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AKUAMOAH-BOATENG, Jennifer and SPENCER, Rachael (2018). Woman-centered care: Women's experiences and perceptions of induction of labor for uncomplicated post-term pregnancy: A systematic review of qualitative evidence. Midwifery, 67, 46-56. [Article]

ALLMARK, Peter and MACHACZEK, Katarzyna (2018). Realism and pragmatism in a mixed methods study. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 74 (6), 1301-1309. [Article]

ANDERTON, Leisa, BAKER, Brenda and KEYS, Caron (2011). BTEC apprenticeships health & social care. Level 2 Assessment workbook. Harlow, Pearson Education Limited. [Authored Book]

ASHMORE, Russell and COLLIER, Elizabeth (2017). 'Driving to the edge of the cliff': transgender mental health. Journal of psychiatric and mental health nursing, 24, 261-262. [Article]


BAILEY, Cara, MURPHY, Roger and POROCK, Davina (2011). Professional tears: developing emotional intelligence around death and dying in emergency work. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 20 (23-24), 3364-3372. [Article]

BAILEY, Cara J., MURPHY, Roger and POROCK, Davina (2011). Dying cases in emergency places: Caring for the dying in emergency departments. Social Science & Medicine, 73 (9), 1371-1377. [Article]

BEARD, Barbara, SKILBECK, Julie, WILSON, Janet, ANDERTON, Leisa and MONKS, Suzanne (2017). Increasing societal awareness of dying, death and bereavement. In: Inclusivity in Palliative Care Education: Discerning or Discriminating?, Oulton Hall, Leeds, 4th & 5th December 2017. (Unpublished) [Conference or Workshop Item]

BREEZE, Jayne, COOPER, Carol, KYDD, Angela, MONKS, Suzanne, TURNER, James, SKILBECK, Julie and WILSON, Eleanor (2018). Palliative and end-of-life care in mental health. In: WRIGHT, Karen and MCKEOWN, Mick, (eds.) Essentials of Mental Health Nursing. Sage. [Book Section]


CASWELL, Glenys, POLLOCK, Kristian, HARWOOD, Rowan and POROCK, Davina (2015). Communication between family carers and health professionals about end-of-life care for older people in the acute hospital setting: a qualitative study. BMC Palliative Care, 14 (1). [Article]

CHANG, Yu-Ping, LI, Junxin and POROCK, Davina (2013). The Effect on Nursing Home Resident Outcomes of Creating a Household Within a Traditional Structure. Journal of the American Medical Directors Association, 14 (4), 293-299. [Article]

CHEUNG, K.L., ELLIS, I.O., MORGAN, D.A.L., LEONARD, R., REED, M.W., POROCK, D., WINTERBOTTOM, L. and BARNARD, K. (2011). Optimising the management of primary breast cancer in older women – A report of a multi-disciplinary study day. The Breast, 20 (6), 581-584. [Article]

CHRISTOPHER, Sarah (2010). From the pre-hospital literature: Keep on pumping. Emergency Medicine Journal, 27 (3), p. 234. [Article]

CHRISTOPHER, Sarah (2007). The medicine in remote areas (MIRA)/travel and tropical medicine course: an urban NHS paramedic’s experience. Today's Emergency, 13 (3), 72-75. [Article]

CHRISTOPHER, Sarah, TRATTLES, John and SEEL, Dave (2010). Guts, instinct and knowledge ... at the critical moment : the role of the paramedic in technical rescue environments. Ambulance Today, 2010 (June), 15-19. [Article]

CHRISTOPHER, Sarah and WARD, Mark (2008). Patchwork privatisation or progress? Ambulance UK, 23 (6), 381-383. [Article]

CLIBBENS, Nicola, HARROP, Deborah and BLACKETT, Sally (2018). Early discharge in acute mental health: a rapid literature review. International Journal of Mental Health Nursing, 27 (5), 1305-1325. [Article]

CLISSETT, Philip, POROCK, Davina, HARWOOD, Rowan H. and GLADMAN, John R.F. (2013). Experiences of family carers of older people with mental health problems in the acute general hospital: a qualitative study. Journal of advanced nursing, 69 (12), 2707-2716. [Article]

CLISSETT, Philip, POROCK, Davina, HARWOOD, Rowan H. and GLADMAN, John R.F. (2013). The challenges of achieving person-centred care in acute hospitals : a qualitative study of people with dementia and their families. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 50 (11), 1495-1503. [Article]

