Caffeine gum improves 5 km running performance in recreational runners completing parkrun events

LYNN, Anthony, SHAW, Chloe, SORSBY, Anna C., ASHWORTH, Pippa, HANIF, Faysal, WILLIAMS, Claire E. and RANCHORDAS, Mayur K. (2024). Caffeine gum improves 5 km running performance in recreational runners completing parkrun events. European Journal of Nutrition, 63 (4), 1283-1291.

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Purpose: The purpose of this study was to determine whether caffeine gum improves the performance of recreational runners completing parkruns (weekly, 5 km, mass participant running events). Methods: Thirty-six recreational runners (M = 31, F = 5; age 33.7 ± 10.7 y; BMI 23.1 ± 2.4 kg/m2) capable of running 5 km in < 25 min were recruited to a study at the Sheffield Hallam parkrun, UK. Runners were block randomized into one of three double-blind, placebo-controlled, cross-over intervention trials with caffeine gum as the treatment (n = 6 per intervention trial) or into one of three non-intervention trials that ran concurrently with the intervention trials (n = 6 per non-intervention trial). Changes in conditions across different parkruns were adjusted for using data from the non-intervention trials. Runners in the randomized cross-over intervention trials chewed gum supplying 300 mg of caffeine or a placebo gum for 5 min, starting 30 min before each parkrun. Results: Caffeine gum improved 5 km parkrun performance by a mean of 17.28 s (95% CI 4.19, 30.37; P = 0.01). Adjustment for environmental conditions using data from the non-intervention trials attenuated the statistical significance (P = 0.04). Caffeine gum also decreased RPE by 1.21 (95% CI 0.30, 2.13; P = 0·01) units relative to placebo. Conclusions: A 300 mg dose of caffeine supplied in chewing gum improved the performance of recreational runners completing 5 km parkruns by an average of 17 s. Trial Registration: The study was registered at NCT02473575 before recruitment commenced.

Item Type: Article
Additional Information: ** From Springer Nature via Jisc Publications Router ** Licence for this article: ** Acknowledgements: We thank our participants for giving up their time to participate, the parkrun research review board for allowing the study to take place, and the local organizers of the parkrun for accommodating the study across multiple weeks. Finally, we would like to thank Military Energy Gum, Marketright Inc., USA for supplying the caffeine and placebo gums. **Journal IDs: pissn 1436-6207; eissn 1436-6215 **Article IDs: publisher-id: s00394-024-03349-3; manuscript: 3349 **History: published 01-06-2024; online 24-02-2024; published_online 24-02-2024; registration 07-02-2024; accepted 02-02-2024; submitted 10-07-2023
Uncontrolled Keywords: Recreational runners, Parkrun, Running events, Caffeine gum
Identification Number:
Page Range: 1283-1291
SWORD Depositor: Colin Knott
Depositing User: Colin Knott
Date Deposited: 31 May 2024 15:55
Last Modified: 31 May 2024 15:55

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