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Number of items: 3.
BORWICK, Ciara, LAL, Reece, LIM, Lee Wei, STAGG, Charlotte and AQUILI, Luca
Dopamine depletion effects on cognitive flexibility as modulated by tDCS of the dlPFC.
Brain Stimulation.
DENNISON, Olivia, GAO, Jie, LIM, Lee, STAGG, Charlotte and AQUILI, Luca
Catecholaminergic modulation of indices of cognitive flexibility:a pharmaco-tDCS study.
Brain Stimulation.
(In Press)
PROWACKI, Michael, LIM, Lei Wei and AQUILI, Luca
Eyeblink rate, a putative dopamine marker, predicts negative reinforcement learning by tDCS of the dlPFC.
Brain Stimulation, 15 (3), 533-535.