CRAWFORD, Paul, AUBEELUCK, Aimee, BROWN, Brian, COTREL-GIBBONS, Liz, POROCK, Davina and BAKER, Charley (2009). An evaluation of a DVD trigger based assessment of communication and care delivery skills. Nurse Education Today, 29 (4), 456-463. [Article]


DE OLIVEIRA, DLLC, ROSSETTO, M and SERRANT, Laura (2018). Women’s experiences of gynaecological consultations – uncovering its technological toolboxes: challenges in a Brazilian context. Archives of Women Health and Care, 1 (1), 1-7. [Article]

DUNHAM, Margaret, ALLMARK, Peter and COLLINS, Karen (2017). Older people's experiences of cancer pain : a qualitative study nursing older people. Nursing Older People, 29 (6), 28-32. [Article]


ESHARETURI, C and SERRANT, Laura (2017). Embedding learning from adverse incidents: a UK based regional case study. International Journal of Health Care Quality Assurance, 30 (3), 216-223. [Article]


FAIR, Frankie, WATSON, Helen, GARDNER, Rachel and SOLTANI, Hora (2018). Women’s perspectives on antenatal breast expression: a cross-sectional survey. Reproductive Health, 15 (58). [Article]


GALLAGHER, Katie, MARLOW, Neil, EDGLEY, Alison and POROCK, Davina (2011). The attitudes of neonatal nurses towards extremely preterm infants. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 68 (8), 1768-1779. [Article]

GALLAGHER, Katie, POROCK, Davina and EDGLEY, Alison (2010). The concept of ‘nursing’ in the abortion services. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 66 (4), 849-857. [Article]

GLANGKARN, S, PROMASATAYAPROT, V, POROCK, Davina and EDGLEY, A (2011). Measuring Quality of Life in Thai Women with Breast Cancer. Asian Pac J Cancer Prev., 12 (3), 637-644. [Article]

GOLDBERG, S. E., BRADSHAW, L. E., KEARNEY, F. C., RUSSELL, C., WHITTAMORE, K. H., FOSTER, P. E. R., MAMZA, J., GLADMAN, J. R. F., JONES, R. G., LEWIS, S. A., POROCK, Davina and HARWOOD, R. H. (2013). Care in specialist medical and mental health unit compared with standard care for older people with cognitive impairment admitted to general hospital : randomised controlled trial (NIHR TEAM trial). BMJ, 347 (jul02), f4132-f4132. [Article]

GORDON, Frances and WALSH, Claire (2005). A framework for interprofessional capability: Developing students of health and social care as collaborative workers. Journal of Integrated Care, 13 (3), 26-33. [Article]

GORDON, Frances, WILSON, Fiona, HUNT, Tim, MARSHALL, Michelle and WALSH, Claire (2004). Involving patients and service users in student learning: Developing practice and principles. Journal of Integrated Care, 12 (6), 28-35. [Article]

GRANT, Gordon, POLLARD, Nicholas, ALLMARK, Peter, MACHACZEK, Kasia and RAMCHARAN, Paul (2017). The social relations of a health walk group: an ethnographic study. Qualitative Health Research, 27 (11), 1701-1712. [Article]


HALLIDAY, V., POROCK, D., ARTHUR, A., MANDERSON, C. and WILCOCK, A. (2012). Development and testing of a cancer appetite and symptom questionnaire. Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics, 25 (3), 217-224. [Article]

HAUFFA, Berthold P., TOURAINE, Philippe, URQUHART-KELLY, Tanya and KOLEDOVA, Ekaterina (2017). Managing Transition in Patients Treated with Growth Hormone. Frontiers in Endocrinology, 8. [Article]

HEALEY, Joan, HOPKINS, Chris, MCCLIMENS, Alex and PEPLOW, David (2017). The potential therapeutic benefits of reading poetry to nursing home residents : the road less travelled? Journal of Poetry Therapy, 30 (3), 153-165. [Article]

HIBBERT, Denise, ABOSHAIQAH, Ahmad E, SIENKO, Kathy E, FORESTELL, Debra, HARB, Adele W, YOUSEF, Shadia A, KELLEY, Patricia, BRENNAN, Patricia, SERRANT, Laura and LEARY, Alison (2017). Advancing nursing practice : the emergence of the role of Advanced Practice Nurse in Saudi Arabia. Annals of Saudi Medicine, 37 (1), 72-78. [Article]

