Items where Author is "Gore, Tony"

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Number of items: 76.


PARKES, Stephen, WESTON, Richard and GORE, Tony (2024). The impact of Covid-19 road-space reallocation measures: Insights from the north of England. Active Travel Studies, 4 (1). [Article]

GORE, Tony and WELLS, Peter (2022). Levelling Up: a missed opportunity to reframe the role of investment in physical capital. People, Place and Policy, 16 (2), 146-156. [Article]

DOBSON, Julian, GORE, Tony, GRAHAM, Kim and SWADE, Kate (2021). Paradise Regained? Localised and Limited Nature Connexions in the UK's Covid-19 Lockdown. Frontiers in Sustainable Cities, 3. [Article]

GORE, Tony (2021). Decentring European governance Mark Bevir and Ryan Phillips Abingdon, UK: Routledge, 2019, ISBN: 9780367661069; £36.99 (Pbk) [Book review]. Social Policy & Administration. [Article]

GORE, Tony and NUNES SILVA, Carlos (2020). Editorial - Instruments, Resources and Collective Action: Introduction to Special Section on Geographies of Local Governance. People, Place and Policy Online, 14 (3), 195-198. [Article]

FOTHERGILL, Stephen, GORE, Tony and WELLS, Peter (2019). Industrial strategy and the UK regions: Sectorally narrow and spatially blind. Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy and Society, 12 (3), 445-466. [Article]

GORE, Tony (2018). Cities and their hinterlands 10 years on: Local and regional governance still under debate. People, Place and Policy Online, 11 (3), 150-164. [Article]

GORE, Tony (2016). Wacquant's take on the role of the State. People Place and Policy, 10 (2), 181-182. [Article]

CRISP, Richard, PEARSON, Sarah and GORE, Tony (2015). Rethinking the impact of regeneration on poverty : a (partial) defence of a ‘failed’ policy. Journal of Poverty and Social Justice, 23 (3), 167-187. [Article]

CRISP, Richard, GORE, Tony and PEARSON, Sarah (2015). Rethinking the impact of regeneration on poverty: a (partial) defence of a 'failed' policy. Journal of Poverty and Social Justice, 23 (3), 167-187. [Article]

CRISP, Richard, EADSON, William, COLE, Ian, DAYSON, Christopher, ESCOTT, Karen, FOTHERGILL, Steve, GORE, Tony and ROBINSON, David (2015). Election commentaries. People, Place and Policy, 9 (1), 65-89. [Article]

GORE, Tony (2015). Interpreting the contemporary world of work : two-tier polarisation or complex relational formations? (Book review article). People Place and Policy, 9 (3), 190-198. [Article]

GORE, Tony (2014). The role of policy champions and learning in implementing horizontal environmental policy integration : comparative insights from European Structural Fund programmes in the U.K. International Review of Administrative Sciences, 4 (3), 304-330. [Article]

GORE, Tony and WELLS, Peter (2009). Governance and evaluation : the case of EU regional policy horizontal priorities. Evaluation and Program Planning, 32 (2), 158-167. [Article]

GORE, Tony and HOLLYWOOD, Emma (2009). The role of social networks and geographical location in labour market participation in the UK coalfields. Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy, 27 (6), 1008-1021. [Article]

GORE, Tony (2008). Collaborative governance and territorial rescaling in the UK : a comparative study of two EU Structural Funds programmes. GeoJournal, 72 (1-2), 59-73. [Article]

GORE, Tony and FOTHERGILL, Stephen (2007). Cities and their hinterlands: how much do governance structures really matter? People, Place and Policy Online, 1 (2), 55-68. [Article]

LAWLESS, Paul and GORE, Tony (1999). Urban regeneration and transport investment: A case study of Sheffield 1992-1996. Urban Studies, 36 (3), 527-545. [Article]

