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Number of items at this level: 49.


BARRETT, Elizabeth (2017). Tied to the worldly work of writing: parent as ethnographer. Journal of Intellectual Disabilities. [Article]

BENOZZO, Angelo, CAREY, Neil, COZZA, Michaela, ELMENHORST, Constanse, FARICHILD, Nikki, KORO-LJUNGBERG, Mirka and TAYLOR, Carol (2019). Disturbing the AcademicConferenceMachine: Post-qualitative re-turnings. Gender, work and organisation, 26 (2), 87-106. [Article]

BEVINS, Stuart, DANIELS, Tony, FORSTER, George, PERRY, Emily, PRICE, Gareth and WINDALE, Mark (2016). Design of an engineering curriculum and 12 STEM modules for the Thai Basic Education Ministry (OBEC). Project Report. Sheffield Hallam University. [Monograph]

BOYLAN, Mark, DEMACK, Sean, STEVENS, Anna, COLDWELL, Michael and STIELL, Bernadette (2016). An Evaluation of the Further Mathematics Support Programme : Research Report. Project Report. Sheffield Hallam University. [Monograph]

BRACEWELL, Diana, JORDAN, Julie, PRICE, Gareth, OLLEY, Chris and WALKER, John (2017). RBPT Workshops in Mohali and Tezpur, 2017 Report of the Workshops at IISER, Mohali, and the University of Tezpur, January 2017. Project Report. Sheffield Hallam University. [Monograph]

BULLOUGH, Andy (2016). Does intelligent life exist beyond our planet? An exercise in estimation and problem solving. School Science Review, 97 (360), 61-62. [Article]


CAMPBELL, Stephen Christopher (2017). The social construction of dyslexia in UK higher education. Doctoral, Sheffield Hallam University. [Thesis]

CLAGUE, L F and WILLIAMSON, Stefanie (2018). HeppSY+ Baseline Survey Partnership Report. Project Report. Higher Education Progression Partnership South Yorkshire Plus. (Unpublished) [Monograph]

CULLINEY, Martin (2017). Escaping the rural pay penalty: longitudinal analysis of rural/urban youth earnings in Britain. Work, Employment and Society, 31 (3), 429-446. [Article]


DOAK, Jonathan and DOAK, Lauran (2017). Non-verbal victims in the adversarial criminal process: communication, competency, and credibility. Northern Ireland Legal Quarterly, 68 (4), 451-468. [Article]

DONAGHUE, Helen (2017). Co-constructing positive identities in post-observation feedback talk. In: CARDENAS, M.L. and BASURTO SANTOS, Nora M., (eds.) Investigación - research - recherche: En lenguas extranjeras y lingüística aplicada. Bogota, Colombia, Universidad Nacional de Colombia & Universidad Veracruzana, 33-56. [Book Section]

DONAGHUE, Helen (2020). Feedback talk as a means of creating, ratifying and normalising an institutionally valued teacher identity. Journal of language, identity and education. [Article]

DONAGHUE, Helen (2018). Relational work and identity negotiation in critical post observation teacher feedback. Journal of Pragmatics, 135 (Oct 18), 101-116. [Article]

DONAGHUE, Helen and OXHOLM, Alice (2017). Engaging student teachers in reflection through micro teaching and interaction. The European Journal of Applied Linguistics and TEFL, 6 (2), 145-164. [Article]


HANNAM-SWAIN, Stephanie (2017). The additional labour of a disabled PhD student. Disability and Society, 33 (1), 138-142. [Article]

HARRISON, Neil and MCCAIG, Colin (2017). Examining the epistemology of impact and success of educational interventions using a reflective case study of university bursaries. British Educational Research Journal, 43 (2), 290-309. [Article]

HATTON, Amanda and MARSH, Jackie (2007). Enhancing the reading of looked after children and young people. In: BEARNE, Eve and MARSH, Jackie, (eds.) Literacy and social inclusion: Closing the gap. Trentham Books. [Book Section]

