Shared Language of Painting...

SIMMONDS, Gary and TAYLOR, Diana (2019). Shared Language of Painting... In: Always in Translation, Site Gallery, Sheffield, UK, 18 January 2019. Tc Mcormack. (Unpublished)

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Shared Language of painting: Always in Translation A day of conversations with invited artists and academics from China and the United Kingdom. Friday 18th January, 2019, at Site Gallery, Sheffield. 11am – 5pm This presentation was part of ‘Always in Translation’, a day of conversations with invited artists and academics from China and the United Kingdom. How can values and creative ideas circulate across cultures? Can we construct a shared language of practice? How can forms of curation afford a pluralised view of art? How can we consider the balance between East-West perspectives, discourse and values? Diana Taylor and I presented a paper about our shared language of practice, as painters who engage with, pattern, colour and process. These points of shared language are presented as a place of common interest, that may well extend beyond the realms our work and could be seen to extend to a broader ‘shared language’ for contemporary painting in relation to the following themes: Process- (of making a painting) Abstract(ion) Doubt Pattern and Repetition Colour

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Date Deposited: 27 Jun 2024 11:19
Last Modified: 27 Jun 2024 11:19

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