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Number of items at this level: 64.


ADAMS, Gill (2017). Using a narrative approach to illuminate teacher professional learning in an era of accountability. Teaching and teacher education, 67, 161-170. [Article]

ADAMS, Gill (2018). A narrative study of the experience of feedback on a professional doctorate: ‘A kind of flowing conversation’. Studies in Continuing Education. [Article]

ADAMS, Gill and POVEY, Hilary (2018). “Now There’s Everything to Stop You”: Teacher autonomy then and now. In: JURDAK, Murad and VITHAL, Renuka, (eds.) Socio-political dimensions of mathematics education: Voices from margin to mainstream. ICME-13 Monographs . Springer, 209-230. [Book Section]

ADAMS, Gill and POVEY, Hilary (2016). Workshop report: Using data from a history of Smile to overcome 'historic loneliness'. In: BSRLM Day conference, Loughborough University, 11 June 2016. [Conference or Workshop Item]


BAILEY, Chris J, BURNETT, Cathy and MERCHANT, Guy (2017). Assembling literacies in virtual play. In: MILLS, Kathy, STORNAIUOLIO, Amy, SMITH, Anna and ZACHER PANDYA, Jessica, (eds.) Handbook of Writing, Literacies and Education in Digital Cultures. London, Routledge. [Book Section]

BARKER, Lynne and OLEDZKA, Aleksandra (2021). Visuospatial Executive Functions are Improved by Brief Brain Training in Young Rugby Players - Evidence of Far Transfer Test Effects: A Pilot Study. OBM Neurobiology, 5 (2). [Article]

BELL, Jason, MILES, Richard and WARD, Thomas (2014). Towards a Pólya-Carlson dichotomy for algebraic dynamics. Indagationes Mathematicae, 25 (4), 652-668. [Article]

BOYLAN, Mark (2016). National curriculum sub-levels: assessment practices as assemblage. In: Third Manchester Conference on Mathematics Education and Contemporary theory, Manchester, 18-21 July 2016. (Unpublished) [Conference or Workshop Item]

BOYLAN, Mark, COLDWELL, Michael, MAXWELL, Bronwen and JORDAN, Julie (2017). Rethinking models of professional learning as tools: a conceptual analysis to inform research and practice. Professional development in education. [Article]

BOYLAN, Mark and WILLIS, Benjamin (2015). Independent study of computing at School Master Teacher programme. Project Report. Sheffield Hallam University. [Monograph]

BURNETT, Cathy (2013). Investigating children’s interactions around digital texts in classrooms : how are these framed and what counts? Education 3-13, 43 (2), 197-208. [Article]

BURNETT, Cathy (2013). Investigating pupils’ interactions around digital texts: a spatial perspective on the ‘classroom-ness’ of digital literacy practices in schools. Educational Review, 66 (2), 192-209. [Article]

BURNETT, Cathy (2016). The digital age and its implications for learning and teaching in the primary school. Discussion Paper. York, Cambridge Primary Review Trust. [Monograph]

BURNETT, Cathy, DANIELS, Karen and SAWKA, Vicky (2016). Teaching Strategies. In: WYSE, Dominic and ROGERS, Sue, (eds.) A Guide to Early Years and Primary Teaching. Sage, 125-144. [Book Section]

BURNETT, Cathy and MERCHANT, Guy (2016). Assembling virtual play in the classroom. In: Literacy, media, technology: past, present and future. Bloomsbury Academic. [Book Section]

BURNETT, Cathy and MERCHANT, Guy (2017). Opening the case of the IPad : what matters and where next? The Reading Teacher, 71 (2), 239-242. [Article]

BURNETT, Cathy and MERCHANT, Guy (2017). Using stacking stories to investigate children’s virtual world play in a primary classroom. Other. Sage. [Monograph]

BURNETT, Cathy, MERCHANT, Guy and PARRY, Becky (2016). Past, present, future. In: Literacy, media, technology: past, present and future. Bloomsbury Academic. [Book Section]

BURNETT, Cathy, MERCHANT, Guy, PARRY, Becky and STOREY, Vicky (2018). Conceptualising digital technology integration in participatory theatre from a sociomaterialist perspective: ways forward for research. Research Papers in Education. [Article]


D'AMBROS, Paula, EVEREST, Graham, MILES, Richard and WARD, Thomas (2000). Dynamical systems arising from elliptic curves. Colloquium Mathematicum, 84-85 (1), 95-107. [Article]

DANIELS, Karen (2017). Children's engagement with iPads in early years classrooms: Exploring peer cultures and transforming practices. In: BURNETT, Cathy, MERCHANT, Guy, SIMPSON, Alyson and WALSH, Maureen, (eds.) The case of the iPad mobile literacies in education. Singapore, Springer, 195-210. [Book Section]

