Items where Research Institute, Centre or Group is "Centre for Regional Economic and Social Research"

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ALCOCK, P., BEATTY, C., FOTHERGILL, S., MACMILLAN, R. and YEANDLE, S. (2003). Work to welfare: how men become detached from the labour market. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press. [Authored Book]

ALLEN, C., POWELL, R., CASEY, R. and COWARD, S. (2007). "Ordinary, the same as anywhere else": notes on the management of spoiled identity in 'marginal' middle class neighbourhoods. Sociology, 41 (2), 239-258. [Article]

AMBROSE, Aimee (2015). Improving energy efficiency in private rented housing : what makes landlords act? Indoor and Built Environment, 24 (7), 913-924. [Article]

AMBROSE, Aimee (2013). User and organisational responses to biomass district heating. Proceedings of the ICE - Urban Design and Planning, 167 (1), 35-41. [Article]

AMBROSE, Aimee, BASHIR, Nadia, FODEN, Michael, GILBERTSON, Janet, GREEN, Geoff and STAFFORD, Bernard (2018). Better housing, better health in London Lambeth : the Lambeth Housing standard health impact assessment and cost benefit analysis. Project Report. Sheffield, Sheffield Hallam University. [Monograph]

AMBROSE, Aimee, BATTY, Elaine, EADSON, William, HICKMAN, Paul and QUINN, George (2016). Assessment of the need for furniture provision for new NIHE tenants. Project Report. Sheffield, Sheffield Hallam University. [Monograph]

AMBROSE, Aimee, DAMM, Christopher, FODEN, Michael, GILBERTSON, Janet and PINDER, James (2016). Delivering Affordability Assistance to water customers: cross sector lessons. Project Report. Sheffield, Sheffield Hallam University. [Monograph]

AMBROSE, Aimee, EADSON, William and GILBERTSON, Janet (2016). Editorial: PPP special issue – International Perspectives on Fuel Poverty. People, Place and Policy, 10 (1), 1-4. [Article]

AMBROSE, Aimee, EADSON, William, HICKMAN, Paul and MCCARTHY, Lindsey (2015). Tenancy sustainment amongst those aged under 35 : final report. Project Report. Sheffield, Sheffield Hallam University. [Monograph]

AMBROSE, Aimee, EADSON, William and PINDER, James (2015). Evaluation of the Big Energy Savings Network: Final report. Project Report. London, Department of Energy and Climate Change. [Monograph]

AMBROSE, Aimee, EADSON, William and PINDER, James (2016). The role of actor-networks in the early stage mobilisation of low carbon heat networks. Energy Policy, 96, 144-152. [Article]

AMBROSE, Aimee, GOODCHILD, Barry and O'FLAHERTY, Fin (2017). Understanding the user in low energy housing: a comparison of positivist and phenomenological approaches. Energy Research & Social Science, 34, 163-171. [Article]

AMBROSE, Aimee and MARCHLAND, Robert (2017). The contemporary landscape of fuel poverty research. Indoor and Built Environment, 26 (7), 875-878. [Article]

AMBROSE, Aimee, MCCARTHY, Lindsey and PINDER, James (2017). Energy (in) efficiency: what tenants expect and endure in private rented housing - Research Summary. Project Report. Kendal, Eaga. [Monograph]

AMBROSE, Aimee, MCCARTHY, Lindsey and PINDER, James (2016). Energy (in)efficiency: what tenants expect and endure in private rented housing. A final report to the Eaga Charitable Trust. Project Report. Sheffield, Sheffield Hallam University. [Monograph]

ARCHER, Tom, GREEN, Stephen, LEATHER, David, MCCARTHY, Lindsey, WILSON, Ian, ROBINSON, David and TAIT, Malcolm (2018). Older people's housing, care and support needs in Greater Cambridge 2017-2036. Project Report. Sheffield, Sheffield Hallam University. [Monograph]

ARCHER, Tom and STEVENS, Mark (2018). Housing, integration and segregation: A rapid literature review. Project Report. Sheffield, Sheffield Hallam University. [Monograph]

ARMSTRONG, H. W., KEHRER, B. and WELLS, P. (2001). Initial impacts of community economic development initiatives in the Yorkshire and Humber structural funds programme. Regional studies, 35 (8), 673-688. [Article]

ARMSTRONG, H. W., KEHRER, B., WELLS, P. and WOOD, A. M. (2002). The evaluation of community economic development initiatives. Urban studies, 39 (3), 457-481. [Article]

ARMSTRONG, H. W. and WELLS, P. (2006). Evaluating the governance of structural funds programmes: the case of community economic development in South Yorkshire. European planning studies, 14 (6), 855-876. [Article]

ARMSTRONG, H. W. and WELLS, P. (2006). Structural funds and the evaluation of community economic development initiatives in the UK: a critical perspective. Regional studies, 40 (2), 259-272. [Article]


BALL, Emily, BATTY, Elaine and FLINT, John F (2015). Intensive family intervention and the problem figuration of 'troubled families'. Social Policy and Society, 15 (2), 263-274. [Article]

BASHIR, Nadia (2017). Doing research in peoples’ homes: fieldwork, ethics and safety – on the practical challenges of researching and representing life on the margins. Qualitative Research. [Article]

BASHIR, Nadia (2014). The Drivers and impacts of family obligations and overseas remittances practices: a case study of Pakistani-origin individuals in the UK. Social Policy and Society, 13 (02), 177-188. [Article]

BASHIR, Nadia, CRISP, Richard, POWELL, Ryan and ATFIELD, Gaby (2014). Talent Match case study theme report : "A challenge to the status quo" : early experiences of involving young people in the Talent Match programme. Project Report. Big Lottery Fund. [Monograph]

BASHIR, Nadia, CRONIN DE CHAVEZ, Anna, GILBERTSON, Janet, TOD, Angela, SANDERSON, Elizabeth and WILSON, Ian (2013). An Evaluation of the FILT Warm Homes Service. Project Report. Sheffield, Sheffield Hallam University. [Monograph]

BASHIR, Nadia, DAYSON, Christopher, EADSON, William and WELLS, Peter (2013). A warm glow in all parts? : building local cause-affinity as a strategy for promoting charitable giving. People, place and policy online, 7 (3), 139-152. [Article]

BASHIR, Nadia, DAYSON, Christopher, MCCARTHY, Lindsey, ISMAIL, Mubarak and CHOWBEY, Punita (2016). Making the most of primary and community services : what works for BAME people with long-term conditions? Project Report. Sheffield Hallam University. [Monograph]

BASHIR, Nadia, EADSON, William and PATTISON, Ben (2016). Warm Homes Oldham evaluation : final report. Project Report. Sheffield, Sheffield Hallam University. [Monograph]

BASHIR, Nadia, GILBERTSON, Janet, HAYWOOD, Annette, HOLDING, Eleanor and TOD, Angela (2016). Doncaster Hospital Discharge Pathway Study: Final report. Project Report. Sheffield, Centre for Regional Economic and Social Research, Sheffiled Hallam University. [Monograph]

BASHIR, Nadia, PEARSON, Sarah, SANDERSON, Elizabeth and WELLS, Peter (2018). Talent Match Evaluation: Involving Young People. Project Report. Sheffield, Sheffield Hallam University. [Monograph]

BATTY, Elaine (2012). Addressing educational disadvantage in deprived communities: evidence from the New Deal for Communities Programme in England. Urban Studies, 50 (8), 1523-1539. [Article]

BATTY, Elaine (2014). Learning and soft outcomes: evidence from intensive intervention projects. Social Policy and Society, 13 (03), 357-369. [Article]

BATTY, Elaine (2018). The emotional turmoil of contract research. Emotion, Space and Society, 28, 18-23. [Article]

BATTY, Elaine, DAYSON, Christopher, EADSON, William, PEARSON, Sarah, SANDERSON, Elizabeth, LINDSAY, Colin and CULLEN, Anne Marie (2017). Making it Work: learning and evaluation contract: Final report. Project Report. Sheffield, Centre for Regional Economic and Social Research, Sheffield Hallam University. [Monograph]

BATTY, Elaine and FLINT, John F (2012). Conceptualising the contexts, mechanisms and outcomes of intensive family intervention. Social Policy and Society, 11 (3), 345-358. [Article]

BATTY, Elaine and FLINT, John F (2013). Talking ‘bout poor folks (thinking ‘bout my folks): Perspectives on comparative poverty in working class households. International Journal of Housing Policy, 13 (1), 1-16. [Article]

BATTY, Elaine, FODEN, Michael, GREEN, Stephen, MCCARTHY, Lindsey, ROBINSON, David and WILSON, Ian (2017). Evaluation of Extra Care Housing in Wales. Project Report. Cardiff, Welsh Government. [Monograph]

BATTY, Elaine, FODEN, Michael, GREEN, Stephen, MCCARTHY, Lindsey, ROBINSON, David and WILSON, Ian (2017). Evaluation of extra care housing in Wales: Executive summary. Project Report. Cardiff, Welsh Government. [Monograph]

BATTY, Elaine, PEARSON, Sarah, WILSON, Ian, COLDWELL, Michael, STIELL, Bernadette and WILLIS, Benjamin (2018). Children's Community evaluation 2017 report. Project Report. Sheffield, Sheffield Hallam University. [Monograph]

BEACH, Yvonne and COULE, Tracey (2016). Socio-political dynamics in the pre-initiation phase of organisational change projects: approaching projects as a contested and negotiated space. Procedia Computer Science, 100, 298-304. [Article]

BEATTY, C. and FOTHERGILL, S. (2004). Economic change and the labour market in Britain's seaside town. Regional studies, 38 (5), 837-854. [Article]

BEATTY, C. and FOTHERGILL, S. (2002). Hidden unemployment among men: a case study. Regional studies, 36 (8), 811-823. [Article]

BEATTY, C. and FOTHERGILL, S. (2005). The diversion from 'unemployment' to 'sickness' across British regions and districts. Regional studies, 39 (7), 837-854. [Article]

