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Number of items: 73.


ALBERTSON, Katherine, ALBERTSON, Kevin, STEVENSON, Judy and MURRAY, Emma (2018). The South Yorkshire Armed Forces Covenant project: Mapping the Armed Forces Community across the region. Project Report. Sheffield Hallam University.

AMBROSE, Aimee, BASHIR, Nadia, FODEN, Michael, GILBERTSON, Janet, GREEN, Geoff and STAFFORD, Bernard (2018). Better housing, better health in London Lambeth : the Lambeth Housing standard health impact assessment and cost benefit analysis. Project Report. Sheffield, Sheffield Hallam University.

ANDERSSON, Catrin, BEST, David, IRVING, James, EDWARDS, Michael, BANKS, James, MAMA-RUDD, Adam and HAMER, Rebecca (2018). Understanding recovery from a family perspective: a survey of life in recovery for families. Project Report. Sheffield Hallam University for Alcohol Research UK.

ARCHER, Tom and STEVENS, Mark (2018). Housing, integration and segregation: A rapid literature review. Project Report. Sheffield, Sheffield Hallam University.

ARCHER, Tom, GREEN, Stephen, LEATHER, David, MCCARTHY, Lindsey, WILSON, Ian, ROBINSON, David and TAIT, Malcolm (2018). Older people's housing, care and support needs in Greater Cambridge 2017-2036. Project Report. Sheffield, Sheffield Hallam University.

AUSTEN, Liz and JONES-DEVITT, Stella (2018). Observing the observers: using digital storytelling for organisational development concerning 'Critical Whiteness'. Project Report. AdvanceHE.

AUSTEN, Liz, DONNELLY, Alan, MCCAIG, Colin and O'LEARY, Christine (2018). Evaluation of the National Teaching Fellowship Scheme. Project Report. Office for Students website, Office for Students.

AUSTEN, Liz, DONNELLY, Alan, MCCAIG, Colin and O'LEARY, Christine (2018). Evaluation of the National Teaching Fellowship Scheme. Project Report. Bristol, Office For Students.

BABU, Mohan, BASHIR, Nadia, BENNETT, Ellen, DARWIN, Maxine, PORTER, Josie, WOOD, Sue, GENTLE, Aletheia and NEEDHAM, Rachel (2018). Evaluation of Age Better in Sheffield - Third annual report: Peer Research. Project Report. Sheffield Hallam University, Centre for Regional Economic and Social Research.

BANKS, James, ANDERSSON, Catrin, BEST, David, EDWARDS, Michael and WATERS, Jaime (2018). Families Living with Problem Gambling: Impacts, Coping Strategies and Help-Seeking. Project Report. Sheffield Hallam University.

BASHIR, Nadia, PEARSON, Sarah, SANDERSON, Elizabeth and WELLS, Peter (2018). Talent Match Evaluation: Involving Young People. Project Report. Sheffield, Sheffield Hallam University.

BATTY, Elaine, EADSON, William, PATTISON, Ben, STEVENS, Mark, TWELLS, Alison and VERDON, Nicola (2018). Evaluation of Heritage Lottery Fund’s First World War Centenary Activity: Year 4 report. Project Report. Sheffield Hallam University, Centre for Regional Economic and Social Research.

BATTY, Elaine, HARRIS, Catherine, LEATHER, David, PEARSON, Sarah, WILSON, Ian, COLDWELL, Michael, CARTER, Caron, STIELL, Bernadette and WILLIS, Benjamin (2018). Children's Communities programme evaluation 2018 report. Project Report. Save the Children UK.

BATTY, Elaine, PEARSON, Sarah, WILSON, Ian, COLDWELL, Michael, STIELL, Bernadette and WILLIS, Benjamin (2018). Children's Community evaluation 2017 report. Project Report. Sheffield, Sheffield Hallam University.

BEATTY, Christina and FOTHERGILL, Stephen (2018). The contemporary labour market in Britain’s Older Industrial Towns. Project Report. Sheffield, Sheffield Hallam University.

BEATTY, Christina and POVEY, Larissa (2018). Universal Credit in Rotherham: a transition to full service. Project Report. Sheffield, Sheffield Hallam University.

BENNETT, Ellen and BATTY, Elaine (2018). The value of small: In-depth research into the distinctive contribution, value and experiences of small and medium-sized charities in Wrexham. Project Report. Sheffield, Sheffield Hallam University.

BMG RESEARCH, (2018). Training needs in the further education sector: an independent and comprehensive report of survey-based research into the training needs of people who work in post-16 education and training organisations in England. Project Report.

