Items where Research Institute, Centre or Group is "Centre for Pedagogic Research and Innovation"

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Number of items at this level: 119.


BEARD, Colin (2018). Dewey in the world of experiential education. New Directions For Adult & Continuing Education, 2018 (158), 27-37. [Article]

BEARD, Colin (1996). Environmental awareness training : three ideas for greening the company culture. Eco-management and auditing, 3 (3), 139-146. [Article]

BEARD, Colin (2003). Innovation and learning: a new approach to the design of experiential learning events? Outward bound international, 11 (1), 2-3. [Article]

BEARD, Colin (2018). Learning Experience Designs (LEDs) in an age of complexity: time to replace the lightbulb? Reflective Practice, 19 (6), 736-748. [Article]

BEARD, Colin (2008). Mapping first year students’ emotional journeys. LINK, n/a, p. 16. [Article]

BEARD, Colin (1994). The UK's largest recreation facility is under negotiation - or is it? Town and country planning, 63 (4), 118-121. [Article]

BEARD, Colin (2003). The development and design of an interactive CD-ROM for Masters students. LINK, 8, 20-21. [Article]

BEARD, Colin, CLEGG, Sue and SMITH, Karen (2007). Acknowledging the affective in higher education. British Educational Research Journal, 33 (2), 235-252. [Article]

BEARD, Colin, HUMBERSTONE, Barbara and CLAYTON, Ben (2014). Positive emotions: passionate scholarship and student transformation. Teaching in Higher Education, 19 (6), 630-643. [Article]

BEARD, Colin and RHODES, Toby (2001). Cartooning : learning review tool. Organisational development, 3. [Article]

BEARD, Colin and RHODES, Toby (2002). Experiential learning: using comic strips as 'reflective tools' in adult learning. Australian journal of outdoor education, 6 (2), 58-65. [Article]

BEARD, Colin and RUSS, William (2017). Event evaluation and design : human experience mapping. Event Management, 21 (3), 365-374. [Article]

BEARD, Colin and WILSON, J. (2002). Still building rafts, juggling balls and driving tanks? Horizon, 19. [Article]

BEARD, Colin, WILSON, John P. and MCCARTER, Richard (2007). Towards a theory of e-Learning :experiential e-Learning. Journal of Hospitality, Leisure, Sports & Tourism Education, 6 (2), 3-15. [Article]

CLAYTON, Ben, BEARD, Colin, HUMBERSTONE, Barbara and WOLSTENHOLME, Claire (2009). The jouissance of learning: evolutionary musings on the pleasures of learning in higher education. Teaching in Higher Education, 14 (4), 375-386. [Article]

CROWTHER, Philip and BEARD, Colin (2008). Events education : the value of ‘real world’ learning. LINK, 20, 35-37. [Article]

CROWTHER, Philip, OREFICE, Chiara and BEARD, Colin (2018). At work and play; business events as entrepreneurial spaces. International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation, 19 (2), 90-99. [Article]

CRUTCHLEY, David, NIELD, Kevin and JORDAN, Fiona (2005). Moving from peer observation of teaching: a collaborative development using the principle of peer support. Educational developments, 6 (1), 1-5. [Article]

DANEYKO, Olga, ZAVAGNO, Daniele and ZANUTTINI, Lucia (2011). Lightness effects in Delboeuf and Ebbinghaus size-contrast illusions. Perception, 40 (4), 464-473. [Article]

HEYES, Andy, BEARD, Colin and GEHRELS, Sjoerd (2015). Can a luxury hotel compete without a spa facility? : opinions from senior managers of London’s luxury hotels. Research in Hospitality Management, 5 (1), 93-97. [Article]

HICKMAN, M., BEARD, Colin, FITZGERALD, L. and INKSTER, A. (2016). Act your age: the older adult body as a site for exploring and affirming identity – a small case study of Montana based climbers. Quality in Ageing and Older Adults. [Article]

HICKMAN, Mark, BEARD, Colin and INKSTER, Alison (2015). Paradise regained: older adult rock climbers turning space into place in the natural environment. Envigogika, 10 (3). [Article]