BEATTY, C., FOTHERGILL, S. and POWELL, R. (2007). Twenty years on: has the economy of the coalfields recovered? Environment and Planning A, 39 (7), 1654-1675. [Article]

BEATTY, Christina (2014). Two become one : the integration of male and female labour markets in the English and Welsh coalfields. Regional Studies, 50 (5), 823-834. [Article]

BEATTY, Christina (2009). A gendered theory of employment, unemployment and sickness. Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy, 27 (6), 958-974. [Article]

BEATTY, Christina and COLE, Ian (2009). Stability, residential satisfaction and the dynamics of change. Journal of Urban Regeneration and Renewal, 3 (2), 141-153. [Article]

BEATTY, Christina, COLE, Ian, GREEN, Stephen, KEMP, Peter, POWELL, Ryan and SANDERSON, Elizabeth (2014). Monitoring the impact of recent measures affecting Housing Benefit and Local Housing Allowances in the private rented sector in Northern Ireland: Final Report. Project Report. Sheffield, Centre for Regional Economic and Social Research, Sheffield Hallam University. [Monograph]

BEATTY, Christina, CRISP, Richard and GORE, Tony (2016). An inclusive growth monitor for measuring the relationship between poverty and growth. Project Report. Sheffield, Joseph Rowntree Foundation. [Monograph]

BEATTY, Christina, FODEN, Michael, LAWLESS, Paul and WILSON, Ian (2010). Area-based regeneration partnerships and the role of central government: the New Deal for Communities programme in England. Policy and Politics, 38 (2), 235-251. [Article]

BEATTY, Christina and FOTHERGILL, S (2014). The local and regional impact of the UK's welfare reforms. Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy and Society, 7 (1), 63-79. [Article]

BEATTY, Christina and FOTHERGILL, S. (2011). The prospects for worklessness in Britain's weaker local economies. Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy and Society, 4 (3), 401-417. [Article]

BEATTY, Christina and FOTHERGILL, Stephen (2013). Hitting the poorest places hardest : the local and regional impact of welfare reform. Project Report. Sheffield, Sheffield Hallam University. [Monograph]

BEATTY, Christina and FOTHERGILL, Stephen (2016). The Impact on Scotland of the New Welfare Reforms. Project Report. Sheffield, Sheffield Hallam University. [Monograph]

BEATTY, Christina and FOTHERGILL, Stephen (2016). Jobs, Welfare and Austerity : how the destruction of industrial Britain casts a shadow over the present-day public finances. Project Report. Sheffield, Centre for Regional, Economic and Social Research, Sheffield Hallam University. [Monograph]

BEATTY, Christina and FOTHERGILL, Stephen (2018). Welfare reform in the UK 2010-16: Expectations, outcomes and local impacts. Social Policy & Administration, 52 (5), 950-968. [Article]

BEATTY, Christina and FOTHERGILL, Stephen (2018). The contemporary labour market in Britain’s Older Industrial Towns. Project Report. Sheffield, Sheffield Hallam University. [Monograph]

BEATTY, Christina and FOTHERGILL, Stephen (2017). The long shadow of industrial Britain's demise. Regions: quarterley magazine of the Regional Studies Association, 308 (4), 5-8. [Article]

BEATTY, Christina and FOTHERGILL, Stephen (2016). The uneven impact of welfare reform : the financial losses to places and people. Project Report. Sheffield, Sheffield Hallam University. [Monograph]

BEATTY, Christina, FOTHERGILL, Stephen and GORE, Tony (2014). Seaside towns in the age of austerity: recent trends in employment in seaside tourism in England and Wales. Project Report. Sheffield, Centre for Regional Economic and Social Research, Sheffield Hallam University. [Monograph]

BEATTY, Christina, FOTHERGILL, Stephen and GORE, Tony (2017). The real level of unemployment 2017. Project Report. Sheffield, Sheffield Hallam University. [Monograph]

BEATTY, Christina and FOTHERGILL, Steve (2015). Disability benefits in an age of austerity. Social Policy and Administration, 49 (2), 161-181. [Article]

BEATTY, Christina and FOTHERGILL, Steve (2017). The impact on welfare and public finances of job loss in industrial Britain. Regional Studies, Regional Science, 4 (1), 161-180. [Article]

BEATTY, Christina, FOTHERGILL, Steve, HOUSTON, D and POWELL, Ryan (2010). Bringing IB Numbers Down: To what extent do women need a different approach? Policy Studies, 31 (2), 143-162. [Article]

BEATTY, Christina, FOTHERGILL, Steve, HOUSTON, Donald and POWELL, Ryan (2010). Women on incapacity benefits : new survey evidence from the UK. In: KEMP, Peter, (ed.) Social protection for a post-industrial world. International studies on social security (15). Cambridge, Intersentia, 115-137. [Book Section]

BEATTY, Christina, FOTHERGILL, Steve, HOUSTON, Donald, POWELL, Ryan and SISSONS, Paul (2009). A gendered theory of employment, unemployment, and sickness. Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy, 27 (6), 958-974. [Article]

BEATTY, Christina and POVEY, Larissa (2018). Universal Credit in Rotherham: a transition to full service. Project Report. Sheffield, Sheffield Hallam University. [Monograph]

BENNETT, Ellen and BATTY, Elaine (2018). The value of small: In-depth research into the distinctive contribution, value and experiences of small and medium-sized charities in Wrexham. Project Report. Sheffield, Sheffield Hallam University. [Monograph]

BENNETT, Ellen, DAYSON, Christopher, EADSON, William, GILBERTSON, Janet and TOD, Angela (2016). Warm safe and well: the evaluation of the Warm at Home Programme. Project Report. Sheffield, Centre for Regional Economic and Social Research, Sheffield Hallam University. [Monograph]

BENNETT, Ellen and EADSON, William (2017). Private, voluntary and public sector partnership for outdoor space provision: policy lessons from the Bags of Help grant programme evaluation. Project Report. Sheffield, Centre for Regional Economic and Social Research, Sheffield Hallam University. [Monograph]

BENNETT, Luke (2017). Approaching the bunker: Exploring the Cold War through its ruins. In: BENNETT, Luke, (ed.) In the ruins of the Cold War bunker: Affect, materiality and meaning-making. Place, Memory, Affect . London, Rowan & Littlefield International, 3-22. [Book Section]

BENNETT, Luke (2017). Entering the bunker with Paul Virilio: The Atlantic wall, pure war and trauma. In: BENNETT, Luke, (ed.) In the ruins of the Cold War bunker: Affect, materiality and meaning-making. Place, Memory, Affect . London, Rowan & Littlefield International, 23-38. [Book Section]

BENNETT, Luke (2017). Presencing the bunker: Past, present and future. In: BENNETT, Luke, (ed.) In the ruins of the Cold War bunker: Affect, materiality and meaning-making. Place, Memory, Affect . London, Rowan & Littlefield International, 233-250. [Book Section]

BENNETT, Luke and LAYARD, Antonia (2015). Legal geography: becoming spatial detectives. Geography compass, 9 (7), 406-422. [Article]

BLANDY, S. and ROBINSON, D. (2001). Reforming leasehold: discursive events and outcomes 1984-2000. Journal of law and society, 28 (3), 384-408. [Article]


CASEY, R., COWARD, S., ALLEN, C. and POWELL, R. (2007). On the planned environment and neighbourhood life: evidence from mixed-tenure housing developments twenty years on. Town Planning Review, 78 (3), 311-334. [Article]

CASEY, Rionach (2008). On Becoming a Social Housing Manager: work identities in an 'Invisible' occupation housing studies. Housing Studies Online, 23 (5), 761-780. [Article]

CASEY, Rionach (2010). 'You doctor yourself': health beliefs, resilience and well-being among the Irish in Yorkshire. Diversity in Health and Care, 7 (2), 129-138. [Article]

CASEY, Rionach and FLINT, John F (2008). Active Citizenship in the Governance of anti-social behaviour in the UK: exploring the non-reporting of incidents. People, Place and Policy Online, 1 (2), 69-79. [Article]

CASEY, Rionach and FLINT, John F (2008). Governing through Localism, Contract and Community: Evidence from Anti-social Behaviour Strategies in Scotland. In: ASBO nation: The criminalisation of nuisance. Bristol, Policy Press. [Book Section]

CASEY, Rionach, GOUDIE, Rosalind and REEVE, Kesia (2008). Homeless women in public spaces : strategies of resistance. Housing Studies, 23 (6), 899-916. [Article]

COLE, I. D. (2006). Hidden from history? housing studies, the perpetual present and the case of social housing in Britain. Housing studies, 21 (2), 283-295. [Article]

COLE, I. D. (2003). The development of housing policy in the English regions: trends and prospects. Housing studies, 18 (2), 219-234. [Article]

COLE, I. D. and ETHERINGTON, D. (2005). Neighbourhood renewal policy and spatial differentiation in housing markets: recent trends in England and Denmark. European journal of housing policy, 5 (1), 77-97. [Article]

COLE, I. D. and NEVIN, B. (2004). The road to renewal. The early development of the Housing Market Renewal Pathfinder programme in England. The road to renewal. The early development of the Housing Market Renewal Pathfinder programme in England. [Article]

COLE, Ian (2015). The Housing Market Renewal Pathfinder Programme : a drop of Keynes in a neo-liberal ocean? Built Environment, 41 (2), 289-304. [Article]

COLE, Ian (2012). Housing market renewal and demolition in England in the 2000s: the governance of a ‘wicked problem’. International Journal of Housing Policy, 12 (3), 347-366. [Article]

COLE, Ian (2013). Whose place? Whose history? Contrasting narratives and experiences of neighbourhood change and housing renewal. Housing, Theory and Society, 30 (1), 65-83. [Article]

COLE, Ian and GREEN, Stephen (2011). Mixed communities : from vision to oblivion. In: ANDERSON, Isobel and SIM, Duncan, (eds.) Housing and Equality. Coventry, Chartered Institute of Housing. [Book Section]

