Items where Author is "Andrews, Simon"
Number of items: 50.
Some Programming Optimizations for Computing Formal Concepts.
Ontologies and Concepts in Mind and Machine. 25th International Conference on Conceptual Structures, ICCS 2020 Bolzano, Italy, September 18-20, 2020 Proceedings.
Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, part of Lecture Notes in Computer Science
Springer, 59-73.
[Book Section]
ARBORE, Giuseppina, HENLEY, Tom, BIGGINS, Laura, ANDREWS, Simon, VIGORITO, Elena, TURNER, Martin and LEYLAND, Rebecca
MicroRNA-155 is essential for the optimal proliferation and survival of plasmablast B cells.
Life Science Alliance, 2 (3), e201800244.
ANDREWS, Simon, BREWSTER, Ben and DAY, Tony
Organised crime and social media; a system for detecting, corroborating and visualising weak signals of organised crime online.
Security Informatics, 7.
LEYLAND, Rebecca, ARBORE, Giuseppina, HENLEY, Tom, ANDREWS, Simon, TURNER, Martin and VIGORITO, Elena
miR-155 is essential for proliferation and survival of plasmablast B-cells.
In: European Congress for Immunology 2018, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 2-5 September 2018.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
A new method for inheriting canonicity test
failures in Close-by-One type algorithms.
In: IGNATOV, Dmitry I. and NOURINE, Lhouari, (eds.)
CLA 2018 : The 14th International Conference on Concept Lattices and Their Applications, proceedings.
Springer, 255-266.
[Book Section]
A visual analytics technique for exploring gene expression in the developing mouse embryo.
23rd International Conference on Conceptual Structures, proceedings.
Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence
Springer, 137-151.
[Book Section]
ANDREWS, Simon and POLOVINA, Simon
Exploring, Reasoning with and Validating Directed Graphs by Applying Formal Concept Analysis to Conceptual Graphs.
In: CROITORU, Madalina, MARQUIS, Peter, RUDOLPH, Sebastian and STAPLETON, Gem, (eds.)
Graph Structures for Knowledge Representation and Reasoning : 5th International Workshop, GKR 2017, Melbourne, VIC, Australia, August 21, 2017, Revised Selected Papers.
Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence
Springer, 3-28.
[Book Section]
ANDREWS, Simon and POLOVINA, Simon
Validating directed graphs by applying formal
concept analysis to conceptual graphs.
In: The IJCAI-17 Workshop on Graph Structures for Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (GKR 2017 @ IJCAI), Melbourne, Australia, 19-25th August.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
Making Use of Empty Intersections to Improve the Performance of CbO-Type Algorithms.
Formal Concept Analysis : 14th International Conference, ICFCA 2017, Rennes, France, June 13-16, 2017, Proceedings.
Lecture notes in artificial intelligence
Springer, 56-71.
[Book Section]
DOMDOUZIS, Konstantinos, AKHGAR, Babak, ANDREWS, Simon and DAY, Tony
Identification of Critical Factors in Large Crisis Decision Making Processes using Computational Tools: The case of ATHENA.
International Journal of Strategic Information Technology and Applications (IJSITA), 8 (2).
ANDREWS, Simon, DAY, Tony, DOMDOUZIS, Konstantinos, HIRSCH, Laurence, LEFTICARU, Raluca-Elena and ORPHANIDES, Constantinos
Analyzing crowd-sourced information and social media for crisis management.
In: AKHGAR, Babak, STANIFORTH, Andrew and WADDINGTON, David, (eds.)
Application of social media in crisis management : advanced sciences and technologies for security applications.
Transactions on Computational Science and Computational Intelligence
Springer International Publishing, 77-96.
[Book Section]
Best practices in the design of a citizen focused crisis management platform.
In: AKHGAR, Babak, STANIFORTH, Andrew and WADDINGTON, David, (eds.)
Application of social media in crisis management : advanced sciences and technologies for security applications.