HICKMAN, Mark, BEARD, Colin and INKSTER, Allison (2015). Ageing and the outdoors: denying inevitability or perceiving an opportunity – which is the Outdoor Sector’s approach? Horizons Magazine, 70, 24-25. [Article]

HICKMAN, Mark, STOKES, Peter, BEARD, Colin and INKSTER, Allison (2017). Doing the plastic fantastic : ‘artificial’ adventure and older adult climbers. Journal of Adventure Education and Outdoor Learning, 1-11. [Article]

HICKMAN, Mark, STOKES, Peter, GAMMON, Sean, BEARD, Colin and INKSTER, Allison (2016). Moments like diamonds in space: savoring the ageing process through positive engagement with adventure sports. Annals of Leisure Research, 1-19. [Article]

HICKMAN, Mary, BEARD, Colin, INKSTER, Alison and MILES, B (2016). Sustaining fitness through the outdoors: perspectives from older adults. Horizons Magazine, 73. [Article]

HICKMAN, Mary, BEARD, Colin and INKSTER, I (2015). Climbing through the eyes of older adults: same activities, different meanings. The professional mountaineer : the magazine for mountain professionals, 22-24. [Article]

HUMBERSTONE, B, BEARD, Colin and CLAYTON, B (2011). Performativity and enjoyable learning. Journal of Further and Higher Education, 1-16. [Article]

LEDSOM, Dawn, REILLY, Andrew J and PROBST, Heidi (2018). Assessment of deep inspiration breath hold (DIBH) amplitude and reduction in cardiac dose in left breast cancer patients. Radiography, 24 (2), 98-103. [Article]

LYONS, Howard and NIELD, Kevin (2007). Academic integrity: issues with the use of software packages. Link, 18, 12-13. [Article]

NIELD, K. (2004). Questioning the myth of the Chinese learner. International journal of contemporary hospitality management, 16 (3), 189-196. [Article]

NIELD, K. (2007). Understanding the Chinese learner: a case study exploration of the notion of the Hong Kong Chinese learner as a rote or strategic learner. Journal of hospitality, leisure, sport and tourism education, 6 (1), 39-48. [Article]

NIELD, Kevin (2007). The Chinese distance learner's perception of the teacher/lecturer. International Journal of Learning, 14 (3), 277-284. [Article]

NIELD, Kevin (2003). Doctorates in education: a personal insight. Link, 7, 26-27. [Article]

NIELD, Kevin (2009). The problems of applying labels of learning style to national cultures. International Journal of Learning, 16 (7), 425-434. [Article]

NIELD, Kevin and THOM, Viv (2009). Chinese Learners - a matter of heart. Enhancing Learning in the Social Sciences, 2 (1), 1-26. [Article]

NORTCLIFFE, Anne and MIDDLETON, Andrew (2006). Audio Lecture Notes : supplementary lecture materials with added value. NADO News The Official newsletter of the National Association of Disability Officers Ltd, Summer 2006. [Article]

O'LEARY, Christine (2018). Exploring the development of learner autonomy from a postmodern and social constructivist perspective: prioritising voices. The Learner Development Journal, 2. [Article]

O'LEARY, Christine and GIOVE, Samantha (2013). Fostering student engagement. Student Engagement and Experience Journal, 2 (2). [Article]

PAXMAN, Jenny, NIELD, Kevin and HALL, Anna (2011). Motivation, Confidence, and Control; Unraveling Active Learning for Nutrition and Food Undergraduates. Journal of Food Science Education, 10 (4), 45-53. [Article]

VAUDRIN-CHARETTE, Julie and BEARD, Colin (2017). A sensory experiment into languages as (re)volution. Journal of the Canadian Association for Curriculum Studies, 14 (1). [Article]

WILMOT, Natalie, RUSHTON, Diane and ZANDONA HOFMANN, Anelise Seleme (2016). Reaching across continents : engaging students through virtual collaborations. Higher Education Pedagogies, 1 (1), 121-139. [Article]

WILSON, John P. and BEARD, Colin (2014). Constructing a sustainable learning organization: Marks and Spencer's first Plan A learning store. The Learning Organization, 21 (2), 98-112. [Article]