HODGE, Nick (2016). Schools without labels. In: RUNSWICK-COLE, Katherine, MALLETT, Rebecca and TIMIMI, Sami, (eds.) Re-thinking autism: diagnosis, identity and equality. London, Jessica Kingsley Publishers, 185-203. [Book Section]


JAY, Tim, WILLIS, Benjamin, THOMAS, Peter, TAYLOR, Roberta, MOORE, Nicolas, BURNETT, Cathy, MERCHANT, Guy and STEVENS, Anna (2017). Dialogic Teaching : Evaluation Report and Executive Summary. Project Report. London, UK, Education Endowment Foundation. [Monograph]


KELLOCK, Anne and SEXTON, Julia (2017). Whose space is it anyway? Learning about space to make space to learn. Children's Geographies, 16 (2), 115-127. [Article]


LEATHERLAND, Julia and BEARDON, Luke (2016). Introducing FAMe™: Can improved teacher access to individualised classroom support information impact positively on levels of anxiety in autistic pupils? ‘The Bridge: Journal for Educational Research-Informed Practice’, 3 (2). [Article]


MADRIAGA, Manuel (2018). Antiblackness in English higher education. International Journal of Inclusive Education. [Article]

MADRIAGA, Manuel (2018). Book Review Symposium. The class: living and learning in the digital age. International Studies in Sociology of Education, 27 (1), 103-105. [Article]

MADRIAGA, Manuel (2017). Whiteness, academic achievement, and misrecognition in English HE. In: 11th Critical Race Studies in Education Association Annual Conference, Indianapolis, Indiana, USA, 31 May - 2 June 2017. (Unpublished) [Conference or Workshop Item]

MCCAIG, Colin (2017). Book Review: Access and Expansion Post-Massification: Opportunities and Barriers to Further Growth in Higher Education Participation Jongbloed, Ben W.A and Vossensteyn, Hans (eds.), 2015. Widening Participation and Lifelong Learning, 19 (2), 167-172. [Article]

MCCAIG, Colin (2018). Continuity and Discontinuity on the Road to Risk and Exit: Stages of Marketisation in Comparative Policy Analysis. In: MCCAIG, Colin, (ed.) The Marketisation of English Higher Education. Great Debates in Higher Education . Emerald Publishing Limited, 125-164. [Book Section]

MCCAIG, Colin, HARRISON, Neil, MOUNTFORD-ZIMDARS, Anna, MOORE, Den, MAYLOR, Uvanney, STEVENSON, Jacqueline, ERTLE, Hubert and CARASSO, Helen (2016). Closing the gap: understanding the impact of institutional financial support on student success. Project Report. Office for Fair Access. [Monograph]

MCCAIG, Colin and LIGHTFOOT, Nicola (2017). A dual pricing mechanism: modelling the English higher education market? In: European Educational Research Association Annual Conference 2017, Copenhagen, 21-24 August 2017. (Unpublished) [Conference or Workshop Item]

MCCAIG, Colin, STEVENSON, Jacqueline and MADRIAGA, Manuel (2017). Partnership working in widening participation policy: collaboration in a competitive climate. In: BERA Annual Conference 2017, Brighton, 4-6tSeptember 2017. (Unpublished) [Conference or Workshop Item]

MEES, Martyn, JAY, Tim and HABGOOD, Jacob (2018). Designing an adaptive learner model for a mathematics game. In: CIUSSI, Melanie, (ed.) Proceedings of the 12th European conference on games based learning. Academic Conferences and Publishing International Limited, 800-807. [Book Section]

MEES, Martyn, JAY, Tim, HABGOOD, Jacob and HOWARD-JONES, Paul (2017). Researching adaptivity for individual differences in number games. In: CHI PLAY '17 : ACM SIGCHI Annual Symposium on Computer-Human Interaction in Play, Amsterdam, 15-18 October 2017. [Conference or Workshop Item]

MOORE, Nicolas (2017). Book Review - Goodman, K., Fries, P.H. and Strauss, S.L. (2016) Reading : The Grand Illusion . New York & London: Routledge. ISBN 9781138999299. Literacy, 51 (2), p. 120. [Article]

