Items where Research Institute, Centre or Group is "Learning and Teaching Institute"

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ASHWORTH, P. D., FREEWOOD, M. and MACDONALD, R. (2003). The student lifeworld and the meanings of plagiarism. Journal of phenomenological psychology, 34 (2), 257-278. [Article]

ASPDEN, L. and HELM, P. (2004). Making the connection in a blended learning environment. Educational Media International, 41 (3), p. 245. [Article]

ASPDEN, L. and THORPE, L. (2009). "Where do you learn?" tweeting to inform learning space development. Educause quarterly, 32 (1). [Article]


BINGHAM, R. and O'HARA, M. (2007). Widening participation on early years degrees: 'I realised I could, and would, do this—and I have!'. Journal of further and higher education, 31 (4), 311-321. [Article]

BRADLEY, S. (2009). The impact of netiquette on online group work: a study of UK Open University students. In: KALLIOINEN, O., (ed.) The learning by developing – new ways to learn 2009 conference proceedings. Laurea publications (D7). Espoo, Finland, Laurea University of Applied Sciences, 152-167. [Book Section]

BRADLEY, S. and HOLDEN, G. (2009). Developing academic leadership. In: KALLIOINEN, O., (ed.) The learning by developing – new ways to learn 2009 conference proceedings. Laurea publications (D7). Espoo, Finland, Laurea University of Applied Sciences, 231-242. [Book Section]

BRADLEY, S. A. (2010). Reconstructed grounded theory: beyond comparison? In: DIRCKINCK-HOLMFELD, L., HODGSON, V., JONES, C., DE LAAT, M., MCCONNELL, D. and RYBERG, T,, (eds.) Proceedings of the 7th international conference on networked learning 2010. Lancaster, Lancaster University, 70-78. [Book Section]

BRADLEY, S. A. (2008). Sessional teaching staff and learning, teaching, and assessment: engaging the marginalised. In: WRIGHT, A., MURRAY, S. and WILSON, M., (eds.) Collected essays on learning and teaching. Windsor, Ontario, Society for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, 47-51. [Book Section]

BRADLEY, Sally (2012). Recognising the inspirational teaching of Claire Craig. Student Engagement and Experience Journal, 1 (2). [Article]

BRADLEY, Sally, KIRBY, Emma and MADRIAGA, Manuel (2015). What students value as inspirational and transformative teaching. Innovations in Education and Teaching International, 52 (3), 231-242. [Article]

BROWN, E., GIBBS, G. and GLOVER, C. J. (2003). Evaluating tools for investigating the impact of assessment regimes on student learning. Bioscience education, 2. [Article]

BROWN, E. and GLOVER, C. (2006). Evaluating written feedback. In: BRYAN, C. and CLEGG, K., (eds.) Innovative assessment in higher education. Abingdon, Routledge, 81-91. [Book Section]


CLEGG, S. and BRADLEY, S. (2006). Models of personal development planning: practice and processes. British educational research journal, 32 (1), 57-76. [Article]

CLEGG, S. and BRADLEY, S. (2006). The implementation of progress files in higher education: reflection as national policy. Higher education, 51 (4), 465-486. [Article]

CLEGG, S., BRADLEY, S. and SMITH, K. (2006). I've had to swallow my pride: help seeking and self-esteem. Higher education research and development, 25 (2), 101-113. [Article]

CLEGG, S. and FLINT, A. (2006). More heat than light: plagiarism in its appearing. British journal of sociology of education, 27 (3), 373-387. [Article]


DHIMAR, R. and ASHWORTH, P. (2006). Ethnic minority students: diversity and the practicalities of assessment regulations. In: FARRAR, M. and TODD, M., (eds.) Teaching 'race' in social sciences – new contexts, new approaches. Higher Education Academy, Subject Network for Sociology, Anthropology, Politics. [Book Section]

DIAMOND, S., MIDDLETON, A. and MATHER, R. (2009). Learning by design: constructing knowledge through design enquiry around educational game development. In: LEVY, P. and MCKINNEY, P., (eds.) Proceedings of the 3rd Learning through enquiry alliance conference, 25-27 June 2008. Sheffield, Centre for Inquiry-based Learning in the Arts and Social Sciences (CILASS): University of Sheffield, 48-59. [Book Section]

DIAMOND, Susannah and IRWIN, Brian (2013). Using e‐learning for student sustainability literacy : framework and review. International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education, 14 (4), 338-348. [Article]

