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MCDERMOTT, Kevin and STIBBE, Matthew, eds. (2018). Eastern Europe in 1968: responses to the Prague Spring and Warsaw Pact Invasion. London, Palgrave Macmillan. [Edited Book]

CADMAN, Daniel (2017). '“To fashion grounds, from whence artes might be coyn’d”: Commerce and the Postlapsarian State in Greville’s Poetry'. Sidney Journal, 35 (1-2), 119-141. [Article]

EARNSHAW, Steve (2018). Rats! Matter 2018. [Article]

EARNSHAW, Steven (2018). The Existential Drinker. Other. Manchester, Manchester University Press. [Monograph]

EHRENREICH, Andreas (2017). "After the sex wave the hex wave?": the German marketing of MARK OF THE DEVIL. Cine-Excess eJournal. [Article]

HEALEY, Joan, HOPKINS, Chris, MCCLIMENS, Alex and PEPLOW, David (2017). The potential therapeutic benefits of reading poetry to nursing home residents : the road less travelled? Journal of Poetry Therapy, 30 (3), 153-165. [Article]

KRAMER, Kaley (2009). Women and Property in the Romantic Period: gendered property and generic belonging in Charlotte Smith and Mary Wollstonecraft. Literature Compass, 6 (6), 1145-1158. [Article]

MACCROSSAN, Colm (2014). Framing "Nova Albion": Marking possession in Richard Hakluyt's The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation. SEDERI Yearbook, 24, 47-68. [Article]

MCDERMOTT, Kevin and STIBBE, Matthew (2018). The Prague Spring and Warsaw Pact Invasion Through the Soviet and East European Lens. In: MCDERMOTT, Kevin and STIBBE, Matthew, (eds.) Eastern Europe in 1968: responses to the Prague Spring and Warsaw Pact Invasion. London, Palgrave Macmillan, 1-22. [Book Section]

PEPLOW, David (2016). Creativity in everyday interactions. In: DEMJEN, Szofia and SEARGEANT, Philip, (eds.) Creativity in Language : From Everyday Style to Verbal Art. Language and creativity books (1). Open University Press. (In Press) [Book Section]

SPIES, Sara and ABULHAWA, Danielle (2017). (En)gendering "Undisciplined" Space: reflections on Precarious Assembly. In: ASHTON, Jenna, (ed.) Feminism & Museums : Intervention, Disruption and Change. Edinburgh, MuseumsEtc., 368-383. [Book Section]


AITKEN, Robbie (2018). Embracing Germany: interwar German society and Black Germans through the eyes of African-American reporters. Journal of American Studies, 52 (2), 447-473. [Article]

ANDERSON, Susan (2017). Review of Shakespeare's Julius Caesar (directed by Robert Hastie for Sheffield Theatres) at the Crucible, 31 May 2017. Shakespeare, 13 (4), 353-355. [Article]

ANDERSON, Susan L. (2017). Echo and Meaning on Early Modern English Stages. Palgrave studies in music and literature . Cham, Palgrave. [Authored Book]

BELL, Alice, ENSSLIN, Astrid, VAN DER BOM, Isabelle and SMITH, Jen (2018). Immersion in digital fiction. International Journal of Literary Linguistics, 7 (1). [Article]

BELL, Henry (2018). ‘Speak at this’: An approach to the completion of speech acts during interactive Shakespeare performances in schools. Theatre, Dance and Performance Training, 9 (2), 158-173. [Article]

BELL, Henry and MCCORMACK, Bryan (2018). Image theatre: Transforming perspectives through embodied responses to refugee drawings in Yesterday/Today/Tomorrow (Traceability is Credibility) at the 2017 Venice Biennale. Research in Drama Education, 23 (2), 298-319. [Article]

BLACK, Jack (2018). The subjective and objective violence of terrorism: analysing “British values” in newspaper coverage of the 2017 London Bridge attack. Critical Studies on Terrorism. [Article]

BOULTER, Ryan (2017). The Steel City and the Iron Lady, 1979-85. Masters, Sheffield Hallam University. [Thesis]

BROWSE, Sam (2018). From functional to cognitive grammar in stylistic analysis of Golding’s The Inheritors. Journal of Literary Semantics, 47 (2), 121-146. [Article]

BUSER, Michael, PAYNE, Thomas, DUDLEY, Lyze and EDIZEL, Özlem (2018). Blue space as caring space – water and the cultivation of care in social and environmental practice. Social and Cultural Geography. [Article]

CHETA, Arun Kumar (2019). Thomas Nashe and the Idea of the Author. Doctoral, Sheffield Hallam University. [Thesis]

EARLE, Harriet (2018). Conflict then; trauma now : reading Vietnam across the decades in American comics. European Journal of American Culture, 37 (2), 159-172. [Article]