MORRISON, Andrew (2017). Bourdieu and higher education research: a bricolage approach. Higher Education Review, 49 (3), 53-75. [Article]

MORRISON, Andrew (2018). Whose employability?: Fees, labour markets and the unequal rewards of undergraduate study. In: BURKE, Ciaran and CHRISTIE, Fiona, (eds.) Graduate careers in context: research, policy and practice. Routledge Research in Higher Education . Abingdon, Routledge, 29-40. [Book Section]

MORRISON, Andrew (2017). A sociologist teaches history: some epistemological and pedagogical reflections. Educational Studies, 53 (3), 233-246. [Article]


NEGRETTI, Raffaella and MCGRATH, Lisa (2018). Scaffolding genre knowledge and metacognition: Insights from an L2 doctoral research writing course. Journal of Second Language Writing, 40, 12-31. [Article]


PLUQUAILEC, Jill (2018). Affective economies, autism, and ‘challenging behaviour’: socio-spatial emotions in disabled children’s education. Emotion, Space and Society. [Article]

PLUQUAILEC, Jill (2018). Thinking and doing consent and advocacy in disabled children's childhood studies research. In: RUNSWICK-COLE, Katherine, CURRAN, Tillie and LIDDIARD, Kirsty, (eds.) The Palgrave handbook of disabled children’s childhood studies. London, Palgrave Macmillan, 213-228. [Book Section]


SLATER, Jen and JONES, Charlotte (2018). Around the Toilet: a research project report about what makes a safe and accessible toilet space. Project Report. Sheffield, UK, Sheffield Hallam University. (In Press) [Monograph]

SLATER, Jen, JONES, Charlotte and PROCTER, Lisa (2017). Troubling school toilets : resisting discourses of 'development' through a critical disability studies and critical psychology lens. Discourse : Studies in the Cultural Politics of Education, 1-12. [Article]

SLATER, Jen, ÁGÚSTSDÓTTIR, Embla and HARALDSDÓTTIR, Freyja (2018). Becoming intelligible woman: Gender, disability and resistance at the border zone of youth. Feminism and Psychology, 28 (3), 409-426. [Article]

STEVENSON, Jacqueline, DEMACK, Sean, STIELL, Bernadette, ABDI, Muna, GHAFFAR, Farhana and HASSAN, Shaima (2017). The social mobility challenges faced by young muslims. Project Report. London, Social Mobility Commission. [Monograph]

STEVENSON, Jacqueline, MCCAIG, Colin and MADRIAGA, Manuel (2017). Evaluation of the National Networks for Collaborative Outreach (NNCOs). Project Report. Sheffied Hallam University for HEFCE. [Monograph]


TAYLOR, Carol (2018). Feminist/ Spin-ster/ Amazon: Mary Daly. Qualitative Inquiry. [Article]

TAYLOR, Carol (2018). What can bodies do? En/gendering body-space choreographies of stillness, movement and flow in post-16 pedagogic encounters. International Journal of Educational Research, 88, 156-165. [Article]

TAYLOR, Carol, FAIRCHILD, Nikki, KORO-LJUNGBERG, Mirka, CAREY, Neil, BENOZZO, Angelo and ELMENHORST, Constanse (2018). Improvising bags choreographies: Disturbing normative ways of doing research. Qualitative Inquiry. [Article]

TAYLOR, Carol and GANNON, Susanne (2018). Doing time and motion diffractively: Academic life everywhere and all the time. International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education, 31 (6), 465-486. [Article]

TAZZYMAN, Sarah, BOWES, Lindsay, MORETON, Rachel, MADRIAGA, Manuel and MCCAIG, Colin (2018). Report: National Collaborative Outreach Programme Year one report of the national formative and impact evaluation, including capacity building with NCOP consortia. Project Report. CFE Research for HEFCE. [Monograph]

TOBIA, Tom (2016). Makerversity DIY: Hands on Learning in Schools. [Video] [Video]

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