Items where Research Institute, Centre or Group is "Centre for Infrastructure Management"

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Number of items at this level: 123.


STARINIERI, Vincenzo, ILLINGWORTH, James M and HUGHES, David C (2019). Use of supplementary aggregates in mortars produced using a novel lime drying technique. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers - Construction Materials, 172 (6), 305-313. [Article]


AL-MOUSSAWI, M and SMITH, Alan (2018). Defects in Friction Stir Welding of Steel. Metallography, Microstructure, and Analysis, 7, 194-202. [Article]

AL-MOUSSAWI, M. and SMITH, Alan (2018). Thermo-Mechanical Effect on Poly Crystalline Boron Nitride Tool Life During Friction Stir Welding (Dwell Period). Metals and Materials International, 24 (3), 560-575. [Article]

AL-MOUSSAWI, M. A. M. (2018). A study on the failure of steel chains in rotary cement kilns. Metallography, Microstructure, and Analysis, 7 (2), 153-167. [Article]

JONES, Graeme, MANGAT, Pal, LAMBERT, Paul and O'FLAHERTY, Fin (2018). Using alkali-activated smart concrete for enhanced performance of structures. In: International Conference on Alkali Activated Materials and Geopolymers 2018, Tomar, Portugal, 27th May 2018 - 1st June 2018. (Unpublished) [Conference or Workshop Item]

MANGAT, Pal and OJEDOKUN, Olalekan (2018). Influence of curing on pore properties and strength of alkali activated mortars. Construction and Building Materials, 188, 337-348. [Article]

MANGAT, Pal and OJEDOKUN, Olalekan (2018). Pore size distribution of an alkali activated cementitious (AACM) mortar. International Journal of Global Advanced Materials & Nanotechnology, 1 (3), p. 68. [Article]

NGUYEN, C V, MANGAT, P S and JONES, G (2018). Effect of shrinkage reducing admixture on the strength and shrinkage of alkali activated cementitious mortar. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 371, 012022. [Article]

O'FLAHERTY, Fin and ALAM, Mahmood (2018). Thermal and sound insulation performance assessment of vacuum insulated composite insulation panels for building façades. Advances in Building Energy Research. [Article]

O'FLAHERTY, Fin, VAN NGUYEN, Chinh, LAMBERT, Paul, MANGAT, Pal and JONES, Graeme (2018). Optimised cathodic protection design for maximum bond performance in reinforced concrete. Materials and Corrosion / Werkstoffe und Korrosion, 69 (9), 1151-1162. [Article]

OJEDOKUN, Olalekan and MANGAT, Pal (2018). Characterization and pore structure of rice husk ash cementitious material. In: Durability and Sustainability of Concrete Structures (DSCS-2018). Special Publication, 326 (326). American Concrete Institute, 97-106. [Book Section]

OTERO, Jorge, STARINIERI, Vincenzo and CHAROLA, A. Elena (2018). Nanolime for the consolidation of lime mortars: a comparison of three available products. Construction and Building Materials, 181, 394-407. [Article]

SALAM, Nasseem, TOUMPANIARI, Sotiria, GENTILE, Piergiorgio, MARINA FERREIRA, Ana, DALGARNO, Kenneth and PARTRIDGE, Simon (2018). Assessment of Migration of Human MSCs through Fibrin Hydrogels as a Tool for Formulation Optimisation. Materials, 11 (9), p. 1781. [Article]

TAGLIERI, Giuliana, OTERO, Jorge, DANIELE, Valeria, GIOIA, Gianluca, MACERA, Ludovico, STARINIERI, Vincenzo and CAROLA, Asuncion Elena (2018). The biocalcarenite stone of Agrigento (Italy): Preliminary investigations of compatible nanolime treatments. Journal of Cultural Heritage, 30. [Article]


AL-MOUSSAWI, M., SMITH, Alan and FARAJI, M. (2017). Friction stir welding of EH46 steel grade at dwell stage: Microstructure evolution. Metallography, Microstructure, and Analysis, 6 (6), 489-501. [Article]

AL-MOUSSAWI, M., SMITH, Alan, YOUNG, Andrew E, CATER, S. and FARAJI, M. (2017). Modelling of friction stir welding of DH36 steel. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 92 (1-4), 341-360. [Article]