EARLE, Harriet (2017). “A Convenient Place for Inconvenient People”: madness, sex and the asylum in American Horror Story. The Journal of Popular Culture, 50 (2), 259-275. [Article]

EARLE, Harriet (2016). Creating the traumatic body : female genitals as wounds in Antichrist. Film International, 14 (1), 35-43. [Article]

EARLE, Harriet (2016). Strange migrations: an essay/interview with Shaun Tan. Journal of Postcolonial Writing, 52 (4), 385-398. [Article]

EARLE, Harriet (2018). A new face for an old fight: Reimagining Vietnam in Vietnamese-American graphic memoirs. Studies in Comics, 9 (1), 87-105. [Article]

EARNSHAW, Steve (2018). ^ Cat. Queen Mob's Teahouse. [Article]

EARNSHAW, Steve (2018). (Five Poems): ‘Cistern 1‘; ‘Cistern 2’; ‘Flit’; ‘I thought that things improve’; ‘The Vacuous Twat’. Angry old man: A magazine of experimental art and poetry (5). [Article]

EARNSHAW, Steven (2017). Wooden Leg. [Image] [Image]

ESCOTT, Hugh and PAHL, Kate (2017). Learning from Ninjas: young people’s films as a lens for an expanded view of literacy and language. Discourse: Studies in the Cultural Politics of Education, 1-13. [Article]

FOWLER-DAVIS, Sally, PLATTS, Katharine, THELWELL, Michael, WOODWARD, Amie and HARROP, Deborah (2021). A mixed-methods systematic review of post-viral fatigue interventions: Are there lessons for long Covid? PLOS ONE, 16 (11). [Article]

GIBBONS, Alison (2018). Entropology and the end of nature in Lance Olsen’s Theories of Forgetting. Textual practice, 33 (2), 280-299. [Article]

HALL, Sheldon (2018). Going to the Gaumont. Picture House (42), 50-67. [Article]

HAMILTON, Douglas (2019). Brothers in arms: Crossing imperial boundaries in the eighteenth-century Dutch West Indies. In: BARCZEWSKI, Stephanie and FARR, Martin, (eds.) The MacKenzie moment and imperial history: Essays in honour of John M MacKenzie. Britain and the world . Basingstoke, Palgrave. [Book Section]

HAMILTON, Douglas (2017). 'A most active, enterprising officer': Captain John Perkins, the Royal Navy and the boundaries of slavery and liberty in the Caribbean. Slavery and Abolition, 39 (1), 80-100. [Article]

HEATON, Caroline (2017). Julius Caesar, performed by Sheffield Theatres at the Crucible Theatre, Sheffield, UK, 24th May 2017. Early modern literary studies, 19 (2). [Article]

HOPKINS, Lisa (2017). The Danish romance play: Fair Em, Sir Clyomon and Sir Clamydes, and Hoffman. Early modern literary studies, 27. [Article]

HOPKINS, Lisa (2017). Introduction: John Ford in Performance 2014-2016. Early modern literary studies (SI 26). [Article]

HOPKINS, Lisa (2017). Moving Marlowe: The Jew of Malta on the Caroline Stage. Marlowe Studies. [Article]

HOPKINS, Lisa (2017). Perkin Warbeck and Massinger. Early modern literary studies (SI 26). [Article]

HOPKINS, Lisa (2017). ‘Waltzing with Wellington, Biting with Byron: Heroes in Austen Tribute Texts’. In: KRAMP, Michael, (ed.) Jane Austen and Masculinity. Transits: Literature, Thought & Culture 1650-1850 . Lanham, Maryland, Bucknell University Press and Rowman & Littlefield. [Book Section]

JEFFREY, Andrew (2018). Projectivisms >> Symposium Way-making the Contemporary Projective, University of Cardiff, 8th–9th May 2018. Journal of British and Irish Innovative Poetry, 10 (1), p. 10. [Article]

JEFFREY, Andrew (2018). Review of poetry collections by Alan Halsey and Eric Langley - 'Collected Poems 1992-2016' and 'Raking Light'. The North : a magazine of poems, articles, reviews and features, 1 (60), 130-132. [Article]

JEFFREY, Andrew (2017). Review: ‘Swims’ by Elizabeth-Jane Burnett. Poetry School Blog. [Article]

JONES, Peter E. (2018). Integrationist reflections on the place of dialogue in our communicational universe: laying the ghost of segregationism? Language and Dialogue, 8 (1), 118-138. [Article]

KLAFF, Lesley (2019). Fraser v University and College Union: Anti-Zionism, antisemitism and racializing discourse. In: ROSENFELD, Alvin H, (ed.) Anti-Zionism and antisemitism : the dynamics of delegitimization. Studies in Antisemitism . United States, Indiana University Press. [Book Section]