Transactions on Computational Science and Computational Intelligence
Springer International Publishing, 59-75.
[Book Section]
A parallel version of the in-close algorithm.
NCTM 2017 Proceedings of the 6th National Conference on Technology and Management (NCTM).
IEEE, 1-5.
[Book Section]
DOMDOUZIS, Konstantinos, AKHGAR, Babak, ANDREWS, Simon and GIBSON, Helen
A social media and crowd-sourcing data mining system for crime prevention during and post-crisis situations.
Journal of Systems and Information Technology, 18 (4), 364-382.
HIRSCH, Laurence and ANDREWS, Simon
Visualising text co-occurrence networks.
CEUR Workshop Proceedings, 1637, 19-27.
ANDREWS, Simon and HIRSCH, Laurence
A tool for creating and visualising formal concept
CEUR Workshop Proceedings, 1637, 1-9.
ANDREWS, Simon, GIBSON, Helen, DOMDOUZIS, Konstantinos and AKHGAR, Babak
Creating corroborated crisis reports from social media data through formal concept analysis.
Journal of Intelligent Information Systems, 47, 287-312.
DOMDOUZIS, Konstantinos, ANDREWS, Simon and AKHGAR, Babak
Application of a new service-oriented architecture (SOA) paradigm on the design of a crisis management distributed system.
International Journal of Distributed Systems and Technologies, 7 (2), 1-17.
ANDREWS, Simon, BREWSTER, Benjamin and DAY, Tony
Organised crime and social media: detecting and corroborating weak signals of human trafficking online.
In: HAEMMERLÉ, Ollivier, STAPLETON, Gem and FARON-ZUCKER, Catherine, (eds.)
Graph-based representation and reasoning.
Lecture notes in computer science
Heidelberg, Springer, 137-150.
(In Press)
[Book Section]
A ‘Best-of-Breed’ approach for designing a fast algorithm for computing fixpoints of Galois
Information Sciences, 295 (20), 633-649.
Tackling financial and economic crime through strategic intelligence management.
In: STEDMAN, Alex and LAWSON, Glyn, (eds.)
Hostile intent and counter-terrorism: human factors theory and application.
Human factors in defence
Ashgate, 161-176.
[Book Section]
DOMDOUZIS, Konstantinos, ANDREWS, Simon, GIBSON, Helen, AKHGAR, Babak and HIRSCH, Laurence
Service-Oriented Design of a Command and Control
Intelligence Dashboard for Crisis Management.
In: Big Data, Intelligence Management and Analytics Workshop (BDIMA 2014), 7th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Utility and Cloud Computing (UCC 2014), London, 8-11 December 2014.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
GIBSON, Helen, ANDREWS, Simon, DOMDOUZIS, Konstantinos, HIRSCH, Laurence and AKHGAR, Babak
Combining Big Social Media Data and FCA for Crisis Response.
2014 IEEE/ACM 7th International Conference on Utility and Cloud Computing.
The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 690-695.
[Book Section]
DAU, Frithjof and ANDREWS, Simon
Combining Business Intelligence with Semantic Technologies: The CUBIST Project.
In: HERNANDEZ, Nathalie, JÄSCHKE, Robert and CROITORU, Madalina, (eds.)
Graph-Based Representation and Reasoning.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science
Springer, 281-286.
[Book Section]
The EMPRISES pan-European Framework:.
International Journal of Conceptual Structures and Smart Applications, 2 (2), 76-87.
BREWSTER, Benjamin, ANDREWS, Simon, POLOVINA, Simon, HIRSCH, Laurence and AKHGAR, Babak
Environmental Scanning and Knowledge Representation for the Detection of Organised Crime Threats.
In: HERNANDEZ, Nathalie, JÄSCHKE, Robert and CROITORU, Madalina, (eds.)
Graph-Based Representation and Reasoning.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science
Springer International Publishing, 275-280.