ALAM, Mahmood and O'FLAHERTY, Fin (2017). Thermal characterisation of Composite Insulation Panels using a vacuum insulated core. In: SOLARIS Conference 2017, Brunel University, London, 27-28 July 2017. (Unpublished) [Conference or Workshop Item]

GRIGORIADIS, Konstantinos, MANGAT, Pal and ABUBAKRI, Shahriar (2017). Bond between microwave cured repair and concrete substrate. Materials and Structures, 50 (125), 1-14. [Article]

MANGAT, Pal, ABUBAKRI, Shahriar and GRIGORIADIS, Konstantinos (2017). Bond of steel reinforcement with microwave cured concrete repair mortars. Materials and structures, 50, p. 249. [Article]

O'FLAHERTY, Fin, ELOMARI, Ibrahim and LAMBERT, Paul (2017). Corrosion induced losses in pre-stressed tendons. In: 37th Cement and Concrete Science Conference, University College London, 11-12 September 2017. (Unpublished) [Conference or Workshop Item]

O'FLAHERTY, Fin, LAMBERT, Paul, MANGAT, Pal and STARINIERI, Vincenzo (2017). Determination of transfer stress from ruptured pre-load galvanised tendons in tanks and bund walls. Materials and structures, 50 (5), p. 228. [Article]

OBILOR, Uchechukwu, PASCUAL-GONZALEZ, Cristina, MURAKAMI, Shunsuke, REANEY, Ian and FETEIRA, Antonio (2017). Study of the temperature dependence of the giant electric field-induced strain in Nb-doped BNT-BT-BKT piezoceramics. Materials Research Bulletin, 97, 385-392. [Article]

OTERO, Jorge, CHAROLA, A. Elena, GRISSOM, Carol A. and STARINIERI, Vincenzo (2017). An overview of nanolime as a consolidation method for calcareous substrates. Ge-conservación, 1 (11), 71-78. [Article]


AL-MOUSSAWI, M., SMITH, Alan, YOUNG, Andrew E, FARAJI, M. and CATER, S. (2016). An advanced numerical model of friction stir welding of DH36 steel. In: 11th International Symposium on Friction Stir Welding, TWI, Cambridge, 17-19 May 2016. (In Press) [Conference or Workshop Item]

ALAM, Mahmood and O'FLAHERTY, Fin (2016). Influence of acoustic membrane on sound and thermal properties of building façade panels. In: 11th Conference on Advanced Building Skins 2016. Switzerland, Advanced Building Skins GmbH, 729-736. [Book Section]

BORGES, Paulo H. R., NUNES, Vitor A., PANZERA, Tulio H., SCHILEO, Giorgio and FETEIRA, Antonio (2016). The influence of rice husk ash addition on the properties of metakaolin-based geopolymers. The Open Construction and Building Technology Journal, 10 (S.3:M4), 406-417. [Article]

GRIGORIADIS, Konstantinos (2016). Use of laser interferometry for measuring concrete substrate roughness in patch repairs. Automation in Construction, 64, 27-35. [Article]

KHATIB, J.M., MANGAT, P.S. and WRIGHT, Lee (2016). Mechanical and physical properties of concrete containing FGD waste. Magazine of concrete research, 68 (11), 550-560. [Article]

KHATIB, Jamal M., WRIGHT, Lee and MANGAT, Pal S. (2016). Effect of desulphurised waste on long-term porosity and pore structure of blended cement pastes. Sustainable Environment Research, 26 (5), 230-234. [Article]

MANGAT, Pal, GRIGORIADIS, Konstantinos and ABUBAKRI, Shahriar (2016). Microwave curing parameters of in-situ concrete repairs. Construction and Building Materials, 112, 856-866. [Article]

MANGAT, Pal, GRIGORIADIS, Konstantinos and ABUBAKRI, Shahriar (2016). Temperature development in microwave cured repair materials. In: GRANTHAM, Michael G., PAPAYIANNI, Ioanna and SIDERIS, Kosmas, (eds.) Concrete Solutions: Proceedings of Concrete Solutions, 6th International Conference on Concrete Repair, Thessaloniki, Greece, 20-23 June 2016. CRC Press, 273-279. [Book Section]

