Items where Author is "Clark, Anthony"
Number of items: 28.
CLARK, Anthony, SAMMUT, Paul and WILLANS, James
Applied metamodelling : a foundation for language driven development.
[Authored Book]
BETTIN, Jorn and CLARK, Anthony
Gmodel, a language for modular meta modelling.
In: Australian Software Engineering Conference, KISS Workshop, Gold Coast, Australia, 14-17 April 2009.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
CLARK, Anthony, SAMMUT, Paul and WILLANS, James
Beyond annotations : a proposal for extensible java (XJ).
In: CORDY, James R. and ZHANG, Lu, (eds.)
Proceedings Eighth IEEE International Working Conference on Source Code Analysis and Manipulation.
IEEE, 229-238.
[Book Section]
TRATT, Laurence and CLARK, Anthony
Issues surrounding model consistency and QVT.
Technical Report.
King's College London, Department of Computer Science..
TRATT, Laurence and CLARK, Anthony
Model transformations in converge.
In: 2nd Workshop in Software Model Engineering (WiSME 2003), San Francisco, October 2003.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
TRATT, Laurence and CLARK, Anthony
Using icon-derived technologies to drive model transformations.
In: Workshop in Software Model Engineering (WiSME) 2003, San Francisco, October 2003.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
APPUKUTTAN, Biju K, CLARK, Anthony, REDDY, Sreedhar, TRATT, Laurence and VENKATESH, R
A model driven approach to model transformations.
In: Workshop in Software Model Engineering (WiSME) 2003, San Francisco, October 2003.
Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
WILLANS, James, SAMMUT, Paul, MASKERI, Girish, EVANS, Andy and CLARK, Anthony
Defining OCL expressions using templates.
Technical Report.
King's College London.
APPUKUTTAN, Biju K, CLARK, Anthony, EVANS, Andy, MASKERI, Girish, SAMMUT, Paul, TRATT, Laurence and WILLANS, James
A pattern based approach to defining the dynamic infrastructure of UML 2.0.
In: Fourth Workshop on Rigorous Object Oriented Methods, University College, London, March 2002.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
CLARK, Anthony, EVANS, Andy, KENT, Stuart, BRODSKY, Steve and COOK, Steve
A feasibility study in rearchitecting UML as a family of languages using a precise OO meta-modeling approach.
Project Report.
pUML Group and IBM.
CLARK, Anthony
Object-oriented refinement and proof using behaviour functions.
In: Rigorous Object-Oriented Methods 2000, York, 1 January 2000.
BCS Electronic Workshops in Computing.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
CLARK, Anthony
EBG : a lazy functional programming language implemented on the Java virtual machine.
Technical Report.
University of Bradford.
CLARK, Anthony, EVANS, Andy, FRANCE, Robert, KENT, Stuart and RUMPE, Bernhard
Response to UML 2.0 request for information.
CLARK, Anthony and EVANS, Andy
Foundations of the Unified Modeling Language.
In: 2nd BCS-FACS Northern Formal Methods Workshop., Ilkley, UK, 14-15 July 1997.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
CLARK, Anthony
Metaclasses and reflection in smalltalk.
Technical Report.
University of Bradford.
CLARK, Anthony
A lazy non-deterministic functional language.
Technical Report.
University of Bradford.
BETTIN, Jorn and CLARK, Anthony
Advanced modelling made simple with the Gmodel metalanguage.
In: BEZIVIN, Jean, SOLEY, Richard Mark and VALLECILLO, Antonio, (eds.)
MDI '10 : Proceedings of the First International Workshop on Model-Driven Interoperability.
New York, ACM, 79-88.
[Book Section]
WAMPLER, Dean and CLARK, Anthony
Guest editors' introduction: multiparadigm programming.
IEEE Software, 27 (5), 20-24.
KRAMER, Dean, CLARK, Anthony and OUSSENA, Samia
MobDSL : a Domain Specific Language for multiple mobile platform deployment.
Networked Embedded Systems for Enterprise Applications (NESEA), 2010 IEEE International Conference on.
IEEE, 1-7.
[Book Section]
BETTIN, Jorn, COOK, William, CLARK, Anthony and KELLY, Steven
Knowledge industry survival strategy (kiss): fundamental principles and interoperability requirements for domain specific modeling languages.
In: 24th ACM SIGPLAN conference companion on Object oriented programming systems languages and applications, Orlando, Florida, 25-29 October 2009.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
CLARK, Anthony and TRATT, Laurence
Language factories.
In: ARORA, Shail and BRUEGGE, Bernd, (eds.)
OOPSLA '09 : Proceedings of the 24th ACM SIGPLAN conference companion on Object oriented programming systems lanaguages and applications.
New York, ACM, 949-955.
[Book Section]
CLARK, Anthony
Model based functional testing using pattern directed filmstrips.
Automation of Software Test, 2009. AST '09. ICSE Workshop on.
IEEE, 53-61.
[Book Section]
CLARK, Anthony, EVANS, Andy, SAMMUT, Paul and WILLANS, James
Language driven development and MDA.
MDA Journal.
MELLOR, Stephen J, CLARK, Anthony and FUTAGAMI, Takao
Model-driven development : guest editors' introduction.
IEEE software, 20 (5), 14-18.
CLARK, Anthony, EVANS, Andy, MASKERI, Girish, SAMMUT, Paul and WILLANS, James
Modeling language transformations.
L'Objet, 9 (4), 31-51.
TRATT, Laurence, CLARK, Anthony and EVANS, Andy
Modelling generalization and other class-to-parent relationships.
Technical Report.
Department of Computer Science, King's College London.
CLARK, Anthony, EVANS, Andy, KENT, Stuart and SAMMUT, Paul
The MMF approach to engineering object-oriented design languages.
In: 1st Workshop on Language Descriptions, Tools and Applications, Genova, Italy, April 2001.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
CLARK, Anthony
Formal refinement and proof of a small Java program.
In: MOREIRA, Ana M. D. and DEMEYER, Serge, (eds.)
Proceedings of the Workshop on Object-Oriented Technology.
London, Springer, p. 108.
[Book Section]