WILSON, John P. and BEARD, Colin (2003). The learning combination lock – an experiential approach to learning design. Journal of European Industrial Training, 27 (2/3/4), 88-97. [Article]

ZAVAGNO, Daniele, DANEYKO, Olga and AGOSTINI, Tiziano (2010). Measuring the meter: on the constancy of lightness scales seen against different backgrounds. Behavior Research Methods, 43 (1), 215-223. [Article]

Book Section

BEARD, Colin (2005). The Design of Effective Group-Based Training Methods. In: WILSON, John, (ed.) Human Resource Development : learning and training for individuals and organizations, 2nd ed. London, Kogan Page, 342-364. [Book Section]

BEARD, Colin (2015). Experiential learning : towards a multidisciplinary perspective. In: HUMBERSTONE, Barbara, PRINCE, Heather and HENDERSON, Karla A., (eds.) Routledge International Handbook of Outdoor Studies. Routledge International Handbooks . Routledge, 425-434. [Book Section]

BEARD, Colin (2009). Space to learn : the development and evolution of new learning environments in Higher Education. In: BUSWELL, John and BECKET, Nina, (eds.) Enhancing student-centred learning in business and management, hospitality, leisure, sport and tourism. The Enhancing Series . Oxford, Threshold Press. [Book Section]

BEARD, Colin (2012). Spatial ecology : learning and working environments that change people and organizations. In: ALEXANDER, Keith and PRICE, Ilfryn, (eds.) Managing organizational ecologies : space, management, and organizations. Routledge Studies in Innovation, Organizations and Technology . Routledge. [Book Section]

BEARD, Colin (2012). Spatial ecology: learning and working environments that change people and organizations. In: ALEXANDER, Keith and PRICE, Ilfryn, (eds.) Managing organizational ecologies: space, management and organization. New York, Routledge, 69-80. [Book Section]

BEARD, Colin (2009). Transforming the student learning experience : the development of a pedagogic framework for everyday practice. In: BUSWELL, John and BECKET, Nina, (eds.) Enhancing student-centred learning in business and management, hospitality, leisure, sport and tourism. The Enhancing Series . Oxford, Threshold Press. [Book Section]

BEARD, Colin and GOODE, Mark (2014). Contributing to a more sustainable world? Business Product Innovation and the Development of an Industrial Ecology. In: ATFIELD, Richard and KEMP, Patsy, (eds.) Enhancing Education for Sustainable Development in Business and Management, Hospitality, Leisure, Marketing, Tourism. Higher Education Academy, 3-13. [Book Section]

BEARD, Colin and HARTMANN, Rainer (1999). Eco-innovation: rethinking Future Business Products and Services. In: CHARTER, Martin and POLONSKY, Michael J., (eds.) Greener Marketing : a responsible approach to business, 2nd ed. Saltaire, Greenleaf Publishing, 143-163. [Book Section]

BEARD, Colin and IRVINE, Dominic (2005). Management Training and Development: problems, paradoxes and perspectives. In: WILSON, John, (ed.) Human Resource Development : learning and training for individual and organizations, 2nd ed. London, Kogan Page, 380-403. [Book Section]

BEARD, Colin and JACKSON, Norman J. (2011). A holistic model for lifewide learning. In: JACKSON, Norman J., (ed.) Learning for a complex world: a lifewide concept of learning, curriculum, education and personal development. Bloomington, Ind., AuthorHouse, 39-60. [Book Section]

BEARD, Colin and MALKKI, Kaisu (2013). Student transformation and the interaction between the epistemological and ontological tracks: The wider project of higher education. In: TIRRI, Kirsi and KUUSISTO, Elina, (eds.) Interaction in Educational Domains. Rotterdam, Sense Publishers, 25-36. [Book Section]

BEARD, Colin and PRICE, Ilfryn (2012). Learning spaces that change people and organisations. In: WILSON, John P., (ed.) International human resource development : learning, education and training for individuals and organizations, 3rd ed. Kogan Page. [Book Section]