DIAMOND, Susannah, MIDDLETON, Andrew and MATHER, Richard (2011). A cross‐faculty simulation model for authentic learning. Innovations in Education and Teaching International, 48 (1), 25-35. [Article]

DREW, S. and BINGHAM, R. (2010). The guide to learning and study skills for higher education and at work. Gower. [Authored Book]

DREW, S. and THORPE, L. (2006). Factors affecting students’ usage and perceptions of a generic intranet learning resource: models of use. Innovations in Education and Teaching International, 43 (4), p. 381. [Article]


EHIYAZARYAN, E. and MOORE, I. (2008). The role of education guidance in students' transition to autonomous learning. In: RUST, C., (ed.) Improving student learning through the curriculum. The proceedings of the 16th Improving student learning symposium, held in 2008 in Durham. Improving Student Learning (16). Oxford, Oxford centre for staff and learning development. [Book Section]


FLINT, A., CLEGG, S. and MACDONALD, R. (2006). Emotion, practice and plagiarism: exploring staff perspectives. In: Plagiarism: Prevention, Practice and Policies Conference, Newcastle upon Tyne, June 28-30 2004. [Conference or Workshop Item]

FLINT, A., CLEGG, S. and MACDONALD, R. (2006). Exploring staff perceptions of student plagiarism. Journal of further and higher education, 30 (2), 145-156. [Article]

FLINT, A. and OXLEY, A. (2009). Learning from internal change academy processes : final report. Project Report. Sheffield, Sheffield Hallam University. [Monograph]

FLINT, A., OXLEY, A., HELM, P. and BRADLEY, S. (2009). Preparing for success: one institution's aspirational and student focused response to the National Student Survey. Teaching in higher education, 14 (6), 607-618. [Article]

FLINT, A., OXLEY, A. and HYNES, C. (2008). Shared futures: student involvement in an internal change academy. In: Higher Education Academy annual conference, Harrogate, July 1-3 2008. [Conference or Workshop Item]

FLINT, Abbi and O'HARA, Mark (2013). Communities of practice and ‘student voice’: engaging with student representatives at the faculty level. Student Engagement and Experience Journal, 2 (1). [Article]


GLOVER, C. and BROWN, E. (2006). Written feedback for students: too much, too detailed or too incomprehensible to be effective? Bioscience education, 7. [Article]

GLOVER, Ian (2013). Open badges: a visual method of recognising achievement and increasing learner motivation. Student Engagement and Experience Journal, 2 (1). [Article]

GLOVER, Ian (2013). Play as you learn: gamification as a technique for motivating learners. In: HERRINGTON, Jan, COUROS, Alec and IRVINE, Valerie, (eds.) Proceedings of World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications 2013. Chesapeake, VA, AACE, 1999-2008. [Book Section]

GLOVER, Ian, HEPPLESTONE, Stuart, PARKIN, Helen, RODGER, Helen and IRWIN, Brian (2016). Pedagogy first: realising technology enhanced learning by focusing on teaching practice. British Journal Of Educational Technology, 47 (5), 993-1002. [Article]

GLOVER, Ian and LATIF, Farzana (2013). Investigating perceptions and potential of open badges in formal higher education. In: HERRINGTON, Jan, COUROS, Alec and IRVINE, Valerie, (eds.) Proceedings of World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications 2013. Chesapeake, VA, AACE, 1398-1402. [Book Section]

GLOVER, Ian and MALONE, Cathy (2014). Towards the devolution of lifewide learning awards through verifiable digital badges. In: JACKSON, Norman and WILLIS, Jenny, (eds.) Lifewide Learning and Education in Universities and Colleges. Lifewide Learning. [Book Section]

GLOVER, Ian and MCDONALD, Kieran (2018). Digital places: location-based digital practices in higher education using Bluetooth Beacons. In: BASTIAENS, Theo, (ed.) Proceedings of EdMedia: World Conference on Educational Media and Technology. Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE), 950-959. [Book Section]

GLOVER, Ian, PARKIN, Helen, HEPPLESTONE, Stuart, IRWIN, Brian and RODGER, Helen (2015). Making connections: technological interventions to support students in using, and tutors in creating, assessment feedback. Research in Learning Technology, 23 (1), p. 27078. [Article]

GLOVER, Ian and RODGER, Helen (2018). The Death of "Mobile Learning". In: CROMPTON, Helen and TRAXLER, John, (eds.) Mobile learning and higher education: challenges in context. New York, Routledge, 82-91. [Book Section]