GORE, Tony and STILLWELL, John (1994). Updating population and household projections for Yorkshire and Humberside: An input into the strategic planning process. Planning Practice and Research, 9 (4), 381-393. [Article]

GORE, Tony (1991). Public/private partnership schemes in UK urban regeneration: The role of joint enabling agencies. Cities, 8 (3), 209-216. [Article]


FOTHERGILL, Stephen, GORE, Tony and LEATHER, David (2024). The State of the Coalfields 2024: Economic and social conditions in the former coalfields of England, Scotland and Wales. Project Report. Sheffield Hallam University. [Monograph]

DOBSON, Julian, GORE, Tony, GRAHAM, Kim and SWADE, Kate (2023). Unlocking the potential of Big Local partnerships: The role and impact of Locally Trusted Organisations. Project Report. Centre for Regional Economic and Social Research, Sheffield Hallam University. [Monograph]

BEATTY, Christina, CRISP, Richard, FERRARI, Edward, GORE, Tony and MCMULLAN, Joseph (2023). Inclusion Plan Evidence Base. Project Report. Sheffield, Centre for Regional Economic and Social Research, Sheffield Hallam University. [Monograph]

BEATTY, Christina, FOTHERGILL, Stephen, GORE, Tony and LEATHER, David (2022). The real level of unemployment 2022: the myth of full employment across Britain. Project Report. Sheffield Hallam University, Centre for Regional Economic and Social Research. [Monograph]

PARKES, Stephen, GORE, Tony, WESTON, Richard and LAWLER, Mary (2021). Room to move: impacts of road-space reallocation. Project Report. Sheffield Hallam University, Centre for Regional Economic and Social Research. [Monograph]

BEATTY, Christina, CRISP, Richard and GORE, Tony (2020). Co-design in the WorkingWin programme: good practice and learning. Project Report. Sheffield Hallam University, Centre for Regional Economic and Social Research. [Monograph]

EADSON, William, SANDERSON, Elizabeth, DEVANY, Chris, GORE, Tony and RAMSDEN, Sam (2019). Green Leaders Evaluation Final Report. Project Report. Centre for Regional Economic and Social Research, Sheffield Hallam University. [Monograph]

CRISP, Richard, FERRARI, Edward, FOTHERGILL, Stephen, GORE, Tony and WELLS, Peter (2019). Strong economies, better places. Project Report. London, Labour. [Monograph]

CRISP, Richard, FERRARI, Edward, GORE, Tony, GREEN, Steve, MCCARTHY, Lindsey, RAE, Alasdair, REEVE, Kesia and STEVENS, Mark (2018). Tackling transport-related barriers to employment in low-income neighbourhoods. Project Report. York, Joseph Rowntree Foundation. [Monograph]

BEATTY, Christina, FOTHERGILL, Stephen and GORE, Tony (2017). The real level of unemployment 2017. Project Report. Sheffield, Sheffield Hallam University. [Monograph]

FOTHERGILL, Stephen, GORE, Tony and WELLS, Peter (2017). Industrial Strategy and the Regions : the shortcomings of a narrow sectoral focus. Discussion Paper. Sheffield, Sheffield Hallam University. [Monograph]

CRISP, Richard, GORE, Tony and MCCARTHY, Lindsey (2017). Addressing transport barriers to work in low income neighbourhoods: A review of evidence and practice. Project Report. Sheffield, Sheffield Hallam University. [Monograph]

EADSON, William, GORE, Tony and POVEY, Larissa (2017). Evaluation of Royal College of GPs: Fuel Poverty Pilot. Project Report. Sheffield, Sheffield Hallam University. [Monograph]

BEATTY, Christina, CRISP, Richard and GORE, Tony (2016). An inclusive growth monitor for measuring the relationship between poverty and growth. Project Report. Sheffield, Joseph Rowntree Foundation. [Monograph]

BEATTY, Christina, GORE, Tony and CRISP, Richard (2016). Inclusive growth monitor: Technical notes. Project Report. Centre for Regional Economic and Social Research, Sheffield Hallam University. [Monograph]