BEARD, Colin and WILSON, John P. (2005). Ingredients for effective experiential learning: the learning combination lock. In: HARTLEY, Peter, WOODS, Amanda and PILL, Martin, (eds.) Enhancing teaching in Higher Education : new approaches to improving student learning. London, Routledge, 3-18. [Book Section]

LYNE, Chris, MYERS, Gudrun, O'LEARY, Christine and PETTIGREW, Mark (2000). Coping with the diversity of language competence displayed by intermediate level IWLP students: Evaluation of the Sheffield Hallam University Language Scheme placement tests. In: FAY, Mike and FERNEY, Derrik, (eds.) Current trends in modern languages provision for non-specialist linguists. CILT, 166-180. [Book Section]

NIELD, Kevin (2002). Globalisation of education and culture: A study of fledgling supplier. In: VUKONIC, B. and CAVLEK, N., (eds.) Rethinking of Education and Training for Tourism. Zagreb, University of Zagreb, 67-78. [Book Section]

NIELD, Kevin (2011). The employability of leisure and hospitality graduates. In: EuroCHRIE conference proceedings. American College of Management, 433-442. [Book Section]

NIELD, Kevin, BALL, S.D. and HORNER, S. (2002). Academic leadership for the international development of hospitality and tourism education - a case study of distance learning in Hong Kong. In: VUKONIC, B. and CAVLEK, N., (eds.) Rethinking of Education and Training for Tourism. Zagreb, University of Zagreb, 181-190. [Book Section]

NIELD, Kevin and SIMPER, Trevor (2011). From "small changes" to maximum impact: A case study of food and nutrition students at Sheffield Hallam University improving their learning and skills while contributing to the general public's health and wellbeing. In: Enhancing Graduate Impactin Business and Management, Hospitality, Leisure, Sport and Tourism. Newbury, Threshold Pr. [Book Section]

NORTCLIFFE, Anne (2011). About using iPhones/iTouches for project supervision. In: MIDDLETON, Andrew, (ed.) Media-enhanced feedback : case studies and methods. ASSET and MELSIG, 17-20. [Book Section]

NORTCLIFFE, Anne (2011). iPhone supervision and feedback: a case study. In: MIDDLETON, Andrew, (ed.) Media-enhanced feedback: case studies and methods. ASSET and MELSIG, 14-18. [Book Section]

NORTCLIFFE, Anne (2013). A journey through audio feedback. In: MIDDLETON, Andrew, (ed.) Digital Voices —a collaborative exploration of the recorded voice in post-compulsory education. Media-Enhanced Learning Special Interest Group and Sheffield Hallam University, 2013, 119-123. [Book Section]

NORTCLIFFE, Anne and MIDDLETON, Andrew (2010). Student Audio Notes Project: lessons from autonomous use of MP3 recorders by students to enhance their learning. In: MOORE, Ivan, ELVING-HWANG, Jo, GARNETT, Kenisha and CORKER, Chris, (eds.) CPLA Case Studies. Centre for Promoting Learner Autonomy, Sheffield Hallam University, 151-164. [Book Section]

NORTCLIFFE, Anne and MIDDLETON, Andrew (2010). Student audio notes evolution. In: CORKER, Chris, (ed.) Enquiry, Autonomy and Graduateness : achieving an outstanding student learning experience : CPLA Conference Proceedings. Centre for Promoting Learner Autonomy, Sheffield Hallam University, 89-99. [Book Section]

NORTCLIFFE, Anne, STRINGER, Elaine, COGILL, Peter and WINWOOD, Bridget (2010). Nursing IT: A Peer Assisted Learning Project for Nursing and IT Students. In: BRAMHALL, Mike, O'LEARY, Christine and CORKER, Chris, (eds.) CPLA Case Studies. Centre for Promoting Learner Autonomy, Sheffield Hallam University, 177-184. [Book Section]

O'LEARY, Christine (2000). Developing a specialist lexis and register in the higher stages of an IWLP: A teacher's perspective. In: FAY, Mike and FERNEY, Derrik, (eds.) Current trends in modern languages provision for non-specialist linguists. CILT, 123-138. [Book Section]

