A consensus statement on when to start clean intermittent self‐catheterization: An untapped resource?

CHAPPLE, Christopher, ABRAMS, Paul, LAM, Thomas, MANGERA, Altaf, BELAL, Mohammed, CURTIS, Carmel, EMKES, Jacqueline, HILLERY, Sarah, IRWIN, Karen, LOGAN, Karen, WESTON, Polly and YATES, Ann (2023). A consensus statement on when to start clean intermittent self‐catheterization: An untapped resource? Neurourology and Urodynamics.

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Background Clean intermittent self-catheterisation (CISC or ISC) is used by patients/carers to empty the bladder if needed. Sometimes the urethral lumen leading out of the bladder is blocked; sometimes, the bladder (detrusor) muscle itself or the autonomic motor nerves innervating the bladder are damaged, resulting in a failure of the detrusor muscle to work, leading to a failure of the bladder being able to empty adequately. Prior consensus as to the indications and timing of CISC has yet to be provided. This article aims to provide a multidisciplinary consensus view on this subject. Conclusion It is evident that every patient needs to be considered individually, bearing in mind the symptoms and investigations to be considered. We emphasise the importance of considering the term Bladder Voiding Efficiency (BVE). One group of patients who might find CISC helpful are those with a neurological disorder; these include spinal injury patients, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's, and a condition called cauda equina. Sometimes bladder problems are treated with anticholinergics, and others may be treated with Botox. These may cause the bladder not to empty at all, which is good for leaks but needs self-catheterisation to empty the bladder. In the past, hospitals used a permanent catheter called an ‘indwelling’ or a ‘suprapubic’ catheter. These can have side effects, including infections, stones, and pain. For CISC, disposable catheters are the best option for patients as they come in different sizes and styles to provide individualised care. In conclusion, we would like hospitals to consider each patient separately and not use a general ‘one-size-fits-all’ bladder function for these patients.

Item Type: Article
Additional Information: ** Article version: VoR ** From Wiley via Jisc Publications Router ** Licence for VoR version of this article: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/ **Journal IDs: issn 0733-2467; issn 1520-6777 **Article IDs: publisher-id: nau25353 **History: published_online 11-12-2023; accepted 25-11-2023; rev-recd 11-10-2023; submitted 08-06-2023
Uncontrolled Keywords: neurogenic lower urinary tract dysfunction (NLUTD), clean intermittent self‐catheterization, ISC, neurourology, consensus statement, CISC, bladder voiding efficiency, nonneurogenic bladder dysfunction (NNLUTD), retention, intermittent self‐catheterization
Identification Number: https://doi.org/10.1002/nau.25353
SWORD Depositor: Colin Knott
Depositing User: Colin Knott
Date Deposited: 19 Dec 2023 11:35
Last Modified: 19 Dec 2023 11:35
URI: https://shura.shu.ac.uk/id/eprint/32874

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