Browse by Journals
Number of items: 9.
EADSON, William
State enrolment and energy-carbon transitions: syndromic experimentation and atomisation in England.
Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy, 34 (8), 1612-1631.
CRISP, Richard
‘Communities with oomph’? Exploring the potential for stronger social ties to revitalise disadvantaged neighbourhoods.
Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy, 31 (2), 324-339.
Understanding the scale and nature of outcome change in area-regeneration programmes: evidence from the New Deal for Communities Programme in England.
Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy, 29 (3), 520-532.
BEATTY, Christina
A gendered theory of employment, unemployment and sickness.
Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy, 27 (6), 958-974.
BEATTY, Christina, FOTHERGILL, Steve, HOUSTON, Donald, POWELL, Ryan and SISSONS, Paul
A gendered theory of employment, unemployment, and sickness.
Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy, 27 (6), 958-974.
GORE, Tony and HOLLYWOOD, Emma
The role of social networks and geographical location in labour market participation in the UK coalfields.
Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy, 27 (6), 1008-1021.
HUGGINS, Robert and JOHNSTON, Andrew
The economic and innovation contribution of universities: a regional perspective.
Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy, 27 (6), 1088-1106.
Tackling concentrations of worklessness : highlighting the limits of work-focused organisational cultures in the UK.
Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy, 26 (3), 563-582.
JAY, S. A.
Pylons in the back yard: local planning and perceived risks to health.
Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy, 25 (3), 423-438.