KRAMER, Kaley (2014). Haunting History: Women, Catholicism, and the Writing of National History in Sophia Lee's 'The Recess'. In: CHAPPELL, Julie and KRAMER, Kaley, (eds.) Women during the English Reformations: negotiating gender and religious identity. New York, Palgrave, 129-144. [Book Section]

KRAMER, Kaley (2017). "How do you like my darkness now?": women, violence, and the good "bad girl" in 'Buffy, the Vampire Slayer. In: YOUNG, Mallory and CHAPPELL, Julie A., (eds.) Bad Girls and Transgressive Women in Popular Television, Fiction, and Film. New York and London, Palgrave Macmillan, 15-31. [Book Section]

KRAMER, Kaley (2012). The Limits of Genre: Women and 'History' in Frances Sheridan's The Memoirs of Miss Sidney Bidulph and Elizabeth Griffith's The History of Lady Barton. ABO: Interactive Journal for Women in the Arts, 1640-1830, 2 (1), p. 4. [Article]

KRAMER, Kaley (2015). Rethinking Surrender: Elizabeth Inchbald and the "Catholic Novel". In: BARNARD, Teresa, (ed.) British Women and the Intellectual World in the Long Eighteenth Century. British Literature in Context in the Long Eighteenth Century . Abingdon, Ashgate/Routledge, 87-106. [Book Section]

LAYCOCK, Joanne (2017). Belongings: People and Possessions in the Armenian Repatriations 1945-49. Kritika : Exploration in Russian and Eurasian History, 18 (3), 511-537. [Article]

MANN, Craig Ian (2017). It rained fire : "The Running Man" from Bachman to Schwarzenegger. Science Fiction Film and Television, 10 (2), 197-213. [Article]

MASON, Jessica and GIOVANELLI, Marcello (2017). ‘What do you think?’ Let me tell you : discourse about texts and the literature classroom. Changing English, 24 (1), 318-329. [Article]

O'BRIEN, Shelley (2009). The Art of Sound : guest lecture. In: Cornwall Film Festival, Falmouth, 12-15 November 2009. (Unpublished) [Conference or Workshop Item]

O'BRIEN, Shelley (2011). Beastly Effects: Soundscapes in Nigel Kneale's Beasts (1976). In: Alien Nation: A Conference on British Science Fiction, Horror and Fantasy Television, Newcastle upon Tyne, 20th and 21st July 2011. (Unpublished) [Conference or Workshop Item]

O'BRIEN, Shelley (2015). Filmbites presents : Takeshi Kitano. In: Filmbites presents : Takeshi Kitano, Sheffield, Three Sundays in May. (Unpublished) [Conference or Workshop Item]

O'BRIEN, Shelley (2015). "God bless your hands!" Rape, Revenge, and resolution in I Spit on Your Grave (1978). In: Reflections on Revenge: A conference on the culture and politics of vengeance, Leicester, 4 September 2015. (Unpublished) [Conference or Workshop Item]

O'BRIEN, Shelley (2012). Nursery crimes : making a case for The Baby. In: Popular Culture Association of Canada 2nd Annual Conference, Sheraton on the Falls, Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada, 10-12 May 2012. (Unpublished) [Conference or Workshop Item]

O'BRIEN, Shelley (2014). Scoring violence : the importance of Riz Ortolani's music in Don't Torture A Duckling (1972)and Cannibal Holocaust (1980). In: Italian Horror Cinema: An International Film Conference, Luton, 9-10 May 2014. (Unpublished) [Conference or Workshop Item]

O'BRIEN, Shelley and CARTER, Martin (2006). Looking for the Blind Dead: The Application of History and Myth in Amando de Ossorio's Horror Quartet. In: European Nightmares: An International Conference on European Horror Cinema, Manchester, 1-2 June 2006. (Unpublished) [Conference or Workshop Item]

PETERSSON, Niels (2018). Managing a 'people business' in times of uncertainty: Human resources in Ocean Transport & Trading’s strategy in the 1970s. Enterprise and Society, 19 (1), 88-123. [Article]

REVELEY, James and SINGLETON, John (2018). Carbon copy: The mock bureaucratic setting of colliery explosions in early Twentieth Century Britain and at Pike River, New Zealand. Journal of Management History, 24 (1), 20-36. [Article]

ROBERTS, Matthew (2018). Daniel O'Connell, repeal and Chartism in the age of Atlantic revolutions. The Journal of Modern History, 90 (1), 1-39. [Article]

ROBERTS, Matthew (2018). Richard Oastler, Toryism, Radicalism and the limitations of Party, c.1807-1846. Parliamentary History, 37 (2), 250-273. [Article]

ROBERTS, Matthew (2017). Rural Luddism and the makeshift economy of the Nottinghamshire Framework Knitters. Social History, 42 (3), 365-398. [Article]

