Items where Author is "Reeve, Kesia"

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REEVE, Kesia, ROBINSON, David, BASHIR, Nadia and EISENSTEIN, Emily (2010). The Voluntary Assisted Return and Reintegration Programme (VARRP) 2008: a process and impact assessment. Project Report. Home Office. [Monograph]

REEVE, Kesia and COWARD, Sarah (2004). Hidden Homelessness: Life on the Margins. Project Report. Sheffield Hallam University. [Monograph]


HICKMAN, Paul, REEVE, Kesia, WILSON, Ian, THOMAS, Peter, KILBY, Laura, LAMB, Martin, BIMPSON, Emma, MANZI, Tony, SPEAKE, Beth, ARDEN, Maddy, LAND, Jon, TEIXEIRA, Monica and PRESTWICH, James (2025). Promoting tenancy sustainment in social housing: a guide for social landlords. Project Report. Sheffield Hallam University. [Monograph]

HICKMAN, Paul, REEVE, Kesia, WILSON, Ian, THOMAS, Peter, KILBY, Laura, LAMB, Martin, BIMPSON, Emma, MANZI, Tony, SPEAKE, Beth, ARDEN, Maddy, LAND, Jon, TEIXEIRA, Monica and PRESTWICH, James (2025). Tenancy sustainment in social housing: Final report. Project Report. Sheffield Hallam University. [Monograph]

HICKMAN, Paul, REEVE, Kesia, WILSON, Ian, THOMAS, Peter, KILBY, Laura, LAMB, Martin, BIMPSON, Emma, MANZI, Tony, SPEAKE, Beth, ARDEN, Maddy, LAND, Jon, TEIXEIRA, Monica and PRESTWICH, James (2025). Tenancy sustainment in social housing: Final report - additional information about the research methods used by the study team. Project Report. Sheffield Hallam University. [Monograph]

HICKMAN, Paul, REEVE, Kesia, WILSON, Ian, THOMAS, Peter, KILBY, Laura, LAMB, Martin, BIMPSON, Emma, MANZI, Tony, SPEAKE, Beth, ARDEN, Maddy, LAND, Jo, TEIXEIRA, Monica and PRESTWICH, James (2025). Tenancy sustainment in social housing: Key findings. Project Report. Sheffield Hallam University. [Monograph]

HICKMAN, Paul, REEVE, Kesia, BIMPSON, Emma, LAMB, Martin, MANZI, Tony and SPEAKE, Beth (2023). Engaging with tenants to sustain their tenancies: insights from interviews with case study stakeholders. Project Report. Nuffield Foundation. [Monograph]

HICKMAN, Paul, REEVE, Kesia, BIMPSON, Emma, LAMB, Martin, MANZI, Tony and SPEAKE, Aileen (2023). Engaging with tenants to sustain their tenancies: insights from interviews with case study stakeholders - Summary. Project Report. Nuffield Foundation. [Monograph]

BIMPSON, Emma, GREEN, Hannah and REEVE, Kesia (2021). Women, homelessness and violence: what works? Project Report. Centre for Homelessness Impact. [Monograph]

BIMPSON, Emma, PARR, Sadie and REEVE, Kesia (2020). Governing homeless mothers: the unmaking of home and family. Housing Studies. [Article]

REEVE, Kesia and BIMPSON, Emma (2020). Forgotten mothers: the case for a policy focus on the experiences of motherhood and homelessness. Project Report. Centre for Regional Economic and Social Research, Sheffield Hallam University. [Monograph]

MCCARTHY, Lindsey, PARR, Sadie, GREEN, Stephen and REEVE, Kesia (2020). Understanding Models of Support for People Facing Multiple Disadvantage: A Literature Review. Project Report. Sheffield, Sheffield Hallam University. [Monograph]

BIMPSON, Emma, REEVE, Kesia and PARR, Sadie (2020). Homeless mothers: Key research findings. Other. UK Collaborative Centre for Housing Evidence (CaCHE). [Monograph]

CRISP, Richard, FERRARI, Edward, GORE, Tony, GREEN, Steve, MCCARTHY, Lindsey, RAE, Alasdair, REEVE, Kesia and STEVENS, Mark (2018). Tackling transport-related barriers to employment in low-income neighbourhoods. Project Report. York, Joseph Rowntree Foundation. [Monograph]

REEVE, Kesia, MCCARTHY, Lindsey, PATTISON, Ben, PARR, Sadie, BATTY, Elaine, MAYE-BANBURY, Angela, BASHIR, Nadia and DAYSON, Christopher (2018). The mental health needs of Nottingham's homeless population: an exploratory research study - executive summary. Project Report. Sheffield, Sheffield Hallam University. [Monograph]