COLE, Ian, GREEN, Stephen, MCCARTHY, Lindsey and PATTISON, Ben (2015). The Impact of the Existing Right to Buy and the Implications for the Proposed Extension of Right to Buy to Housing Associations. Project Report. Parliament Website, Communities and Local Government Select Committee. [Monograph]

COLE, Ian, GREEN, Stephen, PATTISON, Ben, REEVE, Kesia and WILSON, Ian (2017). Capping aspiration : the millennial housing challenge. Project Report. Sheffield Hallam University for the Sovereign Housing Association. [Monograph]

COLE, Ian, PATTISON, Ben and REEVE, Kesia (2017). The Voluntary Right to Buy pilot: Additional analysis of completions. Project Report. Sheffield, National Housing Federation. [Monograph]

COLE, Ian, PATTISON, Ben and REEVE, Kesia (2015). The withdrawal of support for housing costs under Universal Credit for young people : more pain for little gain? Project Report. CRISIS. [Monograph]

COLE, Ian, PATTISON, Ben, REEVE, Kesia and WHILE, Aidan (2017). The Pilot Programme for the Voluntary Right to Buy for Housing Associations : an action-learning approach. Project Report. Sheffield Hallam University for the National Housing Federation. [Monograph]

COLE, Ian, POWELL, Ryan and SANDERSON, Elizabeth (2016). Putting the squeeze on "Generation Rent": housing benefit claimants in the private rented sector - transitions, marginality and stigmatisation. Sociological Research Online, 21 (2), 1-14. [Article]

CORNFORTH, Chris and MACMILLAN, Rob (2016). Evolution in Board Chair-CEO relationships: A negotiated order perspective. Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly, 45 (5), 949-970. [Article]

COULE, Tracey, PATMORE, Beth and BENNETT, Ellen (2018). The value of small: In-depth research into the distinctive contribution, value and experiences of small and medium-sized charities in Salford. Project Report. Sheffield, Sheffield Hallam University. [Monograph]

COULE, Tracey, M. and BENNETT, Ellen (2016). Rhetoric, organizational category dynamics and institutional change : a study of the UK Welfare State. Public Administration, 94 (4), 1059-1076. [Article]

CREAMER, Emily, EADSON, William, VAN VEELEN, Bregie, PINKER, Annabel, TINGEY, Margaret, BRAUNHOLTZ-SPEIGHT, Tim, MARKANTONI, Marianna, FODEN, Michael and LACEY-BARNACLE, Max (2018). Community energy: entanglements of community, state and private sector. Geography compass, 12 (7), e12378. [Article]

CRISP, Richard (2013). ‘Communities with oomph’? Exploring the potential for stronger social ties to revitalise disadvantaged neighbourhoods. Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy, 31 (2), 324-339. [Article]

CRISP, Richard (2012). Conceptualising local approaches to tackling worklessness through neoliberal frameworks : the New Deal for Communities Programme as classic 'flanking strategy'. Space and Polity, 16 (2), 233-251. [Article]

CRISP, Richard, COLE, Ian, EADSON, William, FERRARI, Ed, POWELL, Ryan and WHILE, Aidan (2017). Tackling poverty through housing and planning policy in city regions. Project Report. Joseph Rowntree Foundation. [Monograph]

CRISP, Richard, DAMM, Christopher, GREEN, Anne, PEARSON, Sarah, SANDERSON, Elizabeth and WELLS, Peter (2018). Talent Match Evaluation: Progression to Employment. Project Report. Sheffield, Sheffield Hallam University. [Monograph]

CRISP, Richard, EADSON, William, COLE, Ian, DAYSON, Christopher, ESCOTT, Karen, FOTHERGILL, Steve, GORE, Tony and ROBINSON, David (2015). Election commentaries. People, Place and Policy, 9 (1), 65-89. [Article]

CRISP, Richard, GORE, Tony and MCCARTHY, Lindsey (2017). Addressing transport barriers to work in low income neighbourhoods: A review of evidence and practice. Project Report. Sheffield, Sheffield Hallam University. [Monograph]

CRISP, Richard, GORE, Tony and PEARSON, Sarah (2015). Rethinking the impact of regeneration on poverty: a (partial) defence of a 'failed' policy. Journal of Poverty and Social Justice, 23 (3), 167-187. [Article]

CRISP, Richard, GORE, Tony, PEARSON, Sarah, TYLER, Peter, CLAPHAM, David, MUIR, Jenny and ROBERTSON, Douglas (2014). Regeneration and poverty: evidence and policy review. Final report. Project Report. Sheffield, Centre for Regional Economic and Social Research, Sheffield Hallam University. [Monograph]

CRISP, Richard, PEARSON, Sarah and GORE, Tony (2015). Rethinking the impact of regeneration on poverty : a (partial) defence of a ‘failed’ policy. Journal of Poverty and Social Justice, 23 (3), 167-187. [Article]

CRISP, Richard and POWELL, Ryan (2017). Young people and UK labour market policy : a critique of "employability" as a tool for understanding youth unemployment. Urban Studies, 54 (8), 1784-1807. [Article]

CRISP, Richard and POWELL, Ryan (2017). Young people and UK labour market policy: a critique of "employability" as a tool for understanding youth unemployment. Urban Studies, 54 (8), 1784-1807. [Article]

CRISP, Richard and POWELL, Ryan (2017). Youth unemployment, interdependence and power: tensions and resistance within an alternative, 'co-produced' employment programme. In: BEVIR, Mark, MCKEE, Kim and MATTHEWS, Peter, (eds.) Decentring urban governance: Narratives, resistance and contestation. Routledge Studies in Governance and Public Policy . Abingdon, Routledge, 38-64. [Book Section]

CRITCHLEY, Roger, GILBERTSON, Janet, GRIMSLEY, Michael and GREEN, Geoff (2007). Living In Cold Homes After Heating Improvements: Evidence From Warm Front, England's Home Energy Efficiency Scheme. Applied Energy, 84 (2), 147-158. [Article]

CRONIN DE CHAVEZ, Anna, GILBERTSON, Janet, TOD, Angela, NELSON, Pete, POWELL-HOYLAND, Vanessa, HOMER, Catherine, LUSAMBILI, Adelaide and THOMAS, Ben (2017). Using environmental monitoring to complement in-depth qualitative interviews in cold homes research. Indoor and Built Environment, 26 (7), 937-950. [Article]

CROOK, Tony, BIBBY, Peter, FERRARI, Edward, MONK, Sarah, TANG, Connie and WHITEHEAD, Christine (2016). New housing association development and its potential to reduce concentrations of deprivation: An English case study. Urban Studies, 53 (16), 3388-3404. [Article]

CROWE, Mark, DAYSON, Christopher and WELLS, Peter (2010). Prospects for the Third Sector. People, place and policy online, 4 (1), 29-32. [Article]


DABINETT, G. and GORE, T. (2001). Institutional influences on EU-funded regional technology development in the UK: a study of the Yorkshire and East London Regions in the 1990s. European planning studies, 9 (8), 995-1010. [Article]

DAMM, Christopher (2014). A mid-term review of third sector involvement in the Work Programme. Voluntary Sector Review, 5 (1), 97-116. [Article]

DAMM, Christopher, DAYSON, Christopher, GILBERTSON, Janet and PEARSON, Sarah (2016). Stockport Targeted Prevention Programme Evaluation: Final Report. Project Report. Sheffield, Sheffield Hallam University. [Monograph]

DAMM, Christopher, GREEN, Anne, PEARSON, Sarah, SANDERSON, Elizabeth and WELLS, Peter (2018). Talent Match Evaluation: Youth Employment Partnerships. Project Report. Sheffield, Sheffield Hallam University. [Monograph]

DAMM, Christopher, PRINOS, Ioannis and SANDERSON, Elizabeth (2017). Bolton state of the voluntary, community and social enterprise sector 2017 : A report on social and economic impact. Project Report. Sheffield, Sheffield Hallam University. [Monograph]

DAMM, Christopher, PRINOS, Ioannis and SANDERSON, Elizabeth (2017). City of Manchester state of the voluntary, community and social enterprise sector 2017 : A report on the social and economic impact. Project Report. Sheffield, Sheffield Hallam University. [Monograph]

DAMM, Christopher, PRINOS, Ioannis and SANDERSON, Elizabeth (2017). Greater Manchester state of the voluntary, community and social enterprise sector 2017 : A report on social and economic impact. Project Report. Sheffield, Sheffield Hallam University. [Monograph]

DAMM, Christopher, PRINOS, Ioannis and SANDERSON, Elizabeth (2017). Salford state of the voluntary, community and social enterprise sector 2017. Project Report. Sheffield, Sheffield Hallam University. [Monograph]

DAMM, Christopher, PRINOS, Ioannis and SANDERSON, Elizabeth (2017). Tameside state of the voluntary, community and social enterprise sector 2017 : A report on social and economic impact. Project Report. Sheffield, Sheffield Hallam University. [Monograph]

DAMM, Christopher and SANDERSON, Elizabeth (2017). Rochdale state of the voluntary, community and social enterprise sector 2017 : A report on social and economic impact. Project Report. Sheffield, Sheffield Hallam University. [Monograph]

DAMM, Christopher and SANDERSON, Elizabeth (2017). Stockport state of the voluntary, community and social enterprise sector 2017 : A report on social and economic impact. Project Report. Sheffield, Sheffield Hallam University. [Monograph]

DANSON, Mike, GALLOWAY, Laura, CABRAS, Ignazio and BEATTY, Christina (2015). Microbrewing and entrepreneurship : the origins, development and integration of real ale breweries in Britain. International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management (IJESB), 16 (2), 135-144. [Article]

DAYSON, Christopher (2017). Evaluating social innovations and their contribution to social value: the benefits of a 'blended value' approach. Policy and Politics, 45 (3), 395-411. [Article]