HINSLIFF-SMITH, K and SPENCER, Rachael (2016). Researcher perspectives from a study of women’s experiences of breastfeeding. Nurse Researcher, 23 (3), 13-17. [Article]

HINSLIFF-SMITH, K, SPENCER, Rachael and WALSH, D (2014). Realities, difficulties, and outcomes for mothers choosing to breastfeed: Primigravid mothers experiences in the early postpartum period (6–8 weeks). Midwifery, 30 (1), 14-19. [Article]

HONEY, Michelle and PROCTER, Paula (2017). The shifting sands of nursing informatics education: from content to connectivity. In: MURPHY, Judy, GOOSSEN, William and WEBER, Patrick, (eds.) Forecasting informatics competencies for nurses in the future of connected health : Proceedings of the Nursing Informatics Post Conference 2016. Studies in Health Technology and Informatics (232). Online, IOS Press, 31-40. [Book Section]

HONEY, Michelle, SKIBA, Diane, PROCTER, Paula, FOSTER, Joanne, KOURI, Pirrko and NAGLE, Lynn (2017). Nursing informatics competencies for entry to practice: the perspective of six countries. In: MURPHY, Judy, GOOSSEN, William and WEBER, Patrick, (eds.) Forecasting informatics competencies for nurses in the future of connected health : Proceedings of the Nursing Informatics Post Conference 2016. Studies in Health Technology and Informatics (232). Online, IOS Press, 51-61. [Book Section]


JAMES, Mick, BUCKINGHAM, Bill, CHEUNG, Gary, MCKAY, Roderick, PAINTER, Jon and STEWART, Malcolm (2018). Review and update of the Health of the Nation Outcome Scales for Elderly People (HoNOS65+). British Medical Journal (BMJ). [Article]

JAMES, Mick, PAINTER, Jon, STEWART, Malcolm and BUCKINGHAM, Bill (2018). A Review and update of the Health of the Nation Outcome Scales (HoNOS). BJPsych Bulletin, 42 (2), 63-68. [Article]

JOHNSON, Matthew, TOD, Angela Mary, BRUMMELL, Stephen and COLLINS, Karen (2018). Discussing potential recurrence after lung cancer surgery: uncertainties and challenges. European Journal of Cancer Care, 27 (5). [Article]


KEEN, Carol, SKILBECK, Julie, ROSS, Helen, LAUREN, Smith, COLLINS, Karen, DIXEY, Joanne, WALTERS, Stephen, GREENFIELD, Diana, SNOWDEN, John and MAWSON, Susan (2018). Is it feasible to conduct a randomised controlled trial of pretransplant exercise (prehabilitation) for patients with multiple myeloma awaiting autologous haematopoietic stem cell transplantation? Protocol for the PREeMPT study. BMJ Open, 8 (3). [Article]

KELLY, Shona and ISMAIL, Mubarak (2014). Is exposure to chronic stressors a risk factor for Type 2 diabetes? The European Journal of Public Health, 24 (supl 2), p. 137. [Article]

KIRKHAM, Lucy (2018). Exploring the use of high-fidelity simulation training to enhance clinical skills. Nursing standard, 32 (24), 44-53. [Article]

KONINGS, Karen, DE JONG, Nynke, LOHRMANN, Christa, SUMSKAS, Linus, SMITH, Tony, O'CONNOR, Stephen, SPANJERS, Ingrid, VAN MERRIENBOER, Jeroen and CZABANOWSKA, Katarzyna (2018). Is blended learning and problem-based learning course design suited to develop future public health leaders? An explorative European study. Public Health Reviews, 39 (13). [Article]


MCCORMACK, Brendan, BORG, Marit, CARDIFF, Shaun, DEWING, Jan, JACOBS, Gaby, JANES, Nadine, KARLSSON, Bengt, MCCANCE, Tanya, MEKKI, Tone Elin, POROCK, Davina, LIESHOUT, Famke van and WILSON, Val (2015). Person-centredness - The ‘state’ of the art. International Practice Development Journal, 5. [Article]

MCCLIMENS, Alex and BREWSTER, Jacqui (2017). Using the hub and spoke student placement model in learning disability settings. Learning Disability Practice, 20 (3), 34-38. [Article]

MCCLIMENS, Alex, KELLY, Shona, ISMAIL, Mubarak and BRECKON, Jeff (2017). Evaluation of a new mental health liaison team in a general hospital. Part 1: background and literature review. Emergency Nurse, 25 (7), 31-34. [Article]

