Items where Author is "Gent, Susannah"
Number of items: 49.
GENT, Susannah
Aut-Analysis and the Deleuzian Uncanny.
In: 16th International Deleuze and Guattari Studies Conference, TUS, Delft, Netherlands, 06-10 Jul 2024.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
GENT, Susannah
Artistic Lines Of Flight: The Mutual-aid Rhizome And The Recovery Machine.
In: HRISTOV, Đorđe, MAĐANOVIĆ, Milica and ŽIKIĆ, Simona, (eds.)
15th International Deleuze and Guattari Studies Conference. 10-12 July 2023 Belgrade. Space, Control, Resistance. Book of abstracts.
Belgrade, Institute for Philosophy and Social Theory, University of Belgrade, 158-159.
[Book Section]
GENT, Susannah
“Psychotel: Generating Uncanny Representations Through Research-informed, Affect-led Film Production”.
In: The Uncanny in Language, Literature and Culture, London Centre for Interdisciplinary Research, Birkbeck College, University of London, 13 Aug 2022 - 14 Aug 2022.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
GENT, Susannah
The Unconscious and the City: A Neuropsychoanalytic Exploration of Cinematic Space.
In: KAVAKOGLU, Aysegul Akcay, HACIOMEROGLU, Turkan and LANDRUM, Lisa, (eds.)
Narrating the City. Mediated Representations of Architecture, Urban Forms and Social Life.
Mediated Cities
Bristol, Intellect Books, 56-75.
[Book Section]
GENT, Susannah
The Mind Outside the In-Box: The Creative and Collaborative Space of the Walking Arts Research Group.
In: Anthropology and Geography, Dialogues Past, Present, and Future, The British Museum (orig) / online, 14-18 Sep 2020.
The Royal Anthropological Institute.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
BOLLAND, Emma, CALVER, Julia, CASCELLA, Daniela, CLARKE, Helen, FINNEY, Louise, GENT, Susannah, PEPPE, Hestia, KIVLAND, Sharon, MICHAELS, Debbie and SMITH, Rachel
Roland Barthes's Party.
[Authored Book]
GENT, Susannah
The neuroscientific uncanny: a filmic investigation of twenty-first century hauntology.
Doctoral, Sheffield Hallam University.
GENT, Susannah
The neuroscientific uncanny: an investigation into the limits of scientific method.
In: Wild or Domesticated: Uncanny in Historical and Contemporary Perspectives to Mind, Interdisciplinary conference, House of Science and Letters, Helsinki, Finland, 20 - 22nd September 2016.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
GENT, Susannah
The wandering mind: a filmic investigation of the uncanny and the walking body.
In: Wild or Domesticated: Uncanny in Historical and Contemporary Perspectives to Mind, House of Science and Letters, University of Turku, Helsinki, Finland, 20 - 22nd Septermber 2016.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
GENT, Susannah
Exhibition: Research Residency - Psychotel 2.
BOLLAND, Emma, CALVER, Julia, CLARKE, Helen, FINNEY, Louise, GENT, Susannah, KIVLAND, Sharon, MICHAELS, Debbie, PEPPÉ, Hestia and SMITH, Rachel
The Work as Will.
Inscription, 1 (1), 6-15.
GENT, Susannah
Intuitive filmmaking and the territorial unconscious [abstract only].
In: The 12th annual Deleuze & Guattari Studies academic camp and conference, London, UK, 8-10 Jul 2019.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
GENT, Susannah
Haruspex: The birth and death of a spirit guide.
GENT, Susannah, WATSON, Annie, LEE, Jeremy, WICHERT, Patrick, ROBINSON, Sonya, ROBINSON, Andrew, PARKIN, Mark, WRIGHT, Ron and LAZENBY, Michele
Walk Out.
GENT, Susannah
Unhomely Street: The unconscious and the city.
In: Moving Images - Static Spaces: Architecture, Art, Media, Film, Digital Art and Design, Altinbas University, Istanbul, 12th - 13th April 2018.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
GENT, Susannah, PARKIN, Mark, WATSON, Annie, LEE, Jeremy, ROBINSON, Andrew, ROBINSON, Sonya and LAZENBY, Michele
GENT, Susannah
The voice of anxiety : affect through tone in filmic narration and voice-over.
In: Performance and performability: actualities and futures, Leeds Humanitied Research Institute, University of Leeds, 15 June 2016.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
GENT, Susannah
Methodological windows : a view of the uncanny
through filmmaking, psychoanalysis, and psychology.
In: METHOD: Ingenuity, Integration, Insight. 2016, Sheffield Hallam University, 12 May 2016.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
GENT, Susannah
A 20x20 PK style presentation of art practice and scientific study as research methodology in the C3RI Method conference 2015.
In: METHOD: Ingenuity, Integration, Insight. 2015, Sheffield Hallam University, 28 April 2015.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
WATSON, Annie, LEE, Jeremy, GENT, Susannah, TERNAN, Melvyn, PARKIN, Mark, ROBINSON, Andrew and ROBINSON, Sonya
Poster for Media Arts Walking Research Group.
In: Where to? Steps towards the future of walking arts, Falmouth University, 16 April 2015.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
GENT, Susannah
7 Walks.
In: Where to? Steps towards the future of walking arts, Falmouth University, 16/04/15.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
GENT, Susannah
(re)collections: fragments for a retrospective film script for "Project SBSBI".
Sheffield, Sheffield hallam University.
GENT, Susannah and KIVLAND, Sharon
Editions II, Removed from the Eyes.
Sheffield, MA Bibliotheque.
GENT, Susannah, BURTON, Maria and HELLER, Ben
Physiofun - Engineering for Life.
GENT, Susannah
The Uncanny, the abject and the incongruity theory of humour.
GENT, Susannah
Sentimental Rabbit Suicide process documentation.
GENT, Susannah
The Double and the Mirror: Reflections on the Production of Psychotel (1st).
In: JORGE, Charlie, (ed.)
Uncanny horizons: explorations of the “unheimlich” in literature, film and aesthetics.
Interdisciplinary Discourses, London Centre for Interdisciplinary Research, 92-109.
[Book Section]
GENT, Susannah
Adapting film creative project realisation to Covid teaching conditions.
In: 2022 ECREA OSC Conference: a new era of (digital) teaching? Theory, Creativity and Responsibility in Communication Education, Online, 9 Feb 2022.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
GENT, Susannah
Exorcising Unhomely Street: filmic intuition and the representation of post-concussive syndrome.
Journal for Artistic Research, 14.
WATSON, Annie, LEE, Jeremy, PARKIN, Mark, GENT, Susannah, ROBINSON, Andrew, ROBINSON, Sonya and LAZENBY, Michele
SOLAR - a walking app.
Sheffield Hallam University Catalyst Fund.
WATSON, Annie, LEE, Jeremy, GENT, Susannah, TERNAN, Melvyn, PARKIN, Mark, ROBINSON, Andrew and ROBINSON, Sonya
Showreel for Media Arts Walking Research Group.
WELCH, Linda Lee, MUSSELWHITE, Fay, GENT, Susannah and HARDING, Michael
Goat Boy and other journeys : adventures in film, music, poetry and taxidermy.
WRIGHT, Ron and GENT, Susannah
Jelly Dolly: sound design for feature-length film.