Items where Type is Thesis
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Number of items: 77.
AHSAN, Ramjanul
Academic entrepreneurship in Bangladesh.
Doctoral, Sheffield Hallam University.
ALASWAD, Hamza Abdesalam
Molecular Mechanisms of Action of Polyphenols and
Polyacetylenes in Leukaemia Cell Lines.
Doctoral, Sheffield Hallam University.
ALHASHMI, Salem Husain Mohamed Fadaaq
Framework for Improving Strategic Competitiveness of
Container Ports in the UAE.
Doctoral, Sheffield Hallam University.
ARCHER, Benjamin
Investigating the Implementation of Public Spaces Protection Orders.
Doctoral, Sheffield Hallam University.
ASSAF, Dareen
Female Underrepresentation in Syrian University Senior Leadership Positions: Perceptions, Barriers, and Enablers.
Doctoral, Sheffield Hallam University.
Enabling coping in people living with cancer and severe mental illness.
Doctoral, Sheffield Hallam University.
DEWIS, Pamela
Salutogenic Conditions for Mental Health:
Unravelling the Undergraduate Learning Environment.
Doctoral, Sheffield Hallam University.
DOBSON, Joanna Clare
The loudest silence: writing trauma in a more-than-human world.
Doctoral, Sheffield Hallam University.
GARCÍA, Álvaro Castaño
Reconfiguring just transitions:
a multi-dimensional approach.
Doctoral, Sheffield Hallam University.
GRAHAM, Amy Gwendoline
Bus Enthusiasm as Heritage Practice: Investigating Critical Approaches to Heritage Research.
Doctoral, Sheffield Hallam University.
HIND, Lucy Mary Francis
Understanding Corporate Social Responsibility in Pharma: Exploring Strategic Narratives and Everyday Talk.
Doctoral, Sheffield Hallam University.
IVANSSON, Elin Anny Caroline
Archival fiction: Archival poetics in American multimodal literature.
Doctoral, Sheffield Hallam University.
Maximal-Intentional Velocity Resistance Training
Interventions for Older Adults: design and
Doctoral, Sheffield Hallam University.
KHALID, Rizwan
Optimization of Cold Metal Transfer Welding Parameters for a New Hard-facing Material.
Doctoral, Sheffield Hallam University.
LAMI, Mohammed Abdulsattar Jabbar
Development of smart glazing techniques for efficient buildings.
Doctoral, Sheffield Hallam University.
Discourses of academic language development in a UK university.
Doctoral, Sheffield Hallam University.
O'CONNOR, Catherine
Evaluation of employer-student co-creation activities to address
the digital skills gap.
Doctoral, Sheffield Hallam University.
Lived Experiences of Diverse Academics: An Analysis of UK Higher Education Institutions.
Doctoral, Sheffield Hallam University.
PARTRIDGE, Benjamin John
Exploring Staff Bereavement Experiences Following an SEN Child
Death: An IPA Study.
Doctoral, Sheffield Hallam University.
SMITH, Peter
Public Engagement and the University through the Lens of the Law School.
Doctoral, Sheffield Hallam University.
TERRELL, Katharine Elizabeth
Exploring (dis)abled children's embodied experiences in primary school space.
Doctoral, Sheffield Hallam University.
WIE-ADDO, Gloria
Reducing energy demand and CO2 emissions from industrial ceramic manufacture using novel raw materials and additives.
Doctoral, Sheffield Hallam University.
ALNASER, Tasneem Basel Al-Zaid
Overuse shoulder injuries among competitive male volleyball players in Kuwait.
Doctoral, Sheffield Hallam University.
ALZU’BI, Mousa Yousef Mousa
Investigating antecedents of service innovation in the bank industry: evidence from Jordan.
Doctoral, Sheffield Hallam University.
The importance of geographical location to people who have experienced homelessness.
Doctoral, Sheffield Hallam University.
The Chesterfield Accent and Dialect: Borderland Identity, Perceptions and Production.
Doctoral, Sheffield Hallam University.
BARRAS, Joshua
Investigation of induction-assisted laser metal deposition of crack susceptible coatings.
Masters, Sheffield Hallam University.
BERTELSEN, Magnus Gammelgaard
Optimisation of the antimicrobial
peptide Smp24 and its derivatives.
Doctoral, Sheffield Hallam University.
BICKERDIKE, Kevin Thomas
“There’s Something Wrong with This
Place”: Spatial Tension in British
Horror Cinema.
Doctoral, Sheffield Hallam University.
The Role of an Online Community in Supporting
Diabetes Self-Management in Thailand.
Doctoral, Sheffield Hallam University.
Special Operations: Deploying artists’ methods to investigate surveillance.
Doctoral, Sheffield Hallam University.
Development of Antimicrobial Impregnated Catheter Coatings to Prevent Uropathogenic Escherichia coli Infections.
Doctoral, Sheffield Hallam University.
CHODE, Kushal Kumar
An Investigation of Aerodynamic Noise from Standard Ground
Vehicles using Computational Aeroacoustics.
Doctoral, Sheffield Hallam University.
Valuing co-operation: motivation and reward for producers of education platform content.
Doctoral, Sheffield Hallam University.
The Contribution of Interdisciplinary Teaching to the Development of
Students’ Employability.
Doctoral, Sheffield Hallam University.
DAY, Victoria Zoe
Functionality of stored cryopreserved
lymphocytes and preservation of
antigen-specific responses.
Doctoral, Sheffield Hallam University.
Representations of women and girls’ charitable organisations 2008 to 2020.
Doctoral, Sheffield Hallam University.
What is Reading? Children's Perspectives on Reading in
a Primary School.