O'LEARY, Christine (2007). Should learner autonomy be assessed? In: Proceedings of the Independent Learning Association 2007 Japan Conference: Exploring theory, enhancing practice : Autonomy across the disciplines. Kanda University of International Studies, Chiba, Japan, October 2007. Indepedent Learning Association. [Book Section]

O'LEARY, Christine (2006). Supporting the development of autonomy in advanced language learners on an institution-wide language programme. In: SMITH, Karen, (ed.) Making links, sharing research : Proceedings of the Higher Education Research Network Conference. Sheffield, Sheffield Hallam University. [Book Section]

O'LEARY, Christine TC (2014). Developing autonomous language learners in HE : a social constructivist perspective. In: MURRAY, Garold, (ed.) Social Dimensions of Autonomy in Language Learning. London, Palgrave Macmillan, 15-36. [Book Section]

WILSON, Robert, STRINGER, Elaine and NORTCLIFFE, Anne (2010). Putting Students in the Lecturers Shoes. In: BRAMHALL, Mike, O'LEARY, Christine and CORKER, Chris, (eds.) CPLA Case Studies. Centre for Promoting Learner Autonomy, Sheffield Hallam University, 229-235. [Book Section]

Conference or Workshop Item

BEARD, Colin (2008). Enhancing the student experience. In: 1st Annual Higher Education Academy HE in FE Conference : Playing with Learning 1 : Unlocking the Learning Experience, University of Warwick, 5 June 2008. (Unpublished) [Conference or Workshop Item]

BEARD, Colin (2014). Experiential learning : towards a multi-disciplinary perspective. In: 7th International Mountain and Outdoor Sports Conference, Prague, Czech Republic, 20-23 November 2014. (Unpublished) [Conference or Workshop Item]

BEARD, Colin (2011). Experiential learning: the importance of place and space. In: Supporting Student Learning Conference 2011 : 10th Annual Learning and Teaching Conference, Cotswold Suite, University of Worcester, 16th June 2011. (Unpublished) [Conference or Workshop Item]

BEARD, Colin (2009). Infinity and beyond : new adventures in learning. In: 14th Annual SEDA (Staff and Educational Development Association) Conference 2009 : Changing Educational Development: New Ideas, New Approaches, New Contexts, Aston Business School Conference Centre, Birmingham, 17-18 November 2009. (Unpublished) [Conference or Workshop Item]

BEARD, Colin (2009). Just three simple steps? A simple practical technique for improving students' understanding of 'experiential knowing'. In: Learning for a complex world, University of Surrey, Guildford, March 31st - April 1st 2009. (Unpublished) [Conference or Workshop Item]

BEARD, Colin (2011). Returning our senses. In: 12th International Conference on Experiential Learning, Santiago, Chile, January 2011. (Unpublished) [Conference or Workshop Item]

BEARD, Colin (2011). Space, transformation and troublesome knowledge in physical and virtual learning environments. In: Sixth Annual Learning Teaching and Assessment Conference 2011 : Learning @ Derby : the future direction, The Dome, Buxton Campus, University of Derby, 7th July 2011. (Unpublished) [Conference or Workshop Item]

BEARD, Colin (2009). Student voice : engagement and the experience of learning. In: 'Challenging, inspiring and supporting our learners' LTEU 6th Annual Conference, 2009, University of Roehampton, London, 28th April 2009. (Unpublished) [Conference or Workshop Item]

BEARD, Colin (2008). Tranforming the student learning experience : interdisciplinarity and interconnectedness. In: Higher Education Academy Annual Conference 2008 : Transforming the student experience, Harrogate International Centre, Harrogate, 1-3 July 2008. (Unpublished) [Conference or Workshop Item]

BEARD, Colin (2010). The future of space for learning : the next evolutionary step. In: Association of University Directors of Estates Annual Conference, Queen's University, Belfast, Northern Ireland, 29-31 March 2010. (Unpublished) [Conference or Workshop Item]

BEARD, Colin (2002). The learning combination lock. In: Outward Bound World Conference 2002, Pulau, Ubin, 2002. (Unpublished) [Conference or Workshop Item]