BOYLAN, Mark and REANEY, Sarah (2018). The Embodied Mathematics Project: Report. Project Report. Sheffield, Sheffield Institute of Education, Sheffield Hallam University. (Unpublished)

BOYLAN, Mark, DEMACK, Sean, WOLSTENHOLME, Claire, REIDY, John and REANEY, Sarah (2018). ScratchMaths: evaluation report and executive summary. Project Report. Education Endownment Foundation.

BREESE, Richard, JENNER, Stephen, SERRA, Carlos, THORP, John, BADEMI, Amgad and CHARLTON, Michael (2018). Measures for benefits realization. Project Report. Report produced by Sheffield Hallam University for the Project Management Institute.. (Unpublished)

CHAMBERLAIN, Paul, CRAIG, Claire and DULAKE, Nick (2018). D7.3 Report on End-User Improvements for prototypes. Project Report. NESTORE.

CHAMBERLAIN, Paul, CRAIG, Claire and DULAKE, Nick (2018). NESTORE D7.1 Needs, Values and Suggestions to Co-Design. Project Report. NESTORE.

CHAMBERLAIN, Paul, CRAIG, Claire and DULAKE, Nick (2018). Transferability of participants perspectives to technologists. Project Report. NESTORE.

CLAGUE, L F and WILLIAMSON, Stefanie (2018). HeppSY+ Baseline Survey Partnership Report. Project Report. Higher Education Progression Partnership South Yorkshire Plus. (Unpublished)

COULE, Tracey, PATMORE, Beth and BENNETT, Ellen (2018). The value of small: In-depth research into the distinctive contribution, value and experiences of small and medium-sized charities in Salford. Project Report. Sheffield, Sheffield Hallam University.

CRISP, Richard, DAMM, Christopher, GREEN, Anne, PEARSON, Sarah, SANDERSON, Elizabeth and WELLS, Peter (2018). Talent Match Evaluation: Progression to Employment. Project Report. Sheffield, Sheffield Hallam University.

CRISP, Richard, FERRARI, Edward, GORE, Tony, GREEN, Steve, MCCARTHY, Lindsey, RAE, Alasdair, REEVE, Kesia and STEVENS, Mark (2018). Tackling transport-related barriers to employment in low-income neighbourhoods. Project Report. York, Joseph Rowntree Foundation.

DAMM, Christopher, GREEN, Anne, PEARSON, Sarah, SANDERSON, Elizabeth and WELLS, Peter (2018). Talent Match Evaluation: Youth Employment Partnerships. Project Report. Sheffield, Sheffield Hallam University.

DANHEISER, Stacey, KELLY, Simon and JOHNSTON, Paul (2018). Lost in a sea of sameness : lack of differentiation dominates the telecommunications industry. Project Report. Shake Marketing Group.

DAYSON, Christopher and LEATHER, David (2018). Evaluation of HALE Community Connectors Social Prescribing Service 2017. Project Report. Sheffield, Sheffield Hallam University.

DAYSON, Christopher and LEATHER, David (2018). Evaluation of HALE Community Connectors Social Prescribing Service 2017 - Summary. Project Report. Sheffield, Sheffield Hallam University.

DAYSON, Christopher, BAKER, Leila, REES, James, BATTY, Elaine, BENNETT, Ellen, DAMM, Christopher, COULE, Tracey, PATMORE, Beth, GARFORTH, Helen, HENNESSY, Charlotte, TURNER, Katie, JACKLIN-JARVIS, Carol and TERRY, Vita (2018). The value of small: in-depth research into the distinctive contribution, value and experiences of small and medium-sized charities in England and Wales : Summary. Project Report. Sheffield, Sheffield Hallam University.

DAYSON, Christopher, BAKER, Leila, REES, James, BATTY, Elaine, BENNETT, Ellen, DAMM, Christopher, COULE, Tracey, PATMORE, Beth, GARFORTH, Helen, HENNESSY, Charlotte, TURNER, Katie, JACKLIN-JARVIS, Carol and TERRY, Vita (2018). The value of small: in-depth research into the distinctive contribution, value and experiences of small and medium-sized charities in England and Wales. Project Report. Sheffield, Sheffield Hallam University.

DAYSON, Christopher, PEARSON, Sarah and BENNETT, Ellen (2018). Evaluation of the Early Action Neighbourhood Fund: Learning Update 1 - Revisiting the Programme Theory of Change. Project Report. CRESR, Sheffield Hallam University.

DIAMOND, Abigail, BOWES, Lindsey, MORETON, Rachel, WELFORD, Jo, CRAWFORD, Claire, MCCAIG, Colin, TAZZYMAN, Sarah, BIRKIN, Guy and FRANCES, Nariah (2018). Scottish toolkit for fair access: Interim report. Project Report. CFE Research. (In Press)

DUFFELL, Alan, KILROY, Darren, LEES, Liz, STREATHER, Chris, THOMPSON, Angela, DRAKE, Robert, CLARKE, Rupert, MORTIMER, Danny, ELLIOTT, Martin and SCANDRETT, Paul (2018). Realising the paperless revolution: how rostering in the NHS went digital. Technical Report. ZPB.

