WELLS, Christine, KRIKKE, B, SAUNDERS, J, WHITTINGTON, A and LEVER, C (2009). Changes to open field surfaces typically used to elicit hippocampal remapping elicit graded exploratory responses. Behavioural Brain Research, 197 (1), 234-238. [Article]
Studies show that changes in environmental context alter the spatial firing patterns (‘remapping’) and
increaseimmediate early gene activation in hippocampal but not subicular neurons.However, such studies
rarely report co-occurring behavioural responses.We examined the behavioural effects of habituating rats
to awalled open field, and then of changing the environmental context by alteringwall patterns and floor
colour. These kinds of cue change are known to elicit spatial remapping in hippocampal regions, but
not the subiculum. Relative to controls (no cue alterations), alteration of wall patterns elicited significant
increases in exploratory locomotion through the open field, while combined alterations of floor colour and
wall patterns elicited an even higher increase in exploratory locomotion. In addition, combined alterations
(floor colour and wall patterns) significantly increased rearing frequency, and significantly decreased the
time the rats spent immobile. These findings are relevant to howchanges in environmental context affect
neuronal responses in the hippocampal formation, and may aid in the development of novelty-response
tasks where novelty resides in open field surfaces.
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