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Number of items: 4.
ABU DOUSH, Iyad, ALSHATNAWI, Sawsan, AL TAMIMI, Abdel-Karim, ALHASAN, Bushra and HAMASHA, Safaa
ISAB: Integrated Indoor Navigation System for the Blind.
Interacting with Computers, 29 (2), 181-202.
DAVIDS, Keith and MARTIN, Robin
Shopfloor attitudes towards advanced manufacturing technology: the changing focus of industrial conflict?
Interacting with Computers, 4 (2), 200-208.
HCI as heterodoxy : technologies of identity and the queering of interaction with computers.
Interacting with Computers, 23 (5), 430-438.
WALKER, Steve and DEARDEN, Andy
Designing for civil society.
Interacting with Computers, 17 (1), 1-8.