HEPPLESTONE, S. (2008). Masking marks: encouraging student engagement with useful feedback. In: Higher Education Academy annual conference : Transforming the student experience, Harrogate, 1-3 July 2008. [Conference or Workshop Item]

HEPPLESTONE, S. and HELM, P. (2003). Strategies for coping with unexpected uptake of CBA. In: CHRISTIE, J., (ed.) Proceedings for 7th CAA Conference 2003. Loughborough, Loughborough University, 159-167. [Book Section]

HEPPLESTONE, S. and MATHER, R. (2007). Meeting rising student expectations of online assignment submission and online feedback. In: KHANDIA, F., (ed.) Research into e-assessment. Proceedings of the 11th international computer assisted assessment conference held at Loughborough University, 10-11 July 2007. Loughborough, Professional Development, Loughborough University, 269-275. [Book Section]

HEPPLESTONE, Stuart and CHIKWA, Gladson (2014). Understanding how students process and use feedback to support their learning. Practitioner Research in Higher Education, 8 (1), 41-53. [Article]

HEPPLESTONE, Stuart, GLOVER, Ian, IRWIN, Brian and PARKIN, Helen (2016). Setting out the role of feedback in the assessment process through both the student and tutor perspective. Practitioner Research in Higher Education, 10 (1), 81-90. [Article]

HEPPLESTONE, Stuart, HOLDEN, Graham, IRWIN, Brian, PARKIN, Helen and THORPE, Louise P (2011). Using technology to encourage student engagement with feedback: a literature review. Research in Learning Technology, 19 (2), 117-127. [Article]

HEPPLESTONE, Stuart, HOLDEN, Graham, IRWIN, Brian, PARKIN, Helen J. and THORPE, Louise (2011). Using technology to encourage student engagement with feedback: a literature review. Research in Learning Technology, 19 (2), 117-127. [Article]

HOLDEN, Graham and GLOVER, Chris (2013). Fostering institutional change in feedback practice through partnership. In: MERRY, Stephen, PRICE, Margaret, CARLESS, David and TARAS, Maddalena, (eds.) Reconceptualising feedback in higher education : developing dialogue with students. Abingdon, Routledge, 160-171. [Book Section]

HRAMIAK, A., BOULTON, H. and IRWIN, B. (2008). Giving voice to learners: using private blogs to develop self-reflection. In: Association for Learning Technology (ALT) Conference, Leeds, 9-11 September 2008. [Conference or Workshop Item]

HRAMIAK, Alison, BOULTON, H. and IRWIN, Brian (2009). Trainee teachers' use of blogs as private reflections for professional development. Learning, Media and Technology, 34 (3), 259-269. [Article]


IRWIN, B. and BOULTON, H. (2010). Analysing the development of professional identity in blogging discourse. In: RUST, C., (ed.) Improving student learning: for the twenty-first century learner. Proceedings of the 17th improving student learning symposium. Oxford, The Oxford Centre for Staff and Learning Development, 22-32. [Book Section]

IRWIN, B. and HRAMIAK, A. (2010). A discourse analysis of trainee teacher identity in online discussion forums. Technology, pedagogy and education, 19 (3), 361-377. [Article]

IRWIN, Brian, BENNING, Chloe and MCNALLY, Laura (2016). Reviewing Blackboard sites to raise minimum engagement across the institution. In: Blackboard Teaching and Learning Conference 2016, Groningen, Netherlands, 6-8 April 2016. [Conference or Workshop Item]

IRWIN, Brian, CHILDS, Jonathon and HEPPLESTONE, Stuart (2016). Assessment journey : a programme to provide a seamless and improved assessment experience for staff and students. In: Blackboard Teaching and Learning Conference 2016, Groningen, Netherlands, 6-8 April 2016. [Conference or Workshop Item]

IRWIN, Brian and HEPPLESTONE, Stuart (2012). Examining increased flexibility in assessment formats. Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education, 37 (7), 773-785. [Article]

IRWIN, Brian, HEPPLESTONE, Stuart, HOLDEN, Graham, PARKIN, Helen and THORPE, Louise P (2013). Engaging students with feedback through adaptive release. Innovations in Education and Teaching International, 50 (1), 51-61. [Article]


KONG, Vickie, TAYLOR, Amy and ROSEWALL, Tara (2016). Adaptive radiotherapy for bladder cancer – a systematic review. Journal of Medical Imaging and Radiation Sciences, 48 (2), 199-206. [Article]


LYONS, H. and THORPE, L. (2009). Investigating student experiences of e-learning using the diary interview approach. Brookes ejournal of learning and teaching, 2 (4). [Article]


