Items where Author is "Koulidou, Nantia"
Number of items: 12.
KOULIDOU, Nantia, CARVALHO, Luis, GLEADOW, Tanya and PETRELLI, Daniela
The Development and (Mis)appropriation of a Digital Kit for Jewellers.
ACM Transactions on Computer - Human Interaction.
KOULIDOU, Nantia, P. CARVALHO, Luís and PETRELLI, Daniela
Art Digital Jewellery as Atmospheres: An autobiographical RtD exploration into IoT for poetic contexts.
In: VALLGÅRDA, Anna, JÖNSSON, Li, FRITSCH, Jonas, ALAOUI, Sarah Fdili and LE DANTEC, Christopher A., (eds.)
DIS '24: Proceedings of the 2024 ACM Designing Interactive Systems Conference.
New York, ACM, 2374-2387.
[Book Section]
NÚÑEZ-PACHECO, Claudia, BEUTHEL, Janne Mascha, GARRETT, Rachael, TSAKNAKI, Vasiliki and KOULIDOU, Nantia
Designing [Im]Material Inventories of Nomadic Belongings.
In: VALLGÅRDA, Anna, JÖNSSON, Li, FRITSCH, Jonas, ALAOUI, Sarah Fdili and LE DANTEC, Christopher A., (eds.)
DIS '24 Companion: Companion Publication of the 2024 ACM Designing Interactive Systems Conference.
New York, ACM, 401-404.
[Book Section]
HAY, Kiersten, PSCHETZ, Larissa, KOULIDOU, Nantia, CLAISSE, Caroline, DYLAN, Thomas, DIXON, Billy, COLLINGHAM, Henry and NISSEN, Bettina
Making Together Across Space & Time: Mapping Participatory Making when Co-Designing Asynchronously and/or without Colocation.
In: VLACHOKYRIAKOS, Vasilis, YEE, Joyce, FRAUENBERGER, Christopher, HURTADO, Melisa Duque, HANSEN, Melisa, STROHMAYER, Angelika, VAN ZYL, Izak and DEARDEN, Andy, (eds.)
PDC '22: Proceedings of the Participatory Design Conference 2022 - Volume 2.
New York, Association for Computing Machinery, 219-222.
[Book Section]
SOUTH, Josh, WALLACE, Jayne, DUNCAN, Trevor, P. CARVALHO, Luís, IRIS GROOT, Linnea, KOULIDOU, Nantia and MONTAGUE, Kyle
Clustering and Unclustering: Understanding dialogic potential in design for Ongoingness.
In: JU, Wendy, OEHLBERG, Lora, FOLLMER, Sean, FOX, Sarah and KUZNETSOV, Stacey, (eds.)
DIS '21: Proceedings of the 2021 ACM Designing Interactive Systems Conference.
New York, Association for Computing Machinery, 832-845.
[Book Section]
STURDEE, Miriam, LEWIS, Makayla, STROHMAYER, Angelika, SPIEL, Katta, KOULIDOU, Nantia, ALAOUI, Sarah Fdili and URBAN DAVIS, Josh
A Plurality of Practices: Artistic Narratives in HCI Research.
C&C '21: Proceedings of the 13th Conference on Creativity and Cognition.
New York, Association for Computing Machinery, 1-14.
[Book Section]
CRAIG, Claire, WALLACE, Jayne, MONTAGUE, Kyle, KOULIDOU, Nantia, FISHER, Helen, CARVALHO, Luis, GROOT, Linnea, TRUEMAN, Julie, LAWSON, Shaun, MORRISSEY, Kellie, DUNCAN, Trevor and SOUTH, Joshua
Development of an ethical roadmap.
Design for Health, 5 (1), 140-160.
KOULIDOU, Nantia, WALLACE, Jayne, STURDEE, Miriam and DURRANT, Abigail
Drawing on Experiences of Self.
DIS '20: Proceedings of the 2020 ACM Designing Interactive Systems Conference.
ACM, 255-267.
[Book Section]
WALLACE, Jayne, ODOM, Will, MONTAGUE, Kyle, KOULIDOU, Nantia, SAS, Corina, MORRISSEY, Kellie and OLIVIER, Patrick
HCI at End of Life & Beyond.
CHI EA '20: Extended Abstracts of the 2020 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems.
ACM, 1-8.
[Book Section]
WALLACE, Jayne, MONTAGUE, Kyle, DUNCAN, Trevor, CARVALHO, Luis, KOULIDOU, Nantia, MAHONEY, Jamie, MORRISSEY, Kellie, CRAIG, Claire, GROOT, Linnea, LAWSON, Shaun, OLIVIER, Patrick, TRUEMAN, Julie and FISHER, Helen
ReFind: design, lived experience and ongoingness in bereavement.
CHI '20: Proceedingsof the 2020 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing systems.
New York, Association for Computing Machinery.
[Book Section]
Blueprints physical to digital: curation of media to support ongoingness.
Proceedings of the 4th biennial research through design conference 19-22 March 2019 (Art 31), 1-16.
WALLACE, Jayne, ROGERS, Jon, FOSTER, Joanna, KINGSLEY, Sean, KOULIDOU, Nantia, SHORTER, Erika, SHORTER, Mike and TROTMAN, Natasha
Scribing as Seen from the Inside: The Ethos of the Studio.
Design Issues, 33 (3), 93-103.