REEVE, Kesia, MCCARTHY, Lindsey, PATTISON, Ben, PARR, Sadie, BATTY, Elaine, MAYE-BANBURY, Angela, BASHIR, Nadia and DAYSON, Christopher (2018). The mental health needs of Nottingham's homeless population: an exploratory research study. Project Report. Sheffield, Sheffield Hallam University. [Monograph]

REEVE, Kesia (2018). Women and homelessness: putting gender back on the agenda. People, Place and Policy Online, 11 (3), 165-174. [Article]

REEVE, Kesia (2018). Squatting in Britain 1945-1955: housing, politics and direct action. Housing Studies, 33 (1), 141-143. [Article]

COLE, Ian, PATTISON, Ben and REEVE, Kesia (2017). The Voluntary Right to Buy pilot: Additional analysis of completions. Project Report. Sheffield, National Housing Federation. [Monograph]

PATTISON, Ben and REEVE, Kesia (2017). Access to homes for under-35’s : The impact of welfare reform on private renting. Project Report. Sheffield Hallam University for the Residential Landlords Association. [Monograph]

COLE, Ian, GREEN, Stephen, PATTISON, Ben, REEVE, Kesia and WILSON, Ian (2017). Capping aspiration : the millennial housing challenge. Project Report. Sheffield Hallam University for the Sovereign Housing Association. [Monograph]

HICKMAN, Paul, KEMP, Peter A, REEVE, Kesia and WILSON, Ian (2017). The impact of the direct payment of housing benefit: evidence from Great Britain. Housing Studies, 32 (8), 1105-1126. [Article]

REEVE, Kesia (2017). Welfare conditionality, benefit sanctions and homelessness in the UK : ending the 'something for nothing culture' or punishing the poor? Journal of Poverty and Social Justice, 25 (1), 65-78. [Article]

COLE, Ian, PATTISON, Ben, REEVE, Kesia and WHILE, Aidan (2017). The Pilot Programme for the Voluntary Right to Buy for Housing Associations : an action-learning approach. Project Report. Sheffield Hallam University for the National Housing Federation. [Monograph]

REEVE, Kesia, COLE, Ian, BATTY, Elaine, FODEN, Michael, GREEN, Stephen and PATTISON, Ben (2016). Home : no less will do - homeless people's access to the private rented sector. Project Report. London, UK, Crisis. [Monograph]

COLE, Ian, GILBERTSON, Janet and REEVE, Kesia (2016). Evaluation of the prepaid card live test. Project Report. Department for Work and Pensions. [Monograph]

REEVE, Kesia, COLE, Ian and GILBERTSON, Janet (2016). Research Summary - Evaluation of the prepaid card live test: Final report. Project Report. Department for Work and Pensions. [Monograph]

GREEN, Stephen, PATTISON, Ben, REEVE, Kesia and WILSON, Ian (2016). How affordable is affordable housing? Project Report. Norwich, UK, Flagship Group. [Monograph]

MCCARTHY, Lindsey, BATTY, Elaine, BEATTY, Christina, CASEY, Rionach, FODEN, Michael and REEVE, Kesia (2015). Homeless people’s experiences of welfare conditionality and benefit sanctions. Project Report. London, Crisis. [Monograph]

BATTY, Elaine, BEATTY, Christina, CASEY, Rionach, FODEN, Michael, MCCARTHY, Lindsey and REEVE, Kesia (2015). Homeless people’s experiences of welfare conditionality and benefit sanctions: Executive Summary. Project Report. Crisis. [Monograph]

EADSON, William, GREEN, Stephen, REEVE, Kesia, ROBINSON, David and WILSON, Ian (2015). Houses into Homes: Final evaluation report. Project Report. Welsh Government Social Research. [Monograph]

BEATTY, Christina, FODEN, Michael, MCCARTHY, Lindsey and REEVE, Kesia (2015). Benefit sanctions and homelessness: a scoping report. Project Report. Crisis. [Monograph]

GREEN, Stephen, MCCARTHY, Lindsey, REEVE, Kesia, COLE, Ian and BATTY, Elaine (2015). Evaluation of the sharing solutions programme. Project Report. London, Crisis UK. [Monograph]

GREEN, Stephen, REEVE, Kesia, ROBINSON, David and SANDERSON, Elizabeth (2015). Direct payment of housing benefit: are social landlords ready? Project Report. Sheffield, CRESR, Sheffield Hallam University. [Monograph]

COLE, Ian, PATTISON, Ben and REEVE, Kesia (2015). The withdrawal of support for housing costs under Universal Credit for young people : more pain for little gain? Project Report. CRISIS. [Monograph]

HICKMAN, Paul, REEVE, Kesia, KEMP, Peter, WILSON, Ian, GREEN, Stephen and DAYSON, Christopher (2014). Direct Payment Demonstration Projects: 18 month stage reports. Project Report. Department for Work and Pensions. [Monograph]