DANIELS, Karen (2016). Young children in an education context : apps, cultural agency and expanding communicative repertoires. In: KUCIRKOVA, Natalia and FALLOON, Garry, (eds.) Apps, technology and younger learners : international evidence for teaching. London, Routledge, 280-292. (In Press) [Book Section]

DEMISSIE, Fufy (2015). Promoting student teachers' reflective thinking through a philosophical community of enquiry approach. Australian Journal of Teacher Education, 40 (12), 1-13. [Article]


EINSIEDLER, Manfred, LIND, Douglas, MILES, Richard and WARD, Thomas (2001). Expansive subdynamics for algebraic Z^d-actions. Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems, 21 (6), 1695-1729. [Article]

EVEREST, Graham, MILES, Richard, STEVENS, Shaun and WARD, Thomas (2010). Dirichlet series for finite combinatorial rank dynamics. Transactions of the American Mathematical Society (TRAN), 362 (1), 199-227. [Article]

EVEREST, Graham, MILES, Richard, STEVENS, Shaun and WARD, Thomas (2007). Orbit-counting in non-hyperbolic dynamical systems. Journal für die reine und angewandte Mathematik, 608, 155-182. [Article]


HRAMIAK, Alison (2017). A Step-by-Step Approach to Using Grounded Theory: From Data to Articles Using a Study of the Cultural Adaptations of Trainee Teachers. Other. Sage. [Monograph]

HRAMIAK, Alison (2017). Using the Dynamic Model of Educational Effectiveness to explore development of practice by Teach First beginning teachers. Journal for Educational Research Online, 9 (1), 190-209. [Article]

HRAMIAK, Alison (2017). The impact of doctoral studies on personal and professional lives. Work Based Learning e-Journal International, 7 (1), 20-39. [Article]


JACKSON, Colin and POVEY, Hilary (2014). Intimations of class in response to innovative mathematics pedagogy in initial teacher education. In: ROGERSON, Alan, (ed.) Proceedings of 12th International Conference of the Mathematics Education into the 21st Century Project, Montenegro, September, 2014 : the future of mathematics education in a connected world. Mathematics Education for the Future. [Book Section]

JACKSON, Colin and POVEY, Hilary (2017). "No, it just didn't work": a teacher's reflections on all-attainment teaching. In: DOOLEY, Thérèse and GEUEDET, Ghislaine, (eds.) Proceedings of the Tenth Congress of the European. Dublin, Ireland, Institute of Education, Dublin City University, 1545-1552. [Book Section]


MILES, Richard (2001). Dynamical systems arising from units in Krull rings. Aequationes Mathematicae, 61 (1-2), 113-127. [Article]

MILES, Richard (2006). Expansive algebraic actions of countable abelian groups. Monatshefte für Mathematik, 147 (2), 155-164. [Article]

MILES, Richard (2010). Finitely represented closed orbit subdynamics for commuting automorphisms. Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems, 30 (6), 1787-1802. [Article]

MILES, Richard (2008). Homoclinic points of non-expansive automorphisms. Aequationes Mathematicae, 26 (1-2), 1-18. [Article]

MILES, Richard (2015). Orbit growth for algebraic flip systems. Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems, 35 (8), 2613-2631. [Article]

MILES, Richard (2008). Periodic points of endomorphisms on solenoids and related groups. Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society, 40 (4), 696-704. [Article]

MILES, Richard (2013). Synchronization points and associated dynamical invariants. Transactions of the American Mathematical Society (TRAN), 365, 5503-5524. [Article]

MILES, Richard (2007). Zeta functions for elements of entropy rank one actions. Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems, 27 (2), 567-582. [Article]

MILES, Richard (2017). A dynamical zeta function for group actions. Monatshefte für Mathematik, 182 (3), 683-708. [Article]

MILES, Richard (2008). The entropy of algebraic actions of countable torsion-free abelian groups. Fundamenta Mathematicae, 201, 261-282. [Article]

MILES, Richard (2015). A natural boundary for the dynamical zeta function for commuting group automorphisms. Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society (PROC), 143 (7), 2927-2933. [Article]

MILES, Richard and BJÖRKLUND, Michael (2009). Entropy range problems and actions of locally normal groups. Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems - Series A, 25 (3), 981-989. [Article]