EARNSHAW, Steven (2018). The Existential Drinker. Other. Manchester, Manchester University Press.

ETHERINGTON, David, JEFFERY, Robert, THOMAS, Peter, BROOKS, Jennifer, BEEL, David and JONES, Martin (2018). Forging an inclusive labour market - empowering workers and communities : an interim report on low pay and precarious work in Sheffield. Project Report. Sheffield, Sheffield Trades Union Council.

FRONTIER ECONOMICS, (2018). Further education workforce data for England: analysis of the 2016-2017 staff individualised record (SIR). Project Report. Education & Training Foundation.

GILBERTSON, Janet, LEATHER, David, MCCARTHY, Lindsey and WILSON, Ian (2018). An evaluation of Cash Smart Credit Savvy: Final Report. Project Report. Sheffield, Sheffield Hallam University.

GILLIGAN, Christine and RIDLEY-DUFF, Rory (2018). Principles of Responsible Management Education (PRME): SIP Report SIP Report for Sheffield Business School. Project Report. United Nations (PRME Initiative), Sheffield Hallam University.

GREGORY, Maxine, CROWE, Lynn and ROTHERHAM, Ian (2018). Access and Gateways to the Landscape Appraisal : consultancy report produced for the Sheffield Lakelands Landscape Project. Technical Report. Sheffield Hallam University for the Sheffield and Rotherham Wildlife Trust.

HARRISON, Neil, VIGURS, Katy, CROCKFORD, Julian, MCCAIG, Colin, SQUIRE, Ruth and CLARK, Lewis (2018). Evaluation of outreach interventions for under 16 year olds. Tools and guidance for higher education providers. Project Report. Bristol, Office for Students.

HARRISON, Neil, VIGURS, Katy, CROCKFORD, Julian, MCCAIG, Colin, SQUIRE, Ruth and CLARK, Lewis (2018). Understanding the evaluation of access and participation outreach interventions for under 16 year olds. Project Report. Bristol, Office for Students.

HART, John, DUNN, Marcus and JAMES, David (2018). Handbook of test methods for wearable EPTS devices. Manual. FIFA.

HEAP, Vicky and HERRERA, Jennifer (2018). Investigating the Community Trigger in action : a report for Safer Bristol Community Safety Partnership. Project Report. Sheffield Hallam University/ASB Help. (Unpublished)

HICKMAN, Paul, PATTISON, Ben and PREECE, Jenny (2018). The impact of welfare reforms on housing associations: a scoping study. Project Report. UK Collaborative Centre for Housing Evidence.

JONES, Megan and PICKERING, Nathaniel (2018). Learning gain - annotated bibliography. Discussion Paper. Sheffield, Sheffield Hallam University. (Unpublished)

MARVIN, Simon, WHILE, Aidan, KOVACIC, Mateja, LOCKHART, Andy and MACRORIE, Rachel (2018). Urban robotics and automation: critical challenges, international experiments and transferable lessons for the UK. Project Report. EPSRC UK Robotics and Autonomous Systems (RAS) Network.

MAXWELL, Bronwen, CLAGUE, Lucy, BYRNE, Eleanor, CULLINEY, Martin, COLDWELL, Michael, HOBSON, Andrew and GLENTWORTH, Alison (2018). Retain: CPD for Early Career Teachers of KS1 Pilot report and executive summary. Project Report., Education Endowment Foundation.

MOORE, Nicolas, SHEERIN, Sue, GÜVEN, Ayşen and WRIGGLESWORTH, John (2018). A Framework for Quality Assurance in English-Medium Higher Education in Turkey. Project Report. British Council. (Unpublished)

MOORE, Tom, MULLINS, David, HE, Bingzi, THOMPSON, Matt, CLAASSEN, Cara and ARCHER, Tom (2018). The Urban CLT Project Evaluation. Project Report. The National Community Land Trust Network.

MOSS, Conor (2018). Sheffield City Region Future Leaders' Project. Project Report. Sheffield Hallam University.

NELSON, Pete, BISSELL, Paul, POLLARD, Lee, HOMER, Catherine and POWELL-HOYLAND, Vanessa (2018). Is childhood obesity a child protection concern? Project Report. Sheffield Hallam University. (Unpublished)

PLUQUAILEC, Jill (2018). What does it mean to be disabled and growing older?: project report 2018. Project Report. Sheffield Institute of Education, Sheffield Hallam University. (Unpublished)

REEVE, Kesia, MCCARTHY, Lindsey, PATTISON, Ben, PARR, Sadie, BATTY, Elaine, MAYE-BANBURY, Angela, BASHIR, Nadia and DAYSON, Christopher (2018). The mental health needs of Nottingham's homeless population: an exploratory research study - executive summary. Project Report. Sheffield, Sheffield Hallam University.

