Items where Research Institute, Centre or Group is "Hallam Centre for Community Justice"

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ALBERTSON, Katherine, O'KEEFFE, Caroline, LESSING-TURNER, Georgina, BURKE, Catherine and RENFREW, Mary J. (2012). Tackling health inequalities through developing evidence-based policy and practice with childbearing women in prison: a consultation. Project Report. Sheffield, Sheffield Hallam University. [Monograph]

AUSTEN, L. (2009). The social construction of risk by young people. Health, risk and society, 11 (5), 451-470. [Article]

AUSTEN, Liz and COWBURN, Malcolm (2013). Postmodernism and criminological thought : ‘Whose science? Whose knowledge?’. In: COWBURN, Malcolm, DUGGAN, Marian, ROBINSON, Ann and SENIOR, Paul, (eds.) Values in Criminology and Community Justice. Bristol, Policy Press, 21-38. [Book Section]


CHADEE, D., AUSTEN, L. and DITTON, J. (2007). The relationship between likelihood and fear of criminal victimisation: evaluating risk sensitivity as a mediating concept. . [Article]

COWBURN, M. (2008). The BME male sex offender in prison: overrepresentation and under-participation. In: Challenging boundaries : Social Policy Association conference, Edinburgh, June 23-25 2008. [Conference or Workshop Item]

COWBURN, M. (2005). Confidentiality and public protection: ethical dilemmas in qualitative research with adult male sex offenders. Journal of sexual aggression, 11 (1), 49-63. [Article]

COWBURN, M. (2006). Constructive work with male sex offenders: male forms of life, language games and change. In: GORMAN, K., GREGORY, M., HAYLES, M. and PARTON, N., (eds.) Constructive Work with Offenders. London, Jessica Kingsley, 159-176. [Book Section]

COWBURN, M. (2005). Hegemony and discourse: reconstruing the male sex offender and sexual coercion by men. Sexualities, evolution and gender, 7 (3), 215-231. [Article]

COWBURN, M. (2010). Invisible men: social reactions to male sexual coercion - bringing men and masculinities into community safety and public policy. Critical social policy, 30 (2), 225-244. [Article]

COWBURN, M. (2007). Men researching men in prison: the challenges for profeminist research. Howard journal of criminal justice, 46 (3), 276-288. [Article]

COWBURN, M. (2010). Principles, virtues and care: ethical dilemmas in research with male sex offenders. Psychology, crime and law, 16 (1-2), 65-74. [Article]

COWBURN, M. and DOMINELLI, L. (2001). Masking hegemonic masculinity: reconstructing the paedophile as the dangerous stranger. British journal of social work, 31 (3), 399-414. [Article]

COWBURN, M. and LAVIS, V. (2009). Race relations in prison: managing performance and developing engagement. British journal of community justice, 7 (3), 77-89. [Article]

COWBURN, M., LAVIS, V. and WALKER, T. (2008). BME sex offenders in prison: the problem of participation in offending behaviour groupwork programmes – a tripartite model of understanding. British journal of community justice, 6 (1), 19-34. [Article]

COWBURN, M., LAVIS, V. and WALKER, T. (2008). Black and minority ethnic sex offenders. Prison service journal, 178, 44-49. [Article]

COWBURN, M. and NELSON, P. (2007). Safe recruitment, social justice, and ethical practice: should people who have criminal convictions be allowed to train as social workers? Social work education, 27 (3), 293-306. [Article]

COWBURN, Malcolm (2013). Men researching violent men: epistemologies, ethics and emotions in qualitative research. In: PINI, Barbara and PEASE, Bob, (eds.) Men, masculinities and methodologies. Genders and sexualities in the social sciences . Basingstoke, Palgrave, 181-196. [Book Section]

COWBURN, Malcolm (2011). Perceiving the continuum of sexual harm and the need for varied responses to sexual violence. International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology, 55 (2), 179-181. [Article]

COWBURN, Malcolm (2016). Researching sex crimes and sex offenders: Some ethical and epistemological considerations. In: COWBURN, Malcolm, GELSTHORPE, Loraine and WHAIDIN, Azrini, (eds.) Research ethics in criminology : dilemmas, issues and solutions. Abingdon, Routledge, 115-132. [Book Section]

COWBURN, Malcolm (2016). Values in Work with People Who Commit Sex Crimes. In: VANSTONE, Maurice and PRIESTLEY, Philip, (eds.) Probation and politics : academic reflections from former practitioners. Palgrave Macmillan UK, 77-98. [Book Section]

