Fieldwork teaching and the needs of the health visitor student.

DEAN, Anne. (1981). Fieldwork teaching and the needs of the health visitor student. Masters, Sheffield Hallam University (United Kingdom).. [Thesis]

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RATIONALE: There is a dearth of systematic evidence concerning perceived role-function and role-performance of ths fieldwork teacher, i.e. the health visitor practitioner responsible for practical education/training of health visitor students during their fieldwork placement. The present study set out; (1) to identify criterial attributes of the role; (2) to ascertain levels of congruence between teacher-perceived and student-perceived needs; (3) to assess the support required for maximal student benefit from the fieldwork placement,NATURE. SCOPE AND METHOD; Descriptive survey technique is used involving random stratified samples of fieldwork teachers (N=101) and of recently qualified health visitors (N=110) drawn from the Trent/Yorkshire RHA catchments and representing 63.5 per cent and 73*8 per cent respectively of relevant regional professional populations as at September 1980. Following unstructured interviews (N=8) and pilot guided interviews (N=10), comparative data was obtained from extended fieldwork teacher/health visitor sub-samples employing guided audiotaped interviews (N=40) and derivative postal questionnaires (N=220). Interview/questionnaire protocols for both professional sub-samples were designed to be complementary, taking informants through areas of discourse centrally relevant to fieldwork teaching and learning, including - inter alia - personal retrospect on health visitor/fieldwork teacher training experiences; planning and executive phases of the fieldwork placement; and related social, pastoral and evaluative issues. CONTRIBUTION TO KNOWLEDGE: The study provides an empirical analysisof fieldwork contexts, developing methodological groundwork for future studies. It provides a criterial vignette of the 'effective' fieldwork teacher: she possesses both knowledge and the ability to'mobilise' her experience; is empathic; displays interest in students and readiness to listen to/discuss with them. There is significant lack of congruence regarding the perceived importance of administrative studies during fieldwork; the relative impact of 'getting results' in home visiting; the stressfulness of academic work; and the availability of experience with 'problematic' situations. Support strategies for fieldwork teachers are recommended, including increased collaboration with nursing officers; structured refresher courses; increased feedback on learning outcomes; and extension of fieldwork teacher support groups.
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