MANGAT, Pal, GRIGORIADIS, Konstantinos, ABUBAKRI, Shahriar, JAVAID, A. and ZHAO, C. (2016). Microwave system for in-situ curing of concrete repair. In: GRANTHAM, Michael G., PAPAYIANNI, Ioanna and SIDERIS, Kosmas, (eds.) Concrete solutions : proceedings of Concrete Solutions 6th International Conference on Concrete Repair, Thessaloniki, Greece, 20-23 June 2016. CRC Press, 267-272. [Book Section]

MANGAT, Pal and LAMBERT, Paul (2016). Sustainability of alkali-activated cementitious materials and geopolymers. In: KHATIB, Jamal, (ed.) Sustainability of Construction Materials (Second Edition). Woodhead Publishing series in Civil and Structural Engineering . Elsevier, 459-476. [Book Section]

OJEDOKUN, Olalekan and MANGAT, Pal (2016). Chloride diffusion in alkali activated concrete. In: GALVEZ, Jamime C., AGUADO DE CEA, Antonio, FERNANDEZ-.ORDONEZ, David, SAKAI, Koji, REYES, Encarnacion, J.CASATI, Maria, ENFEDAQUE, Alejandro, G. ALBERTI, Marcos and DE LE FUENTE, Albert, (eds.) II International Conference on Concrete Sustainability - ICCS16. Barcelona, Spain, International Center for Numerical Methods in Engineering (CIMNE), 521-531. [Book Section]

POURGHARIBSHAHI, M. and LAMBERT, Paul (2016). The role of indium in the activation of aluminum alloy galvanic anodes. Materials and Corrosion, 67 (8), 857-866. [Article]

SCHILEO, Giorgio, GONZALEZ, Cristina Pascual, ALGUERO, Miguel, REANEY, Ian M, POSTOLACHE, Petronel, MITOSERIU, Liliana, REICHMANN, Klaus and FETEIRA, Antonio (2016). Yttrium Iron Garnet/Barium Titanate Multiferroic Composites. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 99 (5), 1609-1614. [Article]


GRIGORIADIS, Konstantinos (2015). Measurement and characterisation of concrete substrate roughness in patch repairs. In: 16th European Bridge Conference, Edinburgh, 23-25 June 2015. (In Press) [Conference or Workshop Item]

HUGHES, D.C., ILLINGWORTH, J.M. and STARINIERI, Vincenzo (2015). Low energy pre-blended mortars: Part 2 – Production and characterisation of mortars using a novel lime drying technique. Construction and Building Materials, 101 (1), 710-720. [Article]

LAMBERT, Paul, MACDONALD, Mott, MANGAT, Pal, O'FLAHERTY, Fin, NGUYEN, Chinh and JONES, Graeme (2015). A combined solution for the strengthening and corrosion protection of reinforced concrete structures. Concrete, 15. [Article]

LAMBERT, Paul, VAN NGUYEN, Chinh, MANGAT, Pritpal S., O'FLAHERTY, Fin and JONES, Graeme (2015). Dual function carbon fibre fabric strengthening and impressed current cathodic protection (ICCP) anode for reinforced concrete structures. Materials and structures, 48 (7), 2157-2167. [Article]

MANGAT, Pal, GRIGORIADIS, Konstantinos and ABUBAKRI, Shahriar (2015). Microwave curing of concrete bridge repairs. In: 16th European Bridge Conference, Edinburgh, 23-25 June 2015. (In Press) [Conference or Workshop Item]

NGUYEN, Chinh, LAMBERT, Paul, MANGAT, Pal, O'FLAHERTY, Fin and JONES, Graeme (2015). Near-surface mounted carbon fibre rod used for combined strengthening and cathodic protection for reinforced concrete structures. Structure and Infrastructure Engineering, 12 (3), 356-365. [Article]

REICHMANN, Klaus, FETEIRA, Antonio and LI, Ming (2015). Bismuth Sodium Titanate Based Materials for Piezoelectric Actuators. Materials, 8 (12), 8467-8495. [Article]

STARINIERI, Vincenzo, HUGHES, David and WILK, Dariusz (2015). Influence of substrate and sand characteristics on Roman cement mortar performance. Construction and Building Materials (91), 274-287. [Article]


