Items where Research Institute, Centre or Group is "Modelling Research Centre"

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AHMADZADEH, Mostafa, OLDS, Travis, SCRIMSHIRE, Alex, BINGHAM, Paul and MCCLOY, John (2018). Structure and properties of Na5FeSi4O12 crystallized from 5Na2O-Fe2O3-8SiO2 glass. Acta Crystallographica Section C: Structural Chemistry, 1595-1602. [Article]

ALDERSON, Andrew, ALDERSON, K.L., ATTARD, D., EVANS, K.E., GATT, R., GRIMA, J.N., MILLER, W., RAVIRALA, N., SMITH, C.W. and ZIED, K. (2010). Elastic constants of 3-, 4- and 6-connected chiral and anti-chiral honeycombs subject to uniaxial in-plane loading. Composites Science and Technology, 70 (7), 1042-1048. [Article]

ALDERSON, Andrew, ALDERSON, Kim L., MCDONALD, Samuel A., MOTTERSHEAD, Beth, NAZARE, Shonali, WITHERS, Philip J. and YAO, Yong T. (2013). Piezomorphic materials. Macromolecular Materials and Engineering, 298 (3), 318-327. [Article]

ALDERSON, Andrew and EVANS, K E (2008). Deformation mechanisms leading to auxetic behaviour in the α-cristobalite and α-quartz structures of both silica and germania. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 21 (2), 025401. [Article]

ALDERSON, Kim, NAZARÉ, Shonali and ALDERSON, Andrew (2016). Large-scale extrusion of auxetic polypropylene fibre. Physica status solidi b, 253 (7), 1279-1287. [Article]

ALLEN, Tom, HEWAGE, Trishan, NEWTON-MANN, Chloe, WANG, Weizhuo, DUNCAN, Oliver and ALDERSON, Andrew (2017). Fabrication of auxetic foam sheets for sports applications. physica status solidi (b), 254 (12), p. 1700596. [Article]

ALLEN, Tom, SHEPHERD, Jonathon, HEWAGE, Trishan M, SENIOR, Terry, FOSTER, Leon and ALDERSON, Andrew (2015). Low-kinetic energy impact response of auxetic and conventional open-cell polyurethane foams. physica status solidi b, 252 (7), 1631-1639. [Article]

ALLSOPP, Benjamin, CHRISTOPOULOU, Georgina, BROOKFIELD, Adam, FORDER, Sue and BINGHAM, Paul (2018). Optical and structural properties of d0 ion-doped silicate glasses for photovoltaic applications. Physics and Chemistry of Glasses : European Journal of Glass Science and Technology Part B, 59 (4), 193-202. [Article]

ANQUETIL-DECK, C., CLEAVER, Doug, BRAMBLE, J. P. and ATHERTON, T. J. (2013). Independent control of polar and azimuthal anchoring. Physical review E. Statistical, nonlinear and soft matter physics, 88 (1), 012501-1-012501-10. [Article]


BARWOOD, Michael J., BREEN, Christopher, CLEGG, Francis and HAMMOND, Carol L. (2014). The effect of organoclay addition on the properties of an acrylate based, thermally activated shape memory polymer. Applied Clay Science, 102, 41-50. [Article]

BENASSI, L, DALIPI, R, CONSIGLI, V, PASQUALI, M, BORGESE, L, DEPERO, L E, CLEGG, Francis, BINGHAM, Paul and BONTEMPI, E (2017). Integrated management of ash from industrial and domestic combustion : a new sustainable approach for reducing greenhouse gas emissions from energy conversion. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 24 (17), 14834-14846. [Article]


CASSINGHAM, N.J., BINGHAM, P, HAND, R.J. and FORDER, Sue (2008). Property modification of a high level nuclear waste borosilicate glass through the addition of Fe2O3. Glass technology, 49 (1), 21-26. [Article]

CHEN, Yao-Chang, REEVES-MCLAREN, Nik, TAN, Chaou C., BINGHAM, Paul, FORDER, Sue and WEST, Anthony R. (2015). Synthesis and characterisation of Li11RE18M4O39−δ: RE = Nd or Sm; M = Al, Co or Fe. Dalton Transactions, 45 (1), 315-323. [Article]


DENG, Wei, WRIGHT, Richard, BODEN-HOOK, Chris and BINGHAM, Paul (2018). Briquetting of waste glass cullet fine particles for energy-saving glass manufacture. Glass Technology: European Journal of Glass Science and Technology Part A, 59 (3), 81-91. [Article]

DENG, Wei, WRIGHT, Richard, BODEN-HOOK, Chris and BINGHAM, Paul (2019). Melting behaviour of waste glass cullet briquettes in soda-lime-silica container glass batch. International Journal of Applied Glass Science, 10 (1), 125-137. [Article]

