Items where Research Institute, Centre or Group is "Sociology, Politics and Policy Research Group"

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Number of items at this level: 114.


BLACK, Jack (2018). From mood to movement: English nationalism, the European Union and taking back control. Innovation: The European Journal of Social Science Research. [Article]

BLACK, Jack (2018). The subjective and objective violence of terrorism: analysing “British values” in newspaper coverage of the 2017 London Bridge attack. Critical Studies on Terrorism. [Article]

DEAN, Jonathan, FURNESS, Penny, VERRIER, Diarmuid, LENNON, Henry, BENNETT, Cinnamon and SPENCER, Stephen (2018). Desert island data: an investigation into researcher positionality. Qualitative Research, 18 (3), 273-289. [Article]

HIRST, Julia, WOOD, Rachel and MARSHALL, Daisy (2018). ‘Boys think it's just a hairless hole’: Young people’s reflections on binary and heteronormative pedagogies in school based sexualities education. In: SANJAKDAR, Fida and YIP, Andrew, (eds.) Critical pedagogy, sexuality education, and young people. New York, Peter Lang. [Book Section]

JEFFERY, Bob (2018). Gentrification and the Return of Class. Sheffield Institute for Policy Studies. [Other]

JEFFERY, Bob (2018). 'I probably would never move, but ideally like I’d love to move this week': class and residential experience, beyond elective belonging. Sociology, 52 (2), 245-261. [Article]

WHIGHAM, Stuart and BLACK, Jack (2018). Glasgow 2014, the media and Scottish politics – the (post)imperial symbolism of the Commonwealth Games. The British Journal of Politics and International Relations., 20 (2), 360-378. [Article]


BLACK, Jack and FIELDING-LLOYD, Beth (2017). Re-establishing the ‘outsiders’: English press coverage of the 2015 FIFA Women’s World Cup. International Review for the Sociology of Sport. [Article]

BLACK, Jack and WHIGHAM, Stuart (2017). ‘Team GB’ or ‘Team Scotland’? Media representations of ‘Britishness’ and ‘Scottishness’ at London 2012 and Glasgow 2014. Journalism. [Article]

BROOKS, Jennifer, GRIDLEY, Kate and SAVITCH, Nada (2017). Removing the 'gag': involving people with dementia in research as advisers and participants. Social Research Practice, 3-14. [Article]

BROOKS, Jennifer, MITCHELL, Wendy and GLENDINNING, Caroline (2017). Personalisation, personal budgets and family carers: Whose assessment? Whose budget? Journal of Social Work, 17 (2), 147-166. [Article]

DEAN, Jon and WOOD, Rachel (2017). ‘You can try to press different emotional buttons’: The conflicts and strategies of eliciting emotions for fundraisers. International Journal of Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Marketing, 22 (4), e1603. [Article]

DEAN, Jonathan (2017). Doing reflexivity: an introduction. Bristol, Policy Press. [Authored Book]

HIRST, Julia, WOOD, Rachel and BURNS-O'CONNELL, Georgina (2017). Initiatives to support the inclusion of pleasure in sexual health and sex education work with young people An impact evaluation. Project Report. Sheffield, Sheffield Hallam University. [Monograph]

MITCHELL, Wendy, BERESFORD, Bryony, GLENDINNING, Caroline, BROOKS, Jennifer and MORAN, Nicola (2017). Taking on choice and control in personal care and support : the experiences of physically disabled young adults. Journal of Social Work, 17 (4), 413-433. [Article]

RODER, Knut (2017). The Missing Linke? Restraint and Realignment in the German Left, 2005-2017 ¿El eslabón perdido? Restricción y realineamiento dentro de la izquierda alemana, 2005-2017. Revista Española de Ciencia Política - Ciencia Política y de la Administración (45), 43-65. [Article]

WOOD, Rachel (2017). Look good, feel good: sexiness and sexual pleasure in neoliberalism. In: ELIAS, Ana Sofia, GILL, Rosalind and SCHARFF, Christina, (eds.) Aesthetic labour: rethinking beauty politics in neoliberalism. Dynamics of Virtual Work . Palgrave Macmillan. (In Press) [Book Section]


GRANT, Steph, ATHERTON, Alistair, BROOKS, Jennifer, COLBECK, Matthew, FORTESCUE, Deborah and VANDERHOVEN, Dave (2016). Experiences of Homelessness and Brain Injury. Project Report. Homelessness and Head Injury Research Group. [Monograph]