COWBURN, Malcolm, DUGGAN, Marian and POLLOCK, Ed (2013). Working with different values: extremism, hate and sex crimes. In: COWBURN, Malcolm, DUGGAN, Marian, ROBINSON, Ann and SENIOR, Paul, (eds.) Values in criminology and community justice. Bristol, Policy Press, University of Bristol, 343-358. [Book Section]

COWBURN, Malcolm, GELSTHORPE, L and WHAIDIN, A (2016). Critical reflections: Creating, curtailing and communicating academic freedoms. In: COWBURN, Malcolm, GELSTHORPE, L and WHAIDIN, A, (eds.) Research ethics in criminology : dilemmas, issues and solutions. Abingdon, Routledge, 220-227. [Book Section]

COWBURN, Malcolm, GILL, Aisha K and HARRISON, Karen (2015). Speaking about sexual abuse in British South Asian communities: offenders, victims and the challenges of shame and reintegration. Journal of Sexual Aggression, 21 (1), 4-15. [Article]

COWBURN, Malcolm and LAVIS, Victoria (2013). Using a prisoner advisory group to develop diversity research in a maximum-security prison. Groupwork, 23 (3), 32-44. [Article]


DOEL, M., ALLMARK, P. J., CONWAY, P., COWBURN, M., FLYNN, M., NELSON, P. and TOD, A. (2009). Professional boundaries: crossing a line or entering the shadows? British journal of social work, 40 (6), 1866-1889. [Article]

DUGGAN, Marian (2010). Homophobic hate crime in Northern Ireland. In: CHAKRABORTI, Neil, (ed.) Hate crime : concepts, policy, future directions. Collumpton, Willan. [Book Section]

DUGGAN, Marian (2012). Queering conflict: examining lesbian and gay experiences of homophobia in Northern Ireland. Other. Surrey, Ashgate. [Monograph]

DUGGAN, Marian (2008). Theorising homophobic hate crime in Northern Ireland. Papers from the British Criminology Conference, 8, 33-49. [Article]

DUGGAN, Marian (2010). The politics of pride : representing relegated sexual identities in Northern Ireland'. Northern Ireland Legal Quarterly, 61 (2), 163-178. [Article]


FEASEY, S. (2009). An evaluation of the Sheffield PPO Premium Service: final report. Project Report. Sheffield, Sheffield Hallam University. [Monograph]

FEASEY, S., BIRD, H., MEADOWS, L., ROBINSON, A. and SENIOR, P. (2007). The Wakefield District prolific and priority offender needs analysis and business case: final report. Project Report. Sheffield, Sheffield Hallam University. [Monograph]

FEASEY, S. and SENIOR, P. (2008). The resettlement of offenders and ex-offenders in Doncaster. Developing an integrated framework. Project Report. Sheffield, Sheffield Hallam University. [Monograph]

FEASEY, S. and WILLIAMS, P. (2009). An evaluation of the Sycamore Tree programme: based on an analysis of Crime Pics II data. Project Report. Sheffield, Sheffield Hallam University. [Monograph]

FEASEY, Simon and WILLIAMS, Patrick (2009). An evaluation of the Sycamore Tree Programme - Based on an Analysis of Crime Pics II Data. Project Report. Sheffield, Sheffield Hallam University in partnership with Manchester Metropolitan University. [Monograph]


HAMILTON, P., WILKINSON, K., MEADOWS, L. and CADET, N. (2008). The answers are within me. An evaluation of a person centred counselling service for men at HMP Doncaster who have had experience of domestic violence 2005-2007. Project Report. Sheffield, Sheffield Hallam University. [Monograph]


IRFAN, S. and COWBURN, M. (2004). Disciplining, chastisement and physical child abuse: perceptions and attitudes of the British Pakistani community. Journal of Muslim minority affairs, 24 (1), 89-98. [Article]


LONG, M., ROBINSON, A. and SENIOR, P. (2006). A visible difference: an evaluation of the second phase of the Police Community Support Officers in West Yorkshire. Project Report. Sheffield, Sheffield Hallam University. [Monograph]

LYNCH, R. (2006). Coercion and social exclusion: the case of motivating change in drug-using offenders. British journal of community justice, 4 (1), 33-48. [Article]

LYNCH, R. (2004). How healthy is your ‘community of practice’? Probation journal, 51 (1), 59-66. [Article]

LYNCH, R., LEO, S. and DOWNING, K. (2006). Context dependent learning: its value and impact for workplace education. Education and training, 48 (1), 15-24. [Article]


MARSON, James, FERRIS, Katy and NICHOLSON, Alex (2017). Irreconcilable differences? The Road Traffic Act and the European Motor Vehicle Insurance Directives. The Journal of Business Law, 1, 51-70. [Article]

