Items where Research Institute, Centre or Group is "Sheaf Solutions"

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Number of items at this level: 39.


ARIRIGUZO, Julian and SAAD, Sameh (2011). Genetic algorithm approach to modelling fractal manufacturing layout. In: BRUZZONE, Agostino, FRYDMAN, Claudia, MASSEI, Marina, MCGINNIS, Mike, PIERA, Miquel Angel and ZACHAREWICZ, Gregory, (eds.) 10th International Conference on Modeling and Applied Simulation (MAS 2011). Red Hook, NY, Curran Associates, 126-135. [Book Section]


BALBAYEV, Gani, CECCARELLI, Marco and CARBONE, Giuseppe (2014). Design and numerical characterization of a new planetary transmission. International journal of innovative technology and research, 2 (1), 735-739. [Article]

BOKRANTZ, Jon, SKOOGH, Anders, LA¨MKULL, Dan, HANNA, Atieh and PERERA, Terrence (2018). Data quality problems in discrete event simulation of manufacturing operations. Simulation: Transactions of the Society for Modeling and Simulation International 1–17, 94 (11), 1009-1025. [Article]

BORCHERT, G., LÖCHTE, C., CARBONE, Giuseppe and RAATZ, A. (2013). A modular design kit for task-adaptable low-cost robots based on BaPaMan design. Frontiers of Mechanical Engineering, 8 (1), 33-41. [Article]


CARBONE, Giuseppe (2016). Experimental Characterization of a Binary Actuated Parallel Manipulator. Chinese Journal Of Mechanical Engineering (Cme), 29 (3). [Article]

CARBONE, Giuseppe and DI NUOVO, Alessandro (2016). A hybrid multi-objective evolutionary approach for optimal path planning of a hexapod robot. In: BLESA, Maria J., BLUM, Christian, CANGELOSI, Angelo, CUTELLO, Vincenzo, DI NUOVO, Alessandro, PAVONE, Mario and TALBI, El-Ghazali, (eds.) Hybrid Metaheuristics : 10th International Workshop, HM 2016, Plymouth, UK, June 8-10, 2016, Proceedings. Lecture notes in computer science (9668). Springer International Publishing, 131-144. [Book Section]

CARBONE, Giuseppe and NEMEC, Bojan (2015). Foreword for special issue for RAAD 2013 Conference – ROBOTICA. Robotica, 33 (05), p. 1033. [Article]

CARBONE, Giuseppe, ROSSI, Cesare and SAVINO, Sergio (2015). Performance Comparison Between FEDERICA Hand and LARM Hand. International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems, 12 (90), p. 1. [Article]

CARBONE, Giuseppe, TEDESCHI, Franco, GALLOZZI, Arturo and CIGOL, Michela (2015). A robotic mobile platform for service tasks in cultural heritage. International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems, 12 (88), 1-10. [Article]

CECCARELLI, Marco, BLANCO-MORENO, Francisco, CARBONE, Giuseppe, ROIG, Pilar, CIGOLA, Michela and REGIDOR, Jose Luis (2015). A Robotic Solution for the Restoration of Fresco Paintings. International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems, 12 (160), p. 1. [Article]

CECCARELLI, Marco, CAFOLLA, Daniele, WANG, Mingfeng and CARBONE, Giuseppe (2016). An overview of the ongoing humanoid robot project LARMbot. In: ALBOUL, Lyuba, DAMIAN, Dana and AITKEN, Jonathan M., (eds.) Towards autonomous robotic systems, 17th Annual Conference, TAROS 2016, Sheffield, UK, June 26--July 1, 2016, Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence (9716). Springer International Publishing, 53-64. [Book Section]

CECCARELLI, Marco, LI, Hui, CARBONE, Giuseppe and HUANG, Qiang (2015). Conceptual kinematic design and performance evaluation of a chameleon-like service robot for space stations. International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems, 12 (17), p. 1. [Article]

CONTI, Daniela, COMMODARI, E and BUONO, S (2017). Personality factors and acceptability of socially assistive robotics in teachers with and without specialized training for children with disability. Life Span and Disability, 20 (2), 251-272. [Article]