GRIDLEY, Kate, BROOKS, Jennifer, BIRKS, Yvonne, BAXTER, Kate and PARKER, Gillian (2016). Improving care for people with dementia: development and initial feasibility study for evaluation of life story work in dementia care. Health Services and Delivery Research, 4 (23). [Article]


DEAN, Jonathan (2015). Class diversity and youth volunteering in the UK : applying Bourdieu's habitus and cultural capital. Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly, 45 (1), 95S-113S. [Article]

DEAN, Jonathan (2015). Desert Island Data : an experiment in researcher positionality and interpretivism. In: Societies in transition : progression or regression : conference programme and abstract book. British Sociological Association. [Book Section]

DEAN, Jonathan (2015). Drawing what homelessness looks like : using creative visual methods as a tool of critical pedagogy. Sociological research online, 20 (1). [Article]

DEAN, Jonathan (2015). “Submitting Love?”: a sensory sociology of Southbourne. Qualitative Inquiry, 22 (3), 162-168. [Article]

DEAN, Jonathan (2015). Volunteering, the market, and neoliberalism. People, place and policy online, 9 (2), 139-148. [Article]

GRIDLEY, Kate, BROOKS, Jennifer, BIRKS, Yvonne, BAXTER, Kate and PARKER, Gillian (2015). Improving care for people with dementia: development and initial feasibility study for evaluation of Life Story Work in Dementia care. Project Report. NIHR/Social Policy Research Unit. [Monograph]

HEATON, Caroline (2015). Review of Dekker and Middleton's The Roaring Girl (directed by Jo Davies for the Royal Shakespeare Company) at the Swan Theatre, Stratford-upon-Avon, 9 June 2014. Shakespeare, 11 (3), 316-318. [Article]

JEFFERY, Bob and TUFAIL, Waqas (2015). 'The riots were where the police were': Deconstructing the Pendelton Riot. Contention: The Multidisciplinary Journal of Social Protest, 2 (2), 37-56. [Article]

JEFFERY, Bob, TUFAIL, Waqas and JACKSON, Will (2015). Policing and the Reproduction of Local Social Order : a case study of Greater Manchester. Journal on European History of Law, 6 (1), 118-128. [Article]

MITCHELL, Wendy, BROOKS, Jennifer, BERESFORD, Bryony, MORAN, Nicola and GLENDINNING, Caroline (2015). Taking on and taking over : choice and control for physically disabled young adults. Project Report. NIHR School for Social Care Research. [Monograph]

SOUTHERN, Neil (2015). Conflict transformation and truth-seeking : the impact of South Africa's Truth and Reconciliation Commission on the National Party. Nationalism and Ethnic Politics, 21 (3), 335-356. [Article]

SOUTHERN, Neil (2015). The Government of National Unity and the demise of the National Party in post-settlement South Africa. Politikon: South African Journal of Political Studies, 42 (2), 235-254. [Article]

WOOD, Rachel (2015). Sexual consumption within sexual labour: producing and consuming erotic texts and sexual commodities. Porn Studies, 2 (2-3), 250-262. [Article]


ALBERTSON, Katherine, O'KEEFFE, Caroline, BURKE, Catherine, LESSING-TURNER, Georgina and RENFREW, Mary (2014). Addressing health inequalities for mothers and babies in prison: findings from a consultation exercise. In: TODD, Angela and HIRST, Julia, (eds.) Health and Inequality: Applying Public Health Research to Policy and Practice. Abingdon, Routledge, 39-47. [Book Section]

BROOKS, Jennifer (2014). Workplace personal assistants : what do we need to know? Revaluing Care Research Network. [Other]

DEAN, Jonathan (2014). How structural factors promote instrumental motivations within youth volunteering : a qualitative analysis of volunteer brokerage. Voluntary Sector Review, 5 (2), 231-247. [Article]

DEAN, Jonathan (2014). Recruiting young volunteers in an area of selective education : a qualitative case study. British Journal of Sociology of Education, 37 (4), 643-661. [Article]

DEAN, Jonathan (2014). The images in our heads : fundraising literature and drawing what homelessness looks like. In: Changing society : conference programme and abstarct book. British Sociological Association. [Book Section]

DEAN, Jonathan (2014). The role of the reflexive self in mailer's protests. Contention: The Multidisciplinary Journal of Social Protest, 1 (2), 11-26. [Article]

