Study of surface modifications for improved selected metal (II-VI) semiconductor based devices.

BLOMFIELD, Christopher James. (1995). Study of surface modifications for improved selected metal (II-VI) semiconductor based devices. Doctoral, Sheffield Hallam University (United Kingdom).. [Thesis]

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Metal-semiconductor contacts are of fundamental importance to the operation of all semiconductor devices. There are many competing theories of Schottky barrier formation but as yet no quantitative predictive model exists to adequately explain metal-semiconductor interfaces. The II-VI compound semiconductors CdTe, CdS and ZnSe have recently come to the fore with the advent of high efficiency photovoltaic cells and short wavelength light emitters. Major problems still exist however in forming metal contacts to these materials with the desired properties. This work presents results which make a significant contribution to the theory of metal/II-VI interface behaviour in terms of Schottky barriers to n-type CdTe, CdS and ZnSe.Predominantly aqueous based wet chemical etchants were applied to the surfaces of CdTe, CdS and ZnSe which were subsequently characterised by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. The ionic nature of these II-VI compounds meant that they behaved as insoluble salts of strong bases and weak acids. Acid etchants induced a stoichiometric excess of semiconductor anion at the surface which appeared to be predominantly in the elemental or hydrogenated state. Alkaline etchants conversely induced a stoichiometric excess of semiconductor cation at the surface which appeared to be in an oxidised state.Metal contacts were vacuum-evaporated onto these etched surfaces and characterised by current-voltage and capacitance-voltage techniques. The surface preparation was found to have a clear influence upon the electrical properties of Schottky barriers formed to etched surfaces. Reducing the native surface oxide produced near ideal Schottky diodes. An extended study of Au, Ag and Sb contacts to [mathematical formula] substrates again revealed the formation of several discrete Schottky barriers largely independent of the metal used; for [mathematical formula]. Deep levels measured within this study and those reported in the literature led to the conclusion that Fermi level pinning by native defects is a dominant mechanism in Schottky barrier formation in these systems.
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