BEARD, Colin (2008). The research experience : forging new identities for experiential learning. In: 11th International Conference on Experiential Learning : The Identity of Experience : Challenges for experiential learning, University of Technology, Sydney, Australia, 8-12 December 2008. (Unpublished) [Conference or Workshop Item]

BEARD, Colin (2010). The role of the mind, body and field in learning. In: The First Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) in Higher Education Symposium, University of Bournemouth, 18th September 2010. (Unpublished) [Conference or Workshop Item]

BEARD, Colin, SMITH, Karen and CLEGG, Sue (2005). Mapping Students' Emotional Journeys. In: 12th International Conference on Learning from Monday, Faculty of Education at the University of Granada, Spain, 11-14 July 2005. (Unpublished) [Conference or Workshop Item]

HINGLEY, V. and NIELD, Kevin (2007). Developing employability skills through employer mentoring. In: Annual CHME conference, Nottingham, 9-11 May 2007. (Unpublished) [Conference or Workshop Item]

MAHER, Angela and NIELD, Kevin (2005). Enhancing graduate employability in hospitality, leisure, sport and tourism. In: Enhancing student employability: Ninth quality in higher education international seminar, Birmingham, 27-28th January 2005. (Unpublished) [Conference or Workshop Item]

NIELD, Kevin (2005). Effective learning and teaching enhancement: peer-supported review of LTA and professional development. In: 16th Annual CHME conference, Bournmouth, 13-15 May 2005. (Unpublished) [Conference or Workshop Item]

NIELD, Kevin (2005). Meeting the needs of the Chinese learner. In: The Chinese and SE Asian learner conference, Southampton, 13-15th September 2005. (Unpublished) [Conference or Workshop Item]

NIELD, Kevin (2005). The problems of applying labels of learning styles to national cultures. In: 16th Annual CHME conference, Bournmouth, 13-15 May 2005. (Unpublished) [Conference or Workshop Item]

NIELD, Kevin (2009). The problems of applying learning styles to national cultures. In: 16th International conference on learning, University of Barcelona, 1-4 July 2009. (Unpublished) [Conference or Workshop Item]

NIELD, Kevin and GRAVES, S. (2006). Enhancing graduate employability. In: Annual CHME conference, Nottingham, 12-14 May 2006. (Unpublished) [Conference or Workshop Item]

NIELD, Kevin and HEYWOOD, R. (2009). The Chinese learner. In: Internationalising the curriculum, Sheffield Hallam University, 31 March 2009. (Unpublished) [Conference or Workshop Item]

NIELD, Kevin and MAHER, A (2005). Enhancing graduate employability: embedding employability skills development in the curriculum. In: 16th Annual CHME conference, Bournmouth, 13-15 May 2005. (Unpublished) [Conference or Workshop Item]

NIELD, Kevin and THOM, Viv (2006). International learners: a matter of heart, responding to the needs of the Chinese learner. In: Internationalising the university, University of Portsmouth, 15-16 July 2006. (Unpublished) [Conference or Workshop Item]

NIELD, Kevin and THOM, Viv (2006). Opening hearts and minds: a new framework for teachers and learners. In: International education: a matter of heart, Kuala Lumpur, 13-16th February 2006. [Conference or Workshop Item]

NORTCLIFFE, Anne (2006). Alternative to the essay to promote greater depth of learning. In: Higher Education Research Network, Sheffield Hallam University, 2006. Sheffield Hallam University, Sheffield Hallam University, 39-50. (Unpublished) [Conference or Workshop Item]

NORTCLIFFE, Anne (2014). Smart Curation. In: Aiming High – Valuing Challenge in Teaching and Learning : Sheffield Hallam University Learning Teaching and Assessment Annual Conference 2014, Sheffield Hallam University, Sheffield, UK, 2014. [Conference or Workshop Item]

O'LEARY, Christine (2008). Can learner autonomy be assessed. In: Language Learning Conference, Hong Kong University of Technology and Payap University Chiang Mai., 7-11 January 2008. (Unpublished) [Conference or Workshop Item]