DESHKAR, Ambar, AHMADZADEH, Mostafa, SCRIMSHIRE, Alex, HAN, Edmund, BINGHAM, Paul, GUILLEN, Donna, MCCLOY, John and GOEL, Ashutosh (2018). Crystallization behavior of iron- and boron-containing nepheline (Na2 O●Al2 O3 ●2SiO2 ) based model high-level nuclear waste glasses. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 102 (3), 1101-1121. [Article]

DI GENNARO, Marco, MIRANDA, Alonso L, OSTLER, Thomas, ROMERO, Aldo H and VERSTRAETE, Matthieu J (2018). Competition of lattice and spin excitations in the temperature dependence of spin-wave properties. Physical Review B (PRB), 97 (21). [Article]

DUNCAN, Oliver, ALLEN, Tom, FOSTER, Leon, GATT, Ruben, GRIMA, Joseph N. and ALDERSON, Andrew (2018). Controlling density and modulus in auxetic foam fabrications—-implications for impact and indentation testing. Proceedings, 2 (6), p. 250. [Article]

DUNCAN, Oliver, ALLEN, Tom, FOSTER, Leon, SENIOR, Terry and ALDERSON, Andrew (2017). Fabrication, characterisation and modelling of uniform and gradient auxetic foam sheets. Acta Materialia, 126, 426-437. [Article]

DUNCAN, Oliver, SHEPHERD, Todd, MORONEY, Charlotte, FOSTER, Leon, VENKATRAMAM, Praburaj, WINWOOD, Keith, ALLEN, Tom and ALDERSON, Andrew (2018). Review of auxetic materials for sports applications: expanding options in comfort and protection. Applied Sciences, 8 (6), p. 941. [Article]


FOSTER, Leon, PEKETI, Prashanth, ALLEN, Thomas, SENIOR, Terry, DUNCAN, Oliver and ALDERSON, Andrew (2018). Application of auxetic foam in sports helmets. Applied Sciences, 8 (3), p. 354. [Article]


HANNANT, O. M., BINGHAM, P. A., HAND, R. J. and FORDER, Sue (2008). The structural properties of iron in vitrified toxic waste ashes. Glass technology, 49 (1), 27-32. [Article]

HEWAGE, Trishan, ALDERSON, Kim, ALDERSON, Andrew and SCARPA, Fabrizio (2016). Double-Negative Mechanical Metamaterials Displaying Simultaneous Negative Stiffness and Negative Poisson’s Ratio Properties. Advanced Materials, 28 (46), 10323-10332. [Article]


KHAIRUDDIN, PRAMONO, Edi, UTOMO, Suryadi Budi, WULANDARI, Viki, A'AN ZAHROTUL, W and CLEGG, Francis (2016). The effect of polyethylene glycol on shellac stability. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 107 (Conf 1), 012066. [Article]


LIM, T. C., ALDERSON, Andrew and ALDERSON, K. L. (2013). Experimental studies on the impact properties of auxetic materials. Physica status solidi (b), 251 (2), 307-313. [Article]

LU, Xangyang, ZOU, Xiao, HINZKE, Denise, LIU, Tao, WANG, Yichuan, CHENG, Tuyan, WU, Jing, OSTLER, Thomas, CAI, Jianwang, NOWAK, Ulrich, CHANTRELL, Roy, ZHAI, Ya and XU, Yongbing (2018). Roles of heating and helicity in ultrafast all-optical magnetization switching in TbFeCo. Applied Physics Letters, 113 (3), 032405. [Article]


MARY, Nicolas, REBOURS, Marius, CASTEL, Elena, VAISHNAV, Shuchi, DENG, Wei, BELL, Anthony, CLEGG, Francis, ALLSOPP, Benjamin, SCRIMSHIRE, Alex and BINGHAM, Paul (2018). Enhanced thermal stability of high-bismuth borate glasses by addition of iron. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids. [Article]

MCDONALD, S.A., RAVIRALA, N., WITHERS, P.J. and ALDERSON, Andrew (2009). In situ three-dimensional x-ray microtomography of an auxetic foam under tension. Scripta Materialia, 60 (4), 232-235. [Article]

MOHAMMED, Isah Yakub, ABAKR, Yousif, KABIR, Feroz and YUSUF, Suzana (2016). Effects of pretreatments of Napier Grass with deionized water, sulfuric acid and sodium hydroxide on pyrolysis oil characteristics. Waste and Biomass Valorization, 8 (3), 755-773. [Article]

MOHAMMED, Isah Yakub, ABAKR, Yousif Abdalla, MUSA, Mukhtar, YUSUP, Suzana, SINGH, Ajit and KABIR, Feroz (2016). Valorization of Bambara groundnut shell via intermediate pyrolysis: Products distribution and characterization. Journal of Cleaner Production, 139, 717-728. [Article]

MOHAMMED, Isah Yakub, ABAKR, Yousif Abdalla, YUSUP, Suzana, ALABA, Peter Adeniyi, MORRIS, Kenobi Isima, SANI, Yahaya Muhammad and KABIR, Feroz Kabir (2017). Upgrading of Napier grass pyrolytic oil using microporous and hierarchical mesoporous zeolites: products distribution, composition and reaction pathways. Journal of Cleaner Production, 162, 817-829. [Article]

