Supporting and evaluating students’ use of an electronic discussion board

POUNTNEY, Richard and OXHOLM, Alice (2001). Supporting and evaluating students’ use of an electronic discussion board. In: PRICE, Jerry, WILLIS, Dee Anna and WILLIS, Jerry, (eds.) SITE 2001 Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference. Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education, 275-276. [Book Section]

This paper deals with the introduction of an electronic discussion board into a paper-based distance learning phase of a post-graduate diploma in Teaching English to Speakers of Other languages (TESOL). It outlines the thinking behind the implementation of learner support through on-line discussion. The students' messages were analysed and a questionnaire used to examine and reflect on their contributions. Findings indicate that positive attitudes do not automatically result in high level of use and that the factors influencing this are varied. It goes on to describe a second, ongoing phase of implementation that is based on the lessons learned.
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