[Book Section]
BREWSTER, Benjamin, POLOVINA, Simon, RANKIN, Glynn and ANDREWS, Simon
Knowledge management and human trafficking: using conceptual knowledge representation, text analytics and open-source data to combat organized crime.
In: HERNANDEZ, Nathalie, JÄSCHKE, Robert and CROITORU, Madalina, (eds.)
Graph-Based Representation and Reasoning.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science
Springer International Publishing, 104-117.
[Book Section]
A Partial-Closure Canonicity Test to Increase the Efficiency of CbO-Type Algorithms.
In: HERNANDEZ, Nathalie, JÄSCHKE, Robert and CROITORU, Madalina, (eds.)
Graph-Based Representation and Reasoning.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science
Springer, 37-50.
[Book Section]
DOMDOUZIS, Konstantinos, ANDREWS, Simon, GIBSON, Helen, AKHGAR, Babak and HIRSCH, Laurence
Service-Oriented Design of a Command and Control Intelligence Dashboard for Crisis Management.
2014 IEEE/ACM 7th International Conference on Utility and Cloud Computing.
The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 702-707.
[Book Section]
BREWSTER, Benjamin, AKHGAR, Babak, STANIFORTH, Andrew, WADDINGTON, Dave, ANDREWS, Simon and JOHNSON, Kayleigh
Towards a model for the integration of knowledge management in law enforcement agencies.
International journal of electronic security and digital forensics, 6 (1), 1-17.
The CUBIST Project: Combining and Uniting Business Intelligence with Semantic Technologies.
International journal of intelligent information technologies, 9 (4), 1-15.
ANDREWS, Simon, YATES, Simeon, AKHGAR, Babak and FORTUNE, David
The ATHENA Project: Using Formal Concept Analysis to Facilitate the Actions of Responders in a Crisis Situation.
In: AKHGAR, Babak and YATES, Simeon, (eds.)
Strategic Intelligence Management.
Amsterdam, Elsevier: Butterworth-Heinemann, 167-180.
[Book Section]
POLOVINA, Simon and ANDREWS, Simon
CGs to FCA Including Peirce's Cuts.
International Journal of Conceptual Structures and Smart Applications, 1 (1), 90-103.
WATMOUGH, Martin, POLOVINA, Simon and ANDREWS, Simon
Designing Learning to Research the Formal Concept Analysis of Transactional Data.
In: PFEIFFER, Heather D., IGNATOV, Dmitry I., POELMANS, Jonas and GADIRAJU, Nagarjuna, (eds.)
Conceptual Structures for STEM Research and Education.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science
Berlin, Springer, 231-238.
[Book Section]
ANDREWS, Simon and ORPHANIDES, Constantinos
Discovering Knowledge in Data Using Formal Concept Analysis.
International Journal of Distributed Systems and Technologies, 4 (2), 31-50.
ANDREWS, Simon, POLOVINA, Simon, YATES, Simeon and AKHGAR, Babak
Tackling financial and economic crime through strategic intelligence: The EMPRISES Framework.
In: ARABNIA, Hamid R., DELIGIANNIDIS, Leonidas, HASHEMI, Ray and LU, Joan, (eds.)
Proceedings of The 2013 International Conference on Information and Knowledge Engineering (IKE 2013).
CSREA Press, 22-25.
[Book Section]
ANDREWS, Simon, AKHGAR, Babak, YATES, Simeon, STEDMON, Alex and HIRSCH, Laurence
Using formal concept analysis to detect and monitor organised crime.
In: LARSEN, Henrik Legind, MARTIN-BAUTISTA, Maria J., VILA, María Amparo, ANDREASEN, Troels and CHRISTIANSEN, Henning, (eds.)
Flexible Query Answering Systems.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science
Heidelberg, Springer, 124-133.
[Book Section]
MELO, Cassio, ORPHANIDES, Constantinos, MCLEOD, Kenneth, AUFAIRE, Marie-Aude, ANDREWS, Simon and BURGER, Albert
A conceptual approach to gene expression analysis enhanced by visual analytics.