MEADOWS, Linda, ALBERTSON, Katherine, ELLINGWORTH, Daniel and SENIOR, Paul (2012). Evaluation of the South Yorkshire Restorative Justice programme (SYRJP). Project Report. Sheffield, Sheffield Hallam University. [Monograph]

MEADOWS, Linda, CLAMP, Kerry, CULSHAW, Alex, CADET, Nichola, WILKINSON, Katherine and DAVIDSON, Joanna (2010). Evaluation of Sheffield City Council's Community Justice Panels Project. Project Report. Sheffield, Sheffield Hallam University. [Monograph]

MEADOWS, Linda, FEASEY, Simon, BIRD, Hayden, DAVIDSON, Joanna and WILKINSON, Katherine (2010). Investigating the prisoner finance gap across four prisons in the North East. Project Report. Department for Work and Pensions. [Monograph]

MOORE, Nicolas (2008). Validating a model of information structure in written English through a reading protocol. In: 19th European Systemic Functional Linguistics Conference and Workshop, Saarbrücken, Germany., 23rd-25th July, 2007. [Conference or Workshop Item]


NELSON, P. and COWBURN, M. (2010). Social work admissions : applicants with criminal convictions - the challenge of ethical risk assessment. The British journal of social work, 40 (4), 1081-1099. [Article]

NORMORE, Anthony H., ELLIS, Brian, CLAMP, Kerry and PATERSON, Craig (2015). Cross-Cultural Collaboration for Community-Oriented Policing and Restorative Justice. In: ERBE, Nancy and NORMORE, Anthony, (eds.) Cross-Cultural Collaboration and Leadership in Modern Organizations. Cengage Learning, 255-272. [Book Section]


O'KEEFFE, Caroline and ALBERTSON, Katherine (2012). "The good days are amazing", an evaluation of the Writer's in Prison Network. Project Report. Sheffield, Sheffield Hallam University. [Monograph]

O'KEEFFE, Caroline, DAVIDSON, Joanna, MEADOWS, Linda, SENIOR, Paul and WILLIAMS, Noel (2007). Offenders and E-Learning - a literature review on behalf of Becta. Project Report. Sheffield, Sheffield Hallam University. [Monograph]

O'KEEFFE, Caroline, WILKINSON, Katherine, ROBINSON, Ann and SENIOR, Paul (2006). "I Ain't No Tea Lady": Identifying and addressing barriers to non-traditional employment, training and education from a female perspective, SOVA. Project Report. Sheffield, Sheffield Hallam University. [Monograph]


PATERSON, Craig (2011). Adding value? A review of the international literature on the role of higher education in police training and education. Police Practice and Research, 12 (4), 286-297. [Article]

PATERSON, Craig (2008). Commercial crime control and the electronic monitoring of offenders in England and Wales. Social justice: a journal of crime, conflict and world order, 34 (3-4), 98-110. [Article]

PATERSON, Craig (2007). Street-level surveillance: human agency and the electronic monitoring of offenders. Surveillance and society, 4 (2-3), 314-328. [Article]

PATERSON, Craig and CLAMP, Kerry (2012). Exploring recent developments in restorative policing in England and Wales. Criminology and Criminal Justice, 12 (5), 593-611. [Article]

PATERSON, Craig and CLAMP, Kerry (2014). Innovating responses to managing risk : exploring the potential of a victim-focused policing strategy. Policing, 8 (1), 51-58. [Article]

PATERSON, Craig and MACVEAN, A. (2006). Understanding deviant lifestyles: critically evaluating anti-social behaviour and problem drug use. Police research and management, 6 (3), 33-42. [Article]


ROBINSON, A. (2009). From morality to rights: the symposium on women, human rights and prostitution. Discussion Paper. Sheffield, Sheffield Hallam University. [Monograph]


SENIOR, P. (2003). Pathways to resettlement: regional framework for Yorkshire & the Humber. Project Report. Sheffield, Sheffield Hallam University. [Monograph]

SENIOR, P., BUCHANAN, J., BAKER, S. and EVANS, M. (2007). The DAWN Project evaluation 2007. Project Report. Sheffield, Sheffield Hallam University. [Monograph]

SENIOR, P. and MEADOWS, L. (2008). Changing the dynamic: an evaluation of the South West Accommodation Gateway (SWAG). Project Report. Sheffield, Sheffield Hallam University. [Monograph]

SENIOR, Paul, MEADOWS, Linda, FEASEY, Simon and ATKINSON, Janet (2004). Enhancing the role of the voluntary and community sector - a case study of the Yorkshire and Humber Region. Project Report. National Offender Resettlement Service, Home Office. [Monograph]