RODRIGO-RECH, Andre, DALSGAARD, Bo, SANDEL, Brody, SONNE, Jesper, SVENNING, Jens-Christian, HOLMES, Naomi and OLLERTON, Jeff (2016). The macroecology of animal versus wind pollination: ecological factors are more important than historical climate stability. Plant Ecology and Diversity, 9 (3), 253-262. [Article]

SAYERS, Dave and LÁNCOS, Petra Lea (2017). (Re)defining linguistic diversity: What is being protected in European language policy? SKY Journal of Linguistics, 30, 35-73. [Article]

SHARP, Ingrid and STIBBE, Matthew (2018). ‘In diesen Tagen kamen wir nicht von der Straße...’: Frauen in der deutschen Revolution von 1918/19. Ariadne: Forum für Frauen- und Geschlechtergeschichte, 73/74, 32-39. [Article]

SHERIDAN, Mark Robert (2016). The bombshell - more than munitions 1917-1919. Doctoral, Sheffield Hallam University. [Thesis]

SHIN, Chi Yun (2018). In another time and place: The Handmaiden as an adaptation. Journal of Japanese and Korean Cinema. [Article]

SPEIDEL, Suzanne (2018). ‘Lux Presents Hollywood’: films on the radio during the ‘golden age’ of broadcasting. In: CUTCHINS, Dennis, KREBS, Katja and VOIGT, Eckart, (eds.) Routledge companion to adaptation. London, Routledge, 265-277. [Book Section]

SÁNCHEZ-ARCE, Ana María (2018). Performing innocence: violence and the nation in Ian McEwan’s Saturday and Sunjeev Sahota’s Ours Are the Streets. The Journal of Commonwealth Literature, 53 (2), 194-210. [Article]

TAYLOR, Antony (2018). "The Pioneers of the Great Army of Democrats": The Mythology and Popular History of the British Labour Party, 1890-1931. Historical Research, 91 (254), 723-743. [Article]

TAYLOR, Antony David (2020). 'At the Mercy of the German Eagle': images of London in dissolution in the novels of William Le Queux. Critical Survey, 32 (1/2), p. 59. [Article]

TAYLOR, Tony (2018). "The Local in the Global": memories of northern industrial protest in a transnational context, 1880-1930. International Journal of Regional and Local History, 13 (2), 118-133. [Article]

TAYLOR, Tony (2018). 'Sectarian Secret Wisdom' and Nineteenth-Century Radicalism: The IWMA in London and New York. In: BENSIMON, Fabrice, DELUERMOZ, Quentin and JEANNE, Moisand, (eds.) "Arise Ye Wretched of the Earth": the first international in a global perspective. Studies in Global Social History (29). Leiden, Brill, 282-296. [Book Section]

THORAL, Marie-Cecile (2015). French Colonial Counter-Insurgency: General Bugeaud and the Conquest of Algeria, 1840-47. British Journal of Military History, 1 (2), 8-27. [Article]

TOMSETT, Eleanor (2017). Twenty-first century fumerist : Bridget Christie and the backlash against feminist comedy. Comedy Studies, 8 (1), 57-67. [Article]

TURNER, Georgina, MILLS, Sara, VAN DER BOM, Isabelle, COFFEY-GLOVER, Laura, PATERSON, Laura L and JONES, Lucy (2018). Opposition as victimhood in newspaper debates about same-sex marriage. Discourse and Society, 29 (2), 180-197. [Article]

TWELLS, Alison (2016). Women at the intersection of the local and the global in schools and community history in Britain since the 1980s. In: MIDGLEY, C., TWELLS, A. and CARLIER, J., (eds.) Women in transnational history : connecting the local and the global. Women's and Gender History . Abingdon, Oxon, Routledge, 180-200. [Book Section]

VAN DER BOM, Isabelle, GRAINGER, Karen, PATERSON, Laura and PEPLOW, David (2017). ‘It’s not the fact they claim benefits but their useless, lazy, drug taking lifestyles we despise’: Analysing audience responses to Benefits Street using live tweets. Discourse, Context, & Media, 21, 36-45. [Article]

VELTRI, Theresa, TAROYAN, Naira and OVERTON, Paul (2017). Nicotine enhances an auditory Event-Related Potential component which is inversely related to habituation. Journal of Psychopharmacology, 31 (7), 861-872. [Article]


BARFIELD, Steven and COX, Katharine, eds. (2011). Critical perspectives on Philip Pullman's His Dark Materials: essays on the novels, the film and the stage productions. Jefferson, McFarland. [Edited Book]

MANZ, Stefan, PANAYI, Panikos and STIBBE, Matthew, eds. (2018). Internment during the First World War: a mass global phenomenon. Routledge Studies in First World War History . London and New York, Routledge. [Edited Book]

