Detecting psycho-anomalies on the world-wide web: current tools and challenges

DOMDOUZIS, Konstantinos (2019). Detecting psycho-anomalies on the world-wide web: current tools and challenges. In: Advances in Psychology Research. Advances in Psychology Research . NOVA Science Publishers. [Book Section]

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The rise of the use of Social Media and the overall progress of technology has unfortunately opened new ways for criminals such as paedophiles, serial killers and rapists to exploit the powers that the technology offers in order to lure potential victims. It is of great need to be able to detect extreme criminal behaviours on the World-Wide Web and take measures to protect the general public from the effects of such behaviours. The aim of this chapter is to examine the current data analysis tools and technologies that are used to detect extreme online criminal behaviour and the challenges that exist associated with the use of these technologies. Specific emphasis is given to extreme criminal behaviours such as paedophilia and serial killing as these are considered the most dangerous behaviours. A number of conclusions are drawn in relation to the use and challenges of technological means in order to face such criminal behaviours.
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