WHILE, Aidan, GORE, Tony, EADSON, William and CRISP, Richard (2016). Major development projects: connecting people in poverty to jobs. Project Report. York, Joseph Rowntree Foundation. [Monograph]

BAMONTE, Jessica, BASHIR, Nadia, CHOWBEY, Punita, DAYSON, Christopher, GORE, Tony, ISMAIL, Mubarak and MCCARTHY, Lindsey (2015). Increasing the uptake of primary and community long-term conditions services in Black and Minority Ethnic (BME) communities in Nottingham - an exploratory research study. Project Report. Sheffield Hallam University, Centre for Regional Economic and Social Research. [Monograph]

DALGLEISH, Karl, EADSON, William, FODEN, Michael and GORE, Tony (2014). Low carbon Leicester and Leicestershire research study. Project Report. Centre for Regional Economic and Social Research, Sheffield Hallam University. [Monograph]

CRISP, Richard, GORE, Tony and PEARSON, Sarah (2014). Reducing poverty in the UK: a collection of evidence reviews. Project Report. Joseph Rowntree Foundation. [Monograph]

BEATTY, Christina, FOTHERGILL, Stephen and GORE, Tony (2014). Seaside towns in the age of austerity: recent trends in employment in seaside tourism in England and Wales. Project Report. Sheffield, Centre for Regional Economic and Social Research, Sheffield Hallam University. [Monograph]

CRISP, Richard, GORE, Tony, PEARSON, Sarah, TYLER, Peter, CLAPHAM, David, MUIR, Jenny and ROBERTSON, Douglas (2014). Regeneration and poverty: evidence and policy review. Final report. Project Report. Sheffield, Centre for Regional Economic and Social Research, Sheffield Hallam University. [Monograph]

BEATTY, Christina, GORE, Tony, POWELL, Ryan and SANDERSON, Elizabeth (2013). The impact of welfare reform in Hampshire. Project Report. Centre for Regional Economic and Social Research, Sheffield Hallam University. [Monograph]

GORE, Tony, EADSON, William, OZDEMIROGLU, Ece, GIANFERRARA, Erin and PHANG, Zara (2013). Green Infrastructure’s contribution to economic growth: a review. Project Report. London, eftec. [Monograph]

BEATTY, Christina, FOTHERGILL, Stephen and GORE, Tony (2012). The real level of unemployment 2012. Discussion Paper. Sheffield Hallam University, Centre for Regional Economic and Social Research. [Monograph]

WELLS, Peter, DAYSON, Christopher, GILBERTSON, Janet, PEARSON, Sarah, GORE, Tony, BATTY, Elaine, CLIFFORD, Jim, THEOBALD, Chris and WARD, Thorin (2012). Research Study into Outsourcing Grantmaking: Final Report. Project Report. Centre for Regional Economic and Social Research, Sheffield Hallam University. [Monograph]

CRISP, Richard, GORE, Tony and POWELL, Ryan (2012). Scoping Study on Worklessness & Employability. Project Report. Centre for Regional Economic and Social Research, Sheffield Hallam University. [Monograph]

FLETCHER, Del, FLINT, John F, GORE, Tony, POWELL, Ryan, BATTY, Elaine and CRISP, Richard (2012). Qualitative study of offender employment review: final report. Project Report. Department for Work and Pensions. [Monograph]

WELLS, Peter, HICKMAN, Paul, DAYSON, Christopher, WALSHAW, Aimee, BATTY, Elaine, GORE, Tony, GREEN, Stephen, WILSON, Ian and O'TOOLE, Carmel (2012). Village SOS Project Evaluation. Project Report. Centre for Regional Economic and Social Research, Sheffield Hallam University. [Monograph]