BRAY, Joe and GIBBONS, Alison, eds. (2011). Mark Z. Danielewski. Manchester University Press. [Edited Book]

BOWLER, Rebecca and DREWERY, Claire, eds. (2016). May Sinclair Re-Thinking Bodies and Minds. Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Press. [Authored Book]

VAN DEN AKKER, Robin, GIBBONS, Alison and VERMEULEN, Timotheus, eds. (2017). Metamodernism: Historicity, affect, depth, after postmodernism. London, Rowman and Littlefield. [Edited Book]

GIBBONS, Alison and MACRAE, Andrea, eds. (2018). Pronouns in literature: Positions and perspectives in language. London, Palgrave Macmillan. [Edited Book]

BRAY, Joe, GIBBONS, Alison and MCHALE, Brian, eds. (2012). The Routledge companion to experimental literature. Oxon, Routledge. [Edited Book]

CHAPPELL, Julie and KRAMER, Kaley, eds. (2014). Women During the English Reformations: negotiating gender and religious identity. New York, Palgrave Macmillan. [Edited Book]

COLEBROOK, Martyn and COX, Katharine, eds. (2013). The transgressive Iain Banks: essays on a writer beyond borders. McFarland. [Edited Book]

BELL, Alice and ENSSLIN, Astrid (2018). Digital fiction and unnatural narrative. In: DINNEN, Zara and WARHOL, Robyn, (eds.) The Edinburgh companion to contemporary narrative theories. Edinburgh companions to literature and the humanities . Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Press. [Book Section]

BROWSE, Sam (2017). Between truth, sincerity, and satire: Post-truth politics and the rhetoric of sincerity. In: VAN DEN AKKER, Robin, GIBBONS, Alison and VERMEULEN, Timothy, (eds.) Metamodernism : Historicity, Affect and Depth after Postmodernism. New York, Rowman and Littlefield, 167-182. [Book Section]

BROWSE, Sam (2014). Resonant Metaphor in Kazuo Ishiguro’s ‘Never Let Me Go'. In: HARRISON, Chloe, NUTTALL, Louise, STOCKWELL, Peter and YUAN, Wenjuan, (eds.) Cognitive Grammar in Literature. Linguistic Approaches to Literature (17). Amsterdam, John Benjamins, 69-82. [Book Section]

BROWSE, Sam (2016). Revisiting Text World Theory and extended metaphor: Embedding and foregrounding metaphor in the text-worlds of the 2008 financial crash. Language & Literature, 25 (1), 18-37. [Article]

BROWSE, Sam (2016). 'This is not the end of the world’: situating metaphor in the text-worlds of the 2008 British Financial Crisis. In: GAVINS, Joanna and LAHEY, Ernestine, (eds.) World Building: Discourse in the Mind. Advances in Stylistics . London, Bloomsbury, 183-203. [Book Section]

CADMAN, Daniel (2017). 'Constant in any undertaking': Writing the Lipsian State in Measure for Measure. In: HALSEY, Katie and VINE, Angus, (eds.) Shakespeare and Authority: Citations, Conceptions and Constructions. Houndmills, Palgrave Macmillan. (In Press) [Book Section]

CLARK, Jodie (2016). Selves, bodies and the grammar of social worlds : reimagining social change. Postdisciplinary Studies in Discourse . London, Palgrave. [Authored Book]

COX, Katharine (2014). Becoming James Bond: Daniel Craig, rebirth, and refashioning masculinity in Casino Royale (2006). Journal of Gender Studies, 23 (2), 184-196. [Article]

COX, Katharine (2008). "I was in a red forest and she was leading me home": Representation of the maze and labyrinth in Jeanette Winterson's The Passion. Critical engagements: a journal of criticism and theory, 2 (1), 111-136. [Article]

COX, Katharine (2011). 'Imagine Dust with a capital letter': interpreting the social and cultural contexts for Philip Pullman's transformation of dust. In: BARFIELD, Steven and COX, Katharine, (eds.) Critical perspectives on Philip Pullman’s His Dark Materials essays on the novels, the film and the stage productions. Jefferson, McFarland, 126-142. [Book Section]

COX, Katharine (2009). Knotting up the cat's cradle: Exploring time and space in Jeanette Winterson's novels. In: SONMEZ, Margaret J-M and OZYURT KILIC, Mine, (eds.) Winterson narrating time and space. Cambridge, Cambridge Scholars, 50-64. [Book Section]

COX, Katharine (2009). Poststructuralism and postmodernism. In: COCKIN, Katharine and MORRISON, Jago, (eds.) The Post-War British Literature Handbook. Literature and culture handbooks . London, Continuum, 125-130. [Book Section]