GLENDINNING, Caroline, MITCHELL, Wendy, BERESFORD, Bryony, MORAN, Nicola and BROOKS, Jennifer (2014). Taking on and taking over: physically disabled young adults and their care and support arrangements. [Video] [Video]

GLENDINNING, Caroline, MITCHELL, Wendy and BROOKS, Jennifer (2014). Ambiguity in practice? Carers' roles in personalised social care in England. Health and Social Care in the Community, 23 (1), 23-32. [Article]

GRIDLEY, Kate, BROOKS, Jennifer and GLENDINNING, Caroline (2014). Good practice in social care: the views of people with severe and complex needs and those who support them. Health and Social Care in the Community, 22 (6), 588-597. [Article]

JEFFERY, Robert and TUFAIL, Waqas (2014). Police deviance. In: ATKINSON, Rowland, (ed.) Shades of deviance : a primer on crime, deviance and social harm. Abingdon, Routledge, 147-150. [Book Section]

MITCHELL, Wendy, BROOKS, Jennifer and GLENDINNING, Caroline (2014). Carers' roles in personal budgets: tensions and dilemmas in front line practice. British Journal of Social Work, 45 (5), 1433-1450. [Article]

MITCHELL, Wendy, BROOKS, Jennifer and GLENDINNING, Caroline (2014). Personalisation : where do carers fit? In: NEEDHAM, Catherine and GLASBY, Jon, (eds.) Debates in Personalisation. Bristol, Policy Press, 65-74. [Book Section]


BLACK, Jack (2013). 'Narratives of Empire': An investigation into the English national press coverage of the 2012 London Olympic Ceremonies. In: Olympic Legacies: International Conference – Impacts of Mega-Events on Cities, University of East London, London, UK, 4-6 September 2013. (Unpublished) [Conference or Workshop Item]

BLACK, Jack (2013). 'Narratives of Empire': An investigation into the English national press coverage of the 2012 London Olympic Ceremonies. In: BSA Teaching Group Regional Day Conference, Nottingham Trent University, Nottingham, UK, 15 June 2013. (Unpublished) [Conference or Workshop Item]

BLACK, Jack (2013). 'Narratives of Empire': An investigation into the English national press coverage of the 2012 London Olympic Ceremonies’. In: Britishness in the 21st Century, Keele University, Keele, UK, 19 June 2013. (Unpublished) [Conference or Workshop Item]

BLACK, Jack and EWEN, Neil (2013). Team GB, or no Team GB, that is the Question: Olympic football and the Post-War Crisis of Britishness. Sport in History, XXII, 302-324. [Article]

BLAIN, Jenny (2013). Consciousness, Wights and Ancestors. In: HARVEY, Graham, (ed.) The handbook of contemporary animism. Acumen Handbooks . London, Routledge, 423-110. [Book Section]

DEAN, Jonathan (2013). Manufacturing citizens : the dichotomy between policy and practice in youth volunteering in the UK. Administrative Theory and Praxis, 35 (1), 46-62. [Article]

DEAN, Jonathan (2013). A market to sell experience: how neoliberal volunteering policies trade on the pressures of being young. In: 42nd ARNOVA Conference : Recession, renewal, revolution? Nonprofit and coluntary action in an age of turbulence, Hertford, Connecticut, 21-23 November 2013. (Unpublished) [Conference or Workshop Item]

DEAN, Jonathan (2013). The representation and perception of need : the moral choices facing homelessness fundraisers. Homeless in Europe, 2012/3 (Winter), 21-22. [Article]

DIMELOW, Nicola, WALKER, Ann and HEAVEY, Lisa (2013). Group work experiences. Student Engagement and Experience Journal, 2 (1). [Article]

GLENDINNING, Caroline, MITCHELL, Wendy and BROOKS, Jennifer (2013). Carers and personalisation. Working Paper. York, Social Policy Research Unit, University of York. [Monograph]

GRIDLEY, Kate, BROOKS, Jennifer and GLENDINNING, Caroline (2013). Good practice in social care for disabled adults and older people with severe and complex needs: evidence from a scoping review. Health & Social Care In The Community, 22 (3), 234-248. [Article]

MADRIAGA, Manuel (2013). Output of radical collegiality? Student Engagement and Experience Journal, 2 (1). [Article]