MACDONALD, R. (2003). Developing a scholarship of academic development: setting the context. In: EGGINS, H. and MACDONALD, R., (eds.) The scholarship of academic development. Buckingham, Society for Research into Higher Education & Open University Press, 1-10. [Book Section]

MACDONALD, R. (2004). Researching the student experience to bring about improvements in problem-based learning. In: BADEN-SAVEN, M. and WILKIE, K., (eds.) Challenging research in problem-based learning. Maidenhead, Open University Press, 37-49. [Book Section]

MACDONALD, R. (2006). The use of evaluation to improve practice in learning and teaching. Innovations in education and teaching international, 43 (1), 3-13. [Article]

MACDONALD, R. and CARROLL, J. (2006). Plagarism - a complex issue requiring a holistic institutional approach. Assessment and evaluation in higher education, 31 (2), 233-245. [Article]

MADRIAGA, M. (2007). Enduring disablism: students with dyslexia and their pathways into UK higher education and beyond. Disability and Society, 22 (4), 399-412. [Article]

MADRIAGA, M. (2010). 'I avoid pubs and the student union like the plague': Students with Asperger Syndrome and their negotiation of university spaces. Children's geographies, 8 (1), 39-50. [Article]

MADRIAGA, M. (2005). Understanding the symbolic idea of the American dream and its relationship with the category of whiteness. Sociological research online, 10 (3). [Article]

MADRIAGA, M. (2010). Why US nationalism should never be considered postnationalist. National identities, 12 (1), 81-94. [Article]

MADRIAGA, M. (2005). The star-spangled banner, US military veterans and the category of whiteness. In: Flying the flag: critical perspectives on symbolism and identity, Cultural Complexity in the New Norway, University of Oslo, 24-25 November 2005. [Conference or Workshop Item]

MADRIAGA, M., GOODLEY, D., HODGE, N. and MARTIN, N. (2008). Enabling transition into higher education for students with asperger syndrome. Project Report. Higher Education Academy. [Monograph]

MADRIAGA, Manuel (2013). Output of radical collegiality? Student Engagement and Experience Journal, 2 (1). [Article]

MADRIAGA, Manuel (2012). The vision of the student engagement and experience journal. Student Engagement and Experience Journal, 1 (2). [Article]

MADRIAGA, Manuel and GOODLEY, Dan (2010). Moving beyond the minimum: socially just pedagogies and Asperger's syndrome in UK higher education. International Journal of Inclusive Education, 14 (2), 115-131. [Article]

MALONE, Cathy and AUSTEN, Liz (2017). Exploring feedback practices that students value. In: ELKINGTON, Sam and EVANS, Carol, (eds.) Transforming Assessment In Higher Education: A Case Study Series. York, Higher Education Academy, 90-93. [Book Section]

MCCAIG, C. and SMITH, M. (2006). Technology supported learning and teaching: a staff perspective. In: O'DONOGHUE, J., (ed.) Technology supported learning and teaching: a staff perspective. USA, Information Science Publishing, 106-124. [Book Section]

MCDONALD, Kieran and GLOVER, Ian (2016). Exploring the transformative potential of Bluetooth beacons in higher education. Research in Learning Technology, 24 (1), p. 32166. [Article]

MIDDLETON, A. (2009). Beyond podcasting: creative approaches to designing educational audio. ALT-J, 17 (2), p. 143. [Article]

MIDDLETON, A. and MATHER, R. (2008). Machinima interventions: innovative approaches to immersive virtual world curriculum integration. ALT-J, 16 (3), p. 207. [Article]

MIDDLETON, A. and NORTCLIFFE, A. (2010). Audio feedback design: principles and emerging practice. International Journal of Continuing Engineering Education and Life-Long Learning, 20 (2), 208-223. [Article]

MIDDLETON, A. and NORTCLIFFE, A. (2009). Understanding effective models of audio feedback. In: ROY, R., (ed.) Engineering education : perspectives, issues and concerns. Delhi, Shipra Publications. [Book Section]

MIDDLETON, Andrew (2008). Audio feedback: timely media interventions. In: Third International Blended Learning Conference, "Enhancing the Student Experience", University of Hertfordshire, Hatfield, 18-19 June 2008. (Unpublished) [Conference or Workshop Item]

MIDDLETON, Andrew (2016). Reconsidering the role of recorded audio as a rich, flexible and engaging learning space. Research in Learning Technology, 24, p. 28035. [Article]

