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Number of items: 14.
BERESFORD, Paul and HIRST, Craig
How consumers reconcile discordant food retailer brand images.
Journal of Marketing Management, 1-21.
CROWTHER, Philip and DONLAN, Leah
Value-creation space : the role of events in a service-dominant marketing paradigm.
Journal of Marketing Management, 27 (13-14), 1444-1463.
DEAN, Dianne
Fear, Negative Campaigning and Loathing: The Case of the UK Election Campaign.
Journal of Marketing Management, 21 (9-10), 1067-1078.
DEAN, Dianne, KELLIE, Jean and MOULD, Pat
From pushchairs to wheelchairs: understanding tensions in family decision making through the experiences of adult children caring for ageing parents.
Journal of Marketing Management, 30 (15-16), 1703-1721.
DEAN, Dianne, TREES, Rachel and SHABBIR, Haseeb
Exploring the fruitful darkness of liminality: Informal caring for elderly family members and the impact on the self.
Journal of Marketing Management.
DUNN, Katherine and HARNESS, David
Whose voice is heard? The influence of user-generated versus company-generated content on consumer scepticism towards CSR.
Journal of Marketing Management.
DUNN, Katie and HARNESS, David
Communicating corporate social responsibility in a social world: The effects of company-generated and user-generated social media content on CSR attributions and scepticism.
Journal of Marketing Management, 34 (17-18), 1503-1529.
JONES, Scott, CRONIN, James and PIACENTINI, Maria G
Mapping the extended frontiers of escapism: binge-watching and hyperdiegetic exploration.
Journal of Marketing Management, 34 (5-6), 497-508.
PICH, Christopher and DEAN, Dianne
Political branding: sense of identity or identity crisis? An investigation of the transfer potential of the brand identity prism to the UK Conservative Party.
Journal of Marketing Management, 31 (11-12), 1353-1378.
SINGH, Pallavi, HENNINGER, Claudia E, OATES, Caroline J, NEWMAN, Nicki and ALEVIZOU, Panayiota J
Children and young people: opportunities and tensions for sustainability marketing.
Journal of Marketing Management, 38 (9-10), 831-843.
SMITH MAGUIRE, Jennifer, WATSON, David J and LANG, John T
The question of ‘alternatives’ within food and drink markets and marketing: introduction to the special issue.
Journal of Marketing Management, 33 (7-8), 495-501.
SUSILA, Ihwan, DEAN, Dianne and HARNESS, David
Intergenerational spaces: citizens, political marketing and conceptualising trust in a transitional democracy.
Journal of Marketing Management, 31 (9-10), 970-995.
TAJEDDINI, Kayhan and TRUEMAN, Myfanwy
The potential for innovativeness: a tale
of the Swiss watch industry.
Journal of Marketing Management, 24 (1-2), 169-184.
TAJEDDINI, Kayhan, TRUEMAN, Myfanwy and LARSEN, Gretchen
Examining the Effect of Market Orientation On
Journal of Marketing Management, 22 (5-6), 529-551.