MITCHELL, Wendy, BROOKS, Jennifer and GLENDINNING, Caroline (2013). Carers and personalisation. Project Report. School for Social Care Research, National Institute for Health Research. [Monograph]


BLAIN, Jenny (2012). Seidr Oracles. In: DRURY, Nevill, (ed.) Pathways in Modern Western Magic. Ars Concrescent. [Book Section]

BLAIN, Jenny and WALLIS, Robert (2012). Negotiating archaeology/spirituality : pagan engagements with the prehistoric past in Britain. In: ROWNTREE, Kathryn, MORRIS, Christine and PEATFIELD, Alan, (eds.) Archaeology of spiritualities. One world archaeology . New York, Springer, 47-70. [Book Section]

BREEZE, B and DEAN, Jonathan (2012). Pictures of me : user views on their representation in homelessness fundraising appeals. International Journal of Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Marketing, 17 (2), 132-143. [Article]

BREEZE, Beth and DEAN, Jonathan (2012). User views of fundraising. Project Report. Alliance Publishing Trust. [Monograph]

BROOKS, Jennifer (2012). Practice example 5, George: 'It's like having a friend around'. In: DAVIES, Martin, (ed.) Social Work with Adults: Policy, law, theory, research and practice. London, Palgrave Macmillan, p. 82. [Book Section]

CROSSLEY, Nick and IBRAHIM, Joseph (2012). Critical mass, social networks and collective action: exploring student political worlds. Sociology, 46 (4), 596-612. [Article]

DEAN, Jonathan (2012). 'It's just part of what they do': Habitus, social class and youth volunteering policy. In: University of Kent Sociology Seminar Series. (Unpublished) [Conference or Workshop Item]

GRIDLEY, Kate, BROOKS, Jennifer and GLENDINNING, Caroline (2012). Good support for people with complex needs: What does it look like and where is the evidence? Project Report. NIHR School for Social Care Research. [Monograph]

HIRST, Julia (2012). It's got to be about enjoying yourself: young people, sexual pleasure,and sex and relationships education. Sex Education: sexuality, society and learning, 13 (4), 423-436. [Article]

TONGE, Jon, MYCOCK, Andrew and JEFFERY, Robert (2012). Does citizenship education make young people better-engaged citizens? Political Studies, 60 (3), 578-602. [Article]


BLAIN, Jenny (2011). Hills of the ancestors, townscapes of artisans. In: MACLELLAN, Gordon, (ed.) The Wanton Green. Mandrake of Oxford, 173-186. [Book Section]

BLAIN, Jenny (2011). Landscape, meaning, paganisms and ancestors. In: New Spiritualities, Dept of Geography, University of Glasgow, 11 May 2011. (Unpublished) [Conference or Workshop Item]

BLAIN, Jenny (2011). Neo-Shamanism: Pagan and 'neo-shamanic' interactions with archaeology. In: INSOLL, Tim, (ed.) The Oxford Handbook of the Archaeology of Ritual and Religion. OUP, 1017-1031. [Book Section]

DEAN, Jonathan (2011). Baden-Powell’s Scouting for Boys : governmentality, state power and the responsibilization of youth. In: Contesting the State Conference, University of Kent, 13 May, 2011. (Unpublished) [Conference or Workshop Item]

DEAN, Jonathan (2011). Challenging narratives : the importance of informal volunteering. In: NCVO/VSSN Researching the Voluntary Sector Conference 2011, NCVO, London, 7-8 September 2011. (Unpublished) [Conference or Workshop Item]

DEAN, Jonathan (2011). Volunteering and social class : a narrative approach. In: ARNOVA Conference 2011, Toronto, Canada, 17-19 November, 2011. (Unpublished) [Conference or Workshop Item]

IBRAHIM, Joseph (2011). Political distinction in the British anti-capitalist movement. Sociology, 45 (2), 318-334. [Article]

MADRIAGA, Manuel, HANSON, Katie, KAY, Helen and WALKER, Ann (2011). Marking-out normalcy and disability in higher education. British Journal of Sociology of Education, 32 (6), 901-920. [Article]

SOUTHERN, Neil (2011). Political opposition and the challenges of a dominant party system: the democratic alliance in South Africa. Journal of Contemporary African Studies, 29 (3), 281-298. [Article]

TANG, Ning (2011). Book Review: Women, men, work and family in Europe ROSEMARY CROMPTON, SUZAN LEWIS and CLARE LYONETTE, eds, 2007. Journal of Gender Studies, 20 (1), 89-102. [Article]

