Expansive subdynamics for algebraic Z^d-actions

EINSIEDLER, Manfred, LIND, Douglas, MILES, Richard and WARD, Thomas (2001). Expansive subdynamics for algebraic Z^d-actions. Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems, 21 (6), 1695-1729. [Article]

A general framework for investigating topological actions of Zd on compact metric spaces was proposed by Boyle and Lind in terms of expansive behavior along lower-dimensional subspaces of Rd. Here we completely describe this expansive behavior for the class of algebraic Zd-actions given by commuting automorphisms of compact abelian groups. The description uses the logarithmic image of an algebraic variety together with a directional version of Noetherian modules over the ring of Laurent polynomials in several commuting variables. We introduce two notions of rank for topological Zd-actions, and for algebraic Zd-actions describe how they are related to each other and to Krull dimension. For a linear subspace of Rd we define the group of points homoclinic to zero along the subspace, and prove that this group is constant within an expansive component.
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