DAYSON, Christopher (2017). Social prescribing ‘plus’: a model of asset-based collaborative innovation? People, Place and Policy, 11 (2), 90-104. [Article]

DAYSON, Christopher (2013). Understanding financial vulnerability in UK third sector organisations : methodological considerations and applications for policy, practice and research. Voluntary Sector Review, 4 (1), 19-38. [Article]

DAYSON, Christopher (2013). Understanding the place based social value created by new-start social enterprises : evidence from 10 rural UK communities. People, place and policy online, 7 (1), 30-45. [Article]

DAYSON, Christopher (2011). The personalisation agenda : implications for organisational development and capacity building in the voluntary sector. Voluntary Sector Review, 2 (1), 97-105. [Article]

DAYSON, Christopher, BAKER, Leila, REES, James, BATTY, Elaine, BENNETT, Ellen, DAMM, Christopher, COULE, Tracey, PATMORE, Beth, GARFORTH, Helen, HENNESSY, Charlotte, TURNER, Katie, JACKLIN-JARVIS, Carol and TERRY, Vita (2018). The value of small: in-depth research into the distinctive contribution, value and experiences of small and medium-sized charities in England and Wales : Summary. Project Report. Sheffield, Sheffield Hallam University. [Monograph]

DAYSON, Christopher, BAKER, Leila, REES, James, BATTY, Elaine, BENNETT, Ellen, DAMM, Christopher, COULE, Tracey, PATMORE, Beth, GARFORTH, Helen, HENNESSY, Charlotte, TURNER, Katie, JACKLIN-JARVIS, Carol and TERRY, Vita (2018). The value of small: in-depth research into the distinctive contribution, value and experiences of small and medium-sized charities in England and Wales. Project Report. Sheffield, Sheffield Hallam University. [Monograph]

DAYSON, Christopher and BASHIR, Nadia (2014). The social and economic impact of the Rotherham Social Prescribing Pilot: Main evaluation report. Project Report. Sheffield, Sheffield Hallam University. [Monograph]

DAYSON, Christopher, BASHIR, Nadia, BENNETT, Ellen and SANDERSON, Elizabeth (2016). The Rotherham Social Prescribing Service for People with Long-Term Health Conditions: Annual Report. Project Report. Sheffield, Sheffield Hallam University. [Monograph]

DAYSON, Christopher, BASHIR, Nadia, BENNETT, Ellen and SANDERSON, Elizabeth (2016). The Rotherham Social Prescribing Service for People with Long-Term Health Conditions: Summary Report. Project Report. Sheffield, Sheffield Hallam University. [Monograph]

DAYSON, Christopher and BENNETT, Ellen (2016). Evaluation of Doncaster Social Prescribing Service: understanding outcomes and impact. Project Report. Sheffield, Sheffield Hallam University. [Monograph]

DAYSON, Christopher and BENNETT, Ellen (2017). Evaluation of the Rotherham Mental Health Social Prescribing Service 2015/16-2016/17. Project Report. Sheffield, Centre for Regional Economic and Social Research, Sheffield Hallam University. [Monograph]

DAYSON, Christopher and DAMM, Christopher (2021). Evaluation of the community investment enterprise facility: second annual report. Project Report. Sheffield Hallam University, Centre for Regional Economic and Social Research. [Monograph]

DAYSON, Christopher and DAMM, Christopher (2017). The Rotherham Social Prescribing Service for People with Long-term Conditions: Evaluation Update. Project Report. Sheffield, Sheffield Hallam University. [Monograph]

DAYSON, Christopher, GREEN, Stephen and SANDERSON, Elizabeth (2017). Evaluation of Over2You : Final report. Project Report. Sheffield, Centre for Regional Economic and Social Research, Sheffield Hallam University. [Monograph]

DAYSON, Christopher and LEATHER, David (2018). Evaluation of HALE Community Connectors Social Prescribing Service 2017. Project Report. Sheffield, Sheffield Hallam University. [Monograph]

DAYSON, Christopher and LEATHER, David (2018). Evaluation of HALE Community Connectors Social Prescribing Service 2017 - Summary. Project Report. Sheffield, Sheffield Hallam University. [Monograph]

DAYSON, Christopher, MACMILLAN, Rob, PAINE, Angela Ellis and SANDERSON, Elizabeth (2017). Third sector capacity building : the institutional embeddedness of supply. Voluntary Sector Review, 8 (2), 149-168. [Article]

DAYSON, Christopher and MOSS, Bronwen (2017). The Rotherham Social Prescribing Service for People with Long-term Conditions: A GP Perspective. Project Report. Sheffield, Sheffield Hallam University. [Monograph]

DAYSON, Christopher, PEARSON, Sarah and SANDERSON, Elizabeth (2017). Evaluation of Making It Work: an assessment of impact and value for money. Project Report. Sheffield, Centre for Regional Economic and Social Research, Sheffield Hallam University. [Monograph]

DAYSON, Christopher and SANDERSON, Elizabeth (2014). Building capabilities in the voluntary sector: A review of the market. Project Report. Birmingham, University of Birmingham. [Monograph]

DE SOUZA, Marcelo Lopes, WHITE, Richard and SPRINGER, Simon (2016). Introduction : subverting the meaning of 'theory'. In: DE SOUZA, Marcelo Lopes, WHITE, Richard and SPRINGER, Simon, (eds.) Theories of resistance : anarchism, geography, and the spirit of revolt. Transforming Capitalism . London, Rowman & Littlefield, 1-18. [Book Section]

DICKINSON, Jill, BENNETT, Ellen and MARSON, James (2019). Challenges facing green space: is statute the answer? Journal of place management and development, 12 (1), 121-138. [Article]


EADSON, William (2016). State enrolment and energy-carbon transitions: syndromic experimentation and atomisation in England. Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy, 34 (8), 1612-1631. [Article]

EADSON, William (2013). The evolution of carbon capitalism in the English regions: sustainable mitigation, carbon modernization, and selective carbon economies. In: BARNES, Pamela A. and HOERVER, Thomas C., (eds.) Sustainable development and governance in Europe: the evolution of the discourse on sustainability. Routledge Advances in European Politics . Routledge, 190-204. [Book Section]

EADSON, William, GORE, Tony and POVEY, Larissa (2017). Evaluation of Royal College of GPs: Fuel Poverty Pilot. Project Report. Sheffield, Sheffield Hallam University. [Monograph]

EADSON, William and LEATHER, David (2017). Fuel Poverty Health Booster Fund evaluation. Project Report. Sheffield, Sheffield Hallam University. [Monograph]

EASTON, Sue and FERRARI, Edward (2015). Children's travel to school—the interaction of individual, neighbourhood and school factors. Transport Policy, 44, 9-18. [Article]


FARNELL, R., FURBEY, R. A., HILLS, S. S. A., MACEY, M. and SMITH, G. (2003). Faith in urban regeneration? Engaging faith communities in urban regeneration. Bristol, Policy Press. [Authored Book]

FERRARI, Edward (2016). Wacquant and the Decline of Public Institutions: The Need for a More Contingent Analysis? People Place and Policy, 10 (2), 179-180. [Article]

FERRARI, Edward (2015). The social value of housing in straitened times: The view from England. Housing Studies, 30 (4), 514-534. [Article]

FLETCHER, D. R. (2004). Demand-led programmes: challenging labour market inequalities or reinforcing them? Environment and planning C: government and policy, 22 (1), 115-128. [Article]

FLETCHER, D. R. (2002). Employers, recruitment and offenders: underlining the limits of work-focused welfare? Policy and politics, 31 (4), 497-510. [Article]

FLETCHER, D. R. (2005). Providing enterprise support for offenders: realising new opportunities or reinforcing old inequalities? Environment and planning C: government and policy, 23 (5), 715-731. [Article]

FLETCHER, D. R. (2007). A culture of worklessness? Historical insights from the Manor and Park area of Sheffield. Policy and politics, 35 (1), 65-85. [Article]

FLETCHER, Del (2008). Offenders in the post-industrial labour market : from the underclass to the undercaste? Policy and Politics, 36 (2), 283-297. [Article]

FLETCHER, Del (2009). Social tenants, attachment to place and work in the post-industrial labour market : underlining the limits of housing-based explanations of labour immobility? Housing Studies, 24 (6), 775-791. [Article]

FLETCHER, Del (2008). Tackling concentrations of worklessness : highlighting the limits of work-focused organisational cultures in the UK. Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy, 26 (3), 563-582. [Article]

FLETCHER, Del (2011). Welfare reform, Jobcentre Plus and the street-level bureaucracy : towards inconsistent and discriminatory welfare for severely disadvantaged groups? Social Policy and Society, 10 (04), 445-458. [Article]

FLETCHER, Del (2015). Workfare - a blast from the past? Contemporary work conditionality for the unemployed in historical perspective. Social Policy and Society, 14 (3), 329-339. [Article]

FLETCHER, Del (2011). The development of working prisons: transforming inmates from the Lumpenproletariat to the contingent workforce? British journal of community justice, 9 (1/2), 111-124. [Article]

FLETCHER, Del (2010). The workless class? : economic transformation, informal work and male working-class identity. Social Policy and Society, 9 (03), 325-336. [Article]

FLETCHER, Del, BATTY, Elaine, FLINT, John F and MCNEILL, Jennifer (2016). Gamers or victims of the system? Welfare reform, cynical manipulation and vulnerability. Journal of Poverty and Social Justice, 24 (2), 171-185. [Article]

FLETCHER, Del and FLINT, John (2018). Welfare conditionality and social marginality: the folly of the tutelary state? Critical Social Policy, 38 (4), 771-791. [Article]

FLETCHER, Del and WRIGHT, Sharon (2017). A hand up or a slap down? Criminalising benefit claimants in Britain via strategies of surveillance, sanctions and deterrence. Critical Social Policy, 38 (2), 323-344. [Article]

FLINT, J. and NIXON, J. (2006). Governing neighbours: anti-social behaviour orders and new forms of regulating conduct in the UK. Urban studies, 43 (5/6), 939-955. [Article]