Doctoral, Sheffield Hallam University.
EVES, Lewis
An unfortunate history: Securitization and historical narratives in the Sino-Japanese security paradox.
Doctoral, Sheffield Hallam University.
FORTULAN, Raphael Luiz Vicente
Developing high-efficiency multiphase thermoelectric materials.
Doctoral, Sheffield Hallam University.
Effects of bandaging techniques and shot types
on wrist motion in boxing.
Doctoral, Sheffield Hallam University.
A multi-model study of extracellular vesicles in bowel cancer invasion and metastasis.
Doctoral, Sheffield Hallam University.
An analysis of search query evolution in document classification and clustering.
Doctoral, Sheffield Hallam University.
HAID, Daniel Matthias
Towards concussion prevention in ice hockey: mechanical metamaterial liners and helmet assessment.
Doctoral, Sheffield Hallam University.
HANSON, Filipe
The Role of eIF2B Localisation in Cell-specific Stress
Doctoral, Sheffield Hallam University.
Hands on visual remains: Palestinian images following looting and destruction.
Doctoral, Sheffield Hallam University.
HENKE, Kai Fabian
Value-focused negotiation versus integrative mindset:
Reducing fixed-pie perceptions in integrative negotiations.
Doctoral, Sheffield Hallam University.
HILL, Victoria Charlotte
The Industrial Fatality in Post-Robens Britain, 1974 – 2014.
Doctoral, Sheffield Hallam University.
Modelling Ultrafast
THz-Induced Antiferromagnetic
Magnetisation Dynamics for
Next Generation Data
Doctoral, Sheffield Hallam University.
HOBBS, Russell
An investigation into
English and Scottish charity governance in the regulatory era.
Doctoral, Sheffield Hallam University.
Corporate Agility - A Framework to Compete in High-Velocity Markets.
Doctoral, Sheffield Hallam University.
HOWARD, Christopher John
Overlayered ecologies: Posthumanist perception of place in literature of the US South.
Doctoral, Sheffield Hallam University.
KLEMP, Florian
The Impact of Organizational Culture on the Servant Leadership Approach in SMEs.
Doctoral, Sheffield Hallam University.
KNOWLES, Alexander A.
Crosstalk between host stress-induced translational control
and infection by Porphyromonas gingivalis.
Doctoral, Sheffield Hallam University.
Understanding the Class Politics of Brexit in the Context of Urban Deindustrialisation.
Doctoral, Sheffield Hallam University.
MEMON, Zahid Ali
Evaluation of integrating family planning with maternal and child health services.
Doctoral, Sheffield Hallam University.
MUSAMEH, Haytham Osama
Semi-Transparent Photovoltaic Technology Integration in Smart Buildings.
Doctoral, Sheffield Hallam University.
NWANKWO, Theodore
Entrepreneurial finance models for born-global SMEs in Nigeria.
Doctoral, Sheffield Hallam University.
Learning in development research framework for athlete development and sports science support.
Doctoral, Sheffield Hallam University.
OLIVEIRA, Madalena Isabel Ribeiro de
The role of eIF2Bα in the integrity of eIF2B bodies.
Doctoral, Sheffield Hallam University.
OLUWOLE-OJO, Oluwaloba
Modelling, control and analysis of moderate electric field in food processing.
Doctoral, Sheffield Hallam University.
PENDLE, Andrew Peter
A narrative inquiry into the construction, composition and performance of coaching identities.
Doctoral, Sheffield Hallam University.
RÖHL, Sebastian E.
Fear appeals and mortgage protection insurance – a quantitative study.
Doctoral, Sheffield Hallam University.
SAWYER, Robert
A professional development programme
for teaching mathematics through
problem solving.
Doctoral, Sheffield Hallam University.
SKERRATT-LOVE, Katrina Leng-Hong
Phosphate solubility and its effects on US radioactive waste glass properties.
Doctoral, Sheffield Hallam University.
Community assets in changing times: Exploring ownership, Covid-19 and the opportunity context.
Doctoral, Sheffield Hallam University.
SLATER, Jack Eric
Design and Synthesis of Potential Novel Antibiotic Compounds Utilising Photoredox Catalysis.
Doctoral, Sheffield Hallam University.
The meaning of leadership in semiconductor industry.
Doctoral, Sheffield Hallam University in collaboration with Munich Business School.
Social Impact Bonds: Issues of Identity and
Independence for the Voluntary Sector.
Doctoral, Sheffield Hallam University.
STACEY, Jennifer Mary
Adults studying GCSE mathematics in Further Education: Self-efficacy, anxiety, and examination grades.
Doctoral, Sheffield Hallam University.
TASKER, Claire Louise
Values-Led Leadership in England’s Secondary Schools.
Doctoral, Sheffield Hallam University.
TATTON, Sarah Elizabeth
Coercive and controlling behaviour:
Dominant discourse, police response and the victim-survivor experience.
Doctoral, Sheffield Hallam University.
TAYLOR, Diana Rosalind
The future needs the past: remaking William Morris through contemporary art practice.
Doctoral, Sheffield Hallam University.
Supporting medical decision-making using machine
Doctoral, Sheffield Hallam University.
WINDLE, Damian
Understanding Experiences of High Achieving Sixth-form Students Through the Oxbridge Application Process.
Doctoral, Sheffield Hallam University.
WOOTTON, Timothy Luke
Synthesis and drug development of
small molecule inhibitors of PTP1B.
Doctoral, Sheffield Hallam University.
YOUNG, Rachel
Advancing Power Assisted Exercise for People with
Doctoral, Sheffield Hallam University.