GOODCHILD, Barry, O'FLAHERTY, Fin and AMBROSE, Aimee (2014). Inside the eco-home: using video to understand the implications of innovative housing. Housing, Theory and Society, 31 (3), 334-352. [Article]

HUGHES, David C and STARINIERI, Vincenzo (2014). Formulating mortars for use in restoration practice. ZKG International, 2, 48-53. [Article]

KHATIB, J. M., MANGAT, Pal and WRIGHT, L. (2014). Pore size distribution of cement pastes containing fly ash-gypsum blends cured for 7 days. KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering, 18 (4), 1091-1096. [Article]

NGUYEN, C, MANGAT, Pal, LAMBERT, Paul, O'FLAHERTY, Fin and JONES, G (2014). Carbon fibre fabric used for combined flexural strengthening and cathodic protection anode for reinforced concrete beams. In: Next Generation Rail conference, Manchester, 12 June 2014. (Submitted) [Conference or Workshop Item]

RAHAQ, Y, WANG, Heming and KUMAR, V (2014). Fabricating the solution-processable inverted photovoltaic devices by the dip-coating method. Organic Electronics, 15 (5), 984-990. [Article]


GOODCHILD, Barry, O'FLAHERTY, Fin and WALSHAW, Aimee (2013). Video making as research: learning from the experience of eco-homes. In: Housing Association Studies annual conference, York, 10-12 April 2013. [Conference or Workshop Item]

KHATIB, J. M., WRIGHT, L. and MANGAT, Pal (2013). Effect of fly ash-gypsum blend on porosity and pore size distribution of cement pastes. Advances in Applied Ceramics: Structural, Functional and Bioceramics Journal - Advances in Psychiatric Treatment, 112 (4), 197-201. [Article]

O'FLAHERTY, Fin and KIRRANE, J. (2013). Impact of Decent Homes upgrade on the performance of a district heating system. In: Young OR conference of the Operational Research Society on "Infrastructure", University of Exeter, 9-11 April 2013. (Unpublished) [Conference or Workshop Item]

STARINIERI, V., HUGHES, D.C., GOSSELIN, C., WILK, D. and BAYER, K. (2013). Pre-hydration as a technique for the retardation of Roman cement mortars. Cement and Concrete Research, 46, 1-13. [Article]

STARINIERI, V., HUGHES, D.C. and WILK, D. (2013). Influence of the combination of Roman cement and lime as the binder phase in render mortars for restoration. Construction and Building Materials, 44, 192-199. [Article]


FETEIRA, Antonio and REICHMANN, Klaus (2012). Nanoscale oxide thermoelectrics. In: APARICIO, Mario, JITIANU, Andrei and KLEIN, Lisa C., (eds.) Sol-Gel Processing for Conventional and Alternative Energy. Advances in Sol-Gel Derived Materials and Technologies, 397 . New York, Springer Science + Bussiness Media, 315-340. [Book Section]

HUGHES, D. C., SWANN, S, GARDNER, A. and STARINIERI, Vincenzo (2012). The history, use and analysis of Roman cements. In: BROCKLEBANK, Ian, (ed.) Building limes in conservation. Shaftsbury, Donhead publishing, 107-130. [Book Section]

O'FLAHERTY, Fin, PINDER, James and JACKSON, Craig (2012). Determination of payback periods for photovoltaic systems in domestic properties. In: Retrofit 2012, Salford, UK, 24-26 January 2012. [Conference or Workshop Item]

O'FLAHERTY, Fin, PINDER, James and JACKSON, Craig (2012). Evaluating the performance of domestic solar thermal systems. In: Retrofit 2012, Salford, UK, 24-26 January 2012. [Conference or Workshop Item]

VAN NGUYEN, C, MANGAT, Pal, LAMBERT, Paul, O'FLAHERTY, Fin and JONES, G (2012). Dual function carbon fibre strengthening and cathodic protection anode for reinforced concrete structures. In: ALEXANDER, Mark G., BEUSHAUSEN, Hans-Dieter, DEHN, Frank and MOYO, Pilate, (eds.) Concrete Repair, Rehabilitation and Retrofitting III: 3rd International Conference on Concrete Repair, Rehabilitation and Retrofitting. CRC. [Book Section]

