An inductive inquiry into managing tutorial provision in post-compulsory education.

WOOTTON, Sally A. (2007). An inductive inquiry into managing tutorial provision in post-compulsory education. Doctoral, Sheffield Hallam University (United Kingdom).. [Thesis]

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This research explores aspects affecting the management of tutorial provision in post-compulsory education. The inquiry has been designed to inductively explore tutorial provision using grounded theory methodology. The research participants were either students or tutors in post-compulsory education, as they were in a position to contribute their personal experiences and perceptions in relation to the research phenomena.Three aspects of tutorial provision were explored during this study. Firstly, the nature and purpose of tutorial provision was explored to ascertain the participants' perceptions of tutorial needs and expectations. The rationale for this was to address the low profile tutorial provision suffers at national and institutional levels across the sector, and because the confusing range of definitions imply a need for the objectives of tutorial provision to be more clearly articulated. Secondly, the personal tutoring role was explored in order to understand what students' and tutors' perceived the key aspects of the role to be, and to understand the value placed upon it by the students, the tutors and the institution. The rationale behind this aspect was to address the lack of confidence and commitment many tutors demonstrate when undertaking the role, due in part, to arbitrary recruitment and insufficient personal tutor training. Finally, a third aspect emerged during the inductive inquiry, which led to the exploration of feelings and emotions at play within the tutoring relationship.From this research, three contributions to knowledge have emerged. Firstly, a 'Heuristic Framework for Tutorial Provision' contributes to clarifying the nature and purpose of tutorial provision, whilst acknowledging its complexity and the need for flexible and differentiated provision. Secondly, an 'Archetype of the Personal Tutoring Role' acknowledges the various 'Functions' tutors believe they are undertaking as personal tutors, the attitudes that underpin their view of the personal tutoring role, and a description of tutors' skills, knowledge and personality the participants deem necessary to develop a successful tutoring relationship. Finally, a Theoretical Model of Tutoring Styles' has been developed, based on the inquiry's emergent themes in relation to the tutoring relationship. The model is presented as a tool to enable tutors to understand the impact of their tutoring practice by exploring their ideology of teaching and style of interaction.
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