REEVE, Kesia, WILSON, Ian, HICKMAN, Paul and DAYSON, Christopher (2014). Direct payment demonstration projects: Key findings of the 18th months' rent account analysis exercise. Project Report. London, Department for Work and Pensions. [Monograph]

HICKMAN, Paul, REEVE, Kesia, KEMP, Peter, WILSON, Ian and GREEN, Stephen (2014). Direct payment demonstration projects: Key findings of the programme evaluation. Final report. Project Report. London, Department for Work and Pensions. [Monograph]

EADSON, William, GREEN, Stephen, REEVE, Kesia, ROBINSON, David and WILSON, Ian (2014). Houses into Homes - Third interim evaluation report. Project Report. Welsh Government Social Research. [Monograph]

HICKMAN, Paul, REEVE, Kesia, WILSON, Ian, GREEN, Steve, DAYSON, Christopher and KEMP, Peter (2014). DWP Research Summary - Direct Payment Demonstration Projects: 12 month stage reports. Project Report. Department for Work and Pensions. [Monograph]

HICKMAN, Paul, REEVE, Kesia, WILSON, Ian, GREEN, Stephen, DAYSON, Christopher and KEMP, Peter (2014). Direct Payment Demonstration Projects: 12 month stage reports. Project Report. Department for Work and Pensions. [Monograph]

HICKMAN, Paul, REEVE, Kesia and GREEN, Stephen (2014). Direct Payment Demonstration Projects: 12 months in extended learning report. Project Report. Department for Work and Pensions. [Monograph]

REEVE, Kesia, WILSON, Ian, HICKMAN, Paul and DAYSON, Christopher (2014). Direct Payment Demonstration Projects: Key findings of the 12-months’ Rent Account Analysis exercise. Project Report. Department for Work and Pensions. [Monograph]

HICKMAN, Paul, REEVE, Kesia, WILSON, Ian, GREEN, Stephen and KEMP, Peter (2014). Direct Payment Demonstration Projects: Rent underpayment. Project Report. Department for Work and Pensions. [Monograph]

BATTY, Elaine, GREEN, Stephen, REEVE, Kesia, ROBINSON, David and WILSON, Ian (2014). Promoting mobility through mutual exchange: Learning lessons from the housing mobility demonstration projects. Project Report. Department for Communities and Local Government. [Monograph]

EADSON, William, GREEN, Stephen, REEVE, Kesia, ROBINSON, David and WILSON, Ian (2013). Houses into Homes: Second interim evaluation report. Project Report. Welsh Government Social Research. [Monograph]

HICKMAN, Paul and REEVE, Kesia (2013). Direct Payments Demonstration Projects: Learning the lessons, six months in - Research Summary. Project Report. Department for Work and Pensions. [Monograph]

EADSON, William, ROBINSON, David, REEVE, Kesia, PLATTS-FOWLER, Deborah, GREEN, Stephen, WALSHAW, Aimee, BATTY, Elaine, BASHIR, Nadia and PEARCE, Sioned (2013). An Evaluation of Getting on Together: The Community Cohesion Strategy for Wales. Project Report. Welsh Government. [Monograph]

EADSON, William, GREEN, Stephen, REEVE, Kesia, ROBINSON, David and WILSON, Ian (2013). Houses into Homes: First interim evaluation report. Project Report. Welsh Government Social Research. [Monograph]

BENNINGTON, Jude, PARR, Sadie, POWELL, Ryan and REEVE, Kesia (2012). Scoping study on violence against women : report for the BIG Lottery Fund. Project Report. Centre for Regional Economic and Social Research, Sheffield Hallam University. [Monograph]

REEVE, Kesia (2011). Squatting: a homelessness issue: an evidence review. Project Report. Crisis. [Monograph]

REEVE, Kesia (2011). The hidden truth about homelessness: experiences of single homelessness in England - report summary. Project Report. Crisis. [Monograph]

REEVE, Kesia and BATTY, Elaine (2011). The hidden truth about homelessness: experiences of single homelessness in England. Project Report. Crisis. [Monograph]

BASHIR, Nadia, CRISP, Richard, GORE, Tony, REEVE, Kesia and ROBINSON, David (2011). Families and Work: Revisiting Barriers to Employment. Project Report. Department for Work and Pensions. [Monograph]

ROBINSON, David, WALSHAW, Aimee, UWIMANA, Marcianne, BAHATI, Bemba, REEVE, Kesia and BASHIR, Nadia (2010). Evaluation of the Trans-national Resettlement Project: UK and Ireland. Project Report. Centre for Regional Economic and Social Research, Sheffield Hallam University. [Monograph]