COX, Katharine (2013). Textual crossings: transgressive devices in Iain (M.) Banks’ fiction. In: COLEBROOK, Martyn and COX, Katharine, (eds.) The transgressive Iain Banks: essays on a writer beyond borders. McFarland, 87-99. [Book Section]

COX, Katharine (2006). What has made me? Locating mother in the textual labyrinth of Mark Z. Danielewski's 'House of Leaves'. Critical Survey, 18 (2), 4-15. [Article]

COX, Katharine and JORDAN, Spencer (2013). Philip Pullman’s Oxford: representations of the city of Oxford in His Dark Materials and Lyra’s Oxford. Journal of Children's Literature Studies, 9 (2), 19-30. [Article]

COX, Katharine and JORDAN, Spencer (2013). Reading Philip Pullman’s His Dark Materials: A Special Edition of the Journal of Children’s Literature Studies. In: CARRINGTON, Bridget and PINSENT, Pat, (eds.) The final chapters: Concluding papers of the journal of children's literature studies. Trowbridge, Wizards Tower Press. [Book Section]

EARLE, Harriet (2017). Comics, trauma, and the new art of war. Jackson, MS, University Press of Mississippi. [Authored Book]

EARLE, Harriet (2017). Epistemic Breaks, Post-9/11 Trauma, and Siri Hustvedt. ANQ: A Quarterly Journal of Short Articles, Notes and Reviews, 30 (3), 198-202. [Article]

EARNSHAW, Steve (2018). The Danger is Flex. Unknown. (Unpublished) [Authored Book]

GIBBONS, Alison (2018). Autonarration, 'I', and odd address in Ben Lerner's autofictional novel 10.04. In: GIBBONS, Alison and MACRAE, Andrea, (eds.) Pronouns in literature: Positions and perspectives in language. Palgrave Macmillan, 75-96. [Book Section]

GIBBONS, Alison (2016). Building Hollywood in Paddington: Text world theory, immersive theatre, and Punchdrunk's the drowned man. In: GAVINS, Joanna and LAHEY, Ernestine, (eds.) World building: Discourse in the mind. Bloomsbury academic, 71-89. [Book Section]

GIBBONS, Alison (2017). Contemporary autofiction and metamodern affect. In: VAN DEN AKKER, Robin, GIBBONS, Alison and VERMEULEUN, Timotheus, (eds.) Metamodernism: Historicity, affect, and depth after postmodernism. Radical Cultural Studies . London, Rowman & Littlefield International, 117-130. [Book Section]

GIBBONS, Alison (2015). Creativity and multimodal literature. In: JONES, Rodney H, (ed.) Routledge handbook of language and creativity. Abingdon, Routledge, 293-306. [Book Section]

GIBBONS, Alison (2017). Metamodern affect. In: VAN DEN AKKER, Robin, GIBBONS, Alison and VERMEULEN, Timotheus, (eds.) Metamodernism: Historicity, Affect, and Depth after Postmodernism. Radical Cultural Studies . London, Rowman & Littlefield International, 83-86. [Book Section]

GIBBONS, Alison (2008). Multimodal literature 'moves' us: dynamic movement and embodiment in VAS: An opera In flatland. Hermes journal of language and communication in business,, 41, 107-124. [Article]

GIBBONS, Alison (2014). Multimodality in literature: An analysis of Jonathan Safran Foer's 'A primer for the punctuation of heart disease'. In: NORRIS, Sigrid and MAIER, Carmen Daniela, (eds.) Interactions, images, and texts: A reader in multimodality. Boston, De Gruyter Mouton, 371-380. [Book Section]

GIBBONS, Alison (2010). Narrative worlds and multimodal figures in house of leaves: "-find your own words; I have no more". In: GRISHAKOVA, Marina and RYAN, Marie-Laure, (eds.) Intermediality and Storytelling. De Gruyter, 285-311. [Book Section]

GIBBONS, Alison (2017). Reading S across media: transmedia storyworlds, multimodal fiction, and real readers. Narrative, 25 (3), 321-341. [Article]

GIBBONS, Alison (2016). "Take that you intellectuals" and "KaPOW!": Adam Thirlwell and the metamodernist future of style. In: FJELLESTAD, Danuta and WATSON, David, (eds.) The futures of the present: New directions in (American) literature. Abingdon, Routledge, 29-43. [Book Section]

GIBBONS, Alison (2014). Tension, style and the modern psyche: A stylistic analysis of Philip Zimmermann's high tension. The blue notebook: Journal for artists’ books, 8 (2), 6-13. [Article]

GIBBONS, Alison (2011). This is not for you. In: BRAY, Joe and GIBBONS, Alison, (eds.) Mark Z. Danielewski. Manchester University Press, 17-32. [Book Section]