REEVE, Kesia, MCCARTHY, Lindsey, PATTISON, Ben, PARR, Sadie, BATTY, Elaine, MAYE-BANBURY, Angela, BASHIR, Nadia and DAYSON, Christopher (2018). The mental health needs of Nottingham's homeless population: an exploratory research study. Project Report. Sheffield, Sheffield Hallam University.

RIDLEY-DUFF, Rory, SCHMIDTCHEN, Roger, ARNOLD-SCHAARSCHMIDT, Martin, VUKOVIĆ, Sonja, WENDLING, Nika, KLERCQ, Jumbo, SOUTHCOMBE, Clıff, TRZECINSKI, Stefanie, PATAKI, Veronika, WREN, David and KÁROLY, Judit (2018). Methodology for Creating a FairShares Lab (Full Report). Project Report. FairShares Labs for Social and Blue Innovation (Erasmus+ Project).

ROBINSON, Andrew (2018). Northern Light: Landscape, Photography and the North. Other. Sheffield, Media Arts and Communication, Sheffield Hallam University.

ROBINSON, Leslie, GOODWILL, Glenys, HARRIS, Rachel, JOHNSON, Lynda, LEPENSEE, Steven, MADA, Marius, MALAMATENIOU, Christina, PLANT, Philip, PROBST, Heidi, SAMUELS, Linda, SHUTTLEWORTH, Pam, STRUDWICK, Ruth and WILLIAMSON, Max (2018). Patient Public and Practitioner Partnerships within Imaging and Radiotherapy: Guiding Principles. Documentation. The Society of Radiographers.

SANDS, Matthew (2018). Safeguards in the First Hours of Police Detention. Project Report. CTi.

SLATER, Jen and JONES, Charlotte (2018). Around the Toilet: a research project report about what makes a safe and accessible toilet space. Project Report. Sheffield, UK, Sheffield Hallam University. (In Press)

STEVENSON, Jacqueline (2018). Muslim students in UK Higher Education: Issues of Inequality and Inequity. Project Report. London, Bridge Insititute.

STIELL, Bernadette, WILLIS, Benjamin, CULLINEY, Martin and COLDWELL, Michael (2018). International teacher recruitment: understanding the attitudes and experiences of school leaders and teachers. Research Report. Project Report. London, Department for Education.

TAZZYMAN, Sarah, BOWES, Lindsay, MORETON, Rachel, MADRIAGA, Manuel and MCCAIG, Colin (2018). Report: National Collaborative Outreach Programme Year one report of the national formative and impact evaluation, including capacity building with NCOP consortia. Project Report. CFE Research for HEFCE.

TAZZYMAN, Sarah, BOWES, Lindsey, MORETON, Rachel, MADRIAGA, Manuel and MCCAIG, Colin (2018). Year one report of the national formative and impact evaluation, including capacity building with NCOP consortia. Project Report. Bristol, HEFCE.

WELLS, Peter, PEARSON, Sarah, DAMM, Christopher and SANDERSON, Elizabeth (2018). Involving young people: Lessons from the Talent Match programme evaluation. Project Report. Sheffield, Sheffield Hallam University.

WELLS, Peter, PEARSON, Sarah, DAMM, Christopher and SANDERSON, Elizabeth (2018). Progression to Employment: Lessons from the Talent Match programme evaluation. Project Report. Sheffield, Sheffield Hallam University.

WELLS, Peter, PEARSON, Sarah, DAMM, Christopher and SANDERSON, Elizabeth (2018). Youth Employment Partnerships: Lessons from the Talent Match programme evaluation. Project Report. Sheffield, Sheffield Hallam University.

WOODWARD, Abigail (2018). Exploring economic inactivity through lived experiences of British Pakistani Muslim women. Project Report. Bridge Institute for Research and Policy.

ZAIDI, Ali, HOWAT, Colin, CAISL, Jakub and PUTS, Elbereth (2018). Initial teacher education provision in further education - 2015/16 : a report prepared for the Education and Training Foundation by ICF Consulting Services Ltd. Project Report. The Education & Training Foundation.

ZHANG, Hongwei, SAAD, Sameh and JON, Moody (2018). Harnessing Brexit, Technology and Insight - British manufacturers; maintaining a competitive edge in an age of uncertainty & opportunity. Other. Sheffield Hallam University and SSG Insight.

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