REEVE, Kesia, GREEN, Stephen, BATTY, Elaine and CASEY, Rionach (2009). The Housing Needs and Experiences of Homeless Drug and Alcohol Users in Stoke-on-Trent. Project Report. Centre for Regional Economic and Social Research, Sheffield Hallam University. [Monograph]

REEVE, Kesia, BATTY, Elaine, CASEY, Rionach and GREEN, Stephen (2009). The 'homelessness journeys' of homeless people with complex needs in Stoke-on-Trent. Project Report. Centre for Regional Economic and Social Research, Sheffield Hallam University. [Monograph]

REEVE, Kesia, CASEY, Rionach and BATTY, Elaine (2009). The housing needs and experiences of homeless people with a history of violent or offending behaviour in Stoke-on-Trent. Project Report. Centre for Regional Economic and Social Research, Sheffield Hallam University. [Monograph]

REEVE, Kesia, CASEY, Rionach, BATTY, Elaine and GREEN, Stephen (2009). The housing needs and experiences of homeless women involved in street sex work in Stoke-on-Trent. Project Report. Centre for Regional Economic and Social Research, Sheffield Hallam University. [Monograph]

REEVE, Kesia (2009). The UK Squatters Movement 1968-1980, 1968-1980. In: VAN HOOGENHUIJZE, Leendert, (ed.) Kritiek 2009 : Jaarboek voor Socialistische Discussie en Analyse. Aksant, 137-159. [Book Section]

FLETCHER, Del, GORE, Tony, REEVE, Kesia, ROBINSON, David, BASHIR, Nadia, GOUDIE, Rosalind and O'TOOLE, Sonia (2008). Social housing and worklessness: qualitative research findings. Project Report. Department for Work and Pensions. [Monograph]

FLETCHER, Del, GORE, Tony, REEVE, Kesia and ROBINSON, David (2008). Social housing and worklessness: Key policy messages. Project Report. Department for Work and Pensions. [Monograph]

ROBINSON, David, REEVE, Kesia and CASEY, Rionach (2007). The housing pathways of new immigrants. Project Report. Joseph Rowntree Foundation. [Monograph]

GRYSZEL-FIELDSNED, Tamara and REEVE, Kesia (2007). The Housing Pathways of Polish New Immigrants in Sheffield. Project Report. Sheffield Hallam University, Centre for Regional Economic and Social Research. [Monograph]

REEVE, Kesia, GOUDIE, Rosalind and CASEY, Rionach (2007). Homeless women: homelessness careers, homelessness landscapes. Project Report. Crisis. [Monograph]

ROBINSON, David, REEVE, Kesia, CASEY, Rionach and GOUDIE, Rosalind (2007). Minority ethnic residential experiences and requirements in the Bridging NewcastleGateshead area. Project Report. Centre for Regional Economic and Social Research, Sheffield Hallam University. [Monograph]

ROBINSON, David, REEVE, Kesia, CASEY, Rionach and GOUDIE, Rosalind (2007). Promoting equality and sustainability through housing market renewal: A strategy for Bridging NewcastleGateshead Housing Market Renewal Pathfinder. Project Report. Centre for Regional Economic and Social Research, Sheffield Hallam University. [Monograph]

REEVE, Kesia, CASEY, Rionach and GOUDIE, Rosalind (2006). Homeless women: still being failed yet striving to survive. Project Report. Crisis. [Monograph]

REEVE, Kesia, CASEY, Rionach and GOUDIE, Rosalind (2006). Homeless women: still being failed yet striving to survive - summary. Project Report. Crisis. [Monograph]

ROBINSON, David, REEVE, Kesia, COWARD, Sarah, BENNINGTON, Jude and BUCKNER, Lisa (2005). Minority ethnic housing experiences in North Lincolnshire. Project Report. Centre for Regional Economic and Social Research, Sheffield Hallam University. [Monograph]

REEVE, Kesia and COWARD, Sarah (2004). Hidden homelessness: life on the margins - the experiences of homeless people living in squats. Project Report. Crisis. [Monograph]


REEVE, Kesia (2014). Criminalising the poor : squatting, homelessness and social welfare. In: FOX O'MAHONY, Lorna, O'MAHONY, David and HICKEY, Robin, (eds.) Moral rhetoric and the criminalisation of squatting : vulnerable demons. Abingdon, Routledge, 133-154. [Book Section]

REEVE, Kesia (2013). The morality of ‘the immoral’: the case of homeless, drug using, street prostitutes. Deviant Behavior, 34 (10), 824-840. [Article]

CASEY, Rionach, GOUDIE, Rosalind and REEVE, Kesia (2008). Homeless women in public spaces : strategies of resistance. Housing Studies, 23 (6), 899-916. [Article]

REEVE, Kesia (2008). New immigration and neighborhood change. In: Community cohesion in crisis?: new dimensions of diversity and difference. Policy Press. [Book Section]

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