MIDDLETON, Andrew and NORTCLIFFE, Anne (2009). Audio, autonomy and authenticity: constructive comments and conversations captured by the learner. In: ALT-C 2009, University of Manchester, 8-10 September 2009. (Unpublished) [Conference or Workshop Item]


NEWTON, J. and MIDDLETON, A. (2009). Podcasting for pedagogic purposes: the journey so far and some lessons learned. In: MAYES, T., MORRISON, D., MELLAR, H., BULLEN, P. and OLIVER, M., (eds.) Transforming higher education through technology-enhanced learning. York, Higher Education Academy, 235-248. [Book Section]

NORTCLIFFE, A. and MIDDLETON, A. (2009). Effective assignment feedback through timely and personal digital audio engagement. In: O'DONOGHUE, J., (ed.) Technology-supported environments for personalized learning: methods and case studies. Hershey, Pennsylvania, Information Science Reference, 409-428. [Book Section]

NORTCLIFFE, A. and MIDDLETON, A. (2008). A three year case study of using audio to blend the engineer’s learning environment. Engineering education: journal of the Higher Education Academy engineering subject centre, 3 (2), 45-57. [Article]

NORTCLIFFE, Anne (2012). Can students assess themselves and their peers? : a five year study. Student Engagement and Experience Journal, 1 (2). [Article]

NORTCLIFFE, Anne and MIDDLETON, Andrew (2008). Blending the engineer’s learning environment through the use of audio. In: Engineering Education 2008 : International Conference on Innovation, Good Practice and Research in Engineering Education., Loughborough, July 2008. [Conference or Workshop Item]

NORTCLIFFE, Anne, ROSSITER, J A, GRIFFIN, Alison and MIDDLETON, Andrew (2009). Students using digital audio interventions to enhance their learning experience. In: Higher Education Academy annual conference 2009, Manchester, 30 June-2 July 2009. [Conference or Workshop Item]


O'HARA, M. and BINGHAM, R. (2004). Widening participation on early childhood studies and early years education degrees. Journal of Further and Higher Education, 28 (2), p. 207. [Article]

O'HARA, M. and FLINT, A. (2010). "If you build it, they won't necessarily come!" Engaging student representatives beyond the course level. In: BRAMHALL, M., O'LEARY, C. and CORKER, C., (eds.) Case studies: volume 2. Sheffield Hallam University, Centre for Promoting Learner Autonomy, 185-192. [Book Section]

O'NEILL, G. and MOORE, I. (2008). Strategies for implementing group work in large classes: lessons from enquiry-based learning. In: HIGGS, B. and MCCARTHY, M., (eds.) Emerging issues II: The changing roles and identities of teachers and learners in higher education. Cork, NAIRTL, 75-88. [Book Section]

OXLEY, A. and FLINT, A. (2010). Learning from Internal Change Academy processes. Educational developments, 10 (3), 25-28. [Article]

OXLEY, A. and FLINT, A. (2008). Placing student voices at the heart of institutional dialogue. Educational developments, 9 (3), 14-16. [Article]


PARKIN, Helen, HEPPLESTONE, Stuart, HOLDEN, Graham, IRWIN, Brian and THORPE, Louise P (2011). A role for technology in enhancing students’ engagement with feedback. Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education, 37 (8), 963-973. [Article]

PURVIS, A., CRUTCHLEY, D. and FLINT, A. (2009). Beyond peer observation of teaching. In: GOSLING, D. and O'CONNOR, K. M., (eds.) Beyond the Peer Observation of Teaching. SEDA Paper (124). London, Staff and Educational Development Association, 23-28. [Book Section]


RUSHTON, Diane, MALONE, Cathy and MIDDLETON, Andrew (2015). Digital posters - talking cycles for academic literacy. In: LILLIS, Theresa, HARRINGTON, Kathy and MITCHELL, Sally, (eds.) Working with academic literacies: Case studies towards transformative practice. Perspectives on writing . Colorado, The WAC Clearinghouse, 299-306. [Book Section]


SMITH, M. (2009). Gender, pay and work satisfaction at a UK university. Gender, work and organisation, 16 (5), 621-641. [Article]

SMITH, M. (2007). Investigating diversity and equality: methods, challenges and implications. Tertiary education and management, 13 (2), 111-125. [Article]


WOODCOCK, Ben, MIDDLETON, Andrew and NORTCLIFFE, Anne (2012). Considering the Smartphone Learner: developing innovation to investigate the opportunities for students and their interest. Student Engagement and Experience Journal, 1 (1), 1-15. [Article]

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