GIBBONS, Alison (2012). "You were there": The allways ontologies of only revolutions. In: POHLMANN, Sascha, (ed.) Revolutionary leaves: The fiction of Mark Z. Danielewski. Newcastle Upon Tyne, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 167-182. [Book Section]

GIBBONS, Alison (2012). “You’ve never experienced a novel like this”: Time and interaction when reading TOC. Electronic book review. [Article]

GIBBONS, Alison (2015). An interview with Adam Thirlwell. Contemporary Literature, 55 (4), 611-634. [Article]

GIBBONS, Alison and WHITELEY, Sara (2018). Contemporary stylistics: Language, cognition, interpretation. Edinburgh University Press. [Authored Book]

GIOVANELLI, Marcello and MASON, Jessica (2018). Reading, Readers and English. English in Education, 52 (1), 2-4. [Article]

MUNDYE, Charles, ed. (2016). Robert Graves, war poems. Bridgend, Seren. [Edited Book]

HAMILTON, Douglas J (2014). 'Defending the colonies against malicious attacks of philanthropy': Scottish campaigns against the abolitions of the slave trade and slavery. In: MACINNES, Allan I and HAMILTON, Douglas J, (eds.) Jacobitism, enlightenment and empire, 1680-1820. Political and popular culture in the early modern period (8). London, Pickering & Chatto, 193-208. [Book Section]

HAWKE, Gary and SINGLETON, John (2016). State and Central Bank in New Zealand. In: FEIERTAG, Olivier and MARGAIRAZ, Michel, (eds.) Les Banques Centrales et l'Ētát-Nation. Collection de la Mission Historique de la Banque de France . Paris, Presses de Sciences Po, 213-230. [Book Section]

HOPKINS, Chris (2018). Hiraeth and ambiguous pastorals : Wales, England, and rural modernities between the Wars. In: BLUEMEL, Kristin and MCCLUSKEY, Michael, (eds.) Rural Modernity in Britain : A Critical Intervention. Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Press. [Book Section]

HOPKINS, Chris (2018). Walter Greenwood’s Love on the Dole: Novel, Play, Film - a Case Study. Liverpool English Texts and Studies, 71 . Liverpool, Liverpool University Press. [Authored Book]

HOPKINS, Lisa (2016). Love and war on Venus’ Island: Othello and the lover’s melancholy. Journal of Mediterranean Studies, 25 (1), 51-63. [Article]

HOPKINS, Lisa (2016). The concealed fancies and Cavendish identity. In: EDWARDS, Peter and GRAHAM, Elpseth, (eds.) Authority, authorship and aristocratic identity in Seventeenth-Century England: William Cavendish, Ist Duke of Newcastle, and his political, social and cultural connections. Rulers & Elites (9). Leiden, Brill, 111-128. [Book Section]

JOHNSTON, Daniel (2017). Theatre and phenomenology: manual philosophy. Basingstoke, Palgrave. (In Press) [Authored Book]

JONES, Chris (2015). Skin. Sheffield, Longbarrow Press. [Authored Book]

KNOWLES, Sam, PEACOCK, James and EARLE, Harriet (2016). Introduction: Trans/formation and the graphic novel. Journal of Postcolonial Writing, 52 (4), 378-384. [Article]

KRAMER, Kaley (2016). Property, loss, and mourning in Sophia Lee's 'The Recess'. In: CHAPPELL, Julie A. and STONE STANTON, Kamille, (eds.) Spectacle, sex, and property in Eighteenth-Century literature and culture. AMS Studies in the Eighteenth Century (72). New York, AMS Press. [Book Section]

MACINNES, Allen I and HAMILTON, Douglas J (2014). Introduction: identity, mobility and competing patriotisms. In: MACINNES, Allan I and HAMILTON, Douglas J, (eds.) Jacobitism, enlightenment and empire, 1680-1820. Political and popular culture in the early modern period (8). London, Pickering & Chatto, 1-12. [Book Section]

MANZ, Stefan, PANAYI, Panikos and STIBBE, Matthew (2018). Internment during the First World War: a mass global phenomenon. In: MANZ, Stefan, PANAYI, Panikos and STIBBE, Matthew, (eds.) Internment during the First World War : a mass global phenomenon. London and New York, Routledge, 1-18. [Book Section]

MCDERMOTT, Kevin (2015). Communist Czechoslovakia, 1945-89: a political and social history. European History in Perspective . London, Palgrave Macmillan. [Authored Book]

MIDGLEY, Clare (2017). The cosmopolitan biography of the English religious liberal, feminist and writer, Sophia Dobson Collet. In: HAGGIS, Jane, MIDGLEY, Clare, ALLEN, Margaret and PAISLEY, Fiona, (eds.) Cosmopolitan lives on the cusp of Empire: interfaith, cross-cultural and transnational networks, 1860-1950. Palgrave Pivot . Palgrave. (In Press) [Book Section]