CONTI, Daniela, DI NUOVO, Alessandro, TRUBIA, Grazia, BUONO, Serafino and DI NUOVO, Santo (2018). Adapting robot-assisted therapy of children with autism and different levels of intellectual disability. In: Proceeding HRI '18 Companion of the 2018 ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction :Chicago, IL, USA — March 05 - 08, 2018. New York, ACM Press, 91-92. [Book Section]

CONTI, Daniela, DI NUOVO, Santo and CANGELOSI, Angelo (2018). Il contributo metodologico della Developmental Robotics alla psicologia. How developmental robotics can give a methodological contribute to the psychology. Ricerche di Psicologia, 41 (2), 221-239. [Article]

CONTI, Daniela, TRUBIA, Grazia, BUONO, Serafino, DI NUOVO, Santo and DI NUOVO, Alessandro (2018). Evaluation of a robot-assisted therapy for children with autism and intellectual disability. In: GIULIANI, Manuel, ASSAF, Tareq and GIANNACCINI, Maria Elena, (eds.) Towards autonomous robotic systems : 19th Annual Conference, TAROS 2018, Bristol, UK July 25-27, 2018, Proceedings. Lecture notes in computer science, 10965 . Cham, Springer, 405-415. [Book Section]

COPILUSI, Cristian, CECCARELLI, Marco and CARBONE, Giuseppe (2015). Design and numerical characterization of a new leg exoskeleton for motion assistance. Robotica, 33 (05), 1147-1162. [Article]

CORDERO, Cristina Alén, CARBONE, Giuseppe, CECCARELLI, Marco, ECHÁVARRI, Javier and MUÑOZ, José Luis (2014). Experimental tests in human–robot collision evaluation and characterization of a new safety index for robot operation. Mechanism and Machine Theory, 80, 184-199. [Article]


DE PASQUALE, Concetta, CONTI, Daniela, PISTORIO, Maria Luisa, FATUZZO, Pasquale, VEROUX, Massimiliano and DI NUOVO, Santo (2017). Comparison of the CBA-H and SF-36 for the screening of the psychological and behavioural variables in chronic dialysis patients. PLOS ONE, 12 (6), e0180077. [Article]

DI NUOVO, Alessandro, BROZ, Frank, CAVALLO, Filippo and DARIO, Paolo (2016). New Frontiers of Service Robotics for Active and Healthy Ageing - Editorial. International Journal of Social Robotics, 8 (3), 353-354. [Article]


GONÇALVES, Rogério Sales, CARBONE, Giuseppe, CARVALHO, João Carlos Mendes and CECCARELLI, Marco (2016). A comparison of stiffness analysis methods for robotic systems. International journal of mechanics and control, 17 (2), 35-58. [Article]

GÓMEZ, M. J., CASTEJÓN, C., GARCÍA-PRADA, J. C., CARBONE, Giuseppe and CECCARELLI, M. (2016). Analysis and Comparison of Motion Capture Systems for Human Walking. Experimental Techniques, 40 (2), 875-883. [Article]


KHALIL, Jean, SAAD, Sameh and GINDY, Nabil (2009). An integrated cost optimisation maintenance model for industrial equipment. Journal of Quality in Maintenance Engineering, 15 (1), 106-118. [Article]


LI, Ming, WU, Huapeng, WANG, Yongbo, HANDROOS, Heikki and CARBONE, Giuseppe (2017). Modified Levenberg-Marquardt Algorithm for BP Neural Network Training in Dynamic Model Identification of Mechanical Systems. Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement, and Control, 139. [Article]


MOUNTNEY, Sara and RAWLINSON, Paul (2016). From 'guys writing software' to PSS: the progression of an SME. In: BAINES, T, BURTON, J, HARRISON, D and ZOLKIEWSKI, J, (eds.) Servitization: Shift, Transform,Grow, Proceedings of the Spring Servitization Conference, Manchester 16–17 May 2016. Aston Business School, 199-207. [Book Section]


NORTCLIFFE, Anne and LOVE, Jonathan (2004). Varying time delay Smith predictor process controller. ISA transactions, 43 (1), 61-71. [Article]