O'LEARY, Christine (2005). Collaborative learner development in a university-wide language programme. In: 14th AILA World Congress : The future is now!, American Association of Applied Linguistics, Madison, Wisconsin, USA, 24-29 July 2005. (Unpublished) [Conference or Workshop Item]

O'LEARY, Christine (2011). Developing autonomous language learners: insights from practitioner research. In: 16th AILA World Congress (AILA2011) : Harmony in Diversity: Language, Culture, Society, CELEA, Beijing, China, 23-29 August 2011. (Unpublished) [Conference or Workshop Item]

O'LEARY, Christine (2002). Developing autonomy in advanced non-specialist language learners. In: 13th AILA World Congress, Singapore, 16-21 December 2002. (Unpublished) [Conference or Workshop Item]

O'LEARY, Christine (2002). Developing autonomy using portfolio-based assessment. In: Language World Conference 2002 : Building Bridges, University of York, 12-14 April 2002. (Unpublished) [Conference or Workshop Item]

O'LEARY, Christine (2010). Enhancing student learning through assessment: a school-wide approach. In: HEA Annual Conference 2010 : Shaping the future : Exploring impacts and changes to the student learning experience over the next five years, University of Hertfordshire., 22-23 June 2010. (Unpublished) [Conference or Workshop Item]

O'LEARY, Christine (2001). On the road to autonomy : advanced learners' perception of foreign language learning in an institution-wide language programme. In: British Educational Research Association (BERA) Annual Conference 2001, University of Leeds, 13-15 September 2001. (Unpublished) [Conference or Workshop Item]

O'LEARY, Christine (2006). Pratiques de formation et d'autoformation d'étudiants spécialistes d'autres disciplines à l'université de Sheffield Hallam au Royaume Uni. In: Congrès International de la Fédération Nationale des Professeurs de Français, Vienna, 2-5 November 2006. (Unpublished) [Conference or Workshop Item]

O'LEARY, Christine (2004). The role of digital technology in the language classroom. In: Language World 2004 : Reaching Out, University of Oxford, 2-4 April 2004. (Unpublished) [Conference or Workshop Item]

POVEY, Hilary, ADAMS, Gill and EVERLEY, Rosie (2016). "Its influence taints all": mathematics teachers resisting performativity through engagement with the past. In: 13th International Congress on Mathematical Education, Hamburg, 24-31 July 2016. (Unpublished) [Conference or Workshop Item]

SMITH, Karen and BEARD, Colin (2005). Mapping students’ emotional journeys. In: Quality Enhancement Network Conference: Accomplishing Complex Institutional Change: making a difference to students' experiences of higher education, De Montfort University, Leicester, UK, 6 June 2005. (Unpublished) [Conference or Workshop Item]

Authored Book

BEARD, Colin (2010). The experiential learning toolkit : blending practice with concepts. London, Kogan Press. [Authored Book]

BEARD, Colin, WILSON, Janet and WONG, Eva (2002). Powerful experiential learning. Zhongshan University, Zhongshan University Press. [Authored Book]

BEARD, Colin and WILSON, John P. (2006). Experiential learning : a best practice handbook for educators and trainers. (2nd ed.). London, Kogan Press. [Authored Book]

BEARD, Colin and WILSON, John P. (2002). The power of experiential learning : a handbook for trainers and educators. London, Kogan Press. [Authored Book]

TAYLOR, Gary, MELLOR, Liam and MCCARTER, Richard (2016). Work-related learning and the social sciences. Routledge. [Authored Book]

Edited Book

BRAMHALL, Mike, O'LEARY, Christine and CORKER, Chris, eds. (2010). CPLA Centre for Promoting Learner Autonomy. A Centre for Excellence in Teaching and Learning. Case Studies: Volume 2. Sheffield, Centre for Promoting Learner Autonomy. [Edited Book]

BRAMHALL, Mike, O'LEARY, Christine and CORKER, Chris, eds. (2010). CPLA Centre for Promoting Learner Autonomy. A Centre for Excellence in Teaching and Learning. Case studies: faculty projects. Sheffield, Centre for Promoting Learner Autonomy. [Edited Book]

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