VAN NGUYEN, Chinh, LAMBERT, Paul, MANGAT, Pal, O'FLAHERTY, Fin and JONES, Graeme (2012). The performance of carbon fibre composites as ICCP anodes for reinforced concrete structures. ISRN Corrosion, 2012, 1-9. [Article]

VASTA, G, FETEIRA, Antonio, WOODWARD, D I, WALKER, D, THOMAS, P A and JACKSON, T J (2012). Thin film LaYbO3 capacitor structures grown by Pulsed Laser Deposition. Thin Solid Films, 527, 81-86. [Article]

WALSHAW, A, GOODCHILD, Barry and O'FLAHERTY, Fin (2012). User perspectives in housing modernisation. In: AESOP Annual Congress, Ankara, Turkey, July 11-15, 2012. (Unpublished) [Conference or Workshop Item]


KALANTARI, Kambiz, STERIANOU, Iasmi, KARIMI, Sarah, FERRARELLI, Matthew C., MIAO, Shu, SINCLAIR, Derek C. and REANEY, Ian M. (2011). Ti-Doping to Reduce Conductivity in Bi0.85Nd0.15FeO3 Ceramics. Advanced Functional Materials, 21 (19), 3737-3743. [Article]

KHATIB, J. M., WRIGHT, L. and MANGAT, Pal (2011). External chemical shrinkage of pastes containing Flue Gas Desulphurisation (FGD) Waste. Engineering sciences, 6 (4), 1669-1675. [Article]

WU, YY, LAMBERT, P, MANGAT, Pal and O'FLAHERTY, Fin (2011). Analysis of stray current induced by cathodic protection on steel-framed masonry structures. Open Corrosion Journal (4), 34-39. [Article]


O'FLAHERTY, Fin, MANGAT, Pal, LAMBERT, Paul and BROWN, E. H. (2010). Influence of shear reinforcement corrosion on the performance of under-reinforced concrete beams. In: SAUSE, Richard and FRANGOPOL, Dan, (eds.) Bridge maintenance, safety and management - IABMAS'10. Bridge, maintenance, safety and management . CRC press. [Book Section]

O'FLAHERTY, Fin, MANGAT, Pal, LAMBERT, Paul and BROWN, E. H. (2010). Influence of steel reinforcement corrosion on the stiffness of simply supported concrete beams. In: SAUSE, Richard and FRANGOPOL, Dan, (eds.) Bridge maintenance, safety and management - IABMAS'10. Bridge, maintenance, safety and management . CRC press. [Book Section]


CHIDIROGLOU, Iordanis, O'FLAHERTY, Fin and GOODWIN, Andrew (2009). Shear behaviour of crushed concrete and bricks. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers. Construction Materials, 162 (3), 121-126. [Article]

FARAJI, Masoumeh, TODD, I. and JONES, H (2009). Effect of Phosphorus and Strontium Additions on Formation Temperature and Nucleation Density of Primary Silicon in Al-19 Wt Pct Si Alloy and Their Effect on Eutectic Temperature. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions. A.,Physical Metallurgy and Materials Science, 40 (7), 1710-1715. [Article]

JACKSON, C, O'FLAHERTY, Fin and PINDER, James (2009). Managing change in domestic renewable energy schemes. In: HOWLETT, Robert J., JAIN, Lakhmi C. and LEE, Shaun H., (eds.) Sustainability in Energy and Buildings. Springer, 175-186. [Book Section]

O'FLAHERTY, Fin, MANGAT, Pal, LAMBERT, Paul and BROWNE, E (2009). Effect of main steel corrosion on the stiffness of corroded reinforced concrete beams. In: KOH, Hyun-Moo and FRANGOPOL, Dan M ., (eds.) Bridge Maintenance, Safety Management, Health Monitoring and Informatics - IABMAS '08. CRC Press;, p. 232. [Book Section]

O'FLAHERTY, Fin, PINDER, James and JACKSON, C. (2009). The role of photovoltaics in reducing carbon emissions in domestic properties. In: HOWLETT, Robert J., JAIN, Lakhmi C. and LEE, Shaun H., (eds.) Sustainability in Energy and Buildings. Springer, 107-115. [Book Section]


