DENT, Samuel Rhys (2019). Recognising Students in Higher Education Who Care for Children. Doctoral, Sheffield Hallam University. [Thesis]
Dent_2019_PhD_RecognisingStudentsIn.pdf - Accepted Version
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Dent_2019_PhD_RecognisingStudentsIn.pdf - Accepted Version
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In UK higher education (HE), different groups of students have moved into and
out of the focus of policy and practice, under the headings of widening participation
and the single Equality Act (2010). This often-changing focus has the potential to lead
to inequitable experiences for those students who do not fit into any of the traditional
student typologies.
In this thesis, I seek to further explore inequities in HE, specifically through
considering the experiences of Students who Care for Children while Studying (CCS
Students). This group does not fall directly within the lens of educational policy focus
and is often discussed only broadly in terms of gender and age – thus missing the
unique barriers and experiences attached to caring for children. My research,
therefore, contributes to a small body of existing literature into student parents.
I present an Institutional Ethnographic (IE) study (Smith, 2006) involving 16
CCS students at a research-intensive UK University, collected over two academic
years. Interviews with six members of staff from different areas within the institution
are also used to gain further insight to the institutional context of this study.
I find that the experiences of CCS students can be complex, variable and related
to individual personal circumstances. However, three recurrent themes are presented
in the data, suggesting that: firstly, CCS students experience ‘othering’, whereby their
difference from other students is made clear through a range of behaviours from subtle
micro-aggressions to explicit hostility toward their needs as carers; secondly, CCS
students experience ‘individualisation’, which frames these students as being in
deficit and personally responsible for the barriers they face due to the ‘choice’ to be
both students and carers; thirdly – and, as a result – this ‘othering’ and
‘individualisation’ leads to ‘passing’ behaviours, whereby students seek to or are
actively encouraged to hide their caring status, conforming to a more institutionally accepted homogeneous conception of ‘student’ and their needs. Finally, I conclude,
in analysing these three recurrent themes through Fraserian theories of recognition
(1997, 2001, 2003), that the principal cause of inequity in the CCS student experience
is a cultural misrecognition of their right to be students because of their caring status.
Hence, I end by making recommendations which could address the inequity at an
institutional and wider sector HE sector level.
This thesis makes an original contribution to knowledge in the following ways:
by contributing to literature on UK CCS students and how their experiences are
shaped on the ground within an HE institution; by adopting an Institutional
Ethnographic (Smith, 2006) methodological approach in a UK HE context, I expand
IE’s usage, as existing IE research is usually based in the USA and is rarely applied
to HE and the equity issues which exist there; finally, by adopting the use of Fraser’s
theories of recognition (Fraser, 2003), I expand the use of this theoretical approach in
HE from questions of ‘access’ (Burke, 2013; Morrison 2015), to those of
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