Proceedings of the 28th Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing.
New York, NY, USA, ACM New York, 1314-1319.
[Book Section]
ANDREWS, Simon and ORPHANIDES, Constantinos
Knowledge discovery through creating formal contexts.
International Journal of Space-Based and Situated Computing, 2 (2), 123-138.
MARDANI, Amir, AKHGAR, Babak, ANDREWS, Simon, YATES, Simeon and HASSANZADEH, Mohammad
Investigating the unofficial factors in Google ranking.
In: ARABNIA, Hamid R., DELIGIANNIDIS,, Leonidas and HASHEMI, Ray R., (eds.)
Proceedings of the 2012 International Conference on Information and Knowledge Engineering (IKE 2012).
CSREA Press, 320-326.
[Book Section]
ANDREWS, Simon and POLOVINA, Simon
A mapping from conceptual graphs to formal concept analysis.
In: ANDREWS, Simon, POLOVINA, Simon, HILL, Richard and AKHGAR, Babak, (eds.)
Conceptual Structures for Discovering Knowledge (The 19th International Conference on Conceptual Structures, ICCS 2011, Derby, UK.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (Subseries: Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence),
Berlin and Heidelberg, Springer, 63-76.
[Book Section]
ANDREWS, Simon and MCLEOD, Kenneth
Gene co-expression in mouse embryo tissues.
CEUR Workshop Proceedings, 753, 1-10.
Aligning the teaching of FCA with Existing Module Learning Outcomes.
In: ANDREWS, Simon, POLOVINA, Simon, HILL, Richard and AKHGAR, Babak, (eds.)
Conceptual Structures for Discovering Knowledge : 19th International Conference on Conceptual Structures, ICCS 2011, Derby, UK, July 25-29, 2011. Proceedings.
Lecture notes in computer science
Springer, 394-401.
[Book Section]
In-Close2, a high performance formal concept miner.
In: ANDREWS, Simon, POLOVINA, Simon, HILL, Richard and AKHGAR, Babak, (eds.)
Conceptual Structures for Discovering Knowledge : 19th International Conference on Conceptual Structures, ICCS 2011, Derby, UK, July 25-29, 2011. Proceedings.
Lecture notes in computer science
Springer, 50-62.
[Book Section]
ANDREWS, Simon, ORPHANIDES, Constantinos and POLOVINA, Simon
Visualising computational intelligence through converting data into formal concepts.
Next Generation Data Technologies for Collective Computational Intelligence.
Studies in Computational Intelligence book series
Springer, 139-165.
[Book Section]
POLOVINA, Simon and ANDREWS, Simon
A transaction-oriented architecture for structuring unstructured information in enterprise applications.
In: SUGUMARAN, Vijayan, (ed.)
Intelligent, Adaptive and Reasoning Technologies: New Developments and Applications.
IGI Global, 285-299.
[Book Section]
Aligning the topic of FCA with existing module
learning outcomes.
In: POLOVINA, Simon, ANDREWS, Simon, HILL, Richard, SCHARFE, Henrik and ØHRSTRØM, Peter, (eds.)
Proceedings of the International Workshop CS-LTA 2010 : The First Conceptual Structures – Learning, Teaching and Assessment Workshop.
Mimos Berhad, 1-12.
[Book Section]
ANDREWS, Simon and ORPHANIDES, Constantinos
Analysis of large data sets using formal concept lattices.
Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Concept Lattices and Their Applications.
Seville, University of Seville, 104-115.
[Book Section]
ANDREWS, Simon and ORPHANIDES, Constantinos
Knowledge discovery through creating formal contexts.
First international workshop on computational intelligence in networks and systems (CINS 2010).
IEEE Computer Society, 455-460.
[Book Section]
A CASE tool for demonstrating Z specifications.
IEE Colloquium on Application of CASE Tools.
IET, 5/1-5/4.
[Book Section]