CHIDIROGLOU, Iordanis, GOODWIN, Andy, LAYCOCK, Liz and O'FLAHERTY, Fin (2008). Physical properties of demolition waste material. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineering Journal Construction Materials (CM3), 97-103. [Article]

GRIGORIADIS, Konstantinos and CHAMBERLAIN, Denis (2008). Evaluation of a multi-functional silane alternative. Concrete, 42 (6), 42-44. [Article]

KHATIB, J. M., MANGAT, Pal and WRIGHT, L. (2008). Sulfate resistance of mortar containing simulated FGD waste. Proceedings of the ICE - Construction Materials, 161 (3), 119-128. [Article]

KHATIB, J. M., MANGAT, Pal and WRIGHT, L. (2008). Sulfate resistance of mortar containing simulated FGD waste. Proceedings of the ICE - Construction Materials, 161 (3), 119-128. [Article]

LAMBERT, P., MANGAT, P. S., O'FLAHERTY, Fin and WU, Y. Y. (2008). Influence of resistivity on current and potential distribution of cathodic protection systems for steel framed masonry structures. Corrosion engineering science and technology, 43 (1), 16-22. [Article]

LAMBERT, Paul, MANGAT, Pal, O'FLAHERTY, Fin and WU, You-Yo (2008). Cathodic protection of steel framed masonry structures - experimental and numerical studies. Materials and structures, 41 (2), 301-310. [Article]

O'FLAHERTY, Fin, MANGAT, Pal, LAMBERT, Paul and BROWNE, Elena (2008). Effect of under-reinforcement on the flexural strength of corroded beams. Materials and structures, 41 (2), 311-321. [Article]

STARINIERI, Vincenzo, PAPAYIANNI, I. and STEFANIDOU, M. (2008). Study of materials and technology of ancient floor mosaics’ substrate. Conservar Património, 7, 19-24. [Article]


MACCHIAROLA, M., AYSHEH, A., RUFFINI, M.S. and STARINIERI, Vincenzo (2007). Archaeometric study of glass tesserae from the floor mosaics of the Domus dei Coiedii in Suasa, Ancona, Italy. In: AISCOM, Contributions to the XII Conference of the Italian Association for the Study and Conservation of Mosaics. Tivoli, AISCOM, 555-564. [Book Section]

SMITH, Alan (2007). The guiding light. Police professional: the professional journal of the UK police force (91), 24-26. [Article]


MANGAT, Pal, KHATIB, J. M. and WRIGHT, L, (2006). Optimum utilisation of FGD waste in blended binders. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers. Construction Materials, 159 (3), 119-127. [Article]

O'FLAHERTY, Fin and MANGAT, P. S. (2006). A simplified design approach to prevent shrinkage cracking in patch repairs. Magazine of concrete research, 58 (1), 31-42. [Article]


MANGAT, Pal and CATLEY, D. G. (2005). A novel low voltage heating system for curing and protection of early age concrete. Concrete plant international. Concrete technology section, 4, 106-112. [Article]


MANGAT, P. S. and O'FLAHERTY, Fin (2004). Analysis of interfacial shrinkage stresses in patch repairs. Magazine of concrete research, 56 (7), 375-385. [Article]

O'FLAHERTY, Fin, GHASSEMLOOY, Z., MANGAT, P. S. and DOWKER, K. (2004). Temperature characterisation of long period gratings for sensor applications. Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, 42 (5), 402-405. [Article]

O'FLAHERTY, Fin, HRISTOVA, E.H., MANGAT, Pal and LAMBERT, Paul (2004). Impact of main steel diameter on the flexural capacity of deteriorated reinforced concrete beams. In: Bridge Maintenance, Safety, Management and Cost: Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Bridge Maintenance, Safety and Management, Kyoto, Japan, 18-22 October 2004. (Unpublished) [Conference or Workshop Item]


DOWKER, P., GHASSEMLOOY, Z, RAY, A.K., O'FLAHERTY, Fin and MANGAT, Pal (2003). Period dependent temperature and ambient index effects on long period fibre gratings. In: PROSSER, S. J. and LEWIS, E., (eds.) Sensors and Their Applications. CRC Press. [Book Section]

