Co-designing an Embodied e-Coach With Older Adults: The Tangible Coach Journey

EL KAMALI, Mira, ANGELINI, Leonardo, CAON, Maurizio, DULAKE, Nick, CHAMBERLAIN, Paul, CRAIG, Claire, STANDOLI, Carlo Emilio, ANDREONI, Giuseppe, ABOU KHALED, Omar and MUGELLINI, Elena (2023). Co-designing an Embodied e-Coach With Older Adults: The Tangible Coach Journey. International Journal of Human–Computer Interaction. [Article]

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This article describes a tangible interface for an e-coach, co-designed in four countries to meet older adults’ needs and expectations. The aim of this device is to coach the user by giving recommendations, personalized tasks and to build empathy through vocal, visual, and physical interaction. Through our co-design process, we collected insights that helped identifying requirements for the physical design, the interaction design and the privacy and data control. In the first phase, we collected users’ needs and expectations through several workshops. Requirements were then transformed into three design concepts that were rated and commented by our target users. The final design was implemented and tested in three countries. We discussed the results and the open challenges for the design of physical e-coaches for older adults. To encourage further developments in this field, we released the research outputs of this design process in an open-source repository.
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