MILES, Richard, STAINES, Matthew and WARD, Thomas (2015). Dynamical invariants for group automorphisms. In: BHATTACHARYA, Siddhartha, DAS, Tarun, GHOSH, Anish and SHAH, Riddhi, (eds.) Recent trends in ergodic theory and dynamical systems : international conference in honor of S.G. Dani's 65th birthday, December 26-29, 2012, Vadodara, India. Contemporary Mathematics (631). American Mathematical Society, 231-258. [Book Section]

MILES, Richard and WARD, Thomas (2015). Directional uniformities, periodic points, and entropy. Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems - Series B, 20 (10), 3525-3545. [Article]

MILES, Richard and WARD, Thomas (2006). Mixing actions of the rationals. Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems, 26 (6), 1905-1911. [Article]

MILES, Richard and WARD, Thomas (2008). Orbit-counting for nilpotent group shifts. Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society (PROC), 137, 1499-1507. [Article]

MILES, Richard and WARD, Thomas (2006). Periodic point data detects subdynamics in entropy rank one. Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems, 26 (6), 1913-1930. [Article]

MILES, Richard and WARD, Thomas (2008). Uniform periodic point growth in entropy rank one. Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society (PROC), 136 (1), 359-365. [Article]

MILES, Richard and WARD, Thomas (2010). A dichotomy in orbit-growth for commuting automorphisms. Journal of the London Mathematical Society, 81 (3), 715-726. [Article]

MILES, Richard and WARD, Thomas (2010). A directional uniformity of periodic point distribution and mixing. Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems - Series A, 30 (4), 1181-1189. [Article]

MILES, Richard and WARD, Thomas (2018). The dynamical zeta function for commuting automorphisms of zero-dimensional groups. Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems, 38 (4), 1564-1587. [Article]


POUNTNEY, Richard and MCPHAIL, Graham (2017). Researching the interdisciplinary curriculum : the need for ‘translation devices’. British Educational Research Journal, 43 (6), 1068-1082. [Article]

POUNTNEY, Richard and SAID, Martin (2018). Developing effective learners through a school/university partnership in curriculum making. Impact, 3. [Article]

POVEY, Hilary (2017). Engaging (with) mathematics and learning to teach. An integrated approach to mathematics preservice education. Münster, Germany, WTM-Verlag. (In Press) [Authored Book]

POVEY, Hilary (2014). Transformative learning through educative assessment: one student's experience of a learning journal. In: ROGERSON, Alan, (ed.) Proceedings of 12th International Conference of the Mathematics Education into the 21st Century Project, Montenegro, September, 2014 : the future of mathematics education in a connected world. Mathematics Education for the Future. [Book Section]

POVEY, Hilary (2015). The teaching of mathematics in undergraduate secondary initial teacher education: some students' responses to enquiry based pedagogy with transformative intentions. In: ROGERSON, Alan, (ed.) The Mathematics Education for the Future Project : Proceedings of the 13th International Conference Mathematics Education in a Connected World. Conference proceedings in mathematics education (1). WTM-Verlag, 327-328. [Book Section]

POVEY, Hilary and ADAMS, Gill (2018). Possibilities for mathematics education? : Aphoristic fragments from the past. The Mathematics Enthusiast, 15 (1-2), 159-177. [Article]

POVEY, Hilary and ADAMS, Gill (2017). Thinking forward : using stories from the recent past in mathematics education in England. In: CHRONAKI, Anna, (ed.) Mathematics Education : Proceedings of 9th International Conference of Mathematics Education and Society (MES) Conference, Volos, Greece, April 2017. Thessaly, Greece, International Conference of Mathematics Education and Society (MES), 803-811. [Book Section]

POVEY, Hilary, ADAMS, Gill and EVERLEY, Rosie (2017). “Its Influence Taints All”: Urban Math-ematics Teachers Resisting Performativity through Engagement with the Past. The Journal of Urban Mathematics Education, 10 (2), 52-65. [Article]

POVEY, Hilary, ADAMS, Gill and JACKSON, Colin (2016). How making for a purpose in mathematics can provoke mathematical meaning making. Philosophy of Mathematics Education Journal, 31. [Article]

POVEY, Hilary, ADAMS, Gill and JACKSON, Colin (2018). Time for work: finding worth-while-ness in making mathematics. In: ERNEST, Paul, (ed.) Philosophy of Mathematics Education Today. Dordrecht, Springer, 343-352. [Book Section]


REMPE-GILLEN, Emma (2017). Primary school teacher experiences in cross-phase professional development collaborations. Professional development in education, 44 (3), 356-368. [Article]


SHERBORNE, Tony and BULLOUGH, Andy (2017). Engage. Equipping the next generation for active engagement in science. Periodic report number 2. Project Report. Sheffield Hallam University. (Unpublished) [Monograph]

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