HRISTOVA, E.H., O'FLAHERTY, Fin, MANGAT, Pal and LAMBERT, Paul (2003). The influence of cover on the flexural capacity of deteriorated reinforced concrete beams. In: International Structural Engineering and Construction Conference, Faculty of Engineering, University of Rome "La Sapienza", Italy., University of Rome "La Sapienza", Italy., 23-26 September 2003. (Unpublished) [Conference or Workshop Item]

KHATIB, J. M. and MANGAT, P. S. (2003). Porosity of cement paste cured at 45 degrees C as a function of location relative to casting position. Cement and concrete composites, 25 (1), 97-108. [Article]

KHATIB, J. M. and MANGAT, P. S. (2003). A reply to the discussion by M. Collepardi of the paper, "Influence of high temperature and low humidity curing on chloride penetration in blended cement concrete,". Cement and Concrete Research, 33 (10), 1705-1706. [Article]

O'FLAHERTY, Fin, GHASSEMLOOY, Zabih, MANGAT, Pal and DOWKER, K. (2003). Temperature characterisation of LPG sensors for monitoring deterioration in reinforced concrete. In: ILCDES 2003: Integrated Lifetime Engineering of Buildings and Civil Infrastructures. Rotterdam, In-house, 1001-1006. [Book Section]

O'FLAHERTY, Fin and MANGAT, Pal (2003). Recommendations for the European prestandard for concrete repair. In: NAUS, D.J., (ed.) 2nd International RILEM Workshop on Life Prediction and Aging Management of Concrete Structures. RILEM Publications SARL, 237-245. [Book Section]


FANG, Zhenyi, CHAI, Yichao, HAO, Yongliang, YANG, Yaoyuan, DONG, Yanping, YAN, Zewu, TIAN, Hongchang, XIAO, Hongtao and WANG, Heming (2002). CVD growth of bulk polycrystalline ZnS and its optical properties. Journal of Crystal Growth, 237-9, 1707-1710. [Article]

KHATIB, J. and MANGAT, Pal (2002). Influence of high temperature and low humidity curing on chloride penetration in blended cement concrete. Cement and concrete research, 32. [Article]


MANGAT, P. and MOLLOY, B. T. (2000). Size effect of reinforcement on corrosion initiation. In: 5th RILEM Symposium on Fibre-Reinforced Concretes (FRC), Lyon, France, September 13-15, 2000. 691-701. [Conference or Workshop Item]

MANGAT, P. S. and O'FLAHERTY, Fin (2000). Factors affecting the efficiency of repair to propped and unpropped bridge beams. Magazine of concrete research, 52 (4), 303-319. [Article]

MANGAT, P. S. and O'FLAHERTY, Fin (2000). Influence of elastic modulus on stress redistribution and cracking in repair patches. Cement and Concrete Research, 30 (1), 125-136. [Article]


AL-SHAWI, F. A. N., MANGAT, P. S. and HALABI, W. (1999). A simplified design approach to corbels made with high strength concrete. Materials and structures, 32 (222), 579-583. [Article]

KHATIB, J. M. and MANGAT, P. S. (1999). Influence of superplasticizer and curing on porosity and pore structure of cement paste. Cement and Concrete Composites, 21 (5-6), 431-437. [Article]

MANGAT, P. and ELGARF, M. S. (1999). Bond characteristics of corroding reinforcement in concrete beams. Materials and structures, 32 (216), 89-97. [Article]

MANGAT, P. S. and ELGARF, M. S. (1999). Flexural strength of concrete beams with corroding reinforcement. ACI structural journal, 96 (1), 149-158. [Article]

MANGAT, P. S. and ELGARF, M. S. (1999). Strength and serviceability of repaired reinforced concrete beams undergoing reinforcement corrosion. Magazine of concrete research, 51 (2), 97-112. [Article]

MANGAT, P. S. and LIMBACHIYA, M. C. (1999). Effect of initial curing on chloride diffusion in concrete repair materials. Cement and Concrete Research, 29 (9), 1475-1485. [Article]

MANGAT, P. S. and O'FLAHERTY, Fin (1999). Long-term performance of high-stiffness repairs in highway structures. Magazine of concrete research, 51 (5), 325-339. [Article]

