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Number of items: 3.
AZADEGAN, Aida, RIEDEL, Johann C.K.H. and HAUGE, Jannicke Baalsrud
Serious games adoption in corporate training.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science.
Springer, 74-85.
[Book Section]
CONTI, Daniela, TRUBIA, Grazia, BUONO, Serafino, DI NUOVO, Santo and DI NUOVO, Alessandro
Evaluation of a robot-assisted therapy for children with autism and intellectual disability.
In: GIULIANI, Manuel, ASSAF, Tareq and GIANNACCINI, Maria Elena, (eds.)
Towards autonomous robotic systems : 19th Annual Conference, TAROS 2018, Bristol, UK July 25-27, 2018, Proceedings.
Lecture notes in computer science, 10965
Cham, Springer, 405-415.
[Book Section]
MATTHEWS, Stephen G., GONGORA, Mario A. and HOPGOOD, Adrian A.
Evolving temporal fuzzy association rules from quantitative data with a multi-objective evolutionary algorithm.
Hybrid Artificial Intelligent Systems.
London, Springer, 198-205.
[Book Section]