Items where Author is "Ferris, Katy"
Number of items: 45.
MARSON, James and FERRIS, Katy
Is it Possible to Lose Status as a Driver and be Reclassified as a Passenger During a Journey? A Lacuna in the Motor Vehicle Insurance Directives to which Jurisprudence from the UK may Provide an Answer.
Preliminary Reference.
MARSON, James and FERRIS, Katy
The UK’s Intended Move to Electric and Connected and Autonomous Vehicles: Are Infrastructural Barriers Preventing Successful Transition?
Transportation Law Journal.
MARSON, James and FERRIS, Katy
The Motor Vehicles Insurance Directive and the Nullifying of an Insurance Policy? Case C 236/23 introduces an Abuse of Rights Defence.
EU Law Live.
MARSON, James and FERRIS, Katy
The problem of VNUK and the EU response: a critique of the law on compulsory motor vehicle insurance.
Journal of Business Law, 8, 639-660.
MARSON, James and FERRIS, Katy
How supervisors can support doctoral students to publish and not perish in academia.
Encyclopedia, 3 (4), 1358-1372.
MARSON, James and FERRIS, Katy
A Sledgehammer to Crack a Nut? Directive 2021/2118 and Exclusions as Antidotes to Vnuk.
European Public Law, 29 (2), 157-180.
MARSON, James and FERRIS, Katy
Extra-contractual rules and third-party rights of direct action: The Court of Justice defines claimants’ rights and insurers’ obligations in motor vehicle agreements.
European Law Review, 48 (4), 480-489.
MARSON, James and FERRIS, Katy
The Shape of You, or in Other Words, why Teach Entrepreneurial Awareness as a Clinical Attribute?
International Journal of Clinical Legal Education, 109-140.
MARSON, James and FERRIS, Katy
The direct right of action against an insurer. How AR v Others (C-618/21) gives the Court of Justice an opportunity to clarify the law.
EU Law Live.
MARSON, James and FERRIS, Katy
Changing lanes and removing rights: quashing the judicial activism of the Court of Justice through Directive 2021/2118.
European Law Review, 47 (6), 773-790.
MARSON, James and FERRIS, Katy
From insurer of last resort to an insurer of convenience: the Court of Appeal and the recanted policy.
Law Quarterly Review, 138, 546-551.
MARSON, James and FERRIS, Katy
When is an insured vehicle an uninsured vehicle? In Colley v MIB the Court of Appeal continues its struggle with EU motor vehicle insurance law.
The Modern Law Review.
MARSON, James, WHITE, Matthew and FERRIS, Katy
The Investigatory Powers Act 2016 and Connected Vehicles: A New Form of Panspectric Veillance Looming?
Statute Law Review.
MARSON, James, DIRISU, Mohammed and FERRIS, Katy
The Lived Experiences of African International Students in the UK: Precarity, Consciousness and the Law.
Anthem Press.
[Authored Book]
Regulating Connected and Autonomous Vehicles Through a Lens of Inclusivity.
Hong Kong Law Journal, 51 (3), 983-1012.
MARSON, James, FERRIS, Katy and KAWALEK, Anna
Therapeutic jurisprudence in an asylum and refugee family reunion clinic.
In: GRIMES, Richard, HONUSKOVA, Věra and STEGE, Ulrich, (eds.)
Teaching Migration and Asylum Law: Theory and Practice.
[Book Section]
MARSON, James and FERRIS, Katy
Dispute Resolution in Refugee Family Reunion Law. Could Mediation Provide a More Therapeutic Solution?
European Journal of Current Legal Issues, 25 (1).
MARSON, James, ALISSA, Hasan and FERRIS, Katy
Driving towards a more therapeutic future? The Untraced Drivers Agreement and Conscious Contracting.
European Journal of Current Legal Issues, 25 (1).
MARSON, James and FERRIS, Katy
The Lexicon of Self-Driving Vehicles and the Fuliginous Obscurity of ‘Autonomous’ Vehicles.
Statute Law Review.
Students as researchers. The effects of employing law students on an empirical research project.
Law Teacher.
MARSON, James, ALISSA, Hasan and FERRIS, Katy
Resolving the Inconsistency between National and EU Motor Insurance Law. Was Factortame the Solution nobody Sought?
