Arboricultural Journal, 37 (4), 200-223. [Article]

ROTHERHAM, Ian (2017). Recombinant ecology - a hybrid future? SpringerBriefs in Ecology . Springer International Publishing. (In Press) [Authored Book]

ROTHERHAM, Ian (2016). Searching for “shadows” and “ghosts” in the landscape. Arboricultural Journal, 39 (1), 39-47. [Article]

ROTMANN, Sea, MOURIK, Ruth and GOODCHILD, Barry (2015). Once Upon a Time...How to tell a good energy efficiency story that 'sticks'. In: ECEEE 2015 Summer Study, Proceedings : first fuel now, 1-6 June. Stockholm, eceee, 113-122. [Book Section]

RUSHFORTH, P. J., TAIT, S. J. and SAUL, A. J. (2003). Modelling the erosion of mixtures of organic and granular in-sewer sediments. Journal of hydraulic engineering, 129 (4), 308-315. [Article]

RUSHFORTH, P. J., TAIT, S. J. and SAUL, A. J. (2003). Use of a full-scale test facility to examine sewer sediment mobility. Water and environment journal, 17 (1), 40-44. [Article]


SAUL, A. J., SKIPWORTH, P. J., TAIT, S. J. and RUSHFORTH, P. J. (2003). Movement of total suspended solids in combined sewers. Journal of hydraulic engineering, 129 (4), 298-307. [Article]

SEIBEL, Caroline and CHEETHAM, Tony (2011). Upward only rent reviews versus indexation: an investigation into the impact of differing mechanisms upon market efficiency within the commercial real estate sector. Sheffield Hallam University Built Environment Research Transactions, 3 (1), 30-39. [Article]

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