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Number of items: 5.
CHILDS, Charmaine and LUNN, Kueh
Clinical review : brain-body temperature differences in adults with severe traumatic brain injury.
Critical Care, 17 (2), p. 222.
CHILDS, Charmaine and MACHIN, Graham
Reliability issues in human brain temperature measurement.
Critical Care, 13 (4), R106.
CHILDS, Charmaine and SHEN, Liang
Regional pressure and temperature differences across the injured human brain : comparisons between intraparenchymal and ventricular measurements.
Critical Care, 19 (1), p. 267.
KIRK, Danielle, RAINEY, Timothy, VAIL, Andy and CHILDS, Charmaine
Infra-red thermometry: the reliability of tympanic and temporal artery readings for predicting brain temperature after severe traumatic brain injury.
Critical Care, 13 (3), R81.
LIM, Daphne AFN, CHAN, Moon and CHILDS, Charmaine
Surrogate consent for critical care research: exploratory study on public perception and influences on recruitment.
Critical Care, 17 (1), R5.