Modeling of series-connected photovoltaic cells

TARABSHEH, A.A., ETIER, I., AKMAL, Muhammad, SWELEH, A. and GHAZAL, M. (2017). Modeling of series-connected photovoltaic cells. In: 2016 IEEE 43rd Photovoltaic Specialists Conference (PVSC). IEEE, 1-4. [Book Section]

© 2017 IEEE. This paper proposes a new model for series- connected photovoltaic (PV) cells, using a modified one-diode equivalent-circuit model. The PV modules comprise many series- connected cells to generate more electrical power. This modified model starts with the conventional one-diode equivalent-circuit (parallel-connected current source with a diode and a shunt resistance which are connected in series with a series resistance and a load) of PV cells and then proposes a new way of connecting the aforementioned circuit elements. The advantage of the presented modified model, is that it can model the series-connected PV cells by a new representation of one-diode equivalent-circuit. To validate the results of the modified model, similar input variables are applied to the conventional and the presented models. The current/voltage (I/V) characteristics are then calculated from both models and compared. The results show that the difference between the calculated I/V characteristics using the two models is much less than 1 percent. The presented approach can thus, be very useful for researchers or engineers to quickly and easily determine the performance of PV modules.
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