FLINT, J. F. (2003). Housing and ethopolitics: constructing identities of active consumption and responsible community. Economy and society, 32 (4), 611-629. [Article]

FLINT, J. F. (2006). Maintaining an arms length? Housing, community governance and the management of 'problematic' populations. Housing studies, 21 (2), 171-186. [Article]

FLINT, J. F. (2004). Reconfiguring agency and responsibility in the governance of social housing in Scotland. Urban studies, 41 (1), 151-172. [Article]

FLINT, J. F. (2002). Social housing agencies and the governance of anti-social behaviour. Housing studies, 17 (4), 619-637. [Article]

FLINT, John F and POWELL, Ryan (2014). Anti-social behaviour and 'civilizing' regulation in the British city : comparing Victorian and contemporary eras. In: PICKARD, Sarah, (ed.) Anti-social behaviour in Britain : Victorian and contemporary perspectives. Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, 42-52. [Book Section]

FLINT, John F and POWELL, Ryan (2009). Civilising offensives : education, football and 'eradicating' sectarianism in Scotland. In: MILLIE, Andrew, (ed.) Securing respect : behavioural expectations and anti-social behaviour in the UK. Policy Press, 219-238. [Book Section]

FLINT, John F and POWELL, Ryan (2012). The English City Riots of 2011, "Broken Britain" and the retreat into the present. Sociological research online, 17 (3), p. 20. [Article]

FLINT, John F and POWELL, Ryan (2013). Individualization and social dis/integration in contemporary society : a comparative note on Zygmunt Bauman and Norbert Elias. In: DEPELTEAU, Francois and LANDINI, Tatiana Savoia, (eds.) Norbert Elias and social theory. London, Palgrave Macmillan, 261-274. [Book Section]

FLINT, John F and POWELL, Ryan (2013). Scottish Enlightenment and the sectarianism civilising offensive. In: FLINT, John F and KELLY, John, (eds.) Bigotry, football and Scotland : perspectives and debates. Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Press. [Book Section]

FLINT, John F and POWELL, Ryan (2011). ‘They sing that song’: sectarianism and conduct in the informalised spaces of Scottish football. In: BURDSEY, Daniel, (ed.) Race, ethnicity and football : persisting debates and emergent issues. London, Routledge, 191-206. [Book Section]

FLINT, John F and POWELL, Ryan (2014). 'We've got the equivalent of Passchendaele' : sectarianism, football and urban disorder in Scotland. In: HOPKINS, Matt and TREADWELL, James, (eds.) Football hooliganism, fan behaviour and crime : contemporary issues. Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, 71-91. [Book Section]

FODEN, Michael (2015). Saving time, saving money, saving the planet, 'one gift at a time': a practice-centred exploration of free online reuse exchange. Ephemera : theory and politics in organization, 15 (1), 41-65. [Article]

FORDHAM, Geoff, GORE, Tony, LAWLESS, Paul and FORDHAM, Rachel Knight (2002). The Groundwork movement: its role in neighbourhood renewal. Project Report. York, Joseph Rowntree Foundation. [Monograph]

FOTHERGILL, Stephen, GORE, Tony and WELLS, Peter (2017). Industrial Strategy and the Regions : the shortcomings of a narrow sectoral focus. Discussion Paper. Sheffield, Sheffield Hallam University. [Monograph]

FOTHERGILL, Stephen and HOUSTON, Donald (2016). Are big cities really the motor of UK regional economic growth? Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy and Society, 9 (2), 319-334. [Article]


GILBERTSON, J. and MANNING, J. (2006). Social participation and social capital in South Yorkshire Coalfield Communities. Voluntary action, 8 (1), 22-38. [Article]

GILBERTSON, J., STEVENS, M., STIELL, B. and THOROGOOD, N. (2006). Home is where the hearth is: grant recipients' views of England's home energy efficiency scheme (Warm Front). Social science and medicine, 63 (4), 946-956. [Article]

GILBERTSON, Jan, GRIMSLEY, Michael and GREEN, Geoff (2012). Psychosocial routes from housing investment to health: evidence from England’s home efficiency scheme. Energy Policy, 49, 122-133. [Article]

GILBERTSON, Janet and BATTY, Elaine (2011). An Evaluation of 'Passion for Life': Final Report. Project Report. Sheffield, Sheffield Hallam University. [Monograph]

GILBERTSON, Janet, LEATHER, David, MCCARTHY, Lindsey and WILSON, Ian (2018). An evaluation of Cash Smart Credit Savvy: Final Report. Project Report. Sheffield, Sheffield Hallam University. [Monograph]

GOODCHILD, B. J. and COLE, I. D. (2001). Social balance and mixed neighbourhoods in Britain since 1979: a review of discourse and practice in social housing. Environment and planning D: society and space. [Article]

GOODCHILD, B. J., HICKMAN, P. G. and ROBINSON, D. (2002). Unpopular housing in England in conditions of low demand: coping with a diversity of problems and policy measures. Town planning review, 73 (4), 373-393. [Article]

GOODCHILD, Barry (2016). Markets, politics and the environment : an introduction to planning theory. Routledge research in planning and urban design . Taylor and Francis. [Authored Book]

GOODCHILD, Barry, JEANNOT, G. and HICKMAN, Paul (2010). Professions, occupational roles and skills in urban policy : a reworking of the debates in England and France. Urban Studies, 47 (12), 2555-2572. [Article]

GOODCHILD, Barry, SHARPE, Rebecca and HANSON, Chris (2018). Between resistance and resilience: a study of flood risk management in the Don catchment area (UK). Journal of Environmental Policy & Planning, 20 (4), 434-449. [Article]

GOODCHILD, Barry and WALSHAW, Aimee (2011). Towards zero carbon homes in England? From inception to partial implementation. Housing Studies, 26 (6), 933-949. [Article]

GORE, T. (2005). Extending employability or solving employers' recruitment problems? Demand-led approaches as an instrument of labour market policy. Urban studies, 42 (2), 341-353. [Article]

GORE, T. (2004). The open method of co-ordination and policy mainstreaming: the european employment strategy and regional conversion programmes in the UK. European planning studies, 12 (1), 123-141. [Article]

GORE, T., POWELL, R. and WELLS, P. (2006). The contribution of rural community businesses to integrated rural development: local services for local people. Cahiers d'economie et sociologie rurales, 80 (3), 29-52. [Article]

GORE, Tony (2005). The CISWO One-stop Shop Project: External Evaluation. Final Report. Project Report. Rotherham, Coal Industry Social Welfare Organisation. [Monograph]

GORE, Tony (2008). Collaborative governance and territorial rescaling in the UK : a comparative study of two EU Structural Funds programmes. GeoJournal, 72 (1-2), 59-73. [Article]

GORE, Tony (2015). Interpreting the contemporary world of work : two-tier polarisation or complex relational formations? (Book review article). People Place and Policy, 9 (3), 190-198. [Article]

GORE, Tony (1991). Public/private partnership schemes in UK urban regeneration: The role of joint enabling agencies. Cities, 8 (3), 209-216. [Article]

GORE, Tony (2016). Wacquant's take on the role of the State. People Place and Policy, 10 (2), 181-182. [Article]

GORE, Tony (2014). The role of policy champions and learning in implementing horizontal environmental policy integration : comparative insights from European Structural Fund programmes in the U.K. International Review of Administrative Sciences, 4 (3), 304-330. [Article]

GORE, Tony, EADSON, William, OZDEMIROGLU, Ece, GIANFERRARA, Erin and PHANG, Zara (2013). Green Infrastructure’s contribution to economic growth: a review. Project Report. London, eftec. [Monograph]

GORE, Tony and FOTHERGILL, Stephen (2007). Cities and their hinterlands: how much do governance structures really matter? People, Place and Policy Online, 1 (2), 55-68. [Article]

GORE, Tony, FOTHERGILL, Stephen, HOLLYWOOD, Emma, LINDSAY, Colin, MORGAN, Kevin, POWELL, Ryan and UPTON, Stevie (2007). Coalfields and neighbouring cities: economic regeneration, labour markets and governance. Project Report. York, Joseph Rowntree Foundation. [Monograph]

GORE, Tony and HOLLYWOOD, Emma (2009). The role of social networks and geographical location in labour market participation in the UK coalfields. Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy, 27 (6), 1008-1021. [Article]

GORE, Tony and STILLWELL, John (1994). Updating population and household projections for Yorkshire and Humberside: An input into the strategic planning process. Planning Practice and Research, 9 (4), 381-393. [Article]

GORE, Tony and WELLS, Peter (2009). Governance and evaluation : the case of EU regional policy horizontal priorities. Evaluation and Program Planning, 32 (2), 158-167. [Article]

GREEN, Geoff and GILBERTSON, Janet (2008). Warm Front Better Health: Health Impact Evaluation of the Warm Front Scheme. Project Report. Sheffield, CRESR. [Monograph]

GREEN, Geoff and GILBERTSON, Janet (1999). The impact of housing and investment on the health and quality of life of low income residents. Open House International, 24 (1), 41-53. [Article]

GREEN, Geoff, ORMANDY, David, BRAZIER, John and GILBERTSON, Janet (2000). Tolerant building: The impact of energy efficiency measures on living conditions and health status. In: RUDGE, Janet and NICOL, Fergus, (eds.) Cutting the cost of cold: affordable warmth for healthier homes. London, E&FN SPON. [Book Section]

GREEN, Stephen and MCCARTHY, Lindsey (2015). Is sharing the solution? : exploring the opportunities and challenges of privately rented shared accommodation for single people in housing need. People, Place and Policy, 9 (3), 159-178. [Article]

GREEN, Stephen, MCCARTHY, Lindsey, REEVE, Kesia, COLE, Ian and BATTY, Elaine (2015). Evaluation of the sharing solutions programme. Project Report. London, Crisis UK. [Monograph]

