Desk Mobile No. II.2015

ATHERTON, Michelle and MCCORMACK, TC (2015). Desk Mobile No. II.2015. [Artefact] [Artefact]

[thumbnail of Desk Mobile No. II 2015]
Image (JPEG) (Desk Mobile No. II 2015)
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A collaborative artwork by Atherton and McCormack of a painted assemblage, that took the form of a mobile site-specific work, installed above the Salzamt Director’s desk. This is the first piece that implements the artist’s curatorial remit of using other artists artworks as raw materials, which they reconstitute into new pieces. Desk Mobile No. II was a re-materialisation a series of paintings Kollisionary Kino (barricade painting) by Dale Holmes 2015. It was installed above the Salzamt Director’s desk, positioned to enclose him at his desk, whilst leaving a viewable gap for conducting necessary conversations with his assistant. Installed as part of Kristallin#9: Atelierhaus Salzamt, a gallery and artist’s residency space for International Exchange 2015.
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