MILLS, Sara (2017). English politeness and class. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press. [Authored Book]

O'BRIEN, Shelley (2016). Herschell Gordon Lewis: the gore auteur. In: BERRA, John, (ed.) Directory of world cinema: American independent. Directory of world cinema, 3 . Intellect. [Book Section]

O'BRIEN, Shelley (2011). 'Killer priests : the last taboo?'. In: HANSEN, Regina, (ed.) Roman Catholicism in fantastic film : essays on belief, spectacle, ritual and imagery (ed. Regina Hansen). US, McFarland, 256-267. [Book Section]

O'BRIEN, Shelley (2016). Tobe Hooper: one hit wonder? In: BERRA, John, (ed.) Directory of world cinema: American Independent. Directory of world cinema, 3 . Intellect. [Book Section]

PATERSON, Laura, GRAINGER, Karen and PEPLOW, David (2017). Does money talk equate to class talk? Audience responses to poverty porn in relation to money and debt. In: MOONEY, Annabelle and SIFAKI, Evi, (eds.) The Language of Money and Debt : a Multidisciplinary Approach. Palgrave Macmillan, 205-231. [Book Section]

REVELEY, James and SINGLETON, John (2015). Financial fantasy documents and public learning : the case of the U.S. Financial Crisis Inquiry Report. In: PETERS, Michael A., PARASKEVA, Joäo and BESLEY, Tina, (eds.) The Global Financial Crisis and Educational Restructuring. Global Studies in Education . New York, Peter Lang, 165-176. [Book Section]

ROBERTSON, Nicole (2014). The business of leisure: sport, labour and co-operation in post-war Britain. Labor History, 55 (5), 638-653. [Article]

SHARP, Ingrid and STIBBE, Matthew, eds. (2017). Women activists between war and peace : Europe, 1918-1923. London, Bloomsbury. [Edited Book]

SINGLETON, John (2016). Economic and natural disasters since 1900 : a comparative history. Cheltenham, Edward Elgar. [Authored Book]

SINGLETON, John (2016). Financial crises and disaster management. In: HOLLOW, Matthew, AKINBAMI, Folarin and MICHIE, Ranald, (eds.) Complexity and Crisis in the Financial System : Critical Perspectives on the Evolution of American and British Banking. Cheltenham, Edward Elgar, 306-328. [Book Section]

SINGLETON, John (2015). Using the Disaster Cycle in Economic and Social History. In: BROWN, A.T., BURN, Andy and DOHERTY, Rob, (eds.) Crises in Economic and Social History : A Comparative Perspective. Woodbridge, Boydell & Brewer, 53-78. [Book Section]

STEGGLE, Matthew (2017). Flight and spaceflight in Romeo and Juliet. In: EVANS, Robert, (ed.) Romeo and Juliet. Critical Insights . Salem Press. (In Press) [Book Section]

STIBBE, Matthew (2018). Ideological offensive: the East German leadership, the Prague Spring and the Warsaw Pact Invasion of August 1968. In: MCDERMOTT, Kevin and STIBBE, Matthew, (eds.) Eastern Europe in 1968: responses to the Prague Spring and Warsaw Pact Invasion. London, Palgrave Macmillan, 97-123. [Book Section]

STIBBE, Matthew (2018). The Weimar Republic and the rise of National Socialism. In: GELLATELY, Robert, (ed.) The Oxford illustrated history of the Third Reich. Oxford illustrated history . Oxford, Oxford University Press, 19-50. [Book Section]

STIBBE, Matthew (2018). The internment of enemy aliens in the Habsburg Empire, 1914–18. In: MANZ, Stefan, PANAYI, Panikos and STIBBE, Matthew, (eds.) Internment during the First World War : a mass global phenomenon. London and New York, Routledge, 61-84. [Book Section]

TWELLS, Alison (2007). British women's history: A documentary history from the enlightenment to world war I. London, I B Taurus. [Authored Book]

TWELLS, Alison (2007). Missionary fathers and wayward sons in the South Pacific, 1797-1825. In: BROUGHTON, Trev Lynn and ROGERS, Helen, (eds.) Gender and fatherhood in the nineteenth century. Gender and history . Basingstoke, Pagrave Macmillan, 153-164. [Book Section]

VERDON, Nicola (2017). Working the land: A history of the farmworker in England from 1850 to the present day. Basingstoke, Palgrave MacMillan. [Authored Book]

WIGGINTON, Chris (2015). Mythes et mythologies de Dylan Thomas : á propos de la contemporanéité de l’artiste et de son œuvre. In: SARDIN, Pascale and GUTLEBEN, Christian, (eds.) Lire et relire Dylan Thomas. Cycnos (31/2). L'Harmattan. [Book Section]

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