Items where Type is Other
Number of items: 22.
Our changing heating systems: getting to the hearth of the matter.
UK Collaborative Centre for Housing Evidence.
BLACK, Jack, KEARNS, Colm, SINCLAIR, Gary, DOIDGE, Mark, FLETCHER, Thomas, KILVINGTON, Daniel, LISTON, Katie and LYNN, Theo
What the research says: Confronting online hate in sport.
BLACK, Jack, KEARNS, Colm, SINCLAIR, Gary, DOIDGE, Mark, FLETCHER, Thomas, KILVINGTON, Daniel, LISTON, Katie, LYNN, Theo and ROSATI, Pierangelo
How sport became a vehicle for far-right conspiracy theories.
LSE: British Politics and Policy.
BYRNE, Eleanor, DEMISSIE, Fufy, PARKIN, Rachel and PEARSE, Sally
Transformative impact: parental perceptions of early access to nursery provision.
Sheffield Hallam University and Save the Children.
The toll of the Covid-19 pandemic on children’s wellbeing and mental health. How can we support children in ‘new times"?
Strength in numbers: overcoming the challenges in sharing data across universities.
Yorkshire Consortium for Equity in Doctoral Education.
Unlocking potential: navigating personal data sharing across multiple universities for enhanced collaboration.
Sheffield Hallam University.
Minimising harm in research with multilingual parents – protecting participants through creating translanguaging space.
Sheffield Institute of Education, Sheffield Hallam University.
HOOD, Michelle
Sonography: The next generation.
Society of Radiographers.
IBE, Chukwumaobi
Revolutionising sustainability: Technology and circular economy.
Chattered Institute of Waste management.
KEARNS, Colm, SINCLAIR, Gary and BLACK, Jack
What Manchester City fans have to say about sportswashing.
RTE Brainstorm.
MARTIN, Shevill and PERRY, Emily
Quality assuring the work of the appropriate bodies: Collaborative pilot of a quality review.
Writing the doctorate.
Sheffield Institute of Education, Sheffield Hallam University.
NEWMAN, James and RUMBOLD, James
Department of Culture, Media and Sport - Sport Integrity (Call for Evidence): A Response from the Sport and Physical Activity Research Centre, Sheffield Hallam University.
Sheffield Hallam University.
PERRY, Emily and BOYLAN, Mark
Celebrating ten years of research and innovation in Sheffield Institute of Education.
Sheffield Institute of Education, Sheffield Hallam University.
PETROU, Michael and LAZURAS, Lambros
Comment on “Recreational Athletes’ Use of Performance‑Enhancing Substances: Results from the First European Randomized Response Technique Survey”.
Springer International Publishing.
Speaking volumes and silent echoes: uncovering government priorities for disabled young people in the SEND review.
Sheffield Hallam University.
PURVIS, Alison and WINWOOD, Bridget
A guide to writing learning outcomes in higher education.
The National Teaching Repository.
RICHARDSON, Mary, YANG, Weipeng and POUNTNEY, Richard
Toward a digital future of curriculum, pedagogy & assessment.
London, British Educational Research Association.
SHARPLES, Jonathan, MAXWELL, Bronwen and COLDWELL, Michael
Developing a systems-based approach to research use in education.
British Educational Research Association.
SHARPLES, Jonathan, MAXWELL, Bronwen and COLDWELL, Michael
The bigger picture: taking a systems approach to encouraging research use in education.
Sheffield Hallam University.