GREEN, Stephen, PATTISON, Ben, REEVE, Kesia and WILSON, Ian (2016). How affordable is affordable housing? Project Report. Norwich, UK, Flagship Group. [Monograph]


HALL, S. and HICKMAN, P. (2005). Responding to unpopular social housing in Vaulz en Velin, Greater Lyon: an English perspective. European journal of housing policy, 5 (1), 19-39. [Article]

HALL, Stephen and HICKMAN, Paul (2011). Resident participation in housing regeneration in France. Housing Studies, 26 (6), 827-843. [Article]

HARRISON, M. and REEVE, K. (2002). Social welfare movements and collective action : lessons from two UK housing cases. Housing studies, 17 (5), 755-771. [Article]

HICKMAN, P. (2006). Approaches to tenant participation in the English local authority sector. Housing studies, 21 (2), 209-225. [Article]

HICKMAN, P. and MANNING, J. (2004). Community involvement in neighbourhood regeneration: who participates? Voluntary action: the journal for the institute of voluntary research, 7 (1), 43-59. [Article]

HICKMAN, Paul (2013). Getting on their bikes? The labour market as a driver of the residential mobility decisions of residents in deprived neighbourhoods. Journal of Urban Regeneration and Renewal, 6 (3), 293 -308. [Article]

HICKMAN, Paul (2013). "Third places" and social interaction in deprived neighbourhoods in Great Britain. Journal of Housing and the Built Environment, 28 (2), 221-236. [Article]

HICKMAN, Paul (2017). A flawed construct? Understanding and unpicking the concept of resilience in the context of economic hardship. Social Policy and Society, 1-16. [Article]

HICKMAN, Paul, KEMP, Peter A, REEVE, Kesia and WILSON, Ian (2017). The impact of the direct payment of housing benefit: evidence from Great Britain. Housing Studies, 32 (8), 1105-1126. [Article]

HICKMAN, Paul, PATTISON, Ben and PREECE, Jenny (2018). The impact of welfare reforms on housing associations: a scoping study. Project Report. UK Collaborative Centre for Housing Evidence. [Monograph]

HICKMAN, Paul, REEVE, Kesia, KEMP, Peter, WILSON, Ian and GREEN, Stephen (2014). Direct payment demonstration projects: Key findings of the programme evaluation. Final report. Project Report. London, Department for Work and Pensions. [Monograph]

HOLSTEAD, Kirsty, TAYLOR AIKEN, Gerald, EADSON, William and BRAUNHOLTZ-SPEIGHT, Tim (2018). Putting community to use in environmental policy making: emerging trends in Scotland and the UK. Geography Compass, 12 (9), e12381. [Article]

HUNTER, C., HODGE, N., NIXON, J. and PARR, S. (2007). Anti social behaviour and disability: the response of social landlords. People, place and policy online, 1 (3), 37-47. [Article]

HUNTER, C., HODGE, N.S., NIXON, J., PARR, S. and WILLIS, B. (2007). Disabled people’s experiences of anti-social behaviour and harassment in social housing: a critical review. Project Report. London, Disability Rights Commission. [Monograph]

HUNTER, C. and NIXON, J. (2001). Social landlords' responses to neighbour nuisance and anti-social behaviour: from the negligible to the holistic? Local government studies, 27 (4), 89-104. [Article]

HUNTER, C. and NIXON, J. (2001). Taking the blame and losing the home: women and anti-social behaviour. Journal of social welfare and family law, 23 (4), 395-410. [Article]

HUNTER, C., NIXON, J. and SLATTER, M. (2005). Neighbours behaving badly: anti-social behaviour, property rights and exclusion in England and Australia. Macquarie law journal, 5, 149-176. [Article]

HUNTER, Caroline, NIXON, Judy and BLANDY, Sarah (2008). Researching the judiciary : exploring the invisible in judicial decision making. Journal of Law and Society, 35 (s1), 76-90. [Article]

HUNTER, Caroline, NIXON, Judy and PARR, Sadie (2010). Mother abuse : a matter of youth justice, child welfare or domestic violence? Journal of Law and Society, 37 (2), 264-284. [Article]


JEANNOT, Gilles, GOODCHILD, Barry and HICKMAN, Paul (2008). Les nouveaux métiers de la ville : Pouvoirs publics et recherche urbaine = New professions in urban planning: Public authorities and urban research. Annales de la recherche urbaine, 104, 100-109. [Article]


LAWLESS, P. (2006). Area-based urban interventions: rationale and outcomes: the new deal for communities programme in England. Urban studies, 43 (11), 1991-2011. [Article]

LAWLESS, P. (2001). Community economic development in urban and regional regeneration: unfolding potential or justifiable scepticism? Environment and planning C: government and policy, 19 (1), 135-155. [Article]

LAWLESS, P. (2004). Locating and explaining area-based initiatives: new deal for communities in England. Environment and planning C: government and policy, 22 (3), 383-399. [Article]

LAWLESS, P. (2002). Power and conflict in pro-growth regimes: tensions in economic development in Jersey City and Detroit. Urban studies, 39 (8), 1329-1346. [Article]

LAWLESS, Paul (2012). Can area-based regeneration programmes ever work? Evidence from England's New Deal for Communities Programme. Policy Studies, 33 (4), 313-328. [Article]

LAWLESS, Paul (2012). Reconciling 'bottom-up' perspectives with 'top-down' change data in evaluating area regeneration schemes. European Planning Studies, 21 (10), 1562-1577. [Article]

LAWLESS, Paul (2011). Understanding the scale and nature of outcome change in area-regeneration programmes: evidence from the New Deal for Communities Programme in England. Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy, 29 (3), 520-532. [Article]

LAWLESS, Paul and BEATTY, Christina (2013). Exploring change in local regeneration areas : evidence from the New Deal for Communities Programme in England. Urban Studies, 50 (2), 942-958. [Article]

LAWLESS, Paul, FODEN, Michael, WILSON, Ian and BEATTY, Christina (2010). Understanding area-based regeneration: The New Deal for Communities Programme in England. Sage Urban Studies Abstracts, 47 (2), 257-275. [Article]

LAWLESS, Paul and GORE, Tony (1999). Urban regeneration and transport investment: A case study of Sheffield 1992-1996. Urban Studies, 36 (3), 527-545. [Article]

LINDSAY, Colin, PEARSON, Sarah, BATTY, Elaine, CULLEN, Anne Marie and EADSON, Will (2018). Co-production as a route to employability: Lessons from services with lone parents. Public Administration, 96 (2), 318-332. [Article]

LINDSAY, Colin, PEARSON, Sarah, BATTY, Elaine, CULLEN, Anne-Marie and EADSON, William (2018). Street-level practice and the co-production of third sector-led employability services. Policy & Politics, 46 (4), 571-587. [Article]

LUPTON, Ruth and CRISP, Richard (2018). Regeneration redux? What (if anything) can we learn from New Labour? In: NEEDHAM, Catherine, HEINS, Elke and REES, James, (eds.) Analysis and debate in social policy. Social Policy Review, 1 (30). Bristol, Policy Press, 209-228. [Book Section]


MACMILLAN, Rob (2017). Capacity building for competition: the role of infrastructure in third sector service delivery. In: REES, James and MULLINS, David, (eds.) The third sector delivering public services: Developments, innovations and challenges. Bristol, Policy Press, 107-125. [Book Section]

MACMILLAN, Rob (2017). Talking up the voluntary sector in criminal justice: market making in rehabilitation. In: REES, James and MULLINS, David, (eds.) The third sector delivering public services: Developments, innovations and challenges. Bristol, Policy Press, 237-256. [Book Section]

MACMILLAN, Rob and LIVINGSTONE, Isabel (2015). More than a provider: the voluntary sector and market diversity in criminal justice. Voluntary Sector Review, 6 (2), 221-230. [Article]

MACMILLAN, Rob and TOWNSEND, A. (2006). A ‘new institutional fix’? The ‘community turn’ and the changing role of the voluntary sector. In: MILLIGAN, C. and CONRADSON, D., (eds.) Landscapes of voluntarism: new spaces of health, welfare and governance. Bristol, Policy Press, 15-32. [Book Section]

MACMILLAN, Rob and WALTON, Caron (2015). What’s the problem? The role of diagnosis in building the capacity of voluntary and community organisations. Voluntary Sector Review, 6 (3), 325-332. [Article]

MAIDMENT, Christopher D., JONES, Christopher R., WEBB, Thomas L., HATHWAY, E. Abigail and GILBERTSON, Janet (2014). The impact of household energy efficiency measures on health: A meta-analysis. Energy Policy, 65, 583-593. [Article]

MCCARTHY, Lindsey (2013). Homelessness and identity : a critical review of the literature and theory. People, place and policy online, 7 (1), 46-58. [Article]

MCCARTHY, Lindsey (2013). ‘It’s Coming from the Heart’: Exploring a Student’s Experiences of ‘Home’ Using Participatory Visual Methodologies. Graduate Journal of Social Science, 10 (2), 76-105. [Article]

MCCARTHY, Lindsey (2017). (Re)conceptualising the boundaries between home and homelessness: the unheimlich. Housing Studies, 33 (6), 960-985. [Article]

MCCARTHY, Lindsey (2015). The unhomely home : women, home-lessness and the unheimlich. In: Housing Studies Association Conference, York, 8-10 April 2015. [Conference or Workshop Item]

MCCARTHY, Lindsey, AMBROSE, Aimee and PINDER, James (2016). Energy (In)Efficiency: Exploring what tenants expect and endure in the private rented sector in England. Making the case for more research into the tenant's perspective. An evidence review. Project Report. Sheffield, Sheffield Hallam University. [Monograph]

MCCARTHY, Lindsey, BATTY, Elaine, BEATTY, Christina, CASEY, Rionach, FODEN, Michael and REEVE, Kesia (2015). Homeless people’s experiences of welfare conditionality and benefit sanctions. Project Report. London, Crisis. [Monograph]