MCCLIMENS, Alex, KELLY, Shona, ISMAIL, Mubarak and BRECKON, Jeff (2017). Evaluation of a new mental health liaison team in a general hospital. Part 2: exploring the themes and their effect on practice. Emergency Nurse, 25 (8), 23-26. [Article]


NYASHANU, Mathew and SERRANT, Laura (2017). Engaging black sub-Saharan African communities and their gatekeepers in HIV prevention programs : challenges and strategies from England. Family Medicine and Community Health, 4 (4), 22-29. [Article]


PAINTER, Jon, HASTINGS, Richard, INGHAM, Barry, TREVITHICK, Liam and ROY, Ashok (2018). Associations between mental health problems and challenging behavior in adults with intellectual disabilities: A test of the behavioral equivalents hypothesis. Journal of Mental Health Research in Intellectual Disabilities, 1-16. [Article]

PAINTER, Jon, INGHAM, Barry, TREVITHICK, Liam, HASTINGS, Richard P. and ROY, Ashok (2018). Correlates for the risk of specialist ID hospital admission for people with intellectual disabilities: development of the LDNAT inpatient index. Tizard Learning Disability Review, 23 (1), 42-50. [Article]

PAINTER, Jon, TREVITHICK, Liam, HASTINGS, Richard, INGHAM, Barry and ROY, Ashok (2017). The extension of a set of needs-led mental health clusters to accommodate people accessing UK intellectual disability health services. Journal of Mental Health, 27 (2), 103-111. [Article]

PAINTER, Jon, INGHAM, Barry, TREVITHICK, Liam, HASTINGS, R. P. and ROY, Ashok (2018). Identifying needs-based groupings among people accessing intellectual disability services. American Journal on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, 123 (5), 426-442. [Article]

PARKS, Ruth M., HALL, Louise, TANG, Siau-Wei, HOWARD, Penny, LAKSHMANAN, Radhika, WINTERBOTTOM, Linda, MORGAN, David A., POROCK, Davina, COX, Karen and CHEUNG, Kwok-Leung (2015). The potential value of comprehensive geriatric assessment in evaluating older women with primary operable breast cancer undergoing surgery or non-operative treatment — A pilot study. Journal of geriatric oncology, 6 (1), 46-51. [Article]

PIERCY, Hilary, BELL, Gill, HUGHES, Charlie, NAYLOR, Simone and BOWMAN, Christine (2018). A workforce in jeopardy - identifying the challenges of ensuring a sustainable advanced HIV nursing workforce. Journal of Research in Nursing, 23 (8), 646-656. [Article]

PIERCY, Hilary, BELL, Gill, HUGHES, Charlotte, NAYLOR, Simone and BOWMAN, Christine (2015). An examination of the contribution of specialist nursing to HIV service delivery. Project Report. Sheffield Hallam University. (Unpublished) [Monograph]

PIERCY, Hilary, FOWLER-DAVIS, Sally, COOPER, Carol and DUNHAM, Margaret (2018). Evaluation of an integrated service delivering post diagnostic care and support for people with dementia and their families. Health and Social Care in the Community, 26 (6), 819-828. [Article]

POROCK, Davina, BAKK, Louanne, SULLIVAN, Suzanne S., LOVE, Karen, PINKOWITZ, Jackie and BARSNESS, Sonya (2015). National priorities for dementia care : perspectives of individuals living with dementia and their care partners. Journal of Gerontological Nursing, 41 (8), 9-16. [Article]

POROCK, Davina, CLISSETT, Philip, HARWOOD, Rowan H. and GLADMAN, John R.F. (2015). Disruption, control and coping: responses of and to the person with dementia in hospital. Ageing and Society, 35 (1), 37-63. [Article]

PROCTER, Paula (2017). Ubiquitous adoption of innovative and supportive information and communications technology across health and social care needs education for clinicians. In: RANDELL, Rebecca, CORNET, Ronald, MCCOWAN, Colin, PEEK, Niels and SCOTT, Philip J., (eds.) Informatics for health: connected citizen-led wellness and population health. Studies in Health Technology and Informatics (235). Amsterdam, IOS Press, 358-362. [Book Section]

PROCTER, Paula, BRIXEY, Juliana J, TODHUNTER, Fern and HONEY, Michelle L L (2017). Social media providing an international virtual elective experience for student nurses. Informatics, 4 (9). [Article]