WALLIS, Robert J and BLAIN, Jenny (2011). From respect to reburial: negotiating pagan interest in prehistoric human remains in Britain, through the Avebury consultation. Public Archaeology, 10 (1), 23-45. [Article]


DEAN, Jonathan (2010). ‘I’ve never met them or spoken to them’: statutory and voluntary sector relationships - a case study approach to understanding youth volunteering. In: NCVO/VSSN Researching the Voluntary Sector Conference 2010, 6-7 September 2010. (Unpublished) [Conference or Workshop Item]

DEAN, Jonathan (2010). Youth volunteering policy : the rise of governmentality. In: Voluntary Action History Society Conference 2010, University of Kent at Canterbury, 14-16 July 2010. (Unpublished) [Conference or Workshop Item]

MADRIAGA, M. (2010). 'I avoid pubs and the student union like the plague': Students with Asperger Syndrome and their negotiation of university spaces. Children's geographies, 8 (1), 39-50. [Article]

MADRIAGA, M. (2010). Why US nationalism should never be considered postnationalist. National identities, 12 (1), 81-94. [Article]

MADRIAGA, Manuel and GOODLEY, Dan (2010). Moving beyond the minimum: socially just pedagogies and Asperger's syndrome in UK higher education. International Journal of Inclusive Education, 14 (2), 115-131. [Article]

MADRIAGA, Manuel, HANSON, Katie, HEATON, Caroline, KAY, Helen, NEWITT, Sarah and WALKER, Ann (2010). Confronting similar challenges? : disabled and non‐disabled students’ learning and assessment experiences. Studies in Higher Education, 35 (6), 647-658. [Article]

MALLETT, Rebecca and MADRIAGA, Manuel (2010). Images of criminality, victimisation and disability. In: SHOHAM, S.G., KNEEPER, P. and KETT, M., (eds.) International handbook of victimology. Boca Raton, Fla. ; London, CRC, 585-610. [Book Section]

TONGE, Jon, EVANS, Jocelyn, JEFFERY, Robert and MCAULEY, James W. (2010). New order: political change and the Protestant Orange tradition in Northern Ireland. The British Journal of Politics & International Relations, 13 (3), 400-419. [Article]


BLAIN, Jenny and WALLIS, Robert (2009). Beyond Sacred: Recent Pagan Engagements with Archaeological Monuments – Current findings of the Sacred Sites Project. The Pomegranate: The International Journal of Pagan Studies, 11 (1), 97-123. [Article]

BLAIN, Jenny and WALLIS, Robert J (2009). Heathenry. In: LEWIS, James and PIZZA, Murph, (eds.) Handbook of Contemporary Paganisms. Leiden, The Netherlands, Brill, 413-432. [Book Section]

LETCHER, Andy, BLAIN, Jenny and WALLIS, Robert J (2009). Re-viewing the past: discourse and power in images of prehistory. In: ROBINSON, Mike and PICARD, David, (eds.) The Framed World: Tourism, Tourists and Photography. Ashgate, 169-184. [Book Section]

MALLETT, Rebecca and MADRIAGA, Manuel (2009). Negotiating 'normal': how notions of US national identity are (re)constructed in The West Wing. In: Society for Disability Studies Conference, Tucson, Arizona, 17-20 June 2009. (Unpublished) [Conference or Workshop Item]

SOUTHERN, Neil (2009). Post-agreement societies and inter-ethnic competition: a comparative study of the Protestant community of Londonderry and the white population of Pretoria. National Identities, 11 (4), 397-415. [Article]

TANG, Ning, NOLLENT, Andrea, BARLEY, Ruth and WOLSTENHOLME, Claire (2009). Linking outward and inward mobility : how raising the international horizons of UK students enhances the international student experience on the UK campus. Project Report. Sheffield Hallam University. [Monograph]

WALLIS, Robert J. and BLAIN, Jenny (2009). ‘Sacred’ Sites, Artefacts and Museum Collections: Pagan Engagements with Archaeology in Britain. In: LEWIS, James and PIZZA, Murph, (eds.) Handbook of Contemporary Paganisms. Leiden, Brill, 591-610. [Book Section]


BENNETT, Cinnamon and TANG, Ning (2008). Tough at the top: women's career progression, an example in the local government sector. In: YEANDLE, Sue, (ed.) Policy for a Change: Local Labour Market Analysis and Gender Equality. Bristol, Policy Press. [Book Section]