MANGAT, P. S. and O'FLAHERTY, Fin (1999). Serviceability characteristics of flowing repairs to propped and unpropped bridge structures. Materials and structures, 32 (223), 663-672. [Article]

MANGAT, Pal and O'FLAHERTY, Fin (1999). Efficacy of different materials and methods of repair in highway bridges. In: Concrete Communication Conference '99: The 9th BCA Annual Conference on Higher Education and the Concrete Industry, Cardiff University, 8-9 July 1999. (Submitted) [Conference or Workshop Item]

MANGAT, Pal and O'FLAHERTY, Fin (1999). Long term performance criteria for concrete repair materials. In: International Congress, Creating with Concrete - Concrete Durability and Repair Technology, University of Dundee., 6-10 September 1999. RILEM Publications SARL, 263 -274. (Unpublished) [Conference or Workshop Item]

O'FLAHERTY, Fin and MANGAT, P. S. (1999). Influence of constituents on the properties of self compacting repair materials. In: 1st International RILEM symposium on self-compacting concrete. RILEM proceedings, 7 (PRO 7). RILEM, 263-274. [Book Section]


BRAMHALL, Mike, ROBINSON, I.M. and SMITH, Alan, eds. (1997). Engineering education, increasing student participation : post conference proceedings : [conference held at] Sheffield Hallam University, Sheffield, England, 12-14 September 1994. Sheffield, Sheffield Hallam University. [Edited Book]

MANGAT, P. S. and LIMBACHIYA, M. C. (1997). Repair material properties for effective structural application. Cement and Concrete Research, 27 (4), 601-617. [Article]


MANGAT, Pal and O'FLAHERTY, Fin (1996). Long term performance of sprayed concrete repair in highway structures. In: AUSTIN, S. A., (ed.) Sprayed concrete technology : the proceedings of the ACI/SCA International Conference on Sprayed Concrete/Shotcrete, "Sprayed concrete technology for the 21st century" held at Edinburgh University. Edinburgh University, E & FN Spon. [Book Section]


KHATIB, J. M. and MANGAT, P. S. (1995). Absorption characteristics of concrete as function location relative to casting position. Cement and Concrete Research, 25 (5), 999-1010. [Article]

MANGAT, P. S. (1995). Characterisation of chloride induced corrosion for service life prediction of reinforced concrete. Bulletin of electrochemistry, 11 (12), 556-564. [Article]

MANGAT, P. S. and KHATIB, J. M. (1995). Influence of fly-ash, silica fume, and slag on sulfate resistance of concrete. ACI materials journal, 92 (5), 542-552. [Article]

MANGAT, P. S. and LIMBACHIYA, M. K. (1995). Repair material properties which influence long-term performance of concrete structures. Construction and Building Materials, 9 (2), 81-90. [Article]

MANGAT, P. S. and MOLLOY, B. T. (1995). Chloride binding in concrete containing PFA, GBS or silica fume under sea-water exposure. Magazine of concrete research, 47 (171), 129-141. [Article]


SMITH, Alan, ed. (1994). Engineering education, increasing student participation: proceedings: Sheffield Hallam University, Sheffield, England, 12-14 September 1994. Sheffield, Sheffield Hallam University. [Edited Book]

MANGAT, P. S. and MOLLOY, B. T. (1994). Prediction of free chloride concentration in concrete using routine inspection data. Magazine of concrete research, 46 (169), 279-287. [Article]

MANGAT, P. S. and MOLLOY, B. T. (1994). Prediction of long-term chloride concentration in concrete. Materials and structures, 27 (170), 338-346. [Article]


SMITH, Alan and STRATTON, R P (1991). Thermal treatment, grain boundary composition and intergranular attack resistance of alloy 690. In: Proceedings of the fifth international symposium on environmental degradation of materials in nuclear power system water reactors. La Grange Park, Illinois, American Nuclear Society, 855-861. [Book Section]


SMITH, Alan and STRATTON, R P (1990). Relationship between composition, microstructure and corrosion behaviour of alloy 690 steam generator tubing for PWR systems. In: CUBICCIOTTI, D, (ed.) Proceedings of the fourth international symposium on environmental degradation of materials in nuclear power systems - water reactors. Houston, Texas, National association of corrosion engineers. [Book Section]

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