PEREZ-DIAZ, Jose, DIEZ-JIMENEZ, Efren, VALIENTE-BLANCO, Ignacio, CRISTACHE, Cristian, ALVAREZ-VALENZUELA, Marco-Antonio, SANCHEZ-GARCIA-CASARRUBIOS, Juan, FERDEGHINI, Carlo, CANEPA, Fabio, HORNIG, Wolfgang, CARBONE, Giuseppe, PLECHACEK, Jan, AMORIM, António, FREDERICO, Tiago, GORDO, Paulo, ABREU, Jorge, SANZ, Violeta, RUIZ-NAVAS, Elisa-Maria and MARTINEZ-ROJAS, Juan-Antonio (2015). Performance of Magnetic-Superconductor Non-Contact Harmonic Drive for Cryogenic Space Applications. Machines, 3 (3), 138-156. [Article]


RUSSO, Matteo, CECCARELLI, Marco, CORVES, Burkhard, HÜSING, Mathias, LORENZ, Michael, CAFOLLA, Daniele and CARBONE, Giuseppe (2016). Design and test of a gripper prototype for horticulture products. Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing, 44, 266-275. [Article]


SAAD, Sameh and ARIRIGUZO, Julian (2012). Simulating the integration of original equipment manufacturing and suppliers in fractal environment. International Journal of Simulation and Process Modelling (IJSPM), 7 (3), 148-158. [Article]

SAAD, Sameh, ARIRIGUZO, Julian and PERERA, Terrence (2013). Supplier selection criteria in fractal supply network. In: EMMANOUILIDIS, Christos, TAISCH, Marco and KIRITSIS, Dimitris, (eds.) Advances in Production Management Systems. Competitive Manufacturing for Innovative Products and Services. IFIP WG 5.7 International Conference, APMS 2012, Rhodes, Greece, September 24-26, 2012, Revised Selected Papers, Part II. IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology (398). Berlin, Springer-Verlag, 544-551. [Book Section]

SAAD, Sameh and LASSILA, Anna M. (2010). Methodology for dynamic scheduling and control in biological manufacturing systems. International Journal of Industrial and Systems Engineering, 5 (3), p. 268. [Article]

SAEZ-PONS, Joan, ALBOUL, Lyuba, PENDERS, Jacques and NOMDEDEU, Leo (2010). Multi-robot team formation control in the GUARDIANS project. Industrial Robot, 37 (4), 372-383. [Article]

SPELLS, S. J. and OKOROAFOR, E. U. (1994). A neutron-scattering study of polyethylene deformed by rolling. Polymer, 35 (21), 4590-4594. [Article]


TEDESCHI, F., CARBONE, Giuseppe and CAFOLLA, D. (2014). Design and operation of Cassino Hexapod. International journal of mechanics and control, 15 (1), 19-25. [Article]

TEDESCHI, Franco and CARBONE, Giuseppe (2014). Design Issues for Hexapod Walking Robots. Robotics, 3 (2), 181-206. [Article]

TEDESCHI, Franco and CARBONE, Giuseppe (2014). Design Issues for Hexapod Walking Robots. Robotics, 3 (2), 181-206. [Article]


VARRASI, Simone, DI NUOVO, Santo, CONTI, Daniela and DI NUOVO, Alessandro (2018). A social robot for cognitive assessment. In: Companion of the 2018 ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction : Chicago, IL, USA — March 05 - 08, 2018. New York, ACM Press, 269-270. [Book Section]


WANG, Mingfeng, CECCARELLI, Marco and CARBONE, Giuseppe (2016). A feasibility study on the design and walking operation of a biped locomotor via dynamic simulation. Frontiers of Mechanical Engineering, 11 (2), 144-158. [Article]


XU, Xu, ZHANG, Hongwei and CARBONE, Giuseppe (2017). Case studies on nonlinear control theory of the inverted pendulum. In: BOUBAKER, Olfa and IRIARTE, Rafael, (eds.) The inverted pendulum in control theory and robotics. From theory to new innovations. IET Control Robotics and Sensors Series (111). London, IET, 225-262. [Book Section]

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