BLAIN, J. and WALLIS, R. J. (2008). Sacred, secular, or sacrilegious? prehistoric sites, pagans and the Sacred Sites project in Britain. In: SCHACHTER, J. and BROCKMAN, S., (eds.) (Im)permanence: Cultures In/Out of Time. Pittsburg, Penn State University Press, 212-223. [Book Section]

MADRIAGA, M., GOODLEY, D., HODGE, N. and MARTIN, N. (2008). Enabling transition into higher education for students with asperger syndrome. Project Report. Higher Education Academy. [Monograph]

SOUTHERN, Neil (2008). The Freedom Front Plus: an analysis of Afrikaner politics and ethnic identity in the new South Africa. Contemporary Politics, 14 (4), 463-478. [Article]

SOUTHERN, Neil (2008). Territoriality, alienation, and loyalist decommissioning: the case of the Shankill in Protestant West Belfast. Terrorism and Political Violence, 20 (1), 66-86. [Article]


MADRIAGA, M. (2007). Enduring disablism: students with dyslexia and their pathways into UK higher education and beyond. Disability and Society, 22 (4), 399-412. [Article]

MADRIAGA, Manuel (2007). The Star-Spangled Banner and "whiteness" in American national identities. In: ERIKSEN, Thomas Hylland and JENKINS, Richard, (eds.) Flag, nation and symbolism in Europe and America. Routledge, 53-67. [Book Section]

TANG, Ning and NOLLENT, Andrea (2007). UK transnational education in China and Hong Kong. Project Report. British Council. [Monograph]

WALLIS, Robert and BLAIN, Jenny (2007). The Sanctity of Burial: Pagan Views, Ancient and Modern. In: Respect for Ancient British Human Remains: Philosophy and Practice’, Manchester Museum, University of Manchester, 17 Nov 2006. (Submitted) [Conference or Workshop Item]


BLAIN, J. and WALLIS, R. J. (2006). Pasts and pagan practices: moving beyond Stonehenge. Public archaeology, 5, 211-222. [Article]

MCCAIG, Colin, STEVENS, Anna and BOWERS-BROWN, Tamsin (2006). Does Aimhigher work? evidence from the national evaluation. In: Higher Education Research Network, Sheffield, 2006. 1-16. (Submitted) [Conference or Workshop Item]

STIELL, Bernadette, TANG, Ning, BENNETT, Cinnamon and PRICE, Christopher (2006). Building Policy/Research Relationships: Using Innovative Methodologies to Engage Ethnic Minority Women. Local Economy, 21 (2), 211-218. [Article]


MADRIAGA, M. (2005). Understanding the symbolic idea of the American dream and its relationship with the category of whiteness. Sociological research online, 10 (3). [Article]

MADRIAGA, M. (2005). The star-spangled banner, US military veterans and the category of whiteness. In: Flying the flag: critical perspectives on symbolism and identity, Cultural Complexity in the New Norway, University of Oslo, 24-25 November 2005. [Conference or Workshop Item]

TANG, Ning (2005). Book review: Mothers’ Employment and Childcare Use in Britain. By G.PAULL and J. TAYLOR with A. DUNCAN. Economica, 733-734. [Article]

TANG, Ning and COUSINS, Christine (2005). Working Time, Gender and Family: An East-West European Comparison. Gender, Work and Organization, 12 (6), 527-550. [Article]


BLAIN, J. and WALLIS, R. J. (2004). Sacred sites, contested rites/rights: contemporary pagan engagements with the past. Journal of material culture, 9 (3), 237-261. [Article]

BLAIN, Jenny and WALLIS, Robert (2004). Sites, Texts, Contexts and Inscriptions of Meaning: Investigating Pagan Authenticities. in a Text-Based Society. Pomegranate: The International Journal of Pagan Studies, 6 (2), 231-252. [Article]

COUSINS, Christine R. and TANG, Ning (2004). Working time and work and family conflict in the Netherlands, Sweden and the UK. Work, employment and society, 18 (3), 531-549. [Article]


WALLIS, R. J. and BLAIN, J. (2003). Sites, sacredness, and stories: Interactions of archaeology and contemporary Paganism. Folklore, 114 (3), 307-321. [Article]


TANG, Ning (2002). Interviewer and Interviewee Relationships Between Women. Sociology, 36 (3), 703-721. [Article]

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