Items where Author is "Parr, Sadie"
Number of items: 36.
ARCHER, Tom and PARR, Sadie
Much to do about (almost) everything: The new Labour government and the unfolding housing crisis.
People, Place and Policy, 18 (2), 104-114.
PARR, Sadie
Hauntology: The emotional costs of social policy for mothers experiencing homelessness.
Housing, Theory and Society.
MCCARTHY, Lindsey and PARR, Sadie
Is LGBT homelessness different? Reviewing the relationship between LGBT identity and homelessness.
Housing Studies.
PARR, Sadie
‘Navigating’ the value of lived experience in support work with multiply disadvantaged adults.
Journal of Social Policy, 1-18.
PARR, Sadie, HAWKINS, Anna and DAYSON, Christopher
The Ethical Dilemmas of Food Banking: an Analysis of the More Than Food Programme.
Journal of Poverty and Social Justice, 29 (3), 259-277.
BIMPSON, Emma, PARR, Sadie and REEVE, Kesia
Governing homeless mothers: the unmaking of home and family.
Housing Studies.
MCCARTHY, Lindsey, PARR, Sadie, GREEN, Stephen and REEVE, Kesia
Understanding Models of Support for People Facing Multiple Disadvantage: A Literature Review.
Project Report.
Sheffield, Sheffield Hallam University.
CRISP, Richard, FLETCHER, Del, PARR, Sadie and WILSON, Ian
West-Yorkshire Finding Independence (WY-FI): Effectiveness, outcomes and impact - Final evaluation report 2020.
Project Report.
Centre for Regional Economic and Social Research, Sheffield Hallam University.
BIMPSON, Emma, REEVE, Kesia and PARR, Sadie
Homeless mothers: Key research findings.
UK Collaborative Centre for Housing Evidence (CaCHE).
PARR, Sadie and CHURCHILL, Harriet
The Troubled Families Programme: Learning about policy impact through realist case study research.
Social Policy and Administration.
PARR, Sadie and HAYDEN, Carol
Multiple needs, 'troubled families' and social work.
People, place and policy, 13 (1), 29-41.
PARR, Sadie
The changing shape of provision for rough sleepers: from conditionality to care.
Housing studies.
REEVE, Kesia, MCCARTHY, Lindsey, PATTISON, Ben, PARR, Sadie, BATTY, Elaine, MAYE-BANBURY, Angela, BASHIR, Nadia and DAYSON, Christopher
The mental health needs of Nottingham's homeless population: an exploratory research study - executive summary.
Project Report.
Sheffield, Sheffield Hallam University.
REEVE, Kesia, MCCARTHY, Lindsey, PATTISON, Ben, PARR, Sadie, BATTY, Elaine, MAYE-BANBURY, Angela, BASHIR, Nadia and DAYSON, Christopher
The mental health needs of Nottingham's homeless population: an exploratory research study.
Project Report.
Sheffield, Sheffield Hallam University.
PARR, Sadie
Explaining and understanding state intervention into the lives of ‘troubled’ families.
Social Policy and Society, 16 (4), 577-592.
CRISP, Richard, MCCARTHY, Lindsey, PARR, Sadie, PEARSON, Sarah and BERRY, Neil
Community-led approaches to reducing poverty in neighbourhoods: a review of evidence and practice.
Project Report.
Centre for Regional Economic and Social Research, Sheffield Hallam University.
POWELL, Ryan, BASHIR, Nadia, CRISP, Richard and PARR, Sadie
Talent Match Case Study Theme Report: Mental health and well-being.
Project Report.
Sheffield Hallam University, Centre for Regional Economic and Social Research.
PARR, Sadie
Conceptualising 'the relationship' in intensive key worker support as a therapeutic medium.
Journal of Social Work Practice, 30 (1), 25-42.
PARR, Sadie
Integrating critical realist and feminist methodologies: ethical and analytical dilemmas.
International Journal of Social Research Methodology, 18 (2), 193-207.
PARR, Sadie
The Troubled Families Workforce and occupational identity.
In: DAVIES, Keith, (ed.)
Social work with troubled families : a critical introduction.
Jessica Kingsley Publishers, 53-73.
[Book Section]
BASHIR, Nadia, PARR, Sadie, PLATTS-FOWLER, Deborah and ROBINSON, David
Mainstreaming community cohesion: Guidance for local authorities in Wales.
Project Report.
Centre for Regional Economic and Social Research, Sheffield Hallam University.
BENNINGTON, Jude, PARR, Sadie, POWELL, Ryan and REEVE, Kesia
Scoping study on violence against women : report for the BIG Lottery Fund.
Project Report.
Centre for Regional Economic and Social Research, Sheffield Hallam University.
WELLS, Peter, DAYSON, Christopher, BATTY, Elaine, CRISP, Richard and PARR, Sadie
Social Investment and its Impact: The Evaluation of Charity Bank in the North.
Project Report.
Centre for Regional Economic and Social Research, Sheffield Hallam University.
WELLS, Peter, DAYSON, Christopher, BATTY, Elaine, CRISP, Richard and PARR, Sadie
Social investment and its impact: the evaluation of charity bank in the north: executive summary.
Project Report.
Centre for Regional Economic and Social Research, Sheffield Hallam University.
FLINT, John, JONES, Anwen and PARR, Sadie
An evaluation of the sanction of Housing Benefit.
Project Report.
Department for Work and Pensions.
BATTY, Elaine, FLINT, John, PARR, Sadie and CASEY, Rioghnach
Evaluation of Rochdale families project: summary of key findings and messages.
Project Report.
Sheffield Hallam University, Centre for Regional Economic and Social Research.
PARR, Sadie
Family policy and the governance of anti-social behaviour in the UK : women's experiences of intensive family support.
Journal of Social Policy, 40 (04), 717-737.
PARR, Sadie
Intensive family casework with 'problem families': past and present.
Family science, 2 (4), 240-249.
PARR, Sadie, BASHIR, Nadia and ROBINSON, David
An evaluation of the deaf third-country nationals integration project: a report to the United Kingdom Border Agency.
Project Report.
Centre for Regional Economic and Social Research, Sheffield Hallam University.
HUNTER, Caroline, NIXON, Judy and PARR, Sadie
Mother abuse : a matter of youth justice, child welfare or domestic violence?
Journal of Law and Society, 37 (2), 264-284.
PARR, Sadie
The role of social housing in the ‘care’ and ‘control’ of tenants with mental health problems.
Social Policy and Society, 9 (01), p. 111.
FLINT, John, CRAWFORD, Joe, PARR, Sadie and POWELL, Ryan
A Process Evaluation of Celtic Against Drugs and Rangers Positive Choices.
Project Report.
Scottish Government Social Research.
PARR, Sadie
Confronting the reality of anti-social behaviour.
Theoretical Criminology, 13 (3), 363-381.
PARR, Sadie
Family Intervention Projects : a site of social work practice.
British Journal of Social Work, 39 (7), 1256-1273.
FLINT, John F, GREEN, Stephen, HUNTER, Caroline, NIXON, Judy, PARR, Sadie, MANNING, Jules, WILSON, Ian, PAWSON, Hal, DAVIDSON, Emma and SANDERSON, Diana
The impact of local antisocial behaviour strategies at the neighbourhood level.
Project Report.
Scottish Government Social Research.
POUNTNEY, Richard, PARR, Sadie and WHITTAKER, Victor
Communal Constructivism and Networked Learning: Reflections on a Case Study.
In: 3rd International Conference on Networked Learning, University of Sheffield, 26 Mar 2002 - 28 Mar 2002.
Shefield University.
[Conference or Workshop Item]