SENIOR, Paul, WONG, Kevin, CULSHAW, Alex, ELLINGWORTH, Daniel, O'KEEFFE, Caroline and MEADOWS, Linda (2011). Process evaluation of five integrated offender management pioneer areas. Project Report. Ministry of Justice, Home Office. [Monograph]


WATERS, Jaime (2015). Snowball sampling: a cautionary tale involving a study of older drug users. International Journal of Social Research Methodology, 18 (4), 367-380. [Article]

WILKINSON, K. (2009). The Doncaster desistance study. Project Report. Sheffield, Sheffield Hallam University. [Monograph]

WILKINSON, K. and O'KEEFFE, C. (2006). Raging anger within me. An evaluation of a person centred counselling service for male victims and perpetrators of domestic violence at HMP Doncaster 2005-2006. Project Report. Sheffield, Sheffield Hallam University. [Monograph]

WILKINSON, Katherine, BALL, Linda and BROOKES, Elaine (2008). An evaluation of the workbook for health trainers in prisons and the wider community: based on the Royal Institute of Public Health Level 2 award: understanding health improvement. Project Report. Sheffield, Sheffield Hallam University. [Monograph]

WILKINSON, Katherine and DAVIDSON, J. (2007). Inside innovation. Year 2. An evaluation of the second year of delivery of a project promoting innovative thinking amongst Prison Service staff. Project Report. Sheffield, Sheffield Hallam University. [Monograph]

WILKINSON, Katherine and DAVIDSON, J. (2008). They've been my lifeline. An evaluation of South Yorkshire's Specialist Domestic Violence Court initiative: the Independent Domestic Violence Advocacy Service. Project Report. Sheffield, Sheffield Hallam University. [Monograph]

WILKINSON, Katherine and DAVIDSON, Joanna (2008). An Evaluation of the Prison Radio Association’s Activity Final Report Year 1 The West Midlands Prison Radio Taster Project. Project Report. Sheffield Hallam University, Sheffield Hallam University. [Monograph]

WILKINSON, Katherine and DAVIDSON, Joanna (2010). An Evaluation of the Prison Radio Association’s Activity Final Report Year 3: The way forward. Project Report. Sheffield Hallam University, Sheffield Hallam University. [Monograph]

WILKINSON, Katherine and DAVIDSON, Joanna (2009). Evaluation of the content and delivery of the student workbook for RIPH Level 2 award in understanding health improvement for health trainer champions in prisons and the wider community. Project Report. Sheffield, Sheffield Hallam University. [Monograph]

WILKINSON, Katherine and DAVIDSON, Joanna (2009). Ideas project evaluation, formerly known as Inside Innovation, year three. Project Report. Sheffield, Sheffield Hallam University. [Monograph]

WONG, Kevin and CHRISTMANN, Kris (2016). Justice Reinvestment: “Motherhood and Apple Pie?”—Matching Ambition to Capacity and Capability. Federal Sentencing Reporter (FSR), 29 (1), 58-67. [Article]

WONG, Kevin, CHRISTMANN, Kris, MEADOWS, Linda, ALBERTSON, Katherine and SENIOR, Paul (2013). Hate crime in Suffolk : understanding prevalence and support needs. Project Report. Hallam Centre for Community Justice, Sheffield Hallam University. [Monograph]

WONG, Kevin, LOWTHIAN, Jackie, MEADOWS, Linda, ELLINGWORTH, Dan and KINSELLA, Rachel (2016). Transition to Adulthood Pathway Programme Evaluation: First Interim Report. Project Report. Sheffield Hallam University, Hallam Centre for Community Justice. [Monograph]

WONG, Kevin, MEADOWS, Linda, WARBURTON, Frank, WEBB, Sarah, YOUNG, Helen and BARRACLOUGH, Nicola (2013). The development and year one implementation of the Local Justice Reinvestment Pilot. Project Report. London, Ministry of Justice. [Monograph]

WONG, Kevin, O'KEEFFE, Caroline, ELLINGWORTH, Daniel and SENIOR, Paul (2012). Intensive alternatives to custody process evaluation of pilots in five areas. Project Report. Ministry of Justice. [Monograph]

WONG, Kevin, O'KEEFFE, Caroline, ELLINGWORTH, Daniel, WILKINSON, Katherine, MEADOWS, Linda, DAVIDSON, Joanna and BIRD, Hayden (2012). Process evaluation of Derbyshire Intensive Alternatives to Custody Pilot. Project Report. Ministry of Justice. [Monograph]

WONG, Kevin, O'KEEFFE, Caroline, MEADOWS, Linda, DAVIDSON, Joanna, BIRD, Hayden, WILKINSON, Katherine and SENIOR, Paul (2011). Increasing the voluntary and community sector’s involvement in Integrated Offender Management(IOM). Project Report. Home Office. [Monograph]

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