MULLINS, David, SACRANIE, Halima and PATTISON, Ben (2017). Let to Birmingham: 2016 case study report. Project Report. Birmingham, University of Birmingham. [Monograph]

MULLINS, David, SACRANIE, Halima and PATTISON, Ben (2017). Social Lettings Agencies in the West Midlands. Project Report. Birmingham, University of Birmingham. [Monograph]


NIXON, J., HODGE, N.S., PARR, S., WILLIS, B. and HUNTER, C. (2008). Anti social behaviour and disability in the UK. People, place & policy online, 2 (1), 37-47. [Article]

NIXON, J. and PARR, S. (2006). Anti-social behaviour: voices from the front line. In: FLINT, J., (ed.) Housing, urban governance and anti-social behaviour : perspectives, policy and practice. Bristol, Policy Press, 79-98. [Book Section]

NIXON, J. and PARR, S. (2008). Family intervention projects and efficacy of parenting interventions. In: Prevention and youth crime: is early intervention working? Bristol, Policy Press. [Book Section]

NIXON, Judy, PAWSON, Hal and SOSENKO, Filip (2010). Rolling out anti-social behaviour families projects in England and Scotland : analysing the rhetoric and practice of policy transfer. Social Policy and Administration, 44 (3), 305-325. [Article]

NUNNINGTON, Nick and HAYNES, Barry (2011). Examining the building selection decision-making process within corporate relocations : to design and evaluate a client focused tool to support objective decision making. Journal of Corporate Real Estate, 13 (2), 109-121. [Article]


PARKES, Stephen, JOPSON, Ann and MARSDEN, Greg (2016). Understanding travel behaviour change during mega-events: Lessons from the London 2012 Games. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 92, 104-119. [Article]

PARR, S. and NIXON, J. (2008). Rationalising family intervention projects. In: SQUIRES, P., (ed.) ASBO nation: the criminalisation of nuisance. Bristol, Policy Press. [Book Section]

PARR, Sadie (2015). Conceptualising 'the relationship' in intensive key worker support as a therapeutic medium. Journal of Social Work Practice, 30 (1), 25-42. [Article]

PARR, Sadie (2009). Confronting the reality of anti-social behaviour. Theoretical Criminology, 13 (3), 363-381. [Article]

PARR, Sadie (2016). Explaining and understanding state intervention into the lives of ‘troubled’ families. Social Policy and Society, 16 (4), 577-592. [Article]

PARR, Sadie (2009). Family Intervention Projects : a site of social work practice. British Journal of Social Work, 39 (7), 1256-1273. [Article]

PARR, Sadie (2011). Family policy and the governance of anti-social behaviour in the UK : women's experiences of intensive family support. Journal of Social Policy, 40 (04), 717-737. [Article]

PARR, Sadie (2015). Integrating critical realist and feminist methodologies: ethical and analytical dilemmas. International Journal of Social Research Methodology, 18 (2), 193-207. [Article]

PARR, Sadie (2011). Intensive family casework with 'problem families': past and present. Family science, 2 (4), 240-249. [Article]

PARR, Sadie (2015). The Troubled Families Workforce and occupational identity. In: DAVIES, Keith, (ed.) Social work with troubled families : a critical introduction. Jessica Kingsley Publishers, 53-73. [Book Section]

PARR, Sadie (2019). The changing shape of provision for rough sleepers: from conditionality to care. Housing studies. [Article]

PARR, Sadie (2010). The role of social housing in the ‘care’ and ‘control’ of tenants with mental health problems. Social Policy and Society, 9 (01), p. 111. [Article]

PATTISON, Ben, TYLER, Peter, WELLS, Peter and WILSON, Ian (2016). Regeneration revival? Making housing-led regeneration work across England. Project Report. Sheffield, Chartered Institute of Housing. [Monograph]

PATTISON, Ben (2017). Landlord perceptions of mortgage interest relief. Project Report. Residential Landlords Association. [Monograph]

PATTISON, Ben (2018). The right to buy?: Selling off public and social housing - Book Review. Housing Studies, 33 (5), 835-836. [Article]

PATTISON, Ben (2018). The right to buy?: selling off public and social housing. Housing Studies, 33 (5), 835-836. [Article]

PATTISON, Ben and REEVE, Kesia (2017). Access to homes for under-35’s : The impact of welfare reform on private renting. Project Report. Sheffield Hallam University for the Residential Landlords Association. [Monograph]

PATTISON, Ben, ROBINSON, David and WILSON, Ian (2016). Tenant perception of the Right to Buy extension : evidence from the Big Tenant Survey. Project Report. Sheffiled, Sheffield Hallam University. [Monograph]

PEARSON, Sarah (2009). How low should you go? Neighbourhood level interventions in the crime and community safety theme of New Deal for Communities. People, Place and Policy, 3 (1), 48-57. [Article]

PEARSON, Sarah and LAWLESS, Paul (2012). Outcomes from community engagement in urban regeneration: evidence from England’s New Deal for Communities Programme. Planning Theory and Practice, 13 (4), 509-527. [Article]

PEARSON, Sarah and LAWLESS, Paul (2012). Population mobility in regeneration areas : trends, drivers, and implications; evidence from England’s New Deal for Communities Programme. Environment and Planning A, 44 (8), 2023-2039. [Article]

PHILLIPS, Deborah, ATHWAL, Bal, ROBINSON, David and HARRISON, Malcolm (2013). Towards intercultural engagement: building shared visions of neighbourhood and community in an era of new migration. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 40 (1), 42-59. [Article]

PHILLIPS, Deborah and ROBINSON, David (2015). Reflections on migration, community, and place. Population, Space and Place, 21 (5), 409-420. [Article]

PLATTS-FOWLER, Deborah and ROBINSON, David (2015). A place for integration : refugee experiences in two English cities. "Population, Space and Place", 21 (5), 476-491. [Article]

POVEY, Larissa (2016). Where welfare and criminal justice meet: applying Wacquant to the experiences of marginalized women in austerity Britain. Social Policy and Society, 16 (2), 271-281. [Article]

POWELL, Ryan (2007). Civilising offensives and ambivalence : the case of British Gypsies. People, place and policy online, 1 (3). [Article]

POWELL, Ryan (2014). Civilizing process. In: FORSYTH, Craig J and COPES, Heith, (eds.) Encyclopedia of social deviance. Thousand Oaks, California, Sage, 105-106. [Book Section]

POWELL, Ryan (2011). Gypsy-travellers and welfare professional discourse : on individualization and social integration. Antipode, 43 (2), 471-493. [Article]

POWELL, Ryan (2015). Housing Benefit reform and the private rented sector in the UK : on the deleterious effects of short-term, ideological "knowledge". Housing, Theory and Society. [Article]

POWELL, Ryan (2013). Loїc Wacquant’s “ghetto” and ethnic minority segregation in the UK: the neglected case of Gypsy-Travellers. International Journal Of Urban And Regional Research, 37 (1), 115-134. [Article]

POWELL, Ryan (2010). Spaces of informalisation : playscapes, power and the governance of behaviour. Space and Polity, 14 (2), 189-206. [Article]

POWELL, Ryan (2008). Understanding the stigmatization of gypsies : power and the dialectics of (dis)identification. Housing, Theory and Society, 25 (2), 87-109. [Article]

POWELL, Ryan (2013). The theoretical concept of the “civilizing offensive” (het beschavingsoffensief): Notes on its origins and uses. Human Figurations, 2 (2). [Article]

POWELL, Ryan, DUNNING, Richard, FERRARI, Edward and MCKEE, Kim (2015). Affordable housing need in Scotland. Final report. Project Report. Scotland, Shelter. [Monograph]

POWELL, Ryan and FLINT, John F (2009). (In)formalization and the civilizing process : applying the work of Norbert Elias to housing-based anti-social behaviour interventions in the UK. Housing, Theory and Society, 26 (3), 159-178. [Article]

POWELL, Ryan and LEVER, John (2017). Europe’s perennial "outsiders": a processual approach to Roma stigmatization and ghettoization. Current Sociology, 65 (5), 680-699. [Article]

PURDAM, Kingsley and CRISP, Richard (2009). Measuring the impact of community engagement on policy making in the UK: a local case study. Journal of Civil Society, 5 (2), 169-186. [Article]


REEVE, K. (2005). Squatting since 1945: the enduring relevance of material need. In: SOMERVILLE, P. and SPRINGINGS, N., (eds.) Housing and social policy: contemporary themes and critical perspectives. London, Routledge, 197-217. [Book Section]

REEVE, K. and ROBINSON, D. (2007). Beyond the multi-ethnic metropolis: minority ethnic housing experiences in small town England. Housing studies, 22 (4), 547-571. [Article]

REEVE, Kesia (2014). Criminalising the poor : squatting, homelessness and social welfare. In: FOX O'MAHONY, Lorna, O'MAHONY, David and HICKEY, Robin, (eds.) Moral rhetoric and the criminalisation of squatting : vulnerable demons. Abingdon, Routledge, 133-154. [Book Section]

REEVE, Kesia (2008). New immigration and neighborhood change. In: Community cohesion in crisis?: new dimensions of diversity and difference. Policy Press. [Book Section]

REEVE, Kesia (2009). The UK Squatters Movement 1968-1980, 1968-1980. In: VAN HOOGENHUIJZE, Leendert, (ed.) Kritiek 2009 : Jaarboek voor Socialistische Discussie en Analyse. Aksant, 137-159. [Book Section]

REEVE, Kesia (2013). The morality of ‘the immoral’: the case of homeless, drug using, street prostitutes. Deviant Behavior, 34 (10), 824-840. [Article]

REEVE, Kesia, COLE, Ian, BATTY, Elaine, FODEN, Michael, GREEN, Stephen and PATTISON, Ben (2016). Home : no less will do - homeless people's access to the private rented sector. Project Report. London, UK, Crisis. [Monograph]