PROCTER, Paula and WILSON, Marisa L. (2018). Nursing, professional curiosity and big data cocreating eHealth. In: UGON, Adrien, KARLSSON, Daniel, KLEIN, Gunnar O. and MOEN, Anne, (eds.) Building continents of knowledge in oceans of data: the future of co-created eHealth. Studies in health technology and informatics (247). Sweden, IOS Press, 186-190. [Book Section]


ROSSETTO, Maíra, BRAND, Évelin Maria, TEIXEIRA, Luciana Barcelos, DE OLIVEIRA, Dora Lucia Leidens Correa and SERRANT, Laura (2018). The Silences Framework: A Method for researching sensitive themes and marginalized health perspectives (English version). Text & Context Nursing | Texto & Contexto Enfermería, 26 (4). [Article]

RUSSEL, C, EDWARDS, G and POROCK, Davina (2011). Abstracts. Age and ageing, 40 (Supple), i1-i80. [Article]


SHAW, Deborah, SPAIGHT, Anne, BRIGGS, Maureen, CHRISTOPHER, Sarah and SIRIWARDENA, A Niroshan (2007). Pre-hospital pain management by ambulance staff. In: Ambex Annual National Conference, England, January 2007. (Unpublished) [Conference or Workshop Item]

SKILBECK, Julie, BARNETT, Elizabeth, GEE, Melanie, FOWLER-DAVIS, Sally and POWNALL, Susan (2018). Facilitators to providing nutritional support to older people in care homes: a qualitative study - Abstract. In: RCN international nursing research conference and exhibition 2018: Conference abstracts. UK, RCN publishing. [Book Section]

SMITH, Tony, FOWLER-DAVIS, Sally, NANCARROW, Susan, ARISS, Steven and ENDERBY, Pamela (2018). Leadership in interprofessional health and social care teams : a literature review. Leadership in Health Services, 31 (4). [Article]

SORANZO, Alessandro and GILCHRIST, Alan (2019). Layer and framework theories of lightness. Attention, perception, and psychophysics. [Article]

SPENCER, Rachael, GREATREX-WHITE, S and FRASER, D.M. (2015). ”I thought it would keep them all quiet”. Women’s experiences of breastfeeding as illusions of compliance. Journal Of Advanced Nursing, 71 (5), 1076-1086. [Article]

SPENCER, Rachael, GREATREX-WHITE, S and FRASER, D.M. (2014). ”I was meant to be able to do this”: women’s experiences of breastfeeding. A phenomenological study. Evidence Based Midwifery, 12 (3), 83-88. [Article]

SPENCER, Rachael and YUILL, Onje (2018). Embedding evidence-based practice within the pre-registration midwifery curriculum. British Journal of Midwifery, 26 (5), 338-342. [Article]

SPENCER, Rachael and YUILL, Onje (2018). Support for pre-registration midwifery students and mentors in clinical practice: a small scale evaluation of the duty teacher role. MIDIRS Midwifery Digest, 28 (1), 11-16. [Article]

SUWANPASU, Sunee, GRINSLADE, Susan, WU, Yow-Wu B and POROCK, Davina (2014). Risk factors of delirium in elderly patients with hip fracture. Asian Biomedicine, 8 (2), 157-165. [Article]


URQUHART-KELLY, Tanya and COLLIN, Jacqueline (2016). Understanding the endocrinopathies associated with the treatment of childhood cancer: part 2. Nursing children and young people, 28 (9), 36-43. [Article]


WALKER, Wendy, POROCK, Davina and TIMMONS, Stephen (2011). The importance of identity in falls prevention. Nursing Older People, 23 (2), 21-26. [Article]

WALSH, Claire, GORDON, Frances, MARSHALL, Michelle, WILSON, Fiona and HUNT, Tim (2005). Interprofessional capability: A developing framework for interprofessional education. Nurse Education in Practice, 5 (4), 230-237. [Article]

WATTS, Carol, WATTS, Pippa, COLLIER, Elizabeth and ASHMORE, Russell (2017). The impact on relationships following disclosure of transgenderism : a wife’s tale. Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing, 24 (5), 302-310. [Article]

WILSON, Marisa L, WEAVER, Charlotte A, PROCTER, Paula and BEENE, Murielle S (2017). Big data in healthcare: A wide look at a broad subject. In: DELANEY, Connie W, WEAVER, Charlotte, WARREN, Judith J, CLANCY, Thomas R and SIMPSON, Roy L, (eds.) Big data-enabled nursing education, research and practice. Health Informatics (1114). Cham, Springer, 11-32. [Book Section]

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