MOHAMMED, Isah Yakub, ABAKR, Yousif Abdalla, YUSUP, Suzana and KABIR, Feroz (2017). Valorization of Napier grass via intermediate pyrolysis: Optimization using response surface methodology and pyrolysis products characterization. Journal of Cleaner Production, 142 (4), 1848-1866. [Article]

MOHAMMED1, Isah Yakub, ABAKR, Yousif Abdalla and KABIR KAZI, Feroz (2018). In-situ upgrading of Napier grass pyrolysis vapour over microporous and hierarchical mesoporous zeolites. Waste and Biomass Valorization, 9 (8), 1415-1428. [Article]

MOUNTNEY, Sara, ASTHANA, Abhishek, MOHAMMED, Kashif and ALMOND, Mark (2016). A preliminary investigation of the reserve service continuum. Universia Business Review, 49, 116-131. [Article]


NAZARÉ, Frank and ALDERSON, Andrew (2015). Models for the prediction of Poisson's ratio in the 'alpha-cristobalite' tetrahedral framework. physica status solidi b, 252 (7), 1465-1478. [Article]


PLENDERLEITH, Richard A., PATEMAN, Christopher J., RODENBURG, Cornelia, HAYCOCK, John W., CLAEYSSENS, Frederik, SAMMON, Chris and RIMMER, Stephen (2015). Arginine–glycine–aspartic acid functional branched semi-interpenetrating hydrogels. Soft Matter, 11 (38), 7567-7578. [Article]


SANAMI, Mohammad, RAVIRALA, Naveen, ALDERSON, Kim and ALDERSON, Andrew (2014). Auxetic materials for sports applications. Procedia Engineering, 72, 453-458. [Article]

SCRIMSHIRE, Alex, LOBERA, Alex, BELL, Anthony, JONES, Hywel, STERIANOU, Iasmi and BINGHAM, Paul (2018). Determination of Debye Temperatures and Lamb-Mössbauer Factors for LnFeO3 Orthoferrite Perovskites (Ln = La, Nd, Sm, Eu, Gd). Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 30 (10). [Article]

SHAH, Dignesh, ALDERSON, Andrew, CORDEN, James, SATYADAS, Thomas and AUGUSTINE, Titus (2018). In vivo measurement of surface pressures and retraction distances applied on abdominal organs during surgery. Surgical Innovation, 25 (1), 50-56. [Article]

SKELLAND, C, OSTLER, Thomas, WESTMORELAND, Sam, EVANS, R. F. L, CHANTRELL, R. W, YANO, M, SHOJI, T, MANABE, A, KATO, A, WINKLHOFER, M, ZIMANYI, J, SCHREFL, T and HRKAC, G (2018). Probability distribution of substituted titanium in RT12 (R = Nd and Sm; T = Fe and Co) structures. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics. [Article]

SMITH, Robin, BISHOP, Jack, KOKALOVA, Tz., WHELDON, Carl, FREER, Martin, CURTIS, Neil, HAIDER, Zeshan and PARKER, D.J. (2018). Optimising resistive charge-division strip detectors for low energy charged-particle spectroscopy. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A Accelerators Spectrometers Detectors and Associated Equipment, 901, 14-20. [Article]

SÖKMEN, Münevver, TATLIDIL, İlknur, BREEN, Christopher, CLEGG, Francis, BURUK, Celal Kurtuluş, SIVLIM, Tuğba and AKKAN, Şenay (2011). A new nano-TiO2 immobilized biodegradable polymer with self-cleaning properties. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 187 (1-3), 199-205. [Article]


THORPE, Abbey, FREEMAN, Christine, FARTHING, Paula, CALLAGHAN, Jill, HATTON, Paul V., BROOK, Ian M., SAMMON, Chris and LE MAITRE, Christine (2018). In vivo safety and efficacy testing of a thermally triggered injectable hydrogel scaffold for bone regeneration and augmentation in a rat model. Oncotarget, 9 (26), 18277-18295. [Article]


WOJCIECHOWSKI, Krzysztof W., SCARPA, Fabrizio, GRIMA, Joseph N. and ALDERSON, Andrew (2015). Auxetics and other systems of “negative” characteristics. physica status solidi b, 252 (7), 1421-1425. [Article]

WOJCIECHOWSKI, Krzysztof W., SCARPA, Fabrizio, GRIMA, Joseph N. and ALDERSON, Andrew (2016). Auxetics and other systems of “negative” characteristics. physica status solidi b, 253 (7), 1241-1242. [Article]


YAO, Yong T, ALDERSON, Kim L and ALDERSON, Andrew (2016). Modeling of negative Poisson’s ratio (auxetic) crystalline cellulose Iβ. Cellulose, 23 (6), 3429-3448. [Article]

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