REEVE, Kesia, MCCARTHY, Lindsey, PATTISON, Ben, PARR, Sadie, BATTY, Elaine, MAYE-BANBURY, Angela, BASHIR, Nadia and DAYSON, Christopher (2018). The mental health needs of Nottingham's homeless population: an exploratory research study - executive summary. Project Report. Sheffield, Sheffield Hallam University. [Monograph]

REEVE, Kesia, MCCARTHY, Lindsey, PATTISON, Ben, PARR, Sadie, BATTY, Elaine, MAYE-BANBURY, Angela, BASHIR, Nadia and DAYSON, Christopher (2018). The mental health needs of Nottingham's homeless population: an exploratory research study. Project Report. Sheffield, Sheffield Hallam University. [Monograph]

REEVE, Kesia, WILSON, Ian, HICKMAN, Paul and DAYSON, Christopher (2014). Direct payment demonstration projects: Key findings of the 18th months' rent account analysis exercise. Project Report. London, Department for Work and Pensions. [Monograph]

REID, B. and HICKMAN, P. (2002). Are housing organisations learning organisations? Some lessons from the management of tenant participation. Housing studies, 17 (6), 895-918. [Article]

ROBINSON, D. (2003). Housing governance in the English regions: emerging structures, limits and potentials. Housing studies, 18 (2), 249-267. [Article]

ROBINSON, D. (2004). Rough sleeping in rural England: challenging a problem denied. Policy and politics, 32 (4), 471-486. [Article]

ROBINSON, D. (2005). The search for community cohesion: key themes and dominant concepts of the public policy agenda. Urban studies, 42 (8), 1411-1427. [Article]

ROBINSON, D. and REEVE, K. (2006). Neighbourhood experiences of new immigration: reflections from the evidence base. Project Report. York, Joseph Rowntree Foundation. [Monograph]

ROBINSON, David (2010). New immigrants and migrants in social housing in Britain: discursive themes and lived realities. Policy and Politics, 38 (1), 57-77. [Article]

ROBINSON, David (2013). Social housing in England : testing the logics of reform. Urban Studies, 50 (8), 1489-1504. [Article]

ROBINSON, David (2010). The neighbourhood effects of new immigration. Environment and Planning A, 42 (10), 2451-2466. [Article]

ROBINSON, David (2011). The spatial routines of daily life in low-income neighbourhoods : escaping the ‘local trap’. Space and Polity, 15 (2), 125-141. [Article]

ROBINSON, David and PLATTS-FOWLER, Deborah (2016). Community resilience : a policy tool for local government? Local Government Studies, 42 (5), 762-784. [Article]

ROBINSON, David and WALSHAW, Aimee (2014). Security of tenure in social housing in England. Social Policy and Society, 13 (01), 1-12. [Article]


SANDERSON, Elizabeth, WELLS, Peter and WILSON, Ian (2016). Resilience and involvement: the role of the EU's Structural and Investment Funds in addressing youth unemployment. In: BACHTLER, John, BERKOWITZ, Peter, HARDY, Sally and MURAVSKA, Tatjana, (eds.) EU cohesion policy: reassessing performance and direction. Regions and Cities (111). Abingdon, Routledge, 127-139. [Book Section]

SANDERSON, Elizabeth, WELLS, Peter and WILSON, Ian (2015). Young people's resilience and involvement : possible elements of the European Union's Structural and Investment Funds in addressing youth unemployment? In: Challenges for the New Cohesion Policy in 2014-2020 : An Academic and Policy Debate, Riga, 4-6 February, 2015. [Conference or Workshop Item]

SANDERSON, Elizabeth and WILSON, Ian (2017). Does locality make a difference? The impact of housing allowance reforms on private landlords. Housing Studies, 32 (7), 948-967. [Article]

SPRINGER, Simon, DE SOUZA, Marcelo Lopes and WHITE, Richard (2016). Introduction: transgressing frontiers through the radicalization of pedagogy. In: SPRINGER, Simon, DE SOUZA, Marcelo Lopes and WHITE, Richard, (eds.) The radicalization of pedagogy : anarchism, geography, and the spirit of revolt. Transforming Capitalism . London, Rowman & Littlefield, 1-26. [Book Section]


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TAYLOR, R, DAMM, Christopher and REES, John (2016). Navigating a new landscape : the third sector delivering contracted employment services. In: REES, James and MULLINS, David, (eds.) The Third Sector Delivering Public Services: Developments, Innovations and Challenges. Third sector research series . Birmingham, Policy Press, 169-188. [Book Section]

TAYLOR, Rebecca, ARVIDSON, Malin, MACMILLAN, Rob, SOTERI-PROCTOR, Andri and TEASDALE, Simon (2014). What's in it for us? Consent, access and the meaning of research in a qualitative longitudinal study. In: CAMFIELD, Laura, (ed.) Methodological challenges and new approaches to research in international development. Palgrave Macmillan, 38-58. [Book Section]

TAYLOR, Rebecca, REES, James and DAMM, Christopher (2016). UK employment services: understanding provider strategies in a dynamic strategic action field. Policy and Politics, 44 (2), 253-267. [Article]

TEW, Jerry and NIXON, Judy (2010). Parent abuse : opening up a discussion of a complex instance of family power relations. Social Policy and Society, 9 (04), 579-589. [Article]


WALSHAM, Aimee (2012). Briefing : Understanding the impact of housing modernisation from the bottom up. Journal of Urban Design and Planning, 165 (1), 7-10. [Article]

WALSHAW, Aimee (2011). From house to home : residents’ perceptions of housing modernisation. Journal of Urban Regeneration and Renewal, 4 (3), 269-278. [Article]

WALSHAW, Aimee, GOODCHILD, Barry and O'FLAHERTY, Fin (2012). User perspectives in low energy housing. In: The ENHR Conference 2012, Lillehammer, June 2012. [Conference or Workshop Item]

WALTON, Caron and MACMILLAN, Rob (2014). A brave new world for voluntary sector infrastructure? Vouchers, markets and demand-led capacity building. Working Paper. Birmingham, University of Birmingham. [Monograph]

WEBBER, D. J. and GORE, T. (2002). Dematerialising local economies: a case for ad hoc governance? Local economy, 17 (2), 96-110. [Article]

WELLS, Peter (2018). Evidence based policy making in an age of austerity. People, place and policy online, 11 (3), 175-183. [Article]

WELLS, Peter (2012). Prescriptions for regional economic dilemmas : understanding the role of think tanks in the governance of regional policy. Public Administration, 90 (1), 211-229. [Article]

WELLS, Peter (2012). Understanding Social Investment Policy: evidence from the evaluation of Futurebuilders in England. Voluntary Sector Review, 3 (2), 157-177. [Article]

WELLS, Peter (2012). Understanding social investment policy : evidence from the evaluation of Futurebuilders in England. Voluntary Sector Review, 3 (2), 157-177. [Article]

WELLS, Peter (2013). When the Third Sector went to Market: the problematic use of market failure to justify social investment policy. Voluntary Sector Review, 4 (1), 77-94. [Article]

WELLS, Peter and DAYSON, Christopher (2013). Voluntary and community sector policy under the Coalition Government. People, place and policy online, 7 (2), 91-99. [Article]

WELLS, Peter, PEARSON, Sarah, DAMM, Christopher and SANDERSON, Elizabeth (2018). Involving young people: Lessons from the Talent Match programme evaluation. Project Report. Sheffield, Sheffield Hallam University. [Monograph]

WELLS, Peter, PEARSON, Sarah, DAMM, Christopher and SANDERSON, Elizabeth (2018). Progression to Employment: Lessons from the Talent Match programme evaluation. Project Report. Sheffield, Sheffield Hallam University. [Monograph]

WELLS, Peter, PEARSON, Sarah, DAMM, Christopher and SANDERSON, Elizabeth (2018). Youth Employment Partnerships: Lessons from the Talent Match programme evaluation. Project Report. Sheffield, Sheffield Hallam University. [Monograph]

WHILE, Aidan, GORE, Tony, EADSON, William and CRISP, Richard (2016). Major development projects: connecting people in poverty to jobs. Project Report. York, Joseph Rowntree Foundation. [Monograph]

WHITE, Richard (2018). Radically reassessing "the economic" at a time of crisis: recognising and valuing the diverse economies of work and organisation in society. In: The age of perplexity: Reassessing the world we knew. BBVA. [Book Section]

WHITE, Richard, ARAUJO, Erin, FERRETTI, Federico, INCE, Anthony, MASON, Kelvin, MULLENITE, Joshua, PICKERILL, Jenny and ROLLO, Tony (2017). Beyond electoralism: Reflections on anarchy, populism, and the crisis of electoral politics. ACME: An International E-Journal for Critical Geographies, 16 (4), 607-642. [Article]

WHITE, Richard and SPRINGER, Simon (2017). For spatial emancipation in critical animal studies. In: MATSUOKA, Atsuko and SORENSON, John, (eds.) Critical animal studies: towards trans-species social justice. London, Rowman and Littlefield. (In Press) [Book Section]

WHITE, Richard, SPRINGER, Simon and DE SOUZA, Marcelo Lopes (2016). Performing anarchism, practising freedom, pursuing revolt. In: WHITE, Richard, SPRINGER, Simon and DE SOUZA, Marcelo Lopes, (eds.) The practice of freedom : anarchism, geography and the spirit of revolt. Transforming Capitalism . London, Rowman & Littlefield, 1-22. [Book Section]

WILSON, Ian (2013). Outcomes for 'stayers' in urban regeneration areas: the New Deal for Communities Programme in England. Urban Research & Practice Online ISSN 1753-5077, 6 (2), 174-193. [Article]

WILSON, Ian (2012). Using shadow pricing to value outcomes from regeneration programmes: evidence from the New Deal for Communities Programme in England. Town Planning Review, 83 (6), 669-694. [Article]

WILSON, Ian, LAWLESS, Paul, GRIMSLEY, Mike and FODEN, Michael (2010). Linking interventions to outcomes in area regeneration: The New Deal for Communities Programme in England. Town Planning Review, 81 (2), 151-172. [Article]


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