German Law Journal, 22 (1), 122-146.
MARSON, James and FERRIS, Katy
Too Little, Too Late? Brexit Day, Transitional Periods and the Implications of MIB v Lewis.
European Law Review, 3 (45), 415-426.
MARSON, James and FERRIS, Katy
The compatibility of English law with the motor vehicle insurance directives: The courts giveth… at least until brexit day.
Law quarterly review, 136, 35-40.
The Automated and Electric Vehicles Act 2018 Part 1 and Beyond: A Critical Review.
Statute Law Review.
FERRIS, Katy, MARSON, James and KAWALEK, Anna
Applying refugee family reunion law therapeutically.
Beijing Law Review, 10 (5).
MARSON, James and FERRIS, Katy
For the want of certainty: Vnuk, Juliana and Andrade and the obligation to insure.
Modern Law Review.
MARSON, James, FERRIS, Katy and FLETCHER, Neil
EU motor insurance law in the UK, accidents on the road and responsibilities off IT.
EU Law Analysis.
MARSON, James, FERRIS, Katy and KAWALEK, Anna
A vineyard in a law clinic: the practical application of a therapeutic jurisprudence philosophy in a UK law clinic.
Singapore Journal of Legal Studies, 124, 124-146.
MARSON, James and FERRIS, Katy
After arrival, the problems facing refugees and their families : a clinical legal response.
International Journal of Clinical Legal Education, 25 (2).
FERRIS, Katy, CAMERON, Derek, JENKINS, Andrew and MARSON, James
The consequences of the BREXIT vote on management attitudes to recruitment in the hospitality industry.
Business Law Review, 39 (4).
Brexit means Brexit: What does it mean for the Protection of Third Party Victims and the Road Traffic Act?
Statute Law Review, 39 (2), 211-227.
MARSON, James and FERRIS, Katy
Business Law (5th edition).
Oxford University Press.
[Authored Book]
MARSON, James, FERRIS, Katy and TUDOR, Clare
Family reunion in a university law clinic: a model for law schools?
European Journal of Current Legal Issues, 23 (2).
MARSON, James and FERRIS, Katy
Motor vehicle insurance law: ignoring the lessons from King Rex.
Business Law Review, 38 (5), 178-186.
MARSON, James and FERRIS, Katy
The Uninsured Drivers’ Agreement 2015 as a Legitimate Source of Authority.
Statute Law Review, 38 (2), 133-146.
Irreconcilable differences? The Road Traffic Act and the European Motor Vehicle Insurance Directives.
The Journal of Business Law, 1, 51-70.
FERRIS, Katy and MARSON, James
Which is the Applicable Law in Recovery of Losses from an Uninsured Driver? Moreno v The Motor Insurers’ Bureau [2016] UKSC 52.
European Journal of Current Legal Issues, 22 (3).
MARSON, James and FERRIS, Katy
Delaney and the Motor Vehicle Insurance Directives : lessons for the teaching of EU law.
Law Teacher, 51 (4), 411-427.
MARSON, James and FERRIS, Katy
Splitting Hairs?
New Law Journal, 167 (7710), 10-11.
MARSON, James and FERRIS, Katy
Business law concentrate. 3e.
Oxford, UK, Oxford University Press.
[Authored Book]
MARSON, James and FERRIS, Katy
Collective redress : broadening EU enforcement through state liability?
European Business Law Review, 27 (3), 325-351.
MARSON, James and FERRIS, Katy
The transposition and efficacy of EU rights. Indirect effect and a coming of age of state liability?
Business Law Review, 36 (4), 158-168.
MARSON, James and FERRIS, Katy
Business law. 4th ed.
Oxford, New York, Oxford University Press.
[Authored Book]
FERRIS, Katy and MARSON, James
Does disability begin at 40? Karsten Kaltoft v
Kommunernes Landsforening (KL), acting on behalf of
the Municipality of Billund (Advocate General's
Opinion) [2014].
Web Journal of Current Legal Issues, 20 (3).
MARSON, James and FERRIS, Katy
Advisors v Legal Services Commission : which is the appropriate measure of quality advice?
Web journal of current legal issues, 14 (4).