BATTY, Elaine, GORE, Tony and POWELL, Ryan (2011). Participation of Women in the Labour Market in Leicester: Qualitative Follow-up. Project Report. Leicester & Leicestershire Enterprise Partnership. [Monograph]

BASHIR, Nadia, CRISP, Richard, GORE, Tony, REEVE, Kesia and ROBINSON, David (2011). Families and Work: Revisiting Barriers to Employment. Project Report. Department for Work and Pensions. [Monograph]

BEATTY, Christina, GORE, Tony and POWELL, Ryan (2011). The Impact of Welfare Reform and Public Sector Spending Reductions on Low Income Households in Hampshire. Discussion Paper. Sheffield Hallam University, Centre for Regional Economic and Social Research. [Monograph]

HICKMAN, Paul, WALSHAW, Aimee, GORE, Tony, FERRARI, Edward and WILSON, Ian (2011). “The Houses all Look Posh Now” - Evaluating the Impact of a Housing Improvement Programme: The Case of Portobello and Belle Vue. Project Report. Centre for Regional Economic and Social Research, Sheffield Hallam University. [Monograph]

BEATTY, Christina, FOTHERGILL, Stephen and GORE, Tony (2011). Tackling worklessness in Britain’s weaker local economies. Discussion Paper. Sheffield Hallam University, Centre for Regional Economic and Social Research. [Monograph]

WELLS, Peter, GILBERTSON, Janet, GORE, Tony and CROWE, Mark (2010). A Big Society in Yorkshire and Humber? Project Report. Centre for Regional Economic and Social Research, Sheffield Hallam University. [Monograph]

GILBERTSON, Janet, WELLS, Peter, GORE, Tony and CROWE, Mark (2010). Measuring the Big Society? Approaches, problems and suggested improvements. Project Report. Centre for Regional Economic and Social Research, Sheffield Hallam University. [Monograph]

TYLER, Peter, WARNOCK, Colin, PROVINS, Allan, WELLS, Peter, BRENNAN, Angela, COLE, Ian, GILBERTSON, Janet, GORE, Tony, CRISP, Richard, GREEN, Anne, MAY-GILLINGS, Mike and PHANG, Zara (2010). Valuing the Benefits of Regeneration: Economics paper 7 - Volume II - Logic chains and literature review. Project Report. Department for Communities and Local Government. [Monograph]

GORE, Tony, DAYSON, Christopher, EADSON, William, GILBERTSON, Janet, LAWLESS, Paul, PHANG, Zara, PROVINS, Allan and WILSON, Ian (2010). Assessing the Value and Benefits of Groundwork. Technical Report. Sheffield Hallam University. [Monograph]

BEATTY, Christina, GORE, Tony and POWELL, Ryan (2010). Participation of Women in the Labour Market in Leicester. Discussion Paper. Sheffield Hallam University, Centre for Regional Economic and Social Research. [Monograph]

ROBERTS, David, MCNEILL, Tamara, WELLS, Peter, CRISP, Richard and GORE, Tony (2010). High level skills in Yorkshire and Humber - understanding the drivers of change: Summary. Project Report. Ekogen. [Monograph]

ROBERTS, David, MCNEILL, Tamara, WELLS, Peter, CRISP, Richard and GORE, Tony (2010). High level skills in Yorkshire and the Humber: understanding the drivers of change - phase 2 realist synthesis. Project Report. Ekogen. [Monograph]

ROBERTS, David, MCNEILL, Tamara, WELLS, Peter, CRISP, Richard and GORE, Tony (2010). High level skills in Yorkshire and Humber: Understanding the drivers of change - Phase 1 high level skills context. Project Report. Ekogen. [Monograph]

CRISP, Richard, GORE, Tony and WELLS, Peter (2009). Evidence review of the impact of the ESF on those furthest from the labour market 2007 - 2013. Project Report. Third Sector European Network. [Monograph]

CRISP, Richard, FOTHERGILL, Stephen, GORE, Tony and PLATTS-FOWLER, Deborah (2009). Sheffield worklessness study : The characteristics, aspirations and skill needs of Incapacity Benefit claimants and Lone Parents on benefit. Project Report. Centre for Regional Economic and Social Research, Sheffield Hallam University. [Monograph]

FLETCHER, Del, GORE, Tony, REEVE, Kesia, ROBINSON, David, BASHIR, Nadia, GOUDIE, Rosalind and O'TOOLE, Sonia (2008). Social housing and worklessness: qualitative research findings. Project Report. Department for Work and Pensions. [Monograph]

FLETCHER, Del, GORE, Tony, MACMILLAN, Rob, BATTY, Elaine and PEARSON, Sarah (2008). Qualitative evaluation of the Jobseeker Mandatory Activity (JMA). Project Report. Department for Work and Pensions; Centre for Regional Economic and Social Research, Sheffield Hallam University. [Monograph]

FLETCHER, Del, GORE, Tony, REEVE, Kesia and ROBINSON, David (2008). Social housing and worklessness: Key policy messages. Project Report. Department for Work and Pensions. [Monograph]

BEATTY, Christina, FOTHERGILL, Stephen, GORE, Tony and POWELL, Ryan (2007). Barrow's incapacity claimants : A study commissioned by Furness Enterprise to support the Routes to Work initiative. Project Report. Centre for Regional Economic and Social Research, Sheffield Hallam University. [Monograph]

DEWSON, Sara, CASEBOURNE, Jo, DARLOW, Alison, BICKERSTAFFE, Tim, FLETCHER, Del, GORE, Tony and KRISHNAN, Shuba (2007). Evaluation of the Working Neighbourhoods Pilot: Final report. Technical Report. Sheffield Hallam University. [Monograph]

GORE, Tony, FOTHERGILL, Stephen, HOLLYWOOD, Emma, LINDSAY, Colin, MORGAN, Kevin, POWELL, Ryan and UPTON, Stevie (2007). Coalfields and neighbouring cities: economic regeneration, labour markets and governance. Project Report. York, Joseph Rowntree Foundation. [Monograph]

BEATTY, Christina, FOTHERGILL, Stephen, GORE, Tony and POWELL, Ryan (2007). The Real Level of Unemployment 2007. Discussion Paper. Sheffield Hallam University, Centre for Regional Economic and Social Research. [Monograph]

GORE, Tony (2005). The CISWO One-stop Shop Project: External Evaluation. Final Report. Project Report. Rotherham, Coal Industry Social Welfare Organisation. [Monograph]

WELLS, Peter, HANSON, Suzanne, DARLOW, Alison, HILL, Christopher, JOHNSON, Steve, WALTON, Fiona, GORE, Tony, BOOTH, Christine and ESCOTT, Karen (2004). South Yorkshire objective 1 programme mid term evaluation. Project Report. Policy Research Institute, Leeds Metropolitan University. [Monograph]

GORE, Tony, POWELL, Ryan and WELLS, Peter (2003). The contribution of community businesses to the rural economy of Yorkshire and the Humber. Project Report. Sheffield Hallam University, Centre for Regional Economic and Social Research. [Monograph]

BEATTY, Christina, FOTHERGILL, Stephen, GORE, Tony and GREEN, Anne (2002). Hidden Unemployment in the East Midlands. Discussion Paper. Sheffield Hallam University, Centre for Regional Economic and Social Research. [Monograph]

FORDHAM, Geoff, GORE, Tony, LAWLESS, Paul and FORDHAM, Rachel Knight (2002). The Groundwork movement: its role in neighbourhood renewal. Project Report. York, Joseph Rowntree Foundation. [Monograph]

BEATTY, Christina, FOTHERGILL, Stephen, GORE, Tony and HERRINGTON, Alison (1997). The Real Level of Unemployment. Other. Sheffield Hallam University - Centre for Regional Economic and Social Research. [Monograph]

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